Reset works. Lets see if this one qualifies. Trump Shuffles Team late in the game. Okay. Very good. All right. Did you rehearse this . No. Its pretty good. Heres something also. Come on, this is not looking good. A few u. S. Swimmers, is it herald ford jr. May need to hire you as their attorney. Do you have a theory . I never had a gun pointed to my face. Maybe you forget how it was pointed, how close it was. Or the appallgist herald ford. You were accused for being for mr. Bannon. I was. When we walked off the set you said you were getting absolutely pounded on twitter. Says campaign rookie, you had a lot of people saying this is the worst guy in the world. Most horrible human being ever and then we saw an article saying this is the most dangerous man like in the westernhemisphere. I never met bannon. He has been heavily covered. He has been heavily covered. Is he as bad as everyone says he is . He certainly is a controversial figure to someone we have never worked. To be at the top of one with 75 days to go. T the. I saw dana lowe she was not a leftwing supervisor. Hes got detractors. He has detractors not just on the left, but on the right. Its fascinating. Good morning, its thursday, august 18th. You know, in connecticut, kids dont go to school until like october. Down in florida, theyre already back in school. Texas, tennessee, as well. They start early august. I dont get it. I kind of like, actually, the first day after labor day. It seems right. You get to go to camp, joe. Yeah, exactly. Speaking of camp, mika has the morning off. She is in fashion camp somewhere in French Riviera and with us on set managing editor Mark Halperin and kasie hunt and former democratic congressman recently engaged is is the case. Mention it, again. Well keep mentioning it. Also the man that taught me that brevity is the soul of wit. Richard hass. Washington anchor for bbc world news America Katty Kay and josh green. Josh, i think youre the man who wrote that steve bannon was the worst human being on the planet. Ill paraphrase. Light paraphrase. I wrote that he is the most dangerous political operative in america. Not clear if hes most dangerous to republicans or democrats or maybe both. Someone who has spent a lot of time with bannon that he is the distilled essence of donald trump in a nutshell. Isnt that something . I guess, katty, of donald trump being praised yesterday in some quarters certainly for a reset, but certainly doesnt Kellyanne Conway. Most people think she did very good on the plane talking to donald trump and moderating some of the sharper edges of the message. But doesnt sound like that is the case with dobannon. He is being described as trumpier than trump. I didnt think that was possible. As we said yesterday, this looks like trump reducts. More of the same thing we are going to be getting. Rare day on the calendar yesterday as donald trump went without holding a rally or speaking to the press except for a pretaped interview to the press. He held a roundtable with advisors at trump tower to discuss what Police Departments can do fighting terrorism. His decision to restruck to the campaign. Trump elevated Kellyanne Conway and added steve bannon. In a campaignwide memo the changes made for an exciting day for team trump going on to clarify. I remain the Campaign Chairman and chief strategist providing the Big Picture Campaign vision. In his new role, steve will bring to the campaign a businesslike daytoday leadership approach to the ceo position that is reflective of our leader, donald trump. Kelly ap kellyanne provide Senior Leadership on the road with the traveling campaign. Embracing the shakeup and what they see as two onmessage teleprompter guided speeches in recent days. Jason miller told the Washington Post yesterday if youre watching cable news shows, you can make the case this was the best morning for us in weeks. Yesterday conway said trump would keep the focus on clinton to win back republicans. Some of the voter has been among republicans. Those are republicans saying i diddant necessarily like the last couple weeks and i wanted you to know that. I like when you take on Hillary Clinton. There are two people you need to take on. If you want to throw the main stream media in there once a while, go ahead. This is like a tennis match and you look across the net and you keep lobbing with her. You dont pick a fight and boo the crowd. Focus on her, she is very real. We should probably also talk about her numbers. Hillary clinton has reverse gender gap. Doing so poorly with men almost everywhere. They dont like her, they dont trust her and they do not want her to be president of the United States and commander in chief. It is very much in our sights. That sounded like herald ford a campaign professional. Im just seeing a little, im a little off kilter this morning. That sounds like what you would want a Republican Campaign manager to say in the middle of a Republican Campaign. And thats just such a shock. And she also spoke truth to trump, which is, hey, if youre out on the court, dont yell at the ref and dont shout at the crowd and dont get mad at your own teammates. Lob the ball back across the court. Flooding public space with more criticism and negative criticism towards hillary and trying to keep him focused. That second part could be a challenge. The first part is something shes good at. I dont agree with kellyanne on a lot of things, but i have respect for her. Putting her in a position to make big decisions. Whatever the vision stuff he says hes doing is a positive. People have to recognize that what we thought would happen in this campaign earlier is happening now. Certainly is, again, with kellyanne. We dont know, steve bannon if she has a hand in his message, its going to be a big, big plus up, kasie. Based on what we heard right there and what we have seen over the last 20 years with her. She has credibility, its rare in this posttea party and intense credibility on the right, and she does. As well as with establishment republicans, which she does. You saw demonstrated there. You said, yes, she did speak some truth to trump and she did make it seem that she called him out for a mistake. Which is a very narrow line to walk. Very important if you want to succeed inside the Trump Campaign. If you look at the period we are in now. A lot of coverage about the kickoff. What do you think would be on the trump todo list to get done . If he portrays himself as the outsider, i mean, joe has laid out on this so many times before the different kinds of things you need to do. He lays out the outsider role he wants to play that mrs. Clinton cant be trusted because so much of an insider and then i think for me, one of the things i worry most about him is his Foreign Policy experience and the kind of people he will keep around him and the kinds of things he will say in the middle, in the middle of Big National Security Foreign Policy debacles. If he continues to project like he did this morning, that reassures people and if he brings people like richard hass around. He absolutely loves richard. Richard was getting some phone calls a couple weeks ago. Richard, though, it doesnt help when he goes into his first intel briefing and he says he doesnt trust the Intel Community. Kellyanne probably didnt write that. He has to stop that. You dont want to make this a referendum on him. Thats the kind of comment that makes it a referendum on him. To blame u. S. Intelligence for u. S. Intelligence and policymakers and intelligence speaks truth to power and power does what it wishes. It would be much better for him to say, hey, we have the greatest professionals in the Intel Community that any country can have in the world, but even they cant make things better if you have people elected and people running state department that dont know what theyre doing. He could actually point to specific areas where u. S. Intelligence officials say, hey, be careful before you go into iraq. Heres the mess that is going to follow. Theres tons of information out there that would show that u. S. Policymakers were warned about the consequences of doing or not doing certain things. Like iraq or libya or even getting out of iraq as quickly as possible. Theyre not the enemy. Katty, were trying to figure out exactly what happened with this Trump Campaign. Kellyanne makes it sound like a reset, but, again, steve bannon makes it sound like it is, it is much, much more of the same. What do we know about steve bannon . It is a bit confusing, isnt it . Two rather conflicting tones and messages coming out of this. But, josh, you have a new story out this morning about whether bannon can revive the campaign. As you put it, free donald trump. You say, the shakeup is an Ominous Development for republican elected officials and the effect he could have on down ballot races across the country. In recent years breitbright has helping to drive out House Speaker john boehner and more recently making life difficult for paul ryan. Breitbart visited his wisconsin home which is surrounded by a wall and published a story shaming him to erect a wall along the Mexican Border. So, youre saying, katty, he uses a light touch. Yeah. And props, apparently. Yeah. Not afraid to go to peoples home where they have children. This is the contradiction exactly as you say. Is it going to be that kelly ane conway and implying, what, youre going to get a hold of the cia and attacking the media or is it going to be breitbart who is much more of a fire thrower in the mold that donald trump likes being. Looks like a classic Good Cop Bad Cop scenario there. The way i think of it, this isnt the perfect metaphor. You have paul manafor telling him to behave and straighten up. The other shoulder you have steve bannon. You were the first person since his mother rocked him many years ago. They call paul manifort. Perfect is far from perfect. But there can be no doubt that steve bannon is the little red devil on trumps other shoulder telling him to, you know, unleash his inner wild man and go after the kind of people that trump wants to go after. Bannon has one tool, and that is a sledge hammer. If you read Breitbart News and you listen to him talk about other main stream republicans, he has an outright and open discussion with them. What are his politics . Is it just blow the place up or is he a libertarian or a nation nationalist . What drives him . Bannon believes we are on a cusp of a global nationalist uparising. He is tight with the former leader. This is, you know, he believes irn a theory of trumpism that predates and will extend just beyond donald trump. Would he agree with Donald Trumps statement about mexicans . Would he support the muslim ban . Is he that sort of nationalist . Bannon, if you can remember all the way back to last june, trumps very first trip. An visited the Mexican Border it was just absolute chaos and madness. Steve bannon organized that trip. That gives you an idea of what his politics are and what hes interested in talking about. This is something that ought to just terrify republicans on the ticket who are in purple states who are trying to win close elections. It is going to be made more difficult, i think, if steve bannon is the guy whisperring in trumps ear. Who says. Or shouting in trumps ear as the case may be. Who says . I say. That wasnt him. Was it cohen. Who says . We will show that in a second. Before we do that, lets show them who says with the latest round of polls. Its those big, bad polls. The latest wave of swing state polling confirms states that have been very much in play for republicans in recent years are increasingly slipping away from donald trump. The new quinnipiac poll in colorado Shows Hillary clinton by ten points. When you add in thirdparty candidates her lead is eight with lib tearian gary johnson polling. And in iowa, clinton leads by 3 , thats inside the margin of error. When you add in thirdparty candidates there. Gary johnson is polling at 12 . Lets take a look at the rust belt, an area of the Trump Country that, of course, trump is trying to take away from democrats. In michigan, detroit mitchell poll shows trump and trump leading in indiana in his running mates home state. 4736. Still, someone must not have briefed showing Hillary Clinton with a solidifying bounce in the wake of the conventions. Take a look at this. You say its not a shakeup, but you guys are down. And it makes sense says who . Polls. Most of them. All of them. Says who . Polls. I just told you. I answered your question. Which polls . All of them. Okay. And your question is . I mean, you got to respect the guy. Who says . He wanted data. He wanted some data. She gave him data. I liked her answer. She went with the blanket answer. Which ones . All of them. Hes like, okay. Then went home. So, these numbers who says. Q says. Virginia plus 12. Still bad there. Michigan double digits. Double digits in all the rust belt states. Mark halperin. Right now, obviously, this could all change. Right now, though, its looking pretty bad in all of these polls. I mean, the public data has been so consistent. The Trump Campaign claims it closer. They can narrow the gap in the next coming week physical they can get more men to be for trump than are currently there and their biggest problem now is the media narrative. I shouldnt say their biggest problem. One of their biggest problems, theyre getting hammered every single day. The polls drive so much of the coverage that you cant, on one level, blame them for trying to change the subject. But in my career, ive never seen such consistency in public polls. Theyre very consistent. But, richard, we were talking about natural tightening and there always is a natural tightening. What weve seen now, i believe, youve seen these polls, obviously, the gap widen. A great deal because donald trump has had two, three, four of the worst weeks that he could possibly have. And theres a natural reaction to that. Especially among College Educated women and College Educated republicans. Theres going we know hillary is going to do something, say something. Gone out lying about emails, again. Thats when you think, okay, maybe hes not as crazy as i think and there is going to be a natural tightening at some point. As we get to labor day, this could be, you know, a lot of these margins could be cut in half. Youve seen, youve seen a lot of campaigns before. I just dont think that hillary rides off into the sunset. I think this tightens pup. Agree in part, also, becau trump is a better match for the moment. Thats twothirds of americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction. He, in principle, represents radical change. Theres doubts about hillary. So, i dont get the sense that in any way this is over. Too many people observing this are essentially saying the outcome now is preordained. Dont we all agree with richard . The times could not match a candidate better for all of his flaws than they match trump. And the times could not be more misaligned if thats even a word with Hillary Clinton. Who is the establishment. Do you agree with that . I do. I also think when you look at the numbers and i agree with mark. The public polling is remarkably consistent. But when youre not at 50, the poll she is at 50 out the ones that say, i agree with them. Now its hard to see him overcome them. When shes not above 50, there are a group of people out there to an individual pollster on the telephone who say theyre for trump. When youre not there, thats what worries me. Im for Hillary Clinton. Thats where the focus has to be. Kasie, youve been out on the campaign trail for over a year. Youve seen it first hand. The call for change. The call for change. And it started out covering republicans. You saw it there. Then i spent several months covering bernie sanders. No one ever expected that 70 something socialests from vermont would mount such a challenge to Hillary Clinton. The fact that she didnt have another opponent speaks to the depth of her establishment roots. She cleared the field of everyone but him. But that sort of undercurrent is something that it took them a while to pick up on in the clinton campaign, i think. Trump tapped into it right away. I think theyre now at the point where they understand it and, frankly, you know, trumps selfinflicted wounds are helping them. But that moment could turn against her because of some unpredictable event we cant see sitting here today. By the way, Michael Cohen sound bite brings us to a segment that weve been doing since, i think, 3 when we started . 4. All the kids listening on Armed Forces Radio across the world. This edition of great moments in surrogate malpractice. After the surge when al qaeda was in ashes, entering barack obama and Hillary Clinton, remember, we werent even in afghanistan by this time. Barack obama went into afghanistan creating another problem. So, youre saying barack obama took the country into afghanistan post2009. Is that what youre saying . What im saying is, the policies you just said we werent in afghanistan. That was obamas war, yes. By the way, under those eight years before obama came along, we didnt have any successful, radical, islamic terrorist attack in the United States. They all started when clinton and obama got into office. You say its not a shakeup, but you guys are down and it makes sense says who . Says who . Polls. Most of them. All of them. Says who . Polls. I just told you. I answered your question. Which polls . All of them. Okay. And your question is . I love that music. It does remind me of that question at the end of the verdict, one of paul newmans finest moments where the witnesses on the stand after the doctor and hospitals have all conspired her and she asks, who are these men . Whaare these men . Where do they find these people . I mean, seriously, Everybody Knows it was the martians that invaded afghanistan. Might as well have been. Were joking about all this, but doesnt that speak, at some level, katty kay about the weakness of a campaign that they cant even get surrogates on . That kellyanne was the first surrogate i have seen on that i was like, okay, yeah, thats somebody that a collegeeducated woman in bucks county, pennsylvania, will listen to and go, okay, shes smart. I might be for that team. Isnt that always the case that when somebody is prepared to admit to the truth an element of smartness comes through. When they willfully distort facts in the way that we heard just there. Of course, you instantly say thats wrong and therefore you dont trust anything else that they say. They completely made them, disqualified themselves of anything approaching reality. Anyway. Did mayor giuliani say we not had a terrorist attack . Yes. He was here. He was mayor. He was actually the mayor. Was he the mayor . What, hold on, he was the mayor during 9 11. He was having breakfast at the peninsula that morning. How did you know that . Research. Thats research. You could win trivial pursuit, couldnt you . Its what is called a fact. Okay. Well, katty, thats yes, that is another fact. Still ahead on morning joe two weeks ago wall street journal i think we need to tease to that music. Can we get it . Back it up. Go ahead. Coming up, well talk about whether hes doing enough to win over minority voters. Joins us to discuss. Later tim kaine takes his harmonica to wyoming and iowa today. What is he doing deep out west in red states . First, those fires out west keep growing as flood waters in the south spread. Heres bill karins. Bill, looking bad out there. Its hot, its dry, its worst conditions firefighters could possibly be fighting. Its 4 contained. It formed over two days ago and structures that are burning and homes that have burned and told a lot of the evacuees when they return to the scene, theyre not going talike who like what they. 1,300 personnel on that. Humidity is going to be extremely low. Like 10 . Ridiculously low and the winds gusting at 40 miles per hour. That is as difficult as it gets. Cause delays around minneapolis and rochester late this afternoon. Thunderstorms yesterday washington, d. C. , those have cleared out. A few sprinkles left in the i95 corridor. Washington, d. C. , has had nine days in a row of temperatures above 90 degrees. Like seven days in a row above 95. As far as the forecast goes today, well watch the clouds clearing out in this region and conditions will improve as we go throughout the afternoon and high temperatures around 90 in d. C. And 89 in boston and just a few scattered storms this afternoon. Down in the southeast, well watch a few storms there this afternoon. So, washington, d. C. , hopefully today were finally going to put an end to your epic heat wave youve been under. You should be looking at clear skies throughout much of the day. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. It. Is thiu typically shop . You should be getting double miles on every purchase switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. Not just. dismissively airline purchases. Seriously. Double miles. Everywhere. Whats in your wallet . Katty, somethings fishy in rio. Whats going on down there . I dont know. Seems quite weird. This ryan lochte story. The big talk of rio and well get that in a moment. First, though, lets get some of the action from last night and the first on the track for mens hurdles. Rolands make history as the first u. S. Women to sweep the podium in an olympic track event. Americans have finished first, second and third in track and field events 61 times dating back to 1904. All were in mens competitions. Thats pretty amazing, right . That is, oh, my gosh, its unbelievable. Im just sitting looking at it. Unbelievable. I dont think i could even get over one hurdle. Wow. And after, lets get to the controversy. After winning his 100meter gold medal usain bolt is on his way to a second gold medal in brazil. After winning yesterdays heat with his fastest time of the year exchanging smiles with rival and friend degrasse as he finished 0. 02 ahead. While bolt is on the right track to complete a triple, triple three gold medals at three different games. Justin gatlin failed to advance to the 200meter final missing a qualifying spot by 0. 03 seconds. Appearing to show boat to the finish line as he looked to his right. After the race he mentioned he had a stiff ankle. He is expected to run in the 4x100 relay. New questions are being raised about ryan lochtes account of the reported robbery involving him and his olympic teammates in rio. Lets ers go to Peter Alexander rio. It looks fishy, doesnt it . A lot of new developments overnight. First of all, a u. S. Olympic Committee Spokesperson has now confirmed that jack conger. The two are set to meet with authorities after leaving an Airport Police station this morning. They were there with police for about three hours as we understand it yesterday. Brazilian police say both mens passports have been temporarily confiscated. A judge ordered that the passport of lochte and feigin be taken. Lochte is already back in the u. S. His lawyer says that brazilian authorities didnt ask his client to remain in this country. A judge in rio, as we have been talking about, raised doubts about the groups story saying that they gave contradictory accounts of the robbery. And the judge noted Surveillance Footage right here. Footage that was obtained first by the daily mail. She says it appears to show the men joking and unshaken as they returned to the Olympic Village around 7 00 a. M. Sunday morning. She also questioned why, if they left the club, club france, as they told authorities around 4 00 in the morning as they claimed that it would have taken them so long, three hours or so. That ride should take them about an hour. Matt lauer spoke with lochte on the phone last night and said he is sticking to his account of the robbery, which he described to billy bush hours after it allegedly took place. I was with a couple swimmers. We were coming back from the france house and we got pulled over in our taxi and these guys came out with a badge, a police badge. No lights, no nothing. Just a police badge. They pulled us over. They pulled out their guns and they told the other swimmers to get down on the ground. They got down on the ground. I refused. I was like, we didnt do anything wrong. So, im not getting down on the ground and the guy pulled out his gun. He put it to my forehead and he took our money and took my wallet. Matt lauer said that he and his teammates were not pulled over by the alleged robbers as he initially said on sunday. They were at a gas station and just going to use a restroom when the crime happened when they walked back to their taxi. Lochte is saying that one of the robbers pointed a gun in my direction. But not directly at his forehead, as he had also previously claimed. And lauer also says that lochte told him that he and his teammates would not make up this story. Lochte says that during that conversation with authorities, they never appeared to be skeptical of his story. He was surprised, actually, about how the questions were not all that pointed. He said when the conversation, joe, ended, the authorities congratulated him on his performance in these games. All right, peter alaxeneder, fascinating. His story seems to be moving pretty quickly, though. Didnt they say it was the police . Thats the problem. They said it was Police Officers who stopped them. So, thats where people posing. The story taking on water, as they say. The story taking on water. How long were you waiting . Five minutes. Thats how long the report was. The story moving as quickly as Michael Phelps through the water. Its changing quickly. Youre watching morning joe. Both on the track and thousands of miles away. With the help of at t, Red Bull Racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. Brakes are getting warm. Confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. Understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. Giving them the agility to have speed precision. Because no one knows like at t. Im Hillary Clinton, and i approve this message. Michael hayden if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. Gillian turner hes been talking about the option of using a Nuclear Weapon against our western european allies. Max boot this is not somebody who should be handed the Nuclear Codes. Charles krauthammer you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the Nuclear Codes . And as of now, id have to say no. [bill oreilly sighs] coming up, donald trump is polling at 1 among, who exactly are those 1 . That certainly didnt stop him, serio seriously, the other night to taking his message tablack americans in wisconsin that he should have been using nine amont months ago. What trump needs to do moving forward. Isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. Great show. Here you go. Now hes added a new routine. Making depositing a check seem so effortless. Easy to use chase technology, for whatever youre trying to master. Isaac, are you ready . Yeah. Chase. So you can. What headache . In . What arthritis pain . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. We reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton which panders to and talks down to communities of color and sees them only as about. Not as individual human beings worthy of a better future. With us now we got the chair of the department of africanamerican studies at princeton university. Eddie, so good to see you. I was taken aback in that milwaukee speech, where you were, i think. As were a lot of people, i think, with his Facebook Post later which the Facebook Post is something that sounds like you could have advised him to write. Right. Quite frankly. Said this before on the air. This is what he wrote. My pledge to the american people. As your president , i will be your greatest champion and fight to ensure that every american is protected equally and honored equally. Well reject bigotry and hatred and oppression and all its forms and seek a new future based on our common cultures as american people. Donald trump, in his personal life doesnt go around saying that, but donald trump in his personal life is not donald trump the way he is behind the microphone. I was just, i was very struck by that. And wanted to get you on the show and get your feedback. What were you thinking as you saw the speech . As i saw the speech, i thought it was a speech of contrast that reflects in some ways the bad faith that is always at the heart of this Trump Campaign. On the one hand, he makes that kind of comment. On the other hand, its framed within a broader discussion of law and order. That is a whistle to particular constituencies. At the same time, you combine that statement or you put that statement alongside, joe, the appointment of bannon. Of Breitbart News. The Southern Poverty Law Center located or identified bannon and breitbart on their hate watch as a site that is full of folks who are committed to white nationalism, antimuslim. So, there are the words and then there is the practice. So, i just think its just an example of the insincerity of the Trump Campaign and his real difficulty in growing his voter base. Hes always, as you said on this show a long time, hes always just simply speaking to his base and he hasnt been growing. Growing his voter base. This doesnt seem to me to be anything sub substantive. You wont vote for trump or Hillary Clinton and im curious why that is. Why did so many africanamericans vote for her in the primary if, in fact, shes not speaking to that community accurately . So, i wrote online that i would not vote for Hillary Clinton or donald trump because i think, like most voters like weve been talking about all morning is that there is the need for fundamental change in this country. Theres something that is no longer sustainable at the heart of the country. I dont think Hillary Clinton represents the kind of leadership that we need. And i definitely think that donald trump doesnt represent the leadership that we need. Im trying to figure out a way to balance this. How do we keep trump out of office and at the same time how do we announce that business as usual is no longer acceptable. The africanamericans who voted for her in the primary, we need to make a destipgz between those who voted for her and africanamericans at large. There was just simply a substantive judgment of practical decision that she best represents the possibility that africanamericans might improve. I think as the Sanders Campaign developed, more folks became interested. But we have to see if whether or not Hillary Clinton can actually turn out black voters. Thats the big question. Whether or not she can generate the kind of excitement that i think is needed for her to be elected. And im really doubtful about that. Yeah. Katty kay, lets get a mustread opinions and go to jimgarity with the national review. He writes a landslide of his own making. Donald trump is taking on the second most unpopular nominee in recent polling history at a time of terrorist attacks on american soil, a grows menace overseas and still meddling economy. Considering all the other factors a republican candidate shouldnt lose by a wide margin. Its not clear that barry goldwater, george mcguven or Walter Mondale squandered political circumstances quite so favorable. Looking back on previous historic president ial defeats, a confluence of factors made the losing candidates task. If trump loses, the explanation for 2016 will be much simpler. Even with the wind at his back and a deeply flawed opponent, he simply wasnt up to the task of winning over a majority of the american electorate. For once, in other words, it will be the candidates fault. Joe . Josh green you look at, again, your profile of the man donald trump picked to run his campaign and, again, listen to what eddie brought up. It seems to me that donald trump even with some of the changes hes making, not working aggressively enough to expand that base. No. And i would agree the appointment is probably a step in the opposite direction. I think what bannon is going to try and do is focus trump on attacking Hillary Clinton. Staying on that message and trying to bring in Republican Voters who have strayed from the fold. I dont know how many viewers know this, but bannon is at the center of a years long effort to take down Hillary Clinton. Hes the head of the nonprofit that published the clinton cash book last year. Hes got his hands in all sorts of different pots. Billionaires who are trying to bring her down. Bannons view all along has been that hillarys weakness is the money shes made. The Goldman Sachs speeches shes given. The Clinton Foundation and serious financial ties and urging trump all along going back to last summer and focus on that and leave aside some of the crazier stuff. I think the path that he represents is one that focuses on her and is less about broadening that coalition to minority voters to independent voters and the type of people that professor was speaking for. Josh a piece that he wrote about bannon and what he just said highlights a part of bannon that is being overshadowed by all the focus on breitbart. That is a significant thing that needs to be focused on. One is making trump seem acceptable to more americans as a possible president but the other is turning the focus back on Hillary Clinton and that is something with clinton cash, for instance, as josh said, bannon has been very good at. Bannon had diagnosed the problem, conservatives have had of being dominated and overwhelmed by the socalled main stream media. Eddie, let me ask you a question that we usually ask republicans. What would it take for you to support the nominee . The democratic nominee. Were always asking what it would take republicans to support trump. Anything hillary can do between now and november that would get you voting for her . Right now im pretty skeptical. I think part of what i would need to see are concrete policy positions around criminal justice beyond just simply calls for Community Policing or common sense policing or better training. I would have to see some concrete pposals to address the circumstances around africanamerican unemployment, around public education. An urban policy. In other words, to move beyond politics of symbolism and get to the substance of the crises of impacting our community. I would say this. We would talk about the horse race of the campaign, joe, but when weve been talking about whats happening outside of washington, d. C. , or outside of new york, were talking about people who are suffering. We are talking about people who cant imagine how theyre going to put food on their table. Cant imagine how theyre going to pay college for their kids because University Tuition is going through the roof. Whether or not theyre going to work. How long will they stay at their jobs . The question we have to ask ourselves and this is the question im asking myself this election cycle. Not to vote from a position of fear, but to think how we will address the fundamental crisis and heart at the country . Im not convinced that Hillary Clinton is the answer to that and im definitely not convinced that donald trump is the answer to that. Thank you for being with us. Josh green, thank you, as well. Great discussion. Still ahead, the white house insists that the cash flow to iran at the same time the american prisoners were released was not ransom. This morning, even more questions are being raised about the timing which, of course, is why we broke the glass and brought richard haas on set. Well talk about that with richard when we come back. 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