0 made it because he had ideas. >> so what is the rnc's reaction to this and how do you home to see and convince bob dole that this is the party he originated with? >> i have a tre mendmendous res for him and what he's done. i think what we're seeing about the house and the senate is fantastic. our members are out there making issue -- putting issues on the front burner, whether it's the effort that speaker boehner and the house republicans led last week to keep student rate loans -- interest on those loans low. helping out small businesses. trying to put people back to work. that's fantastic. i think what we're seeing in the senate is a lot of our members fighting over ideas. how do we agree the budget deficit that the administration has piled on us or address the out of control debt. so, yes, are we out there fighting it over issues and how to best solve them? absolutely. but i think senator dole would have a place in this paefrmt he clearly still does. we're going to keep broadening that. and as you broaden the party, yeah, we'll bring in people dwhoenlt necessarily think 100% the same way, but that's a very healthy thing for the party to undergo if we're going grow and win. i'm excited with where we're going and you're seeing a huge unification, frankly, from one scandal to another when it comes to the scan dard that's out there. >> you guys are in concert with that about the controversy. darrell issa showing more documents, most of them targeting hillary clinton's aide. is there more about undermining hillary clinton's possible run in 2016 and a hope for presidential shop and actually getting real answers in benghazi. >> let me correct one thing. i don't think we want answers. i think the american people deserve an answer. there's a lot of unanswered things that say look the other way, you don't need to know. when you have a situation in which the secretary of state was very forceful about what went on that night and what they call the a. rmt b., the accountability review board doesn't interview her in the report, i think there are questions that weren't being answered. so i think they're legitimate questions that have to be asked. for each one of these instances, there seems to be this lack of leadership that says i wasn't involved or i recused myself. if there's not an answer, there's a responsibility of lawmakers, and it's coming from both sides. this is not a republican thing. this is a american thing, bipartisan thing. everyone saying we'd like to know the extent of these things, how far they were known, who knew what, when did they know it, what did they do in response to it. there frankly are a lot of questions with respect to all of these issues. >> rnc communications director shaun spicer. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> joining me now is a top dep carat on the budget committee. it's great to have you here. >> grade to be here. >> i know you heard shaun spicer here. what do you think when we say he's had that oversight. is there still more to be answered as shaun spicer would say that america wants? has more wants. answers have not been transparent enough? >> well, thomas, when it comes to the benghazi issue, the administration has provided thousands of documents, taken lots of testimony. right now this is a political exercise by darrell issa and the republicans. with know that by looking at the fact that karl rove is already running television advertisements against hillary clinton. i mean if that's not an obvious sign that their real objective is to try to muddy up hillary clinton, i don't know what is. the other very telling fact is they've refused to call. both thomas pickering and former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff admiral mullins have sumly asked to testify before the american people in front of the american people, but apparently chairman issa wants to do it behind closed doors. my concern is they'll filter some of information like they have with the e-mails. no information has come out of these hearings since the accountability review board. >> sir, when benghazi was going on, that kind of got blown off the map or at least complimented by the issue. now we have an nbc report finding that the higher-ups within irs did know. lois lerner pleaded the fifth. is there any chance this blows over or do democrats have a real problem on their hands come next year? >> well, thomas, the irs issue is an issue everybody wants to get to the bottom of. clearly there was wrongdoing there. clearly what happened was unacceptable. and so we need to get the facts and get to the bottom of it. it's also equally clear that the white house was not involved in any way. and see you have a situation to get to the bottom of. irv nould not be in an exempt status is doing something to do with work or educational work because that puts them in a very difficult position. we should change that. we should require more disclosure when it comes to political campaigns. but just to get back to your earlier point, thomas, in terms of the republican party and your statement, i do think bob dole's statements were very telling and you see this de-vicks happening right now where you've about gone ted corruption and a vote blocking the effort to try to negotiate an agreement. we want speak irboehner to agree to go to conference on the budget to try to iron out these differences so we can move forward on the economy and deal with the long-term deficit. >> sir, thanks for taking time out for me. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we want to bring you up to speed, tell you more of this breaking news we're getting out of afghanistan. militants have launched a coordinated attack on a guest house used by a red cross. suicide started at the gates. two more insurgents entered the building and are now in a fire fight with security forces. police say several working for the red cross have been rescued. in a tweet red cross confirms an incident has taken plats. former congressman anthony weaner asks for another shot, this time as a winner. can he when, the surprising reout of 12 16r. we're going to check in with an provider for the latest in the republican race for the white house. there's bounty select-a-size. it's the smaller powerful sheet. one select-a-size sheet of bounty is 50% more absorbent than a full size sheet of the leading ordinary brand. use less with bounty select-a-size. of the leading ordinary brand. everybody has different ideas, goals, appetite for risk. you can't say 'one size fits all'. it doesn't. that's crazy. we're all totally different. ishares core. etf building blocks for your personalized portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal.