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Hello, im Sheinelle Jones in new york and msnbc World Headquarters. 1 00 in the east, 10 00 out west. New reaction this past hour from the Clinton Campaign on fbi director comeys decision to review new emails that appear to be related to Hillary Clintons use of a private email server. Heres what campaign chairman, john podesta, said moments ago with a call to reporters to disclose more information about the emails, said to be in the thousands. 24 hours after that letter was sent, we have no real explanation of why director comey decided to send that letter to congressional leaders. In fact, the more information thats come out, the more overblown this all seems, and the more concern it creates about director comeys actions. By providing selective information, hes allowed partisans to distort and exaggerate in order to inflict maximum damage and no one can separate what is true from what is not, because comey has not been forthcoming with the facts. Director comey said this may not be significant. If thats all true, its hard to see how this amounts to anything, and were not going to be distracted and hillary is not going to be distracted in the final days of this election over nothing. Also new this morning, reports from the new yorker and Washington Post shedding light on what was going on between director comey and the Justice Department when he decided to go public with this new evidence. According to a wellinformed administration general, Loretta Lynch expressed a prefer africanamericans of not commenting on ongoing investigations and not taking any action that could influence the outcome of an election. But he said that he felt compelled to do otherwe. Nbcs Kelly Odonnell has more on the media call. What more did we learn . Well, i think, sheinelle, what is so striking about this, how forcefully the Clinton Campaign prepared to talk to reporters who regularly cover their campaign, how strongly worded their condemnation of comeys actions were. And the fact they are trying to sort of set the landscape here. So what we were hearing from is campaign manager, robby mook, campaign chairman, john podesta, the voice in the clip you just played and top spokesperson, brian fallen. They are arguing this will have no effect on supporters, volunteers and votes and doesnt change the landscape. But the intensity of how they addressed this and the words they used and the forcefulness of it obviously suggests that they are ready to do battle with the fbi director and see this as a potential threat to the campaign in these very late stages. Now to sort of reset things, remember, director comey sent this letter to republican and democratic officials of the committees on capitol hill that have some jurisdiction. And at a base level, he was trying to sort of correct his own sworn testimony before congress, soaying the investigation had been completed and now theres this new iteration where theyre exploring a laptop or other Electronic Devices that belong to huma abedin, the close confidante of Hillary Clinton and her husband at the time. Theyre still married, but estranged, anthony weiner, former congressman, subject of a probe relating to sexting. So complicated web here, but the connection is that huma abedin is, of course, a clinton confidante and this is a separate investigation. Strong words from john podesta who say they stand by huma abedin, saying she has done nothing wrong, and also trying to give you a sense of what this was like on the call. Lets see if we can listen to a piece of john podesta, talking about huma abedin, who is at the center of this latest storm. Theres absolutely nothing that shes done that we think calls into question anything that shes done with respect to this investigation. Shes been fully cooperative and we, of course, stand behind her. And this clinton official also talked about comey in some very sharply worded ways. Saying that his letter was long on innuendo and short on facts. That hes been severely criticized in the 24 hours since by public reports and by Justice Department officials. They are really trying to shape the battlefield of this phase of the campaign to try to blunt any negative sort of repercussions. I happen to be at a trump event when this was breaking, sheinelle. You can imagine among Trump Supporters, they were able to hear bits and pieces of this comey development and interpret it the way they want to. So the clinton team is certainly trying to refocus attention. And john podesta, the chairman, said this may have absolutely nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. But they clearly want to fight this now, and try to demand from comey a more complete sort of explanation for why he did what he did, what these emails may contain or the investigative documents theyre looking at. They want comey to have more to say before this election gets any closer. Sheinelle . And now it seems like i guess the waiting game continues, to see whether he will speak and try to clarify this. Its going to be intense pressure on comey who would have been criticized either way, because if the election proceeded and he had not come forward with this, this would have ultimately been known that he would have been advised in advance of the election of these emails, whether theyre duplicate emails or whether they reveal anything new. We just dont know. So he was between a rock and a hard place and took a step that many people are criticizing. And certainly people are trying to put a political lens on this, when the clinton officials were specifically asked if they thought comey acted with political intention. They said any motivations ascribed to comey should be asked of him, not them. But clearly, they think that he sort of dropped a bomb in the in the campaign, and people are interpreting it in a very volatile way, depending on your if youre a defender of Hillary Clinton or if you are a defender of donald trump. This has as we say in the journalism business, a lot of legs. Yeah, a bombshell. Kelly odonnell, as always, thank you today. Lets give you a live look right now in colorado, where the gop nominee is scheduled to hold a rally there in just about an hour. This is his first of two Campaign Stops today. Hes expected to, once again, go after Hillary Clinton on the email news weve been following now for nearly 24 hours. When trump takes the podium, of course, we will certainly bring that to you live. With me now, oliver mcgee, a Trump Campaign adviser and former Deputy Assistant transportation secretaryn the clinton administration. Good afternoon to you. Good afternoon, sheinelle. And i hope youre enjoying the osu northwestern game today. I know you looked up my bio. The ohio state marching band. Ill say go cats. And buckeyes. Lets dig in here. So one of the things we do know here is that these new emails and question were either sent or received by a top aide to Hillary Clinton, huma abedin. And not clinton herself. So because of that, how does trump make the argument that clinton is in the wrong, or that, frankly, shes done something incriminating . Well, the gop base this year has really put up a brawler in a trump, essentially, inside of a trump. He is basically designed to support the gop basis principles and issues. And they really are saying to him that this election is not about change. But its about enough. Enough taxes, enough Health Care Premium costs going through the roof. Enough infrastructure crashes. Weve had two airplane crashes, including the Vice President s plane going candidates plane going into a ditch. And all in the same week. And now the gop base is really saying and all americans are really saying, weve had enough with the fbi flap. This is something that is coming as a shock. I think people are discussing this at the kitchen tables, at home. Theyre also discussing this very, very carefully at the coffee urns at work and the American People are very smart, very intelligent and very much quiet right now as looking at this last week of the election. Youre going to see about a 10 people in the middle. Theyre going to break. And theyre going to break for one candidate or the other, depending on how this goes in the next ten days. Right now, Hillary Clinton is having about 5 real clear politics average right now. And thats before the fbi broke. Well see next week as some of that stuff begins to erode and they flush this out. I want to get your thoughts on a fox news poll. Less than a third of voters think Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy, but Donald Trumps numbers arent much better. 34 think hes honest. How does donald trump successfully go after clinton on her trustworthiness, when according to these numbers, he doesnt have a stronger standing. Well, sheinelle, this election is really not about president ial personalities. Its really about principles and ideas and issues. And if trump can stay on message, we hope not in the last week at footandmouth disease. But basically say focused on issues important to his base. Which is immigration, which is the economy, poor joblessness rate. Poor prestige of global prestige of america today. I think that hell be just fine. And hillary will have to basically try to put this fbi flack behind her as fast as possible. This is probably something that became very, very unexpected, and its very, very difficult to be able to do that when the investigation has to proceed naturally and slowly. Ultimately, this fbi flap is about executive judgment. Its about empathizing with voters, asking the proper questions and doing service in the investigation and for the election itself. Hillary clinton has said, look, this has been baked in the cake and just seems like i dont want to overplay this here, but, you know, does donald trump run the risk of overplaying his hand, potentially, and really, frankly turning people off from his consistently being on the attack . I mean, you started by talking about the issues and things that Americans Care about. But frankly, part of the criticism with him is that thats exactly what he doesnt do. That he doesnt stay on message, and he doesnt restrain himself. Well this will be the moment for both candidates. Youre very right, sheinelle. There is some bake in the cake, either for the trump percentages, or with his base and for the hillary percentages, which is their base. But its really what matters right now, is the 10 in the middle. Those independents will decide this election. And those independents are looking very closely at not necessarily change on the left, but looking at enough on the right. And theyre really trying to determine have they had enough. And if thats the case and they break in the last moments thats how this election is going to be decided. In a week. And really, with the fbi flap out, it is very difficult for this election to really be able to shift as naturally as it was. Oliver . In a place where no man or woman has gone before. I dont want to cut you off here. But it seems like in these final days, i will admit, people are changing their tune, flipping their votes. A lot of people unsure. Im curious about you. You looked me up, and im thinking, you were transportation secretary in the clnt administration and now on the trump side. What happened . Well, i started to look at america and i started seeing a trend in the obama era. I put his presidency in a timer rah when i wrote the book, jumping the aisle, how i became a black republican in the age of obama. And its a rhetorical look at america, not necessarily obama itself. And i saw left term, right term, people lost to no return. We the people are responsible for we the lawmakers who are accountable in washington. And right now you hear the team in washington is now a swamp. Well, george washington, when he first called to put the white house, move from philadelphia to washington, he did it because he wanted to put them in a classic, wonderful town called foggy bottom, at that time was a swamp. So its pretty ironic that were in what the Founding Fathers were seeing before. The noisy election this is not unusual when we look at american history. So its really hard politics we saw in the federalist papers and thats what i was really think when i wrote jump the aisle because were all bipartisan. I have to run. So when it comes to Donald Trumps tone or they call him a loose cannon, that doesnt bother you or not to throw another thing in this, and we have two seconds left. The africanamericans. A lot of africanamericans feel hes categorizing us or not speaking to us. None of that bothers you . Well, trump is a brawler. The gop basically put up a brawler. And if he is fighting for africanamerican ideas, which he is. Hes asking for the africanamerican vote. And that is unique in itself. Hes probably going to get about 5, maybe even 7 of the vote. If he gets anywhere from 10 or 12 , hes at nixon numbers. Nixon won with that percentage of the black vote. He gave us all the premise of the Small Business administration. So thats essentially where the noise is, and if he gets that type of twist thats in philadelphia, then pennsylvania comes in play. I dont know, i was in philadelphia for ten years. Well see. Oliver mcgee, i have to leave it there. Thank you for talking with me this afternoon. Thank you for having me, sheinelle. Still ahead, one of the longest and closest relationships in u. S. Politics. How will the latest twist on the clinton email investigation affect Hillary Clinton and huma abedin . Reaction, next. Wr. Right now, taking a live look at an event in golden, colorado. Donald trump expected to take the stage within the hour. We will bring that to you, live. New revelations from the latest news on Hillary Clintons email investigation. The Washington Post reporting that fbi director went against senior Justice Department officials who warned him his decision to renew the investigation was not consistent with the Longstanding Department practices, and could be viewed as influencing an election. Joining me now to talk about this, seema meta for the los angeles times. The Clinton Campaign seizing on this news that coma went against the Justice Department. Listen to what bobby mook had to say earlier this morning. Take a listen. This is a very concerning situation. The more information that comes out, the more overblown this entire situation seems to be. That in turn has raised more questions about that director comey from his colleagues in Law Enforcement circles to take this extraordinary step 11 days out from the president ial election. I have to tell you, theyre coming out aggressively on this one. Whats your take . Well, they are being very aggressive. And i think they have to be, because there is now theres ten days left and this leaves questions. Millions of people already voted but a lot of people going to the polls as we speak, casting their ballots today, tomorrow, the next week. And so i think they really want to get all of the information out there. Then they also have to walk a bit of a line. Lets not forget, earlier this year when comey closed the investigation and said they didnt file charges, they praised him for the being nonpartisan. They cant look like theyre trying to have it both ways. Hillary clinton insichts, all of the info has to come out and quickly. Whats the impact . All afternoon, all morning, people have been saying that comey has to clarify, has to speak up. What if he doesnt . What happens . I mean, i think it leaves a lot of questions in voters mind. The thing im really curious about, if the poll something currently favorable for Hillary Clinton, if shes elected president and this investigation is ongoing, how does that impact her transition to the white house, how does that impact her relationship with congressional republicans, which we already knew was going to be testy or difficult . Does she get that honeymoon period . I think this could have farreaching consequences. You recently wrote a thirdparty vote is a vote for clinton. How will this news play out for third party voters . Do you think this could change anything . I think the vast majority of people are decided at this point. Its oh owe whether they love them or hate them, most know what theyre doing. For the small number of people who dont know what theyre doing, you often hear from them, we really cant stand either one of those candidates. Are these the best two the country had to offer. So people who are truly undecided, this does feed into the narrative about the clintons, they are untrustwor y untrustworthy, crooked hillary, or believe theyre above the law. If if you have those existing preconceptions about the clintons, this feeds that narrative. Thats if youre on the other side and believe the clintons have been the subject of this fast right wing conspiracy as Hillary Clinton put it many years ago, this feeds that narrative that once again, theyre under attack and didnt do anything wrong. I want to ask you quickly, the email stems from an investigation into Anthony Weiners alleged six tinge, huma abedins top adviser. Do you think this could, you know, be critical for their relationship . They both hillary and bill clinton have described huma abedin as their second daughter, incredibly close to her. I have to imagine, if are i were humana, i would want to die right now. First the public humiliation and to have this happen less than two weeks before the election and to have it be tied to your estranged husbands, you know, sending pictures to possibly underage women. I dont know, obviously, whats longterm impact this is going to have on their relationship, but they have been incredibly close for a long, long time. Seema meta, political reporter for the los angeles times. We got a lot in there in a couple minutes. Thank you. Still ahead, the vote in florida. How people will react if the candidate of their choice doesnt win. On election day. Hear from a round table on this very question, next. Remember wheyou said mee superior drirs . Ye. Yeahthen howd i get this. Llste sa drivinnusc. Only allsta sends you a bonus check for evy six months youre accent free. Silenc its good to be in, good han. R over 100 yrs likeking aft has,s natural cheese you learn a lot abt what ople want. Honey, do we have li a super creamy cheese taco spice already in it . Oh, thanks. Bon appecheese okay. G new cars. Bon appecheese youre smart. You already k. But its also grt for finding e perfect us car. Youll seeeehat a fa price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre evesmarter. Is is truecar. Onlyew alkaseltzer plus justfree of artificial dyes anprervatives liquidels delivers the powerful cold symptom rief yoed without t unnecesry addiveyou dont. Alkatzer psliquelar ean up, aisle 4. Now to the battleground state of florida. Were almost 1. 4 Million People have voted early. How will they react if their candidate doesnt win in ten days . Nbc news and telemundo anchor, jose diaz. Heres part of his conversation. Annabelle, talk to me about november 9th and your candidate doesnt win. Oh, my gosh. I havent completely gained closure, even with the prospect of a trump presidency. I know that whoever becomes our next president will potentially will pick at least one Supreme Court justice. And i have a ton of feelings on that issue. I think that it was unlawful and completely unfair that a new justice wasnt appointed. But i think that we might have to watch a lot of rights be lost, individual rights, the rights for marriage equality. Especially with a republican majority in congress, as well. I think its a very scary prospect. Stephanie, at that you can to me about the 9th of november and your candidate doesnt win. Ill be thankful for the democratic process, regardless, and the opportunity we all have to vote in this country. More than that, on a personal level, i would hope that the press will continue to be as independent as i, you know, still see it as coming from a background in journalism. And beyond that, i would hope that the current president will be allowed or will see criticism from journalists in a way that will be constructive and not shut down our rights to criticize or our rights to write articles or publicize information that may be or cast him or her in a negative light. Leo, lets just say the person you support doesnt win. First of all, its going to be a very sad day and not sad day because we lost or because the other party got elected. Its going to be a sad day for all the people that dont believe in corruptive government. I mean, corruptive politicians. I mean, if you authorize everything thats been done to the other side and you give them the legitimacy to go and be a president , you actually authorize everything she has done. You are starting the path that is going to be the future. Next four years, its going to be devastating to this country. Politicians will know they can actually do stuff and get away with it. So leo, tell me how you specifically will deal with it. How will you deal with your own reality, 9th of november and 21st of january. First of all, i will accept the elections asis. This is a democracy and obviously there is fault in that. There are some bad things in democracy that a lot of people have been fed from decree media and that. We know that. But people not always know how to do the right choices for themselves. Justin, how will you feel . What can you do . You have to accept the outcome. But i think this is an opportunity for the masses, because its very clear the only support that trump has is the masses. Not the media, not the corporations, not the democratic or republican establishment. If the masses, the people, speak up, and we really can get him elected. If we dont, well have let the the establishment win. It will be sad. Ill be worried about the future of the world. The security of the world. The security of this country. The security of my family. The security of innocent people all over the world that are dealing with very, very dangerous people that want to do damage to us. That was nbc and telemundo anchor, Jose Diaz Ballard talking in aventura, florida. Who benefits the most from this, and who the real loser is in this scenario . Hear from our political strategists, next. All finish. Umm. You wouldt want you painter to quit rt way. Think you miss a spot. So when ititomes to pain relievers, whput up with ju part of a day . Aleve, live wholnort. Painter you want this color over the w house . Intercom the library [ kis now closing. ] ok kid, closing up. Goodnight. The hardest part about homework shouldnt be figuring out where to do it. Through internet essentials, comcast has connected over 3 Million People in need to lowcost internet at home. Welcome to a brighter future. Comcast. Whenbetween li and dth. Re,secoe for pars ialth, time ilife. Around the wor. People e mioft clouhelps our entire stafftay connected and Work Together in rtime help those at nee. The ability to collaborate changehow we work. Wh we do tether changes how we live. Wh we do tether welcome back. Im Sheinelle Jones here at msnbc World Headquarters in new york. At the half hour, heres what were monitoring. Hillary clinton is calling on the fbi to release more information about its review of emails that may be related to the investigation into her private server. Clinton says the American People deserve to have as much information as possible before they vote. The fbi announced it was reviewing newly discovered emails. The messages were discovered during a federal investigation of anthony weiner, the soon to be exhusband of longtime clinton aide, huma abedin. Donald trump wasted no time pouncing on this last night at a rally in des moines, iowa. Hes expected to take the stage in about 30 minutes from now in golden, colorado. Nbcs jacob rascon is there. Jacob, what do we expect to hear from him today . Reporter you know, i havent seen, sheinelle, his supporters as excited as this in a long time. A lot of the Trump Supporters dont believe the polls, but you could tell in talking to them, many were beginning to doubt whether he could win. Whether they blamed the media, whatever they blame. But everybody is all smiles, and they are just excited about this news. And one interesting thing i found in talking to many of his supporters here was that many of them tell me their faith in the member may be restored a little bit. Many tell me after the conclusion of the fbi earlier this summer, there was no criminal wrongdoing. That they lost faith in the fbi, really truly believing that there was criminal wrongdoing. Believe me, we have a quick bit of sound to play of my interaction of one of these supporters. You had lost faith in the fbi. Yes. Most of these threeletter basically, go in and clean up the crime scene. Even with 9 11, they went in and hide the evidence, wont let people look at if. If you can rob banks and somebody would come in bliehind you, thats what our organizations are doing. Reporter so we expect donald trump to do what he did yesterday, which is right off the top, talk about how he has respect for the courage, he will say, of the fbi to, right a wrong. He says maybe now justice will prevail. He is lock in step with his supporters there. And this is a fresh breath of air for many who were beginning, as i said, to doubt whether he was truly on his way to win. Nbcs jacob rascon, i think youre right. The energy is jumping through the screen there with all of those red hats. I think youre right. Thank you, jacob. Lets bring in susan del percio, republican strategist and founder of susan del percio strategies, and contributor at the huffington post. Lets dig in. I always find it fascinating when jacob talks to folks at the rallies. This almost seems like this gave trump a lifeline. Thi is something that will definitely motivate his base reporters and help him on turnout. Republicans were supporting him in the 82 number. I think that this is going to hit hard with a lot of republicans who were wavering and said maybe ill vote for her or maybe just wont vote to vote against her. It will help to get up to the 90 . The question, is that enough to make a difference. So peter, he compares this, says its bigger than watergate. Was that the right move . If youre in the Trump Campaign, whats his move here . What does he need to do . Hes been harping on the election being rigged from day one. My point is, we dont have to worry about putin and the russians. We have got director comey. And i fear that his attempt to save his reputation, really, it seems with a few congressional committees in the house is now besmirched the reputation in general. Ive talked to people in the fbi and they feel their integrity is under attack. I think the Public Opinion of the fbi, while questionable during this election cycle, it should not we should not forget what these men and women do every day for our country. They serve at the highest level. So i certainly dont lose faith in them. I think director comey was probably concerned about leaks happening, because there was a lot of concern in the ranks that enough how he handled the investigation initially with Hillary Clinton. And that there were leaks he was worried about. So he was in an impossible situation. But i wouldnt go towards judging the agency by one person. With that said, though, what do you think . Should he speak to try to clarify this . We have been talking all afternoon about the fact its almost created this vacuum. If you dont get people facts, they make them up or assume the worst. I think he should. I dont think he can. You dont think he can. I dont think he can. I think the hole is so deep for him. And if i might just say, in some ways, i dont think the republicans can gloat entirely over this. Theres often been the description of clinton supporters as being somewhat unenthusiastic. I think this is going to drive them to the polls. You think this will drive who to the polls . The clinton supporters to say were as upset as the trump people are in believing the election is rigged. Now weve got an entity of the u. S. Government interfering in a president ial election. And the question is, what do the independents do there . And thats a big question. Going to your point about comey. There is no time for him to really do anything. And even to clarify . What is there to clarify . He doesnt have the answer. He is saying there are emails out there. Basically he said that i had to ademocrat with the congress the status of the investigation. We found these emails, we dont know what they are. I need to investigate. Thats the information there. I mean, he has not said where the emails were found. That was based on sourcing. Going forward, the question i have, can trump stay on this message for ten days and not make it about him again. If its about him, she wins. If its about her im sure youre saying, look, bud happens every week. Maybe the fury in their eyes will be more intense. We talked about the Democratic Campaign since 1972. Big picture. How did we get to this point on the email server question . Can you explain it . This is insane. Its obviously, had she disclosed from the beginning, we wouldnt necessarily be right here. But we have to remember, there has been decadeslong attempts to derail both the president clinton and Hillary Clintons ambitio ambitions. So at this point, im i suspect that the house committees are going to look to get permission to build prefab housing on the white house lawn as soon as Hillary Clinton if she would have just disclosed it first. Thats really not the fundamental problem. The fundamental problem was, why did she have to have a private server, and what did she have why did she want to hide what she was doing, in her work in the state department . Thats the fundamental problem. The others have had a private server. No one was excuse me. Others have had a private email account, a gmail account. No one had a private server. Can we have this discussion right here on msnbc, and lets say nothing else happens, right . Comey doesnt fill the vacuum, no more information. What do you think as far as the outcome of the election . Will this affect the outcome, ultimately, in your opinion . I think its Hillary Clinton, its still Hillary Clintons to win. What shell probably do now is not look to expand the map. At one point she was planning on arizona. But, for example, she may just double down in florida. If she can stop trump in florida or north carolina, there are several states. If she just or ohio. If she can stop him from getting one of those states, it basically secures her the math for the electro owe. We tapdance between Trump Supporters being theus and had motivated. Hillary clinton supporters being enthused and motivated. Nobody can predict ive been doing this for 40 years. Get out the vote. Thats it. Nothing more than get out the vote. He basically has no operation. The Republican National committee has some very successful operations on the ground in certain states. They dont have the bandwidth. And im beginning to get a sense, because i was thinking about it this morning, this may be the republicans mcgovern. Mcgovern was drawing huge crowds until the very end. Until the very end, and only won one state, if i remember correctly. And one other thing to consider. The get out the vote has also been a get out the vote in early voting. 15 million votes, 17 this morning. That will go advantage clinton. They have a strong ground operation. And moving forward, for james comey, has he just been thrown under the bus here . No, hes thrown himself under the bus. Fair enough. Please. You know what, what about for people who say, he was between a rock and a hard place and felt like he didnt have a choice . The thing with comey is that you have to go back. If he had that press conference, which was so not traditional granted, the democrats at that point thought he was brilliant. Then he released the notes of the investigation. Again, another thing that was so untraditional. Then granted, i dont think anyone saw that investigating Anthony Weiners sexting scandal would lead to Hillary Clinton and no one saw that coming. But, again, now he took a step that is very untraditional in that you dont talk about ongoing investigations. You dont even admit there is an investigation. So thats the those are the three things that i think really stand out when you look at his tenure and how hes handled this case. But if hes alone with himself how will history look at me. After the fact, and then people would say, some of the Trump Supporters see, we told you. Hes not worried about what history thinks of you, its doing what you think is right. That was my point. I think he made the judgment that he was going to save himself with the cohouse congressional committees prior to the election as a shortterm gain. The problem is, its robbed america. Its robbed america of fairness. Because people on both sides are going to say, as a result of this intervention, that was not just untraditional, its basically breaks all of the rules. All the mandates from department of justice included, that this was not just unfair, but this was a travesty. And americans American Voters are the people who lose on this. And what would have been a stellar career to literally this summer. Ten more days. You cant write this stuff. Great discussion this afternoon. All right. The latino vote in nevada. What to make of polls that some voters say may be supporting republicans. And in our next hour, legal perspective on new clinton emails. What happens if she is indicted and what her options are before and after the election. Right now, a live look at a Campaign Event in las vegas. Vice president joe biden, something for Hillary Clinton and his crucial swing state. He is set to take the stage within the hour. And a poll this week found donald trump and Hillary Clinton tied in nevada. Look at this. The same poll for the Critical Senate race showed republican joe heck leading democrat Kathryn Cortes masto, 4942. Lets talk about this. Joining me hieidi harris, a trup supporter. Good day to you. Hi, good morning. Lets start with asking you first about the news of the fbi reviewing Hillary Clintons emails. How will this resonate with your listeners . I think it will be interesting to see. The people who love her dont really care what she does. The people who dont love her already think she is rotten. Whats scary, we dont know whats in those emails. It could be nothing. Whats scary to me, huma abedin gave her husband access to her computer. This is a guy who cant be trusted on the internet, obviously. I would never have shared a computer with him. To me, thats speaks to her judgment, regardless of whats in the emails. If i stick to Hillary Clinton here, since she is the one running for election. Lets move on to the latest poll numbers in the latino voting in your state. This is getting a lot of attention. That poll Shows Latino Voters leaning republican. Look at this. Latino voters shifting to trump and moving away from the first latina ever elected to the u. S. Senate. What do you make of these outcomes . It is pretty interesting. I think a lot of latinos traditionally a lot go democrat in nevada. But this year, theyre listening to what trump is saying about jobs. And even though he said some things that were kind of derogatory about latinos in certain situations which im not defending. A lot are looking at jobs and say hey, hes speaking about jobs in america. It is interesting they wouldnt go through a Kathryn Cortes masso because a lot are mad at joe heck from backing away from donald trump when his comments on tape came out. So its fascinating to watch nevada this year. The latino vote under represented this polls in your state like with harry reid in 2010, 16 polls showed his latino support at 5570 . And reid won latino voters by 90 margin. What is the nature of the latino vote in your state . More to what you were saying, we may not like the way his tone was when he talked about hispanics, but ultimately its about the jobs, or how would you categorize it here . I think it depends on whether or not people are union members. Because the Culinary Union is huge, 60,000 members at southern nevada, a lot of hotel workers, people like that and those folks tend to vote democrat. But not necessarily. This year theyre listening to trump and looking at the jobs situation, and they probably are not polled as much as as they could be and maybe its because some people dont want to take the phone calls. Or maybe theyre suspicious about pollsters. So to your point, probably a lot of them are underpolled. So you mentioned the workers, lets talk about the economy in nevada. Right now unemployment at 5. 8 , down from a post recession high of 13. 7 . The national rate, by the way, hovered around 9. 4 . Whats the overall sense from your listeners . Is the economy still the issue that matters most . I think its one of the issues that matters most, and in nevada, the difference is that the Unemployment Rate is down lower, which is very nice. But when you look at how people are faring versus how they were in 2008, they may have a job now, but they dont have anywhere near the money in the bank, if any. They dont have the equity in their houses. Theyre not making the money they were making in 2008. So those are factors that are not addressed by an Unemployment Rate alone. Thats what a lot of people are looking at. They dont feel like theyre whole and where they were eight years ago. Heidi thank you for talking with us. Good information. October surprises with an s. One guest who says we are in for more stunners the closer we get to election day. There isnt one trump voter out there who is going to stay home as a result of this. Theyre going to run to the polls and do the proverbial crawl through broken glass to get there secretary clinton support much thinner. Damaged by the obamacare premium explosions. So many october surprises. I dont think were done on either side. Lots more is going to happen. Im sure the Clinton Campaign kept the very best opo on donald trump for last. One of the most vocal republican voices predicting earlier today even more october surprises in the next ten days after the fbis announcement. Joining me is opinion editor at forbes. Hes a former advisor to the romney 2012 campaign on health care. Thank you for talking with me today. Lets deal with one october surprise at a time, if you will. With at least 17 million votes already cast. Polls during the summer showing voters had already made up their minds about the email question. How much of a gamechanger is this really . Especially when we consider undecided voters . Obviously, we dont know the severity or seriousness of what the fbi is looking at. It is a weird thing to be in a situation where you could have a president elect under criminal investigation with the fbi. Thats never happened. There is a feeling out there that one of the criticisms of Hillary Clinton is there are certain rules for elite politicians, certain rules for everybody else. The feeling is if this were anybody else doing what Hillary Clinton had done, that person would be in jail. With that said in the last hour i spoke with a former public antitrump republican steve lonigan. He told me he is now backing donald trump. Do you see others turning to trump more so with this email question again . Well, you see that movement in the polls. Donald trumps support from Republican Voters has been relatively low for republican nominee. Thats starting to inch up as we get closer to election day. So that may be what we are seeing with steve and some others. I do think donald trump is such a polarizing ndidate. There are a lot of republicans because of his liabilities arent eager to vote for him. Thats a disadvantage for him. We dont know the content of these emails. Donald trump is comparing this to the watergate scandal, but with so little information, is there a chance donald trump could be overplaying his hand here in this . Again, when you dont know whats going on, its easy to speculate. Thats why i think the Clinton Campaign said lets have the fbi put all the information out there. They are hoping thats less damaging to them than the speculation. Thats why they are frustrated by this. Again, the problem with Hillary Clinton all along has been from Bernie Sanders to today, there have been a lot of democrats and independent voters who dont trust her. If she does win in a couple of weeks, thats going to be a challenge for her as president. She has to work through a lot of these scandals. The emails are going to continue to come out over the next several months and years. What is your take director comey could have waited and pressure from republicans played into his decision, or do you think was pressure . I think hes under the microscope so much, he knew if he were to do this just before the election, he would get a lot of criticism for politics so i seriously doubt that was the reason. I think he particularly when the last time around he decided not to prosecute, i think you have to give him the benefit of the doubt and say hes doing what he thinks is right. Thank you for talking with me today. That will do it for me this hour. Im Sheinelle Jones. At the top of the hour my colleague katy tur live in golden, colorado, where donald trump is set to speak. Stunning news after the fbi announced its reviewing more emails related to Hillary Clintons personal server. Onhose w dare ive theworlforwd. New cars. Re smart you ready kn that. But its also great for fiin the rft used car. Yoll see what a fa pri is, and you can connecwi a truecar certified aler. Now yore en smter. This is trueca warms bting fit hetburn fa. With ts ewy deligh. The mouthwatering soft chew at goes to work ises to conquer heartrnas tutum tum. Chewy delights. Onlyroms. Hello from the wild west. Im katy tur here in golden, colorado. Donald trump has just taken the stage just down the road from where i am speaking to you. Lets listen to what hes talking about right now. We have something so important to talk about. You got to get those ballots in, right . I was goi

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