Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live 20161124

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Will be taking over one of the countrys key diplomatic post. And debbie deboss, vaus. Her pick was strongly criticized by teacher unions and advocates. She was a strong critic of trump in march. She called him an interlopper who does not represent the Republican Party. Meanwhile, nbc reporting that that ben carson is joining the trump administration. The president elect trump tweeted that hes seriously considering ben carson. I feel that i can make a significant contribution particularly in making our inner cities great for everyone. For the latest on how Donald Trumps cabinet is shaping up, Kristen Welker in palm beach, florida, lets start with the two pick that is were official that we do know about. What else does it say of these two picks in particular . There was some concern that he was not looking outside of that inner circle so you have the fact that these were two former critics of donald trump and these were the first two women that hes picking to serve as apart of his administration. Governor nikki haley is a rising star in the Republican Party. Shes someone that gained national praise when she led that fight to have these Confederate Flag taken down in her state. Shes someone who opposed Donald Trumps muslim ban. She had a largely into policy positions as you say, she was a former critic of his. Last week after she met with donald trump, look, i am not going to pretend that i am a cheer leader for him but i did vote for him and i was thrilled when he was elected. She was someone who ultimately got on board with him. I spoke with some of his top transition officials, they felt they had good chemistry. There is a little bit of entry with this pick as well. That is winwin for trump in a number of different ways and it elevates Lieutenant General and Henry Mcmaster in the state of South Carolina, two governor. He was an early ally of donald trump. And in terms of the pick of devos for secretary, shes a former critic. Shes someone of a lightning rod, she was praised by jeb bush today. Top teachers saying shes going to be bad for children and education. Shes someone who favors the Voucher Program and opposed of the common core. She can have a tough confirmation process. What you are starting to see is donald trump starting trying to diversify his cabinet in many ways something is happening there. Maybe imminently a week or two weeks ago, you had ben carson people putting out the statement that he feels ready to lead a federal agency and now on the verge of leading here. Whats happening here. I this i one out of the concerns that within the camp is he does not miss expertise. There were some concerns expressed of doctor carson himself. I was told that earlier today and then this evening, i spoke to a spokesperson, he reiterated that. Then you read those facebook posts steve that are real indication that hes considering it. Ultimately they felt they could not say no to the president and such a high offer. So well have to see what he ultimately decides. I am told hes going to take this thanksgiving holiday to really consider and really consider if hes right for this position, steve. All right, Kristen Welker down there in palm beach florida. Thanks for that. Donald trump has yet to make his public selection for secretary of state but romney reportedly eliting candidate there. Both of them are lobbying against that selection. I am for whoever president elect trump picks. There are huge advantages for Rudy Giuliani frankly. I think if you want somebody thats really tough negotiator for america and represents american interests in the way that trumps campaign. I think Rudy Giuliani is a better pick and has the right temperament. There is only one way that romney is considered for a most like that and that is he goes to a microphone and repudiates everything he says in that famous Salt Lake City peach and everything he says after that where he said donald trump was not fit. On and on. It would be a real insult to donald trump voters who worked really hard. Thats what i think he has to stop. All right, for more on the state of transition, joining now from our politicals, jay toenew, and kent, you got gingrich and huckabee. Theyre sort of angled here and it is pretty clear. It does raise the question that as donald trump making these deliberations. Do they have his ears or do the huckabee or gingrich . Gingrich has his ear from some extent. He was an early adopter who got on the trump train early y a lot of republicans still dragging his feet. Those who were trump loyalists and those who were not. Rudy giuliani in the former catego category. One thing i do think we have to look at is mitt romney and with the devos pick. Obviously, mitt romney had a huge role of the best and the right. And devos is a major donor. Their major donors is going to help fund the rnc and possibly a trump reelection of 2020. I dont think we can over look that angle. Both romney and haley were fierce critics of trump during the campaign. This was romney back in march. Mr. Trump already alarming our allies. He creates goats and muslims. He calls for the use of torture and killing the innocent children and family members of terrorists. This is a very brand of anger that has led other nations into the a donald trump is a phony and a fraud. Nikki haley delivered the republican response of the state of the Union Address this year and she used that speech to go after donald trump. During anxious times were you referring to donald trump, correct . Yes, he was one of them. He contributed to what i think is just irresponsible talk. Donald trump is everything i taught my children not to do in kindergarten. I will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavowal the kkk. You heard Mike Huckabee there. Look, Donald Trumps base and voters, his supporters wont stand for this. You cannot put somebody in a position like mitt romney who said those kinds of things about donald trump and never repudiated it and never backed off them. Is there anything to that risk that donald trump would face in putting somebody like that forward . Well, this is going to be the inherit attention and especially as he begins and thinking of eyeing the reelection is care taking the angry base that got him in this position and got him elected and making sure they are taken care of and well represented. Mike pompeo and head of the ceo and Jeff Sessions Jeff Sessions as ag, you saw him doing these appointments and now hes looking forward to branching out and making establishment of the republicans who he has to work with for the next four years. They control congress and these are people who obviously did not want to see him elected and fought very hard in the never trump dprtrump group and now hes to bring back. Hes creating a team of rivals. If he does pick romney or nikki haley in the senate, hes creating a team thats different among themselves and incredibly interesting to watch those debat debates. But, i get the feeling, too that the decision here that trump is facing as a secretary of state is bigger than that and not just the question of republicans and donor classes cheering for romney here. I here a lot of trump critics saying this is the signal that would reap. They would reassure that there will be some stability of administration. Absolutely. This is like sort of the hiring the adult and grown up and putting on a good face of whatever happens. And romney has that, and as donald trump says himself, he looks he was born to play the part of secretary of state. He bring to that office and a lot of credibility and as foreign leaders, especially very, very worry of what donald trump may do. Hes much more isolationist than george h. W. Bush or barack obama and withdrawing from the National Coalitions bilike naft and nato. This is not going to blow up the world and make massive change. Thats a great face to put on. It is a common reassuring face. It is one that i think calm and reassures a lot of people. You know, lets not forget here, you guys. Mitt romney is right, hes a respected voice of the Republican Party. He does not have a ton of experience in Foreign Policy. True, hes a serious guy and he owned up to it and he pressed the case aggressively against barack obama and calling russia our number one political foe and during the debate of 2012. Hes a former governor and private equity guy. He fits in with this mode that we are seeing so far of trumps nominee and perspective nominees who dont have a ton of subject areas expertise and led alone of government. Quickly though, is it durable though . If donald trump, if mitt romneys secretary of state and donald trump says something and something that causes a big controversy. Is mitt romney going to be able to sit there and not say anything when every reporter is asking, do you endorse what trump just said. If romney says or does something that trump perceives like, is trump going to be able to have his back or trump is going to lash out evidence. On the last part, everything we have seen from donald trump suggests not. Donald trump likes people who like him whether it is vladimir putin, he praised him because he said nice things on him or barack obama who he criticized during the campaign and sudden has nice things to say about him because barack obama is trying to thread the needle with donald trump. We and the press will be on the look out anything in his cabinet and let alone someone like romney it could be perceive as showing some aerospace between them and well jot all of that and i think donald trump giving his inclination would be hard press to not respond. Look at colin powell and george h. W. Bush, he oftentimes bit his tongue when the hawks are going into iraq and making this case of weapon mass of destruction and he privately disagreed and a lot of his disagreements were leaked to the press. So the big question is, i dont know or ever going to be an insider of the trump team in this case and for example, hen to hillary clinton, he can be effective secretary of state as ken powell was. Thank you for joining us. Coming up, president elect trump, different in his new york time sit down when he did when he was candidate trump. Thats next and plus, trump maybe preparing for office but Hillary Clintons vote count continues to climb. Well continue to climb. Well tell you how much it has grown. A historic number we maybe looking at here. Getting ready for a big day tomorrow. We got a Survival Guide on how to pick to your family members of the polarizing of the 2016. The hardball roundtable is coming here to tell me and you something that we dont know. This is hardball the place for politics. President obama is enjoying the holiday of his highest Approval Rating in years. This is according to a new cnnorc poll showing that 57 of americans approved of the job hes doing. Thats the highest number it has been since september of 2009. That was obamas first year in office. 41 of americans say they disapprove the job that the president is doing. Well be right back. 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Welcome back to hardball, that was donald trump with some rare words of praise at the New York Times. During his meeting headquarters yesterday. He wants nothing more for his audience fto be impressed. Now, did donald trump back off his promises to prosecute hillary clinton. Here is trump. I met with him and i asked him that question. I said what do you think of water boarding . He said, i was surprised and i never found it to be useful. I was all found, give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and i do better with that than i do with torture. Hes reambassadoriconsiderin the hard lines decisions that he took with the campaign. Robert costa. I will start with you. You interviewed him and you followed this guy from the beginning. The trump who showed up looks loo i c like a charm offensive. How much of that room is a reflection of donald trump moving into a new role now that hes president elect and no longer a candidate . Trump throughout his career has changed his volume level and his settings politically depending on his audience. Not that hes necessarily changes the message or the substance but he changes the presentation. I hear this from people working with him at trump tower, he wants to make sure hehemil weapon as populous of the conservative side of the party with him. The establishment and the media, remains where and he has to build some relationships or repair some relationships. An interesting situation, if trump got the only issue there with the media and his critics that robert is talking about and the same time, thises is a guy that ran outside the Republican Party. He had Republican Leaders who were skeptical. This is a president elect who did a lot more of a blank canvas than i think of what hes going to pursue. You got the position he took in the campaign. Now, he goes to New York Times yesterday and he drops these hints that make a liberal audience and getting hopeful. Do we have any sense where he did not land . I dont think we do yet. The interview was so striking. First of all, hes been bashing the times of the whole campaign and how theyre losing voters. That was odd. And then he made comments, if you look at them carefully, he was asked about separating the business while he was president. He kind of said things that he may think about that. He asked about Climate Change and give liberal words of Climate Change and commitment to that and on torture, hes thinking he did not change positions. He kind of spoken in a way where i assume that New York Times audience would want to hear more. He did not change his views, remember of obamacare, he said he likes some parts of it now but hes not clear what hes going to do on the law. Hes still leading himself of a lot of wiggle room onhe right and the left and not committing anything so far. Those comments perry is talking about there about obamacare. They came after he sat down with president obama and also in his meeting of New York Times. Hes now donald trump practically gushing when the name barack obama comes up. One meeting of barack obama seems to change the way he talks about them and gotten him to consider of what hes been saying of obamacare. I heard people raises is he one of those guys where we have seen leaders like this before and the last person who gets to him before they have to make a decision, thats the one thats foi the one thats going to way on him the most. That certainly is a trait that has define trump throughout much of his life. The politics of this are more fascinating and trump is echoing what is last heard. What we are seeing is the president elect trump did not run on an ideology agenda. There is this pragmatism at the core of what hes doing and of the transition and interviews. And in part, part of the chaos, we always see around trump in the last few years. There is this undefid prag undefinundefined undefineundefined undefined pragmatism theyre wondering could their own agenda be trump if they play the roles right. The president of the United States is allowed to have whatever conflicts he or she wants. But, i dont want to go there. Hes a quality person and i think he could be helpful. I would love to be able to be the one that make specipeace wi israel and palestinians. I would love that. No one is able to d tho that. He knows the region. I would love to be. You can put that down and also many things i would like to do. So here during the campaign when the subject of donald trump and his business and family would come up, look, if i get elected as president , i want the family to go run the business and focusing on the country, now, hes talking about maybe those lines being blurry longterms than he was during the campaign, he got these roles for Jared Kushner, how do you think this would work out when he becomes president in january . You heard a lot of comments about deputitinepotism and two, familys business. He did not change his mind. I heard him say that Jared Kushner is going to play a big role and particularly on a Foreign Policy issue like israel and palestine. Thats a big role. He kept on saying and said it two or three times in the interview, there is no conflict of interests. The law only applies to me. That is correct. It does not reassure critics. He wants to stay involved in the business some way and no one can stop him from doing that. I think hes right legally and if not, morally or ethically. Coming up, guess whos coming to dinner . Relatives that loves to talk politics, maybe you got something near or maybe you are the one in your family. We got holiday Survival Guide for you. Next, this is hardball, the place for politics. Nd. Nd. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Love or like . 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Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Welcome back to hardball. Thanksgiving is upon us and it is time to gather with your family and friends. This year of our unusual president ial election and some are expecting rough feathers. 37 of americans say it is likely that theyll discuss politics at their thanksgiving dinner. The real number maybe higher than that. Dont let this political issue put you guy in a foul mood. I promise thats the last one. How do survive, a political debate and our nancy giles. 37 that they think it is going to come up on their family thanksgiving. One thing that became clear in this campaign is the idea of two americas where nobody talks to each other. The real thing. Family members, extended family members. You are going to get two americas. How do you keep it simple. I am still in shocked. I have been doing a lot of exercises to get me over the hump. I like your wing and feather joke. They were not foul at all. I have been thinking maybe one way to bridge the gap and the conversation is to treat your eating area in the same way as an airplane once they lock the main cabin door and check your exits to make sure you have an idea and keep your values under the seat and a little bit of a front and you need to make a fast exit. You can grab those things in bull bulk. Make sure you are traveling with the designated driver or apps for lyft or uber handy so you are not drinking or driving. Sometimes a little booze can smooth over those conversations. It gets smoother or in many cases, booze can make it worse. Inevitable. It is going to come up at your familys dinner. How does it start . You dont want to be the instigator but somebody is going to bring it up at some point. Yeah, i would not recommend of not being in the instigator especially when you are on the losing side. A lot of people traveling for the holidays and you know all over the country and joining families and things, probably very important to check and you will be traveling to a concealed carry state, thats a trump state and you may want to moderate your discussions accordingly. Uncle bob and this case maybe packing heat. You may not want to cross him. I would not instigate the conversation, let it come to you. Your family, that would have been in the situation, you are on the left and your dad is an icon of expensiconservative republicans. What were thanksgiving like in the reagans household. Like any other family, in this case, nobody would be in disagreement or the results of the election. We would have arguments all the time but president s and families, just like any other families turning out. But, yes, it is just like any other family. You argueut it is about keeping it civil. You can have the discuss cushio. There is no reason to prepetend that we are in a cubaya multitude. You can mention try to be nice and mention things like nice republicans and, you nokno rons father is one and eisenhowers. Find some common bridge. There could be some kind of rules here and this is family. And if it starts getting heated, who could be the hero coming in . Families even without politics, that could be some loaded stuff on thanksgiving anyway. I have been going to some places like how about those cubs or hey, whats up with ckanye o the cakardashians. I am still literally having problems breathing and going back to the airplane metaphor, i feel like i have to do breathing exercises to make sure the pressure goes down and authentic help others. Are you feeling any apprehension heading into tomorrow . No. Everybody at my table is an agreement with this. Again, we have some fun with this and in a day before thanksgiving. This is one of those elections thats different than other elections. I am old enough to remember the 60s and early 70s and vietnam where discussions have gotten heated. There is periods of history and you can imagine being in 1776 thanksgiving and uncle bob is a royalist. That could be scary. This is a different election. It is not just the two sides o f the table disagreeing with tax cuts or foreign policies. One side of the table is feeling pretty smug and the other side is generally worried that we made this terrible tragic era, thats going to drag our country down. Thats a tough thing to swallow. We need to be mindful of that. On that note, well see i am hoping it is been that kind of year. Happy thanksgiving to you ron reagan and giles. Thank you. Coming up, donald trump is stocking his cabinet. Roundtable is coming up here next. You are watching hardball, the place for politics. Ay things ar. Yes, ideas are scary, and messy and fragile. 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Now begins a Great National campaign to rebuild our country and to restore the full promise of america for all of our people. Welcome back to hardball, that was donald trump in a thanksgiving video released by his Transition Team calling on the nation to come together. That video came as trumps unordu unorthodox transition ahead. I am joining my ronald reyes and chrkristen tate. Thanks to all of you for being here. I am going to start on the trumps critic side on our panel. We got a couple of appointments. Nikki haley, absolute trumps tri critic. A lot of people are looging at that as a signal that dronald trump is trying to send. If you ha does that give you any comfort or reassurance. I cannot believe romney has to take this job, he would have to put his conscious in a blind trust after listening to the clip of what he said. Haley, it is tough for her to reverse it, too. Mitt romney went far than she did. They are ravelled by the critique of white nationalists being associates of the campaign. Possibly ben carson and we have a woman. There is a little bit of that. But, there is also an astonishing lack of performance. It is staggering that somebody who turned down Syrian Refugees in South Carolina is collaborating and representing us with the body thats so important of refugees where ever we think they may belong. There is a lot of ignorance here. When you look at nikki haley and the things they have said and especially in the case of mitt romney. He was saying donald trump was fundamentally untrust worthy and qualified. Is that durable having somebody like that be your secretary of state. Hes not king and he understands that he needs to work with other people to get things done. I think thats why we have seen him tone down his rhetoric to bring his opponents into the fold and we see him reaching out and people who have not exactly been his biggest supporter. Hes not a candidate anymore, hes now president elect trump. Hes consolidating the Republican Party, all republicans. I think it is funny that for the last year, we have been talking about how republican parties are so much in trouble and there is a civil war going on with the Republican Party and i think it is the democrats that are in big trouble. The republicans are all coming together. It is surprise that republicans are running to him right now because they did not think hes going to win this thing. Raul, whats the message thats coming out of this transition and haley and ben carson, looks like he will be joining. One of them, when you look at the pictures today, to me it is an attempt by some of the head to mainstream a candidate who we know from his own word is a bigot and a sexual predator and endorsing these groups and putting mainstream faces and camping down those criticisms. In november, the worse that we know about trump came from him and what these picks have in common. None of them as you touch, theyre not suited for their job and mitt romney, yes, remember when mitt romney went to europe in 2012, he went to england and insulted them and saying they were not ready for the olympics and off to the middle east of the definitive capitol of israel. There were three gaps and three countries. Mitt romney himself is not ideally qualified for this job and nikki haley and ben carson, i can see him possibly like human and health services. The American People dont want political experience, thats what we warned them in this election. Trump is going to get doers. He always hires the best of the best. Okay, lets kristen finish her thoughts. I think it is important to talk about betsy devos, he wants to bring prosperity to the city. The way you do that is bringing schools choice to this inner city. Thats one way hes going to mark his candidacy and lifting all americans up. I think that was a good move. An interesting distinct here. Ben carson, you had Armstrong William the other say saying ben carson is not ready with many agencies now. He thought he was ready for president. If you look at betsy devos, this is an area that shes been interested in. Shes such an educational extremist and the idea that shes going to preside over a Public Education is terrifying. How is full choice extreme . F thats apart. She would be a pick. She would be a pick, probably any Republican Party. So i am sorry, we are in the process of normalizing. Shes not just about schools choice. Shes about using public funds for private schools. She did not receive a private Public School education. I think well be having the same debate if john kasich who she supported. I dont think john will be a candidate. Well be right back at our roundtable, well be right back. [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette. And her new business i do, to go. Jeanette was excellent at marrying people. But had trouble getting paid. Not a good time, jeanette. Even worse. 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Remember, trump made it to the white house with the number of popular votes. Many were urged to pick clinton. Joan, donald trump will be the next president. Hillary clinton will win more actually popular votes. That is a symbolic thing when you look for the meaning in it, but from a practical standpoint, next year democrats as the standing party, will that mean anything . Shes going to get over 2 million popular votes. If this was a fair system, california would have 200 electorates compared to wyoming. Given the growth in the blue states, its unfair, its absolutely unfair. What do you make of it . The election is over, we have our president elect. However, we do have researchers from the university of michigan, from m. I. T. , from stanford who are saying not that there is any evidence of hacking but that there could be based on certain we should be really careful we should be careful with this, though, but when you start looking at the vote patterns, they are explained by population distribution. But they do also say that there could be. Now, this is Something Like i got to be honest, this one is making me uncomfortable because i saw that last night and i took a real close look at that today and i got to say i dont see is anything to this. There were no anomalies in iowa, and this were no anomalies in minimum i minnesota. Those are paper ballot states and we would have seen that in iowa. If this situation were reversed without any certainty, the republicans would be demanding the recount. Youre talking hypotheticals, but i get uneasy going down this road. The round table is staying with us. Up next, these three are going to tell me something i dont know. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. My hygienist said the most random thing. She said i should think of my teeth like an apple. It could be great on the outside not so great on the inside. Her advice . Use a toothpaste and mouthwash that strengthens both. Go pro with crest prohealth advanced. Its uniquely formulated with Activestrength Technology to strengthen teeth inside and is better at strengthening the outside than colgate total. Crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my whole mouth feel amazing. Advance to healthier gums and stronger teeth from day one. My checkup was great. Crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. Previously treated withd noplatinumbased chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene whove tried an fdaapproved targeted therapy, this is big. A chance to live longer with Opdivo Nivolumab . Opdivo demonstrated longer life and is the most prescribed immunotherapy for these patients. 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Ask your doctor about opdivo. See opdivotv. Com for this and other indications. Bristolmyers squibb thanks the patients, nurses, and physicians involved in opdivo clinical trials. Were back. Kristin, tell me something i dont know. During the last year, the media has been trying tirelessly to paint trump as an antimuslim bigot but nobody is talking about the fact that three times the muslims voted for trump. Where was this . Romney got 4 of the vote, trump got almost 15 . 40 , basically half. Thats the percentage of people in the industry that are undocumented. When well celebrating thanksgiving, we should think about where all the things were eating come from and they depend on undocumented workers. Get ready to learn about the constitution. It prohibits our elected officials from taking gifts or financial donations from foreign leaders. Donald trump has a hotel in washington where our foreign diplomats are already staying. Hes on a collision course with the clause in the constitution. That will be our last word tonight. Thank you for joining us. That is hardball for now. Life can turn terrifying in an instant. You are locked in a high speed battle with a raging driver. Hes like next to me at 100 miles an hour. A deadly tornado takes aim at your house. An avalanche of u mhumanity threatens to bury you alive. Even normal routines can become struggles to stay alive. Survival is not a game but you do need a game plan. Youve got multiple options, but only seconds to choose. What will be your splitsecond decision . Weve seen the

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