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Reporter certainly. That will be a challenge for some of them especially in districts where the president is very popular. If members did not side with him on this. I think the big question right now is will it get to the floor . Thats a decision that Doesnt Reside in the white house. Its really a decision for the majority leaders of the republicans, Kevin Mccarthy a long with the speaker, they run the floor. If they believe it is sort of a doomed bill, theyve got to make a calculation about tip typically you could see them not put it on the floor with that political exposure for each and every member to be recorded on something that went nowhere. Thats typically how this goes. We saw the president saying he wanted a vote. That was a point of leverage. In the time weve been talking about this and when weve been updating our own whip counts and describing the mood and the atmosphere, i can assure you, if there were people in leadership who thought we had that wrong, they would be calling our phones, they would be pinging us, trying to move the narrative back to the upswing. Theyre paying attention. Of course, you know, ive got my phone in hand and i would gladly take such an update. But right now, members are telling me they have not been given any guidance on what happens on the floor. The debate is unfolding. We know the speaker is back here. I think were in a bit of a Hunker Down Mode where theyll share with leadership the results of that white house consideration and make some decisions. So, i think were probably in a window that could be very newsy. This hallway is crowded. Were here standing by for any updates. Kelly odonnell making a great point. If you Say Something lawmakers do not agree with, their reps get on the phone with you pretty quickly. Our nbc news count stands at 34 republicans who will say no to this house Gop Health Care bill. That is as of right now. Obviously, that could change at any moment. Joe walsh, you have spent a ton of time there in congress. You know how things work. Is this a stain, the fact were even having this debate over it right now and theres this uncertainty about it, is this bill a stain on the Republican Party . Katy, absolutely. Having know how this works, id be stunned if theres a vote. The Republican Party screwed this up from the beginning. These Freedom Caucus guys, of which i was one, we pledged to our voters to repeal obamacare and we dont believe this bill does that. And then you have more liberal republicans who dont want a repeal of obamacare, this entitlement. So, the bill is getting squeezed from both sides. It was doomed from the beginning. And its just weird that paul ryan and the party didnt understand that. Heres the question, though, republicans, especially the Freedom Caucus, have spent the last seven, eight years saying, no, no, no, no. Thiss this a party that knows how to legislate, that knows how to be the party of yes . From our perspective, from the Freedom Caucus perspective, this was a chance to say yes. Weve got our guy in the white house, doggone it, lets timely repeal obamacare. Again, the mind set here from my perspective and the Freedom Caucus perspective is, this is not repealing obamacare. Look, i give trump a lot of credit, katy, for working it, but trump did the didnt run on this. We ran on this. You know that. Republicans the last seven years, this has been in our bones. This isnt in trumps bones. Hes anxious to get onto other things, i think. Donald trump not necessarily invested in the policy, is what i think youre trying to get at, although yes. He certainly said those words very frequently on the campaign trail, repeal and replace obamacare. Joe, thank you. Stay with us. Lets go to capitol hill where House Minority whip steny hoyer of maryland is standing by with us. Congressman, the narrative out of the white house, and it has been for a while, certainly among republicans as well, is that obamacare is collapsing. That it is something that needs to be fixed right now, repealed and replaced. Is that true . Is It Collapsing . We dont accept that at all. And cbo did not accept that. Again, they want to reject cbo but cbo said it would be stable. What they are trying to do is destroy it in every way they can. Theyre trying to destroy the confidence in the market. Theyre trying to destroy the confidence in the consumers. Theyre jaw boning this effort to make they say what is happening happen. It is not. The Affordable Care act is helping the American People. Its brought the cost of health care down. Not for everybody, but down in terms of the last few decades so we think the Affordable Care act is working but we dont think its perfect. We would be willing to work with our republican colleagues to fix that which is not working as well as we would like it to do. Let me if i can, you talked about calling you if we disagreed. You said the president thinks hes done everything he could do. Very frankly, what the president said he was going to do was present a bill to congress that would ensure every american, every american, at lower cost and better quality. The president has offered no such bill. This is his bill because he supports it but its not his bill because he put it together. In fact, the reason its having so much trouble, it does not do what the president said his bill would do. He doesnt have a bill. Were not considering that bill. And this bill does not give every american insurance. In fact, 24 Million People lose their insurance. In fact, the cost of premiums and deductibles will go up under this bill. Thats what cbo says. Just last night, just last night in the dead of night, they removed the assurance that when the clock back to a darker time. I will fight every single attempt to turn a deaf ear, blind eye and cold shored to the sick, to our seniors and to working families. Mr. Speaker, i will fight of day, every hour, every minute, and every second with every breath and every bone in my body. We must not give up. We cannot. I will not give in. Not today, not tomorrow and never ever. On this bill theres only one option. And that option is to vote no. Congressman john lewis giving an impassioned speech right now on the floor of the house, saying to vote no as a democrat. Very clearly, though, he will be voting no. Our whip count stands at 34 republicans voting no. Congressman highw congressman hoyer, i want to get back to you. President trump has roll back a number of regulations that girds obamacare. With anticipation of being a repeal and replace, a number of Health Care Companies have left the exchanges, left the marketplace. Given that, is it necessary to do something right now to make sure that the americans who do have health care under this plan do continue to have health care but Affordable Health care. The answer to your question is no. Theres not something thats an emergency now to pass this bill. The Affordable Care act is working. Its not working perfectly. There were some things we would like to fix in the small market, for small businesses. Thats not what was done. We have this bill that was introduced two weeks ago. It was introduced in the dead of night, considered 36 hours later for markups, no single. Not a single american was asked their opinions and the committee didnt have a cbo score. The answer is, no, there is not an emergency but there is a responsibility that each of us has to Work Together to make what john lewis just so passionately talked about, Health Care Available and relied upon by all americans. Donald trump running for president and to the American People in the State Of The Union really not State Of The Union, but in his speech just two weeks ago looked in the camera and said, im going to be supporting a program that will give every american insurance coverage. In fact, in nine years under this republican bill, 52 million americans will not have Health Insurance. He said he was going to make sure that it brought costs down. In fact, cbo tells us that premiums, deductible and cost of insurance will go up substantially. And seniors will pay three, four, five times as much as they are now paying. I refer to seniors in the 50 to 64 before they get medicare. The fact of the matter is, there is not an emergency. The republicans keep trying to create an emergency to support their bill. But apparently they have not convinced their own members and certainly they have not convinced us. Congressman, thank you. Jeff can i Say Something further . Not only have they not convinced us, the American People, every day this bill has been under consideration, less of them support this bill. And now by a 3 to 1 margin, 17 , 20 who dont have an opinion, but people that have an opinion by a 3 to 1 margin say, dont pass this bill. Its bad for me and my family. Congressman hoyer, i believe, is citing a Quinnipiac Poll released yesterday. Yes. Thank you, congressman. You bet. Thank you. Jeff weaver, former Bernie Sanders campaign manager, is also with us. Jeff, anybody who has a pulse right now can see just how fraught things are in congress, how partisan it is. The inability to get things done. Where does this country go from here . Is there a forward or what this is the next four, eight, 16, 34 years look like . Well, the problem were having on the hill is that the republicans have chose to go it alone. They want to throw millions of people off health care. They want to dismantle the Affordable Care act. And they know at the get go that democrats are not going to go along with that. There are some problems with the Affordable Care act. But the solution to those problems are none of which in the republican plan. The problem with the Affordable Care act is we need to go in the other direction. We need a public option so people have another choice where to buy their insurance. We need to lower the age of medicare, maybe down to 55, so there are ways to fix the Affordable Care act. But republicans know theyre going to try to dismantle a program that has given Health Insurance to tens of millions of people that democrats are going to oppose it. Could single payer ever work in this country . Absolutely. We have a number of examples. Medicare, for instance, is a Single Payer Program for people 65 and over. Talk to people who are 65 and over. They like medicare. The va is a Single Payer Program for people who served in the military. Ask military veterans, they like the va, despite some of its problems, which could be fixed with additional funding. Vas had quite a few problems, jeff. Yes. This notion i got to jump in. This notion that the republicans are getting pounded because theyre going this alone, my god, why are we in this position . What the hell did the democrats do seven years ago yesterday . They went about obamacare all alone. The republicans didnt start this. Theyve botched what theyre doing right now, ill acknowledge this. But that canard the republicans are going this alone, my god, thats what the democrats did seven years ago and thats why were here. Gentlemen theyre going it alone and now they have the radicals in their own party just like the democrats did seven years ago. Gentlemen, gentlemen, im going to leave it here. I think the point i was trying to make and the question i was trying to get ais its so partisan, so completely partisan, how does anything get done in washington. Isnt this exactly what donald trump ran on, getting things done, fixing things, making things change, being different. Gentlemen, congressman joe walsh and jeff weaver, we appreciate it, as well as Everyone Else who joined us for the first 18 minutes of this show. Coming up next, Texas Congressman Castro who sits on the house intel committee, well ask him if he has confidence that his chairman can fairly investigate the trump administration. Were talking about wiretapping, devin nunes, adam schiff and Everything Else going on in congress right now. Stay with us. s party [kids cheering] [kids screaming] call the clown Parents Arent Perfect but then they make us Kraft Mac Cheese and everythings good again. upstate new york is a good place to pursue your dreams. At vicarious visions, i get to be creative, work with awesome people, and we get to make great games. what i like about the area, feels like Everybody Knows each other. And i can go to my local coffee shop and they know who i am. Its really cool. New york state is filled with bright minds like lisas. To find the companies and talent of tomorrow, search for our page, jobsinnewyorkstate on linkedin. Flavours or dyes. Neomccarthyism era where we start bringing in americans because they were mentioned in a press story. And i am highly concerned about that. The events of this week are not encouraging. I think anyone watching them has very legitimate and profound concerns about whether this congress, indeed, can do a credible investigation. I think that, you know, one of the profound takeaways of the last couple days is, we really do need an independent commission here. Among the announcements by chairman devin nunes, former Trump Campaign manager, Paul Manafort will ftestify. Will they call in any other Trump Associates . Only if they want to. Roger stone just tweeted, i just want to testify. Joining me now from capitol hill, Texas Democratic congressman joaquin castro. Ill very sorry, sir. I want to blame it on my producers but had i looked in the monitor below my camera, i would have seen your face and i would have known to correct it myself. Im very sorry. My brothers back in texas and im here in congress. We apologize. Of course, you sit on the house intel committee. Because you do, congressman, do you have confidence that this can be addition that this investigation can be conducted fairly within your committee . Well, you know, even as recently as yesterday morning, i was praising chairman nunes and other members of the committee for conducting what had to that point been a fairly bipartisan investigation aimed at getting to the trut of what happened in the 2016 election. But recent events, first his going to the white house before talking to the Ranking Member, speaking to the press before talking to the committee, and then today canceling The Open Public Hearing on tuesday, these things are very troubling. They really just underscore why Many Democrats have argued we need an independent commission separate from the congress, separate from the politicians here. A group of bipartisan group of citizens to look into this rather than congress. Lets look at the hearing from march 28th. It was supposed to include sally yates, and james clapper. Congressman schiff, your Ranking Member, said that devin nunes cancellation of this in the public forum, at least, is essentially choking off public information, bringing this Behind Closed Doors when the public needs to know what is going on, even if they couldnt know everything that was going on. Do you agree . I absolutely agree. As much of this as possible should be done in open in the open, in public. We should have as much transparency as possible. I realize there are going to be instances where you need to go into closed session because youre dealing with classified information. But if you think about it, if we had not had that hearing earlier in the week in open session, the country would not know the significant revelation that james comey made, which is that members of the trump team are under investigation for their connection to the russians who interfered with our elections. Congressman nunes yesterday or a few days ago goes to the white house and presents the white house with information. He still has of today is not revealing where he got that information, which is to be expected. But hes also not denying and refusing tore confirm or deny that it came from the white house itself. At what point is the Committee Going to be able to see the evidence that Congressman Nunes cited the other day . That is a great question. Its one with no answer so far. All of us in the committee, except the chairman, are still in the dark as to what he saw. As i mentioned on monday when i was questioning Director Comey, i made the point to ask about leaks possibly coming from the white house. And i think that may have been the case here. Do you belief this was a partisan effort to give the white house cover . At this point it sure looks like an attempt for political cover, yes. If so, do you think Congressman Nunes has to step aside, that House Speaker paul ryan should ask him to step aside . Well, you know, as Ranking Member schiff said earlier, thats a decision for the speaker, but the speaker should make sure that whoever is leading this committee is perceived as credible and trustworthy by the American People. Now, i know that over the last few days especially, many folks have been asking for devin nunes resignation. The one caveat i would put out there is if you look at the range of people who they could replace him with, i would want to know who theyre going to put in the chair before saying he should be gone because there are some people on there who, believe it or not, could be far worse to lead this investigation. Texas congressman joaquin castro on the intel investigation. Thank you. As we await this 4 00 p. M. House vote, there are still more questions than answers who will win and lose if this becomes law. Mark sanford just walked out of that meeting with the Freedom Caucus members at the capitol club with Vice President mike pence. Take a listen. Theres a lot of emotion in the room. People very strongly about, you know, trying to find a way to get to yes. [ inaudible ] thank you. Sorry, congressman, last one. Could they bring the bill if there are not enough votes . Thats beyond [ inaudible ] appreciate it. We apologize. That might have been hard to hear. What we think what i could tell from what addition what i could hear from him is he was looking for a yes on this vote, that everybody is looking for a yes. Sanford at one point said he was a no and started to waiver. Our nbc news whip count shows 34 saying no to the Gop Health Care plan. We break down what this bill means to you. First, our microsoft Pulse Question of the day. Were asking, do you believe republicans can rally enough votes to pass the Health Care Plan today . The pulse is open. Cast your vote at pulse. Msnbc. Com. Announcer get on your feet for the nastiest bull in the state of texas. singsong budget meeting. Sweet. If you compare last quarter. Its no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with no artificial preservatives, flavours or dyes. Made with no artificial preservatives, usaa gives me the and the security just like the marines did. The process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like youre a part of the family. I love that i can pass the membership to my children. Were the williams family, and were usaa members for life. And the taste of apples and strawberries. excited i got one jokingly guess were having cereal for dinner. New kelloggs raisin bran crunch apple strawberry insurance policies could get quite squimpy. No insurer wants to be the most attractive to sick people. Insurers come up winners again because they will likely not be covering people with preexisting conditions because protections for preexisting conditions only work if the plans cover the services you need because of your preexisting condition. Insurance Companies Come up winners with Maternity Care plans since those plans may skyrocket for women looking to have a baby. Insurance companies will also fare better for not having to cover substance abuse. Theyre bleeding money covering the Opioid Abuse Epidemic which went up tenfold between 2011 and 2016. Here with me on set is dr. Natalie azar. Lets start with people who are who are dealing with opioid abuse. How will they be affected . Important in people who suffer from Opioid Addiction, the conch essential benefits here cover both addiction and Mental Health services. I think thats really important to drive home. Yes, would we see a disproportionate at of people in low income in economically hard hit areas turning to opioids, yes. You know what is an equal opportunity offender is mental illness. You cannot safeguard against that having, for example, happening to a Family Member or even yourself. We certainly spotlight the Opioid Addiction but its also about Mental Health coverage. I think thats important people understand that. On open yoet addiction, its something donald Trump Campaigned on, especially in New Hampshire where theres such a Heroin Problem right now, he campaigned on making sure families could take care of their loved ones if it affects them. Talk to me now about Maternity Care, specifically what budget director Mick Mulvaney said on cbs this morning. Take a listen. If you live in a state that wants to mandate maternity cover, coverage for everybody, including 60yearold women, thats fine. But, sir, what if you live in a state that doesnt do that . Then you could figure out a way to change the state thaw live in. Why do we look to so you should move . No, they could try to change their own State Legislature and their state laws. Change the state you liv in or, essentially, move, if you need Maternity Care. This one to me falls into the category of adding insult to injury in a bill that already disproportionately impacts women negatively, from Defunding Planned Parenthood to this. Imagine if youre a woman of childbearing age and you can only afford the bare minimum of a plan. Your costs would absolutely skyrocket if you have to buy another subsidy just to afford Maternity Care. Lets also remember what is in maternal fetal care. This is also Prenatal Care for your unborn child. The repercussions could be felt for generations after Something Like this. Care for the baby, not necessarily the mother. Absolutely, absolutely. I mean, there are anecdotes about congenital defects picked up in utero that are taking care of after the baby is born. I hope this resonates with a lot of people, not just women in this country. Disproportionately affected by many of these proposals, but so are the children who, bit, are covered in great depth by medicaid in this country. I just want to point out something. Yesterday there was a meeting between donald trump and the Freedom Caucus about this bill, specifically what came up was these benefits they want to do away with, Maternity Care being one of them. In the photo behind the meeting, but not a single woman. Yes. Which, of course, resonates with you and me very much. But i think, you know, sometimes i think its easier if you have if i speak from a Point Of View of being a physician. We talk about how essential it is that all of these benefits are covered otherwise the plans become so skimpy. If i give you just the example of a disease like rheumatoid arthritis, all the benefits that are listed there are things that a patient would utilize. Radiology services, lab services, rehabilitation services. And, again, i would make the argument, nobody thinks theyre ever going to get a chronic disease. Nobody ever thinks theyre going to come down with cancer. Youre gambling against yourself if you choose not to have Health Insurance. Talk to me about preexisting conditions quickly. Theyre going to go back to the way they were before obamacare or preexisting conditions still going to be covered . We dont know, right, because we dont know exactly whats in the bill. My point is, even if you say to somebody, we will cover your preexisting condition but your plan doesnt offer services as i listed, laboratory, prevention, vaccines, you know, rehabilitation, whats the point . Youre really not appropriately covering a preexisting condition if youre not covering all of these benefits. Dr. Natalie azar, appreciate your time. Thank you for breaking it down for us. As we speak, theres a mad dash to get the votes needed to pass this Gop Health Care plan. Well take you back to capitol hill where Nbcs Kelly Odonnell is tracking the yeas and the nays. Thats next. Higher higher Parents Arent Perfect, but then they make us Kraft Mac Cheese and everythings good again. Lyrica can significantly relieve Fibromyalgia Pain and improve function, so i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or Alcohol Problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can be more active. Ask your doctor about lyrica. I can be more active. 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The vote could come as early as 3 30 p. M. Eastern time. 12 amendments have been added to the bill. The bill aimed as recruiting more moderates and those on the far right. Will those persuade some of the most ardant critics. It gives 85 billion in aid for older americans, delays repealing tax on the wealthy. For conservatives it negotiates an end to Medicaid Expansion and an option for Work Requirement on those who use it. And repeals taxes that may help pay for obamacare. A bit of a mixed bag. Lets go to Nbcs Kelly Odonnell who is on capitol hill. Where do we stand with the votes on this . Reporter well, katy, i just heard from a top source involved in the negotiations and the status report remains fluid. That seems neither positive nor negative at this point but there are still considerations happening. Talking to various members, theyre saying they havent been notified yet by their leadership about what will unfold this afternoon. Typically they would addition each office would be pinged, if you will, and told what to expect. So i think some strategy is being considered and how they will proceed is still the subject of some behind closed door conversations right now. We know that the Vice President was near capitol hill meeting offsite with the Freedom Caucus that most conservative group went back to the white house. The speaker of the house, paul ryan, went to the white house to meet with both the president and Vice President to provide sort of a where we are moment, to say that from based on our count and based on the mood here, it seems republicans are not coming toward the president s demand to vote on this and pass it. Of course, we always wait until the votes are actually cast. Sometimes when a vote is open and theres a momentum one way or another, votes will really begin to change if people think they want to be on the winning side or abandon something that could fail. So, one of the questions will be, because the president is newer to all this, will the speaker try to say to him, lets not even put it on the floor. We know where we are. Two more hours wont change things. Lets not make our republican members vote for something that is doomed and have to live with the political results of that. Thats possible. Or he would agree that its time to put people under this kind of pressure with the almost the simple question of, do you support repealing obamacare or not . For republicans thats a very potent argument. So, thats where we are. Were waiting to know, when you talk about when would the volt be. Theres always a window for votes, when debate ends, theres a lot of give in the schedule in terms of how ready they are, how anxious they are. Its friday. And we call that flyaway days. Usually its thursday. So, that would mean a chance to go home to their districts, which is something thats important. Will they go home with a perceived victory, a perceived defeat, questions to be answered . We dont know yet. But sometimes the pressure to get out of here is in and of itself a way to get things done. Kelly odonnell on capitol hill tracking all the votes for us. Former House Speaker newt gingrich, a spoker of donald trump, has weighed in. He says, why would you schedule a vote on a bill that is at 17 approval . Have we forgotten Everything Reagan taught us . Well, there is Newt Gingrichs take, not a good one if youre President Trump or paul ryan. Lets go back to todays pulse microsoft question. Do you believe republicans can rally enough votes to pass the house Health Care Plan . 96 at no. Theres still time to weigh in at pulse. Msnbc. Com. The credibility of congress, have all these judgment calls by devin nunes proven the need for a Special Prosecutor to investigate russia and team trump . Joy reid and hugh hewitt weigh in. 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The committee will ask Director Comey and Admiral Rogers to appear in closed session and will postpone the previously scheduled March 28th Hearing in order to make Time Available for Director Comey and Admiral Rogers. I think this is a serious mistake. We welcome at any time bringing former directors back in closed session. We dont welcome cutting off Public Access to information when we have witnesses, as these three witnesses, who are willing to testify in open session. Major developments and drama today into the investigation into russian interference into last years election. Intel Committee Chairman devin nunes wants to bring the fbi director back in for more questioning. He also said he cant be sure whether conversations among trump or his aides were captured on surveillance until he sees all the documents. Paul manafort has volunteered to interview with the committee. Joining me now, host of a. M. Joy, joy reid and from california, political analyst, hugh hewitt, host of the hugh hewitt show on salem network. We found out chairman nunes canceled the public hearing scheduled for march 28th and adam schiff says the american public will lose the transparency of it and a chance to shield it from the public eye. Lets just focus on one portion of that which is chairman nunes now saying he cant be sure whether donald trump or his associates were actually surveilled. Im sorry, wasnt that the entire point of him going to the white house . Thats right. The entire point of this Unprecedented Press Conference where the chairman of the intelligence committee, house intelligence committee, walks out to cameras and said, aha, i have the transcript. He said he had seen with his own eyes evidence there was surveillance on the trump transition team, by which he was a member, so all sorts of conflicts of interests. I think the problem devin nunes has this is hes already shredded the credibility of himself and his committee. He should stop saying things. There are three investigations. I have to disagree with my friend joy. First investigation is into russias interference in our election thats proceeding. The second is into collusion between anyone on team trump and russia. Thats proceeding. The Third Intimated by chairman nunes is whether there was abuse of political power and thats proceeding. Theyre all run by the fbi. Whether or not one cares for the optics of devin nunes, i have great confidence in Director Comey. President trump ought to call comey and ask him if theres subject of anyone in the white house so he he or she could be removed. Its dangerous to have an fbi investigation pointed at the white house. Im confident the fbi will get all three investigations squared up. Whether or not a special counsel is needed, that will be up to Rod Rosenstein when hes confirmed by the jooi judiciary committee, which will probably come after judge gorsuch lets get to gorsuch in a minute. I want to focus on intel. Do you think chairman nunes, being a member of the transition, can do an independent investigation into the man he served between the time he was elected and inaugurated . Does this need to go before the American Public so they know this is not a partisan thing . Does this need to go to a Special Prosecutor, hugh . Thats a Rod Rosenstein decision once the Attorney General is confirmed. I have complete confidence in devin nunes. Democrats dont like him diverting the story line away from collusion, which is also very important, but i have confident in that committee. Its well staffed. Will herd is a former cia officer. I think it will proceed and that testimony in closed session tomorrow will reveal a lot of leaks. I think democrats are inteting about what happened during the transition. Well find out. I love hugh, were friend and our assorted twitter followers hate the fact were friends. Hugh said one thing that was incorrect. There are only two fbi investigations going on. One investigation into, we believe, members of the Trump Campaign, including Paul Manafort likely and probably including carter page and whether they colluded with the russians. Theres also an investigation into sort of the larger Trump Campaign and potential collusion with a foreign power. The fbi is not investigating alleged abuse of power by the obama administration. The fbi director said in an open hearing they and the nsa have already concluded trumps lie about president obama wiretapping him never happened. It didnt happen. Weve heard it from comey. Weve heard it from the nsa. They aint investigating that, hugh. 30 seconds. Hold on, hold on. 30 seconds. They are talking about the general i lost all the time i had. I wanted to ask about judge gorsuch and whether Mitch Mcconnell should go nuclear or whether democrats will have to force him to go nuclear. We have to put that on hold. Lets come back to it. Well come back to it. Hugh hewitt, joy reid. Catch a. M. Joy weekdays at 10 00. Apple will have iphone customers seeing red. Heres todays verge update. Apple just revealed the newest to join the iphone family appear crimson red made in partnership with the red campaign. It supports aids awareness through red colored products. While the iphone giant has made special red cases in the past, this is the first time users can own an actual red handset. Tim cook says it celebrates the partnership and he cant wait to get it into customers hands. The fresh new design will be available this friday. Thats the update. Check out the verge. Com. Come on dad everything your Family Touches Sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. 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