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You dont believe that to be the case . We acknowledge the threat, it is real, it is continuing. And were doing everything we can to have a legitimate election. If you dont catch a hacker, okay, in the act, it is very hard to say who did the hacking. With that being said, ill go along with russia. Could have been china, could have been a lot of different groups. Make no mistake, the scope of this foreign influence threat is broad and deep. Ive seen it described as two administrations. John mclaughlin says were seeing orwellian. You have senior advisers saying over and over again as you heard there. And then you have the president saying something entirely different. What do you make of it and what is the lasting effect of that . One thing that we didnt see in that clip is even john bolton said that the president supports our efforts and top priority. Exactly. But that is not true because the of law, but court of public opinion. And he is really good at that about tapping into his base. And they are all too willing to consume things that are clearly not based in fact from Police Twitter account, Sarah Huckabee sanders echos his lies. He has 24 Hour News Network in fox news that will repeat things that are not fact all. And on the other side, people are just tired of hearing about it. If you ask the average person what do you think about that noon jez peop mo nunyez memo or the manafort trial, they are like what . And he wants to fight it in the public opinion. I think liberals have to start understanding that what trump is doing is absolutely working. There was a poll last week, 70 of republicans believed the Mueller Investigation is a politically motivated witch hunt. They are using his actual words. It is working. Trump is betting on the American People being just that dumb. And so far he just keeps winning. Like he has never lost that bet that the American People are in fact that dumb that they will believe anything he says regardless of its relationship to the truth. Lisa, there was an exchange this week about the tweet regarding the directive to Jeff Sessions and what you heard from the Press Secretary and Rudy Giuliani was this is the president expressing an opinion. This is the medium in which the president expresses his opinion. We all know that, how could this be perceived as a directive to the neil gorsuch attorney gener investigation. It is a lot of verbal gymnastics to try to persuade anyone that that looked like anything but a blatant attempt to stop the investigation and obviously the president s lawyers were trying to get ahead of the mueller team. Remember whether or not that interview with the president actually happens, everything the president has tweeted, every utterance he makes at a rally is all potential evidence. So it really is lard to argue if you are a lawyer or just a civilian anything but the plain meaning of that treat is that i want the investigation into myself stopped. And a word in defense of team mueller, politics aside, one of the types of cases he has been sending out are these cases about whether americans have properly registered, stay with me, i know it may sound dull, as foreign agents, working for foreign agents. That is significant because we americans under the law have a right to know if people are trying to work with others from outside the country on matters political. So trying as har hard as we can to leave the Bright Lights aside, that is a significant potential prosecution, making sure that those laws are followed and finding out what happened when they werent. And a variation on this theme i alluded to at the top, a report about jb gordon, adviser to President Trump. The post reporting that he had a relationship with knew Mariia Butina identified as a russian agent. He extended an invitation to go to a concert and party. I dont think she went to either. But another odd wrinkle in this tale. Yeah, i suppose the styx concert. Yeah, why she didnt go i cant imagine, but yeah, it is odd sort of in the broader context of American Politics over the last 20 years or so. But it is not odd when is it comes to this campaign. Mariia butina was in contact with all kinds of republicans as she infiltrated the Conservative Movement. And gordon points out i was one of plane. That doesnt excuse any potential wrongdoing or poor judgment on his part. But he was one of many. And she i believe we will find and we do know already was also one of many. I mean she wasnt the only russian touch point to the Conservative Movement im sad to say and to the Republican Party and to the trump campaign. This was a broad effort, she was a small piece of it. Jd gordon was only one of many republicans who had contact with Mariia Butinatype players. And to that point, i want the American People to stay focused and not get distracted like you said. Right now our democracy is under attack by a foreign adversary. And just this week the Republican Controlled Senate rejected a measure to give the states more money to fight foreign adversaries attacking our democracy. This is why donald trump keeps parading out everybodys least favorite angry old female white man and Rudy Giuliani to come out and say these asinine things because that will keep the attention off of what is actually happening. This is why he tweets about lebron james and nfl players and all these distractions because if were looking at the squirrel, were not looking at how the bff and sometimes lover Vladimir Putin is attacking our Voting Process which is the blood line of our democracy. And that is the issue that who stay at the forefront. And if could i jump in on that, i want to underscore that point because i think it is so important. The president wants to divide americans so that they cant unite even enough to hold him accountable. Think about that. In the same way Vladimir Putin wants to divide americans so that we cant defend our own country against russias attacks. It is divide and conquer, that is what is happening here. The president stoking racial tensions, Dividing Americans along cultural lines, it is all a strategy so he can hold himself unaccountable to the law ultimately. And it is working. Well leave it there. Coming up, Paul Plmanafort On Trial and prosecutors wants his lavish lifestyle front and center. Are you ready to take your wifi to the next level . He was with the campaign for a short period of time. I feel badly about it, they went back 12 years to get things that he did 12 years ago. Paul manafort worked for me for a short period of time. What, 49 days or something . Very short period of time. Conversations with himself, President Trump talking to President Trump there at one point praising Paul Manafort and then distancing himself from his former campaign chairman. Man fort now in manafort now in a virginia jail as his case heads into its second week in alexandria. My panel is back with me and eric tucker, reporter, is joining us. He has been inside that courtroom. Well get into the high end real estate in a second, but i want to ask you about the prosecutions case regarding the books. What did we learn from the accountants . I would say the biggest revelation yesterday was from a tax keeper, an accountant for Paul Manafort who said that she helped disguise 900,000 of foreign income as a sham loan and the goal of that of course was to reduce Paul Manaforts tax burden. And this was fairly damaging testimony for the government and she is a fairly significant witness and this is on the heels of testimony from other Financial Experts who said that manafort had disguised or concealed from them his use of Foreign Bank Accounts which would be in violation of u. S. Law. Eric, trying to get a feel here for what is going on in the courtroom, sketches only giving us so much. Lisa has a question. Im wondering about the jurys reaction both over the course of testimony ranging from like really interesting to my mind discussions of landscaping to maybe tougher discussions about numbers. And also judge ellis known to everyone to be a fairly active voice in the courtroom. How did the jurors respond to him . The jurors have been laughing periodically at his Ent Interruptions and i think judge ellis has shown himself to be determined to prevent the trial from becoming too dry and he has repeatedly scolded the government to move it along. Once he feels a point has been made, he encourages them to row to something else. And the jury does seem to be kind of getting a kick out of that. They do seem to be tracking the proceedings following them closely. It is a document heavy case, a numbers heavy case. But given all that, they do seem fairly attend difference as does pa Paul Manafort. He exchanges notes with his lawyer, watching the witnesses. Really paying attention. Are this court moves fast. The Jury Selection just a few hours. What explains the urgency . You cover this court. You know where it fits in to the screw additional syst judicial system. Why does judge ellis want this case to move along so fast . That is a great question. He hasnt really explained that. But it does seem as someone observing this that judge ellis does seem to be suggesting that the case is simpler than people might think at first blush. And he sees this as documents that potentially do establish what the governments case might be and so he is trying to help them streamline it effectively for the jury to say if you have a document that those x, yy, z, put it up and discuss it and then move on. I think hes made a decision that there is other testimony that he didnt see as relevant to the allegations of the financial crimes at hand. So he has worked hard to keep out certain salacious details about Paul Manaforts lavish lifestyle. I think his belief is that might not be rely vachevant at all. And we have moved from our studio from 30 rock into the virtual closet of Paul Manafort. You see behind me all the expensive jackets and the like that Paul Manafort picked up in Beverly Hills and new york is it i. Honing in on what eric was saying there, there is a distinction the prosecution having to make between living lavishly and showcasing income. How do you see that playing out . All the prosecution is trying to do is to prove that manafort was rich. That is all like these jac t jackets are not here just to embarrass him. If they want to do that, they would talk about his hair, right . These jackets are here to prove the point that Paul Manafort was rich and then next week they will prove the point that Paul Manafort paid no taxes. And once they do that, game, set, match. That is the case. Manaforts defense isnt even his defense has mainly been the government doesnt have the right to ross cute me, they are only doing this to try to get at donald trump. And if i did commit a crime, i mean like who Doesnt Launder Money for russian oligarchs, come on, man. Like that is his actual defense right now. So all the prosecution has to do is stick to the facts, stick to the actual income that he has, stick to the way that he was using his income and then again next week or week and a half show that he didnt pay any taxes. And they are also focusing on his long time partner, rick gates. There is some question if he would testify yesterday afternoon. It didnt happen yet. What do you make of that Defense Strategy to cast so much doubt on rick gates, somebody with whom Paul Manafort was teamed up with for so many years . Two words, good luck. Rick gates might call him a star witness, ill call him a critical witness. And a friend of mine who is a former federal prosecutor calls him an impeachment pinata. The defense wants to come after gates who after all pleaded guilty to lying and say how can you believe a word this witness will tell you. And what gates whether do with the help of the prosecution is lay that out right away. Admit that happened. Point out that he is under scrutiny and if he were to lie now, his plea deal would go away. And then what i expect he will do through testimony, but also email and other documents, show how closely he worked for manafort, emifphasis on the wor for. I love the pinata line. Take a whack at this. The focus is squarely on the financial dealings and tax fraud, but there is political import. And i think im more interested in the end game because i think if Paul Manafort is found innocent, then you will have donald trump saying see, i told you this is all a witch hunt. If he is found guilty, donald trump will say that Means Nothing because it had a nothing to do with me. I with an everybody to know dont fall for the okeydoke, this is not true. When manafort and roger stone started their firm in the 80s, guess who their first client was . Donald trump. He is very mixed up in this. And this is somebody that the trial has shown he should not have been within a mile of anybodys president ial campaign let alone running it. And these are all things that i think if nothing else will validate the Mueller Investigation. So i think i want to see how it plays out at the end of the day. I do think that it will have implications for Donald Trumps long term political goals. And turn with me if you would to this closet. I know you didnt recognize the python jacket or ostrich jacket, but i want to get a sense from you the effect of this. We were talking earlier about how you get americans to focus on what is at issue here. This seems to me like a very vivid way to get that to happen. S that whos that whole thing proceeds, the need touch points becomes more important. I think it is very important proceeds, the need touch points becomes more important. I think it is very important. Where did these come from. In Paul Manaforts case, he obtained these things through doing russias work in the United States and in ukraine. And elsewhere. This is a man who became wealthy at least at some point by, yes, laundering money, evading taxes, but the core of his work was to do russias bidding in ukraine and again here, promoting their candidates, russian backed parties. This is a very important parallel for the American People. And i include all of us in this. We are climbing a learning curve, were understanding how our democracy is being attacked. And it is being attacked through people like Paul Manafort who are wearing python and ostrich jackets. Were getting a lesson in bad expensive fashion as well. And you of course remember ja huge trials that touches on d. C. Shady lobbying and this one takes the cake. You were talking about the impeachment pea pinata. It only takes one jury to say this is all about trump and hes off. Ive watched too many cop trials to have faith in our jury system. It takes one juror to let him off the hook. Well leave it there. Thanks to you both. Coming up, the president breaks his 2017 record for the number of falsehoods told in a single year. Yes, there are still five months to go. Plus omarosa makes the case for trumps mental decline, next. Ive always looked forward to whats next. 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Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. July, the average is up to 16 a day. President trump made remarks at a rally in wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania On Thursday and after the post report was published and falsehoods just kept coming, here are a select few. So i raised 44 b 44 billion year and nato funding was going down. Republicans just passed the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country. Ill tell you what, russia is very unhappy that trump won, that, i can tell you. We saved our family farms and our Small Businesses from the estate tax also known as the death tax. I believe 80 farms benefited from that change to the tax cut. My panel back with me. Evan, your reaction to that. A day out of many, that string of lies and falsehoods we heard from the president there in wilkesbarre. What is your prescription to people watching that . There is a tendency to become inured to this. But you know, we look to leaders in this country and everywhere else, leaders play an important role. We dont just have them, you know, out of coincidence. They do serve a role. People are busy, getting their kids to school, worrying about making ends meet. We depend on our leaders to tell us the truth about important challenges and opportunities that the country, that our states and communities face and we trust them to some level where we should be able to. Leaders need to lead. There is an aspirational quality and an admiration al quality. That is true, but they serve a functional role. We simply have to have people leading. And so if those leaders then lie to you repeatedly all day long every day, many people will trust that because they are leaders and we are trusting them to do that. Bigger picture here is that donald trump lies repeatedly as he does because he wants to disorient the American People so that they cant ascertain what the truth is. They cant tell. And if he can do that and he has done that for his base, then it is impossible to hold them accountable. If you dont know what he is doing, what he isnt, what the facts are, what facts are not, you cant hold him accountable. And so what do we have to do, we have to try extra hard and not give up and lot of people tell me look, i cant tell what is true, what isnt true, so i dont watch the news, i dont read, i dont do anything. And when i hear this, it scares me because in this kind of Information Environment where you have an administration, a president lying to you so much, you have to redouble your er ertz efforts to learn the truth and you do that by getting information from a variety of sources that are credible. And we have to work harder at that. And the interaction with foreign leaders, as well, he mentioned nato, i read the White House Pool report from that speech, that reporter described it as being almost gangsterlike the way he was talking about our allies in the nato alliance. But he mentioned trade deals there. What is a world leader to think when he goes into the oval office with President Trump if they meet another side lines of an international conference, how much credence is one supposed to give to the president . How damaging is that when it affects Strategic Policy Going Forward . First of all, if i was a world leadleader, id be wearin wire like Michael Cohen whenever i talk to trump. Id want an actual record of what he said privately versus what he said publicly. I take evans point though. I think this is critically important. And im glad youre bringing up the global aspect here. Because when you look globally and historically, leaders lie all the time. Caesar lied. People lie all the time. The thing is that the media has no need to report those lies, to repeat those lies, to republish and popularize the lies. So what you did is whether im talking about. That should happen every time. Every time trump is talking, there should be a big red every time he opens his mouth with a falsehood. So you are talking about how people need to not give up. I would say the media needs to not give up and to bring it back to your point, the International Press does it. Sfra france does not sound like breitbart. The bbc does not sound like some of the other organizations. So i think the International Trump has not given up on Holding Trump accountable and that is how World Leaders are able to interact with trump a lot differently than we are as a people. And to that point, yes, on screen you can put the red x, make the buzzer noise, but you look at the audience gathered in that arena, not only was it washing over them, they were applauding for these things. What does that level of acceptance say to you as you try to retain some optimism for capital t truth to be valued the way it once was . And i think when you look at the trump base and supporters, it is, one, scary that they are delighted to be lied to and taken advantage of truthfully. But i will say i think this ignorance is very bipartisan. And living through eight years of the obama administration, ive had friends, people in my own family who reflected some of the same ignorance. That was one of the most striking things to me that trump supporters sometimes sounded like obama support ertesupporte. One rooted in hate and the other rooted in hope for a better life. And i think in some areas those things overlap. And ive told the story where i would be with family and they would say we voted for obama, remember that pothole outside . Its not there anymore. And i want to say that is not anything about obama, that is your local government. And a lot of people in the country dont know the difference between state, federal and local government. In our bubble, we read the new york times, Washington Post, everything some of us do a better french accent. But we read these things. And you assume that you can have an intelligence conversation about the latest david brooks column or whatever. And not everyone is doing that which is my point about the russia investigation. And so when you throw all of this very high level government speak at people, it can be very confusing. No judgment to people. I understand that. We try to dumb things down and make it digestible. I would go one step further and say the media has to stop giving a platform to people who will echo his lies. I dont want to see Kellyanne Conway on tv ever again. I think the press should stop going to the press briefings. These are all lies and i think sometimes people in the media take the misstep of saying if i say it is raining outside anden into else says it ntd iisnt, we to get people on tv to talk about it. No, you dont. Show the rain or the sunshine, but dont give liar the platform. All right. Up next, a new report suggests Trump International hotel received over a half Million Dollars in rental credit from the federal government. 1 th is that legit . And wearing signs with the letter q. Who are they and why are they showing up at president s rallies. Year, i am sorry about that. [music playing] vo progress is in the pursuit. Audi will cover your first months Lease Payment on select models during summer of audi sales event. Stop fearing your alarm clock. With new zzzquil pure zzzs. A drugfree blend of botanicals with melatonin. That supports your Natural Sleep cycle. So you can seize the morning. New zzzquil pure zzzs. It was always our singular focus, a distinct determination. 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Mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. Its a gift. And jamie. Present. Together we are unstoppable. So, what are we gonna do . Insurance. Thats kind of what we do here. Emoluments clause. And in a separate article, Washington Post reports that Trump International hotel in washington received over half Million Dollars in rental credit from the federal government. That unique arrangement is part of a Services Provided to support the clock tour operated by the National Park service. This of course the Old Post Office in washington, d. C. Let me ask you about the emoluments part of this. A lot of people have said this is the one to watch, this is a big deal when you look at the entire financial picture involving the president of the United States, this is one to keep particularly keen watch on. This is the one i want to work. Mueller can go away. He can be overtopped and this one should stay. Why . Kree mo emoluments has never been litigated. And we think the clause means that you as a public official Cannot Take Ben fits for being a public official, they complaint buy your clock tower or whatever. That is what we think it means. But it has never been litigated at the Supreme Court level. We dont have good what we call case law on what it actually means. So it is a novel suit against trump and all of his people. And not only will that give us clarity about what actual corruption means, whether corruption as we kind of commonly think about that is constitutionally prohibited, it is also one of the only things that i can see coming out of this era that will have lasting effects, positive effects Going Forward. I want to know what emoluments mean when we get president jeff bezos or jamie dimon or whatever, president the rock. I need to know what emoluments mean. You make the good point as well that this is not coming from a Special Counsel or from a political this is not from the dnc, this is coming from the d. C. Attorney general. So this is a local legal fight that should give us really interesting new law on a crucial part of our constitution that has never before been litigated. This is what i want to see. Up next, why Conspiracy Theorists are showing up at President Trumps rallies. More on that in a moment. This is the ocean. Just listen. vo theres so much we want to show her. We needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. avo subaru outback. 98 are still on the road after 10 years. Come on mom, lets go avo right now, get 0 Apr Financing on the 2018 subaru outback. Now to new controversy about Conspiracy Theorists who have been showing up at president s showing up at President Trumps rallies. Wearing shirts and carrying signs with the letter q. Voters have turned up to show support for President Trump. Back with me, glad to have you back. Jeff jarvis well. Youll see behind me, sort of report. In a moment here. Things and People Associated with this movement. Can anybody say unequivocally what it is and what it stands for. Yes, this is what happens when internet Comment Section has a baby with twitter trolls and named it qanon. We have to be careful in media, not to be trump. Not to amplify conspiracy nuttiness. Think take in new york called data and society that tracks these people. Advise us to practice strategic silence. We should report on they methods, but not their message. Their message is pure 100 bs. Never to get people out. We do this, somebody else is going to discover, theyre going to good and will look up and show up at a rally. Our cameras are going to do it. If we debunk them, were doing a favor. We are the enemy after all. Were stuck in a whole Hall Of Mirrors here. Go ahead. I want to say quickly, my understanding is there is a person or entity labeled q who purportedly has National Security clearance. He then feeds this information to these people around the world. I just want to ask you, wrote this book called fantasy land. Makes the point we have had Conspiracy Theorist. People with crazy views for a very long time. The internet how we communicate gives credence. Someone can Say Something and catch fire because it can move so quickly. What do you make of that happening here, but also what weve seen this week, which is the manifestation of public events. Have folks showing up wearing shirts having signs that have affiliation with this organization, not even this organization. This thing. Perhaps we spread it and encourage growth. Thats a problem. On the right, we spend a lot of time and traditional right, we spend a lot of time ignoring the crazies, alex jones and other Conspiracy Theorist thinking they dont matter. No one is really listening. Maybe a few people. Keep them in the cave away from everybody else. People like sean hannity who have an audience in fox, feel like they need to compete. They go further into the space. What do you do about that . When you dont want to amplify. Im not sure i have the perfect solution. Im sort of more of the opinion we have to confront it. If you dont confront it, it spreads. About developing media and political literacy. We have to become smarter and better and educate each other and ourselves. I just dont feel like we can ignore it. This is why were here because weve ignored. Ignore the underlying message theyre trying to get across. Listen to what theyre saying. Sometimes maybe pick it apart and takes all, but five. Takes five seconds to do it. Its ridiculous stuff. Whats happening here The Big Picture is simply that these guys are creating alternative Information Universe where people can go and therefore ignore all of the damaging facts about Donald Trumps misdeeds and abuses of power. And its harder than pull them out. That issue here as well is the coziness of this group apparently has with the president of the United States. Want to play a quick bit of tape here. Sarah Huckabee Sanders asked about the group in tampa. Lets take a listen to what she had to say. President condemns and denounces any group that would Insight Violence against another individual and, certainly, Doesnt Support Groups that would promote that type of behavior. I havent checked this, but the statement seems to read chapterer and verse after what we heard after Charlottesville A year ago. Sentence about violence and groups like this one as she puts it. Theres been a run on caps and tin hats as well. What about the normalization of this. Look, as evan and jeff said, you cant fight the scene. You cant debate and it punch it. All youre going to do is get wet. What you have to do is society is Start Building walls Start Building walls to the sea cant get to the things that are important to you. To my thought, the way to do that is at the battle. When i disagree with other democrats, democrats are always trying to tell me, we got to convince people. We have to change peoples mind. These people are lost. These people are gone. Okay. Theyre not coming back. Some of them live in the suburbs. Stop talking to me about how youre going to bring people back and Start Talking to me about how youre going to bring more people to the polls to the field of battle when the battle happens. Right. Thats the only way. We got to leave it there just because of time. Thanks to all of you. No doubt continue to have conversation. Good first show. Appreciate it. Thank you for joining us here. Around the table in new york. Much more on trump going after lebron james. Russians infiltrating 2018 midterms and Attorney General Jeff Sessions religious liberty task force. Well be right back. Lets do this. Ugh were gonna be late, were gonna be late hold on, dont worry, theres another way [siri beep beepa] directions to the greek theater. 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