That delay, that gap is it really interesting. Because we know this isnt the only information that american intelligence had about possible russian attempts to influence the election. So there it were other channels coming in at the same time. Also highlights the degree to which the fbi was put in an almost impossible position later in the campaign. We know they had this information or some of this information. We knew there was the Ongoing Investigation into Hillary Clintons emails. You have the fbi essentially meant to it be a nonpolitical organization in possession of damming fascinating pieces of evidence, if not smoking guns, in either case, trying to decide how to play it, how aggressively to pursue their investigation and what political risks there are for a nonpartisan Law Enforcement agency to be perceived as putting its fingers on the scale if any of this nfrngs came out in the last few weeks. Again, another piece, not the full picture, but justins to provide context for house r how fast moving and complex this was in the final weeks and months of the campaign. Garrett, thanks so much. Stay with us. Matt, one of the reporters who going to join us to talk more about it. Joining me now is one of the president s fear es critics. Congressman Maxine Waters great to have you on this saturday. Thank you. Let me talk about this interview this week wide ranging spontaneous interview that lasted about 30 minutes. Whats your reaction to the substance broadly of what they discussed . Well, first of all, its very interesting that the president sat with the New York Times journalists without any of his aides, anybody around, and he said over and over and over again there has been no collusion. He has a way of repeating things over and over again so as to believe and make others believe that somehow he knows what hes talking about. And he believes the more you say it, the more you can make people believe it. So he used a lot of that time simply repeating that there was no collusion. The other thing that was very interesting about this interview was the fact that he tried to say he thought that mueller would treat him fairly. I think that what hes doing is hes trying to say im not a part of what is going on to try to undermine mueller. Im not a part of trying to get him fire. Im not with fox news and those republicans who are basically trying to discredit him. See, i think he might be treating me fairly. Least tricky. You cant believe anything he has to say. So that interview was very interesting. But i think the New York Times gave him too much time to basically get his story out there and say whatever he wanted to say without being challenged. And so i hope that the New York Times will not allow him to misuse the time like that. I want to read something here from the white house, rather white House Counsel ty cobb, writing, we are not commenting on matters. We are continuing to fully cooperate with the Special Counsel in order to help complete their inquiry expeditiously. Congressman waters, i know you were one of the signatures to Rob Rosenstein commenting the Mueller Investigation expressing concern with continued independence. Let me quote. We write to express our work for the Special Counsel mueller and to urge you he be insured to continue his investigation. We saw the rhetoric tick up over the last week. Other letters like this one from republican and democrat administrations. How worried are you at this point about the independence of that investigation and its continuation . Well, i organized that letter of 171 members of the house of representatives. I was so alarmed at what i was seeing. All of a sudden, you had what was a coordinated effort by fox news and some of the republicans to try and dis credit mueller. It was obviously of what they were trying to do. They felt perhaps that he was getting too close to the white house, too close to the president. And so they decided to una shame he hadly go after him. And i think thats, you know, putting us into a constitutional crisis. If we allow that to happen. Sorry to interrupt you. Can congress do more, more than you and your colleagues can do to protect that investigation . Well, you know, all that we can do is to make sure that we push back, that we resist this kind of effort. We have to get out to the public, and let them know what is going on. Because we are in the minority, the democrats, we cant expect any help from the republicans, so weve got to use whatever Bully Bull Pit we may have to say look Whats Going On, these people are lying. How can you let them get away from that and get Public Opinion pushing back on this. We saw some subpoenaing of records douche bank, let me read from a letter that you wrote back in march of this year. You said potential magnitude of the bank, what do you think investigators are going to find when they look at president s trumps bank . Well, we know a lot about it. First, Tas Money Landering Bank thats been fined for Money Laundering. We also know no other bank will lend money to the president in the way that deutsch bank is doing. They even allowed soninlaws mother to borrow money from deutsch bank. Why is it deutsch bank is so liberal in making sure he has the money that he needs . As a matter of fact the money that helped to fninance that hotel in waesshington d. C. Whic we think came from deutsch bank. So we think there is a relationship there that should be looked at. We should understand more about it. Because when you look at manafort and the president and deutsch bank and cypress bank, Money Laundering definitely has been going on. What role has the president been playing in this . I think we need to know. This man, this president will not release his tax returns. We dont know a lot about his financing. How can we allow the president of the United States to go on the way that hes doing without really understanding his Financial Connections and his obligations and whether or not hes been involved with people who are involved with Money Laundering . Weve got to find out. Weve got to press on for that information. Yes, ive written To Deutsch Bank on two occasions. Ive written to the chairman of the Financial Services committee. Im written to the treasury secretary, and for some reason it seems as if everything has gone quiet about deutsch bank. And we know there were Mirror Trading where they turned rubles into u. S. Dollars. Why are they so quiet about it now . Whats going on . And im going to continue to push forward to find out more about this relationship with deutsch bank. Because i think it is unsafe orry. You are on the house Financial Services committee i want to ask about your impression Whats Going On with the house Intelligence Committee, one of the three investigations going into russia involvement in the election. We have seen back and forth between them how long it should continue. How much confidence do you have in your colleagues theyll be table to pursue that as much as they need to . And well get a unified report at the end . I have confidence in Special Counsel mueller. I think hes doing a fantastic job. Thats why they want to stop him. I dont have a lot of confidence in the Intelligence Committee of the house or what the senate is doing. They have been slow. They have not put together the kind of staff thats needed in order to do the investigations that are necessary to find out how to connect those dots. And so my confidence is in the Special Counsel. Tan thats why i and thats why im going to work hard to stand up for him and get my colleagues to stand up to push back on fox news to point where where they are being ridiculous and lying and trying to ignore the constitution and the relationship of the president to the Justice Department. We have got to continue to educate the public and have them speak out and write letters and email and telephone and say, no, you cant do this. You are not going to stop this investigation by trying to dys credit the Special Counsel. Lets look ahead here to 2018. Ill read one more quotation from the interview. The president said in response to the prospects being more bipartisan in 2018, we can do Bipartisan Health care. We can do bipartisan infrastructure and bipartisan daca. There is some blatant optimism from the universal. Do you think thats a new year in that sense . Common ground . No, its not going to happen. Because you cannot trust this president. He lies every day. Not only can he not be trusted, this tax scam that they put together where they have created a 1. 5 trillion deficit is what they are going to try to make up. In doing that, they are going to cut everything from medicare to medicaid to social security. They are going to try and get all of this money out of entitlements. They are even going to talk about welfare reform. Using that old scary argument again about those people who are unworthy, who are getting money from the government. No, i dont trust him. And, no, i dont think there is going to be any real effort to work with democrats. As a matter of fact, the Infrastructure Bill that he alludes to will not be the kind of Infrastructure Bill thinks about the government investing and making sure that our water ways are safe and that highways and our bridges are safe, et cetera. This is going to it be an effort that hes going to try and privatize and get the locals to buy into and help pay for and do welfare reform, take money from entitlements, all of that, no, i dont believe him. I dont trust him. I still am call can for his impeachment. Okay. Congresswoman, Maxine Water Thanks for joining me. Youre so welcome. President america first. How hes done and the Administration Action ns the first year set the stage for 2018. Disappoi disappointments of the year. And putting a lot of blame on the chinese, after oil to north korea, tweeted this, quote, caught red handed, never be a friendly solution if this continues to happen. China for its part has denied any involvement. Lot to discuss here. Joined by the founder of Brian Darling along with the former dna adam hodge, and steve here as well. Brian, let me start with you, do we have a trump doctrine easily defined . Well, i think we are getting there. Actually Foreign Policy was one of the reasons why i voted for donald trump. I am a person who worked for senator rand paul. I support a restrained Foreign Policy. I think that there has been a mixed bag, although i love the over all foreign policies. Tough talk against north korea is important to keep them in check. He tweeted yesterday about iran and uprising in iran, its important he does things like that to support Freedom Movements around the globe. Im a little disappointed in afghanistan and having more troops there. And i worry that people like hr mcmaster who are more hawkish may push the Foreign Policy in activist direction. But hes been consistent with rhetoric, Campaign Rhetoric and very restrained to date. Brian, are you satisfied hes listening to your former boss, listening to rand paul . We see senator tom cotton thinking on Foreign Policy. When you look at the views associated with rand paul do you think they are getting through to the president still . I do. I know rand paul is reasonably close to President Trump. And i would rather see rand paul than tom or lindsey gram. I think a more restrained Foreign Policy going forward, making sure we are not over using our military force, not Nation Building, getting away from Nation Building and basically taking back a lot of the policies that donald trump inherited from both george w. Bush and barack obama. Remember, barack obama defied rhetoric. Promised to get troops out of afghanistan and close getmo. Adam hodge, let me turn to you, they are talking about a Radical Change against President Trump. As you look back on the last year are there any successes you can point to . We have seen here in new york a lot of the north korea. What successes if any could you point to when you look at this president s Foreign Policy . David, thats a really tough question. I think you look, and one of the things youve heard mention is the president s rhetoric. That rhetoric has actually made us less safe. That rhetoric where we have seen it in twitter feed has brought us to the brink of war. Youve seen him roll back major accomplishments or try to from the last administration. Just look at the former President Obamas pivot to asia. Is that strengthened our role in what everyone acknowledges Fastest Growing regions in the world. We were put on a plats form to really exercise tremendous influence in that region. And President Trump has walked away from that entirely. He claims that hes going to talk talk with china. But if you look at the actual results and actions, there has been very little to speak of. So i think when we look ahead at the next year, its important that members of the Democrat Party actually hold him accountable and force him to implement some of the policies that are actual law. For example, like the passage of iran sanctions. Let me get steve into the conversation and look at the north korea and china policy as well. Draw again from the interview that President Trump saying to New Testament New Testament saying i like very much president xi treated me better than anyone in china. One of the two great days of anybodys life. Hes a friends of mine. I like him. He likes me. We have a great chemistry together of the let together. Lets contrast with bellicose rhetoric on his twitter feed. How do you square the two things, first in relationship, and the policy . One thing on chooiina, i got back from two weeks, we literally walked away from the entire region. Chinese should love donald trump because hes given them complete control over the fastest parts growing parts in the world. So i found it stunning that we have given up our rights on human rights but one of the most important regions in the world. Who you are looking to for guidance what this Foreign Policy will be in 2018 . I look at the op he had secretary tillerson defending American Diplomacy Under President Trump. Ill again mention the u. N. And role nikki haley has been playing. When you look at the administration Foreign Policy, who are you listening to . None of them. Donald trump im listening to. Because ultimately hes going to do what he wants to do. Hes going to move forward of the policies that he feels comfortable with. And we have seen the president contradict all of those individuals in his own administration on different subject matters. Thats just the way he operates. So im going to listen very closely to rhetoric, watch his twitter feed, and we have seen him voice support through twitter feed to are this uprising in iran. I think that is significant and very important. Its been largely ignored by the mainstream media. All they want to talk about interview with the New York Times and him going off script without staffers present. All right. David the problem there. Quickly. That hes not listening to people who actually have National Security experience. Mablgt. Hr mcmaster is a general, and if hes pushing a side, that gives us more concern that hes going to followthrough and execute stg that makes us less safe. All right. Hes doing a much better job than President Obama ill tell you that. I disagree. Well leave that disagreement. Joining me this afternoon. Gentlemen, thank you for the time. And well be right back. Afi sure had a lot on my mind. My 30year marriage. My 3month old business. Plus. What if this happened again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . So i made a point to talk to my doctor. He told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does Eliquis Treat Dvt and pe blood clots. Eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis had both. And that turned around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. 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And all the other leaders have been forced to go or have been killed. Hes been able to fight back partly by bringing people out in the states. Hes been attacked physically. Its sort of amazing thing to see him still standing. But what he hasnt been able to do is he hasnt been able to turn his anticorporation organization into a political movement. Which may sound like an odd thing to say, because when he calls for protests, people come out and protest all over russia, hundreds of thousands of peej, largest protest in russia were protests he called for this year against corruption. But peopling coming out into the streets and then going home and raging at their tv again. Its not people acting together or political organization. And if you were allowed to run for president he would actually be able to parlay all of this anticorruption rage into politics. I want to ask you about the trepidation, i assume president Vladimir Putin feels about his c candidacy. You look at him for 81 Approval Rating according to the polling. What does he fear here given that . Why not let him run, illusion of an open and Fair Election . Thats a great question. Because you think he is going to dictate the numbers anyway. Even the relationship between sort of the number of votes cast tan the result that is are announced is murky at best. And there is plenty of evidence of falsification. But i think they perceive the election as a stress point for the regime. So the fear is not rational. Just as the fear of protests in 2011 and 2012 was not rational. There was no leverage that the protesters had that would have allowed them to overturn the regime. But it absolutely terrified putin to see that kind of democracy in action. He thinks democracy is messy. He thinks the democracy is it the opposite of power. And he dont want to see democracy happen. I want to ask you someone who participated in those protests back then watt Lesson Learned is going into this next campaign and election . Do you think that well see something similar here . Whats the takeaway going into this next election cycle from what we saw back then . Its hard to predict. But hardly likely well see the same kind of protests. There was a lot of hope in 2011. An unsuccessful revolution feels the same as successful revolution. I think people no longer have that hope for change. But also the stakes are higher because when he came back into office, people risk arrest, people risk ruining lives just for protest. That Wasnt The Case in 2011 for that danger. You say about boycotts going back to 2012, he said there is no mobilization for protest. But we spend all day watching tv. A refuse to call the putin an election. We wont vote and convince everyone around us not to vote. What explains the evolution . And whats your sense of what this boycott is likely to look like . I think that he had hope in 2011, 2012. I think he thought by exercising however limited the power given to people was, by exercising it they could actually effect change. I think hes had a lot of cold water thrown onto him in the last five years. His brother is jailed. Brother is held hostage. Its amazing this man is still acting. But i think that the illusion that he can actually participate in the elections or anybody could participate in the elections and effect change that way is gone for him. If anybody can organize an effective boycott he can, but i very much doubt that could happen. From my last question, im watching how youve been watching all the investigations unfold, 2018, what in your estimation is the ideal outcome from the Mueller Investigation . What are you looking forward to them coming out of them . Ideal outcome would be that it would be over and actually focus on trump is doing in this country rather than engage in magical thinking that one small produce of his results this would be over. I think thats my biggest problem with the investigation. It should certainly proceed. Certainly find out what happened. But i think that the hope that it will get rid of trump is unreasonable. And keeps us from focusing on things that are actually happening out there. I appreciate the time. Thank you. My pleasure. Still ahead a new report that heavy drinking in london, did George Papadopoulos spur the russia investigation. Patients that i see that complain about dry mouth. They feel that they have to drink a lot of water. Medications seem to be the number one cause for dry mouth. I like to recommend biotene. It replenishes the moisture in your mouth. Biotene definitely works. [heartbeat] the big surprise was were not german at all. 52 of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. So, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. Get started for free at ancestry. Com. Welcome back. Im david gura. As we approach the new year, robert Mueller Investigation into possible collusion between russia and Trump Campaign shows no signs of slowing down. They predicted the investigation would conclude by thanksgiving, thats this thanksgiving, and that has come and gone. And the investigation, quote, makes the country look very bad and puts the country in a very bad position, so the sooner its worked out better it is for the country. He went on to say, quote, have i the absolute right to do what i want to do with the Justice Department. But for purposes of Hopefully Thinking im going to be treated fairly, i have stayed uninvolved with this particular matter. I want to bring in justice and Security Analyst and matt miller and ron Host Coformer director of the phish. Let me start with this just posted by the this. When Something Like this is brought to Law Enforcement officials, times reporting, australian brought it to the fbi. Whats being discussed . Well, tauls a concern within the organization that our work does not impact a political outcome particularly an election. In the closer that the nation gets to an election season, the more cautious the fbi and doj are to the Public Awareness of our work and the impact that might have on the election itself. So those conversations really tend to go back and forth about how overt must we be, can we be, should we be, conducting an investigation. There are a lot of techniques that the fbi uses, including interviews, subpenas, search warrants, and the more Public Scrutiny thats brought to a subject, the more likelihood that it may impact an election if that person is up for election. And so those conversations can be very contentious about how far we go, whats known, what might become known. Matt miller i want you to speak to that as well. The caution required as you deal with a case or matter like this one. He is exactly right. If it came to u. S. Officials set off off off alarm bells. And i think what they would have done is try to initially assess the credibility of this tip from the Australian Intelligence Service and begin investigating as ron said quietly but trying to do it in a way that doesnt become a full scale wide open public investigation that the public has really no way of interpreting. So you hear, as people did during the campaign, about one candidate, Hillary Clinton being under investigation. Its hard for the public to know what to make of that. They cant tell whether thats a serious crime has been committed or its just an investigation that may ultimately turn up nothing. So they would have tried i think to keep this very inhouse and not to take deliberate overt steps like interviewing witnesses, like sending a wide swap of Search Waurrrants that might have leaked out into the public. But when the investigation did start to become somewhat public in those last couple weeks before the election, you actually saw the fbi with the New York Times trying to knock down the importance of that investigation and say that it hadnt turned up much as of that point. I want to ask you about a quotation from that interview that they did with the president of the United States, if i could, matt miller. Talked about the role of the Justice Department and his straks. Let me read here, i have absolute right to do what i want to do with the Justice Department but for thinking im going to be treated fairly ive stayed uninvolved with this particular matter. Let me take the first part of that. I have the absolute right to do what i want to do. How do you react to that . Extremely alarming quote from the president. Techic c in a technical sense he may be right. Rules upon which our system has been based for years are not in the constitution, not law, not regulation, but long standing norms. And it is not a law that the Attorney General cant direct the Justice Department who to prosecute and who not to investigate, no regulation, no where in the constitution. It is a long standing norm that says the department of justice will act independently of the president when it comes to criminal investigations. So the president is right in technical sense. But in the same technical sense if he were to trample on that Norm Congress has every right to impeach him for abusing his power and trying to obstruct justice. And you would hope if he were to try to shut down the investigation, as hes toying with in the rest of that quote, possibility of doing, you would Hope Congress would respond in that fashion. Lets put that quotation back on the screen. Im going do ask about you about the second part of it, ive stayed uninvolved with this particular matter. As youve listened to the rhetoric persuasive in washington d. C. As we see the integrity of so you Law Enforcement officials called into question. What of that uninvolvement as he puts it . Doesnt feel like its uninvolved. Doesnt feel like hes uninvolved when you talk to the fbi workforce that felt like it was under attack recently so much so that the president of the Agency Association was compelled to put up a statement on their website and talk about the value of the work done by thousands of agents across the country every day to in a way rebut it even though we didnt hear any sort of formal rebuttal from the director. So it does seem like the president has been poking and prodding, certainly the fbi, and the top investigators in the case for in Jeff Sessions case for his recusal, in bob muell muellers case whether he has ability to be fair and fbi itself. Thank you both for joining me this afternoon. Thank you. Still ahead, americans rush to go prepay their Property Taxes before they take effect in 2018. Should you be standing in line at your town hall. We are going to be breaking down the numbers next. Zero percent financing for seventytwo months, plus an extra onethousand cash back across a full lineup of ford cars, trucks and suvs. So hurry and save big on americas bestselling brand. Its the final days of the ford year End Sales Event with zero percent financing for seventytwo months plus an extra onethousand cash back see your ford dealer before jan 2nd and save. I figured id take the chance that i can make our real estate taxes deductible this year, so i just emptied much of my savings account. Why . Because if the new tax law, because if we dont well get screwed, basically. Well, some of the hundreds of people rushing out in states across the nation to repay their Property Taxes. First youll benefit if you pay more than 10,000 in state and local taxes. Governors of new york city and new jersey allowed residents to prepay. But youll have to make less than 200,000. But those who put in the effort, will it be worth the trouble, irs issued this, must be assessed based on estimate. In addition, payments must be made in the 2017 calendar year. Joining me now resident of new jersey. Hi tax states. Long lines. There is it a lot of confusion. What should taxpayers asking themselves as they try to figure out what to do . Make a quick call to their accountant to do that. But its hard to know given what the irs said that you need a hard assessment of your Property Tax Bill and you have to pay in 2017 in order to qualify for the accelerated deduction. So if youve only gotten that Little Black Box tell you what you are expected to pay in 2018, thats an estimate and currently not letting that go forward. What kind of difference does this make for a lot of people who lives in states where taxes are higher . A lot. If you live anywhere around the neighborhood where we are located you are paying tens of thousands. New jersey has 7. 9 income tax. If you live in california its 14 , new york city its a lot of money. So in those states. And also expensive states in which to live. You are going to lose a fair number of deductions. It could cost you significant amount of money. Put that money back up there. 25 of all 2015 tax russians property tax deduction. You lacked about the guidance from the irs this week, advisory note from them, meaning not legally binding. How different is this confusion from what we have seen in years past . Of course the landmark tax reform in the hae80s. Are we seeing Something Different . Yes, smh, i have been shaking my head, you see marco rubio saying we are doing too much for corporation. Hes a senator he should have read the bill. But probably true from a lot on the hill. This was a hastily put together piece of legislation. The fact that the senate was writing in the margins of a bill in pencil to make adjustments to it. This means we are likely to see technical fixes next year. Likely to see some loop holes and likely to see some of the more sophisticated individuals or corporations take advantage of those loop holes, drive trucks through them and save quite a deal of money. While Individual Americans who make less than 200,000 may not get the benefit of this nearly to the extent its being ploeted. Return to the state and local tax deduction. Had a chance to talk to congressman yesterday. Ap owe plek particulic. Yeah, he would introduce a new bill that would make it clearer that you could prepay these taxes. When you look back on this whole process, he and others vo certificater usually making the argument we need to keep this in place. This didnt work. Why didnt it . I go back to the president s statement you had adele gauges from new york fighting to keep that in place. Arguing to keep that in place. What happened this time around . I dont know. This was so hastily crafted. They were looking obviously to and the words of some Supply Siders starve the beast of state government. If you get them hoff the federal doll, these high tax states actually give morton the federal government that they get in return. In many cases california, nj, new york. So im not sure what the motivation was. Some more cynical this is political punishment except that it helps to pass the bills. So quick market related question. Obviously the individual mandate ripped out of the mandate. What does this mean from market point . Insurers Affordable Care act means for them . We dont know. We know the repeal of the individual mandate additionally go up 10 . They can opt out and no longer be forced to computly. I dont know what its going to do to the insurance markets. Some say chaos in 2018. We are so up against 2018 with this that there has not been a lot of time for states, for localities and accountants to go through this and see whats going to happen in this part of legislation next year. Thank you very much. Happy new year. You also. And coming up next, impromptu interviews, pushing trump administration into 2018. Stay with us

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