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According to the Washington Post, abc news, Cheesecake Factory poll, voters favor donald trump over Hillary Clinton 46 to 44 . But how do you feel about it . 46 to 44, if you do the math, that only adds to 90 . The final 10 kept whispering kill me. Good morning and welcome to morning joe. It is may 24th. Mika has the morning off. Willie, as you know, its may and this time of the year she goes around the world and tries to help young rebels trying to train them im in an undisclosed location in a Counter Intelligence operation. Willie, we will get through this, which may be one of the uglier days in recent american political history. I say that because of what happened yesterday. We knew that the bill clinton allegations were coming. We didnt think they would come this early or this hard, but the vince foster charges bringing those up and casting a light on suspicious activities. Thats about as low as it goes. And i was shocked that its already happening in may. Yeah, were in 1993 Conspiracy Theory territory right now. Weve got a great group around the table. Ill talk about more than that. Former Communications Director Nicole Wallace, the managing editor of Bloomberg Politics cohosts, with all due respect, 6 00 p. M. On msnbc mark halpe n halperin. This is the pregame show for that. And anchor of bbc news kaddy kay. Donald trump took it to a new level. He discussed the 1993 suicide of clinton aid vince foster has been the subject of far fetched and widely dismissed conspiracy theories. Something president clinton alluded to at a Campaign Rally this past friday. I know the republicans have been mean to her and say terrible things. Theyre good at this. They delegitimize the people they dont like. You think the stuff they said about her is bad . They accused me of murder. My memories are short. Its what they do. Yesterday the Washington Post published this when asked in an interview last week about the foster case, donald trump dealt with it as has about many edgy topics. Law enforcement officials and a subsequent federal investigation have ruled fosters death a suicide. Trump continued to level of the allegation of rape against president clinton yesterday. His campaign posted a video to i instagram. We should note clinton was never charged and denied the allegations when they were first made in the 1990s. Wbr id wbr2691 trump tweeted the link with a comment, quote, is hillary really protecting women . No woman should be subjected to it. I tried to pull away from him. [ laughter wbr id wbr2861 ] trump spoke about the personal nature of his attacks in an interview last night with bill oreilly. Im not sure that this is a b good thing to do that. Youre talking about what im doing . Im only responding to what they do. Theyve been nasty. Shes been very nasty. And i said i would like it to be on policy. Do you know it makes the country look bad abroad and things like that. That worries me. I understand the clinton attack machine. I got it. I think it has to be dealt with somewhat. I think maybe i dont like doing that. I dont like doing that but i have no choice. When she hits me on things i have no choice. You have to do it. So, joe, lets talk about this as a Campaign Strategy for a presumptive nominee in a president ial election. In some dark corners of the internet, i think maybe the vince foster story has currency. When youre trying to win a general election, how does it help . Well, i think it helps about as much as accusing your republican opponents father of being friends with Lee Harvey Oswald and somehow applying he may have had something to do with the assassination of jfk. I wonder what nicole republicans who are bob corker yesterday one of them, what republicans who are now going and trying to treat donald trump with respect as their presumptive nominee, what are they thinking . What are you thinking . What are what are people like myself thinking . That donald trump is im sure hell text me and tell me. That instead of building a coherent Foreign Policy, a consistent Foreign Policy where he doesnt change positions every year or two instead of building a coherent education policy, instead of building any coherent policy that hes going out and hes dredging up murder conspiracy from the 1990s that only kooks were trying to sell 25 years ago. And this is where he is. Right. This is how he was going to grow. This is how he was going to evolve. Twitter wars against cnn because of saturday afternoon segments and vince foster conspiracy theories . Right. And, listen, i think its good that we spend a beat talking about this not because the substance of these attacks are worthy of any air time, but because they speak directly to Donald Trumps state of mind. And i think the word inside the Trump Campaign is that the greatest concern is how you get him to want to learn about the intracys of Foreign Policy. How do you get him to read other than i had twitter feed. This is what the campaign is putting out there. This is on Donald Trumps mind. I think the polls last week showing him in striking distance of Hillary Clinton and even a couple of points ahead in the Battle Ground states showed republicans that he can win this thing. He could be the next president of the United States. But to win over the swath of voters that you need to put you over the top, to narrow the gender gap among women, you dont do it by drudging up conspiracy theories. Theres a consta Donald Trumps brief political life giving legs to the Birther Movement, to seeing Barack Obamas birth certificate, to dredging up the clinton infidelities, and now vince foster. If you are animated by those topics, youre already for trump. So to win over new voters, the kind of new voters you need to win during a general election, you have to move off this stuff. Ive seen no pivot over the past week or two, Mark Halperin, ive seen a candidate that seems to be digging down even deeper into his bunker at a time he needs to move aggressively toward picking up female voters, hispanics. We could go down the list. We talked about it on the show two weeks ago. The window is very short for donald trump to actually start moving in areas to clean up some of the messes that are there when you look at the polls. But no evidence that hes doing that. In fact, hes just pushing down on the accelerator. Hes driving toward the entire party toward the side of a cliff. When he talks like that, its the presss responsibility to move from being theater critics and marveling at his political skill to say the two sides are not fighting equally or the same degree of seriousness about the office for which theyre running. Well, john heelman, you look at Donald Trumps Approval Rating yesterday. 27 . Yeah. You look at the fact that 58 of americans say hes not qualified to be president of the United States. Right. 60 of americans say they disapprove of donald trump. 76 of americans say they disapprove of the way that he treats other people, and its hard to believe that any of those numbers are going to do anything but go in the opposite contradicti direction of where the Republican Party wants them to go. He may bring down Hillary Clinton or bill clintons Approval Ratings but his come down, too. Can anyone tell me the theory of inside his mind inside Donald Trumps headquarters for doing this . I cant. I think its within Donald Trumps own mind. This is, as nicole said, a real reflection of some of how he thinks hes going to need to win. And, you know, i just i have to say, joe, i think its not even a question, clearly this kind of attack is not going to improve his dismal fave, unfave ratings especially with voters in this country. I dont think hes going drive Hillary Clintons favorable numbers down very much. For anyone with whom these attacks resonates they already hate Hillary Clinton. They believe worst of the clintons. Hes setting up by the clintons by going after them it puts them in the position where they can be the high road candidate. Because he knocked them off their game when he first raised this last december. Now they seem resolute on being able to argue were not indulging in this. Were going to stay on the high road. Were not going to address it. Theres not that much more to say. Once you got to vince foster might have been murdered, where else do you go in the land of clinton conspiracy . This will be spent relatively soon and the clintons will emerge better off because the fact it looks desperate and it does not, i think, affect her badly at all. Wait, theres more. Sean hannity has been viewed as favorable to Donald Trumps campaign. On his radio show hosted three women who accused bill clinton of sexual conduct. The women praised donald trump. Broad rick recounted parts of their allegations which the Clinton Clintons denied. I usually say sexual assault. But rape is the perfect terminology for what happened. I made a huge mistake by not coming forward sooner. By denying it, i had denied it. Yep. Because you were afraid . Oh, yes. Yes i was afraid. Tell everybody about the hillary encounter. She comes directly over to me and starts her little talk about how appreciative she was the very thing i was doing in bills campaign, and i started to leave. I didnt want to have anything to do with her. You felt she knew . She pulled me back in to her and said very low she said do you understand everything you do . And it frightened me. Im so appreciative to donald trump for bringing it i couldnt. Its difficult for me to bring it forward. Its too painful. But i appreciate his efforts. If youre listening in the car that was Juanita Broderick talking to sean hannity. That was the theory of the case for donald trump. The indiscretions of bill clinton matter because Hillary Clinton, according to donald trump, enabled many of them. Yeah. Hes already made the case before that shes the enabler and chief of his pack of dillows and hell bring out Monica Lewinsky and the way she talked about the other women. As with some of the things donald trump has done about people in the past and the way he described them, theres a kernel of truth there that, you know, history books have been written, books have been written about the clintons in which Hillary Clinton did not always resolutely stand up for those women against her husband. And thats what hes trying to twist to say there are these incidents. There are these quotes about what Hillary Clinton said about some of these women. Hes trying to say that shows she is not the defender of women that shes trying to portrait herself is. And the theory of the case for him is ill go after it in order to boost my Approval Ratings with women and drag hers down. Joe . Yeah. Yes, willie, and [ laughter ] depressing. I dont know. I dont know. I want to be careful how i say this. Yes, there are still unresolved questions regarding all of the women who were interviewed on sean hannity last night. Christopher hitchens wrote an entire book about it. No one left to lie to. Not only what bill clinton did with these women and Hillary Clintons role which doubt is highlighted in which its not a pretty sight. But i can tell you, as somebody that was there on the ground floor back in the late 1990s, theres a reason why these issues were not pursued with more vigor. And the reason is politically after impeachment, the American People did not want to hear about bill clintons sexual past. A a lot of these women unfairly were brushed aside. A lot of them were treated, you know, they had the clinton operation called it the shuts and nuts operation. They would say women came on to bill clinton inappropriately or they were nuts. And, yes, it was a very ugly chapter of not only the clintons marriage but also in american politics. But i get to my point, in 1999, we saw bill clintons Approval Ratings go up to 60, 61, 62, 63 . Americans didnt want to hear about this anymore. They had decided bill clinton did not treat women well and said, okay, next topic. And they wanted to move beyond it. And they have. I find it hard to believe that 17 years later, Mark Halperin, that this will have anymore resonance than it had in 1999 well, look, joe, trump has shown since this general election has got underway he can dominate the debate every day. And the clinton folks said in the prelude to this match up that they knew they had to stop that from happening. So shes going to try to talk about housing and the economy and jobs. This show is not the only one drawn to talking about Donald Trumps tactics even to denouncing them. Its possible, again, i think it should be less about theater criticism and looking at what hes saying and if its a serious argument for someone who wants to be president. Its possible he can dominate that the election comes down to which one are you more of sick of . Which one represents more fundamental change which is what the voters want in many ways. This may be a way to run out the clock. Again, its may. As john said. Its may. Hes started running out the clock awfully early. And, secondly, again, weve said repeatedly, the republican primaries, republican primaries, republican primaries. I need somebody with five minutes that wants to win a primary. I can explain how you win a republican primary. A general election when youre running for president of the United States. Far different. Far more complex. And donald trump, im flabbergasted he thinks its going to move him a step closer to the white house. Exactly. Because this is not what he needs to shore up. Right. He has this base covered, if you will. People know hes going play dirty. I think republicans in losing the last two National President ial campaigns were looking for someone tough to go up against the clintons. Hes proven that he is that guy. Thats how he won the republican primary. But now the people that are left to be convinced to them he need to prove he can get his head around complicated questions of commander in chiefdom. Hes not answering those questions with these attacks. Hes not doing himself any political good with the people that are still on the fence about him. And, frankly, what bob gates raised on this show, the questions about temperament. He makes those questions worse. He hurts his case about temperament. He hurts his case proving to the people who might be impressed and convinced that hes the change agent we might need in washington but they dont want to put him in charge of americas military arsenal. He is hurting his case with that swath of the jury that is really still undecided about both his qualifications and his temperament for the top job. John, i agree completely. Hes already got the votes that he needs, the anticlinton votes who believe in these sort of theory, and this isnt a wash. When you Start Talking about murder conspiracy theories from 1993, start accusing bill clinton of rape for things that happened in the 70s, the 90s, and all youre doing is, yes, youre locking down your 27 that approve of you nationwide, but youre just pissing off the other 60 that disapprove of you and making more entrenched their opposition of you. Think about the math weve seen and the polling everybody was talking about on television yesterday including us. You know, trump republicans have come home to donald trump. Thats one thing weve seen. Hes consolidated republican support. He has a big advantage at the moment with independent voters. What do independent voters care about with this care . Why are they parked with donald trump. The swing. The people who decide this election. Theyre not people moved by arguments about vince foster or about augments or wjuanita. I dont think those things will move independent voters. If we look at polling numbers there are a bunch of those people are concerned about the fact that donald trump hasnt released tax returns yet. The pollings show that. You had 60 of independents saying they want donald trump to release his taxes, to me is a character issue. Thats what theyre saying. We want to know more about you. Were with you now but we want to know more about you and who you are. What hes conveying to those voters is hes going to be fixated on these kinds of issues. I think thats not a winning strategy. It doesnt seem to be the way to win. Hes bolstering the base. Hes already got the base as nicole and everybody said. It seems to me this is not, again, a likely strategy to lock up an election where he is the underdog. No matter what else happens. Hes the underdog in this election for reasons we understand about the Electoral College and demographics. This is not helping, i dont think, the way i look at how its going to play out. If you look at the nbc poll in the last couple of days Hillary Clinton has leads among women. Americans favor Hillary Clinton on womens issues in this poll 63 to 16. If you talk to some independent female voters, some people on the fence, they resent the idea that Hillary Clinton should be blamed for the infidelities and indiscretions of her husband. Right. What happened to Hillary Clinton the end of the 1990s her own Approval Ratings went up. There was a certain amount of sympathy for her for the big drag through the press in the way she was. I think youll see that playing into this as well. Sympathy. Why should she have to deal with bill clintons affairs . The other number is look at the commander in chief number 33 donald trump 43 Hillary Clinton. I dont think that number is just about security. Its about character. And what donald trump is doing at the moment, the way hes dragging the whole Political National political debate down into the sexual gutter of the sleaziest moments of the 1990s doesnt improve his image as commander in chief of his country. Its a character issue. Youre right. His poll numbers will go down. Im not sure theyre going to to after that. I dont think hell fix them. I dont think theyll go down. I dont think hell fix the political problems he has with the general electorate. I dont think theyll go up. Do you think his numbers on women will change . I dont know. I dont know its bad political strategy. Im not denouncing it because i dont like it. I dont like it. I think its reprehensible, but, you know, weve always here we separate out what we like and what we think is going to work. And from june forward mika and i have looked at things, you kn , know, i said his numbers were going to go up. Several other things he did was reprehensible. I said his numbers will go up. I think this vince foster nonsense is reprehensible. I dont think it makes his numbers go up. In fact, i think it may solidify an angry base but all it does is further frightens independents and other swing voters and the 60 of americans who disapprove of him now. That trying to figure out if they can trust him to be commander in chief. I dont need a fainting couch. Im fine here. Politics is hardball. Im just saying politically this makes no sense for a man who desperately needs to pivot in many ways and show that hes a serious thinker on Foreign Policy, especially. Spending the past week calling robert gates a dummy and then bringing up vince foster murder conspiracy is no way to face the task that is in front of him. In is not about me liking it or not liking what hes doing. This is just bad politics. If, you know, if you have trump stock, you may want to sell it right now. Because its going to this is not good. Well see how long he stays on. Still ahead on morning joe theres still a democratic race to talk about. Hillary clinton denies the change for Bernie Sanders to debate in california while he warns of a quote, messy convention. Plus, what the governors are saying about 2016. Well be joined by mississippis former Governor Haley barber and John Hickenlooper who supports Hillary Clinton even though his state went to Bernie Sanders by nearly 20 points. Cancer. We dont want to think about it. But i had to. Because, you see i was traveling, i was enjoying life, i was working. It was too long since my last pap. When i was finally tested, we thought i might ve cervical cancer. After worrying no cancer. I was lucky. Wome. Please get a pap test to check for cervical cancer. And get the inside knowledge about gynecologic cancers. For you and the people who care about you. Its more than a nits reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. 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If theres a bubble burst, as they call it, you know, you can make a lot of money. The video a preview of Hillary Clintons campaign Battle Ground state media blitz with surrogates in ohio, pennsylvania, florida, and elsewhere. Mark halperin, theyre going stay on the issues and take the high road on the other stuff that trump is talking about. Particularly trying to mine the area of trumps business dealings, attitude toward business we should argue hurt working class and middle class people. Theyre going to try to make business dealings make bay capital look tame. I have no doubt theyre sitting on opposition galore including people they say they were hurt by donald trump. Does it breakthrough the noise, john . It depend on what they got. Youve got look, the Obama Campaign did to mitt romney is not just attack bane. They built a constellation hes never been on your side. Hes not in it for you. And for the voters of the nicole joe and others are talking about the swing in this election that a powerful argument. If you can make that case this person is famous but has no record in public service, has no history of having been on your side, that undercuts him even more deeply than it undercuts romney. Trump is a populist figure. Can they make the case . Well see. Theyre going to make it state by state while the National Media is talking other stuff. Theyre going to talk to the Battle Ground states below the radar. This is the advantage Hillary Clinton has financially. Shes going have a huge financial advantage and shes going to be out there in seven or eight states in 14 or 15 media markets the way obama did to romney pounding trump in the markets in columbus, ohio, and orlando, florida while trump is trying to figure out how to run a National Campaign getting a lot of National Media attention but not that same kind of focus local attention where it matters. Thats the argument from the Clinton Campaign. Donald trump is perpetuating himself as a fraud. He has a long history of not being a pop liulist. Right. I agree with john and mark. I dont think this is going to have the impact that obamas attacks had on mitt romney. Certainly not nationwide. But you look at what the Obama Campaign started doing with romney starting in may of 2012 going into ohio and just microtargeting and pounding the hell out of mitt romney. It really stuck. And if they do this, target the right people in ohio and do the sort of things that donald trump is not going to do because he said he doesnt believe in targeting. Hes going to hold rallies. Then i think it could have a big impact over the next six months. It could make it this sort of difference it made in ohio for barack obama. But make no mistake of it, donald trump is not going to be as easy a target as mitt romney was because there is something aspirational about donald trump. You talk to his supporters wherever you go theres something aspirational about him. And for whatever reason, his voters do believe donald trump is the one guy that is on their side. Joe, i would add to that. I think that attacking his Business Practices when he has stood in front of the cameras and said, yeah, i took every advantage of a rigged economy. I took every advantage as a player in a rigged political system. And thats why im the one that can go fix it. I dont think it detracts from his brand at all. It might reinforce what hes running on. You can make the case if you go in and target carefully and go into neighborhoods in virginia or ohio where there have been high foreclosure rates, for example, and you show ads like that one, can you chip away at the idea that donald trump is on my side . If you can take a working class communities that have actually suffered from the housing crisis, who have actually lost their homes or whose homes are still underwater. I think thats a fairly effective message. If they can keep hammering away at it. You can see support, i think, for trump eroding on that idea hes on my side and hes my champion. But, you know, willie, the whole idea that trump is a shrewd businessman, hes going to do everything he can to get ahead. Hes going take every angle, every advantage that is given to him. That seemed to help him. I think the most remarkable example of this even the republican primary when people say you gave money to Hillary Clinton. That would normally be kryptonite in any republican primary. Donald trump goes sure i did im a businessman. Go to the make money. You know, it was kind of like Rodney Dangerfield in what was that movie where he went back to college back to school. Back to school. Like the Rodney Dangerfield scene explaining to the professor how economics work. Thats hike donald trump. Sure, you know, you have to greece your palm grease yous with some cash. And people are like hes a businessman. Get off his back. I dont think what hurts mitt romney and hurts mortals running for president of the United States hurts donald trump. The other stuff . I dont know if it does. Its totally different than four years ago when a car elevator ruined mitt romney and donald trump has his own giant plane. Right. Two big primaries going on now between them. Cares about people like you and strength. And donald trump cares about people like you numbers in the latest poll was not as strong as you might have thought. As we talk about people like him and gets them. But i think clinton understands theres two fights. Cares about people like you and strength. This is an attempt to undermine you on cares on people like you. Remember early when we went and did trump focus groups and heard people say the words hes one of us. Those were republican primary voters. Theyre different from the voters who are the undecided voters now. Its a different set of people. He may be able to make that same claim and argument and resonate with those people with the new set of people. Its a different set of people that would naturally vote in a republican primary. The people sitting in a working Class Community in virginia or florida or ohio or wisconsin or michigan. The different category of person who is deciding between donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Even the focus on donald trump Hillary Clinton fighting on Bernie Sanders. Shes opted out of a debate in california. Bernie sanders is hitting her hard for doing that. Well talk about in a few minutes. The secretary of Veterans Affairs is under fire after down playing veteran wait times comparing it to waiting in line at a disney theme park. That story and more ahead on morning joe. Soon. I like the bride more than the groom. Turquois dresses. So excited. Did all her exes get invited . No ones got moves like uncle joe. Should i stay or should i go . 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With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. Day or night. Plus, were not going to waste your time trying to sell you a bunch of other products you dont really need. That is really nice of you. I feel really bad about shouting at you. Oh, you werent shouting. You were just speaking in all caps. At discover, we treat you like youd treat you. 100 u. S. Based customer service. Here to help, not to sell. Our buddy Thomas Roberts joins the table. Nice to see you. Youve been all over the place covering the campaign. Every time i look up youre in a different bar on tv just hanging out on the bar. Delta sky miles, my friend. Can i give you a shout out. You rolled in old school this morning like willie geist for way too early. He knew how to do it in a timely fashion. I strive to do it. Yeah. Keeping it moving. A slow row. Slow it 5 miles per hour. Its better to come in hot. Just come in hot. Dont let the energy drop. We miss you. Thank you. Yes. The 3 00 a. M. Wake up call is hard. Its not pretty. Hillary clinton turned down an invitation to debate Bernie Sanders. In a statement her people said in part no time for debates. She didnt say that. I did. A santa monica rally senator sanders was quick. I was disturb but not surprised to hear that secretary clinton backed out of the debate. I think its a little bit insulting to the people of california, our largest state, that she is not prepared to have a discussion with me about how she will help the californians address the major crises that we face. In february, both candidates had agreed to add four more debates to the calendar, including a debate in may before the california primary. So far they have had three of those four debates. Meanwhile, in a move that may help ease tension between Bernie Sanders and the democratic establishment, the party has given sanders a prominent say in writing the platform this year. Senator sanders will be allowed to name five members to the 15member committee that will write the platform at the Democratic National convention. Clinton will name six. I believe that if we win here in california, and if we win the other five states that are up on june 7th, were going to go marching to the Democratic Convention with a hall of a lot of momentum. I believe that if we do well here in california, well march in with momentum and well march out with the democratic nomination at the same time, sanders says this summers convention could be, quote, messy. He told the Associated Press yesterday democracy is not always nice, quite, and gentle. Sanders Campaign Manager said the party should ultimately end up unified. He certainly said post convention the party should be unified. He said hell campaign day and night 24 7 to keep donald trump from becoming. Of the United States. I think youll see Bernie Sanders on the campaign trail during the general election. One other piece of data in here. Abc Southern California news poll shows Hillary Clinton ahead of Bernie Sanders 57 to 39 in that california primary, which is june 7th. If she wins that clenching the nomination, mathematically, once and for all, what does Bernie Sanders do . Theyre saying or weaver saying theyll spend from the middle of june to the Convention Still fighting and fighting in philadelphia. Fighting for what . Change the platform. Change the way the Democratic Party so he wont get behind her . Not until after the convention. I think some democrats hope that changes. Like with Hillary Clinton eight years ago he decides, you know, fighting is not a good idea. The app interview suggests he will fight. And, you know, thats a month plus they would rather be unified and not still fighting. They would like to make the convention about unity and not fighting. I think thats the biggest question between them. What happens from california, new jersey through the convention. Is it moving toward unity or a big fight in philadelphia and then unity . What arguments is Bernie Sanders listening to that would persuade him its worth dropping out . Are there things that some people are saying that democrats are saying that have more resonance than others . The race is now closed and we cant afford to waste five weeks. I dont get the sense from talking to them or the things theyre saying publicly thats where his head is at. He wants to use the convention as a platform to continue to highlight the issues that are important to him. Is he dmom straiting the farther demonstrating the fact he can be a north star rather than a shootishoot ing star. He wants to be effective in the party platform but know he has to unify if he wants to make it to the white house. To me the symbolism is what happens at the conventions. Fat cat lobbyists have access to politic contributions. That is the way the convention will be. I think he wants to go to philadelphia and highlight that relationship and all the other things hes been highlighting in a way that he cant do if he gives up in june. So, nicole, do you think he can have that time in between what happens on the 7th, california and new jersey to later in the month . To make that community happen . I think if he takes the time youre talking about, i think shell be behind by her convention. By taking being called corrupt and corruptible and being called unqualified by someone on the favre right of the ideological spectrum. Donald trump, weve been talking about all morning, you know, launching the same attacks as Bernie Sanders. The democrats own socialist. Thing is a very damaging period for her. And i think that if this happens, i think shell start her convention behind donald trump. And look at breernie sander Approval Ratings. He scores high. The attacks coming from him resonate with democrats. And voters. As you know about vp vetting make bernie the Vice President . I dont think it will happen. I think more likely to pick her husband than Bernie Sanders. But the thing donald trump. The thing about sanders voters they are committed to the cause. Theyre not going to fall in line with Hillary Clinton. Right. They believe shes so different from him and they believe him that shes corrupt. They believe shes part of the rigged system hes been running against. Its going to take more than a Platform Committee to smooth it over. I think its a fairy tale they can come together after the convention and work for her. I think the best she can hope for is they dont work against her. Joe, two more months until the Democratic Convention in cleveland. If he continues to hammer her the way hes been doing that with trump from the other side. Theres got to be damage there. Yeah. And he looks like hes going to keep going after her because hes 74 years old. There is no next campaign for Bernie Sanders. Hes not going to play in safe and pull back at the last instance and say, agree, you know, when im 78 im going to be able to hit my mid season stride. This is it for Bernie Sanders. His crowds are getting bigger. The money continues to pour in. And right now he doesnt see any incentive for backing down. Thats what makes this so fascinating democratic leaders, Party Operatives are horrified because they cant control this man. More horrified by the fact they cant control the thousands of people that come out to his rallies and keep contributing to his cause. What does it mean for a fractured Democratic Party . The same thing donald trump means to a fractured republican party. One of the most remarkable general elections weve seen in our lifetime. Sanders supporters are veemtly for bernie and against Hillary Clinton. Theyve yell at me at the dog park when i say he cant win. Its math. Thats huge. Thomas roberts, good to see you. Nice to see you, too. Im sure youll be doing your show from a beach bar in santa monica. Well see you on way too early this week. Coming up donald trump said Bernie Sanders should become a third Party Candidate. Mike is here with a new column on morning joe. Hmmmmmm. [ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm. Hmmmmm. The turbocharged dream machine. The Volkswagen Golf gti. Part othe awardwinning golf family. This clean was like pow. Everything well . It felt like i had just gone to the dentist. My teeth are glowing. They are so white. 6x cleaning , 6x whiteninga in the certain spots that i get very sensitive. I really notice a difference. And at two weeks superior sensitivity relief to sensodyne i actually really like the two steps step 1 cleans and relieves sensitivity, step 2 whitens. Its the whole package. No ones done this. Crest healthy, beautiful smiles for life. Its more than a nits reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. 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Plus, our nbc Correspondent Team staking out another big day in president ial politics. Well be right back on morning joe. I have a blog called daddy doing work, its funny that ive been in the news for being a dad. Windows 10 is great because i need to keep organized. School, grocery shopping. My face can unlock this computer. Thats crazy. Macbooks are not able to do that. Hey cortana, remind me we have a play date tomorrow at noon i need that in my world. Anything that makes my life easier, im using. And windows is doing that. Fact. Theres an advil specially made for fast relief that goes to work in minutes. The only advil with a rapid release formula for rapid relief of tough pain. Look for advil filmcoated in the white box relief doesnt get any faster than this. Advil. Ques. Are my teeth yellow . Have you tried the tissue test . The what . Tissue test hold this up to your teeth. Ugh yellow. I dont get it. I use whitening toothpaste. What do you use . 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I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton went on meet the press yesterday and asked what slogan defines her campaign. She said stronger together. As opposed to the other slogan that defines her campaign youve got mail delete that slogan. On friday trump gave a big speech in kentucky. Im starting to wonder if he understands how legislation works. Well unsign lots of things including those terrible executive orders. Believe me, theyre going to be unsigned so fast. Theyll be unsigned the first hour im in officer. The first hour im in officer. Im going to unsign every Christmas Card i ever sent to the clintons. Unsign them. Im going unsign them welcome back to morning joe. It is may 24th. Willie, quite a morning. A lot of news weve been discussing. You know, i was reading david brooks column why is clinton unliked . David brings up some good points. Hillary clinton has a high disApproval Rating. It wasnt so long ago that she had a 66 Approval Rating as secretary of state. Now shes not seen as honest and trust worthy. She fails in so many other categories. I wonder if donald trump isnt shooting in the wrong direction when hes going after her husband politically or talking about vince foster when it actually was questions of character and questions whether it was, you know, the clinton money and the Clinton Foundation or the handling of classified information, the emails, that brought her Approval Rating from 66 to the low 30s and not all this other stuff that trump is talking about yesterday well, he hit her on the stuff. It feels like its been months. Hes gone after the emails. Hes not as strong on the Clinton Foundation. I think youre right. The stuff weve seen over the last couple of days takes the campaign into a bizarre direction. As weve been saying in the last hour, were not sure its a productive. We have Nicole Wallace with us. Mark halperin and john heilman, katty kay, and chris cillizza. Good morning. Donald trump took his aim at clintons yesterday including the suicide of vince foster. Its something president clinton alluded to and previewed as a Campaign Rally this past friday. I know the republicans have been mean to her and say terrible things. Theyre good at this. They delegitimize the people they like. You think the stuff about her is bad . They accused me of murder its what they do. So then yesterday the Washington Post published this both Law Enforcement officials and a subsequent federal investigation ruled fosters death a suicide. Donald trump continued to level the allegation of rape against bill clinton. Lets stop there. Notice donald trump uses in the same sentence absolutely a murder. But im not going to go there. Hes trying to have it both ways. He gets it out there and says there are a lot of people who think at this is its absolutely a murder but im not going there. Just like the lee harvey policy wa oswald game he played. A lot of people are saying im not going to say it im not one of the people saying this but a lot of people are. The difference between the vince foster attack and going after bill clintons previous infidelities. Theres a string hes trying to draw about Hillary Clintons participation. Even in his throwing out what people say that hes not saying. I dont know what the point is about Hillary Clinton. I think hes trying to cast this cloud of corruption and sketchiness. But if youre donald trump supporter you already think theyre sketchy. Im with joe. If you have the clintons all of the is revisited. Do you want to go back to the 1990s this is how long theyve been around and there are so many shadows over them and raising the light you tarnish hillary and bill. You want to relitigate this in the time capsule he was a democrat advocating for gun rights. Nicole, the thing is no traditional political attack worked against him. I agree with you. Think about the thought process that says im going to go after bill clintons infidelity if youre donald trump. I mean, obviously you have some issues on that front yourself, but hes unbothered by it. Because i think he thinks it doesnt affect him. I think he believes everything about him. I dont know if its true, but everything about him is known that its baked into the cake. That people sort of know who he is fundamentally, and that they like that in some way, shape, or form. Or they find who he is appealing whether they like it or not. And, therefore, theres not as much danger in going into places where you would think theres an obvious push back here against donald trump, as you point out. I wonder if thats sort of how he thinks. Theres been no evidence that he attacked plenty of people in the republican primary for things that were easily he was open to attack himself. Yet it didnt work. Heart attack, help us out. Most of us on the set, certainly nicole and i, the two selfidentified republicans think its not a smart move for donald trump moving toward the general election. What is the theory of the case for the donald Trump Campaign . They would say were doing this because fill in the blank. To jam the system. You incited a couple of times the ted cruz accusations he made about ted cruzs father. Ted cruz got after the race after. That im not saying its cause and effect. I think donald trump is trying to jam the gears. The clintons is a giant battle ship and trump is low throwing the Circuit Breaker and its coming to a halt. Im not endorsing what hes saying. Im not saying its will work. Im not sure it wont work. Donald trump, if he can freeze this race and make the clintons have to fight on his terrain i think he has a better chance to win if he lets the clintons and the Clinton Campaign control the agenda. Thats so maddening about these attacks, john. Donald trump gets a series of polls that come out over the weekend that actually show him ahead, and some of these National Polls for the first time in weeks. This is how he responds. Lee harvey oswald, that bizarre theory, National Enquire theory came out right before it was clear that ted cruz was going to have to get out of the race. He went ahead and did it anyway. Its like spiking the ball when youre ahead 730. I still am befuddled by the fact he feigned ignorance on who david duke was. The day before super tuesday and all those southern states, we all knew he was going to win in a walk. Yet he still pretended he didnt know who david duke was despite the fact in 2000 he said he would not run as reformed Party Candidate because racist david duke was a part of the reformed party. So all of this seems to unnecessary. I dont again, ill befuddled by it. He seems to do these usually from a position of strength when its absolutely unnecessary and he just drives away potential converts. Right. I mean, look, the vince foster thing, in particular, is from the fever swamp of Conspiracy Theory and, you know, nut cakism from the 1990s. Right. So, you know, are there people on the right who believe bill clinton was a murder, maybe a drug dealer, all kinds of things in the 1990s . Yes. There are people like that. Those people are republicans that will vote for donald trump under any circumstances. The game must be to try to eradicate some of his unfavorables to do better with certain groups of people. To persuade persuadable voters. This argument doesnt do any of those things. More specifically, what are we seeing in the polls that donald trump is driving donald trump forward. That hes a change agent, right. He could shake things up in washington. It plays to the fundamentals about president ial politics. The person who makes it about the future and not about the past. Here is donald trump not only arguing for things that wont persuade any persuadable voters and talking about the 1990s and persuadable voters want to talk about how to change washington, how to look at america Going Forward not back ward. On multiple levels it doesnt seem to be a sensible strategy for someone with donald trump strengths and weaknesses both of which he has to exploit and deal with in the next six months. Well, the relitigation yeah. I was going to say, willie, after that was litigated the first time, i was there, it was litigated every day. You name the theory, you name the attack, it was brought up. Bill clinton left the 1990s with a 64 Approval Rating. That was only the first part of vince foster of trumps 1990 relitigation yesterday. He continued the level of allegation of rape against president clinton. His campaign posted a video to instagram that spliced a photo of clinton smoking a cigar and accusati accusati accusations. Donald trump tweeted the instagram link with a comment, quote, is wbr id wbr43089 hillary really protecting women . I was very nervous. No woman should be subjected to it. It starts to and try to b pull away from him. [ cackling ] so chris is a liz is, is wbrid wbr43259 the dont want to dgo back to the 1990s. Do you want to put your toe in the water and be submersed by all that comes with the clintons . Yes. Hes doing it in a way that no politician, certainly no politician with a profile he has who is going to be the republican nominee has done before. Weve seen an occasional house member mention these sort of things. Youve seen state legislators mention these things. Youve never seen the president ial nominee put out Something Like that where the insinuations you dont need to insinuate much. You know, i think hes trying to make it saying these people are not people you want in power. These are people who have been there and done that and there were things about that time that were unappealing to a broad swath of the american public. Now doing it the way he does it, right, which is theres not a lot of subtlety. Its like watching thats being nice. Its the night manager where youre like, wait, i dont know. I dont know who is that . Versus a watching a show where its like now im going to do this. Its all explained. Theres no room for i wonder what hes trying to go for here. I dont know if that works. If you think a lot is baked in the cake on donald trump, my gosh, the clintons, as joe and willie have pointed out, these are not new allegations. These are things that have been litigated many times over. I dont know if that makes it fur tile ground for him. Why donald trump may be going there. A deeper look at the wall street journal nbc news poll showing a dead heat between hillary clinton and donald trump in a general election match up. Telling us what issues voters are making decisions on. Americans favorite Hillary Clinton on womens issues. More than half saying shes better on Foreign Policy. 56 to 29 . When asked who would make a better commander in chief 43 say Hillary Clinton, 33 say donald trump. Clinton has a 13point lead on looking out for the middle class. 43 to 30 there. And 46 say she has the ability to unite the country. 26 chose donald trump. Trump has the edge on questions of reforming powerful institutions 55 say hes preferable to clinton on bringing change to washington. Trump is 10 points ahead on protecting u. S. Trade interests. 48 to 38. And a ci21point lead on who is best of dealing with wall street. On dealing with commit, donald trump is 11 points in front of clinton 47 to 36. And 46 believe trump is better in standing up for america. 32 for clinton. A lot of numbers there, joe, what jumps out at you . Well, yeah, obviously two issues. One was the first number you read. Hillary clintons strength, which was dealing with womens issues. Trump, nicole, you have said time and time again, is going to have to figure out a way to get more women on his side if he wants to win the election. It was the last number that you brought up on donald trump side. And trump strength talking about what was the exact language, standing up for america. Thats, i mean, if i had to pick one area that people thought in 2016, you know, had the best numbers it would be standing up for america. Hes well ahead of Hillary Clinton on that. So sort of a split decision there, nicole. Yeah. Ahead of her on trade. I think if you look i think one of the things hes trying to do, frankly, all these sort of gross under belly attacks is perhaps disqualify her with the sanders supporters. The sanders supporters dislike Hillary Clinton at this moment, at this hour. Historically theyve come around for a general. Right now they hate her almost as much as the trump supporters. Maybe part of what hes trying to do is permanently disqualify her as corrupt and part of this dirty underbelly of american politics with that swath of the electorate. He has a strategy, as mark says, not only does it hurt him in the polls but sometimes helps him. You look where his advantages are. Women certainly arent immune to the idea of trade harming their house hold economy. S. Women arent immune to his strength. He needs to make sure they dont slam the door in his face because theyre so turned off by his tactics. Right. And, you know, you look at the other attacks against bill clinton and trumps suggestion which has been marring doubts of suggestion and other suggestions that Hillary Clinton was an enabler of the bad behavior of bill clinton. There are a lot of younger millennial Bernie Sanders supporters that the trump team wants to hear this message for the first time in their adult life. Right. This is where Hillary Clinton is most vulnerable in this. She didnt stand up for the women that bill clinton was accused of having affairs with or accused by them of assaulting. And i can see that resonating with some of these younger women. Did t can be potentially an effective way to get the Bernie Sanders young women supporters to take a look at Hillary Clinton in this day and age. Remember, were in 2016 and not in the 1990s. What might have seemed acceptable in the 1990s to younger women is not acceptable anymore fop have an older woman not champion younger women who are making accusations of abuse just doesnt fly. Especially when Hillary Clinton herself has spoken out against abuse sexual abuse in College Campuses and sexual abuse of young women and the need to protect the young women. I can see a lot of younger Bernie Sanders supporters looking at this story as they start learning about it possibly for the first time and thinking she doesnt come out of this very well. Chris, you can recycle some of that writing from the 1990s. Just post it today on the fix. I do some of that. I dont like when you army secrets publicly. Chris, good to see you. Still ahead on morning joe Kristen Welker joins us with her oneonone interview with Bernie Sanders. What did he say when Democratic National convention could be, quote, messy. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. If youre going to make a statement. Make sure its an intelligent one. The allnew audi a4, with available virtual cockpit. Imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. With the united mileageplus explorer card, youll get a free checked ba 2 united club passes. Priority boarding. And 30,000 bonus miles. Everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. The united mileageplus explorer card. Imagine where it will take you. Its more than a nits reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. 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He insisted this prolonged democratic race is good for democracy and resisted any suggestion that he could be wounding Hillary Clinton in a general election. Bernie sanders rallying a crowd of more than 6700 people in santa monica monday night. Show the world youre ready for a Political Revolution reporter after our fiery oneonone interview. We dont live in an awe turn country. Reporter sanders just struck a deal with the dnc to play a major role in shaping the partys platform weighed in on a report that hes predicting the convention could be messy. The media often takes words out of context. The context of that was the democracy is messy. People will have vigorous debate on the issues. Reporter will the convention be messy . Of course it will be. Thats what democracy is about. Reporter and sanders loathed any suggestion he might be hurting Hillary Clintons chances against donald trump. Reporter when you look at those numbers, how can you argue that had this primary battle is not in some ways hurting her in a general election and hurting her numbers . First of all, i guess if we take your assumption of a logical conclusion we should go back to a monarchy and not have any elections at all. Reporter what if sanders doesnt win . Would you pledge to democrats youre going to campaign for secretary clinton . My focus right now is to win the democratic nomination. Reporter will you campaign excuse me. At the end of the day, we hope to win a majority of the pledged delegates. Reporter insisting he has a path to victory. Sanders took a swipe at clinton for refusing to debate him in california. Its insulting the people of the largest state in our country. Who have a right to hear a vigorous debate on her views. Im disappointed all though not surprised. Reporter and sanders sidestepped a question about party loyalty. Do you feel a sense of loyalty to democrats . I have a strong sense that donald trump would be a disaster if he were elected president of the United States. Reporter as for that debate, the Clinton Campaign said they declined the offer because they wanted to focus on campaigning here in california and wanted to focus on the general election. Willie, in the coming days you can expect both the candidates will be barn storming here in california. Sanders telling me he expects to rally as many as 200,000 people for the june 7th primary. Wow. And the Sanders Campaign would argue part of the getting the word out is a campaign in california. Joining us now msnbc contributor mr. Mike and attorney ben ginsburg. This is where i read a part of your column and you talk about it. At your own risk. Bernie sanders acts sanders stays in the race because his own rhetoric has become a narcotic for him. Youre suggesting its one big e ego trip. Nobody without ego gets in to this game. He, more than anybody, sometimes i feel im not virtuous enough to talk about Bernie Sanders. No i you said the same thing. Dont you get the idea he is so far above this and this has been a political season where you know the old line you dont want to see how the sausage is made. Every day of this campaign, we have seen that. And the idea hes not i know hi Hillary Clinton can be her own worst enemy. But every day he stays in this, the idea hes not hurting her is ridiculous. I agree with you. I want to know why he keeps telegraphing this message to his voters. Why hes part of the delusion. I mean, hes losing. Hes lost. Hes been mathematically eliminated since mid march. He wants to defy math . What is sort of the string that ties reality to what hes saying . Is he lying to supporters . I dont know if hes lying. But another wonderful line he acts like the score board doesnt matter. When youre coaching your kids and the other team is trash talking them, you finally have to say score board and he acts like the score board doesnt matter. The other thing he acts like, to me, only his demographics are the ones that matter. Only his supporters are ones who count in the election. And its a preposterous notion. I remember howard dean saying Bernie Sanders who knows him from vermont Bernie Sanders is good at playing the victim. Hes done it throughout his political career. At the moment he and his supporters feel hes the victim. Guys, Hillary Clinton in 2008 campaigned until the last primary day. She stood in new york city. Half her campaign was telling her she should go to denver and fight at a contested convention in denver. Then she thought about it and the next day she went to her Campaign Headquarters and dropped out. Then a few days later endorsed barack obama and went to the convention. The only question is why not Bernie Sanders not fighting to the end . She criticized obama to the end. The question is what happens on june 8th. I dont care what jeff weaver says. On the day after the last contest lets check in with Bernie Sanders and see how he obeys. Hes within his rights to campaign, campaign hard, go to california, to fight to the end. Then lets see what happens. Does he unify the party or not . People are worried about Democratic Community only need to look back to 2008, you remember well, nicole, because of the fight going on barack obama came out of nominating season six points behind john mccain and Hillary Clinton blessed him and the Democratic Party came together. Yeah. Ben, obviously you just did. Nobody said he doesnt have a right. I didnt say he there are consequences. Im with you. He has a right but the notion hes not doing her harm. He must get out. What hes doing is bad. Im not saying he doesnt have a right. Youre not saying that. But im trying to say theres a little bit of, like, theres a little bit of overdrawn melodramatic panic about how permanent the damage is and how much hes killing her and costing her the election. Its like, guys, weve been through it before. It happened eight years ago. The thing we went through before all of those Hillary Clinton supporters who are said they would never vote for Bernie Sanders campaign they sure did. You know in a little note of development yesterday the dnc helped Bernie Sanders unleash the furies. The five people he got to appoint to the dncs Platform Committee are not people who are known for comprising their views. And so in trying to bring Bernie Sanders into the fold, they have now unleashed some people who may not play along with that nice game of bringing the party together. For people watching at home what is the impact, what is the significance of getting five people of Bernie Sanders choosing . It was part of the comprise to try to bring them in. What it means is on the platform committee Bernie Sanders has been driving Hillary Clinton to the left the whole campaign, he has some very articulate, very knowledgeable supporters of his who are going to drive those policies that will make it harder for her to get back to the center in what is going to end up being a platform debate that could, like it did four years ago, in charlotte, get spilled over on to the floor. Mike, isnt everybody going to come together at the convention . Isnt it going to be fine and theyre going it get behind Hillary Clinton if shes the nominee . Bernie sanders will push his voters in her direction. How does it end for the Democratic Party . What has been a post factual campaign. Where facts have taken a bigger beating than any candidate. Its how do you want to ring all these bells . I know it happened before and it will happen again in politics. How do unsay the things that have been said in this campaign . Well, it happened on the republican side. A lot of people who said horrific things about donald trump are supporting him, endorsing him. Some of them. A lot of them are. The democrats will try and unring the bell by the choice of the Vice President ial candidate. Which puts a lot of pressure on Hillary Clinton to choose someone who calms the Bernie Sanders people. She fails to do that, then you get into all sorts of situations on the floor. But it helps Hillary Clinton has she shifted too far to the left. It helps shes running against somebody who on a slew of economic policies is probably on the same page if not slightly to her left when it comes to issues like trade, taxes on the wealthy, protecting Social Security and medicare. Donald trump is not a traditional conservative. Shes got much more wiggle room. I think the difference between 2008 and hillary colensing around obama is hillary sporters and obama supporters believe the same thing. Bernie sanders supporters are more animated by the things that animate the trump supporters. Railing against a rigged economy, railing against the political establishment. I think the damage hes doing to her is the voters may never come back for establishment politicians. So much matters about what happens between june 8th and the end of july. Rights. Theyre going to have responsibilities to each other. Clinton, you know, obama and clinton elected themselves in a remarbly subtle and calculating way. They played their part in that. Are if the same policies. The question becomes how does sanders treat those i agree with you about this one element, which is there was never a critique that obama and clinton offered of each other. They were fundamentally corrupt. Right. Sanders suggested that about clinton. He hand said it. It will be a harder thing in this case but not undoable to point to willie things. A lot of bells cant be unrung. See what you started here, mike . Great column. Thank you, my friend. Ben, thank you. Coming up another Virginia Governor under investigation. This time terri mccollum who happens to be close to bill and Hillary Clinton. Why the fbi is looking into his 2013 Campaign Next on morning joe. With usaa is awesome. Homeowners insurance Life Insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as Gunnery Sergeant when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to mkids something that makes me happy my name is rogerapata and im a usaa member for life. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Hey kevin. Hey, fancy seeing you here. Uh, i live right over there actually. Youve been to my place. No, i wasnt. Oh look, you dropped something. Its your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. Thats weird. You want to work for ge too. Hahaha, what . 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Investigators are look agent the overlaps and are interested from contributions by foreign nationals are barred but the spokesperson said he has permanent status. Mcall life have been contacted by the fbi but pledges to fully investigate if asked. What is the impact . A couple of things. Any conservative who thinks that the Obama Justice didnt is not willing to investigate democrats fairly can look at this and say you have to give him some credit that terri being targeted now is having bad for the democrats. Very bad for the clintons because hes close to them. Based on what has been reported so far, this play be another case where prosecutors are looking into for what most politics is business as usual. Commingling its a kind of thing that has been going on forever. You see it here in new york with bill de blasio, you see it in some of the investigations of the conservative journalists. This is the way yeah. Its the way business operated. Its what Bernie Sanders railed against. Its what trump practiced and now rails against. This would be a big story on its own. Given its connection to the clintons, given were in the middle of a heated Election Campaign right now. Theres a lot of smoke around it. What fire do you think theyre looking for . Based on i dont have any based on what has been reported the kind of relationships that bob mcdonald got convicted for but now the Supreme Court is looking at. Its strange its been going on for months and the Governors Office claims they dont know anything about it and why its breaking now is unclear. Its a democratic fbi and justice department. Its a democratic administration. And the fact theyre looking at something suggests a potential problem. They say the foundation is not being targeted it. It involves the Clinton Foundation. Its not great news for the clinton. Brian fallon wouldnt comment on it. He wouldnt defend Terry Mcauliffes ethics. Remember the interesting thing about this another interesting element is recently terry announced he was going to executive order allow felons to start voting, which was seen through the prism of the politics of 16. Thats being challenged. Its going to be challenged in court. Not that the two things are directly related. It creates this kind of the fact that mcauliffe could be under investigation creates a context in which the could have political consequences how 2006 plays out. Veterans affair secretary Robert Mcdonald under fire after comments he made about wait times for veterans at the virginia. Va. House Speaker Paul Ryan was one of many quickly reacting to the disney comparison tweeting this is not make believe, mr. Secretary. Veterans have died waiting in those lines. Trump weigh eed in. Hillary said va problems are wide spread. Ill take care of our vets. A spokesperson for disney spoke up. Not sure its the most important part of the story. But rob mcdonald is a good servant. Hes doing his best at the va. Im shocked he said that. Every now and again politicians so something so stupid it reminds you that theyre human. I think we had a case of that. This is the kind of thing he should have never have said. Whoever looked at his briefings papers beforehand should have weeded it out instantly. Its idiotic. In defense of staffers i dont think anybody scripted this line. This campaign. This is a Huge Campaign issue. One of Donald Trumps earliest issues was talking about making the experience of dealing with the va better for veterans. And if you, you know, on the show weve spent years talking about how difficult it is to Access Mental Health services. This is a huge issue. It is an under reported issue. Veterans have a very difficult time in their encounters and the substance of what hes saying they should evaluate their experience is fine. But suggesting that wait times should be cleaned up. Thats the central frustration for most veterans dealing with the va. As speaker ryan pointed out people are dying. Literally. Its a national embarrassment. Actually. One of the guys who has done a great job of taking care of vets is sebastian younger. You would think that coming home would be a good thing for a soldier. Sebastian explains why some soldiers who have left the front lines are longing to go back. Well be right back. Hmmmmmm. [ dreams by beck ] hmmmmm. Mmmm. The turbocharged dream machine. The Volkswagen Golf gti. Part of the awardwinning golf family. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. When shoppers add an item they automatically shrink the prices of millions of other products. Very impressive. Whoo, its got a little kick to it. At jet. Com, were always looking for money saving innovations. When yarent moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. 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And maybe if you come back to a close, cohesive, tribal society, you can get over trauma pretty quickly. If you come back to an alienating modern society, you might remain traumatized your entire life. In other words, maybe the problem isnt them the vets, maybe the problem is us. Thats a talk from Sebastian Junger with a new perspective on military ptsd and why its difficult for u. S. Servicemembers to join civilian life. He joins us now. Good to see you, sir. Thank you. Lets expand upon what you said in your talk there. It turns on the head the idea that some people have that veterans come back damaged and thats the reason they cant assimilate back into society and we see suicide and the other problems we see. Youre putting it another way. Youre saying theyre coming from a place cohesive. They have to look out for the guy next to them and they dont see that when they get back to this society. Yeah, the Israeli Military has a ptsd rate of 1 . Because israelty soldiers are returning to a society that is familiar with the military. Everyone serves. The battle front is on their doorstep. Its tribal in that sense. I studied anthropologiy in college. I confirmed that suicide, depression and the Mental Health issues were low rates in the native societies in america. I had the idea that maybe the problem we all deal with trauma. Our species has survived for 2 million years. Obviously we can adapt to trauma. Maybe the problem isnt the trauma, its coming back to a Cohesive Society, as i said. And if you look at modern society, and some of the highest rates of depression, as wealth goes up depression goes up, suicide goes up. They should be going in the opposite direction. They dont. Thats because we lost cohesion. Is there an war in American History where the Cohesive Society did twist and rates for returning soldiers was lower . You look at the blitz in london. Authorities were prepared for psychiatric casualties. People freaking out. Admissions s ts to psychiatric went down during the bombing and back up when the bombing stopped. During crisis people together. Have a purpose. Yeah and a wealthy modern society is a great blessing in so many ways. The one downside is that it a l and thats when you see a rise in Mental Health issues. After 9 11 in new york city, the suicide rate went down. The murder rate went down. Even ptsd symptoms went down after 9 11. Its the cohesive effect of a catastrophe and it doesnt fall apart into riots and mayhem. People come together, and they want that. Why cant we sustain a National Conversation in this country about what to do and how to solve these problems. Why cant we sustain a National Conversation about our returning heroes and soldiers who come back and we havent done any of the right things. To sustain a National Conversation we have to see ourselves as a unity. We dont. The Political Parties are at each others throats. We live in racially segregated communities, economically segregated communities. There are politicians and leaders in media who literally talk about some fellow citizens as if theyre traitors. They talk with literally . Literally as if they are rivals actively want to hurt the country they talk about the president that way, they talk about congress. Elements of the population as if they are actually trying to harm their own country. When you talk nontribally. You talk about people inside your own camp, you are dividing a society. And interestingly, its a very deeply unpatriotic thing to do. So if thats the norm, if thats acceptable to voters to have people talk like that, youll never have a National Conversation about anything. Sebastian, youve been such a great advocate for vets and have the respect of so many vets because you were over there with them for so long. We just played that story from bob mcdonald at the v. A. Where he compared the wait lines at the v. A. To disneyland. Putting that comment aside, where are we so bad at taking care of these guys. Why isnt that more of a National Priority . Bureaucracies are inherrantly cumbersome and malfunctioning and inefficient. Its in keeping with every other bureaucracy the country runs. That said, i think we should pay special attention to veterans because they did do something extraordinary for the country. A lack of political will, political infighting. You know, youre asking me to explain the problems in government. Thats a long conversation. For a government and for politicians who love to wear flag pins and tie yellow ribbons around their office doors and talk about the truths and not step up when the troops actually need them is despicable. You can say no more flag pins. But just get them off your suits and clothing because then you have to do something substantive rather than relying on a symbol to signal your support of the troops. Wouldnt that be nice . Weve only scratched the surface on this remarkable book, sebastian. Its called tribe on homecoming and belonging. Well be right back with more morning joe. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing because you cant beat zero heartburn i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Its more than a nits reliae uptime. D. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. With centurynk as your trusted technology partner, youre free to focus on growing your business. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. Coming up next, donald trump digs up a 1990s murder conspiracy about president bill clinton by saying hes not the one bringing it up. Nbcs Hallie Jackson is following the Trump Campaign and joins us as he returns to the trail today. Morning joe is back in a moment. Are those made with allbeef, karen . Yeah, theyre hebrew national. But unlike yours, theyre also kosher. Only certain cuts of kosher beef meet their strict standards. Theyre all ruined. Help yourself oh no, we uldn. Okay thanks, hebrew national. A hot dog yocan trust. [engine revs] [engine revving] the allnew audi a4 is here. Good morning, and welcome to morning joe. It is may 24th. Mika has the morning off. Willie, its may and this is the time of year she goes around the world and tries to help young armed marxist rebels, trying to train them. Im in an undisclosed location running counterintelligence operations, but, willie, you and i are going to get through this, which may be one of the uglier days in recent american political history. I say that because of what happened yesterday. We knew we knew that the bill clinton allegations were coming. We didnt think they would come this early or this hard. But the vince foster charges, bringing those up and casting a light on suspicious activities behind an aides death. Thats about as low as it goes. And im shocked that its already happening in may. Yeah, were in 1993 Conspiracy Theory territory right now. Weve got a great group around the table to talk about a lot more than that. Former Communications Director for george w. Bush, nicolle wallace. The managing editors of Bloomberg Politics, cohosts of with all due respect, Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. Just 12 hours away. This is the pregame show. And washington anchor for bbc news world news america, katty kay. Donald trump took his criticisms of former president bill clinton to a new level. Resurfacing allegation of Sexual Misconduct and even a murder conspiracy when he talked about the suicide of vince foster which has been the subject of conspiracy theories. Its something president clinton eluded to at a Campaign Rally this past friday. I know the republicans have been mean to her and say terrible things. You have to respect them. Theyre good at this. They delegitimize the people they dont like. You think the stuff they said about her is bad . They accused me of murder. Our memories are short. Its what they do. So then yesterday the Washington Post published this. When asked in an interview last week about the foster case, trump dealt with it as he has with many edgy topics raising doubts about the official version of events, even as he says he does not plan to talk about it on the campaign trail. He called theorys of possible foul play very serious and the circumstances of vince fosters death very fishy. I dont bring fosters death up because i dont know enough to really discuss it, said trump. I will say there are people who continue to bring it up because they think it was absolutely a murder. I dont do that because i dont think its fair. Both Law Enforcement officials and a subsequent federal investigation have ruled fosters death a suicide. Trump also continued to level the allegation of rape against president clinton yesterday. His campaign posted a video to instagram that spliced a photo of bill clinton smoking a cigar over accusations he sexually assaulted women. Clinton was never charged and denied the allegations when they were first wbr id wbr74266 made in the 1990s. Trump tweeted the instagram link with a quote, is Hillary Clinton really protecting women . No woman should be subjected to it. It was an assault. I tried to pull away from b him. Trump spoke about the personal nature of his wbrid wbr74436 attacks in an interview last night with bill oreilly. Kind of tawdry stuff. Im not sure that this is a good thing to do that. Youre talking about what im doing . Im only responding to what they do. They have been nasty. Shes been very nasty, and i said id like it to be on policy. You know that it makes the country look bad abroad and things like that. Thats what worries me. I understand the clinton attack machine. I got it. And i think it has to be dealt with somewhat. But i think maybe caution i dont like doing that. I dont like doing that, but i have no choice. When shed hits me on things, i have no choice so you have to do it. Lets talk about this as a Campaign Strategy for a presumptive nominee in a president ial election. In some dark corners of the internet, maybe the vince foster story still has some currency. When trying to win a general election, how does this help . I think it helps about as much as accusing your republican opponents father of being friends with Lee Harvey Oswald and somehow implying that he may have had something to do with the assassination of jfk. I wonder what nicole republicans who are bob corker yesterday, one of them, what republicans who are now going and trying to treat donald trump with respect as their presumptive nominee, what are they thinking . What are you thinking . What are an what are people like myself thinkinging . I wonder what me brother is thinking that donald trump is and ill ask him. Or im sure hell text me in three seconds and tell me that instead of building a coherent Foreign Policy, a consistent Foreign Policy where he doesnt change positions every year or two, instead of building a coherent education policy, instead of building any coherent policy, that hes going out and hes dredging up murder conspiracies from the 1990s that only cukes were trying to sell 25 years ago. And this is where he is . This is how he was going to grow . This is how he was going to evolve . Twitter wars against cnn because of saturday afternoon segments and vince foster conspiracy theories . Right. And, listen, i think its good that we spend a beat talking about this, not because the substance of these attacks are worthy of any air time but because they speak directly to Donald Trumps state of mind. The word inside the Trump Campaign is the greatest concern is how you get him to want to learn about the intricacies of Foreign Policy. How do you get him to read anything other than his own twitter feed . If this is what the campaign is putting out there, this is whats on Donald Trumps mind. And i think that the polls last week showing him in striking sis stance of Hillary Clinton, even a couple points ahead in some of the battleground states really showed republicans that he can win this thing. He could be the next president of the United States. But to win over the swath of voters that you need to put you over the top to narrow the gender gap against women, you dont do it by dredging up conspiracy theories. There is a consistent strain of Donald Trumps political brief political life, and it runs through sort of giving legs and voice to the Birther Movement to demanding to see Donald Trumps birth certificate, to dredging up barack obama, im sorry. To dredging up the clinton infidelities and now vince foster. If you are animated by those topics, you are already for trump. So to win over new voters, the kind you need to win a general election, you have to move off this stuff. There is absolutely, Mark Halperin, no pivot. Ive seen no pivot over the last week or two. Ive seen a candidate who seems to be going digging down even deeper into his bunker at a time he needs to start moving aggressively towards picking up female voters, hispanics. We can go down the list. We talked about it on the show two weeks ago that the window is very short for donald trump to actually start moving in areas to clean up some of the messes that are there when you look at the polls. But no evidence that hes doing that. In fact, hes just pushing down on the accelerator. Hes driving the entire party now towards the side of the cliff. When he talks like that, its the press responsibility to move from being theater critics and marveling at his political skill to saying that the two sides are not fighting equally or with the same degree of seriousness about the office for which theyre running. John heilemann, you look at Donald Trumps Approval Rating yesterday. 27 . Yeah. You look at the fact that 58 of americans say hes not qu qualified to be president of the United States. Right. 60 of americans say they disapprove of donald trump. 76 of americans say that they disapprove of the way that he treats other people. And its hard to believe that any of those numbers are going to do anything but go in the opposite direction of where the Republican Party wants them to go. And, yes, he may bring down hillary and bill clintons Approval Ratings, but his go down with this, too. What exactly can anybody tell me the theory of the case inside Donald Trumps mind or inside Donald Trumps headquarters for doing this . I cant and i dont think its a question of within Donald Trumps headquarters. I think its within Donald Trumps own mind. This is a real reflection of some of how he thinks hes going to need to win. And i just have to say, i think its not even a question of clearly this kind of attack is not going to improve his dismal fave unfave ratings with especially with voters who are movable in this country. I dont think hell drive Hillary Clintons numbers down very much. For anybody with whom these attacks resonates, they already hate Hillary Clinton and believe the worst of the clintons. I think he is setting up the clintons by going after them on this stuff so early it puts them in a position where they can be the high road candidate, and they are pretty because he knocked them off their game when he first raised this last december. Right now they seem very resolute. Being able to argue were not going to indulge in this. Were going to stay on the high road. Were not going to address it. Were going to go forward and its going to be spent. Theres not that much more to say once you get to vince foster might have been murdered, where else do you go in the land of clinton conspiracy . This will be spent relatively soon and the clintons will emerge better off because of the fact it looks desperate and it does n turned out badly. Three women accused clinton of Sexual Misconduct. The women praised donald trump. Willie and broderick recounted part of their accusations which the clintons have denied repeatedly. Its hard for me to say the word rape. I always usually say sexual assault, but rape is the perfect terminology for what happened. I had made a huge mistake by not coming forward sooner and by denying it, i had denied it. Because you were afraid. Oh, yes. Yes, i was afraid. And tell everybody again about the hillary encounter. She comes directly over to me and starts her little talk about how appreciative she was of everything i was doing in bills campaign. And i started to just leave. I didnt want to have anything to do with her. And you felt that she knew . She grabbed me by the arm and my hand and she pulled me back into her and said very low, she said, do you understand everything you do . And it frightened me. Im so appreciative to donald trump for bringing it i couldnt. Its very difficult for me to bring it forward because its still too painful, but i appreciate his efforts. Youre listening in the car on the radio that was Juanita Broderick talking to sean hannity. Katty, thats the theory of the case from donald trump which is that the indiscretions of bill clinton matter only because Hillary Clinton, according to donald trump, enabled many of them. And hes already made this case before. She is the enabler in chief of his pecadillos. And hell bring up Monica Lewinsky and the way shes talked about some of these women. There is a kernel of truth there that there is history books have been written. Books have been written about the clintons in which Hillary Clinton did not always resolutely stand up for those women against her husband. Thats what hes trying to twist. There are these instances, these quotes about what Hillary Clinton has said about some of these women and hes trying to say that shows she is not the defender of women that she is trying to portray herself as. The theory of the case for him is i will go after this in order to boost my own Approval Ratings with women and drag hers down. Joe . Yeah, willie, and depressing. I dont know i want to be careful how i say this, yes. There are still unresolved questions regarding all of the women who were interviewed on sean hannity last night. No one left the lie to. Not only what bill clinton did with these women but also Hillary Clintons role in that which maureen dowd has also highlighted, which its just its not a pretty sight. But i can tell you as somebody that was there on the ground floor back in the 1990s, theres a reason why these issues were not pursued with more vigor, and the reason is politically, after impeachment, the American People did not want to hear about bill clintons sexual past. A lot of these women were brushed aside. A lot of them were treated they had the clinton operation. Called it the sluts and nuts operation where theyd either say women came on to bill clinton inappropriately, or they were nuts. And, yes, it was a very ugly chapt chapter, not only in the clintons marriage but in politics. I get to my point. In 1999, we saw bill clintons Approval Ratings go up to 60, 61 , 62 , 63 . Americans did not want to hear about this anymore. They had decided bill clinton did not treat women well and they said, okay. Next topic. And they wanted to move beyond it, and they have. I find it hard to believe that 17 years later, Mark Halperin, that this will have any more resonance than it had in 1999. Well, look, joe. Trump has shown since this general election got under way that he can dominate the debate every day and the clinton folks said in a prelude to this matchup they knew they had to stop that from happening. Shes going to try to talk about housing and the economy and jobs. This show will not be the only one to talk about trumps tactics. Its possible, again, i think this should be less about theater criticism and more about looking at what hes saying and whether its a serious argument for someone who wants to be president. But its possible he can dominate days to the extent that the election comes down to which one are you more sick of . Which one represents more fundamental change, which is what the voters want, and this may be a way to run out the clock. But nicole, its may. As John Heilemann said. Its may. He started running out the clock pretty quickly and secondly, again, weve said it repeatedly. A republican primary is a republican primaries, a republican primary. I need five minutes with someone that much thes to win a republican primary. I can sit them down and explain this is how you win a republican primary. A general election when running for president of the United States, far, far different, far more complex. And donald trump, im flabbergasted he thinks this is going to move him a step closer to the white house. Exactly because this is not what he needs to shore up, right . He has this base covereded, if you will. People know hes going to play dirty. I think republicans in losing the last two National President ial campaigns were looking for someone tough to go up against the clintons. Hes proven he is that guy. Thats how he won the republican primary. But now the people that are left to be convinced to them, he needs to prove he can get his head around complicated questions of commander in chiefdom and hes not answering those questions with these attacks. Hes not doing himself any political good with the people that are still on the fence about him. And, frankly, what bob gates raised on this show, the questions about temperament, he makes those questions worse. He hurts his case about temperament. He hurts his case about proving to the people who night even be impressed and convinced that he is the change agent we might need in washington, but they just dont want to put him in charge of americas military arsenal. He is hurting his case with that swath of the jury that is really undecided about both his qualifications and temperament for the top job. John heilemann, i agree completely. Hes already got the votes that he needs. Anticlinton votes. We believe in these sort of theories. And this is not i mean, this isnt a wash. When you Start Talking about murder conspiracy theories from 1993 and you start accusing bill clinton of rape for things that happened in the 70s, the 90s, and then all youre doing is, yes, youre locking down your 27 that approve of you nationwide. But youre just pissing off the other 60 . And making them more entrenched. Think about the math in these last couple of days, the polling that everybody was talking about on television yesterday, including all of us that trump has republicans have come home to donald trump. Thats one thing that weve seen. Hes consolidated republican support. The other thing is he has this big advantage at this moment with independent voters. So what do independent voters care about. The swing, the people who are going to decide this election. Theyre not people who are going to be moved by arguments about vince foster or, i think, about arguments about Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broderick. If trump wants to go to the idea that bill clinton was running drugs out of the airport. I dont think those are going to move voters. If you look at the polling numbers, a bunch of those people are skrrned about this moment about the fact that donald trump hasnt released his tax returns yet. Thats the polling showed that in both of these polls yesterday. Maybe only in the abc Washington Post poll where you had 60 of independents saying they want donald trump to release his taxes which, to me, is a character issue. Thats what they are saying. We want to know more about you. Were with you for right now but we want to know more about you and who you are. And if what hes conveying to those voters who are not perm innocently with him is that hell be fixated on these kinds of issues, i dont think thats a winning strategy. Doesnt seem to be the way to win. Hes bolstering the base. Hes already got the base as nicolle and everybody else said. It seems this is not a lukely strategy to lock up an election where he is the underdog no matter what else happens. Hes the underdog for reasons we all understand about the Electoral College and demographics. This is not helping him, i dont think, the way i look at how this is going to play out. If you look at our nbc poll out in the last couple of days, Hillary Clinton has leads among women. Also americans favored Hillary Clinton on womens issues in this poll, 63 to 16 . And if you talk to some independent female voters, people on the fence, they actually resent the idea that Hillary Clinton should be blamed for the infidelities, indiscretions of her husband. What happened to Hillary Clinton at the end of the 1990ss, more own Approval Ratings went up. A certain amount of sympathy for her being dragged through the press in the way that she was. Youll see some of that playing into this as well. Sympathy, why should she have to deal with bill clinton and bill clintons affairs. The other number thats interesting. Look at that commander in chief number. 33 donald trump. 43 Hillary Clinton. I dont think that number is just about security. Its about character. And what donald trump is doing at the moment, the way he is dragging the whole political, National Political debate down into the sexual gutter of the sleaziest moments of the 1990s doesnt improve his image as commander in chief of this country. Its a character issue. Still ahead facebook makes some changes after accusations of bias against conservative websites. Plus, Hillary Clinton wants to focus fulltime on donald trump, but shes still fighting with Bernie Sanders who is now warning of a, quote, messy Democratic Convention. First, heres bill karins with a check on the forecast. Ugly morning in new york city. Amazing. New york city and northeast, were going to go from an ugly 60 degrees and rain to almost 90 tomorrow just like that. The heat will be turned on full blast. Yesterday we had some popup thunderstorms. Cold air aloft. It produced small hail even in areas like pennsylvania. As long as you are shoveling it in your shorts you feel all right. It melted in a hurry. The worst weather right now through i70 in kansas from selina to topeka. Theres more to come later today. 90 Million People at risk offy is vosevere storms including oklahoma. If we get any isolated tornadoes, theyll be in the western part of those states. Storm just off the east coast. Cool weather throughout new england and then tomorrow we flip the switch. So for today, 90s minneapolis, huntsville, raleigh. Everybody in the 80s. New york city, 89 degrees. You go from 60s to almost 90s in one day. 91 in nashville. Were turning the heat up. And its going to continue for thursday and right into the holiday weekend. It looks like a very warm memorial day weekend. Looks great for the beaches except the water will be freezing cold. New york city and times square, a rainy morning. Should be followed up by a beautiful, hot summerlike day tomorrow. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. man oh, looks like we missed most of the show. woman and theres no way to restart it. jon bon jovi with directv there is. You see, weve got the power to turn back time so lets restart the show that started at nine and while were at it, lets give you back your do and give her back the guy she liked before you hey, thats the power to turn back time. vo get the ultimate allincluded bundle. Call 1800directv. Trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated . Use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive coming up on morning joe, what do the governors think of the president ial race . Former mississippi Governor Haley barbour weighs in on the republican side. And colorados John Hickenlooper who supports Hillary Clinton joins us to represent the democrats. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. One coat, yes there is a day, for every number. There is a time, for all my slumbers. One coat guaranteed marquee interior. Behrs most advanced paint. Get the best paint for any budget and save 10 or 40 bucks. Only at the home depot. Its more than a nits reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. With centurylink you get advanced technology solutions, including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services all with dedicated, responsive support. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, youre free to focus on growing your business. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. [alarm beeps] the intelligent, allnew audi a4 is here. Aint got time to make no apologies. Welcome back to morning joe. Lets go right to albuquerque, new mexico, where Hallie Jackson is on the campaign trail with donald trump who is back on the campaign trail after stirring up a lot of dust yesterday on his instagram and twitter accounts. Hallie, whats the Trump Campaign supposed to be focussing on today . Well, listen, today, joe, theyre back on the campaign trail. This western swing through new mexico heading out to california for fundraising and north dakota and montana. So what youre going to see is the governor, suzanna martinez, not at his rally today. Shes obviously the head of the republican governors association. Why not . Suzanna martinez says she simply is really busy and wont be able to make it to the donald trump event here tonight. Thats significant. She came out against his temporary proposed muslim ban. New mexico is a state where donald trump will face some challenges with the Latino Community and were preparing for protests as well. Also reports of finishedraising here, and why know theres a big fundraiser in l. A. Tomorrow. These are the first real big dollar donations donald trump will see for the general election as he mauks the turn to go up against Hillary Clinton. Hes got a big naum on board. Its Woody Johnson, the new york jets owner. I spoke with a source close to the campaign that says thats a sign the establishment is starting to come on board for trump. Johnson was a big bush backer when jeb bush was still in the race and has been somebody who has raised money for the rnc and for these republican candidates in the past. For trump, its something that hes going to have to do as he looks to raise possibly a billion dollars for the general election, even though hes railed against johnson and against what he calls this special interest money at his Campaign Rallies in the past. That was then. This is now. Trump looking ahead, guys, here out west. Thank you, Hallie Jackson. Greatly appreciate it. Lets bring in haley barbour, former governor of the great state of mississippi, and also, of course, ran the Republican National committee for a very long time. Governor, its interesting, is it not, that just a few months ago, he was railing against Woody Johnson for giving money to jeb bush to help his familys business. Now hes taking that money that he said was dirty and influential. Talk about the state of the race and the state of the Republican Party right now. Well, i think its interesting that despite his very high negatives, donald trump has a real clear politics average of all the ballot polling is actual lie ahead of Hillary Clinton yesterday. Essentially a dead heat. Both got 43 point something. Trump is ahead by like 0. 2 point, which is irrelevant, but in the last poll done by nbc news, he was down 11 or 12 points. He was in the high 30s and she was in the low 50s. Thats a big change. Thats very positive for trump. And i think its very negative for clinton. I dont know how much of it is caused by the Bernie Sanders continuing effort and the when he says things like he wants to save the country from two flawed choices, i believe was Bernie Sanders term, talking about clinton and trump. That cant be good for ms. Clinton. Do you agree that right now americans have two flawed choices with Hillary Clinton and donald trump . Well, they got the two choices that they decided were their best choices. Right, but im asking you im asking you whats your opinion. Do you think donald trump is a flawed choice as a republican nominee . I think he is a better candidate for president than Hillary Clinton. And life is a series of choices. And if the choice is Hillary Clinton versus donald trump, im going to be for donald trump. Well, what do you think about Donald Trumps strategy to bring up vince foster murder conspiracy theories from the early 1990s. Does that confuse you as a keen political observer . Well, it does, except for one thing. In the Washington Post today, which carries this story, the story says when donald trump was asked about vince foster. Now if a reporter asked him a question, do you expect him not to respond . Then the story will be well, yeah, i if the Washington Post or whomever it was asked him, and thats what the washington post story said, i have a little a little bit less criticism than if he brought it up. If i asked you, what do you think about vince fosters death in 1993, i know what your response would be. Youd stay away from it. Every other respected republican politician on capitol hill that you and i both know that want to be president of the United States would stay away from it. Instead, donald trump talked about it at length and said there were i forget the exact words but said seriously believe that he was murdered. Something fishy happened. It just didnt make a lot of sense. Thats ringing a lot of bells, isnt it . I guess if you get asked a question by somebody out of the clear blue sky, sometimes you do make a response that doesnt make any sense because maybe the question didnt make any sense. Didnt make any sense to me. Didnt make any sense to me. So let me ask you. Do you think vince foster was murdered b eed by the clintons . I have no idea and have no suspicion thats the case. But i dont know. That, sir, is the correct answer. You dont even have to say, i dont know. Because its obvious i dont know. Well, of course. But its a little hard for me, joe, that in fairness, its a little hard for me when some guy gets trump or anybody else, gets asked a question out of the clear blue sky, he didnt apparently, according to the Washington Post story, he was asked a question. He didnt bring this up. Somebody else brought it up. Governor, that is like hitting the ball off of a tee. And you hit the ball off the tee by saying there are plenty of investigations and the Law Enforcement officers ruled it suicide, and i believe them. Mark halperin, let me throw it to you for a question. Governor, i want you to respond to four words. Vice president newt gingrich. Well, i think of it as six words, speaker of the house newt gingrich. I dont know what trump is thinking about Vice President. Theres some obvious things like john kasich, ohio, no republican has ever been elected president and carried ohio. Kasich says hes not interested, but thats normally the response of somebody who gets asked by the press or gets asked by somebody else. Thats different than being asked by the candidate, will you be my running mate . But newt is a bright, bright, bright guy. I think there are just some other geographical advantages with some other people. Marco rubio, again, critical state, florida. Popular guy. Very attractive, young. Suzanna martinez came up in the previous story. Outstanding governor and a tough state. Really a great person. So there are lots of choices. Newt is one of those people on the list apparently. I dont have any im not privy to any information, john, you dont have. Governor, do you think trump is doing the right things to narrow the gender gap which you know is something you have to do as a republican to win a National Campaign for the presidency . You know, if i were giving advice, i would get this campaign back to the fact that twothirds of americans think our country is going in the wrong direction. And thats been over 60 of the polls for three years now. And the main reason they think its going in the wrong direction is because obamas economic policies have been bad policies, and theyve failed. And thats right there evident in the fact that weve had the slowest growth in any recession since world war ii, averaging about 2. 1 or 2. 2 a year. Median Household Income is lower than it was when obama became president. Americans in the heartland and small business, working class, middle class people, they cant tell the difference between the recession and recovery because the recovery has been so unbelievably weak. Thats why twothirds of americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. The conditions produced by obamas policies, thats what i would be talking about if i were running for president. But, look, donald trump won the nomination. I didnt. Hes going to get 12 million or so votes, maybe more than that, more than any other candidate for republican president in history. But that is the advice i would give him. Lets get back on what it is thats got the American People feeling so bad about whats going on in the country and about their future. And its obamas policies and the results of those policies. All right, governor. As always, great advice. We know hes hearing it. We hope hell follow it. Former Governor Haley barbour, thank you for being with us. We greatly appreciate it. Still ahead, well be bringing in the governor of colorado who is also reportedly on Hillary Clintons short Vice President ial list. Could John Hickenlooper give up the statehouse for the white house. And well bring in kasie hunt to see what the campaign thinks about yesterdays attacks from donald trump. Groom. Turquois dresses. So excited. Did all her exes get invited . No ones got moves like uncle joe. Should i stay or should i go . When its go, book with Choice Hotels and get a free 50 gift card for staying just two times. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. You always have a choice. Prge a manufacturer. Well thats why i dug this out for you. Its your grandpappys hammer and he would have want you to have it. It meant a l to him. Yes, ge makes powerful machines. But ill be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. Ill be changing the way the world works. interrupting you cant pick it up, can you . Go ahead. He cant lift the hammer. Its okay though youre going to change e world. What knee pain . . What sore elw . Advil liquigels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. 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What is it about secretary clinton that drives those numbers up. I think a lot of that is just the amount of money thats been spent. Literally hundreds of millions of dollars. Probably over a billion dollars trying to attack every aspect that her opponents can find. Ever since the republican primaries began to gear up, theres been a concerted effort. Its not just paid ads. Its research tanks, social media hits. Theyve been going at her every single way they can. Governor, let me ask you about whats going on in the democratic race. You are a clinton supporter, obviously. Is Bernie Sanders doing permanent damage to secretary clinton . I dont think so. I think his campaign has maid her a stronger candidate and better. Its gone on longer than i would like or a lot of people would like. He holds these values. He wants kids to come out of College Without a lot of debt. She has a more incremental way of her pathway to get those goals is very different than hers. Bernie sanders won colorado. Are Bernie Sanders voters going to go to donald trump or Hillary Clinton . Whats the risk there . Wheres the overlap in your state . And colorado is a very independent state. Onethird independent. Onethird republican and onethird democrat. Thats going to be the battle in colorado. Hillary clinton is going to get most of them. Governor, you have a book called the opposite of whoa. My life in beer and politics. You became rich making beer. Thats kind of everybodys dream. Getting rich drinking beer is everybodys dream. You are a geologist who went to wesleyan. Yes. What is not what id be put down as a guess for someone who got rich making beer. When you are in the bottom of a Great Depression or recession in the late 80s, rent was 1 a square foot per year. We took an old warehouse and put a brewery and restaurant in it and it became popular. We did another one and another one. About 14 of them around the country. When we opened, we were the 60th brewery to be licensed in the United States. Now over 4,000. Craft beer has become a major thing. I was there at the right place. I worked 70 hours a week for many years but i was very lucky. Your book is also brutally honest about your life. You write about your dads death when you were 8 years old. You write about your divorce. Most politicians put a positive spin on those things and you rip off the bandaid. Why . I ran for office in 2003. I never ran for Student Council and got talked into running for mayor. Trying to get people to believe in government. Democracy is a fragile instrument. If people dont believe in it, if they dont believe at all in it, it gets a lot weaker. Rather than do a typical kind of heres why im great. Heres what ive done, weve covered all the challenges and what we accomplish but i also wanted people to see warts and all and be transparent and as honest as i could be. Just tell the truth and the whole truth and trust the voters and it worked. Theres a certain hunger out there for real people with real lives and real jobs and now theyll give some 10 or 15 years to public service. Thats sort of the way the Founding Fathers imagined it, right . Would you advise Hillary Clinton to be more that way in her own political dealings in life . I think to be honest, when i hang out this has happened once in my life. You hang out with Hillary Clinton, she is charming and very empathetic. Shes one of the best listeners ive met in politics. Im from that school that if you want to persuade someone, dont tell them what you think. Listen to what they think and have that listen harder and then they open up and you can persuade them when you find a different kocompromise. Shes brilliant at that. Thank you, governor. Youve persuaded me that i had a misspent youth. Should have spent more time like with beer. The book is the opposite of woe, my life in beer n politics. It hits bookshelves today. Governor John Hickenlooper, thanks for being with us. We appreciate it. Good luck with the book. Thank you. Facebook says theres no evidence of bias in its trending topics section, but the site still is going to make changes anyway. Were going to have the details coming up next in business before the bell. You both have a perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets. No accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yeah. Now you would think your iny would cut you some slack, right . No. Your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgivess, liberty mual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Welcome back. It is time to go to wall street and talk to sara eisen for business before the bell. Facebook is taking a number of steps to address concerns of political bias in its trending topics section of its news site. Facebook announcing on a blog post its going to be retraining the editors that have a hand in the trending page. Its going to get rid of the list of top news websites that initially is assigned a level of importance at a topic. This way the algorithm could create all stories equally. And it will also make a number of other changes all in an effort to clear up the process so that no bias is injected in its political stories on the trending topics page and to just help be more transparent. Remember this all comes in response to a gizmodo article citing an unnamed employee that accused facebook of treating conservative stories differently and not assigning any priority to them. The company has been under fire. It still maintains, though, an internal review found no evidence of manipulation of its stories or efforts to quash conservative news. Senator john thune also sent facebook a letter demanding changes. These changes were largely seen as a response to this. Clearly facebook is denying any wrongdoing. They are taking the matter very seriously. They met with conservative personalities last week. They are on top of it. They are making changes which is somewhat unusual for facebook to be so transparent about some of its internal processes. It really is. Sara eisen, thank you so much. Greatly appreciate it. Coming up next, what, if anything, did we learn today . Life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as Gunnery Sergeant when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and im a usaa member for life. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Think fixing your windshield is a big hassle . Nowith safelite. 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With one notable difference. The allnew audi a4, with available traffic jam assist. Welcome back to morning joe. Time to talk about what we learned today. Alex notified me that it is one kasie hunts birthday today. She turns 21. How exciting. What have you learned . On your birthday, what did you learn . Haley barbour doesnt have any suspicions about vince foster and if you want someone to open a bottle of beer at 9 00 in the morning, ask John Heilemann. Keep your constituents drunk and high at all times and youll have a good Approval Rating. Im surprised the bottle is still closed and John Heilemann hasnt drunk it. Its my birthday. His her beer, not mine. Sebastian junger has a different take of ptsd. This is the first day it took me two of these to get through it. Joe if its way too early, what time is it . Its time for morning joe, but stick around because the rage, man. The rage, Steve Kornacki starts right now. The sweater rage. The sweater rage. All right. Good morning. Im Steve Kornacki. Were looking live at pictures of a pennsylvania courthouse. Bill cosby set to arrive there any minute now. Evidence against cosby being presented this morning for the first time. The First Time Ever in a criminal hearing thats going to determine whether or not cosby will stand trial. His accuser, andrea konsti, possibly taking the stand today. A chance she could be in the same room as bill cosby. She accuses cosby of drugging and molesting her back in 2004. Much more on that straight ahead. Its a situation well be following closely and watch iin all hour. Topping our political agenda, donald trump goes back to the 1990s. A new video going

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