I feel that he is compromising america. I feel that he needs to step down. Plus, a day of protest. Thousands around the world demanding action on climate change. Breaking news this hour, a brandnew bombshell report as the trump ukraine scandal deepens. We are now learning what President Trump told two russian officials in a now infamous meeting in the oval office in may of 2017. Thats the day after he fired former fbi director james comey. Washington post reports trump told the russians that, quote, he was unconcerned about moscows interference in the u. S. Election because the United States did the same in other countries. Thats an aversion that prompted alarmed white house officials to limit access to the remarks to an unusually small number of people, according to three former officials with knowledge of the matter. Well, that was the same meeting in which trump revealed highly classified information that exposed a source of intelligence on the islamic state. This new revelation comes as an impeachment inquiry rapidly takes shape on capitol hill. House democrats issuing their first subpoena as they focus on the whistleblower complaint about the president s july call with ukraines leader. The chairman of house intelligence, oversight, and Foreign Affairs committees demanding secretary of state mike pompeo produce documents related to trumps dealings with ukraine by friday. Hes also been instructed to make five state Department Officials available for depositions in the coming two weeks. New york times reports, and nbc news confirms, one of those officials, trumps special envoy to ukraine, has resigned. Volker put trumps personal lawyer, giuliani, in touch with ukrainian officials around the same time as trumps phone call with the president. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stressing the urgency of the investigation to democrats in new jersey last night, as intel chair adam schiff instructs his committee to work through its twoweek recess. This is not a cause for any joy, that we have to go down this path. Its a difficult decision to make. But we have that obligation. Because in the actions that were tak taken, they could undermine the constitution and the oath we take to protect and defend, including the oath that the president takes. Meanwhile, President Trumps attorney is dismissing the democrats impeachment efforts. Theres no high crime, no misdemeanor, no violation of the law, rule, or regulation. Its already been the justice department, when they looked at it, said there was no violation here. I think this is just a political theater. Thats what it is. We have reporters and analysts to go over the new morning headlines. First, hans nichols at the white house. Hans, any reaction this morning to the Washington Post russia story . What are we hearing . Reporter in part, the president tweeted late last night, retweeted Something Back from may of 2017, saying, and he was quoting his National Security adviser at the time, henry mcmaster, saying that what he did was wholly appropriate in that conversation. There isnt a direct reputation or direct comment from the white house on the bulk of the new reporting the Washington Post has. That is the president essentially told the russians that he wasnt much concerned about russian meddling and that u. S. Does the same all the time. I have to say, thats something similar that weve heard from the president publicly. Hes done a lot of moral equivalence that the u. S. Isnt so bad. That the u. S. Has intervened in elections. Thats part of u. S. Policy, as well. Hes said that in the bill oreilly interview. The other big story here is what the white house is doing to discredit a person that they dont even want to be called a whistleblower. Yesterday, the president suggested this person, nbc news is not naming the person, but this person, or where the person works, but the person was, quote, a partisan operative. Listen to how jay sekulow put it last night. The whistleblower i dont know calling this individual a whistleblower the individual that decided to spy on the president s conversation based on hearsay information thats a better way of saying it but whatever you want to do on that front, this individual had no firsthand knowledge of anything. Nothing. Had no idea. The phraseology, the end notes and the footnotes, this wasnt drafted by this individual. This was written by a law firm. You know what . The American People see it for what it is. Wow. Right. Nobody has the appetite jay, real quick. For this. Call for a vote. Thats what i tell jerry nadler and adam schiff. Call for a vote. Do it. Reporter the other question this morning is does the white house handle certain conversations the president has with foreign leaders from certain countries, either saudi arabia or russia, in a slightly different manner . The New York Times is out with some reporting late last night, cnn, as well, that the president does this. Now, one thing i should note, what the white house is saying is that they changed the protocols on how they store these conversations and put them in a more severe server. After the leaks of the conversation the president had with the russians in the oval office, as well as calls he had with the Prime Minister of australia, as well as the president of mexico, the white house is saying those operatives and protocols were changed and, in response, what theyre doing is not necessarily special. Can we safely say it was common practice for them to move those kinds of documents, memos, notes to the other server, the secret server . Reporter we dont know to that extent, and we dont know how many Different Levels of servers there are. All we know, all theyre saying officially, is that the protocols were changed around may 2017, and that there was a new operation, standard opera operating procedure for this. We dont know whether or not theyre Different Levels of classified and how high up, and whether or not all phone calls with foreign leaders were treated in this manner or just phone calls with surgecertain countries. Makes you wonder what the other documents, information is stored in that. Thank you, hans nichols, to start us off. Joining me now is Jonathan Allen, political recorder with nbc news digital, and reporter with yahoo news, katia tubman. John, i want to start with you. Lets put this up. You have the ukrainian call, where the president asks for a favor. Now, compare that to this may 2017 conversation. What do you take from that in comparison, and what did we learn . Good morning, frances. Theres tremendous parallel here. The president in both of these cases is in a situation where he obviously is not bothered by, not concerned about, according to the Washington Post reporting in the one case, and the second case according to the transcript the president has put out himself, not concerned about foreign election interference. In one case, the russians interfering in the 2016 election to help him. The second case, getting ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election to help him. So this is a problem for the president s narrative about 2016, of course. More importantly for the impeachment process going forward, a problem for him with regard to the question of whether hes using his powers as president to benefit himself personally and politically. Lets talk about what brought us here and back pedal for a couple days. Pivotal moments when the acting dni had the hearing there. Talk about the critical information democrats will use when it comes to their impeachment here, the ukraine call. Definitely. Trumps top spy chief basically said the whistleblower did the right thing. That was a huge moment that came out of that hearing, considering that right after, and even right before the whistleblower complaint had been released, the Trump Administration and trump himself had been going on a tirade of basically discrediting the whistleblower, who he had no idea of the identity and says he still doesnt know, and is still anonymous to us all. Just to hear from the from mcguire himself, saying this person did the right thing and was credit was important to hear. When you factor in the others claiming that the information wasnt firsthand, that it was secondhand. Really significant to hear that in that hearing. John, you have this volker resignation. How vulnerable is he when it comes to the democrats investigation, and what o ydo y think theyre going to try to extract out of him the most . I dont want to draw too many reference in terms of his resignation in terms of what it means for his level of exposure, but this is someone with a tremendous amount of information and stake in terms of telling the truth to the house intelligence committee. The fact that hes no longer working at the state department means that he should be more liberated than he would be if he was working at the state department in terms of any claims of executive privilege that the president would try to assert over him. If he choose s to be bound by such claims of privilege. I think youre looking at somebody who is in more of a position to be forthcoming with the intelligence committee. There are so many questions about what the white house knew, what efforts were made in trying to lock this information down. In the reporting we heard from hans moments ago, it sounded like the white house is trying to say they used the secret server routinely because of a leak from 2017. Would you call that an excuse by the white house, that theyre creating it now in light of the whistleblower complaint, or is it legit, common practice, something they do . Common practice is an incredible question, frances. Common practice for this white house is not common practice for other white houses. It is not in compliance with past practices, with necessarily standards, regulations, laws. You know, it may be that they were worried about leaks and what they were seeing in reporting after previous conversations that the president had. One of the reasons that you would worry about leaks is if the president is saying things to other countries that could leave him vulnerable to either prosecution or impeachment. What theyre doing by putting this information in such a secure place with so few people having access to it is trying to ensure that information eventually, in theory, should be in the Public Domain under president ial recordkeeping acts, will never be there. I want to shift, kadia, and talk about atkinson, who is due back, coming from this closed hearing on the 4th of october. Crucial because he is the Inspector General that determined the whistleblower complaint was urgent and it appears credible, as well, and way give the most detailed testimony. What more can they learn from him in the hearing . We need to note that atkinson previously spoke to congress. However, the complaint had not come out. All he could say was that he could not share the contents of the complaint. Now, we have the complaint in all its entirety. It is being used as a road map for these congressional for the hearing going forward. What were going to learn from him is basically what were the steps taken to make sure the information is credible . Just as were hearing from trump, his aides and allies that this person isnt credible as well. What well hear from atkinson or, rather, what the congressmen and women who will be in the room are going to be pushing him on is the credibility of the whistleblower complaint. Look at us today, where we are. Backtrack to 11 days ago when the reporting first came out. Weve seen nancy pelosi and other democrats pivot. When it comes to the time, lets listen to nancy pelosi about how quickly the impeachment inquiry can happen. I think that we should move with purpose and expeditiously. Not hastily though. It doesnt have to drag on. Its no use to just say, by such and such a date. Looking at the, shall we say, the material that the administration is giving us, they are actually speeding up the process. All right. John, when you hear that, speeding up the process, not dragging on, what does that mean. In the sense of time . Democrats have this inquiry, and can it be as thorough as necessary given that . It means Speaker Pelosi would like to give the president a lump of coal for christmas. I think theyre looking very much at trying to get this done before the end of the year. There are a lot of reasons for that. Some have to do with the democrats politics. Some of them has to do with republican politics. Largely, it is a desire among the democrats to get this done while they have momentum. Is that a political would you call that a political deadline, kadia . I definitely would. Consider the fact this might overshadow the democratic primary going forward. Also, we have to think longterm about what pelosi has been standing by, which is saying the public needs to understand this process. If it drags on, not talking two years like the mueller probe, but if it drags on, she and democrats risk the challenge of losing the attention of the American People and their attention to the details that may come out along the process. May be reflected at the ballot box when it comes electing our next president. Both of you, Jonathan Allen and kadia tubman, thanks for starting us off this early. Who can be called to testify as democrats go down the road to impeachment . We have some of the answers next. Next fights cancer, repairs shattered bones, relieves depression, restores heart rhythms, helps you back from strokes, and keeps you healthy your whole life. From the day youre born we never stop taking care of you. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Its been reported that theres a cyberattack on business every 39 seconds. Ouch. 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The complaint also says this was, quote, not the first time under this administration that a transcript was placed into the code word level system to protect politically sensitive information. Joining me now is danny cevallos, msnbc legal analyst, and also melissa murray, a professor of constitutional law at nyu law. Good morning. Danny, want to start with you. When it comes to the whistle th whistleblower and what they said, do you have a point from a legal perspective . Was it an abuse of the Electronic System . One point, the president and his team will likely argue the president is the chief executive, the one human in the entire country who has the power to declassify and classify things. So he can if he decides something belongs in this system opposed to that system, thats where it belongs. I want to go back to you said two words earlier that go to the heart of the matter, frances. Its common practice. What were learning through this presidency is that the president is almost like a king in terms of the powers that he gets under the constitution. But common practice over the years, other president s have selflimited that power. Weve never really had to explore the limits or contours of that power because theres never been an extension like this or a breach of common practice. So that when the president decides to take information or data and stick it from one system into the other, which it isnt normally put into, ultimately, his final argument will surely be that, as the president , he has the unfettered right to stick that kind of data wherever he wants to. I want to focus in on two other words, melissa, urgent concern, which is what the Inspector General found when it comes to the complaint, bringing it to the attention there. So at this hearing on thursday, the dni said he would question whether the complaint met that definition of urgent concern. What are the requirements for it to be urgent concern . Are there clear legal guidelines with that . As with so many things, the devil is in the details. Theres often, in these statutes, broad room for interpretation. What actually counts as an urgent concern really depends on how were looking at it, the context. I think going forward, one of the things we need to think about is the National Security implications of what the whistleblowers complaint has brought forward. At least in the view of the whistleblower, this was enough to warrant making a complaint and taking this and escalating it to a higher level. All right. Melissa, there are no clear guidelines then this could end up being a political decision. That could open it up there. All these things are both legal and political in nature. I mean, we just saw over the last couple of hours the gop arguing that the whistleemployee whistle whistleblowers information and complaint isnt firsthand knowledge. It is all secondhand reporting. That would be a reason to discredit it. In fact, the whistleblower law doesnt require that whistleblowers provide firsthand accounts of things theyve actually witnessed. It can be a reporting of information from secondhand sources. The point is that it has to be brought forward so it can be thoroughly investigated. That is the point of the law. Thats the thing we have to decipher. This is not a regular court. Would it stand up though, danny, when it comes to the whistleblower and bringing all the elements in that we have secondhand . Lets start with the word hearsay. Hearsay is a rule of evidence that applies in courtrooms, at trial. Even when it does apply to exclude secondhand information, it is riddled with holes. Anyone who does any amount of trial practice will tell you, there is more hearsay admitted into court than there is excluded from court. Even then, those rules are confined to courtrooms. Investigators, federal police, everyday investigators, they rely on hearsay to conduct investigation. The notion that hearsay makes a whistleblower complaint like this categorically unreliable is just not accurate. Investigations in Law Enforcement and elsewhere have always relied on hearsay. They love hearsay. Now, does that mean they are able to make their burden of proof later on when it is beyond a reasonable doubt at trial . Well, maybe. It may still come in under an exception. At this stage, an investigative stage, a whistleblower complaint stage, hearsay is not excluded categorically. It is welcomed. I want to look at the other people involved besides the president. You have giuliani, the ag barr, five others implicated. Are any people facing legal jeopardy if this complaint is proven accurate . How do we see it, melissa . Parts of the complaint have been proven accurate. The whistleblower provided information about the substance of the call between President Trump and zelensky. In fact, the transcript that the president s office provided confirms that that actually did happen. At least part of the whistleblowers testimony and complaint is correct. If these other persons are named and implicated in this, and they are subpoenaed and asked to testify before congress as to the allegations detailed in the complaint, then, indeed, i think there probably might be ramifications going forward. There will probably be negotiations about immunity and what not going forward. Something pompeo will be thinking about, knowing hes been subpoenaed, as well. Danny and melissa, i know youll stick around and chat with me. I appreciate you navigating the he gal legality of it all. An interview with a prosecutor who investigated Hunter Bidens dealings in ukraine. Thats next. Their bearnaise sauce here is the best in town. 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Whats around the corner could be your moment. Ask your doctor about eliquis. Now to your saturday morning headlines. Former Dallas Police officer amber guyger breaks down on the stand while talking about killing her neighbor on friday. Guyger, charged with murder, shot botham jean to death last september in his own apartment when she mistook him as an intruder in her unit. I was scared. Whoever was inside my apartment was going to kill me. Im sorry. I have to live with that every single day. I am so sorry. This is not about hate. Its about being scared that night. Guygers attorney say she acted in selfdefense, blaming the identical appearance of the complex leading ktenants to entr the wrong apartment. Prosecutors suggest she was distracted by sexually explicit phone texts with a police partner. Vapes tainted with a mix of chemicals. A chsamples of cartridges were obtained from dispensaries and unlicensed dealers. Testing found no heavy metals, pet si pesticides, or unsolvents. 13 of the 15 were contained to find vitamin e. 12 people have died from mysterious lung illnesses linked to vape pens. Parts of the country are still in summerlike temps. Montana is bracing for a possible record snowstorm this weekend. A winter storm thats already hit Washington State could hit western montana. Heavy snow, 50mileperhour winds are expected to create blizzardlike conditions. Snowstorms arent unusual this is right area this time of year, but what is unusual is the amount of snow. The National Weather service predicts 3 to 5 feet of snow, accumulations they havent seen since september of 1934. New details this morning on the whistleblower scandal. Former top prosecutor in ukraine who investigated joe biden and his son hunters dealings in the country is speaking out. He spoke to nbcs chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel, who joins us now from kiev. What are you learning from your talk with that prosecutor . Reporter so good morning. The accusations that President Trump abused his authority and now the growing movement to impeach the president are centered on activities surrounding this country, surrounding ukraine. First, there was that phone call in which the president pressured the ukrainian leader to dig up information that could help the president , that could hurt his mitt c political rivals. In addition to the phone call, there was this back channel that Rudy Giuliani was contacting ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on the bidens. One of the officials that he was speaking to was someone who had direct knowledge of the bidens activity. He was the former chief prosecutor here in ukraine, and we spoke to him. Ukraines former chief prosecutor revealed to nbc news he was in frequent contact with President Trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani. I have spoken with him maybe ten times. Reporter and was giuliani asking you about the bidens . Yes. Reporter he said giuliani wanted to work with ukrainian officials to investigate joe biden and his son hunter. Did he say, yes, we should do this, set up a joint committee . He said, yes, it is a good idea. Reporter did it ever happen . I have never received any requests on these issues. Reporter he had investigated Ukrainian Energy company, burisma, which paid hunter biden to serve on its board while his father was Vice President with special responsibility for ukraine policy. Did you find any corruption by then Vice President biden or abuse of power or corruption by joe bidens son hunter . I dont know any possible violation of ukrainian law. Once again, ukrainian law, by biden. Reporter one anticorruption expert tells us while he views hunters ties as poor judge. Joe biden did nothing wrong. I didnt notice anything that would suggest that joe biden would be abusing his office to cover up his son. Reporter for his part, Rudy Giuliani has not only acknowledged that he was digging in ukraine about the bidens, hes proud of it. He says that he uncovered massive corruption. However, the Biden Campaign says that his claims have been roundly discredited, and no independent investigations have come up with any evidence of wrongdoing by either joe biden or his son regarding ukraine. Back to you. As weve heard, richard, from Rudy Giuliani, he will be the hero when this is said and done. Nbcs Richard Engel for us in kiev. Thank you for the perspective. Impeachment time crunch. The democrats ambitious schedule for bringing an Impeachment Vote and the possible consequences for sticking to a tighter time frame. Shrimp yeah red lobsters endless shrimp is back for just 15. 99. Get all the shrimp you want, any way you want em. Like new srirachahoney shrimp, savory grilled teriyaki shrimp, classic shrimp scampi and more red lobsters endless shrimp is 15. 99. Hurry in. 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The details of the may 2017 Oval Office Meeting also now casting scrutiny on how the administration has been keeping records of the president S Communications with foreign leaders. All of this comes as secretary of state mike pompeo becomes the first to receive a subpoena in the white house inquiry. Kristen welker has more. Reporter House Democrats intensifying their impeachment probe, sending a subpoena to secretary of state mike pompeo for documents relating to the phone call between President Trump and the leader of ukraine. The democratic chairman saying the president s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, who spearheaded the effort to investigate joe biden in ukraine, has raised more troubling questions about state Department Officials possible involvement. Lawmakers pointing to the outreach to giuliani. Adam schiff telling nbc news he expects the investigation to move quickly, likely wrapping up by the end of the year. Were going to hold hearings as soon as we can. We expect subpoenas to go out, more subpoenas to go out first thing next week, as well. Were moving with all speed. Reporter while republicans try to discredit the whistleblower. This guy was out to get the president. His motivation, theres questions there. Certainly without having firsthand knowledge. Reporter the president lashing out, too, in this video obtained by bloomberg, speaking to american diplomats thursday. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart, right, with spies and treason. We used to handle it differently than we do now. Reporter house Speaker Nancy Pelosi firing pack e ining back president. It is sad. We have to be prayerful. Reporter shes also taking aim at the attorney general, Whose Justice Department initially blocked the complaint from congress. Let me ask you about the attorney general. Hes gone rogue. That was Kristen Welker reporting. President trump also met yesterday with nra chief wayne la pierre at the white house. They talked about the president s defense, including impeachment, its reported. I want to bring in former Senior Adviser to Hillary Clintons campaign in south carolina, and also conservative radio talk show host. Welcome to both of you. I want to pick up on what adam schiff his comments about moving at all speeds in the investigation. Is there a general consensus that an Impeachment Vote needs to happen at the end of the year because of this election calendar . Really, how thorough can the process be when youre hoping for that kind of deadline . I think it is so important for congress to do their sworn duty to provide oversight and serve the checks and balances to the executive branch. Number one. Number two, normally, id say direction is more important than speed, but direction and speed are handinhand in this scenario because of the Politics Around what all of this could mean and the implication it could have on 2020. Look, the president is corrupt. We knew that. Now, were just starting to see that play out even more in public. So we see when it comes to matters of National Security and all of that. Also, having the political timeline, as well. Chanel, i want to play the defense were hearing from President Trumps attorney, personal attorney, jay sekulow. Lets listen. Look, the president determines what communications he wants to have and what he believes is appropriate in hiS Communications with another head of state. By the way, the fact is, the white house decided to release this transcript. They gave it to you all. They gave it to congress. Abundance of transparency. All right. So is that strong enough, as far as the defense in your view . I think the transparency defense is a good defense. Basically, what youve got is a situation where you have bad news. Oh, my gosh. There is an old saying that bad news needs to be delivered quickly. If they were to wait and hold this transcript back, and then the complaint is released, and the investigation begins, and then they release the transcript, which fully corroborates the complaint, i think the damage would be much worse. I think the idea that the whistleblower is dealing with secondhand information or wasnt in the room is a very bad line to take on this. I think it sounds very naive when you have the transcript which fully corroborates everything that was said in the complaint. Lets take a step back for a second. The president admitted on national tv the things that the whistleblowercomplaint. He admitted that he was seeking dirt from the ukraine government on his political opponent joe biden. We just saw in the previous segment where the ukraine prosecutor said he was in touch with the president s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, about seeking dirt on his political opponent. What we can be confirmed about is that the president withheld funds from ukraine, who depend on the United States, in order to talk to the ukraine leader and pressure him for dirt on joe biden. We know there was an effort, clear violation of statute, to silence the whistleblower. I disagree with you. I think the case against the president at this point is highly circumstantial. There is a suggestion that the president would like a favor, and there is a discussion he said it. You cant suggest there is no clear nexus between the two. You cant say it is a suggestion because he admitted it on camera. Where im from, we call it receipts. We can play those back for you. This is a National Security issue. You would be jumping out of your chair on a saturday morning if this was Hillary Clinton or barack obama. We would be having these same discussions. All right. Lets move forward here. I want to talk about when it comes to this, you have republicans letting President Trump off the hook for this. Do you see in any way where the house doesnt reach the point of voting to impeach the president , and if the senate doesnt clear him, as well . Lets move forward on to where we go from here. It finds o depends on what we find out. Mcconnell will not pass bills that 90 of the country agrees on. Rest assured, theyll do everything they can to protect this president. Thats why democrats have to be careful in framing this as a National Security issue and not fall into the politics that the president and the right want to put this in. All right. With that, you have much of this, and were talking about it, when it comes to the memos and the notes, when it comes to the call with the ukrainian president. Do republicans think that the white house should not have released them though . I dont know whether republicans believe that in general. Like i said, i think, as a defense attorney, that thats probably a pretty good strategy to employ. The better strategy, i think, for the republicans to take right now is to emphasize the turmoil that this will cast the country into if we go through an extended impeachment process. Its probably a futile effort, given the lock solid control that the republicans have over the senate. Who will be in charge of determining whether or not the president is convicted or acquitted . So were supposed to ignore the president should focus on running the country, and the fact that he has other things to do debesides comes out with sil statements like this is a spy and we noeed a treason investigation or treason prosecution. Quite frankly, President Trump is his own worst enemy right now. Okay. They need to shut down the president and not have him make any statements. So youre saying ignore corruption, is what youre saying . We should just im not saying you are. Ignore corruption. If the inquiry is used to gather information intel by credible leads from a whistleblower which we use to weed out fraud, waste, and abuse in the system, you say, to hell with it, ignore it because it is relating to donald trump. Thats what youre saying, ignore corruption. Im saying that at this point, there is a very serious and indefensible position that the republicans have taken. That is that the whistleblower was not in the room. They can do pbetter by emphasizing the fact this is going to throw the country into turmoil. We have an election coming up within a year. If the people feel this strongly that this was corruption, and that this president was guilty of some type of indefensible conduct, they can vote him out of office. We have an election coming up. This is counterproductive. This is an Election Security issue if the leader of the free world is asking a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponent. Yes, we have an election. Free and Fair Elections have always been the priority of everyone in this country, democrats and republicans. Now, youre saying we should just ignore and shield it. Last word, five seconds, and we have to go. This is somewhat political in nature, and this is theres a lot of very similar parallels. Politics, everything is parallel. We have the moves with ukraine. Then we have Hillary Clinton who sought out a dossier by a foreign government. We have to leave it here. I wish we could continue, but we have to leave it here. Thank you, both, as always. Many split more screen moments back and forth. Thank you, frances. A teenage climate activist inspired people around the world to rally for change. Why greta tuhunberg is getting pushback from World Leaders who usually side with this cause. Repairs shattered bones, relieves depression, restores heart rhythms, helps you back from strokes, and keeps you healthy your whole life. From the day youre born we never stop taking care of you. 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Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. New today more than a dozen people arrested in atlanta during a second friday of protests demanding action on climate change. And climate activists in paris smeared the glass pyramid on the Louvre Museum with hands dipped in molasses. Demonstrators in the u. S. And around the t world have been inspired by the activism of teenager greta thunberg. This is all wrong i shouldnt be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet, you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood withan your empty wor. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you. Joining me now, christopher dickey, world news editor with the daily beast and msnbc contributor. Christopher, good morning, talk about the groundswell around thunberg and what is your assessment of her message . I think she is really charismatic. Shes got aspergers syndrome. Shes somewheres on that spectm and she t talks about that as something that actually gives her power. I think it does, it gives her a kind of a focus, a kind of a drive that she employs in speaking the way she spoke there. On that clip and also when she is speaking to crowds and when sheak started this movement by taking fridays off from school. Just to protest. To protest how . Not with some kind of efemoral idea, but using the exact scientific reports which are acknowledged by the vast, vast majority of climate scientists about all the risks involved. And what are the risks involved . The risk is that we will never be able to turn back the clock on climate change. We will never be able to stop global warming. Inbl fact its gone from a question of, its become a question of survival. Especially for our children. And i need to talk to you about the president ial pushback. We have President Trump talking about a happy, bright girl with a bright futurey, ahead of her, shes on the receiving end of harsh wordsnd by french preside macron after she and 15 other minors are suing countries for inaction. The french ares saying look france has one of the lowest Greenhouse Gas emission rates in europe. Why . Because it gets most of its power from nuclear energy. Hes saying why blame us . Why not go after china, india and the United States . Who are the greatest emitters of Greenhouse Gases in the world . The reason has to do with the technicality at the u. N. She brought that action, that action was brought under the conventional rights of the child. Which goes back to 1989. And which was never ratified by the United States. You would think the United States would ratify Something Like that, but no, we never did. Weve seen time and time again, that she is not intimidated to be on the world stage, not intimidated by the World Leaders, youve got canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who joined the climate march after meeting with her. Who apparently was scolding him for not doing enough. What do you say about that approach for wanting action from World Leaders . I dont think that shes a 16yearold girl is going to persuade them by sitting around and being nice and being a demure little 16yearold. Shes got to push the point that the science supports her position. And thats what she does. Relentlessly. Nobody can stop her and in fact, the children of the world are listening and they should. Because weve just about destroyed their future. Children and adults alike across the world, chris dickey as always, thank you. Now to the bombshell report detailing what President Trump said to two russian officials inside the infamous may 2017 Oval Office Meeting. Of 5g with ultra wideband, so more screaming, streaming, posting fans. Can experience 5g all at once. This is happening in 13 stadiums all across the country. Now if verizon 5g can do this for the nfl. Imagine what it can do for you. The amount of Student Loan Debt i have im embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free not owing anyone anything is the best feeling in the world, i cannot stop smiling about it i am royalty of racing, i am the twisting thundercloud. Raise your steins to the king of speed. music plays throughout good to be with you, im Frances Rivera in new york at msnbc world headquarters, its 7 00 in the east, 4 00 out west. Heres whats happening. President trump told the russians about the 2016 election. Break nug revelations about the infamous Oval Office Meeting. Democrats issuing a first subpoena while someone at snrt of the whistleblower complaint resigns. A look at the whirlwind ten days in washington that included an impeachment inquiry. Plus Rudy Giulianis role. What to make of the part he played . Also what some americans make of the whole thing. He has to make phone calls. He doesnt have to divulge everything to us, whats happening right now in congress is not helping democrats. I think its a witch hunt but i would like to see him out of office for many things that hes done. I think hes probably the biggest disgrace that this country has ever seen. Now to breaking news this hour. A brand new bombshell report as the trump ukraine scandal deepens. Were learning what President Trump toent two russian officials in the nowinfamous meeting in the oval office in may of 2017. Date after he fired former fbi director james comey. The Washington Post told trump told the russians that quote he was unconcerned about moscows interference in the u. S. Election. Because the United States did the same in other countries. Thats an assertion that prompted alarmed white house officials to limit access to the remarks to an unusually small number of people. According to three former officials with knowledge of the matter. This new revelation comes as an impeachment inquiry takes shape on capitol hill. House

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