Requesting. Occasionally as well, yes. Now, before you is who . Amanda berry, gina dejesus and Michele Knight. And this is the now wellknown commercial production of their thank you statement that was shot from that video. Yes. Is that how they appeared to you on that day or the initial days . No. What was different . As i mentioned, the women had made dramatic recoveries, i believe, physically and psychologically. So their initial appearance to be was considerably more dire. The photo of Michele Knight thats on the screen before you now, do you recognize the place and location of that photo its photograph taken at metro hospital. So thats how she appeared the night of may 6th . Correct. Thank you. And this photo would be from what point in time . This would be the day or day after that point, may 7th or possibly may 8th. Now, this progression of amanda berry, do you recognize these tos . Yes. Do you recognize the place of that photo metro hospital. And this photo . Thats the fbi office. Thats may 7th. Now this triplicate progression of gina dejesus. Do you recognize the date and place of this photo. May 6th, metro hospital. This photo. May 7th, Cleveland Police office. Thank you be special agent. Judge, may i ask real quickly. Certainly. Do you mind . Yes. You have until 11 30. Thank you. Agent burke, you were directed by mr. Thomas through a letter that was found which was allegedly written by mr. Castro on april 4th of 2004. Do you recall that . I do. Youre familiar with that document. Youve read it, im sure several times, is that correct . I have read it several times, yes. And you would agree with me then based on your familiarity with the document that despite the circumstances, he did explain in that letter to whoever was eventually going to read it as to how these abductions occurred and he expressed remorse for his conduct, is that correct . I believe in the letter wrote something to the effect that he was sorry for his conduct. And i think that part of this too was he was unsure but certainly believed that he expressed in this letter he was sick and mentally ill and other than that he had no explanation for why he could possibly do Something Like this. Would you agree he wrote that . Yes. In essence you know that it does seem to imply if you would agree with me that this may have been a message, i guess for lack of a better word, a suicide letter, there was that sort of impression, we know that ultimately he didnt kill himself, but he did give that impression that it was a suicide type note. Would you agree with that . I dont know that i would concur that it was written as a suicide note. It did not give me that immediate impression. Thank you. I dont have anything further. Thanks. State will next call deputy david jacobs. Good morning, everybody im Thomas Roberts here at msnbc headquarters in new york. Were listening to the sentencing hearing, the testimony thats taking place there for ariel castro who has pleaded guilty to 937 charges. You were just listening to andrew burke of the fbi and his testimony showing graphic pictures of the home the women were treated in and kept in. Now well listen to a local deputy who investigated from the sheriffs department. Im assigned to the Violent Crimes force. Were you deputized . I have a special deputy u. S. Marshall commission and im also commissioned by the special agent in charge of the Cleveland Division by the fbi. In the interest of time were you involved or assigned to the investigation of ariel castro on may 7th, 2013 . Yes. Did you develop a strategy for that interrogation taos how you intended to proceed . I did. What was it . My strategy for the interrogation was to be nonconfrontational, to obtain information from mr. Castro that would meet the elements of the crimes that we thought that he may be charged with in the near future. Were you going into it in an attempt to brow beat him or be confrontational with him . Not at all. Did you administer miranda rights to him . Yes, i did. Did he read and sign a written form of miranda rights . Yes. At the conclusion of that process did he execute a three page summary statement of the course of that interrogation as to his core admissions of conduct yes, he did. There were two interviews i conducted. One was may 7th, second was may 8th. Second day we took a written statement from mr. Castro. Briefly i just want to approach, your honor, and show him states 11. Do you recognize this document, three pages . Yes, do i. Thats the written statement we took from ariel castro on may 8th, 2013. Now, can you describe how mr. Castro interacted with you in terms of if you pose ad question or a statement to him, was he in engagement with you during this interrogation. Was he responsive to your question yes. Surprisingly he was very his answers were very stuuccinct. When i asked him a question he answered the question. Typically when you ask an incriminating question you may not get the answer. I felt that ariel castro, when the question was posed to him ncry m incriminating questions, he answered those questions. Was he beating around the bush . No. Have you prepared some notes that are a condensation of the high points of the course of this interrogation. I have. Would you take us through in a narrative fashion, please. Okay. There were certain things that stood out throughout the interviews both days may 7th and may 8th that ariel castro had talked about. The way the interview was formatted was i thought that we should start with Michele Knight, she was the first person that was abducted in this case. We then went to amanda berry and then we went to gina dejesus. As it was formatted, we felt that it would be a lot easier to control the interview and gain the facts if we specifically talked about the incidents surrounding michele, amanda and gina separately. Ultimately we did that. Mr. Castro admitted throughout the interview to us on each occasion how he took the girls. He indicated that he had extensive conversations with the girls surrounding the time that he did abduct them. In his own words he used the word abduct. He referenced himself in the interview as a sexual predator. I asked him at that point, what do you consider, what a sexual predator is. He said somebody that continually repeats offenses. I asked him if it was a one time incident, how would he reference himself, he rear fed to that as a sexual offender. Did he use the phrase im a criminal. Yes, de. To put that in context, i also conducted interviews with his mother and his brother oneal. To put that statement in context, it was in reference to his brothers lack of involvement in this entire situation. Okay. From the totality of the investigation is there any reason to believe his brothers had any knowledge of what he was up to . In my opinion, no. And that is support by the descriptions of the victims that it was mr. Ariel castro and mr. Ariel castro alone that conducted this scheme against them . Yes. Now, why would he do what de . Did he tell you why he was abducting young women off the streets of cleveland de. We initially talked about how he did it which i explained a little bit earlier. Then we got into why he did it and his response was to purely satisfy his sexual needs. The circumstances surrounding him taking the girls was explicit to us it was to satisfy his sexual needs. Did he tell you whether or not he knew what he was doing and these acts were wrong . Absolutely. During the interview he said, you know, other than the fact that im the criminal. I knew what i did was wrong. He said that more than once. Did he explain why he had an obsession . He did. We talked about the gun for a short period of time. If my recollection is correct he got the gun from his father who had passed away and it was part of his collection or in his possession. He actually in his own words he said i used i showed the gun to the girls as a form of control. And are you aware he used the gun as a form of control to play russian roulette with his victim . I did learn that and that came through the victim statements, the second day that i interviewed him i asked him if this incident actually took place. His response was that he didnt recall, but if the girls said it then it probably happened. All right. And he played a trust game, he handed an empty revolver to a young woman, put to it my head, pull trigger, if its gods will i die ill die. Did he play that game yes he did. What was the purpose of that game . Im not completely familiar on the context of that interview. Was it part of his gamesmanship of seeing who he could trust and how far . I believe so, yes. Now did you reach a compelling point in this interview where he said something that he admitted he did, in essence, in cold blood. In his own words the first day i interviewed him which was may 7th we were talking about ginas abduction and that day his story was that he had gone to Wilbur Wright to see his daughter arlene also known as rosy. A short time later he observed rosy walking with gina. They were together. By the time he turned around on lorain road they were separate. His daughter was walking on the south side of lorain, westbound and gina was continuing to walk eastbound on the south side of lorain. He said i did a coldblooded thing on my daughter that day. He said that i drove past my daughter to get to gina. Did he ever offer any remorse about his conduct . He did not. He was given the opportunity the second day we interviewed him prior to me taking the written statement. I had explained to him that i wanted the statement to be in his words and if there was something that he wanted put in the statement to include an apology i would accommodate that. He did not take that opportunity and one of the last things i did say to him on may 8th after staking the statement is there anything you can say or do to the family that would make things better, there was no response. Have you seen mr. Castro in court here today . Yes. Would you point to him and describe what hes wearing. Hes sitting at the table wearing an orange jump suit. Would the record reflect the identification of ariel castro. It will, but it seems unnecessary that point. Showing you state exhibit 17 do you recognize what this cdr represents as a copy of the interrogation . It represents there was a video and audio taken of both times that mr. Castro was interrogated. Thank you. No further questions. Just one question. These interviews, sir, they were taken by you through the advice of counsel, lawyers . Yes. You went to see him and he completely cooperated with you, didnt he . To use the word completely i dont think thats accurate. I believe that, if i can describe it, he did cooperate. I felt that some of the elements of the crime were minimized, but he was very cooperative throughout the interview. Talked himself into convictions. Yes. He wasnt hesitant, he told you what happened from his perspective no he wasnt. Thank you. Your honor the state would next present dr. Gregory were listening to dave jacobs deputy they are affirmative the fbi and Cleveland Bureau right there talking about the interviews he conducted with ariel castro, referring to him as cooperative, not beating around the bush and referring to himself as a sexual predator and admitted to abducting these women, even gina dejesus who was friends with his daughter said he did a coldblooded thing to his daughter when he abducted gina after being with his daughter. You practice forensic psychiatry . Correct. For whom . University of virginia. So gross. Well you didnt use pam, so it looks like youre stuck with me. [ female announcer ] bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. Thats why theres pam. [ female announcer ] bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. Hereto a dinner from walmart fastfood can save you over 760 a year. The average fastfood dinner costs over 6. 50 per meal. A meal made with kraft recipe makers costs less than 3. 10 a serving. 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Is there anybody else in the fbi or your personal professional experience that matches the course of conduct displayed by mr. Castro in these sets of defenses . No. Hes in a class one by himself . Certainly there are cases where there have been longer term abductions and the like but the specific nature of this, to abduct and to keep unrelated, this number of unrelated victims for this lean of time in a, within a neighborhood setting is completely unprecedented. Turning to the next topic within your report, castro functions as selection of victims and methodical use of torture, psychological and environmental manipulation represented a calculated captivity. Would you explain that statement. Yes. Mr. Castro used or he stated in his fbi interview that his selection of victims was impulsive in nature. In fact, there was a pattern of behavior, always on the same street. These victims were similar in terms of their stature. Their age. They were female. And they also were very trusting. His use of ruses to get them in his vehicle and his house. Once there, over the years, he exposed them to significant degradation and violence which has already been described. He forced control in the most intimate and private functions of their lives which include food, bathing and toileting. Very a complete and comprehensive captivity. Now you next topic throughout the period of captivity ariel castro engaged in constant duplicity of family and neighbors in order to maintain control. Why was that significant to you . This is the most significant part of the case, i think that someone would be able to go on year after year be able to devise ways to conceal the situation from family, friends, neighbors for a time. He maintained a relationship with a girlfriend who was completely unaware he had these women in the house. His use of wigs which has already been described as playing music loud in the house. And he was musician but playing music sometimes to mask any potential for the women to be heard over the music were examples. The use of alias, making sure the daughter learned the names, all contrived to conceal this protracted captivity. Now, did he, in your view of materials, make any claim to anyone professionally that he needed medical help or treatment, Mental Health treatment . No. In fact, hes not diagnosed by the court clinic with having any Mental Health condition, correct . His competency assessment was done by one of the most respected psychiatrists in the country and he found no psychiatric illness whatsoever. Now, in this point number three you make mention of a quote by mr. Castro that he found significant. Yes. What was it . Its actually in that sections one was a statement in this document of 4 april 2004 in which he stated i live a private life, i function around others like a normal person. In fact, he appeared to have done that and was able to live this life around family and friends without them suspecting. Theres a with regard to the duplicity in the document in my discussion with colleagues they were struck with the fact that in the document he made a statement i had no idea gina was so young, she looks a lot older. We certainly know he was aware gina was a classmate of his daughter, he knew his daughters age and, therefore, to make that statement i had to idea gina was so young she looks a lot older caused some skepticism i think in the minds of those who were reviewing the document as to whether or not he was being truthful in writing the document and making the statements that he made. Based on the entire totality of the information that hes been provide do you have any professional reason to believe that if ever given his freedom again mr. Castro would not go back to his old way . No. Why do you say that . Well, the duplicity was so complete in terp of his ability to fool his family, friends and girlfriend who he maintained a relationship with over time. The fact that he was able to construct this kind of situation day in and day out as he said in his statement living a normal life i think is quite significant. He appeared to certainly have a lot of emotion and attachment to his home but whether or not theres true remorse with regard to the victims, thats a great question. Thank you. We would next call dr. Frank have a few questions. I know theres a time confrant but its kind of important. Doctor, you understand that mr. Castro was tested for competency only, wasnt the evidenced for psychiatry disorder, dont you yes. Okay. Thats what the doctor who gave such respect, to dr. Resknick, he examined him for one purpose, and one purpose only it was for competency . Correct. Competency is different than sanity at the time of the act . Correct. And you reported in your report based upon materials in review, what materials did you actually review . I reviewed, as i mentioned at the beginning of my testimony, the transcripts of the recordings. I reviewed the competency document. I reviewed Court Documents related to the apprehension charge documents. I was asked to i wrote this letter yesterday. This was not a formal exam, obviously and i didnt have the opportunity to examine mr. Castro. You never spoke mr. Castro or the ladies, the girls . Correct. Did you review the recent fbi statement or the interrogation that mr. Castro under went yes. With the fbi not with the gentleman mr. Jacobs who was just here correct. Okay. And did you review the letter that mr. Castro allegedly wrote . On 4 april 2004 . Yes. He certainly talked about he believes he suffered from mental illness, right . States. Mr. Thomas just asked you ab dever say he needed help, he talked about04 in a l he wrote, didnt he . He wrote i am a sexual predator who needs help but i dont bother to get it. He talked about being sexually abused himself when he was a child, right . Yes. He talked about an addiction to masturbation and pornography. Yes. Does that excuse his conduct in this case . No. Thank you. Thank you. Were listening to the testimony there of the forensic psychiatrist who was work the fbi who evaluated the evidence against ariel castro saying that this was a completely unprecedented case. Well take a quick break and well be back after this. Im gonna give jimmy some honey maid Teddy Grahams to snack on. Are they actually made with real fruit and eight grams of whole grain . Does a bear make sparkly hats for dogs . Yes. Yes, he does. Sprinkle him teddy. [ mom ] yea, give it more sparkles. [ male announcer ] your kids make great things. So give them a tasty, wholesome snack that has eight grams of whole grain and is now made with real strawberries and bananas. Honey maid Teddy Grahams. Two new flavors now made with real fruit. We want to the get you back inside to this fascinating testimony against ariel castro. Hes plead guilty to 937 charges. This is an expert in trauma science and ptsd. And lets start with number one. What were your findings, how were these women hurt . These women were hurt in many ways. I think i whittled it down to three. First repeated episodes that were terrifying and were the kind of trauma that we mean when we define post traumatic disorder, the kind of trauma you dont escape for years. Smells, touches that come back to you years later when youre away, the Twilight Zone in sleep and sometimes you feel youre going crazy because your mind is working in a way this is not a normal memory. This is different type of circuitry. Its medical. Its physical the. Its extreme anxiety. They have that. That was terror induced state of mind. They had an entirely different dimension which i would call degradation, defilement, dehumanization. Not quite the same as being placed in shock but being treated as an animal. Being systematically and relentlessly deprived of your sense of self, your sense of dignity, your connection to others. And that has to do with not having access to sanitary facilities. The way youre fed, your chained for a long, long time. Then finally they were deprived. They were deprived of mother, of family, of home, of school, of ten years in which you make your transition from being a young woman to being a woman and that kind of deprivation isnt the same as being shocked and degraded. Part of what that does is it plays with your ability to not only trust, this is in which human being is developing the capacity for real intimacy. This was not real intimacy. This was a perversion. And, doctor, did he do additional damage through some of his actions against these women . Well, of course. Whether he believed in his own mind or whether he feigned in believing it, he tried to produce the thought that this daughter was the love child not a product of forced sex in captivity. And when that happens, theres something that goes on in the minds and for a period of time we linebacker a real appreciation of what is real and what isnt. We become bonded to the person who is against us and i can explain it very quickly. Whether youre suddenly captured and the moment you realize i am in the presence of someone who can kill me and who makes me feel as who i will be killed, makes like an infant. Then when youre treated so you cant sleep, you cant use a toilet, you cant move without explicit permission youre infantilized and then little by little you get what you need to survive. Then consciously or unconsciously you deny this is the person who did this to you and then you start to feel like a baby with your mother as the first person of nourishment of life itself. The body of science to that person, the illness you have to your own biological mother. Thats the stockholm syndrome. You dont do it consciously and ive interviewed scores and scores who had this syndrome and different circumstances. And, doctor, how did these women cope . What were you able to determine by these interviews, by the information that was provide towed that they were able to cope for 13,226 days before their escape . First of all, among them are marvelous compelling examples of resiliency, of imagination, of humanity. I would start with michele. What an extraordinary human being. She served as doctor, nurse, pediatrician, mid wife. She did the delivery. She had a child herself. She did it under primitive circumstances. When that little baby wasnt breathing she breathed into that baby. She brought life to that child. And she also had circumstances in which she used herself so gina wouldnt get the assault and took it. Shes a very courageous and heroic individual. And imagine trying to raise a child under these circumstances and to teach that child values and faith and schooling and there were times when there was interaction among them and by and large that interaction showed the milk of humankindness, love, faith, optimism. So they coped. Part of it was stockholm syndrome and part of it is the person analytical and character they had. Doctor, what is their future . Well, ive said very good things about them and as a doctor who treats i want to be on the side of optimism and encouragement and hope for them. But the damage that was done does not go away. They have life sentences. This was not trivial. I think they will, with the love and support of this whole community and what they bring to the table they have a good chance to have a good life. But that doesnt mean that they will ever be free of the damage that was done. And would you agree with me, doctor, that their injury is that of permanent injuries yes. Thank you. No thank you, your honor. Well be recess for ten minutes. Well see you all at 11 50. While we continue to watch whats taking place there you see a smiling ariel castro as were just hearing from the doctor there, who testified about the trauma signs involved in the interviews he conducted with the three victims of ariel castro. And the most telling of his testimony is saying that these women they will have life sentences. While he talked about the optimism that they have shown resiliency in the fact that they have been free and have each other and amanda berry was able to raise a child with faith and education in these circumstances, that while they have a good chance there is no predictor these women will ever be fully successful in their lives because of the trusting issues that they had to develop with their captor through all of this. Its a fascinating look and really disgusting and disturbing when we see the pictures of what happened inside. The home there on cleveland avenue or in cleveland, excuse me, and joining me now the prosecutor former fbi profile r chris van zant. This is the sentencing hearing of these. Hes pled guilt i of 937 charles. How unusual is to it go through all of this because were on the eighth witness here. Yeah. Its a good question. One of the notes i was writing to myself was to make a comment about how unusual this is. Guilty pleas, generally not only dont have witnesses, they dont have lots of witnesses. And a typical case would have the prosecutor reading the Police Report into the record and the judge would say to the defendant, do you agree that those folks would be proved against you at trial, the defendant says yes and the judge pronounces guilt and sentencing follows. I do think this case is unusual for a number of reasons including that there are so many counts that hes pleading argumenty to so many counts so you want the record to reflect on some level. Calling witnesses helps to do that in an organized fashion. But i also think its important because the whole world is watching this case. That it serves the Public Interest to have folks with Specialized Knowledge help us understand this and then we all can process a little bit better and i think particularly important stuff that weve yet to hear is directly from the victims themselves. Were starting to hear about the trauma. Its so incomprehensible that the english language is inadequate to give us words to describe our own feelings much less how these young women must feel. Its so important as a Public Service for this to be drawn out in a bit teen give us as much information as we can so that we can all move forward with a good understanding of how this happened. You make a great point well hear the victim impact statements coming up shortly as we hear the testimony from those who investigate this case. The other voice we heard is from ariel castro himself inside court. Take a look. I would like to apologize to the victims. I would like to apologize to the victims is what he said there. Clint, weve been hearing from witnesses, especially the testimony of dave jay corks the Deputy Sheriff work within the fbi Cleveland Bureau, going over the evidence in all of this. And then also having the doctor on, the forensic psychiatrist saying there hasnt been any example of remorse that has been shown and we certainly heard that from the fbi deputy as well, that he was given a chance, cass to the apologize or make some formal statement in the evidence and he never did that. We did get a chance to hear more about the words that ariel castro used to refer to himself as a sexual predator. Also used the words to abduct, the word abduct about how he captured these three young women and he was fully conscious aware of the world, the environment he was created even the fact this blows my mind there was a barter system created in the house if the girls achieved certain status points he would give them money that they then could ask him to go buy them things outside of this macro existence that want he set up for them. Well, really, thomas, this is a guy who was, you know, somewhat of a master of this. This is no dummy. He graduated from high school. He had a c average. He had lengthy history of abusing his former common law wife, beating her. He refined his skills. This is a sexual predator, a sociopath who has gotten for lack of a better term better each time he did one of these. He started refining his skills on his common law wife and then his first kidnapped victim, his second and third. Thomas when you read his statement, in the statement that he gave to law enforcement, he almost suggested that the victims had some responsibility that they came willingly with him and then he suggests the First Physical contact he may have had with one or more victims was consensual on their part. I mean this guy is living in this terrible, horrible fantasy and what i find interesting in the testimony, thomas, is i see former colleagues in the fbi, you have to get up there and you have to testify unemotional. But this is probably one of the more emotional occasions that weve seen on television in a long time. You know, i was in vietnam 365 days. I thought that was a long time. These women were held prisoner 3,650 days longer than any p. O. W. In vietnam that we know of and they were tortured and they were humiliated but they were manipulated. This guy used every trick in the book to make them compliant victims and were just so fortunate that there is recovery on the horizon. But thomas its been said, ten years of relearning what the world is about, relearning how to trust people. I dont know that you ever get past that. These women are saefrg life sentence themselves. Thats exactly how the doctor, the last person to testify just said that exact same thing they have life sentences, and luckily they have their families surrounding them now trying to bring them back to complete all those stolen years for amanda, gina and michele. Wendy thank you, clint thank you. Well take a quick break and well be back with much more after this. Tch out fastfood lunch just twice a week you can save over 470. 00 bucks a year. 470 bucks. Thats a ton of money. Yeah. Save on hot pockets sandwiches backed by the low price guarantee. Walmart. Im in my work van, having lunch, next minute im in the back of an ambulance having a heart attack. The emts gave me bayer aspirin. It helped save my life. I was in shape, fit. I did not see it coming. My doctor recommends i take bayer aspirin to help prevent another heart attack. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Ive lived through a massive heart attack. I dont take life for granted. See your doctor and get checked out. So in the state of florida, Governor Scott is calling for an apology for the comments of reverend jesse jackson. Tension escalated between the two on tuesday when the reverend called a group called the dream defenders protesting the stand your ground law outside the Governors State capitol office. During the speech the reverend called it the selma of our time. Governor scott who himself met with the dream defenders in the early days of their protests fired back saying, it is unfortunate he would come to florida to insult floridians at a time when we are striving for unity and healing. Joining me now, reverend jesse jackson, president of the rainbow coalition. Governor scott is demanding an apology from you because you called florida the apartheid state shortly after the zimmerman verdict. Other Top Republicans including the Florida House speaker are picking up those comments. State representative mike hill, a newly elected black representative went as far as to say your comments are a disgrace. Do you feel that you went too far in your statement or was that the reaction you were trying to seek . Florida is 16 black. 1 in 4 black for riddians have lost the right to vote because of disenfranchisement laws. You look at the disparity in education and health care and jobs. Those are apartheidlike symbols. Unfortunately whats driving the issue in florida is a stand your ground laws lit by the young dreamers and prison to school to prison pipeline, as well as use of race profiling. Those issues should be dealt with by this legislature. You bring you stand your ground. Last year the Tampa Bay Times did an analysis, found conflicting evidence of Racial Injustice with black victims 73 of defendants faced no penalty, with a white victim 59 faced no penalty but when the paper focused on the race of the gun plen in fatal cases, we see black defendants went free 66, whites went free 61 of the time. What i think in florida today, while in the case of zimmerman, a murderer walks free because of the standards raised by stand your grounds, and ornd a woman in prison in jacksonville who shot in the air to deflect her husband from approaches her again. Shes in jail for 20 years. Just the december parrot in this application is an issue all by itself. We have 200 years of common law on defend yourself if youre under pressure. Heres the case where an adult armed followed a child who was unarmed against the advice of the patrollers he went forward and the child was killed. He walked away 44 days without a trial. The whole world sees that for what it is. The prosecutor tried to avoid the issue of race and the jury ignored it. It is too real to be ignored. I would think that those basic segregation, apartheapartheid, disparity laws, dont use me as a side issue. If you are trying to attract attention to the issue, work with scott and others within the legislature there in florida, do you think that your words are going to help create the unity necessary to have the democratic dialogue, to take on stand your ground laws if youre using words like the apartheid state and referencing florida that way. Disparity, segregation, apartheid means the same thing. Look at the Health Care Data on blacks in florida or look at the job data or look at access to capital data. Look at access to education data. They are a part. They are apart. They are separate. They are not equal. When the heat p t orlando wean. Buthe field is not even. It is iis separate, it is unfair. Im anxious to talk with the governor about it. I dont want to bring i mention George Wallace. A reporter said will he ever change . I say well, George Wallace did. There was one George Wallace who blocked the doors. One George Wallace when he came back, George Wallace had nor blacks in his cabinet than any other governor in the south. I remember meeting with him on several occasions. Because when he changed, alabama began to change. I think that were all open to change if we choose to do and be better. Reverend jesse jackson, sir, thanks for explaining your remarks and lets hope you try to repair and keep open that dialogue with Governor Scott. Keep hope alive. Thank you, sir. The other big story weve been following this hour is coming to us out of ohio. Thats the sentencing phase of ariel castro who hads pled guilty to 937 charges against him. Weve seen eight different witnesses take the stand. They are in a short recess there but the last person to testify was a person who specializes in trauma science, dr. Frank ochberg, who talked about the fact that castro created this environment and deprived these women of everything in their lives and only allowed him to be the person they had to depend on. Fear and depend on him all at the same time and saying that no matter what happens to castro with this sentencing phase, those three victims have life sentences. Now with alex wagner is next. Republicans dont have a plan b, and john boehner doesnt seem to have a plan a. Its thursday, august 1st, and this is now. As Congress Prepares for its hard won month long august recess ahead of a looming fiscal fight in the fall, the two parties do not seem to be on the same page or really even reading from the same book. Im willing to work with republicans on reforming our Corporate Tax code. Cutting red tape makes sense. It creates jobs and puts more money into your wallet. Weve got to have a serious, steady, longterm, american strategy to reverse the longterm erosion of middle class security. The doctotodoctors office i last place anyone would want to find the irs. Indeed. As the president focuses on middle class jobs and the Long Term Health of the american economy, House Republicans are spending last few days before break voting on a grab bag of partisan goodies, or as the Washington Post calls them, scandal bills. There is the stop irs act. There is the stop playing on citizens cash act. And there is the crown jewel of scandalvilles the keep the irs off your health care act, a bill that will allow republicans to cast their 40th vote to repeal the Affordable Care act. According to speaker john boehner, that is all much more productive than anything the president might be doing. Were not just over

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