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Good morning, welcome to morning joe. Its friday, march 25. Its good friday. Joe and mika have the morning off. Joining me on set, former Communications Director for president george w. Bush, nicolle wallace. Msnbc contributor mike barnicle, managing editor of Bloomberg Politics Mark Halperin. The former governor of vermont and former chairman of the dnc howard dean also with us at the table. Good morning. Were going to talk about gary shandli shandling, that was shocking. One of the greatest shows on tv, Larry Sanders. We have breaking news h th i morning. Overnight in belgium, prosecutors say theyve detained seven people after raids. The Prosecutors Office didnt provide details. Meanwhile french officials said last night that police there foiled another terrorist attack which they say was in an advanced stage of planning. Police raided a home outside paris after arresting a French National early in the day. Officials called it a major arrest but said there was no evidence linking that plot to the bombings this week in brussels or the attacks in paris last november. That coming as the manhunt continues for accomplice on tuesdays bombing. Including one attacker seen standing next to Ibrahim El Bakraoui and Najim Laachraoui. Laachraouis brother went before cameras yesterday and at his lawyers request they blurred his face. The brother said hes sad and overwhelmed and no one in the family has heard from najim since 2013. The Family Warned Police when they learned he was in syria. The brother added he never sauna jet stream with any suspects in the paris or brussels attacks. Meanwhile, u. S. Officials are saying the names of the two brothers in the brussels bombings had been listed as potential terror threats in u. S. Databases before this weeks attacks. Belgian authorities have said ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui were known to them only for their past criminal behavior and not as potential terrorists. Belgiums interior and Justice Minister offered to resign yesterday amid mounting criticism over the countrys failure to prevent the attacks. They came under increased scrutiny after turkey said on wednesday it had deported Ibrahim El Bakraoui last year and warned belgium he was, in fact, a militant. However, Prime Minister Charles Michel has asked both ministers to stay on. With all that in mind, lets go to brussels, belgium. Senior White House Correspondent Chris Jansing is there. Chris, i understand you have breaking news on american victim this is morning . Yeah, willie, its sad news. Just in the last hour, nbc news has confirmed two of the victims in the attacks here in brussels were americans. Two americans confirmed dead. We are not releasing any names. We are waiting to make sure that the next of kin have been notified. That leaves two more americans who are still missing. In the meantime, very active here. You mentioned the seven arrests, these ongoing raids, its because theres this increasing sense of urgency because officials simply dont know how many members of this terror cell may be still at large. It already is bigger than they first had thought and these links to paris and brussels getting deeper and deeper. And the overwhelming concern that because they saw that these attacks may have been moved up after the arrest of Salah Abdeslam, whoever is left in this terror cell may feel this sense of being hunted and feel as though they need to get whatever other attacks may be under way. Where those attacks were planned, well, we got the first look at that. We saw pictures taken during the raid inside that apartment where the brothers and the bomb maker were staying. It mostly looks cleaned out. You see a simple ladder sitting there. At one point there was a broken what looked like an ipad on the counter. They took closeup pictures of that. Theres a number of rooms in disarray, but mostly they have been cleaned out. Its not clear whether officials took all of that as evidence or they were living this incredibly spartan life. Theres also a chilling look inside one of the subway cars, pictures that were taken in the moments after the deadly attack and you can see how smokey it is. You can see the devastation of that subway car. The ongoing concern which remains what else could they be planning . We know for them success equals recruits so every time they see there is something that happened in paris, something that happened in belgium, they believe that gives them impetus to get more of those foreign fighters to join them. One final thing we want to tell you about to that point of concern, what else might be planned, officials are confirming the brothers had a camera set up outside the home of a Nuclear Scientist and recorded at least ten hours of video. They wanted to get to him and get his help in building a dirty bomb. Willie . High alert across europe. Chris jansing in brussels. As chris mentioned, two americans confirmed dead. Right now 12 americans are known to have been injured in the brussels terror attacks and several have yet to be accounted for. Brother and sister sasha and Alexander Pinczowski still missing. Husband and wife from kentucky are also missing. More than 300 people were wounded. Dozens suffering terrible injuries. I was in the metro and then the bomb how are you feeling . Quite good, im going home. That man saying he wanted to go home and see his kids. A german lawyer in brussels for business was able to escape tragedy twice. He says he was able to get a taxi from the airport only to be dropped off in maalbeek near the site of the metro explosion. I got off the taxi directly in front of the entrance to the metro. Exactly in the moment when i arrived and got off the taxi the second bomb exploded. Mike, a lot to sift through on this story but one of the interesting angles of u. S. Intelligence is they say these guys were known to them. On a list they had which conflicts with the information that came out of brussels and europe that says these guys were common criminals who were driven into jihadi activity. The recruitment pool being used in europe, theres common criminals by and large in places like maalbeek who are being recruited. The two brothers, one of the brothers arrested in turkey and sent back to the netherlands rather than directly back to belgium had been arrested low level times for low level criminal offenses. So its not a religious recruitment drive, its the low end of the pool looking for people, minor criminal offenses, nothing to do, no jobs, tend towards violence, tend towards armed robberies, come with us, we have something for you to do. And the prisons, as in this country, are places a recruitment school. But its so reminiscent of the process we went through where the walls between the fbi and cia didnt allow a flow of information and ive asked every Foreign Policy official if they think they will break down those walls, if f the process of connecting the dots will reform that system and no one seems particularly optimistic it will. Its astounding. Well, theres also theres great frustration, im told, within american intelligence sources and american intelligence officials that the dispensation of intelligence to belgium, not necessarily france so much but they dont know how its handled, how they hear it, what they do with it, theres multiple Intelligence Agency within belgium that handle it differently. Multiple police forces. Great language difficulties, french, german, flemish. After 9 11 this country overcame the bureaucratic resistance to integration, department of homeland security, its made a huge difference in america and europe hasnt gotten series. Individual countries in europe as a whole havent gotten serious about it. Theres also a big break between america and europe on this. I mean, we have constant problems with data on Airline Passengers being shared and this is stuff thats got to be fixed otherwise this is going to continue. And one of the suspect bombers, laachraoui, you heard his brother say when he left for syria they went to the police and said this is not normal for him to have gone there. Then he returned. Which is exactly what you want family members to do. You real will can pinpoint where the beakdown happened. It wasnt the family. The cab driver. Thats right. So obviously politics is going to be injected in this domestically. With no public appearances until tuesday, donald trump is off the campaign trail but still active on twitter, he had a lot to say about National Security yesterday. He wrote in one tweet nato is obsolete and must be changed to additionally focus on terrorism as well as some of the things its currently focused on. We pay a disproportionate share of the cost of nato. Why . Its time to renegotiate, the time is now. He went on to write these politicians like ted cruz and Lindsey Graham who have watched isis and many other Problems Develop for years do nothing to make things better. Remember when i recently said that brussels is a hell hole and a mess and the failing New York Times wrote a critical article. I was so wriright. He went on its amazing how often i am right. Illegal immigration, take the oil, build the wall, muslims, nato. He went on to say Just Announced that as many as 5,000 isis fighters have infiltrated europe. Also many in u. S. I told you so. I alone can fix this problem. I put this problem to Michael Steele and i said whats amazing is he does find that kernel of truth and thats how he hooks his supporters and can make this case but then as you see, if you read the transcript of the Washington Post Editorial Board, when he expands he usually is very sloppy with the facts but what he hangs on to and what his supporters gravitate to is this kernel of truth that he gets and finds people that affirm that yes, i was right. Well, his initial tweet about nato goes direct to what you just said about how europe handles intelligence. They have to reform how they handle intelligence, we understand its difficult. Were dealing with sovereign nations. Its not like the collective 48 states, 50 all together but 48 contiguous states here where information is shared and goes up. This is one of the core problems that the e. U. Is facing. Not just about terror. They have got to integrate theyve either got to you know what or get off the pot here. They have to do real integration with they share intelligence, have a single Immigration Force as we do or theyre going to fall apart. So you agree with trumps analysis . I dont agree with anything that donald trump says. But thats the point. He takes a kernel of truth and were having a conversation about how to reform nato. Not nato. The e. U. Is a bigger problem. I believe if you dont study now again, ive said before there are going to be ph. D. Dissertations about this. If you dont look at why hes saying about nato and the chord its going to strike, youre underestimating him. Nato, is its on sleet in no, but does it need to reform its mission . Which is what he said. It needs to change the mission. So you have other politicians including Hillary Clinton and ted cruz saying oh, hes weak on defense, out of touch because he wants to change nato. On the politics and policy hes right. Nato needs to be looked at. Nato is oriented towards stopping russia from invading berlin rather than dealing with the threats that europe and the world faces and trump has figured this out and he wont stop. And he gets Richard Haass and Steve Rattner and others who say i hate to say this, trump is on to something. I wouldnt go so far to say hes right on the policy. I think its more accurate to say he gets a kernel of policy truth. Its more than a kernel. Im not saying hes right about the entire hinge but just like with the border, like we need to look at our security, there should be a robust debate about the role of nato. It would not happen if it werent for donald trump and now i think it will. Youll be in one of his tweets today. The congratulations, the great Mark Halperin says i was right. Eugene robinson joins us from washington. Gene, there are two schools of thoughts when a terrorist attack like this happens during this president ial campaign about donald trump. Someone that it helps him because he projects strength, hell crush isis. The other is these are serious times and hes not the man for the job. Where do you think this shakes out . Well, i think maybe because he i guess projects strength or makes a lot of noise. To that extent it helps him certainly with his supporters. It doubt it helps him with a lot of other people, people who dont support donald trump. You see how high his negatives are, people who dont like donald trump really dont like donald trump. Im fascinated with nicolles analysis of the kernel of truth. Kernel is giving it more credit. A kernel is very small, gene. [ laughter ] a kernel is a little thing. A kernelcito. [ laughter ] a little nit of truth. The smallest thing in the bag. Shes all over the map. And when you look at policy you find that theres nothing there. You open that cupboard, the policy cupboard in Donald Trumps head and theres nothing there. You dont see read the Washington Post Editorial Board transcript. There is nothing there. Nato does need to be looked at. That has been true for a long time but when donald trump says that, is there any substance behind what hes saying . And i maybe there is but ive seen no evidence that there is. That he would sit down and tell you, for example, how nato might potentially be revamped other than were paying too much money for it. But, gene, youre right about everything you just said but most people are not reading the Washington Post transcripts and most people oh, but they must most people are hearing only nato and the tweet that they read going right past their ears and saying oh, yeah, hes probably right. Thats his genius. Look, i early and often ive said dont underestimate this guy, he has not only a gift but he has great instincts and he does. But a lot of it is trial and error, too. I mean, because if you listen to donald trump in the course of a day or you follow his tweets hes all over the map, he will hit on something that resonates and something that has nicolles term of truth and then he runs with that. Another 10 minutes, generobinson, sad. [ laughter ] donald trump is off the campaign trail for 10 days and hes tweeting in his bathrobe on park avenue and were talking about him. Still ahead on morning joe, senator tom cotton. Plus best selling author William Cohan who says wall street is finally coming to terms with the republican frontrunner. Plus its not easy to tick me off. I dont get angry often. But you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids that will do it every time. Donald youre a sniveling coward and leave heidi the hell alone. Ted cruz boiling mad after donald trump find a way to get under his skin on twitter. Well dig into that when well dig into that when morning joe comes right back. Hey hows it going, hotcakes . Hotcakes. 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Do you think he knows who, like, the Prime Minister of canada is . [ laughter ] no. But [ laughter ] thats, of course, Hillary Clinton on jimmy kimmel last night talking about donald trump. Another National Poll shows Hillary Clinton soundly defeating donald trump in the general election. The Monmouth University poll finds clinton beating trump by 10 point, 48 to 38 . She beats ted cruz by 5 and loses to john kasich by six points. The Ohio Governor taking 45 to secretary clintons 39 . The poll finds the two are the best known and most unpopular candidates. Trumps unfavorable 60 . Secretary clinton gets a favorable rating of 40 from voters and unfavorable of 51 . Governor john kasich, nearly unknown to a thursday of the electorate, rates the best with a 50 favorable rating. Meanwhile, donald trump and ted cruz continued to fight about their wives yesterday. Senator cruz reacted to a latenight tweet sent from trump that insulted the appearance of his wife heidi. Campaigning in wisconsin yesterday, cruz defended his family and would not say whether he would support trump in the fall, something he previously has committed to doing. Donald does seem to have an issue with women. Donald doesnt like strong women. Strong women scare donald. Let me be absolutely clear. Our spouses and our children are off bounds. Its not acceptable for a big, loud, new york bully to attack my wife. It is not acceptable for him to make insults to send nasty tweets late at night. And i dont know what he does late at night but he tends to do these about 11 30 at night. Weve got two little girls who are seven and five. Im not looking forward to telling the girls why donald trump is launching insults and attacks at their mommy. Real men dont try to bully women. Thats not an action of strength, thats an action of weakness. Its an action of fear. Its an action of a small and petty man who is intimidated by strong women. I dont get angry often. But you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that will i do it every time. Donald youre a sniveling coward, and you leave heidi the hell alone. So will you support him as the nominee . Im going to beat him for the nomination. Respectfully, thats not answering the question. I am answering the question. Donald trump will not be the nominee. Hes leading right now. You looked in that camera and said he is a coward. Will you support him as the nominee . Donald trump will not be the nominee. Donald trump is a gift wrapped in a pink little bow for the democratic party. It hands the general election to Hillary Clinton. That was, of course, Hallie Jackson pressing ted cruz. Shes awesome. She is awesome. Mark halperin, senator cruz has the wife and he should defend his wife, good for him on doing that but this whole episode the last couple days is perhaps the most depressing chapter in this campaign, tweeting pictures about each others wives. It goes on for another day. And it, i think, doesnt help anybody. Doesnt help the discourse, but it also i dont think helps senator cruz because i dont think this is what he wants the contrast to be with donald trump. I totally disagree. Women hear him standing up to a guy bullying other women and yesterday what happened on cable news, a lot of female cable hosts pressed trumps spokespeople about the larger theme of trumps treatment of women and that conversation would not have started unless his opponent, cruz, raised the issue. Lots of coded word in here small, petty, pink. This gender debate, you can say it doesnt hurt or help i think it will be a long time before we can tell the actual effect among female voters about debates like this. It may be a long time but the wisconsin primary is a week from tuesday. But in eroding trumps potential support among women i think the damage could be lasting. It could be in a general election. But ted cruz is not trying to help Hillary Clinton win, hes trying to win the nomination himself and i just believe that this one frame, which is going to dominate the news as long as he continues to escalate the rhetoric, is not enough to stop donald trump from getting a majority of the delegates. The question is but i think thats more due to math, not the strength of the argument trump is making. I dont disagree with you on the math. But he wants to be the nominee. But the notion its a nonstory, not true. I dont think its a nonstory. I think he wants to stop donald trump from getting a majority of the delegates and that requires a broader argument. Wisconsin is interesting because unlike the national dialogue, talk radio hosts in wisconsin, particularly in milwaukee, which is a lot of the vote, they dont like trump and they do like cruz and i think he has plenty of opportunity to talk about trump being a liberal and not let this dominate. Its maybe not fair but if he talks about this, this is all that will be covered. Theres another element that played out in that in those clip wes just saw that its out there and its lingering and its going to have an impact one way or another at some point and it is Hallie Jacksons questions to cruz gets at it. A lot of people walk around saying geez, the things they said about each other and especially about trump, then they theyre asked if you support trump, yes, ill support him if hes the nominee. What is wrong with these people . Well, lindsey looks so uncomfortable. Why is that . Lindsey graham is not a crazy person. Why is he fudging on this . This is nuts. Hes not. He backed cruz. Hes not fudging, he made a choice that the priority was to stop trump. Jeb bush made the same choice but i think for what you just described, its uncomfortable for them. If donald trump wins wisconsin and new york, will there be more Chris Christies who endorse him or not . At this point i dont know that there will be. And how do you go to the National Convention without having endorsed the nominee. The thing thats amazing to me, is these guys are endorsing ted cruz. Hes a complete outliar in washington. Hes really hurt the republican brand. What is going on here . Are they so desperate to get rid of trump theyre willing to endorse a guy they know very well is not qualified to be president . At this point theyre worried about but but they believe trump would cost him the senate and maybe the house and they think cruz will not. If you watch Lindsey Graham on this show, i interviewed him on the today show yesterday, the daily show two nights ago, hes squirming in his chair when he talks about it. Theyre doing this through gritted teeth. And donald trump is well aware of that. He posted this yesterday to instagram. What would your message be to ted cruz . Have a little bit of selfrestraint. Ted cruz is just like any other politician. He says whatever he needs to say to get elected . Ted cruz is not my favorite by any means. And thats what Lindsey Graham has said when asked what does this endorsement mean given the terrible things youve said about them . He says this says a lot about donald trump. Coming up, we know republicans are planning to pick a fight with trump at the convention. Now were learning how the republican frontrunner is planning to strike back. Katie you are t katy tur is off the trail and ari melber as well with trumps strategy to keep the establishment at bay. Well be right back. We got another one. I have an orcogram for an owen. Thats me. You should hire stacy drew. She wants to change the world with you. She can program jet engines to talk and such. Heriggest weakness is she cares too much. Thank you. My friend really wants a job at ge. Mine too. Im a wise elf from a far off shire. And sanjay patel is who you should hire. Thank you. Seriously though, stacy went to a great school and shes really loyal. You should give her a shot. Sanjays a team player and uh. Advisor and team who understand where you come from. We didnt really have anything, you know. But, we made do. Vo know you can craft an Investment Plan as strong as your values. Al, how you doing. Hey, mr. Hamilton. Vo know that together you can establish a meangful legacy. With the guidance and support of your dedicated pnc Wealth Management team. Some say free the whales. For them, nothing else is acceptable. But nothing could be worse for the whales. Most of the orcas at seaworld were born here. Sending them into the wild wouldnt be noble. It could be fatal. When they freed keiko, the killer whale of movie fame, the effort was a failure and he perished. But we also understand that times have changed. Today, people are concerned about the Worlds Largest animals like never before. So we too must change. Thats why the orcas in our care will be the last generation at seaworld. There will be no more breeding. Were also phasing out orca theatrical shows. Theyll continue to receive the highest is inspiring the next generation of people to love them as you do. Is is is. The next republican primary is next week. Msnbcs Steve Kornacki, as always, crunching the numbers on the delegate math. How could trump get to 1237 . Let me show you. Lets look at the big board. Right now this is a rough number, but donald trump right now is at well say 755 delegates. Its give or take a few. Well say 755. Remember, the target number here is 1237. Lets play this out a bit and see what it would take. These are the states that are left. The number you see next to it, number of delegates up for grabs. The first thing i can say is theres three states well take off the board nebraska, south dakota, montana. These are winner take all states. These are states that really fit the profile of places where ted cruz is doing well so well say for the purposes of this cruz wins those states, lets look at the other places where trump could get the number. Hes at 755. Lets start in wisconsin. A close race, we just talked about it. Lets say trump pulls it out. Close but pulls it out. That would mean the way the rules work probably about 30 delegates for trump. So that would move him to 785. Where else can he look . The action will shift right then after wisconsin to the northeast. The northeast is trumps secret weapon. There are more than 300 delegates in these states and these states are good trump states. It starts with new york, his home state, new jersey, a winner take all state, West Virginia fits the profile. Its not inconceivable he walks away with 280 delegates from here. If he does that, hes sitting at 1035. Where else does he go . In may there will be a primary in indiana, could be another close state, lets say its a close trump win. 30 more delegates. Now where are we . 1065. Now the pacific coast, three states where he could do well. A poll in california has him up 10 points over ted cruz. He could take 150 delegates from the west coast states, those three west coast states. Add that in, where is he is now, now hes at 1215. 1237 is the number. Weve taken these three off the boards, theres one state left, its new mexico. Many if he won every delegate there, and this is proportional, he would be at 1239. Of course he wont get every delegate out of new mexico but he could get a lot. These are enough numbers. He could do better than we think. That could put him over and what are the stop trump people hoping for . They hope to beat him in wisconsin and indiana, deny him the number out of the northeast and the pacific coast. There is a path for donald trump to get to 1237 or close to it. See the kornacki breaking it down. Nobody works the tell administrator like kornacki. And hes so cute. Hes got that republican staffer wardrobe. Im sure hell appreciate that description. Ive said it before. Donald trump is sure the nomination will be his but ted cruz says close only counts in horse shoes. Hes plotting to outflank trump in the delegate race. Joining us now, msnbc chief Legal Correspondent ari melber and off the cam trail for the first time in what seems like years, nbcs katy tur. Its very weird to be on solid ground in not a plane. Or mar a lag o. Also with us, attorney and republican strategist ben ginsberg. We had a coin toss before the segment to decide who goes first here, ari won. Tell me about some of your reporting as trump heads too this convention. Hes got a plan in case he doesnt have that magic number of 1237. Full disclosure, the coin was from Dark Knight Rises the twoheaded coin you get. Cheated. Great way to start a convention story. Katy tur and i have been doing some reporting and what we found is interesting. Donald trump has said repeatedly he will win this outright and hes threatened if he doesnt somehow it would be unthinkable or worse. And yet weve also discovered that he has put in place a team of veteran operatives including a former rnc political director to basically plan for the eventuality of a potential contested convention. Not only that, weve learned they have a two phase strategy to deal with it. Phase one even if theyre short those delegates that Steve Kornacki was talking about, they have 40 days between the end of the primaries in june and the start of the convention where they could get signed commitments from delegates trying to lock in a public majority and, two, they have a plan they say to win at a contested convention in cleveland. Which is interesting because donald trump has been confident saying i es not going to happen. But to see the campaign has establishment folks behind the seens is interesting. This campaign has been painted as haphazard but the reality is there are operatives back there. And this was your theory weeks ago that trump would put together a robust and skilled convention. They knew what they had to d do. Who are they . We put it up. Don mcgahn, jason osborne, Barry Bennett to spoke to us on the record. Carsons campaign manager. And ed brookover, former rnc political director, ill read one quote from barry. Barry told katy and i with regard to what can happen if youre ready to fight. And theyre ready to make deals which is standard for donald trump. Its important to know their first job is to go out to all the state conventions that are about to take place in april, may, and the beginning of june and win delegates. The most important thing they can do is line up people who are sympathetic to them, supportive of donald trump to get enough delegates so that the unbound delegates become relevant to him. Whats interesting, though, is in louisiana, which has had its state convention, ted cruz came away with about i think 10 delegates more than he initially got in the primary. And its an example of the Cruz Campaign once again trying to outorganize the Trump Campaign and they have been pretty successful with that, especially in states where the Organization Matters which is iowa, oklahoma, those states, caucus states, essentially. So the Cruz Campaign is actively showing that they are planning on taking this to a convention regardless of what happens with the rest of these primaries. They want this nomination for themselves. And you saw ted cruz say that yesterday pretty decisively. Donald trump is not getting this nomination. So the Trump Campaign has a task to accomplish in order to get over that hump. Its amazing. In many ways if it goes to the convention without trump having a majority of the delegates this could come down to who has a better one of these operations. So based on your reporting if you look at what ted cruz has put in place and what trump has put in place, whos got the edge . Ill quote Stuart Stevens whos a big trump critic but he says when it comes to the numbers, if youre in an open convention its like a recount, youre better going in with a lead. And i think theres math that is strong. There are a lot of arguments from the political class, from the stop Trump Movement, certainly Cruz Campaign which is not to be underestimated about how this could go down. At the end of the day, if you are up 75, 100, 125 delegates, you are going wiin with a mathematical edge. A couple developments. First of all, john kasich has a team out there working on this, too. Also the report ing reporting o street journal shows that in louisiana and georgia the cruz people have won delegates that should go to donald trump, will go to donald trump on the first ballot but in fact the people who are going are ted cruz supporters. So thats the underlying game so when you get to the convention in that 40 day period, the persuasion issues will come down to how successful you were over the next few weeks at the state convention. Thats only for the second ballot if there is one. Its only for the second ballot but its also for rules issues, its also for platform, it is for the vice presidency. You dont know anything about recounts do you, ben . Youve got fingers and toes, what else do you need . Ari, great reporting, thank you so much. Katy, good to see you in studio. Come back. Come back some time, visit us. Take me off the trail. You never come home. Come home and see us. [ laughter ] ben will stick around. Still ahead, new questions about the Police Interrogation of the prime suspect in the paris attacks. Did officials do enough to interrogate him ahead of the brussels bombing . Well go back to belgium just ahead. Morning joe coming right back. , the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in rochester, with worldclass botox. And in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov everhas a number. Olicy but not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. For those whove served and the families that have supported them, we offer our best service in return. Aa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. The possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. 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Theyre going to cross that baseline. Jordan bell. Action in the sweet 16, blowouts in all four games. Kansas, villanova, oregon and oklahoma all advancing to the elite eight that tips off on saturday. So you have chalk on that side of the bracket, 12 kansas villanova, 12 oregon. Tonight is the second half of the elite eight with good games beginning with topranked virginia against number four iowa state. The late game tonight, North Carolina indiana. Are you staying up and watching these . Its friday night, we can stay up, we can party. Its going to be big. I might stay up past 9 30. A front page story in this mornings New York Times is detailing what the paper calls deep flaws in the nfls concussion studies. According to confidential documents obtained by the times, the leagues concussion research study formed in 1994 left out more than 100 reported concussions from their studies of head injuries between 1996 and 2001. The paper writes that the committee then calculated the rates of concussions using the incomplete data, making them appear less frequent than they actually were. After the times asked the league about the omitted concussions, officials said the clubs were not required to submit their data and not every club did. The league added that the missing cases were not part of an attempt to alter or suppress the rate of concussions. At least one Committee Member told the times he was unaware of the omissions. The beat goes on in this story, mike. The nfl says the way we collected the data back then lended itself to this being incomplete, the teams didnt have to give us everything. It would be different today, it is different today. The nfl is hugely vulnerable on this given the past what they have not done, given their initial offer to existing players who have suffered the trauma from the concussion. They tried to low ball them in court, they finally settled i think for 750 million. They are obsessed with deflategate at the expense of things like concussiongate. The nfl is recaally truly vulnerable. And with early retirements, a guy like Calvin Johnson walks away, great players walking away for fear of cte, they see whats coming down the road. Coming up, wall street is about predictions. How did the big bankers a ill to forecast the rise of vanity fair looks into that question. Plus, he influenced everyone from gary gervase to chris rock, Garry Shandling died yesterday. Here he is with Jerry Seinfeld on comedians in cars getting coffee a few weeks ago. Im sure, like me, you were stunned, i dont know how you felt. They broke in and said Robin Williams killed himself. And i sat there and i was frozen, this is totally true. I was in my kitchen. Then wolf blitzer says 63 is so young. And then i looked up with a little hope because im the same age as robin. And then i realized 63 is so young is a phrase you never hear relative to anything but death. 63 is so young to be playing in the nfl. You dont nothing. [ laughter ] you have to die in your 60s for them to say boy, he was young. [eerie music] i am the ghost of cookies past. Residue. Oh. So gross. Well, you didnt use pam. So it looks like youre stuwith me bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. Thats why theres pam. We believe in the power of active management. Management, by debating our research to find the best investments. By looking at global and local insights to benefit from different points of view. And by consistently breaking apart risk to focus on longterm value. We actively manage with expertise and conviction. So you can invest with more certainty. Mfs. Thats the power of active management. You can get a great andeal on this jetta. , it drives great. 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Thats a clip from the Larry Sanders show, one of the greatest shows of all time, Ground Breaking, as was garry shandling, he died yesterday suddenly at 66. He inspired a generation of standup comedians from his early work on stage through influencing one of the biggest names on tv today. Welcome Garry Shandling. Reporter Garry Shandling came to our attention doing a standup routine on the tonight show. I had a great day. I went to the bank. Have you gotten your free pen yet . [ laughter ] these are free. You just yank these things and they pop right out. Reporter he was such a big hit he was soon filling in for johnny carson. There was even talk that shandling would eventually take over the show. But shandling found his way to show time. This is the theme of the garry show he did a sitcom about a standup comedian. It was a thinly veiled sitcom of comedians and shandling himself. It was funny and a cult hit. Shandlings real claim to fame came on hbo. The Larry Sanders show mocked late night tv, ego, ambition, and show business. Some of us are talented. Im sweating like a pig. Reporter it was what everybody at work talked about the next day. How am i really doing . Huh . You did great. Really . Man, what are you doing. Youre Robin Williams, for gods sakes. Reporter recently shandling shared a porsche with Jerry Seinfeld. He could even crack up comedians. I dont think einstein bounced that joke off the crowd. Reporter shandling was predictably funny. What he was famous for. Mark, we were just talking about how Ground Breaking becomes a cliche word but the Larry Sanders shoet truly was if you look at tv, that was such a novel thing. Now its common but the guy was a brilliant performer but both the shows that was mentioned in the piece, both the shows were Ground Breaking. So many people are taking elements of those shows and people accept it. And such a beloved guy. If you watch that comedians in cars with Jerry Seinfeld, thats two guys who came up the same time, same era, just cracking each other up and you saw it on twitter and on tv yesterday how much people miss him already. And the show, the Larry Sanders show the way he put it together was one of the first talk about Ground Breaking. An ensemble cast. Rip torn, jeffrey tambor. I mean, everyone in their own niche, character niche, was hysterically funny. It wasnt an oversight to say youd be talking about the show the next morning. It went off the air in 1998. He was so beloved. He had a sunday pickup basketball game at his house for the last 20 years and people from all over hollywood would stop by and play basketball at Garry Shandlings house on a sunday afternoon. Brad pitt would show up with his basketball and jump in the game. But Garry Shandlings house was the center of hollywood on sunday afternoon so hell be missed by a lot of people. Still ahead on morning joe, the latest on that breaking news out of brussels. Word now, two americans among those killed in tuesdays terrorist attacks. Well go live to Chris Jansing in belgium. Plus, senator tom cotton of arkansas and the Arms Services and intelligence committees joins us. Well ask him what europe has to do to tighten up its counterterrorism strategy. Morning joe is back in a moment. Trolling for a gig with braindrone . Cant blame you. Its a drone you control with your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. No, im actually over at the ge booth. Were creating the Operating System for industry. Its called predix. Its gna change the way the world works. Ok, im telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. Umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. Look out ohhhhhhhhhh. You know what, im just gonna email it to you. Yeah thats probably safer. Ok, cool. Wont keep you up at night. 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Good morning, everybody. Good morning. Everybody feeling all right . We good . Yeah, yeah. Feeling good, willie . Still with us, mike snrchgts mikes been here all week. Hes a little grumpy. I have been here all week. Lets be transparent. Mike is only here because theres not an early shuttle back to boston. Thats exactly right. Its on the holiday schedule. He literally had nowhere else to go. You sold him out. We have Important News to get to. Lets start in belgium. The manhunt continues across europe this morning. Prosecutors say theyve detained seven people after raids throughout brussels. The prosecute ors office didnt provide details about who had been detained or whether they will face charges at this point. Meanwhile, french officials said last night police there foiled another terrorist attack which they say was at an advanced stage of planning. Officials calling it a major arrest but saying theres no evidence linking that plot to the bombing in brussels or the attacks in paris last november. This comes tasman hundredth continues for accomplices in tuesdays bombings, including one attacker, the third man, seen standing next to Ibrahim El Bakraoui and Najim Laachraoui. Meanwhile, u. S. Officials are saying the names of the two brothers in the brussels bombings had been listed as potential terror threats in databases before this weeks attack. Belgian authorities have said ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui were known to them only for their past criminal behavior and not as potential terrorists. Joining us from brussels, belgium, nbc news senior White House Correspondent Chris Jansing. Chris, we have breaking news about american victims. They have been positively identified and they are alex and sascha pinczowski. They had been on the phone with family at the time of the explosion and then the phone went dead. So these two american victims identified as sal lalex and sas pinczowski. There is an urgent priority to figure out how big this terror cell is. We know officials didnt think it was as big as it is but there is a concern that if the if these attacks were moved up after the arrest of Salah Abdeslam that they are feeling the pressure, whoever is still out there, they feel as though essentially police are breathing down their necks and any other attacks they might have planned theyre ready to make operational. This is a broader and deeper threat than brussels officials imagined and, in fact, you have mentioned that those two ministers who offered to resign, the Prime Ministers office said the reason he refused to that i can their resignation is because this is a city and country is at war with isis. Its a phrase weve heard before but you can feel the pressure that is building here. They have acknowledged there were failures at the high e levels. A number of things that have come out the last 12 hours or so since everyone back in the states went to sleep. Confirmation that video camera was set up outside the home of a Nuclear Scientist that they were looking at the possibility of building a dirty bomb. Negotiation that, we are getting a look inside the apartment where these attacks were planned. Chilling, really, when you take a look at there you see inside that apartment, the door looks liked the been broken down. Its not clear if they were living in a spartan existence but among the things there we saw discarded tools. There was a broken i pat, there were some what looked like clothes that looked like they were discarded and left in a bathtub. You see what looks like an air conditioner taken out of the wall. Owl of this evidence as they look to see what might be next and, again, the growing concern here that there is a real urgency. One more point i want to make, willie, is that part of that concern is what weve seen in the past with isis. Whether its the attacks in paris and now in belgium. Theyve been able to successfully use what they consider as their successes as recruiting tools. Willie . A lot of moving pieces in this investigation. Chris jansing in brussels, thank you so much. I want to go back to the breaking no uz that chris just brought us which is that alex and sascha pinczowski, both of new york city, a brother and sister, two americans, have been identified as victims in the brussels bombing. They were on a trip to the netherlands. They were on their way back home to new york city, passing through that airport in brussels and according to some reports theyd been on their phone at the time of the explosion talking to someone and the tone line went dead after some explosions were heard on the other end of the line. Obviously our condolences go out to their family. We know their mother had been campaigning for the last few days please help me find my children and this morning she got the news she was dreading. Lets turn to analysis of whats been happening in europe. Peggy noonan writing in the wurnld abo wall street journal and how to fight it. I guess the question now, bianna, is how to win. How to defeat isis. How to defeat a different kind of threat to this country. Thats right. And we keep hearing that were beating them and hitting them hard, at least, in syria on their home turf but i spoke with an isis expert yesterday who said while that is true in response, we may see of more of these attacks as they come out trying to show their strength while theyre losing on their home you are the. Gene robinson, the president said just this week while traveling abroad we wont change our strategy because of a few of these incidents. He believes they have something thats working, something protecting americans. Hes getting disagreement with that from a lot of republicans and other people in this country but he says were on the right track. The question is what would be the alternative. Apparently from all reports as bianna said, were having a real impact on isis in syria and iraq, having taken away a big chunk of their territory. One goal, i think, of any successful strategy against isis would be to deny the group of its socalled caliphate which is a central to its ideology and central to its appeal to perhaps disaffected young muslims around the world. Theyre able to point to the territory and say this is the caliphate we hold. It gives them legitimacy and allure. So taking that away is important and thats what the focus has been on but the cost of that probably is more attacks like we saw in brussels. There are clearly isis people in europe, not that many in the United States but who knows and one would expect that in desperation as they lose territory in the middle east theyre going to stage these kinds of attacks and it may be that we just need a certain amount of stoicism as we go through this next period. I dont know what the alternative is. Howard dean, it used to be that we would get news about an attack like this and just there would be a beat while we wallow wallowed and then moved on. This cycle is so different in that we speed straight ahead to the flex. She gave a speech. Can you look ahead about this debate about global terror and tell us what you think is coming. The problem with the debate is it is political because we here in the middle of a major Election Campaign and gene is right. Theres a much more sophisticated approach. If you look at whats happened in the United States since 9 11 with some exceptions like San Bernardino which were domestic terrorists, essentially, who were inspired by isis, not instructed by isis, its clear that in the United States weve done a good job of getting intelligence, coordinating the intelligence and stopping these kinds of an attack. Thats whats going to have to happen now in the international basis. Can i interrupt you for a second . You went straight to nuts and bolts. Do you think were missing a gut thing . Do you think the American Public is having this gut reaction to some of the things that maybe donald trump is saying because at a gut level sure they are. We dont want to hear what the state department is saying about how isis is losing because we dont feel that on the morning we learn about the loss of life. Youre right. But the problem is, theres a big disconnect between what people say for political reasons and what the nuts and bolts is. And the nuts and bolts is whats going to save us. Thats hard to explain in great detail. Hillary did do a good job but even that is very sophisticated. When president obama says, look, were winning, were going to make pit, blah blah. Maybe thats not the right thing to do politically but he knows there is nutsandbolts stuff going on. Its a very hard debate. This is a debate about nuance. This is a debate about how far we go, violating peoples civil liberties in order to protect us. These are very hard issues. Do you think theyre hard for the American Public . Do you think where do you think the public is . I think the public is and thats what the debate is about. But you never get to the substance of the debate. The problem in politics in election years is its slogans and not substance. Thats what the difficulty is. But youre right. I think the American Public has a better understanding than the politicians talking to the American Public think they do. Mike, to nicolles point, big piece in the New York Times that were winning the fight, according to some sources, in syria. That were winning the fight overseas in iraq against isis, thats open for debate but that wont give much comfort to people in europe who who have people coming back from syria. When you talk to people at the pentagon and the intelligence community. You hear a common reframe, there is no doubt that we along with some european allies have the capacity to take raqqah away from them. We have the capacity to retake mosul away from them. But this is an outfit, isis, that gains great credibility on the street from small victories. They had a big victory this week in belgium and to Peggy Noonans point, its i want to be fair to peggy, we only read a paragraph of her piece in the upcoming wall street journal. Theres a criminal enterprise element in isis thats the recruitment tool for them. You go to places like st. Denis in paris, you go to the maalbeek area in brussels, you get people who are attracted to successful and violent operations as we saw in the brussels area and that reese just part of the problem. The larger part of the problem is the lack of explanation, the lack of candor from washington and other capitals in europe that this is a generational war. We are going to be at this for decades at a minimum. Peggy said . The piece this is going to be a long war. Its already been a long war. Its been 15 years. Stunning victories for isis, staggering losses of life, every single one of them is a gut blow and a victory and a recruitment tool. And you look at these terrorists, these arent new immigrants, these are second, Third Generation belgian born. 25yearolds whose families have been there, moved there generations ago and are now still as you mentioned not integrated into Society Street thugs as the belgians refer to these two realizing theyve been on other watch lists including turkey and the u. S. Its a multigenerational problem thats been brewing. You have to take a look at what makes a 25yearold living in brussels up and move to syria to get training to learn how to become a jihadist. And most ofzealots, either. The next republican primary is wisconsin, april 5. Scott walker says the nominee might not be either of the three candidates running. The former candidate himself said i think if its an open convention, its very likely it would be somebody not currently running. Hmm, someone like scott walker . Who . Mark . Paul ryan . Paul ryan is the most logical but its such a complicated thing since hes sharing the conventi convention. Explain that. Speaker of the house. Hes in charge of setting up the rules, in charge of presiding over the thing. It would be like pulling dick cheney and making himself the pick. Its kind of like slapping the gavel. People talk about an independent candidate, in the abstract theres room for an independent candidate to run but there needs to be an actual fleshandblood human being. And the other problem is trump will have a ton of delegates and he wont just give up and say you want to nomination even though i got the most votes and delegates . Hell fight ferociously and his supportsers will be ticked off h f he doesnt get the nomination. What are the odds he doesnt get to 1237 this morning . I think it depends on the performance. You dont know how well cruz and kasich will perform going forward. Or trump. I think trump is constant in terms of his support. If they perform well he wont get there. If they perform badly, he will. Its that simple. Right now i dont think either of them is having a great week. What is the possibility the Republican Convention in cleveland could turn into an episode of veep . Better veep instead of game of thrones. Not funny. Isnt it funny that we have the candidates on the republican side that someone else will ride in on a white horse . I talked to smart republicans who say it will clearly be one of those three if its brokered and others who say it cant possibly be one of those three. Do they suggest who it might be . Some people say paul ryan. Other than that ive not heard another great name beyond paul ryan. Paul ryan says he doesnt want it. He said he didnt want to be speaker, he said he didnt want to be on the ticket. Hes got a history of disavowing and letting stuff coming his way. He makes the most sense but ill say again trump and cruz and kasich if he has success, theyre not going to give up and they have sophisticated delegates operations ad s as we talked about earlier. To me it will be hard to take it away from all three of those guys unless someone emerges from the mist as the consensus choice. Interesting footnote to the wisconsin prior primary is that donald trump on tuesday will campaign in janesville, wisconsin, which is the hometown of paul ryan. No coincident that. Yesterday trump tweeted a video for mock the republican establishment for endorsing ted cruz. What would your message to ted cruz . Selfrestraint. Ted cruz is just like any other politician. He says whatever he needs to say to get elected. Ted cruz is not my favorite by any means. But one of those people who did endorse trump sounded himself a little less enthusiastic yesterday. Here is ben carson yesterday on the view. I hate to ask this question but you have aligned yourself with a man who has bashed women, made countless racist remarks and youre ben carson. Why would you align yourself with that . Well, you know, you have to look at the good and the bad. Theres no perfect person. I look at the big picture. Could i focus only on racial issues . Absolutely. Could i focus only on womens issues. Absolutely. I could look at any one little thing and pick anybody apart on it. But right now the nature of our country is at stake. But hes a liar. Do you want a liar for the presidency . Tell me a politician who doesnt tell lies. So weve been talking about the tortured endorsements of ted cruz from jeb bush and Lindsey Graham. Boy, ben carson looks pained talking about his support of donald trump. I talked to him a couple weeks ago and i said how can you support somebody that compared you to a child molester . He said you have to hand it to him, it worked, a lot of people believed him. That was his answer. And although pained, given freely, he offered it up, he appeared with donald trump and the fact is before trump went after him they had a decent relationship but he does seem to not be handling his explanation of this better than he handled his explanation of his Foreign Policy. But it a test second most stunning thing about trump. The first is that his supporters every time trump appears to in other view stumble his supporters double down and then redouble. The second most stunning thing is how uncomfortably squirmish everyone is who has endorsed everyone in this race. In my life ive known Lindsey Graham a long time. I never seen him literally want to evacuate his own skin the way he did yesterday. [ laughter ] and i talked to whoopi yesterday before and after that interview. You know, i think for people that watched ben carson, even if you never thought youd support him, he ran with the most Civil Campaign in republican primary recent history and its awkward and uncomfortable and if that predicts how voters might look at their choices, its troubling. The cynic wonders watching ben carson and chris christie, you can see the same about what they are getting out of this. Do they see something down the road in donald trump becomes president , does he want to be i think its been on their minds but you have to remember the normal history of republican politics now is everybody would be falling in line. Those guys are more like the norm of what happens, george bush and ronald reagan, you know, george bush called Ronald Reagans policies voodoo economics. Voodoo economics is a lot different than child molester, lying cruz and little marco. Crump has reduced 16 pretty accomplished and respected individuals to dust. I can understand why its difficult for them to get behind him. On a personal basis but hes on track to be the republican nominee and if youre a republican and you want to go to the convention and you want a part in the next administration of any sort, this is the most likely way to go. Still ahead on morning joe, Bernie Sanders says he still has a path to the nomination if he can pull out wins out west this weekend. Well look at a powerful new ad hes up with in hawaii. Moderator of meet the press chuck todd will join us. Plus senator tom cotton will be our guest. Well ask him about his meeting with donald trump in washington. Oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. Neutrogena®. [engines revving] you cant have a hero, if you dont have a villain. The world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. It took Joel Silverman years to become a master dog trainer. But only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Bernie sanders telling massive crowds in washington he still has a path to victory if he wins states like washington, hawaii and alaska at their caucus this is weekend. Heres part of a 90second ad sanders is wonning running in h featuring congresswoman and war veteran Tulsi Gabbard. Wbr id wbr50665 being a warrior is about believing in what you are fighting for. And Holding Strong to those convictions. I felt a sense of duty and i could not in good conscience stay back here in beautiful hawaii and watch my brothers and sisters in uniform go off into comb combat. These are people and friends who we never forget. b Bernie Sanders voted against the iraq war. He understands the cost of war. That that cost continues when our veterans come home. Bernie sanders will defend our country and take the trms of dollars that are spent on these interventionist regime change unnecessary wars and invest it here at home. The American People are not looking to settle for inches, theyre looking for real change. What i saw in bernie was a heart of aloha. Thats congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard speaking out for senator sanders. She, of course, was deployed to iraq. Lets go to washington now. Nbc news political director, moderator of meet the press, chuck todd. Back with us, attorney and republican strategist ben ginsberg at the table as well. Ben is a partner at jones day and while ben doesnt work on trump matters, jones day represents trump for president , i just wanted wbrid wbr51565 to put that out there. Chuck, dont lick your wounds too badly, that was a good villanova team that miami lost to last night, my friend. No, thats true. You sort of saw it coming. I had hope at half time because villanova was beating the pants off of miami but miami was only down six. It was one of those youre like, well and then the second half happened. My son cried. I feel like i think my husband cried, too, chuck. Tell your son not to feel bad. Its a huge moment, though, when you have totally brainwashed your kids on sports and they cry over the seams you cry for. Its huge. If you came in the beginning of the season and said youre going to to sweet 16, you would have taken that. Lets talk about politics, Bernie Sanders says he has a path forward if he does well this weekend. What does that path look like, chuck . It looks like a path that doesnt exist i dont know what path it is. Yes, hed likely to net delegates this weekend. Washington state, hawaii and alaska. He should win all three. You know, i think this margin of victory in Washington State will be interesting to watch. The Clinton Campaign thinks they can keep it very close and try to limit the number of delegates that Bernie Sanders get this is weekend. But i think without winning arizona, without sort of starting to win state, starting to prove he can win primary states, theres michigan primary, theres the New Hampshire primary and thats it. He hasnt proven he can win competitive primaries. Yes, he keeps winning caucuses but i think thats why its hard to sit here and find a path if he cant win in arizona, if he isnt going to pull together these primaries. Got to win wisconsin coming up, got to win pennsylvania and new york. Given his deficit right now, mark, even if he won these three caucuses were talking about, would that mean anything . The math is daunting but theres a way for him to change the dynamics. He wins these three, he has to win wisconsin and then come and win new york. If he does that and none of that is impossible, particularly if he comes into new york with momentum, if he beater her in her home state, you have five contests in the northeast all of which are decent states for him. If he dominates on that day, starts with wisconsin, then new york, then those five northeastern states, hes still way behind in delegates, he faces a math equation thats nearly impossible but he does change the contours of the race in a big way. Thats a big lift. A lot of people think he will win wisconsin. They have been work reed about new york forever. Shes from here but so is he. Shes not been on the ballot here in a while. Is he thinking about at this point hes not doing it public by but as you talk to his campaign if he doesnt win the states you talked about, didnt win wisconsin or new york, does he go away at that point . No, he wants to accumulate as many delegates as possible, go to the convention and have a big say in the platform, who who speaks, in the emphasis of our campaign and he will have that. But the more delegates he accumulates, the more influence. And hes trying to break the back of the superdelegates. Theres a big irony for the guy who decried the superdelegates. Now hes saying to senators from wisconsin, you know, youre a superdelegates for Hillary Clinton and i won your state, you need to vote for me. His events are massive. Hes still turning out close to 10,000 people. The map and the calendar now give him a chance to get a winning streak going. Chuck, mark mentioned, speaking at the convention, Bernie Sanders has a prime spot at the convention, you think going back months now the way he shaped the conversation in the democratic primary, the issues Hillary Clinton has suddenly taken, Bernie Sanders has had a huge impact. Ill go with the last question you asked me about miami. At the beginning of the season would you have taken sweet 16. At the beginning of his campaign if you went to Bernie Sanders and said this is how its going to play out. Youre going to make her work harder than she ever thought she was going to. Youll accumulate hundreds and hundreds of delegates. Youre going to be seen as almost on par as her as a potential democratic nominee. Youre going to be gathering these crowds, youll have all this influence. I think hed say he would take it. The point is, he is much more successful than perhaps he thought he would be. Certainly more successful than his staff thought he would be and i think the question now is how do you land this plane . How does he use this influence . And i think that thats their next challenge. How do you use the influence if the math is as daunting as it looks, and it looks daunting, how do you use the influence so he doesnt walk away bitter, doesnt just take his ball and go home. Thats what he has to figure out. Howard, how much of her success in taking on Bernie Sanders is due to the Lessons Learned from her unsuccessful contest against then senator obama in 2008 . Well, actually, a fair amount of it. Early on, before bernie got in the race, she was announcing a 50state strategy which is really what obama did when he ran and beat her in 2008. Barack obama put together his majority, which is only about 160 delegates by the time they finally got to the convention in small states like idaho and other caucus states where you just do it person by person. Thats exactly what bernie has done. And the difference is bernie is winning the same states that obama did but by a much less margin because Hillary Clinton got there and organized even though the turf is not her turf. Chuck, what are you working on for meet the press this sunday . Well devote a little time to belgium and have people talking about that as well. And then i think we are going to speak with Bernie Sanders. Hes going to be the big winner on saturday. The question is by how big is his win on saturday and ask him these questions and then try to get a handle on whatever this stop Trump Movement i go away for three somedays for spring break with my kids and the two candidates are talking a about each others wives and i have to explain that to my kids . Every week this campaign youre just like, all right, i have to mute it. I have to mute it at home. Good time to be outside with the kids away from the tv. Chuck, thanks so much. Well watch you on sunday. Up next, belgian officials make seven arrests overnight but top leaders admit to intelligence shortfalls in stopping tuesdays attacks. Nbcs keir simmons joins us live in brussels next. This is the allnew 2016 chevy malibu. Wow, its nice. Lets check it out. Do any of you have kids . Do yes. This car has a feature built in called teen driver technology, which lets parents see how their teens are driving. Oh, thats smart. 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Comcast business. Built for business. We all of us, representing countless nationalities, have a message for those who inspired or carried out the attacks here or in paris, or in ankara, tunis, San Bernardino or elsewhere. We will not be intimidated. We will not be deterred. And we will come back with greater resolve, with greater strength, and we will not rest until we have eliminated your nihilistic believes and cowardice from the face of this earth. That was secretary of state john kerry appearing moments ago alongside belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel in brussels. Lets bring in nbc news Foreign Correspondent keir simmons. Keir, bring us up to speed on this fastmoving investigation. Reporter good morning, willie. Secretary kerry arriving here in the country as it was confirmed that two americans were killed in tuesdays attack, standing there side by side with the belgian Prime Minister. He offered his condolences to the victims and the american families. Hes arriving into a country that is consumed with the manhunt for those connected to the attacks. Overnight, new raids in a brussels suburb, six arrested and this morning news a seventh person has been apprehended in belgium. No answer this morning at a building neighbors say was search bid investigators. Do you know any of the people who were arrested last night . I saw some woman but i cannot couldnt recognize him . Reporter and new video from inside an apartment where its believed tuesdays airport bombers were built. Discarded tool, footprints in the bathroom, a smashed ipad. While if a separate apartment a year ago, Police Seized a laptop owned by paris suicide bomber Abdelhamid Abaaoud a french newspaper reported citing official belgian documents and found plans to a attack an airport. The secretary of state arriving in brussels this morning to offer condolences. To the people of belgium and to all of the families, all of those individuals who have suffered inconceivable loss in the past few days. Reporter reports the brussels suicide bombers secretly filmed a top sicientis from a facility using radioactive isotopes. While brussels bomber Najim Laachraouis brother, who officials insisted his identity must be concealed, said he was a nice boy. Police searched their house but nothing more. Intel januarys interior minister admitting they missed key leads, tracking down every suspect, a relentless challenge, european officials say. This is the most serious threat weve faced in europe for at least a decade. At least 5,000 nationals we think have been radicalize bid is. And in paris more raids. A man arrested. French police say another plot at an advanced stage has been foiled turkey saying it alerted belgium about a suicide bomber, warned belgium about a suicide bomber before the attacks. One belgian minister admitting, willie, there were failures saying he offered to resign to the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister telling him he needed to just focus on trying to find the suspects and prevent another attack, willie. And more arrests just thissern mooing. Keir simmons in brussels. I want to underline the breaking news we got just within the last hour. We have the identities of two americans killed in tuesdays brussels attacks. They are brother and sister alex and sascha pinczowski of new york city. They were traveling back from a trip to europe in the netherlands, passing through brussels on the telephone with someone when those explosions broke out. Their family aends friends have been looking feverishly for them in the last few days and this morning got a phone call confirming their worst fears. Our condolences to their families, alex and sascha, rest in peace. Up next, what should be done with some of the most persecuted people in syria . Our next guest, senator tom cotton, is backing a bill that would allow 50,000 christian and yazidi syrians to come to the United States in the coming years. Well talk to senator cotton about that and more next. Why do so many businesses rely on the Us Postal Service . Because when they ship with us, their business becomes our business. Thats why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Here, there, everywhere. United states Postal Service priority you [eerie music] i am the ghost of cookies past. Residue. Oh. So gross. Well, you didnt use pam. So it looks like youre stuwith me bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. Thats why theres pam. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. 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Lets talk about whats happening right now this week around the world specifically in brussels. I think americans watch what happened in paris in november, before that charlie hebdo, watch what happens in brussels and wonder when its coming here, San Bernardino, of course, took place a few month ago but what do you do to stopping this like whats happening in europe right now from happening in this country . Youre right weve already been attacked by the Islamic State here. In San Bernardino, theres been other attacks in places like chattanooga and garland as well. Fortunately our military and Intelligence Services are the worlds leaders in count terrorism policy but we have gaps when it comes to european capabilities. The countries and budgets are much smaller. But ultimately in my opinion what happened in brussels shows you cant win the war on terror on defense, you have to win it on offense. You cant move the checkpoints at the airport from the gate to the check in counter, from the check in counter to the sidewalk, there will always be something outside the security perimeter. You have to go on offense against the Islamic State in places like iraq and syria and libya and afghanistan. And i think a lot let me just say, willie, that clip you led in with is very troubling. The president president obama in the middle of a terrorist attack when americans were murdered, maimed and still missing, went to a baseball game and did the wave with castro and compared himself to pbig papi. Now big pap zi a great designated hitter. His job is to hit home runs. President obamas job is to keep us safe. Not to minimize the fear that americans fear about terrorism. This is not a mistake on president obamas part, this is the deliberate policy. They think we have a disproportion nats fear of terrorism in this country even at brussels and paris and San Bernardino and they want to down play that fear. President obama goes around telling people more americans die in bathtub falls than are killed by terrorists. Its that mentality we have to change and get on offense against the slate and f we dont want to see a brussels style attack here. Senator, lets talk specifically about where you think the president is falling short. Do you think we ought to put more people on the ground in syria and iraq . Whats yo you are strategy that would be different from what the president s doing now . We have several thousand on the ground there now. Thats a question for our military commoners whether we need more. We absolutely need to loosen the rules of engagement. I frequently hear not only from military personnel in our armed forces but around the region, regional leaders as well, that their hands are tied, they have with we have sorties going out everyday that are coming back with bombs not being dropped because of restricted rules of engagement. We need to look at whats happening in europe. If countries cant get their own security situation under control, then we need to consider whether we remove those count freeze the Visa Waiver Program so their citizens have to undergo a regular background check before they travel here. Thats a couple of the changes i would look into. Senator, its nicolle wallace. Yours is a serious and respected voice in matters of Foreign Policy. I wonder if youre troubled by the two frontrunners in our party are having a twitter feud about their wives and i wonder if you think that donald trump, who is currently ahead and i know you met with this week, can get to a place where the question for voters in november is who is the better mind and the better policy on Foreign Policy that donald trump is the clear answer. Can he get there, based on your conversation with him . Nicolle, i would just say i think melania and heidi are both successful accomplished women. We should respect them for that and as capable advocates for their husbands campaigns and leave it at that and then we should all get serious. Americans have been killed. Theyre maimed and missing. Americans want to know what their elected leaders do to keep them safe. As far as the fall goes, its still early in our primary. There are more days ahead than behind so we dont know who our nominee will be. I know whoever that nominee is will be more qualified to keep americans safe than Hillary Clinton. She likes to portray herself as a safe, steady, experienced hand ready to answer the 3 00 a. M. Phone call. She got one of those once, it was called benghazi, she slept through it, four americans died. Nicolle mentioned a meeting with donald trump this week. Did you come out of that meeting more or less impressed than the past . Willie, the meeting occurred on monday and i didnt hear much different from what we heard in public. He had spoken earlier that day to the Washington Post Editorial Board and raised serious questions about nato. I share some of those questions. We used to split our costs 5050 between the u. S. And europe. Today its 7030 between the u. S. And europe. Now i would have a different approach rather than reducing our spending on whats a critical National Security alliance. I would urge european leaders to increase their spending specifically so we can stop the truce attacks weve seen . Paris and brussels so we dont see in our eastern nato partners, estonia, latvia and lithuania the kinds of hybrid warfare we have seen in ukraine and georgia. He identified a serious problem that ive tried to address along with some of my colleagues. I would just have a slightedlily different solution. So did you leave the room thinking thats a man who could be commander in chief . I think he could be. Hes one of our leading candidates and as i said any of our candidates would be a better commanderinchief. Could be th commander in chief, hes one of our leading candidates. As i said, any of our candidates right now would be a better commander in chief, they would be a more serious leader for our country than Hillary Clinton is who has not only been the architect for Barack Obamas Foreign Policy which has left the world a flame but also shown a casual disregard for the handling of sensitive National Security secrets that i believe shes disqualified from being the commander in chief. Gene robinson has a question for you. Youre so critical of president obama and what hes doing yet he seems to me to be doing against isis exactly what you would propose, which is attacking them in iraq and syria, degrading isis, taking away its territory and i think you would agree that thats an essential component, perhaps the essential component of any fight against isis. So i guess im still confused exactly what your complaint is. Well, i wouldnt go to the baseball game and do the wave with castro or compare myself to big pappy whose job it is to beat the yankees no, not to keep america safe or go back to 2011 when he squaunt erred all the gains we made in iraq by defeating al qaeda in iraq the pre cursing of the Islamic State. That is the original source of the Islamic States rise, that president obama took all of our troops out of iraq at a time when that country was relatively safe and gave them the space they needed and then worked with iran and fave them the ideological reason to justify their campaign of terror through the region. Those two things combined helped lead to the Islamic State. Now theyre metastasizing around the world. President obama led a very failed strategy in libya and now the Islamic State is on the virginia of taking over that state, its a short boat ride away from our european allies. There are a lot of failed policies he has undertaken that would have made the country much safer had he gone in a different direction. Thanks for being with us this morning. We appreciate it as always. Thank you all. Happy good friday. Still ahead on morning joe. Donald, you are a sniffling coward and leave heidi the hell alone. Do you still support him as the nominee . Im going to beat him for the nomination. Thats not answering the request he. I am answering the question. Donald trump will not be the nominee. Hes leading right now. You looked in that camera and said he was a coward. Will you support him as the nominee . Donald trump will not be the nominee. Hes mad as hell with donald trump and hes not going to take it anymore. Hallie jackson pushing the senator joins us from the campaign trail in just a moment. Morning joe is coming right back. Oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. Neutrogena®. [engines revving] you cant have a hero, if you dont have a villain. The world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. Some say free the whales. For them, nothing else is acceptable. But nothing could be worse for the whales. Most of the orcas at seaworld were born here. Sending them into the wild wouldnt be noble. It could be fatal. When they freed keiko, the killer whale of movie fame, the effort was a failure and he perished. But we also understand that times have changed. Today, people are concerned about the Worlds Largest animals like never before. So we too must change. Thats why the orcas in our care will be the last generation at seaworld. There will be no more breeding. Were also phasing out orca theatrical shows. Theyll continue to receive the highest standard of care available anywhere. And guests can come to see them simply being their majestic selves. Inspiring the next generation of people to love them as you do. Coming up next, new images from inside the safe house where the brussels terrorists built their explosives, and breaking news that two americans were among those killed on tuesday. We will go back live to the belgian capital. And all eyes politically now on wisconsin where the stop Trump Movement is in full swing. We will go live to the badger state just ahead. patrick 1 whats it like to be the boss of you . patrick 2 pretty great. patrick 1 how about a 10 raise . patrick 2 how about 20 . patrick 1 how about done . patrick 2 thats the kind of control i like. And thats what they give me at national car rental. I can choose any car in the aisle i want without having to ask anyone. Who better to be the boss of you. patrick 1 than me. I mean, you. Us. vo go national. Go like a pro. I have an orcogram we for an owen. E. Thats me. You should hire stacy drew. She wants to change the world with you. She can program jet engines to talk and such. Her biggest weakness is she cares too much. Thank you. My friend really wants a job at ge. Mine too. Im a wise elf from a far off shire. And sanjay patel is who you should hire. Thank you. Seriously though, stacy went to a great school and shes really loyal. You should give her a shot. Sanjays a team player and uh. [alarm beeps] the intelligent, allnew audi a4 is here. Aint got time to make no apologies. Good morning. Welcome to morning joe, its friday, march 25th, it is good friday. Joe and mika have the morning off. Joik me on set former Communications Director for president george w. Bush, nicolle wallace. Msnbc contributor mike barnicle, managing editor of Bloomberg Politics Mark Halperin, the chormer chairman of the dnc howard dean. Overnight in belgium prosecutors now say they have detained seven people after raids throughout brussels. The Prosecutors Office didnt provide details about who had been detained or whether they will face charges. French officials said last night that police there foiled another terrorist attack which they say was in the advanced stage of planning. Police raided home outside paris last night after arresting a French National earlier in the day. Officials called it a major success or the attacks in paris last november. All that coming as the manhunt continues for a mom polices in tuesdays bombings including at least one attack, the man standing next to Ibrahim El Bakraoui and Najim Laachraoui. Laachraouis brother went before cameras yesterday and at his lawyers request news organizations agreed to blur his face. The brother said hes sad and overwhelmed and no one in his family had heard from najim since he left for syria in 2013 and the Family Warned Police when they warned that he was in syria. The brother added he never saw najim with any suspects involved in the paris or brussels attacks. U. S. Officials are saying that the names of the two brothers in the brussels bombings had been listed as potential terror threats in u. S. Databases before this weeks attacks. Belgian authorities have said ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui were known to them for their past criminal activities and not terrorism. The Prime Ministers wanted to resign. They came after increased scrutiny after turkey said it had deported Ibrahim El Bakraoui last year and warned belgium that he was in fact a militant. Joining us from brussels, belgium, Chris Jansing. And chris we have breaking news about american victims. Reporter they have been positively identified and they are alex and sascha pinczowski. They are a brother and sister who lived in manhattan and according to some published reports including one in a dutch newspaper had been on the phone with family at the time of the explosion and then the phone went dead. So at least two american victims identified as alex and sascha pinczowski. Meantime you talked about those arrests and the ongoing raids happening here in brussels. There is an urgent priority to find out just how big this terror cell s we already know officials didnt think it was as big as it is, but there is a person that if these attacks that happened here were moved up after the arrest of Salah Abdeslam that they are feeling the pressure, whoever still out there, they feel as though essentially police are breathing down their next and any other attacks that they might have planned they are ready to make operational. This is a broader and deeper threat than brussels officials ever imagined and you had mentioned that those two ministers who offered to resign, the Prime Ministers office said the reason he refused to take their resignation is because essentially this is a city and a country that is at war with isis, its a phrase weve heard before, but you can feel the pressure that is building here. And they have acknowledged that there were failures at the highest levels. A number of things that have come out just over the last 12 hours or so since everyone back in the states went to sleep. Confirmation that that video camera was set up outside the home of a Nuclear Scientist, that they were looking at the possibility of building a dirty bomb. In addition to that we are getting a look inside the apartment where these attacks were planned. Chilling really when you take a look at there you see inside that apartment the door had essentially looks like been broken into, broken down. It is largely empty. Its not clear if they were living in a spartan existence or if its been cleaned out by investigators, but among the things there we saw some discarded tools, there was a broken ipad, there were some what looked like clothes that were discarded and left in a bathtub. There you see what looks like an air conditioner that was taken out of the wall. All of this evidence as they look to see what might be next. Again, the growing concern here that there is a real urgency. One more point i want to make, willie, is that part of that concern is what weve seen in the past with isis, whether it is the attacks in paris and now in belgium, theyve been able to successfully use what they consider as their successes as recruiting tools. Willie. A lot of moving pieces in this investigation. Chris jansing in brussels, thanks so much. So obviously politics now is going to be injected in all of this, domestically here, with no public appearances until tuesday donald trump is off the campaign trail but still active on twitter. He had a lot to say about National Security yesterday. He wrote in one tweet, quote, nato is obsolete and must be changed to additionally focus on terrorism as well as some of the things it is currently focused on. We pay a disproportionate share of the cost of nato. Why . It is time to negotiate the time is now. These politicians like ted cruz and Lindsey Graham who have watched isis and many other Problems Develop for years do nothing to make things better. Remember when i recently say that brussels is a hellhole and mess and the failing New York Times wrote a critical article. I was so right. He went on, its amazing how often im right only to be criticized by the media, illegal im gags, build the ball. As many as 5,000 isis fighters have infiltrated europe also many in the u. S. I told you so. I alone can fix this problem. Nicolle, you were talk about this yesterday on the show how donald trump would seize this. I put it to Michael Steele whose got a great sense of how republicans can sort of right their own ships. I said its amazing is he does find that kernel of truth and thats how he hooks his supporters and can make this case. Then as you see, you know, if you read the transcript of the Washington Post Editorial Board when he expands it usually is very sloppy with the facts, but what he hangs on to and what his supporters gravitate to is this kernel of truth that he gets right and finds people that affirm yes, i was right. His initial tweet about nato goes directly to what you just said about how europe handles intelligence. They have to reform the way they handle intelligence. Now, we all understand its difficult, were dealing with sovereign nations its not like the collective 48 states, 50 all together but 48 contiguous states here where information is shared and goes up. Germany is different from france, france is different from england. This is one of the corps problems the eu is facing and its not just about terror its also about immigration. They have got to integrate they have either got to you know what or get off the pot here. Do real integration where they share intelligence, have a single Immigration Force as we do or theyre going to fall apart. So you agree with trumps analysis . I dont agree with anything that donald trump says and i dont think he knows what hes talk being. Thats the point. He takes this kernel of truth and we are having a conversation about how to reform nato. Not nato. The eu is a bigger problem than nato. There will be ph. D. Dissertations written about donald trump and what he has done in this campaign. If you dont look at what hes saying about nato and the cord its going to strike in some people youre underestimating him again. Nato is it totally obsolete . No. But does it need to reform. Yes. It needs to change its mission. Absolutely right. You have these other politicians including Hillary Clinton and ted cruz saying hes weak on defense, he is out of touch because he wants to change nato. On the politics and policy hes right. Nato needs to be looked at. They were oriented from stopping russia from invading berlin and trump has figured this out and hes talk being it and he wont stop. And he gets people like Richard Haass and Steve Rattner and others who say i hate to say this but trump is on to something. I wouldnt say hes right on the policy i think its more accurate to say he gets a kernel of the policy truth. I dont think he gets all of his facts right. Its more than a kernel. Im not saying he is right about the entire thing, just like with the border, just like saying we need to look at our security, there should be a robust debate in this president ial gain about the role of nato, it would not happen if it werent for donald trump and now it will. You will be in one of his tweets today. Congratulations. The great Mark Halperin says i was right. Eugene robinson is joining us from washington. There are two schools of thoughts when a terrorist attack like this has happened during this president ial campaign about donald trump one is it helps him because he projects strength, the other is these are serious times and he is not the man for the job. Where do you think this shakes out . You know, i think maybe because he i guess projects strength or makes a lot of noise to that extent it helps him certainly with his supporters, i doubt it helps him with a lot of other people, people who dont support donald trump. You see how high his negatives are, people who dont like donald trump really dont like donald trump. I dont think this makes them reconsider that. Im fascinated, though, with nicolles analysis of the kernel of truth. I mean, you know, kernel is actually giving it a bit more credit. A kernel is very small, gene. A kernel is a little thing. Just like a kernel sito, a little a little knit of truth. A kernel like a Popcorn Kernel the littlest thing in the bag. I know, but, you know, because he says he is all over the map. I agree. Really when you look at when you look at policy, you find that it is theres nothing there. I mean, you open the cup board, the policy cup board in Donald Trumps head and theres nothing there. Read the Washington Post Editorial Board transcript, there is nothing there. Now, you know, nato does need to be need to be looked at, that has been true for a long time, but when donald trump says that is there is there any substance behind what hes saying and i maybe there is, but ive seen no evidence that there is. That he would sit down and tell you, for example, how nato might potentially be revamped other than were paying too much money for it. Gene, and youre right, youre right about everything you just said, but most people are not reading the Washington Post transcripts. They must. Most people are hearing only nato and the tweet that they read going right past their ear and saying, yeah, hes probably right. Thats his genius. Look, i early and often ive said dont underestimate this guy, he has not only a gift, but he has great instincts and he does. But a lot of it is trial and error, too. I mean, because if you listen to donald trump in the course of a day or you follow his tweets, hes all over the map, he will hit on something that resonates and something that has nicolles kernel of truth and then he runs with that. Still ahead on morning joe ted cruz comes out swinging against donald trump calling him a sniveling coward for going after the senators wife on twitter. If not trump, cruz or kasich then who . Wisconsin Governor Scott walker leaves the door open to a different name for the republican nomination. Hallie jackson joins us live from madison. Youre watching morning joe. Oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. Neutrogena®. Out on the town or in for the night, at t helps keep everyone connected. Right now at at t, buy the new Samsung Galaxy s7 and get one free. Buy one water resistant Samsung Galaxy s7 and get one free thiand being able to useve worked oa pen like thisk. On the screen directly with the image, it takes me back to my time as a painter. And i just cant do that on my mac. Is our partnership with habitat for humanity. Pg e is committed to clean energy and part of that commitment our mission is to build homes, community and hope. Our homeowners are lowincome families, so the ability for them to have Lower Energy Cost is wonderful. We have been able to provide about 600 families with solar on their homes. Thats over nine and a half Million Dollars of investment by pg e, and that allows us to provide clean energy for everyone here. Its been a great partnership. Together, were building a better california. If you do get the nomination and if donald trump gets the nomination do you look forward to debating donald trump . If hes the nominee i look forward to debating him, yes, absolutely, because i actually think most voters when you start focusing on who can do the job, who can be president , who can be commander in chief, what you stand for, what you say you will do, i think voters take that responsibility seriously and i look forward to debating him and trying to figure out where he stands on issues. Do you think he knows who like the Prime Minister of canada is . No, but but thats of course Hillary Clinton on jimmy kimmel last night. Another new National Poll shows Hillary Clinton soundly defeating donald trump in the general election, beating him by 10 points, she beats ted cruz by 5, and loses to john kasich by 6 points. The Ohio Governor taking 45 to secretary clintons 39. The poll also finds the two of best known and most unpopular candidates still in the running talking about clinton and trump. Trumps favorability rating at 30 , his unfa v60 . Secretary clinton gets a favorable rating of 40 and an unfavorable of 51. Governor kasich nearly unknown to a third in the electorate rates the best with a 50 favorable rating. Donald trump and ted cruz continue to fight about their wives yesterday. Senator cruz reacted to a tweet sent by trump. Cruz defined his family and would not say whether he would support trump in the fall something he previously committed to doing. Donald does seem to have an issue with women. Donald doesnt like strong women. Strong women scare donald. Let me be absolutely clear, our spouses and our children are off bounds. It is not acceptable for a big loud new york bully to attack my wife. It is not acceptable for him to make insults to send nasty tweets late at night and i dont know what he does late at night, but he tends to do these about 11 30 at night. Weve got two little girls who are 7 and 5. Im not looking forward to telling the girls why donald trump is launching insults and attacks at their mommy. Real men dont try to bully women. Thats not an action of strength. Thats an action of weakness. Its an action of fear, its an action of a small and petty man. Who is intimidated by strong women. I dont get angry often, but you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that will do it every time. Donald, you are a sniveling coward and leave heidi the hell alone. Will you support him as the nominee . Im im going to beat him for the nomination. Thats not answering the question, senator. I am answering the question. Donald trump will not be the nominee. Hes leading right now you just looked in that camera and said he was a coward. Will you support him as the nominee . Donald trump will not be the nominee. Donald trump is a gift wrapped in a pink little bow for the democratic party. It hands the general election to Hillary Clinton. That was of course our Hallie Jackson pressing ted cruz after he made shes awesome. She is awesome. Mark halperin, obviously senator cruz has the right and should go out and defend his wife. This last episode the last couple days is perhaps the most depressing chapter in this campaign, tweeting him temperatures about each others wives and it goes on for another day. It doesnt help anybody, doesnt help the discourse but it also doesnt help senator cruz, i dont think this is what he wants the contrast to be with donald trump. I totally disagree. Women hear him standing up to a guy bullying other women and yesterday what happened on cable news a lot of female cable hosts pressed trumps spokes people about the larger theme of trumps treatment of women and that conversation would not have started unless his opponent, cruz, had raised the issue. Loets of coded words in here. Small, petty, pink, this gender debate. New york. You can say it doesnt hurt or help, i think it will be a long time before we can tell the actual affect among female voters about dpats like this. It may be a long time but the wisconsin primary is a week from tuesday. Eroding trumps potential support among women i think the damage could be lasting. It could be in the general election it could be but ted cruz is not trying to help Hillary Clinton when hes trying to win the nomination himself. I believe that this one frame which is going to dominate the news as long as he continues to escalate the rhetoric is not enough to stop donald trump for getting a majority of the delegates. Its more due to the math not more due to the strength of the argument that trump is making. Its a nonowe story, its not true. Ng i dont its a nonstory, i just think he wants to stop donald trump from getting a majority of the delegates. I think you and i agree. Thats the broader argument. Wisconsin is interesting because unlike the national dialogue, talk radio hosts in wisconsin, particularly in milwaukee which is a lot of the vote they do not like trump and they do like cruz. I think got plenty of opportunity to talk about trump being a liberal and not let this dominate. Its maybe not fair, but if he talks about this this is all that will be covered. Theres another element that played out in that in those clips that we just saw that its out there and its lingering and its going to have an impact one way or another at some point and it is Hallie Jacksons questions to cruz gets at it. A lot of people walk around saying, geez, the things they say about each other and especially about trump and then they are asking to support trump, yes, i will support him if he is the nominee. That has a lot of people saying what is wrong with these people. Lindsay looks so uncomfortable. He is. Why is that . Lindsey graham is not a crazy person. Why is he fudging on this . This is nuts . He backed cruz, he is not fudging, the priority was to stop trump, jeb bush made the same choice. Its uncomfortable for them. If donald trump wins wisconsin and new york will there be more Chris Christies who endorse him or not . At this point i dont know that there will be. How do you go to the National Convention without having endorsed your nominee. To me the thing thats so a amazing about this especially with jeb bush is these guys are endorsing ted cruz. Ted cruz single handedly shut down the government, he has hurt the republican brand. What is going on here . Are they so desperate to get rid of trump that theyre willing to endorse a guy they know very well is not qualified to be ptd. At this point theyre worried about that but their more immediate concern is they believe trump will cost them the senate and maybe the house and cruz will not. If you watch Lindsey Graham on this show, hes squirming in his chair when he talks about ted cruz. I guess im on the trump train now. These guys are doing this through gritted teeth. Donald trump is well aware of that. He posted this yesterday to instagram. What would your message be to ted cruz . Have a little bit of self restraint. Ted cruz is just like any other politician he says whatever he needs to say to get elected. Ted cruz is not my favorite by any means. And thats what Lindsey Graham has said when asked what is this endorsement of yours for ted cruz mean, he says it says a lot about donald trump. This isnt about ted cruz its about stopping donald trump. Coming up on morning joe inside the apartment where the suspects in the brussels bombings planned their a fax, bill neely takes us through the latest on the investigation when morning joe continues. We are working with a fragmented picture of the of this disbursement terrorists its 5,000 european nationals we think have been radicalized, have gone to syria and come back. Very difficult to monitor them all the time and identify always who the real terrorists are. Thats the real challenge we face, thats why intelligence is at a premium and especially intelligence sharing through platforms such as those that have been established at euro poll. If you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. Our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Trolling for a gig with cant blame you. Its a drone you control with your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. No, im actually over at the ge booth. Were creating the Operating System for industry. Its called predix. Its gonna change the way the world works. Ok, im telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. Umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. Look out ohhhhhhhhhh. You know what, im just gonna email it to you. Yeah thats probably safer. Ok, cool. [engines revving] you cant have a hero, if you dont have a villain. The world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. Hey hows it going, hotcakes . Hotcakes. This place has hotcakes. So why arent they selling like hotcakes . With comcast Business Internet and wifi pro, they could be. Just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and youll reach your customers where their eyes are already on their devices. Order up. Its more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. You dont see that every day. Introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. Comcast business. Built for business. Welcome back to morning joe. Joe and mika have the morning off, we clearly do not have the morning off. Willie had to run over to his other job at the today show, he could not get away from us fast enough. He ran. Did you see him . Yeah, i know. He ran out. Couldnt wait to get away from us. So i get to sit here right here in the big boy chair. Nicolle wallace still with us, Mark Halperin still with us, Bianna Golodryga still with us, attorney, republican strategist and former ace boston globe intern ben ginsburg still all back at the table. Here now is bill neely and his report from brussels. Is bill with us . Bill, can you hear us . Reporter using stun if grenades Belgian Police raid a house in brussels, one of three operations overnight, seven men arrested, its not clear what connection any of those detained have to the brussels attacks, but police are confident they will find the bombers on the run. Its a complex investigation. It will be a long investigation. But im sure that we will identify them and arrest them. Reporter the death of one bomber Najim Laachraoui has stunned his family. His brother spoke but did not want to be identified. I couldnt believe it was him, he said, but we dont choose or family. This is the apartment where Police Believe they built their bombs, at least four with homemade explosives, a smashed computer left behind, a door broken in the police raid. They have made their bombs with shrapnel, these nails and screws were recovered from the bodies of victims. Boom, like this. Reporter one survivor from the airport still reliving the horror. Screaming, like its mom and at that time we see the smoke and reporter kubl it . I was shocked. Reporter into a city still reeling secretary of state john kerry alongside belgians Prime Minister. The twisted killers who planted the bombs, terrorists whose sole aim was to kill and maple of mame, we will not be intimidated, we will not be deterred. Reporter many here are still missing, many of the dead unidentified. The grief here is often silent, but deep, like the anger and the fear. The man arrested in paris was an associate of Abdelhamid Abaaoud. He was a main organizer of the attacks in paris in november. The french government say he is a known militant and that his plot, his new plot, was at an advanced stage. So as they recover here from one atrocity they are braced both here and in paris for the possibility of more attacks. Mike. Thank you very much. Thats clearly an ongoing situation all day every day over there. Secretary of state john kerry spoke with nbcs rich and engel in brussels this morning. Msnbc will be playing that full interview coming up at 9 00 eastern. And a group of three american mormon missionaries were injured during the attacks in belgian. Here is mason wells who was in boston for the marathon bombing, in france during the paris attacks and also injured in brussels on tuesday speaking with the today show this morning. From what i understand we were about 10, 15 meters close to the bomb and i have some burn marks, i have some really bad second and third degree burn on my hand and similar burns on my face. Afterwards i took some shrapnel to my leg and also my left heel had a pretty decent part taken out of it. Im very fortunate for how close i was. I was conscious for, you know, the whole four hours following the bombs and even when they went off. My burn injuries and injury to my foot i know came from the first blast. I actually saw fire in front of my face and on the ground around me. I know that the burns came from that. My body was kind of lifted off the ground during the first blast, very loud. I started running towards the exit, ran straight toward the exit and i had taken a couple steps, three seconds later the second blast went off, went off to my right and i could feel the blast but i dont think i dont believe that i was hit with anything from the second blast, i could just feel the kind of the impact wave. I had seen his parents since tuesday talking about being the parents of a child who ended up in paris, in boston and in brussels and i just cant imagine the cosmic explanation for that. I mean, as parents of grown kids, can you guys . Him referring to himself as being fortunate. Fortunate, thats kind of an understatement, its miraculous. Miraculous. Still ahead on morning joe. Donald, you are a sniveling coward and leave heidi the hell alone. Will you support him as the nominee . Im going to beat him for the nomination. He is not im answering the question, donald trump will not be the nominee. He practiced that i can imagine him in the mirror practicing that over and over again. By the way, thats a great question to ask him fell support him as the nominee. Kudos to the reporter for hitting him with that one on the spot. More than kudos for nbcs own Hallie Jackson. Thats the way to do the job. Hallie joins us live next. Accelerating next. Hewlett packard enterprise. With extraordinary offersmance on the exhilarating is. The thrilling gs. And the powerful rc coupe. This is the pursuit of perfection. Some say free the whales. For them, nothing else is acceptable. But nothing could be worse for the whales. Most of the orcas at seaworld were born here. Sending them into the wild wouldnt be noble. It could be fatal. When they freed keiko, the killer whale of movie fame, the effort was a failure and he perished. But we also understand that times have changed. Today, people are concerned about the Worlds Largest animals like never before. So we too must change. Thats why the orcas in our care will be the last generation at seaworld. There will be no more breeding. Were also phasing out orca theatrical shows. Theyll continue to receive the highest standard of care available anywhere. And guests can come to see them simply being their majestic selves. Inspiring the next generation of people to love them as you do. Ted cruz lost louisiana to donald trump on march 5th but the wall street journal reports that he may be coming out ahead in the delegate race there, thats a result of a meeting a week later with the delegates selected who would represent them on the panels who govern the convention and whose powers could determine the outcome after the first ballot. The journal reports that no trump backers won any of those slots and five of the six went to supporters of cruz. Louisiana is the first state to name delegates to serve on the three committees. And so with back room dealings like whats happening in louisiana the big question in the republican race is whether donald trump will have a chance to get to the magic number 1,237 heading into the convention. Msnbcs Steve Kornacki has been crunching the delegate math. So how could trump get to 1,237 . Well, let me show you. Lets take a look at the big board. So right now this is a rough number, but donald trump right now is at we are going to say 755 delegates. Its give or take a few, we will say 755. Remember, the target number is 1,237. Lets play this out and see what it would take. These are all the states that are left, the number you see next to it the number of delegates up for grabs. Theres three states we are going to take off the board, nebraska, south dakota, montana, these are winner take all states, these are states that really fit the profile of places where ted cruz is doing well. Were going to say for the purposes of this cruz wins those states. Lets take a look at the other places trump to get the numbers. He is at 755. Lets start in wisconsin, a close race we just talked about it. Lets say trump pulls it out, close but pulls it out, that would mean the way the rules work probably about 30 delegates for trump. That would move him from 785. The action is going to shift right then after wisconsin its going to shift to the northeast, the northeast is trumps secret weapon over the next few months. There are more than 300 delegates in these states and these states are really good trump states, starts with new york his home state, new jersey a winner take all state, West Virginia fits the profile of a trump state. It is not inconceivable that he walks away with 280 delegates from here if he does that hes sit ago at 1037. In may there will be a primary in indiana, could be a close state, 30 more delegates. Now we are at 1065. Lets go out to the pacific coast, three states he could do well, there is a poll in california today that has him up ten points over ted cruz there. He could take 150 delegates from the west coast states, those three west coast states, you add that in where is he now . Now he is at 1215 if im doing that right. 1215. 1,237 is the number. Weve taken these three off the board, one state left, new mexico. If he won every delegate there, that would be tough, he would be at 1239. He is not going to get every delegate out of Human Resources but he could get a loss and he could get very, very close to 1,237. Of course, these are rough numbers, he could do better up here than we think, that could put him over. What are the stop trump people hoping for . They hope they beat him in wisconsin, beat him in indiana, deny him the number out of the northeast and deny him the number out of the pacific coast. A lot of wiggle room op both sides but what you see here is there is a path for donald trump to get to 1,237 or to get very close to it. He is awesome with that we love our morning kornacki. I think us from oshkosh, wisconsin, on her spring break sorry, thats not right, he is not on spring break. Reporter no. Nbc news correspondent Hallie Jackson. Hallie, you can kicking you know what and taking names. How is ted cruz preparing for that primary . Reporter thanks. Big deal for him here. He talks about utah wanting to do well had there, the campaign is talking about wisconsin as the next big Battle Ground for them, why youre seeing cruz send a lot of time here. Time and money are being deployed in wisconsin. Cruz is going to be up in green bay taking a tour of the packers hall of fame, but cruzs strategy is to strip as many delegates as possible from donald trump for a couple of reasons, one its obviously the math, two its the momentum factor as well. Hes hoping that trump essentially will not do as well in their suburban milwaukee counties, thats trumps weakness when you look at wisconsin, its more of a chamber of commerce republican, very red some of these counties but its not necessarily places that are favorable to trump naturally the way that maybe spots in the northern part of the state are. Trump is coming here, hes competing. When you look at the polling he and cruz are neck and neck in wisconsin and john kasich is not conceding this, either, his campaign feels that this is the kind of territory will kasich will do well pd and be strong. Trump is headed to janesville next week, cruz was there yesterday. When you talk about paul ryan and folks like Governor Scott walker who is planning to endorse sometime in the next few days we understand walker wants his endorsement to make a difference youve got to look at what happens if this does go to a contested convention, scott walker told reporters that he believes if it does go to a contested convention the likelihood who gets the nomination will not be one of the guys running for president snow who will it be . Scott he would like that, paul ryan said he is not interested in being the president , paul ryan said that about being speaker and vice president. So there are all sorts of ways this could play out. Wisconsin a key Battle Ground state. Cruz looking ahead to eastern states, too. You heard kornacki drop all that knowledge and he talks about new york and new jersey, those are states where ted cruzs campaign is going to plan acknowledging that may be surprising, you wouldnt think of new york and think of ted cruz but they do see some congressional districts in new york, republican conservative districts where cruz could compete and theyre also planning to compete in new jersey the winner take all state. Its going to be a fascinating couple of months and i hope it warms up a little bit because it is not exactly the spring break that i had planned for myself. Hallie, one of the people in charge of bagging im sorry, ben ginsburg is one of the people affiliated with the Republican Party and convention, hes here, he has a question for you. Hello, hallie. Reporter hey, ben. Talk a little bit about how the Cruz Campaign and then the other campaigns know they have to win delegates, but then also have this 44state conventions and executive Committee Meetings where they will actually decide how the individual dell dpats are. Reporter so this is the nittygritty of it all, this is something that the Cruz Campaign is focusing on intently. It reminds of what happened in iowa. Remember the Cruz Campaign in iowa for months spent time drilling down, microtargeting, doing data targeting of voters, caucus goers in iowa, its a similar strategy that the campaign is deploying when it comes to delegates, doing data targeting of people who could be delegates, people who would be delegates, going to state houses and places where they can try to bring together local leaders to make sure they have locked down delegate states if they need to go to a second ballot and beyond that they have the delegates who will come over to them. A campaign aid told me recently its not just about looking at the states they want to kpoo et in down the road on the calendar, its looking at the states that have already voted and making sure they have delegate game there. Hallie jackson as always thank you for the great work you do. We appreciate it. Up next it seems wall street is now coming to terms with at least one of the president ial front runners. Thats next on morning joe. Sometimes those seats are out of reach, costing an outrageous number of miles. Its time to switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, youll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. And when youre ready to travel, just book the flight you want, on any airline and use your miles to cover the cost. Now thats more like it. Whats in your wallet . Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. 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The middle class the Hedge Fund Guys didnt build this country. These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky. I went to wall street before the crash. I was the one saying youre going to wreck the economy because of these shenanigans with mortgages. I called to end the loophole that Hedge Fund Managers enjoy, i two president ial front runners sounding a similar note when it comes to wall street. A new piece in vanity fair says the big banks are coming to terms with donald trump and that may end up benefitting Hillary Clinton. Joining us now bill kohan. Great to be here. Thank you. Donald trump, were going to read a portion of the piece. Okay. Donald trump, what does wall street think and feel viscerally when they see and hear donald trump. Dislike, intense dislike, both professionally and personally. He has had four of the companies that he has been associated with that filed for bankruptcy in the 90s and 2000es. They dont like him professionally and i dont think they are simpatico with him personally in the things that he says. Ted cruz. They like him even less because they see him as a right wing conservative zealot. At least trump mr. Trump can actually occasionally say some things that are more centrist and have more appeal to wall street. The irony is that that will actually help the people they loath . I think theyre capable of understanding it, but theres not much they can do about that. I mean, i find it ironic that the people who seem to like donald trump and support donald trump are putting their faith in a guy who is a multibillionaire, we dont know exactly how many billions, who lives at the top of a tower on fifth safe and flies around in private jets. Why a working class american would think that donald trump would be their savior is mystifying to me. His son said to you in the circus on sunday that he is a blue collar billionaire. What do you think . Blue collar billionaire. Wall street is not all republicans obviously but wall street is one of the elite groups in this country that is going to have to come to terms with potentially a clinton trump general election and they will have to make hard choices and there are a lot of People Associated with wall street who will not be happy with those choices and will yes or no for a third choice and probably wont have one. Two questions, does wall street really loath hillary clinton and when it comes to donald trump you mentioned they personally dont like him, but do they think hes competent for the job . Those are two different issues. First on hillary, i think a lot of people on wall street do actively like hillary. A lot of Hedge Fund Managers, a lot of private equity guys, there are a lot of high profile democrats on wall street who have been clear in their support of hillary for a long time. As far as trump and his competency for the job, i do not think they believe he is competent for that job, but i heard an interesting thing at this lunch which was that if we have to deal with the fact that its trump versus hillary and if in fact trump is possibly going to win and they dont rule that out, so this is part of the coming to grips with it, they feel they actually have to somehow rally around the president of the United States and help this guy have a successful presidency because ultimately hes our president , this is our country and we want our country to succeed and do well and not look like ba hoofo in the eyes of the world. Help him succeed as president of the United States. When you say wall street lost a lot of money with trump. Yeah. Is that because of bankruptcies. Yes. Defaults on loans. Yes, exactly. They backed his Casino Enterprises in atlanta city in the 90s and in the early 2,000s and theres billions of dollars involved. He personally didnt file for bankruptcy, he is the first to say, but the companies that he started or invested in or bought using leverage which happens all the time, using debt, other peoples money, he defaulted on those loans, they were restructured and written down and a lot of hundreds of millions of dollars was lost. People on wall street dont like that. But given the way trump has campaigned and his very effective attacks on his opponents, i mean, destroying them with tweets, the idea that wall street would be stepping up to the plate and saying, hey, wait a minute, now were going to tell you why he is not the great dealmaker he says he is that probably will not happen. The fact that wall street doesnt like donald trump is probably another feather in his cap with the people who do like donald trump. I cant you know, the ironies of this election are still going on. Endless. Yeah. And they will continue to go on. Its a fascinating piece, vanity fair. Bill cohan, thank you, we will be reading that piece in vanity fair. Secretary of state john kerry speaks with msnbc about the brussels attacks so stay with us for that. [eerie music] i am the ghost of cookies past. Residue. Oh. So gross. Well, you didnt use pam. So it looks like youre stuwith me bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. Thats why theres pam. [engines revving] you cant have a hero, if you dont have a villain. The world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. Hey kevin. Uh, i live right or there hey, factually. Ng you here. Youve been to my place. No, i wasnt. Oh look, you dropped something. Its your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. Thats weird. You want to work for ge too. Hahaha, what . Well were always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. Why dont you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. Oh, i dont hire people. Im a developer. Im gonna need monday off. Again, not my call. May not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. patrick 2 pretty great. Ke to be the boss of you . patrick 1 how about a 10 raise . patrick 2 how about 20 . patrick 1 how about done . patrick 2 thats the kind of control i like. And thats what they give me at national car rental. I can choose any car in the aisle i want without having to ask anyone. Who better to be the boss of you. patrick 1 than me. I mean, you. Us. vo go national. Go like a pro. Thiand being able to useve worked oa pen like thisk. On the screen directly with the image, it takes me back to my time as a painter. And i just cant do that on my mac. Advisor and team who understand where you come from. We didnt really have anything, you know. But, we made do. Vo know you can craft an Investment Plan as strong as your values. Al, how you doing. Hey, mr. Hamilton. Vo know that together you can establish a meaningful legacy. With the guidance and support of your dedicated pnc Wealth Management team. The taxi driver who brought the militants to the airport heard one of them saying antiamerican things, was on an antiamerican tirade in the cab on the way to carry out the attack. It suggests that americans were at least part of the target. Is that the working theory that you have . I dont have a working theory, richard. When you say weve heard, as an old trial lawyer, you know, thats hearsay of an order that i cant even begin to wrap my hands around because i dont know who said it or whether they said it or whether its true. And im not going to speculate and theres no question but that these guys set out to kill people and obviously if they planted their bombs near bell at that and american and so forth, we werent far from their minds. That was secretary of state john kerry speaking earlier this morning with nbc news chief Foreign Correspondent richard engel. Msnbc will be playing that full interview in just a few moments. But right now before we all leave and leave one another which is going to be so sad because i was looking forward to spending the whole weekend with all of you, its time for what have we learned today, mr. Halperin. Ive learned i will be spending my 9 00 hour watching the interview with john. Ive learned that wall street has come to a wakeup call trying to figure out which candidate they will be endorsing and it may not necessarily be a republican. Ive learned that donald trump is going to get to a majority before the convention, hes going to have to win a lot of individual congressional districts and that if ted cruz and john kasich are smart theyre going to divide and conquer to go out and stop him from doing that. That gives me a headache just thinking about that. What did you learn, nicolle . Any week that i got to spend, what is it, 15 hours a week with you is a good one and im so glad Hallie Jackson is on the campaign trail because she asks the tough questions. Shes awesome. She is awesome. I learned on a rather sober somber note elder mason wells the young man who is hospitalized today in brussels who was in boston on patriots day when the tsarnaev brothers exploded a bomb, he was in paris but not in proximity to the violence that occurred in paris in december, hes alive today, recovering, thats just thirddegree burns. Thats just an incredible story. Right now, though, here is a legend, Steve Kornacki, he is going to pick up the coverage right now. Good morning. We begin with some new developments, some fast moving developments to tell you about in the brussels terror attacks. First, nbc news has now confirmed a brother and sister who lived in new york city were killed in the attacks. They have been identified as sascha and Alexander Pinczowski. The confirmation of their deaths comes shortly after secretary of state john kerry met with belgiums Prime Minister in brussels. Kerry offering his condolences. Richard engel spoke to kerry, we will have more of that interview coming up. Meantime, the manhunt continues, a fifth suspect in the brussels bombings was named today in belgium media sources who described him as armed and dangerous. Belgian media quotes media saying they have detained seven people after raids through brussels but the Prosecutors Office did not give details about who specifically was detained and whether any will face charges. We a

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