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Good day, everyone, im alex witt at msnbc headquarters in new york. We have this breaking news to share, congressman john conyers has decided to step down from his prestigious post on the house duriJudiciary Committee. More sunday talk. We have not seen nor heard from roy moore in ten days. Hes still the talk of the sunday shows. From a Republican Point of view, i dont see what winning i dont know what winning looks like with roy moore. It is not about partisan politics, its not about electing republicans versus democrats. This is about the political character of our country. Instead of our politics reflecting our values, weve got politics infecting our communities. Reckless, outrageous, and undignified behavior has become excused and countenanced as telling it like it is. But we begin with this breaking news this hour, democratic congressman john conyers has decided to step aside as Ranking Member of the house judiciary, nearly a week after allegations of Sexual Harassment, including a settlement of 27,000 to a former staffer, came to the surface. He released a statement saying i deny the allegations, many of which were raised by documents reportedly paid for by a partisan altright blogger. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says she accepts his resignation. She issued this statement, any credible accusation must be reviewed by the Ethics Committee expeditiously. We are at a watershed moment on this issue. Pelosi called conyers an icon in an interview with my colleague chuck todd this morning. Well get reaction to all of this in a moment. Meanwhile, todays big story is the battle for alabama. President trump of course is weighing in on it. Nbcs Kelly Odonnell is in west palm beach, florida, good sunday to you, my friend. What are we hearing from the president . Reporter first, we have to put into perspective the john conyers move. Hes the first of elected officials stepping away from power, not resigning his seat but giving up a powerful position on one of the most powerful commission. In addition theres extra salary in that, so he is giving up some money, giving up status, giving up power. Hes dean of the house, hes served longer than any other member of the house, 52 years. Democrats recognize they cannot call out the president on roy moore or roy moore himself for the accusations made against him if they are not also careful in how they handle accusations made of a democrat. That puts john conyers, who denies wrongdoing, in a category where he had to give something up that was really of value. So this is a big deal. In addition, of course, the senate has to deal with al franken who will be speaking out today for the First Time Since allegations of Sexual Harassment were brought against him. So weve got this pattern of powerful people being in the spotlight and under scrutiny. And of course, one of the big unknowns is what will happen in alabama. President trump today, who has been reluctant at times to get involved, was not so reluctant today. But he did it in a narrow way, talking against the democrat in that race, doug jones, talking about issues important to conservative voters like the Second Amendment and military and crime, and urging that that seat remain republican, which in effect means roy moore becomes the next senator from alabama, although the president , not explicitly saying roy moore. Complicated, yes, because the president himself has been accused of this kind of misconduct, something he denies. To even engage on roy moore opens that up on President Trump. But to try to further his own agenda, he wants to keep that republican seat. And of course alabama is a state he won, so hes also speaking to his own voters. So there are a lot of developments on this today, alex. They are interconnected, and its an important day, because if one powerful person gives something up, the president of the United States is weighing in, and we have an election coming up in a couple of weeks, this really is a critical time for how misconduct or allegations of misconduct are playing out in the political realm, alex. Kelly odonnell, thank you so much, from west palm beach, with a comprehensive report. James peterson, kirstin hag land, and tom nichols, welcome to you both. James, i want to go to you first, what do you think the significance is of john conyers stepping down as Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee . Its a significant, important sign of the advertisementtimes,. Representative conyers thinking about what the political environment means in terms of him having that leadership position. Him resigning it provides some future cover for democrats to be a little bit more aggressive and at least appear to be more balanced about this really complicated issue. For sure. I want to let all of you know, while we have heard john conyers is stepping aside, just getting word that congressman nadler, who had been the second most senior democratic member of the Judiciary Committee, he will step in and play the role of Ranking Member on the committee, he confirmed this in an email, making that statement that he doesnt like the circumstances under which it has happened but hell do his best to keep things running smoothly. Tom, there are clearly allegations levied at conyers. But is due process for the accused now be the standard for everyone . Well, the problem is that weve already entered a culture in which we are presumptively and i think rightly on the side of accusers to take them seriously, and that due process, you know, is a matter for courts. Its not a matter for politics. And i think that particularly i think the democrats created a situation in which you couldnt have this kind of double standard. I mean, nancy pelosi this morning created a real problem with her effusive praise of conyers on the one hand that could have almost been adopted by roy moore offenders on the other. You mean calling him an icon . Yeah. Well, not calling him an icon but calling him an icon in response to what you think he should do about the fact that hes had multiple accusations. I should add this is my personal view, not the view of the navy. And so i think if the presupposition, right, is to say in politics, as a matter of public life, if you have these accusation than are credible and numerous, that you have to react to them. Due process is a separate issue, thats for courtrooms to decide. This is politics, not a courtroom. Kristen, do you think this raises the bar for conservatives now . Oh, absolutely. And it has been, especially with just the most recent allegations that came out against senator al franken, that instantly put this even more in the focus, in the headlight, so to speak. Its interesting to watch President Donald Trump tweet about this now. If he really does want to keep his agenda moving forward and if hes that concerned about the legislation, he needs to get past in order to maintain his credibility as president , you know, he has got to make sure that the senate is not wrapped up in trying to figure out how to get rid of senator roy moore if he does indeed become elected. So youve got a lot of competing interests going on here. And i think that the president needs to take general kellys advice, which hes done in some other things related to the russia investigation, just back off of twitter and keep out of this and let the people of alabama decide. One other thing thats important to mention with these allegations now coming out across the board with our legislators, is that this is something that is fundamentally undermining the credibility of our system, of our democracy, where we cant trust our leaders. What youre seeing now is accountability, which has not been in place for years, and it might help when we look forward to 2018 and 2020 to establish legitimacy in the system. James, i want to talk to you about nba star Charles Barclay who is raising a different concern about roy moores candidacy. Lets take a listen to what hes saying. Everybodys going crazy over the sexual allegations. Roy moore to me, when he brought in steve bannon, should have been disqualified. I dont understand. How can you have a guy who is running with a white separatist, running for a Political Office . It has nothing to do with being democrat, republican. He has a guy running with him who is a white separatist, thats immoral and wrong. Whats your reaction, james . Outside of basketball i dont always agree with Charles Barclay, but he has a really important point here. When you think about the long, powerful, complicated history of alabama, the idea that someone who is a White Nationalist who historically has shown some racialized thinking, some racist thinking, could even be at this point. Someone who could be endorsedpy a White Nationalist in steve bannon and that be the sort of positive piece of what his campaign was. The idea that that can happen in the 21st century, in a state with as complex a history around race as alabama, is very, very troubling. And it seems to me that in some ways that has flown under the radar. You know, this New York Times piece about the white nazi next door, there is a way in which the undercurrents of race have been somehow obscured in this political moment. And i think that what barclay is saying here is really, really important and should not be left out of the conversation. Kirstin, tom, you guys want to weigh in on this as well . I just want to say that i think this is a really interesting time for conservatives and for the gop generally, to say these are our actual principles. Weve been, socalled, the party of principles for so long. Here is a chance to actually say we are the party that obviously got rid of slavery, that cares about family values, and really say and put our money where our mouth is, so to speak. I think this is a good reckoning, if i can find a Silver Lining in this. Obviously im not happy to see his success and i think the gop is right to try to send him out. Tom, the president giving a tacit endorsement of roy moore, the republican president . How does that fit into the picture . Let me just say as a moderate northern conservative, i was appalled by roy moore long before it was cool to be appalled by roy moore. The same. I was appalled by roy moore a long time ago. Part of the problem now is terms like conservative and republican no longer mean the same thing, theyre devolving into kind of tribal labels, where, you know, its our team at all costs. And i think that thats been part of our political problem for a long time. I mean, if roy moore is a conservative, then i dont know what it means to be a conservative. I became a conservative as a young man because i believed in limited government and individual liberty and a Strong National defense. I certainly didnt get into it because i thought that we should seek someone with accusations of being a molester simply because hes on our team and not the other guys team. Amen, tom. I want to bring up one more point here, a different topic with you, james, we have republican senator tim scott who has weighed in on the back and forth between the president and. Theres no doubt if you were singling out minorities in the basketball situation, having the president of the United States step in to help you out when youre in china, that is a powerful move that likely brought those fellows home without having to miss thanksgiving with their family. So your view on this, do you think the president is singling out minorities in a positive way here . Umm, i dont think so, alex. My sense is the president , at least on social media, has been loath to take on certain critics and been very happy and aggressive in taking on certain black critics especially when he can shame them or make them appear ungrateful to his base. His argument against lavar ball, his attacking of nfl protesters, these play to his base. This concept of privileged or rich black athletes being ungrateful is a racialized narrative thats compelling to his base. It is still a political conversation to t contribution to the conversation. Him picking a fight with lavar ball seems disingenuous, seems inappropriate. If youre working to negotiate the release of americans from a foreign government, that should not have to do anything with politics and race but it seems both those things have filtered into the conversation, as played out in social media between President Trump and lavar ball. Stand by, all of you, in a few minutes well talk about some new poll numbers that show why it is so hard to talk about politics in this country. If you were dreading talking to your relatives this weekend, you have a lot of company. Well talk about that, coming up. Theres nothing more important than your health. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. You might want to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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Duck quack call to request your free decision guide now. Because the time to think about tomorrow is today. Congressman conyers deserves some credit for at least taking that question off of our plates and doing i think the responsible thing and not complicating matters by continuing as the Ranking Member on judiciary. Hopefully this helps to alleviate some of the angst. And well obviously have to continue to see what the Ethics Committee comes up with. Michigan democratic congressman dan kildee in the last hour, upon hearing that fellow Democrat John conyers was stepping aas ranking minority member of the Judiciary Committee because of Sexual Harassment allegations. Kimberly atkins and john harwood join me now, welcome back, kimberly, good to see, my friend john, as always. John, earlier this morning you had nancy pelosi calling for conyers to get due process. What is your reaction to john conyers decision to step aside as the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee and the statement he said there . Well, i think, alex, the decision by representative conyers reflects the fact that something in the environment were in right now, something had to happen. As your guests in the previous segment said, due process means Something Different in the legal context than it does in the political context. And so charlie rose, mark halperin, harvey weinstein, kevin spacey, all those people got fired by employers over accusations against them. John conyers, those are the people who were fired by their bosses. John conyers bosses are the voters. They elected him. Nobody can fire a member of congress. But you have a process by which the leadership of your party can pressure you to step aside. Whether representative conyers came up with that decision himself or was pressured by nancy pelosi and the leadership, we dont know at this point. But something had to give, given the environment were in right now. I want to get into comparisons with the roy moore situation in just a moment. But johns last point there, kimberly, conyers says hes stepping aside on his own, but what are the political implications for the democrats . John conyers announcement saved nancy pelosi a little bit, she seemed to be calling him an icon and calling for due process while at the same time saying i dont know these women. Thats precisely the wrong message that leaders in congress ought to be giving, especially given that this has landed squarely at the capitol, the attitude should be Sexual Harassment of any sort is unacceptable here in any circumstances. And we want to do everything we can to ensure that it doesnt happen. And that is not the message that nancy pelosi seemed to be giving on meet the press this morning. If you look at the republican side, they had to sort of work through their how messaging is with roy moore, saying if these women or if its true then he should step down. And it took Mitch Mcconnell to say i believe the women. And i believe thats the same message that democrats have to give right now not realin sayin allegations against the guy on my side arent as bad as the allegations against the guy on the other side. A possible reason for President Trumps tacit endorsement for roy moore, the New York Times saying, he sees the call for mr. Moore to step aside as a version of the response to the nownames access hollywood tape. He suggested to a senator earlier this year that it was not authentic, and repeated that claim to an adviser more recently. Earlier he had said it was locker room talk. Have you heard about him telling certain people that the tape is fake, and what do you make of that . Its a ridiculous idea. Of course the tape is authentic. If the tape were not authentic, a lot of things wouldnt have happened including billy bush and what happened to his career. This is the president going into selfpreservation mode. He is very vulnerable in his own right on very similar charges. So he has a partisan imperative to support roy moore because hes got an agenda. He wants to be protected by republicans in the senate. He wants to save that seat. That dovetails with his imperative to protect himself psychologically against these allegations that are directed against him. And so he can say, well, Roy Moore Says its not true, i said its not true, were in the same boat. And thats how we get there. You know, kimberly, further tweets this morning from the president essentially speaking to his base saying doug jones is weak on crime, weak on the border, weak on the Second Amendment and so on. Would you be at all surprised if the president headed down to alabama in the next couple of weeks and campaigned for him in the days leading up to the elections . No, wouldnt, in no small part because the president said he was pondering that idea and would let us know this week if he plans to do that. Its clear, for whatever reason, right or wrong, he sees betting on roy moore as the politically expedient thing to do. And so he is doubling down on that. And i think part of that is the fact that he feels some sort of kinship with him, in that theyre both deniers of Sexual Harassment allegations. He certainly finds himself at odds with other republicans and the growing sentiment here in washington. Let me just add one thing about how crazy what the president said in his tweet was. He called doug jones weak on crime. Remember, doug jones was a former prosecutor who prosecuted, 37 years after the fact, two klansmen for bombing the birmingham church, killing four young black girls. Now when it comes to roy moore, the president said the other day that the allegations, which were derived in the case of the 14yearold from something 38 years ago, almost the same amount of time, he said, well, that was a long time ago. This is an illustration of the fact that what the president is saying is nonsense. Okay. John harwood, kimberly atkins, great conversation, thank you guys so much. First daughter snubbed . The report of a decision impacting ivanka trumps high profile trip to india, plus what to make of Jared Kushners current role in the white house. Our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Nk na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. Theyre affordable and fast. Maybe too affordable and fast. What if. People arent buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets . . hi bill. If that is your real name. Its william actually. Hmph affordable, fast fedex ground. Discover card. I justis this for real . 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This could be a big world moment on the stage for ivanka and it is a summit that tillerson has attended in the past. Is he snubbing her . I cant speak to the internal decision on who exactly is going to go to the state department delegation. I think youre right to spotlight this is meant to be a very big moment on the world stage for ivanka trump. Modi, the leader of india, has found out what leaders like Germanys Angela Merkel have done earlier, ivanka is a way to get into Donald Trumps favor. The question for this administration is who speaks for the United States when it comes to Foreign Policy these days . Is it Rex Tillerson, who has been publicly feuding with and undercut by the president . Is it President Trump himself, is it members of his family, ivanka trump and her husband Jared Kushner . Its one of those telling details that really i think says a lot about where we are right now in this country. Nobody knows who is representing the United States. But it will be a big trip for ivanka trump in her unelected role as a key staffer to her father. So im reading a report here, and it says that Rex Tillerson, who is supposed to be our nations top diplomat, that he perhaps thinks ivanka has enough star power, or could it be related to his limited state Department Budget . Im glad you flagged that, the state department is in an uproar, in a tumult. Regardless of his troubled relationship with President Trump, hes also had a very troubled relationship with his own staff. Hes not only signed off on trumps proposal for a 30 cut, but he seems to have gone out of his way to alienate and push aside the Career Foreign Service officials. And so right now, there are reports even that tillerson is personally approving travel down to very lower levels of the vast state department bureaucracy. That of course is not the way that previous secretaries of state have handled things. Who knows, maybe tillerson just didnt sign off on the travel request to have a lot of state Department Officials go all the way to india next week. Either way, i think it is telling and it is reflective of the extent to which the Foreign Policy right now of the u. S. Is in a lot of tumult and confusion. But do you think in terms of a rift, this is a new chapter, you had tillerson not refuting the statements the president made in the wake of charlottesville, you have reports he allegedly called the president a moron. Is this three strikes . Well, lets just say this. If your job was in trouble with donald trump, would you really want to get his daughter also angry with you . We all know that donald trump cares an awful lot about ivanka trump. Hes previously voiced public concern that the criticism of his administration was hurting ivanka trumps reputation. So it seems to me the last thing Rex Tillerson would want to do is to get into a public feud right now if ivanka trump if his job is on the line. But Jared Kushner is in the news today, following all these reports that his duties in the white house are shrinking under john kellys leadership. So is this a power couple that is losing clout . Again, remember in the court, if you will, of donald trump, in his white house, in many ways the clout that matters is the clout with him. And thats why hes kept his family so close as advisers, because he cares to have people who he feels that he can trust around him. And obviously ivanka and Jared Kushner will remain in the inner circle in that sense. Theyre family, they cant be fired, hes worked closely with them for a long time. I dont think theyve lost that status that in the end is why theyre in the white house in the first place. It is certainly true as the white house stabilizes in the administration under this new and different chief of staff john kelly, we no longer hear this talk about Jared Kushner as running everything. Remember, he was assigned almost a comically large portfolio of responsibilities, doing everything from making middle east peace that had eluded president s for decades to dealing with china, our largest trading partner and the largest economy in the world. Come on, right . Also apparently modernizing technology for the entire federal government. An innovation office, right. That was a ridiculous portfolio and was never likely to be sustainable. Susan, i do want to get to this New York Times report, im quoting here. At one point this fall a scenario circulated in which ms. Trump could place nikki haley as ambassador to the United Nations if ms. Haley replaced Rex Tillerson. This is, again, according to the New York Times. Whats your reaction to that . Certainly the reporting ive done has suggested there was nothing more than chatter to the conversation around whether nikki haley will come here to washington to succeed Rex Tillerson. Certainly that is a possibility, and it remains a possibility. I think it would be very unlikely at this point in the controversyracked presidency of donald trump, for him to appoint his daughter to be ambassador to the United Nations. But i also think that weve seen trumps willingness to make very controversial and unpredictable moves. But right now i would say its certainly not a likely scenario. All right, susan glasser, very good to talk to you, thank you so much. Thank you. Alabamans weigh in on the senate race after the president s nod to roy moore. Pudding. Pudding. [sigh] did grandpa win again . What do you think . Yes download the new words with friends 2 today. New reaction from republicans opposing roy moores run for alabamas senate seat, the latest coming from South Carolina senator lindsey graham. If he wins, we get the baggage of him winning. If you lose, you give the senate seat to a democrat at a time when we need all the votes we can get. The moral is dont nominate roy moore. Nbcs catie beck is on the ground there. Catie, what are you hearing from people there . I imagine its mixed. Reporter yes, alex, its fascinating to be on the ground and hear how far apart these opinions still are. Those right wing evangelical voters are still behind moore, others are wondering who to believe. You can find passionate views on the same street. Hes got a great chance of winning especially just because of the values that he has. And like, begin, i said, he is innocent until proven guilty. I would rather be mauled by badgers than vote for roy moore. I think doug jones will win in the end. I think people who are most vocal about voting for roy moore will vote for roy moore. But most people, the ick factor will get to them and they wont show up to the polls. Reporter roy moore has an event planned tomorrow in ft. Payne, alabama in the evening. Well bring you coverage of that. We appreciate it in advance, thank you, catie beck. James peterson, kirstin h hagland, tom nichols, thanks, guys, for sticking around. I want to get right to roy moore and read you part of a column by Leonard Pitts jr. In fairness, yes, many republicans have repudiated roy moo moore. Also in fairness, it took many of them several long days to do so. How much do we all now hate one another . So, james, is Leonard Pitts overstating . Does this all come down to hatred for the democrats . I dont think hes overstating. I think for a long time, over the last several decades, and this is not to lay this at the feet of the obama administration, but certainly over the course of the obama years, the political discourse has gotten much more toxic, its intensified, its become more ad hominem. The vitriol weve seen over the last couple of president ial elections was exacerbated and made way more manifest during the trump and clinton campaigns. The reality is hatred is much more the norm in our political discourse than the exception. And i think all of us across the nation are seeing this sort of residue of that, and still really the life of that, in terms of our political discourse. I want to talk with you, all of you, but tom first, about the animosity, the lack of political discourse in this country. There is a new poll out there, pretty shocking numbers here. 63 of democrats say they find conversations with people who have a different view of the president as stressful and frustrating. Youve got 28 finding those conversations to be interesting and informative. Check out republicans, 40 say its stressful, 52 say its interesting. Whats your reaction to these numbers, tom . Well, one thing thats going on is that we now have the opportunity to spend way too much time talking to each other all the time. You know, when i was a kid, in the 1960s or 70s, people would have cocktail parties and they would argue. And then there was a time they had to go home and cool off. No one ever has to cool off anymore. You can go right from talking to a person in person, you can go over to twitter, you can get on facebook. I think a big part of this is that people never unplug from the political culture. And i think thats married to something that isnt really the fault of any one administration. Its simply the development of technology and society in america. We spent a huge amount of time thinking about ourselves and thinking about what other people think of us, and constantly asking that question, and being asked that question, even in little instapolls or facebook polls or on television, were constantly being called on to have an opinion. And i think that makes us have opinions and makes us differentiate ourselves from other people as divisively as we can. Kirstin, theres a new pew poll which found 58 of republicans have a very unfavorable view of democrats. 55 of dems says their view of republicans is unfavorable. Whats feeding this sentiment . Its interesting, as a younger person, considered a minimal, i ha millenial, i hate that word, im using it for context here, ive been working on the hill and saying, has it always been this bad or is this something thats new . Many people say the intensity is new. But when you go back and look at the way the writings of john adams, say, thomas jefferson, the election in the early 1800s, these guys were just as vitriolic and nasty to each other in their writings as what you see today, although they wrote much better. I think what we can take from some of that is that, you know, its always been dirty politics in this country, ever since the very beginning. But what has changed is that people didnt always used to equate someones political differences as that person as an evil human being. There could be a separation between what someone believes for political purposes and as americans. After the civil war, that became important. But we need to go back to basics here. How do we disagree well, how do we make sure im not defining myself and my worth as a human being based on my political beliefs, but im willing to come to the table with humility, accept that i dont know all the answers to everything, maybe you know something i dont, and thats where we have to start these conversations from rather than i know everything and youre an idiot. A legal of open mindedness, i absolutely agree with that. I spoke with the executive director of the National Diversity coalition for trump. When asked about the twitter battle with the basketball players father, here is what he had to say about that. As american citizens we always say, i just want someone thats going to tell the truth, i want someone that is just going to be real. You know, alex, this is who we voted. This is a real, living person that sits in the oval office, that speaks directly to the american people. He is a counterpuncher, its been clear from day one. So, you know, and this authenticity i think is very healthy for the american people, just to have a dialogue, a back and forth, to have a conversation. James, another guest yesterday told me that the president is demeaning the american presidency. So is all of this happening from the top down or the bottom up . I think its happening in both ways. I mean, this is a president who at least according to politifact has lied more than any recent president in memory. So i dont understand the claim that hes some kind of truth teller. Alex, its important to engage in a political discourse with people who hate you or think youre less than human or think youre inferior to them. Thats a difficult proposition for people of color or the Trans Community or women. Its around issues of humanity, its about human rights in some ways. I dont think were in an environment yet where we have dissolved the toxicity of the political discourse in a way that at least brings everyone to the table. And unfortunately, my sense is we have a president of the United States whose political life is way more contingent on the hatred and on the denial of humanity for different populations here in america, for us to be able to move forward, at least from the leadership perspective. In terms of leadership, tom, the same question, is this all happening and evolving from the top down or the bottom up . Theres two points here. One, i want to throw just a flag for a moment here, and say in the late 1960s, its important to remember, there wasnt a time when we were saying were all just americans with a difference of opinion. During vietnam and the fight over civil rights, bepeople cam to blows over the dinner table, it was a tough time, im not sure this is the worst weve ever seen. I think james is right, but the president does it because it works. I think hes responding to a demand signal from his base that says, you know, we enjoy it when you pick fights with black athletes, we dont really care if you didnt build a wall or you didnt repeal the health care bill, but we really enjoy the spectacle of seeing you afflict and anger people we happen not to like. So i think its a kind of a cycle, a synergy between the president and his base. He does it because it works, they respond approvingly, then he does it some more and it just doesnt stop. Kind of depressing, frankly. All right, tom and kirstin and james, you guys, very good to talk with all of you, thanks a lot. The Holiday Spending spree is setting the stage for a remarkable event of generosity here and around the globe. Are you taking part . Thats next. All you smart Holiday Shoppers will be glad to know buick has great deals planned for you this black friday. Or, if you prefer, crimson red tintcoat friday. Or quicksilver metallic friday . Ring in the holidays with buick. 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Why is the door open . Are we trying to air condition the whole neighborhood . At least i bundled home and auto on an internet website, progressive. Com. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. I mean, why would i replace this . Its not broken. On the heels of black friday and tomorrow cybermonday comes your chance to give back and, thus, we have giving tuesday. Msnbc is the signature media parter for for giving tuesday which has been a global giving moment and giving tuesday is a grassroots effort of individuals, businesses and organizations from across the country. In fact, 98 countries in all. You can go to the website, givingtuesday. Org to find volunteer opportunities in your community. And one of the organizations participating in this effort is city year. A nonprofit with a focus of education and supporting students in impositive rshed communities. Director of city year and the organizations impact manager. Anything to do with kids, education, because, you know, were paying it forward by getting these kids going forward. Talk to me about your mission and what the plans are going forward. Were in 22 schools here in new york, but were in 28 cities across the country. And we recruit amazing young people to go into schools and to work with the kids who need help the most. We help them get to school, positive behavior once theyre in school and to keep up academically. And the point is you go, seany, into communities that are impoverished most of the time. These kids need the help and motivation to stay in school. What do you guys do to keep these kids interested in school and academics and pursuits after high school . A lot of things. A lot of it is about that peer mentor relationship. We get access to students in a little bit different than a teacher in a classroom. Were really building that relationship and supporting and tutoring and that other stuff. Its so important to have the peers and people you can look up to and relate to, that is super key. I want to throw out some stats. More than 10 million children living in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty. As a result, these kids and their graduations, they are nearly 14 lower than their middle and upper income peers. So, how do you impact these kids and then try to invest in them so they invest in their futures . So, the good news is that we also know the stats that get students to graduate high school. We know if we can get students to tenth grade on time and on track, they are four times more likely to graduate. Our near peer role models like shani focus with the focus of getting them to tenth grade on time and on track. You guys need donations. Clearly, that helps out your cause. How does anybody watching get a hold of you guys and help to make some effort and some funding necessary . We hope giving tuesday folks go to cityyear. Org and donate. If you know a young person that could serve with us, we ask you to tell them about us. Its about volunteering, as well. The smile on your face is you can talk about it. I think its amazing. So, ladies, thanks, so much, for bringing awareness. Good to see you both. Happy thanksgiving. Thanks a lot. Msnbc signature media partier and your generosity is going to mean so much to so many. Well be right back. At lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta do on your own. And some you shouldnt have to shoulder alone. Like ensuring your family is protected, today and tomorrow, no matter what the future brings. See how Life Insurance from lincoln can help start protecting your familys financial future now, at lincolnfinancial. Com. That is going to do it for me this weekend, ill alex wit. My colleague richard is picking up for me. Just take it away. Thats because we were having turkey day after day after day. But dog gone good sandwiches. Good holiday sunday to you. Thank you so much r, alex. Im richard lui in new york city. Well start this hour with some breaking news. Congressman john conyers of michigan announcing just hours ago hes stepping aside as Ranking Member of House Judiciary Committee. This is coming amid allegations by former Staff Members that the longtime congressman sexually harassed them. Conyers released a statement that reads like this in part. After careful consideration and allegations made against me, i have notified the democratic leader of my request to step aside. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi responded a short time after that saying this quote. As a woman and mother of four daughters, i particularly take any accusation of Sexual Harassment very seriously

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