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We need to Pay Attention to the fact that this is not just a Mental Health issue. He would not have harmed that ma students with a knife. A powerful message and messenger, i am going to talk to that young lady, emma. She lost friends during the shooting, her voice rang loud and clear on guns. This morning, the special counsel indictment. Chairman of the over sight reform committee. What this indictment tell us that some of us have known all along. Russia is not our friend. Russia tried to subvert the fundamentals of our democracy. For those of us supported bob mueller from day one and says give him the time and resource to do his job, this is exactly what we wanted him to do. The chairmans comments came out by a series of tweets of President Trump reeling against the critics. In one tweet, i never said russia did not meddle in the election, it may be china or another country or group or 400 pound genius sitting in his bed playing with his computer. The russian hoax was that the Trump Campaign colluded with russia, it never did. Here is 2016 Campaign Chairman john podesta. They were pushing votes to jill stein. Her vote in michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin was greater than the gap of donald trump and Hillary Clinton in those states. You cannot prove that it did affect the outcome but it did have some impact. Le lets get right to kelly odonell. Kelly, another good day for you, we had quite a flurry of tweets from the president today and talking about the adviser hr mcmaster. Lets g lets get in total of what the president is saying to you. Reporter good to be with you, alex, the president has not had any Public Events this weekend because of his proximity to the florida shootings and the fact that there are families in the process of burying teenagers and teachers that were killed there. Unusual for the president on a Holiday Weekend with good weather not to go out. With that part of the context, you see hes using twitter in a variety of ways today. A couple of tweets that we are keying in on is his willingness to criticize his own National Security adviser and his willingness to criticize the fbi and in this instance to con conflate of the fbi and the kind of work where the police dropped the ball on the tips. The president tweeting about general mcmaster, his National Security adviser forgot to say the results of the 2016 elections were not impacted by the change of russia and here we go of the crooked age of the dnc and the dems, he puts out a whole list of his favorite sort of foils in all of this and referring to the podesta company. It is true that the indictment says the particular facts inserted in the indictment and 13 russians and three russian companies. There is no evidence of change to the outcome in terms of the number tally or any explicit argument that the outcome was changed. As you heard john podesta say, if you are influenced of the election, it is unnotable if that affected the outcome. That goes right at the heart of what the president coiled at. He also talks about on twitter very sad that the fbi missed all the signals sent out by the floridas school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove russian collusion, there is no collusion, get back to the basics and make us all proud. It is probably always notable when it is the president to do it in the subject matter of this tragedy and raising the issue of why hes conflating of everybody suffering here in florida. At the same time sort of expected because hes willing to criticize even parts of his own government and we have seen this play out again and again. He has found some things in this particular indictment that sort of worked to his favor that no americans who had contact with the russian operatives had any forward knowledge they were dealing with the russians. That one small piece of the Russian Investigation and the end of the chapter has not yet been written by mueller and his team. Thats for sure. The president sure knows how to work the mass minimximum numbere tweets. Thank you for that kelly. Joining me, ladies, a good day to you. Beth, i want to go to you. Now that adam schiff is starting to blame president obama for russian meddling in the election, hes probably doing so as yet another excuse that the democrats led by the fearless leader, crooked hillary. I want to context on that. The important context to this is it is a way to help people make sense of all the different investigations into russian efforts to meddle of the election. Muellers probe is the Counter Intelligence investigation thats being run out of the Justice Department. Their job is to figure out what if anything spies or foreign intelligence did and what laws could have been broken in the United States. The investigation that adam schiff is helping is being run out of the House Intelligence Committee and congress, congress is not supposed to do criminal investigations, it is not their job to figure out somebody broke the law. Rather the responsibility of congress is to do over sight of the consecutive branch. Thats the project that the house of Intelligence Community if figuring out ho the russians were handled and steps were taken by the Obama Administration. Democrats including folks of Hillary Clintons camp have not been shy revealing russian activities during the 2016 election. It is part of the mandate to look back at what happened during the election. That does not mean schiff is saying nothing bad happens since then or that trump and his al allies dont have you know, clean hands here. Right. Second part of that tweet, jane, here is the quote. Was i a great candidate . What does that line say to the president considering the timing and that he just met with rangers and first responders. This is a country where we are seeing another school shot up. We have a president saying look, i was really good as a president ial candidate. The president wants to he cannot stop thinking of these indictments and we have seen no, no, there was nothing wrong, hes protesting the idea and he wants everybody to know that these indictments did not indict him. Of course, they did not. We know these are the beginning of the investigations and theyre serious allegations to serious indictments. The fact that he keeps on predicting nothing bad is happening is remarkable. His positive is always trump first and american citizens are second . Yes, it is a complaint that comes from seeing things like his twitter banner right now which is a photo of him with first roesponders in the hospitl with a big grin on his face. If you went to the president s twitter page which where of us get a lot of our news from the white house. You see this moment for a lot of people is a very scary and heroine and it is a traumatic moment for our country. He really likes those ideas because it looks president ial and hes leading and those things are true. But, it is very different when the idea is how you are looking verses how the country is responding and feeling. Yeah. I want to go to another tweet this morning and i will start with you betsy on this one. If there is a goal of russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the u. S. Then with all the Committee Hearings and investigations and party hatred, investigations, they are succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Fill in in the blank there. During the 2016 election was to fuel what they described as quote on quote political. The extent that americans are success are skeptical of those institutions and russians are going to be happy about it. At the same time, this is the not the reason for americans to feel they have a patriotic duty to assume that the community is above criticism or assume that everything that the fbi does is perfect and should not be questioned. The balance here i think for folks in government as well as for People Like Us covering these matters is to make sure that people understand while the kremlin wants there to be maxim maxim maxim maxim maximum skepticism the president s tweets here certainly people are not going to say it is good faith of these investigations. These investigations are bringing in people who are close to the president , bob mueller last week and i reported and interviewed mark corral who was a spokesperson of the president s legal team for some time. Broadly this actually is an interesting tension and it is something thats important for people to bear in mind as they are making sense of all the news thats coming out of the issue. Can i ask you about this tweet, i want to focus on the expletive that the president uses. This is the president s preferred way of communicating with the world. He knows the millions of people that are following him on twitter and he uses that word, theyre laughing their aand p putting a couple of stars there. The tone of it and the way he communicates, how is that perceive . May that be what truly people are laughing at the he uses the catch phrase of come to my way of thinking and hes eye on this is i was right and other folks are wrong. It is not an unusual point to say there is so much discord over this issue. The president is forgetting hes been calling his own Justice Department is a hoax, fake news and witch hunt and for looking into something that we are seeing it is now really real. I appreciate what you are saying. I wish the president should communicate in a different way. I just have a higher standard there. I want to go to john kelly, hes making changes to the white houses security clearance process and following all the allegations of rob porter. Providing more information and then begin this week, the white house is no longer going to allow some employees with those interim security clearances access to top secret information. That goes into effect as of friday. Everybody has to have their interim security clearances legitimatize or made permit, or else . The overall effect of this is what, betsy . I am not clear of how this new em mmemo is going to be rol out. The most high profile person who currently is operating under an interim temporarily security clearance, of course, is Jared Kushner. Washington post reported last week that more than any other senior white house officials accepting folks who are on the National Security council, Jared Kushner requested the most top secret information. I can tell you this generates a lot of in the white house in part because the effort to get Jared Kushners security clearance just assuming by basic logic which have been underway for a long time. During the transition period, which finish up more than a year ago, thats when officials get the ball rolling and getting security clearances where people will have jobs. The question with kushner is why is it taking so long . Whats the holdup on kushner getting on this clearance. Thats something that kelly has to grapple with as he try to over haul the system. I am like a dog with a bone on this with the president s expletive. He wrote that out in his text of the tweet, we chose to put in the after because we thought it would be better all around. Okay, i guess i am done. Thank you, ladies, it is good to see you both. You, too, alex. Jill stein is going to talk to me next about the indictment that says the russian is trying to help her with the campaign that she referenced specifically in that indictment, i am going to ask her about it, next. Causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. Prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia. Its a vaccine you can get to help protect against it. Prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. You should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. If you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. 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An interview with chuck todd this morning on russias interference. Joining me now, jill stein, the 2016 candidate of the green party. It is nice to see you again, having you back on our broadcast. Great to see you alex. Russians used social media to boost your campaign in an effort to damage Hillary Clinton and help donald trump. Your reaction to senator sanders there. Hes looking that his campaign had an idea of some level of interference. Were you alerted by this . Let me backup for a minute to point out what was cited in the mueller indictment was one Facebook Posting and thats it. Thats being claimed as evidence of our campaign benefiting from a boost from russia. Remember one Facebook Post and in other evidence cited outside of muellers indictment. We were found to have received one or possibly two facebook ads posted by these socalled Internet Research agencies. On facebook there are trillions of pieces of information posted. This does not pass the last test actually. So were you aware though of these incidents of the Facebook Posts and agency advertisements. Had you been aware of those . It is hard to pick up one ad or Facebook Post among trillions. So you were not aware . No, we were not aware. Let me say we were aware of other kinds of interference, for example. We know that 6 billion in free air time was given to donald trump by the big networks, 6 billion, this was twice as much as Hillary Clintons and four times as much as bernies and way more than the independent candidates. But it is not russian interference and i am proud to say that we had you on our broadcast several times and i had you on in person when we were there. For donald trump, he was damn good, that was the word he was damn good for the Networks Even though he was not good for america. The point i am making here, alex, we dont want to miss the forest here through the trees. Yes, there was russia interference but there was compelling interference going on by way of media and the dnc. T did the dnc did not rig the primaries . I understand all that but it is not the point that we are addressing here in terms of the indictment of mueller. That indictment came out and your name was mentioned there. You may have heard it earlier of john podesta and here is what he said today. Take a listen to this. They were pushing votes to give one example to jill stein to her vote in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin were greater than the gap between Donald Trumps and Hillary Clintons in those states. I cannot prove that it did affect the outcome but certainly it did have some impact. While we may never know precisely of these, when we look at three of the state that is russia targeted, michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania being among those that they targeted, pennsylvania as well if i did not say that, is it plausible that these russian actors created enough influence that changed a few thousand votes here and there and that could alter the election the assumption here that the votes belonged to Hillary Clinton and my votes were stolen by someone else. Thats an insult to american voters. So to try to excuse my vote as being stolen to hillary was outrageous. Beyond that, we have data and Scientific Data how people voted and what we know is that the people who voted for me in vast majority over 60 would not have voted if i was not there and of the remainder who would vote, many of them would have gone to donald trump. So just asserting those votes belong to Hillary Clinton is just another sign of the arrogance of the democratic establishment which is really working overtime here to silence its opposition. If you look at the smeared campaign thats conducted against me of being a russian tool when did that get started . Remember my trip based on Foreign Policy on peace offensive you were speaking against the war while you were there. Absolutely, trying to promote Nuclear Disarmament and talking not only to Russian Media and officials but on that same trip, i spoke to the deputy lead negotiators for china, at the climate talk, i spoke to the head of the labor, party in the u. K. These are critical issues, whats wrong with our elected officia officia officials . Very important issue. Do you think by being there, your presence there may be uptake their concept of interfering . Well, in fact, my presence there was not covered here in the United States whatev so eve. It was not until it became a scam basically, a smeared campaign against me and it speaks volume of when did that happen . We were public and there were no back room meetings and this was all being announced on our press releases and our website and emails. There was no secrets. They saw you had an active campaign. Doctor jill stein, this is another president ial candidate. Well, they did not assist me in any way. There was an effort being made to try to degrade. That was what was going on here. You had two Political Parties that are scared odd f their opposition because they saw a revolt, both of them. People who were voting for trump were not for trump. They were voting against their experience of the past eight years against the neo liberal policies that is off short our jobs that undermined our wages which caused a crisis of generations thats in debt right now young people cannot get out of college debt. There is the revolt campaign and the smeared Campaign Launched against me not when i went on my european trip. It was the week that i received the nomination then all of a sudden, the smeared campaign was launched of all of the coordinations th that we accuse russia of. Look going on on both sides that does not reflect an outside foreign entity coming and influencing this troll. Do you see anything or a single vote that may have come in your favor as a result of russian influence . Um you know i think the question is here really are the americans in revolt . There is no doubt. 75 of americans were screaming for open debates because they did not like what they were given. For the democrats here to be leading the charge to say oh, this was just the russians, it is like theyre saying that black lives matter is russian influence or back to the civil rights movement, that was being demograded. This is a power structure that tries to silence us. Doctor jill stein with your voice, thank you very much for your time today, i look forward to seeing you again. Great talking to you alex. Coming up next, students demanding change. Two of them are joining me next of the florida shootings. In the modern world, it pays to switch things up. You can switch and save time. [cars honking] [car accelerating] you can switch and save worry. You can switch and save hassle. [vacuuming sound] and when you switch to esurance, you can save time, worry, hassle and yup, money. In fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved hundreds. So you might want to think about pulling the ol switcheroo. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. Cohigher ad higher parents arent perfect, but then they make us Kraft Mac Cheese and everythings good again. Alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. And help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks ill take that. Yeeeeeah ensure high protein. With 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure. Always be you. This new day looks nothing like yesterday. Trails are covered. Paths arent what they used to be. Roads nowhere to be found. and its exactly what youre looking for. they say tougher gun laws do not defeat gun violence. They say a good guy with a gun stops the bad guy with the gun. We call. They say guns are tools like knives and it is dangerous as called. Emma gonzalez, a senior at Douglas Stoneman high school. Right now, ladies, a big welcome to you. So much of what you said in yesterdays rally really struck me. Particularly what you say we are going to be the kids that you read in textbooks because we are going to be the last mass shooting. Where did you resolve to after four days to make this kind of a difference . It was a kind of, that result came after two days, as soon as it happens, we were going to be the ones who sat down and talked about it and made sure that we were going to be the ones going out into congress and telling them. This is our fight now because you messed it up so badly that you left it to the kids and it is now our jobs and you cannot take that back from us. Yeah. Soef p sophie, you harnest all of this and the two of you and others are developing this march for lives demonstration, set for washingt washington, d. C. , tell me about it. It is called march for our lives. It is based in washington, d. C. But well have it all across the nation in huge cities. We have an immense amount of support. We could not imagine of the reaction that we are trying to do. We are confident that it is going to mark a change. Students are going to be the ones making this change. I know your families will come as well. Certainly, you guys are spearheading all of it. Have you heard from any elect activi electives say anything . Nonstpe. We are talking in tallahassee, well be talking to our states senators and representatives so lets hope we get some answers. Sofie, i am curious of what you want to say and a message to other schools out there may not be affected by gun violence but they are watching you and you want to inspire them to join you in the community in march. We cannot do this alone. This can happen anywhere, we have so many kids backing us up around the country that this is something we can all get on. This is something thats so easy to do nothing in response to, but we have the opportunity to be better than the politicians who are running the country right now. We have the opportunity to show up those people. Thats what everybody around here needs to do. They need to go out there and they need to come on the day of the march and they need to show they are actively supporting us because in reality, they are actively supporting each other. Thats the most important thing right now is we need to protect everybody from the greed and the corporations, from the greed of the corporations and our society right now, the nra is funding these politicians and we cannot let that stand anymore. You are either with us or against us, i think they want to be on our side. May i ask you quickly i want to get your response to the president as you know the fbi missed an opportunity potentially to corral nickl nicklas nikolas cruz, the reason is they have spending so much time of russian collusion and the Trump Campaign, hes putting these two entities together and the fbi. What do you think of this, emma . The best thing to deal with this is ignore him. We can all agree that the things that President Trump tweet tweets nothing has a Lasting Impact unless it is a negative Lasting Impact on the people around us. The things that he mentions when he brings up talks of the fbi, hes trying to blame somebody and we cannot let him do that. The best thing for us to do is ignore him and fight our fight, the fight that he refused to acknowledge and the fact that he refused to tweet out the word gun. Looking back into the past, rather than looking forward into the future. It is disgraceful. Well, i am going to let that be the last word, i hope you dont find sofie, i do have someone else that i want to speak about this subject. I love very much to speak to both of you. The best of luck. If there is a chance we can talk with you on march 24th. We would love to do that. Best of luck. We are all behind you. Alyssa parker, whose daughter was killed inside sandy hook school. Alyssa, we just showed a picture of your beautiful emily, what an an angel. When i think about what you have done through and your reactions of emma and sofie, whats going through your mind . I am listening to them and i am thinking to myself, i know those emotions that i am feeling of the designer to make sure that no one has to ever experience anything like this again. It is powerful. I have been there, i completely empathized, they have been through something incredibly traumatic and they want to ensure this does not happen again. It has been more than five years since you lost your precious 6yearold daughter. There were so many of this, i thought gun control will follow sandy hook. Do you think the voices of students like emma and sofie, i know you have been traveling the country and pushing harder laws on schools. Thats my only focus ensuring that schools are safer. The truth is, it is a complex problem and it is a large scale problem, it is one that we sometimes pigeon hole the issue. I have seen schools hustle and get it done. Often time it is an overwhelming process and people are intimated by it. Are you optimistic that it is going to happen . I am, we are here to help you and you can do this and achieve it. You need someone to guide you through the process and we are so lucky to have the nations leading experts helping us along the way to get free materials and help schools know exactly what questions to be asking and what things to be looking for waw ward to. As i look at the name of your program again making sure everyone knows it. It is called safe and sound schools. You are focused on School Safety or you take on the gun issue . We take on schools safety. We felt that this is something all sides need to join together to do. Politics were going in circles. Do you feel partisanship . Absolutely. I have felt every single side of the spectrum as far as political opinion coming together and fighting for this one cause. I absolutely believe it is possible. Thats what i hope to do is stop the fighting and say come on, lets join together and work for something we know is going to work. I am curious of how you would hope to go about doing this. Is it Security Guard and do you make school fortress righlights . I think it is possible to have a blend of both. It is not just about securing our schools. It is so much more that we have. We have suicide preventions and an t antibullying and so many components of safety and it is not just about threats of coming to school. We have to be aware of other kinds of threats that are coming to our schools. We need to step back and see the big picture that there are a lot of ways that our kids are endangered in our school so it is having a wholistic approach is the only way to be effective. I cannot let you go, having seen the precious picture of emma there, i got to ask you whats your happiest memory of her . Oh man, there is so many. We were sitting on our bed having our last conversation and she pointed to these flowers that were painted on her wall, she says mom, these flowers, theyre painted similarly and do you see the connection between them. That beautiful statement has really propelled me to do the work that i do because she talks about the connections that are everywhere and i believe that there is a way that we can all be connected and really true Work Together to make your kids safe. I sure she would be extraordinary proud of her mama, aci alys alyssa parker, thank you very much for your time. Thank you so much. Nope. It just explodes in a high pitched yeahhh. yeahhh try directv now for 10 a month for 3 months. No satellite needed. Fast like stop staring atcaps help youthe clock fast,st, like stop worrying about your boss fast, like wow, youre already asleep fast. When life keeps you up. Zzzquil helps you fall asleep in as little as 20 minutes. The things we do rising before dawn. Sweating it out. Tough to do it all. But we can always find time to listen to great thinkers and explorers whose stories take us places our hamstrings cant. All we have to do is listen. Download audible to start listening. Believe the health we aof our water sourcesany is essential to the health of our communities. Which is why were helping to replenish the mighty rio grande as well as over 30 watersheds across the country. Were also leading water projects in more than 100 communities. And for every drop we use. Were working to give one back. Because our products rely on the same thing as we all do. Clean water. And we care about it like our business depends on it. New reaction today to the indictment of the 13 russians. Joining me now, former fbi Counter Intelligence, msnbcs National Security analyst, frank, it is always good to have you here. Can you decide the main goal from reading the indictment . So lets get this straight. The russians government mains goal is to create chaos in the United States. Boy, every american reading this indictment, you will see them planting the seed of the United States and to position to influence the election. As soon as trump told them in a russian meeting that he was going to run for president , the operation suddenly went towards advocating for trump. It is diseray first and getting our candidates in place and you can see it keeps on continuing until this day of the parkland shooting, there are russian bots tweeting and retweeting about losing Second Amendment rights just to get us all at each others throat. I spoke earlier with an expert and she agreed of controversial evidence echoed by our hr mcmaster but she said it definitely changed the outcome of the election. I know there was no way to specifically quantify intangibles, sentiments and things like that. Would you agree with her. We are trending on delicate territory. When you read this indictment and you see this literally americans showed up at rale ral that were organized by russian propaganda. You got to scratch your head to say to what extent this gets america moving on the the trump train and the answer has to be there was some influence, we just cannot quantify it. Frank figliuzzi, you made great points. Thatll count. Thank you alex. Jill stein told me about the indictment that russia tried to help her president ial campaign. Theres Flonase Sensimist allergy relief. It relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. And 6 is greater than 1. Flonase sensimist. 60 of women are wearing the wrong size pad and can experience leaks discover always my fit. Find the number thats right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. 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Howard, your reaction to what jill stein said just there. You know, maybe a concession, she paused certainly, citing other matters after that. Do you think russian influence pushed her campaign specifically changing the outcome . It specifically did. First of all and second of all, what was she doing at a table with Vladimir Putin and mike flynn . This is ridiculous. She said she was there protesting the war. Yeah, im sure. I really believe that. Well, its what she said. How about this, susan. President , as you know, claiming that the election was not impacted, not changed at all by the russians and theres no collusion. How problematic could those claims be for him down the road . Whether or not it affects the president down the road on his campaign is one thing, but what im deeply concerned about is how it affects our country right now. We are coming up against the november 2018 elections. We know that the russians influenced our elections in 2016 and that theyre trying to do it again in 2018. This president is not jushowing the appropriate outrage that the russians are trying to undermine our elections. And does this extend into all corners, howard . What is your sense of how this influence has permeated or society . Do you think its changed single votes . We dont know that for sure. We do know they have, unlike the claims of trump, et cetera, that they have actually hacked into specific Voting Machines in specific states. That was denied, of course, by trump and his cronies. That, in fact, is true. So we do not have evidence yet they actually changed votes. They certainly could if they had the capacity to do. Th thats what we have to worry about in 2018. Susan, theres one of the tweets from the president this morning that i want to read to you. It goes as follows. If it was the goal of russia to create discord, disruption, and chaos within the u. S. , then with all of the Committee Hearings, investigations, and party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They are laughing their fill in the blank e pletive off in moscow. Get smart, america. Whos he blaming there for the fallout from russias meddling, and why is he failing to condemn russia . I dont even know why the president is writing this kind of tweet. It is so disappointing to see our president go down to those terms like he was back in campaign mode. Our country is in turmoil because our president refuses to recognize what every Intelligence Agency and now the fbi investigation has led to. Russias meddled in our elections. We need to get our act together. We need to fund it. We have a president who likes to undermine our elections, our belief in our Fair Election system. And that is really where he needs to spend his outrage, not belittling other people. By the way, if we put up our lower third we just had up there, we had the word a and well, the president chose to spell that out. We put the asterisks. Fill in the blank. Really . Yeah. Howard, do you agree with adam schi if, schiff that the Obama Administration should have done more about russias meddling . Well, in retrospect, of course. He wanted to be bipartisan. I told him a very long time ago, before he ever started his term, that he was wasting bipartisanship on the republicans. They dont give a damn about the country. They only care about their own power. Howard, didnt he also say he didnt want to look like he was meddling, specifically . Sure, but thats the choice he made. Its easy in retrospect to criticize somebody and say he made the wrong choice. Look, obama, i had plenty of disagreements with obama, but he always put the country first. That is something that mcconnell does not do and certainly people like devin nunes, who i suspect belong in jail, has not done. Okay. Well, well pick up on that conversation another time. Were out of time this time. Good to see you both. Thank you, howard. Thank you, susan. Coming up next hour, the president and the playboy play mate. Why scandals never seem to stick to trump. It naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. Thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. The secret is an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. This is food made to sit down for. Slow down for. Put the phone away, and use a knife and fork for. And with panera catering, its food worth sharing. Panera. Food as it should be. And with panera catering, its food worth sharing. Its 6 am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. 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