An apparent winner missouri. And Governor John Kasich easily won ohio with an 11point win over donald trump taking 47 of the vote. Trump added 194 delegates to his total yesterday, bringing them to 656. Ted cruz had a disappointing night, only took home 32 delegates to finish the night at 408 and kasich added 75. And trump is now more than halfway to the delegates he needs for the nomination on the first ballot at the convention with 581 to go. What a big night for Hillary Clinton. Clean sweep. It was a clean sweep. You cant overstate how big this was for the clinton campaign. Secretary clinton won by double digits in florida, North Carolina and ohio and notched razorthin victories in missouri and illinois. For much of the evening, those two races were too close to call but nbc news has now declared clinton the apparent winner of each. In missouri, she edged out senator sanders by less than 2,000 votes but she picks up 363 delegates. Bernie adds 282 and now clinton is twothirds of the way to the total she needs to clinch that nomination. All right, so with us on set this morning, the managing editors of Bloomberg Politics and hosts of with all due respect Mark Halperin and john heilemann. In washington, senior Political Editor and White House Correspondent for the huffington post, sam stein. In cleveland, ohio, nbc news senior White House Correspondent Chris Jansing who literally works around the clock. She works around the clock. Shes everywhere. Mika, last night so many headlines you could go with. I know. You can go with marco rubio, you can go with the donald trump, you can go with Hillary Clinton. Having massive nights, the frontrunners. But this was what a significant night it was, john heilemann. Whats your big takeaway from last night . Hillary clinton is going to be the democratic nominee and donald trump is not quite as certain to be the republican nominee but pretty like ly. Obviously marco rubio out of the race but something were not used to saying, a very bad night for ted cruz. Weve always talked about ted cruz overperforming. Last night, wow, a bad night from beginning to end. They wanted to come away with victories and more delegates than they got by targeted congressional districts. He doesnt have the clean 101 fight he wanted and he doesnt have much of an argument to say heres a clean path. His campaign put out a memo saying heres our path to the nomination, were the ones that are going to beat donald trump but its a tough road for him and john kasich not just to make the argument that can beat donald trump but to stop the number of delegates to stop donald trump. Last night the rich got richer, the poor got poorer. Trump and clinton had massive nights. And both showing strength in different states. We thought there were a couple States Bernie sanders might be able to pick off, he didnt get any of them. We thought ted cruz would win missouri, looks like he didnt win that, either. Its an amazing place were in where ted cruz has become the establishment candidate. The guy whos loathed in washington, who was supposed to be the outsider in the this race got outoutsidered by donald trump. I think john kasich had a big night and i guess theres a path for him depending on how things turn out and he elualluded to i about going to cleveland. Well, going to cleveland but he has to stop donald trump from getting 1278 delegates. Theres no math but a possible path thats out of the ordinary. Out of the ordinary, no doubt, but that depends on an open convention and we dont know what the look like high hood of that is. But if you look at john kasich last night, a lot of democratic crossover votes. Thats fascinating. I feel like hes one of the ultimate crossover candidates that fit in the mainstream of thinking and it could be so interesting to see him up against Hillary Clinton. That could be a fascinating, facinating and possibly really constructive for our country race, Chris Jansing. Well, its so fascinating what i saw last night. I was in suburban cleveland and the number of crossover votes at this set of four districts, four precincts, usually they would have 21 in favor of Republican Voters. It was 31, most of them crossover voters, democrats crossing over to republicans and these are life long democrats. One woman told me her entire family had a meeting and made a decision, a gutwrenching decision to register as republicans and vote for john kasich. Another person told me he and his wife said that they made that decision even though they really dont like john kasich as governor but they felt very strongly that donald trump was dangerous. You know the dynamic here in cleveland and the cleaveland area. These are folks who often come from families that are very ethnic and bound to the Democratic Party, Union Families bound to the Democratic Party. The idea that their name will be associated with the Republican Party for four years is painful for them and yet they did it and so we saw how much that made a difference last night. Across the state i think the crossover was 8 . Before we get to hearing from the frontrunners, you and mark alone really alone predicted rubio wouldnt make it and last night he called it quits. What was it about the campaign that you saw so early on . Well, you know, what i saw early on was the fact that he just wasnt ready. He wasnt at the level yet. He was being called the republican savior by Time Magazine right after he got there and then i think what is just the blocking and tackling. There are a lot of people making a lot of different excuses this morning. At the end of the day donald trump is an exception. Hes a oneoff. Hes been a celebrity for 40 years. My brother started following donald trump in like 1989, stock . Youre not going to run into those many candidates. Just put donald trump over here. Well. At the top. At the end of the day, though im just saying why is trump winning. At the end of the day, politics comes down to blocking and tackling. Mark, i know what you and i have been talking about for six to nine months is the fact that they didnt have any early state that they said they could win, they didnt have any political basis. They said these are our people were going to target. There wasnt a ground game. Politico has a story this morning about the fact that activists couldnt even find their field offices in iowa or New Hampshire. I mean, at the end of the day, blocking and tackling Still Matters. Unless youve been a celebrity for 40 years. Those basics matter a lot. Id add two other things. One is, there were no signature issues. What was he running on . What were the policies important to him that broke through . The other thing, that was canary in a coal mine. He didnt raise money the way Bernie Sanders does on the internet. The young guy who talked a lot about the new economy with a brand that should have been good for the internet, he never caught on with that grassroots investment in the tens of millions of people around the country. You know what one of the great ironies, willie, is, and he pointed this out last night. He talked about himself and the life that he led. Living paycheck to paycheck. Only repaying Student Loans late in life. For some reason donald trump, a manhattan billionaire connected with the working class voters and the populists who run this party now. Lets just lets just say it. Run this party. I saw a stat yesterday that with working class voters he had 2 of working class voters. 2 . They was College Educated and ka candidate. He did well in the suburbs. Thats not the Republican Party of 2016. It hasnt been the Republican Party for about 30 years now. But the guy that had the best story to tell did not connect on a gut level with the people who now run this party. And he told the story again last night. He came out and made his stump speech again, a guy who maybe was talking about coming back in 2020. Heres what i believe, heres my story once again as he leaves the stage. The question will be can he recover if this . Smart people you and i both know the Republican Party, Steve Schmidt was saying hes got his future ahead of him, hell learn lessons and come back stronger. I suspect we havent seen the last of marco rubio. And lets not rule out him teaming up with somebody. I predicted that last night. They both denied it, but let me tell you something, when republicans stare down the barrel of a decision where its like is Hillary Clinton going to pick the Supreme Court justices for the next four to eight years or do we hope we can influence somebody to pick for the next four to eight years, if its donald trump or ted cruz, well see what happens. People like Haley Barbour are going to marco rubio saying you have to do it for the party whats marco rubio going to do . Ill give you another problem with the rubio and can da sichlt his fundamental argument wasnt an ideological mardi gras meeii. It was generational. Your party is not the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has always been attracted to the kennedy or obama figure, the Republican Party doesnt do that. In rubios case he not only that ingrained problem with the party but he looked like the republican barack obama and in a party this spent eight years saying barack obama was not qualified, didnt have enough experience, didnt have a serious enough resume, how could you then look at marco rubio who had basically the same qualifications and scanned resume and say were going to embrace that guy. Nobody in washington saw that. Nobody in the media saw that. Nobody that even the donor class saw that. The Republican Voters saw that. Yeah. And they said wait a second, were not going to pick a republican that reminds us of barack obama. Nobody said it because rubio checked off every single box you would want your dream candidate, your republican savior to be. But it goes back is it brit hume that said you can make the dog food, you can market it but if the dog dont eat the dog food, tough luck. The rankandfile Republican Voters that own this party now, working class, middleclass republicans, just didnt buy it into. I think youve tapped into how they feel, which is ultimately where it goes. Last night, donald trump appeared before a select group of supporters and reporters in what was billed as a press conference though he took no question in the ballroom of his club in palm beach, florida, flanked by his family and Small Campaign staff, his quote unquote squad. He began by talking about his poll numbers saying those who say he has a ceiling of support, they simply dont get it. One of the commentators, who im not particularly fond of but these are minor details, said but donald trump doesnt get over 50 . And i have to explain to these people, they dont understand basic physics, basic mathematics, basic whatever you want to call it. When i dont get over 50, we have four people, right . We have four people. Do you understand that . We will someday in the not too distant future if i win, otherwise its not going to happen, i have to be honest with you, but apple and all of these Great Companies will be making their product in the United States, not in china, vietnam, and all of that. One of the broadcasters was saying is there anger . I said i guess im supposed to say no, theres not, we love the way things are working, we love the deal you made with iran, its wonderful, you give them 150 billion, we get nothing, we love all the deals, trade deals are wonderful, you lose 500 billion a year with china, we lose 58 billion a year in terms of imbalance, its a total imbalance. We dont make good deals anymore. We dont win anymore. As a country we dont win anymore. And they asked there anger from your people . I said there is anger. Theyre not angry people but they want to see the country properly run. Willie, a huge night for donald trump but, you know, weve been laughing at candidates all year that have lost and talked like they won. Last night at the beginning of the speech you had donald trump who had a massive night who talked like he lost, going after the press, going after will somebody tell the man stop looking at the polls hes winning at the polls . The. Its amazing, no slight is too small. No slight is too small. He opened the speech going after somebody he had just been watching on tv. Hes talking an about economist poll and he just had one of the biggest nights hes had all year. These are small details, as mr. Trump was saying. These are not small details, he had a massive night last night and hes complaining about what the press is saying and hes pointing to an economist poll. If you win at the ballot but you dont to point an economist poll. I think its time to put your head down, declare yourself the winner and maybe declare yourself the nominee. Its interesting, there are reports about the stop Trump Movement. Theres going to be a meeting later this week and the Hedge Fund Guys are getting together. No rush. Seriously. What a joke. Its becoming a parody. Youre not stopping trump, if you want to stop trump, do something differently. Otherwise they have to line up behind him or find a way to stop him. What theyre doing isnt working. If you want to stop trump, launch an independent conservative bid. Thats the only way to stop donald trump this year. Mark, you look at the numbers, hes outspent 101, up to close to 20 million in the state of florida and the longer the ads were on the air, 35 million attacking donald trump ahead of tuesdays primaries, think about it, the longer those ads were on the air, the higher his poll numbers went in florida. They were ticking straight up in florida all over the two weeks he was getting attacked on the air. If hes to be stopped and i think were skeptical he can be at this point it will be by ted cruz or john kasich. No stop trump effort, no meetings in washington, no ad campaigns will stop him. It will be one of those two guys finding their voice. Look, the point willie makes, you have to stop trump. You got time on friday . I got time in my schedule next monday. Theres been no urgency for nine months when theyve been talking about stopping trump. I think that thats right. It has to be a candidate the stop Trump Movement could unite behind one of those candidates and they might help financially but theres still got to be a candidate who wins and you look forward on the calendar, you have contests on tuesday in utah and arizona, arizona donald trump very strong, very good trump state. Ted cruz might win in utah where there are mormon voters and cruz has done well with mormon voters. The next contest is april 5 in wisconsin where you could have a threeway race there. I dont know how that will turn out but its not like right now, at least, theres not like a moment where you could put a brake on donald trump that will be an obvious moment to slow him down. He will probably win one of those two contests next tuesday and get another 50 delegates from arizona in a winner take all state. Very tough to stop with math and momentum on his side. And he goes to his strength. Sam stein, on the democratic side, how big of a night was last night for Hillary Clinton . It was pretty shocking just i mean, it was a sweep across the board, right . Yeah. I mean, heading into the night, it actually you know, the calculus isnt all that much different because heading into the night her delegate lead was insurmountable. Bernie sanders was making a play because he had come off this michigan win where it looked like maybe she had vulnerabilities in the rust belt, that trade was a particular vulnerability for her but that last night those wins it just put that argument to rest a little bit and theyre symbolic but they netted her more delegates. At this juncture, you have to basically conclude that shes going to be the democratic nominee barring some incredibly unforeseen thing that happens and, remember, these contests are the democratic side are proportional so bernie would have to not just win these states, hed have to win them big time. Now the choice left for Bernie Sanders is how long do you draw this out . How much do you attack Hillary Clinton in the upcoming states versus how much do you let her kind of make that shift towards the general election . Which she did start do in her speech last night, really making a contrast from w trump. She talked almost exclusively about donald trump last night. She also mentioned income inequality. I like that a lot. Shes adopted a lot of what hes going to say. But sam is right, Bernie Sanders will have to decide at what point. You have a lot of people who support you, who love you, love your message but at what point is it time to realize you probably wont be the nominee and if you want to help Hillary Clinton stop donald trump, step to the side. He may not do it now, hes got enough money and support to stay in but when is that moment . Hes got a lot of contests in the near term he can win so its a little bit different. Hes less likely to be the democratic nominee. Her math advantage is greater than trumps is in the Republican Party but sanders can be competitive in arizona. Theres an idaho Democratic Caucus that same night and then you have alaska, hawaii, and washington state. Sanders could win five of the next six contests so hes got something to stay in this race for. But he has to blow them out. I mean, he has to win huge numbers of delegates in all those states and because its proportional, that means really racking up the margins. We want to mention a big story for our viewers in washington, d. C. If you work in the Nations Capital you are in for an extremely rough commute this morning because the entire d. C. Metro rail system, the nations secondlargest, was shut down at midnight last night for 29 hours to allow for a systemwide safety inspection. The unprecedented shutdown comes after a cable fire earlier this week caused massive delays on three subway lines. The metro is expected to reopen tomorrow at 5 00 a. M. And, by the way, Chris Jansing, well let you get some sleep. Thank you so much. Well see you on the air im sure soon, very soon. 3 00 p. M. This afternoon. Oh, boy. So a little bit of sleep. Still ahead on morning joe, well talk to donald trump after his big wins last night and later, former president ial candidate Carly Fiorina joins us. Shes now supporting ted cruz. Plus David Plouffe who went from opposing Hillary Clinton in 2008 to supporting her today. Mark leibovich on the deflated marco rubio campaign. And chuck todd with an eye on what comes next in this wild race for the white house. Up next, Michael Steel reflects on the current state of the republican political machine that he once led. But, first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. Bill . Good morning. Yesterday was rough. We thought illinois had a chance for some tornados. They had nine reported tornados and one of them what was we call a stove pipe tornado which was intense. It was over a Farmers Field but look at these ominous clouds in western illinois. Storm chasers had a good view of these storms and some of them produced theres the tornado down there. You can see in the the middle of the screen. We had a church damaged and a couple roofs of some homes but no fatalities or injuries. Theres the large hail reported. Golf ball sized thrill that in carthage, illinois. So the storm this morning, this is all rain, heavier rain. Cadillac, michigan, a thunderstorm heading over you. This will turn to snow in duluth so northern minnesota, northern wisconsin its winter for you. The other story today, the southern portion of this storm, high winds, we have a high wind warning for chicago and milwaukee. So if youre flying out of midway and ohare, there will be significant delays. Wind gusts are expected to reach 45 to 50 Miles Per Hour later this afternoon. So the southern great lakes and the ohio valley today. Enjoy the warmth, 80 in atlanta, 73 in d. C. There will be a fastmoving shower from new york city to philadelphia to d. C. Late this afternoon. So carry that umbrella if youre doing walking outside late this afternoon. Enjoy the mild weather in new york city and all the east coast. It looks like this weekend well be back to typical early spring conditions. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. Wow, it looks really good. Volkswagen believes safety is very important. So all eleven models come standard with an intelligent crash response system. Hmm. Seven stabilityenhancing systems. Hmmm. And equipment for two child seats. Hmmm. For those who take safety seriously. Like we do. The Volkswagen Safety in numbers event. Is happening now get a 1,250 volkswagen reward card and 0 apr on new 2016 passat models. Hey kevin. Hey, fancy seeing you here. Uh, i live right over there actually. Youve been to my place. No, i wasnt. Oh look, you dropped something. Its your resume with a 20 dollar bill taped to it. Thats weird. You want to work for ge too. Hahaha, what . Well were always looking for developers who are up for big world changing challenges like making planes, trains and hospitals run better. Why dont you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. Oh, i dont hire people. Im a developer. Im gonna need monday off. Again, not my call. Watching tvs get sharper, oh remotes, youve had it tough. Bigger, smugger. And you . Rubbery buttons. Enter the x1 voice remote. Now when someone says. Show me funny movies. Watch discovery. Record this. Voila. Remotes you are back. The x1 voice remote is here. X1 customers get your voice remote by visiting xfinty. Com voiceremote. Our commanderinchief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it. [ cheers and applause ] engage our allies, not alienate them. Defeat our adversaries, not embolden them. Is when we hear a candidate for president call for rounding up 12 million immigrants, banning all muslims from entering the United States [ boos ] when he embraces torture, that doesnt make him strong, it makes him wrong. [ cheers and applause ] 26 past the hour. That was Hillary Clinton in her victory speech last night. Big, big night for her. Joining us now, former chairman of the Republican National committee and msnbc analyst Michael Steele. You know, the outcome last night is leaving a lot of republicans, michael, wonder where to turn, where they are turning and 51 of voters say they would definitely vote for donald trump if he was the nominee. 19 say they probably would but nearly three in ten say they wouldnt. 61 of republicans who didnt vote for trump last night say if forced to choose between trump or clinton this fall they would consider a third party candidate. Also a majority of kasich voters say they wouldnt vote for trump if he were the nominee come november. 47 of rubio voters and 36 of cruz voters say they wouldnt vote for trump. What are we looking at . Michael, donald trump a lot of people not voting. A lot of people not voting for donald trump. Or saying theyre not. Saying theyre not. There you go. What does he do . What does the Republican Party do . What do conservatives do . On the front end of this, trump is in a position where he needs to make the pivot and youve been gun to hear it towards bringing the party towards him. Because he knows this is out here. He knows how people are feeling. You have to establishment types who have the dump trump effort under way. Theyre having a meeting coming up this week to talk about how to do that. But the reality of it is hes in the best position and the only position to bring everybody closer to him, work those cruz voters out there, certainly work the voters for the other candidates who left the race. The problem is, and weve been saying for some time, he has to make the turn. Last night after winning hes tweeting negative attacks against megyn kelly. The very people hes going to need, he needs to reach out to the republican establishment thats been kicking him. To megyn kelly whos been kicking him. Instead of calling the media disgusting. Like those tactics are not going to get those 33 of republicans over to him. Hes got to make the tush or he will get swamped in the fall. Thats the key thing. He has to understand and the people around him have to make it clear to him that at this stage he cant afford to have a third of his party stay out of the game. He has to figure out a way. You can build the bridge to the establishment in washington but you have to turn the hearts and minds of the voters. I dont know if he has it in him, john heilemann. I dont think he does. After my first primary on a very small level but it was an ugly primary. It was personal. They attack med personally. I was one of these im going to stay above the fray and not attack back. That was the last time i did that because it was really ugly and nasty but the next morning i got on the phone and i said i should havent won this race to my opponent. I cant win without you, tell me what i need to do, please help me. I was in a position of strength. I got on my knees and begged for help. And thats not weakness. I begged for help and you know what . The next time a nasty article came out about me, my opponent lois benson, had nice words for me because we made peace quickly. Thats what you do to move beyond. Donald trump last night attacking megyn kelly on twitter, calling the press disgusting and quoting a i want to swear, an economist poll when the guy has just won the boards on one of the most important night of the year. As willie said, no slight too small for him to ignore. If donald trump is the nominee, hes going go into the general election as an underdog. The Democratic Party has won five of the last six popular votes. Hillary clinton will be strong with Barack Obamas coalition. He wont be the favorite. Hell have to be the underdog and win fighting an uphill battle. Hes already alienated a bunch of hispanic voters, alienated a large swath of nonwhite voters. Hes got real problems in a general election. So in order to win, if donald trump wants to win, the first thing he has to start to do is unify his own party because if a huge chunk of his own party isnt with him and the Democratic Coalition is against him, hes done. He cant win a general election. First step, pull your Party Together and because you wont win without your whole party behind you. If youre the republican nominee and youre fighting the biggest star at fox news when youre on the verge of locking down the nomination you got it backwards. Cant win the general election without his party behind him. Cannot. So the overtures to the speaker and the majority leader in the senate, those are good and important steps. He needs to step that up, ramp it up more. But you said the key thing, he has to go to the folks hes defeated in the primary process and say i cant do this without you. You dont need them to come on board to be a part of your team, per se, like youve seen with christie and carson, but he needs to have the others to help him turn that corner with the base because they represent the 60 plus percent out there sitting there going i dont know. Do you think those guys, though, are happy to turn the corner for him . No. Hes not john mccain. Hes going to have to work i it. We have bill kristol coming on the show, hell never support donald trump. But you know what you do . You go and ask for his support and guess what you do . You let them kick you. I know its not in Donald Trumps but im telling you, its not natural for me. But when you put on the helmet and play politics you sit there and let people who have been lying about you far year, im talking about myself now, who have been trashing your character for a year, who have been doing everything they can to destroy you, after you beat them you sit down in their office and you let them kick you for an hour and you apologize then you say i would love to have you on board. I know donald wont do this but if you want to be elected president of the United States or if you want to win as dog catcher thats politics 101. When you win thats when you have to be your most gracious. Its called life. Its humility in victory. Every candidate knows that. The problem is donald trump has never been that candidate so hes bringing a businessmenalty where i consume, i grab the space, i own it and i vanquished my enemies and move on. But in politics you dont get to do that. And when we had Rudy Giuliani three or four months ago, we asked about donald trump, he said hes never seen anybody like him but donald trump is the only person hes ever seen going into negotiations where everybody says ill give you this. He said donald trump goes into negotiations and he doesnt want to leave the winner, he wants everybody else to leave the loser. With him winning. Its a zerosum game. That may work in some business negotiations. They may work in real estate. Doesnt work in politics. Nobodys ever been elected president without performing abject acts of selfabasement. And thats not donalds style. We cant see paul ryans name on the ballot yesterday so that mean he is isnt interested in being president s, right . Well play for you a very interesting answer from the House Speaker ahead. Testing, testing. 1, 2, 3, 4. Look out honey. Because im using technology. Aint got time to make no apologies. Soul radiation in the dead of night. Love in the middle of a fire fight. Honey gotta strike me blind. Somebody gotta save my soul. Baby penetrates my mind. [cheering] and im the worlds forgotten boy. The one whos searchin. Searchin to destroy. And honey im the worlds forgotten boy. boy mom because weresettle settlers and thats what we do. girl but with directv and at t, you can get your tv and Wireless Service from one provider. dad are not we your providers . Do we not provide you with this succulent jackrabbit pie . This delicious graywater soup . And a single lick of the family lolli every harvest moon . vo dont be a settler, get a 100 reward card when you switch to directv. Donald trump began and ended yesterday by touting his support among the republican establishment talking about his recent call to House Speaker paul ryan to which ryans spokesman reported on twitter to be clear, the speaker called him at his request, he also called three other candidates. Yesterday trump spoke with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell who urged the frontwinner to do his part in tamping down violence at the political arena, no matter who started it. Speaker ryan made a similar statement to reporters and when pressed said he will support trump if he wins the republican nomination. The republican primary voters are going to make this decision and this is not our decision to make. What can we control . We can control our agenda. With respect to who the nominee will be, that will be selected by the voters. Then in an interview with cnbc last night, ryan declined to categorically rule out accepting the republican president ial nomination this summer. People talk about the prospect of a convention that isnt decisive. You are suspect number one for im going to take a sip of guinness. Who could be drafted. Have you categorically ruled out accepting that if you were asked to do it . If the convention asked you to do it . I think you should run for president if you want to be president. Im not running for president. I made that decision consciously not to. I dont see that happening, im not thinking about it, im happy where i am. So no dont intend to do it. Youre not making a sherman statement to that. I havent given any thought of this stuff. People say what about the contested convention . I say well, there are a lot of people running for president. Well see. Who knows . Who knows, thats fair enough. He would be an interesting Mark Halperin choice. Certainly conservatives would line up behind him. Theres a split in the party for those who think you can stop trump at the convention. Some say if its not trump it will be kasich or cruz, someone who runs. There are those who say no, it will be someone else. If its someone else most people say it could be paul ryan. He could be a consensus choice at the convention that answer i find intriguing. Much different than the kind of answer hes given up until now. Maybe he just slipped up and didnt know how it would sound but that sounds like he know there is will be a huge vacuum and he might be the one that gets the chance to fill it. It seems to me, Michael Steele, if the guys couldnt beat him at the ballot box you dont give them if theres a brokered convention, you dont give it to the guys at the ballot box, you have to go outside that group, right . You would. In a sense of fairness in any normal Convention Setting where you have a contested convention, that will be the case. But that wont be a normal Convention Setting. You have understand. I cannot emphasize this enough that the trump voter, supporter, delegate going to that convention will be more than determined to make sure donald trump walks out of that convention with the nomination. Everything else be damned. Because their passion for him and what hes done to bring in new supporters, new voters is heart felt. So weve already begun to hear and see in the social media univer universe the anchoring to go in for the fight. These folks will come in to cleveland ready for the fight so everybody better strap in and get ready. If youre going to play any other card than laying the vote fall where it may. If trump walks in there with 200 delegates short, how do you then convince all of his supporters in those delegates that support him to give up that opportunity to get the nomination . It becomes a real struggle for those who are now trying to stop trump because they let him get too far ahead to do anything about it at the convention. Well talk to donald trump in about an hour so it will be interesting to ask him about this. Up next, people were reacting to last nights results in different ways. Bill kristal was tweeting about a wellstocked mini bar. Well see how he feels. Hell join us next along with politicos jim vandehei. We were born 100 years ago into a new american century. Born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. And what an amazing time its been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. So, we say thank you america for a century of trust, for the privilege of flying higher and higher, together. The possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. 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Donald trump, not only is he being supported by a number of notable athletes and television star, the stars who are supporting him are joining forces to make their own Television Reality show. Look at this. All the celebrities who support donald trump together in one house. Aaron carter, dennis rodman, wayne newton, willie robertson, mike tyson, tee la tequila and gary busey. Trump stands for taking redirection understanding massive power. Which superfan will trump make Vice President of the United States . Run it like a business. Chris christie hosts. Trumpus room this november on animal planet. [ laughter ] whoa. Joining us now, president and ceo of politico, jim vandehei and editor of the weekly standard, bill kristol. What were you saying about the mini bar . I missed the tweet. Is it empty . Its a joke about having to hit the mini bar. Just remember, joe and me car, its always darkest before it turns pitch black. Wasnt that a favorite that was chairman mao. We know bill kristol is in a happy mood when he starts quoting chairman mao. I did see you start the tweet about what i this i is the only viable option for conservatives who want to stop trump and that is if youre going to do it, it looks like trump is on his way to the nomination, despite willie showed me very funny headlines here. These are early editions, i think, but still a mixed night for trump. No, it wasnt. Trump express hits a road bump in ohio. No, not really. Wishful thinking. So are conservatives looking at the possibility of running a conservative independent campaign . Is the that the way to stop trump . Those headlines probably seemed plausible at 8 00 last night. If missouri had gone a different way it could have been a different outcome but trump has been a good candidate and lucky in winning key states by a small margin and now he looks to be strong. Well see what happens in arizona and so forth. Some conservatives are looking at an independent republican candidate. You could put someone on someone could get on the ballot pretty easily. So whats the way forward there electorally . Is that just to stop donald trump from being the next president or could a conservative independent win . Have you looked at the math . Ive looked a little. It would be tough to win, but not impossible. The key numbers, the one you showed a little bit ago, how many republicans dont want to vote for donald trump in the general election. Its 30 . Some independents dont want to vote for either trump or clinton. Think of it this way, Hillary Clinton has a 56 unfavorable rating in the latest Washington Post abc poll with the public as a whole and donald trump 67 . Theyre the two most unpopular general election nominees ever so if theres ever a chance for an independent to have a shot to get above jond andersons 8 or ross perots 18 , this might be the year. Jim vandehei, those are the most remarkable numbers and i saw people putting them out there last night. The favorabilities of Hillary Clinton and donald trump are both terrible. And people think both are dishonest. In their own party. Kind of cancel each other out. But we were arguing about this in the green room. Its very unlikely conservatives will get enough money and support to run an independent candidate. Youll see so much rationalization where people make the deal with the devil and go with donald trump because theyll be afraid of electing Hillary Clinton because if youre a ben sasse or mitt romney oar paul ryan the idea that youll run as a third Party Conservative candidate to save the essence of conservatism, it just seems like a stretch. And youve had a hard time to get republicans throw real coin into stopping trump. If youre kelly ayotte in New Hampshire and you can talk about whoever is running for reelection, will you really cross your working class voters that went out to vote for trump . And who make the core of the party. But if youre kelly ayotte and support the republican nominee but youre happy to have ben sasse or mitt romney or paul ryan at the top of an independent ticket because that pulls out some republicans who wont vote for trump but who will vote for kelly ayotte or other republican senators and congressman. In 92 ross perot ran as an independent, killed us in the first Bush White House but republicans did okay in the senate and house races. Why any because perot voters went republican most of them down ballot. So you could make a down ballot case so if youre kelly ayotte, you would like to have a conservative and donald trump . Otherwise people like me in New Hampshire, if there are any, just stay home and dont vote for kelly ayotte. So you could make that case but i agree with jim, it will be a haul to get people to its tough to persuade people i voted republican every president ial election in my adult lifetime. Its tough to persuade someone not to go with the party nominee. Doesnt your third party scenario make Hillary Clinton president for the next four, maybe eight years . I think donald trump winning the republican nomination makes Hillary Clinton president for the next four years, probably. I would say theres some chance that that Third Party Person could take off if trump blows up that. s the strongest argument against someone doing it. That will be used against any republican senator or governor or prominent person who tries to so the question is can donald trump make the turn . Can me go to bris kristols office and say lets make peace. Bill just spit out his coffee. As the prospective nominee, ill make the big concession. Hes called mcconnell, hes called ryan, does he have it in him . I dont think so. The thinthat scares conservatives the most is he knew two weeks ago he could start to pretend to be president ial and have gotten the people in the establishment that are waivering and yet he cant help thinlhimself. He sends out the tweets, he blesses his Campaign Manager who has the tendency to act like a thug. He cant help himself. Where bill has a point and this is an interesting moment in history, hes not a conservative. I think that is what so do you end up having a fight about what is conservatism and do you have to fight for the conservatism that bill spent his entire life fighting for . Heres the thing, though, if you are a conservative like bill and myself youre going i mean, i am, at least. Im thinking about options and i think i mow what kind of Supreme Court justice i will get with Hillary Clinton as president of the United States. Im not sure what kind of Supreme Court justice ill have if donald trump is president of the United States. Do i want to give up the Supreme Court . Literally thats what i was thinking this morning. Do i want to give up the Supreme Court for a generation on the second amendment, on federalism, on the commerce clause, on all of these other issues which we know we will give up for a generation if Hillary Clinton is president of the United States. Thats i think thats the toughest question for conservatives. For certain kinds of republicans that will cause them to rationalize supporting trump and jim and i were talking about this, too. Theres a business type on the other hand who usually votes republican who doesnt care about the Supreme Court and will say to himself you know, Hillary Clinton, weve worked with her in the past, shes friendly to wall street, she was secretary tear of state of the United States, we can live with clinton. So the republicans normalize to trump, the Business Class normalizes to clinton and a few of us fight a hopeless fight for a conservative. The Foreign Policy apparatus will be more comfortable with Hillary Clinton. It will be opposite day on election day. You know, hillary talked about regime change in iraq and libya. She was she worked with gates in syria and afghanistan. Far more traditional republican so bill kristol, thank you, jim vandehei, thank you very much. Coming up, should the gop become the gnp, a growing push from some conservatives to abandon the old Republican Party and start a whole new one in its ashes. Steve schmidt will join us ahead. The future belongs to the fast. And to help you accelerate, weve created a new company. One totally focused on whats next for your business. The True Partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward. Accelerating innovation. Accelerating transformation. Accelerating next. Hewlett packard enterprise. Trust safelite. With safelites exclusive on my way text youll know exactly when well be there. Giving you more time for what matters most. team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. I am a lot of things. I am her best friend. 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And well talk to donald trump live. Morning joe is coming right back. When you think about success, what does it look like . Is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student . Is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves . Is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the Natural World . Whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. Tiaa. I love to take pictures that engage people. And to connect us with the wonderment of nature. The detail on this surface book is amazing. With the tiger image, the saliva coming off and you got this turning. Thats why i need this kind of resolution and computing power. Being able to use a pen like this. On the screen directly with the image. It just gives me a different relationship to it. And i cant do that on my mac. This is brilliant for me. Todays the day oh look creepy gloves for my feet. See when i was a kid there was a handle. And a face. This is nice. 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[ cheers and applause ] and that starts by standing with president obama when he nominates a justice to the Supreme Court. [ cheers and applause ] that is a clean sweep for Hillary Clinton. Well have complete coverage of that coming up. We have breaking news to report. We have an update on president obamas Supreme Court pick. In just a moment hell be making an announcement this morning as to who he has chosen. He says he deliberated extremely carefully on this choice. Thats a big story following on msnbc. So now a recap of last night. Hillary clinton made it a clean sweep. She won by double digit margins in florida, North Carolina and ohio and notched razorthin victories in mo missouri and illinois. For much of the evening those races were too close to call but nbc news has declared kwlclinto the apparent winner of each. In missouri she edged out senator sanders by less than 2,000 votes. She picks up 363 delegates, sanders adds 282. Clinton is twothirds of the way to the total needed to clinch the nomination. For the republicans, donald trump took four out of five states last night. Nbc has him as the projected winner in florida think about that. Jeb bush, marco rubio, no more in the race. Unbelievable. Its incredible. You talk about all politics being local. Its not. Illinois, North Carolina, all trump. The apparent winner in missouri as well. Governor john kasich won ohio with an 11 point victory over trump taking 47 vote of the vote. Trump added 149 delegates bringing him to 656. Trump has now more than halfway to the delegates he needs for the nomination with 581 to go. With us this hour, former mccain Senior Campaign political analyst Steve Schmidt. In washington, political reporter for the Washington Post and nbc political analyst robert costa. Steve, a lot to go over last night and lets go over with what mika started with. Donald trump goes in the state of florida where jeb bush was the prohibitive favorite. Marco rubio was a favorite after jeb got out of the race despite 15 million to 20 million against anymore that state alone. The big story is donald trump continues to pile up commanding wins in states across the country. Across every region of the country. Were now at a moment in this race where what matters is not winning the state but the accumulation of delegates to get to that magic number of 1237. So as we look at this race this morning with the proportional rules of delegates allocation, its not in the bag for donald trump to be able to reach that 1237 mark. It may be that the Republican Party is on a trajectory headed into a contested convention. So you still think even after trumps big night last night this is not the bag for him . Its not in the bag necessarily to win on the first ballot. The democrats have won overwhelmingly, they have won the most votes, the most states, won across the country. Hell have to get somewhere from 57 to 59 of the remaining delegates depending on where you think he is this morning. Lets go back to this. Ted cruz, you said ted cruz overperfo overperforming. Well, ted cruz has emerged now in the Republican Party as the alternative to donald trump by delegates but ted cruz isnt winning. And so you look at a state like missouri, we are getting very late in the process for a candidate like ted cruz to not be able to win at least one state on a night as big as last night. So he is underperforming. Hes underperforming in North Carolina, hes underperforming with evangelical voters. His growth curve was so fast up to the right that he could have been in first place until he most knockouts in politics and debates happen on the counterpunch. Very, very rarely do you see someone go all out in an assault and offensively knock someone out. Thats what happened. And so marco rubio in that moment when he was growing where he was moving, where he was on track, he was gutted. You go back to that New Hampshire debate. That New Hampshire debate pulled marco rubio from a trajectory where he could have won the state to, at worst, this is a strong second place to a fifthplace finish that ended his campaign. He slowly bled out over the days between New Hampshire and last night but he never recovered. That was the decisive moment in the campaign for rubio. And i think on top of that he compounded that error by then getting in the mud with trump. Trying to outtrump trump with the comedic reaction and slamming trump here and there. It took him off of his message and took him out of the space steve was talking about where he was in a commanding position. He had the issues, he had the narrative, he had the story. It was a good package. He got the punch from christie and instead of recovering from that he went further by sliding into the dark with trump. Think about the degree to which donald trump has reshaped this race, this party in american politics. A year ago if we were sitting here we would have said the stars of the Republican Party, the hopefuls to be the nominee, marco rubio, jeb bush, chris christie, scott walker you can throw in there. None of them are left standing. They were the future of the party. Jeb bush was the guy who was going to come back and perhaps save the party as the former governor of florida. Hed win florida. None of those people are here this morning. None of them. Its because of donald trump. They had their weakness as candidates but donald trump changed the race. Sam stein, you go back to the beginning of last year. The three republicans that remain in this race had 8 combined in their real clear politics average. Nobody saw any of this coming. And just to piggyback on what willie said, its hard to overstate how petrified democrats once were of marco rubio. In their estimation, he was the most formidable candidate to face in the general election. He had all the assets you could see in a modern Republican Party, the youthful appeal, the great biography, obviously hispanic voters could flock to his candidacy, he had doubled in immigration reform, all the things that you would say that ice a candidate we dont want to fear. Thats how democrats felt. Then it fizzled away and a lot of it had to do with how people are inflating his skills as a politician. Theres questions about whether he put in the grunt work in the campaign. The debate didnt help him. And now, you know, people i talked to people last night, theyre wondering why theyre anxious at all. Its a remarkable turn of fate for the guy everyone feared. Guys, put up that last chart for a second. Just very interesting. So you look at noncuban hispanics, Donald Trumps close to rubio there. But thats not the story. I cant believe how poorly ted cruz does among hispanics. I mean, donald trump more than doubled ted cruz among hispanics, noncuban hispanics. Crazy. So, bob costa, what happens next with the Republican Party . What happens with this stop Trump Movement. Is there a party . I guess thats the question. Is there a Republican Party at the all of this . Talking to my sources last night you get a sents that not only was the big story trumps victory across the country but the way trump talked about trying to unify the party and he mentioned his call with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell, he said hes trying to build relationship within the party. So theres chatter about having a Third Party Bid to have a conservative run and theres talk of having a nevertrump moment at the convention. At the same time, trump with these scenes coming out of chicago and the unrest that surrounded his campaign, he talked about trying to move toward the center, at least with his temperament and his relationships. And, willie vandehei said this, we are going to see over the next four weeks if trump keeps winning a remarkable degree of rationalization by political insiders trying to figure out how to make peace with donald trump and well see if donald trump tries to figure out how to make peace with those republican political insiders. And the question remains is he able to do that . Id be interested given the way the candidates have said they feel about donald trump, given the disgust theyve expressed about him, will some of these guys accept the Vice President ial nomination . Would marco rubio step on to a stage with donald trump . Would ted cruz step on to a stage . I guess you dont pass that up if it comes but, boy well, Steve Schmidt and i are smirking. The answer is yes for marco rubio. I think the answer is yes for most people because, again, we have seen it time and time again, the ability for people who have been in power for 30 or 40 years or connected to power to rationalize about how to make peace with the new guy or the new woman. Weve all seen in the washington. Its a pretty remarkable thing. Disgusting for most people outside of washington but remarkable at least to observe. I dont think theres any doubt the answer to that question is yes. [ laughter ] i mean, 100 . Thats why you were smirking. Look, for sure there will be some Washington Republicans who say never. But the reality is is that donald trump is expanding the base of the Republican Party and its important to understand this. For the last years, every single Demographic Group in this country thats been growing, the Democratic Party is gaining market share. And every single Demographic Group in this country that is shrinking, the Republican Party is gaining market share. Fundamental marketing problem. So the fact that donald trump is the first candidate in a long time to come along with a credible claim to say i am making the pie bigger, im bigging people in. And you look at the voter turnout and excitement on the republican side versus the democratic side, that would give me as a democrat some pause if i was looking at this race right now. The notion that Hillary Clinton wipes the floor with donald trump i think is completely wrong. You dont buy that . He is a dangerous asymmetrical candidate. You still believe that . When you look at these candidate in this race, what state does ted cruz win that john mccain and mitt romney lost . Weve said it from the very beginning, ted cruz is under water. But i can look at donald trump and say he could put michigan there play, ohio, pennsylvania. He could put new york in play. There are a number of states across the industrial midwest that have been so deeply affected by trade. You look at donald trump last night talking about corporate inversions. You hear him talk about trade, you hear his opening comments from maro lago last night. This is how the deck is so dramatically shuffled. Donald trump you have somebody more hostile to unfettered free trade than Hillary Clinton. So working class voters, a lot of union voters that are suspicious of free trade deals could you know, theyll have a choice between a person like Hillary Clinton whos much closer to wall street than donald trump. Same thing with Foreign Policy where you have donald trump who maybe you call him a neoisolationist, im not sure what you call him, but Hillary Clinton. Much more assertive and much closer to the neocon brand than donald trump ever was. It does reshuffle the deck out there, doesnt it . Especially among populist working class republicans, independents, and democrats. In my conversations in reporting on trump, there are two elections that seem to always come up, 1968, law and order, the Richard Nixon Campaign Amid all the tumult in vietnam and then 1980, reagan reaching out to reagan democrats in the rust belt and making the case that Steve Schmidt was talking about. I think if you look at a combination of the nixon argument in 68 without, of course, a war happen iing, a mar war tearing apart the country, and what reagan did in 80, thats the best case for trump. But he still has this conservative ideological side in the party thats suspicion and was more trust of reagan and nixon because the time they spent in the trenches with the party. He has a lot to do to shore up that support. Lets turn to the breaking news mika mentioned. The white house has announced at 11 00 this morning president obama will announce his next nominee for the Supreme Court. In an emailed statement, the president said he devoted a considerable amount of time and deliberation to this decision and held each candidate to what he called three principles that reflect the role the Supreme Court plays in our democracy. Its been widely speculated the president will choose between sri sreenivasan, currently a judge on the United States court of appeals for the d. C. Circuit and Merrick Garland, chief judge of the United States court of appeal there is on the d. C. Circuit. There are other names in the hat but people have zeroed in on that. Sreenivasan worked in the bush administration. Rubio, cruz, Bernie Sanders voted for him. It might be tougher to vote against him. He could be the favorite. All right. Michael steele, what should the republicans do . They should welcome the president s nominee to capitol hill, have him visit with everybody and sit down and get to know him and they should cast a vote and vote him down if thats their choice. But the fact that youre not going to put somebody up that republicans have supported in the past, 970 in their vote, it will be a hard sell to the American People if they see this nominee who now they can attach a face to, not just a name. They can read the bio, learn about this person. How do you stand in the face of that . The senate is in play not because of donald trump, folks, its in play because of how were approaching the scotus nomination. Theres four ways to disqualify a Supreme Court nominee. From a qualifications perspective, that theyre not up to the job. From an ethical perspective, that theyve conducted themselves in some type of way that would not fit them for a lifetime appointment. You can disqualify a nominee ideologically as that theyre so far out of the mainstream, not appropriate. And the last way is to process vows. So i had the experience of leading the roberts and the alito confirmations in the Bush White House. In the Bush White House the standard that the democrats drew, advise and consent meant senior members of the white house staff, the chief of staff, the Vice President called every member of the United States senate in the Democratic Party asking what they thought from an advise perspective, the qualities of a Supreme Court nominee were. If the democrats did not do this out of the white house, republicans have justification to slow roll the process. The nominee should be greeted courteously in every republican office. He should be asked many questions. He should be asked to come back with many more answers to those questions. So this is a process where the threa theater of it, republicans have to create a climate of fairness even if at the end of the day that make sure this nominee is ground down. Robert costa, thank you so much. Still ahead on morning joe, donald trump joins the conversation after winning four of five states in last nights primaries. Plus, Mark Leibovich joked with marco rubio not long ago about a harrowing experience while flying through some turbulence. But now his campaign charters have been grounded. We will talk about the conclusion of marcomentum. And chuck todd and Hallie Jackson joins us. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. This mom didnt have time to worry about a cracked windshield. So she scheduled at safelite. Com and with safelites exclusive on my way text she knew exactly when id be there. So she didnt miss a single shot. cheering crowd i replaced her windshield. Giving her more time for what matters most. Howd ya do . We won nice thats another safelite advantage. Thank you so much team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. Ifor all the wrong reasons. Gical you may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. [engines revving] you cant have a hero, if you dont have a villain. The world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. Trolling for a gig with cant blame you. Its a drone you control with your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. No, im actually over at the ge booth. Were creating the Operating System for industry. Its called predix. Its gonna change the way the world works. Ok, im telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. Umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. Look out ohhhhhhhhhh. You know what, im just gonna email it to you. Yeah thats probably safer. Ok, cool. Let me say a word about marco rubio. Marco rubio is a friend, a colleague, he ran a strong, optimistic colleague. To those who supported marco, who worked so hard, we welcome you with open arms. [ applause ] it just. Whats wrong . He seems like did you not feel the love . He seems like a cartoon character. Did you not feel the love there . Thats probably not very nice to say but its probably obvious to everyone. Its so exaggerated and fake. What are you talking about . His delivery. Is it okay to say. Steve schmidt, is it okay to say . You didnt think that was from the heart . No. Really . Hes both the most articulate candidate in the race at some level and the most comical. But the one who most oozes insincerity. It is. You think so . Maybe its not polite to say so, but i think it is. Willie, you dont think that, do you . Oozes insincerity. Sometimes it looks rehearsed. If i said to you willie geist, we welcome you to our party. Yes. I dont know who you guys are looking like. Sometimes like a shakespearean actor delivering a line. But smart guy, hell be in the race for a long time. Im just saying we talk about Hillary Clintons voice and sternness, lets look at the guys, too. He seems really insincere, in fact, oozes with it. Thats all. I think it might come from right here, mika. Lets bring in Hallie Jackson. I think it might come from right here. Straight from the heart. As bryan adams said straight from the heart. Hes like let me get into character. Im ready to speak. Hallie, you spoke with ted cruz, did he talk like that when you talked with him . Stop it . Ted cruz is a guy used to being on stage. Hes used to talking to people and delivering lines, not just on stage but also in the senate. I met him in real life, he talks like a person. So we had a chance to talk in person by the way after the results came in last night and we caught up about his path forward. He wants this to be a twoman race. It is not. Hes going to frame ate twoman race, hes going to say john kasich hasnt beaten donald trump the way he has but there are three candidates in this race right now so we talked about what would happen if there was a contested convention. Would ted cruz consider teaming up with john kasich . Heres his response . There would absolutely be a place for john kasich, absolutely a place for marco rubio, for many people in the republican field in a future administration. As a running mate . I think they are talented leaders. I think they have run impressive campaigns and we are working to bring together a Broad Coalition to win and i am encouraged everyday. We are seeing millions of people who had been supporting other candidates joining us. Whether they were rubio supporters or kasich supporters who are glad he won his home state but recognize he has no path to winning the nomination and if you want to beat donald trump you have to be with a candidate who has beaten donald trump over and over and over again and for whom there is a clear and direct path to 1237 delegates. So what is that path . You can boil it down to say its about the three cs. Looking at closed primaries. The Cruz Campaign believes they are stronger in those than donald trump and theyre pointing to the track record, essentially saying look at the scoreboard, this is where we succeed. Second cruz head to heads. They will point to polls showing they beat donald trump if it a twoman race. Third, theyre talking about the calendar. Watch for them to play hard in utah and wisconsin over the next couple of weeks they want to point to places they have a good ground game, caucus states, etc. Then june 7, california has a primary. It may sound surprising but the Cruz Campaign feels they will outperform donald trump in california and in new jersey, states where you wouldnt typically see ted cruz perhaps a candidate like ted cruz succeeds. Theyre talking about picking off new york congressional district districts. Lets bring in chuck todd. Dont listen to her. So the strategy is we can win if your people vote, we can win if there are more contest which is dont exist yet anymore. Okay. I mean so under those circumstances wait, wait. In washington, too, we have chief National Correspondent oh, Mark Leibovich who did not go to the New York Times wheres the shirt . Bureau. And hes not wearing the shirt, either. The person who does the tv setup thing, they werent there yet so i had to come in here. But we asked you to wear the same shirt. I dont get. It you want me to go change . I can come back. Well go to chuck todd and come back to you. Chuck, so much to talk about. Really quickly, ted cruz underperformed last night. A bad night for him. Very bad night. Whether he wants to blame john kasich for splitting congressional districts in illinois that handed things to trump but you look back, he was campaigning in florida and ohio when he was vshould have been i missouri and illinois more. He should have gone for his states. Kasich campaigned in his state. He should have taken mo and North Carolina and spent everything trying to win those two states. File this one under the nobody knows nothing category. Jeb bush and marco rubio out of the race the night of the florida primary. Nobody would have believed that a year ago. Their home state. The key is to be a parttime resident of florida. Hey, snow birds love it. How stunning is that . Can i tell you, the underappreciated aspect of what happened in florida is rick scott conditioned that electorate to the outsider. Remember, the republican establishment in 2010 all got behind hey, becareful of rick scott. It will be a disaster. Hes a twoterm governor, the state has not fallen into the ocean, by the way. And when he took over, what was unemployment . Well, thats right, and, by the way, the Unemployment Rate is at 5 . I remember being in tallahasse and the unemployment 1w0uz when he was there. So Florida Republicans were told for eight years that the establishment, oh, my god, be careful of this guy. So trump is a bigger version of rick scott. So show this. Again, a massive state, florida. Do the county map. Its unreal. The county map is the one thats if you have the county map as well instead of just a beautiful waving flag. You know what it looks like, right . Have you seen it . Just the tip. Complete domination. [ laughter ] just miamidade. That was something. That was something. 66 out of 67 counties. How do you explain that . I really have no explanation, actually. But theres a nice flag we showed you. Mark leibovich, lets talk about what happened with marco rubio. Please tell us about what happened to that campaign because everybody had so much i guess they believed he was the one. I think the one, in quotes. And Time Magazine had his as the cover as the savior. What happened . In 2013. Marco rubio was anointed maybe like four or five different times over the last few years including the last few months. He just never like ted cruz, he was talking for many, many weeks about oh, now its twoman race. There will be people into may, i dont know who they are, talking about being a n a twoman race with donald trump when, in fact, it never existed. Marco rubio just never took off. I think he was a really ultimately i think he was a bad fit with todays Republican Party in this primary electorate and like everyone else, he got trumped. They had a supreme degree of confidence, didnt they . Even when you were there. They were sure they were on a mission and they really did believe they had the guy that was going to win it all, right . Well, yeah. I dont know what they really thought. I mean, they had a supreme degree of confidence in the same way that ted cruz last night had ha supreme degree of confidence after losing everywhere and saying, okay, now its a twoman race. I mean, look, it did, if you listen to the quote unquote conventional wisdom, which has been wrong every single time in this race, they did think that, okay, the establishment is coalescing around us and look we have all these big fancy establishment endorsements that are coming in by the hour which, you know, as weve learned so many times mean absolutely nothing. Has he underperformed . Yeah, in that the rest of the party has underperformed next to donald trump in this election. Chuck todd, whats next . I think they have to if they are serious about being antitrump then they have to unite. But are they serious . Well, i think theyre a bunch of political strategists that are serious but the electeds arent because they need to figure out how to talk to trumps voters. The thing that struck me the most is that marco rubio in his concession speech for the first time started talking to trumps voters. When it was over. And youre like, dude, what happened . Such a great point. And too many strategists for the other campaigns didnt believe those voters would show up. Because what trump has done at a minimum, we dont know if its new people, but hes moved general election voters to the primary and said get active in the primary. But the point is these voters hadnt been in a primary before and all of the overly consulted campaigns and overly consulted candidates were told dont believe these people will actually show up, dont worry about trump. Despite the fact they were lining up all day. I said it when they were in pensacola they showed up at 7 00 in the morning just to go to his rallies. But they werent going to vote . They wont stand in line for five minutes to vote . Most of the people talking about the top Trump Movement out of washington, d. C. And the consulting class, most of them couldnt organize a threecar motorcade so hi doesnt have a lot to worry about there. I think the one big thing donald trump has to worry about is this. Do they understand that the two parties in america are the way that we advance democracy . But the parties themselves and this process are not, in fact, democratic institutions. So if you go into the convention with less than 1237 votes, is the outsider insurgent candidate and campaign able to navigate in play the dirtiest inside game with these delegates thats possible to imagine . Youre assuming they get it. I dont assume that. Im saying its possible that he doesnt and, you know, its still a lift for him to get there. Hes not in the position that romney was in and not in the position Hillary Clinton was in on her side. He cant afford to be short. Ill tell you that. Mark liebovitz, thats what the establishment class is talking about. Well get him in cleveland. We may not get him on the first ballot or the second ballot but when the third ballot comes around well get the delegates together and defeat him. How do you take away from the man whos won the most states, delegates, votes, how do you pull the nomination away from that guy and what do you say to the voters who voted for him . I dont think thats an argument anyone wants to make. But before it gets to that point, the kasich people and the cruz people do have to talk to each other if they want because it will take some kind of communication and some kind of orchestrated effort to figure out which of those alternatives will play in the remaining states. If you have both of them throwing tremendous resources into individual states like, say, california or new jersey or whatever, you know, it will probably undermine them and trump will come out in a very good position as he has to this point. So i mean i think the two car motorcade the threecar motorcade could, in fact, be a twocar motorcade with these two campaigns at this point. Mark leibovich, thank you so much. Chuck todd, thank you as well. Donald trump joins us in just a moment. We ask him about the exit polls that suggest republicans would defect if he wins the nomination. Well be right back. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. This just got interesting. Why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Pete, what relation you hearing . Hello, willie. Weve been hearing for the last several days there were basically three people on the short list. Two of them were federal Appeals Court judges here in washington, Merrick Garland and Sri Srinivasan and the other was a federal Appeals Court judge in california, paul watford. But in the last several hours were told its down between garelick and srinivasan. The president has made his decision, what dont know what it is yet. But hanging over this is that it will be a strange confirmation process if there is one at all because the republicans have insisted this decision should be made by the next president once the people speak at the polls, not by the current president who was elected the last time the people spoke at the polls. So the republicans say they wont have a confirmation hearing. Many of the republicans, including several on the Senate Judiciary committee that would hold hearings have been telling us they wont meet with the nominee. This has been a bit of a a tradition where recent appointments where nominees try to meet individually with as many senators as possible before the floor vote but a lot of republicans are saying they wont even meet with the nominee so it appears quite likely there wont be any kind of confirmation hearings in the normal course of business and that the best chance for the white house would be if a democrat is elected in november and then there could be a confirmation in the period between then and the swearing in of the new president. And the irony of that is many senators saying they wont meet with the nominee may have voted for him to the court of appeals. Well, thats right, srinivasan was confirmed unanimously. Pete, thanks, well stay on top of this. Stay with msnbc for the president s announcement at 11 00 this morning. Ill tell you what i would do if i were selected by the president and they wouldnt meet with me, i would literately take cameras around, knock on every door and say could i meet with senator smith . Id just like to talk to him. And if i got a no, id go to the next one. They have got to meet with him. I dont know that hes going to nominate srinivasan but i thought he would and i think republicans are badly underestimating how attractive he would be to the American People and how outrageous it will seem hell be denied even meetings. You have to meet with the guy. Coming up next, republican frontrunner donald trump joins us. Were back in a moment. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive wiback like it could used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena only those who dare. Drive the world forward. 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Congratulations, donald. Thank you very much. A big, big night for you last night, you outperformed what most people thought you were going to do and so the question weve had for the past hour and a half is are you at a stage in your campaign where you are ready to move and start making peace with the Republican Party, start making peace with megyn kelly, start making peace with people that youve been embattled with in. Not megyn kelly, im not interested in that. But with the party, yes. Ive been called by many, many people on the air with you saying, you know, donald trump we have to get somebody else and yet theyre calling me at the top level. I dont know what establish. Means. I guess i was a member of the establishment nine months ago, joe, eight months ago. Whatever the establishment is, who can define establishment . I dont think there is such a thing. But you need to understand you need to make the turn, though . Im fine with the turn. At the same time we dont want to lose the edge because we still have two more people left and we had a big evening yesterday, including the islands. We picked up nine with the islands. We had i guess were five so that turned out to be great. Donald, its willie, congratulations on last night. I was struck watching you come on stage at maralago and the first thing you started talking about was that you were slighted by a pundit on i dont know what network you were talking about, talking about the poll numbers and they misstated how well you were doing. Why do you get caught up in that . Why are you worried about what we say . That wasnt said in anger. That was a mathematics lesson. I understand, but you should be basking in your victory and youre worried about the minutiae of cable punditry, why do you care . Youre the only ones bringing it up. It was not done out of anger but it was talking about mathematics. I was always very good at mathematics. When they say he has not hit 50. Well, i have. But i havent when you have four people and six people in a race its almost impossible to hit 50 . Its very hard to hit 50 and i want to say that. The numbers are amazing when im at 45 and i have four people in a race, thats a lot. Thats amazing and you have some of those people at 10 and 15 and when they leave ill get it thats the other thing, theyll say im at 45 and the rest are at 55 . If the other people leave they would get 55 . Well, no, because when the other people leave ill get their votes. People never say that. So it wasnt done in anger, just as education. I get the matt and youre right act the math, i just wonder why you take that precious time to pick out a pundit on a network. When youve had a big night. I dont call it precious time. You have to say something. What else . Ill talk about the weather . No, talk about your big victory. It was a good victory. We had a wonderful night. A tremendous success. The florida numbers were far greater than anybody thought possible. I believe credible. You were against a very popular person in florida and to have a victory where you win by 20 points is amazing. What do you have to say about marco rubio . Hes left the race. Would you consider him a Vice President. Now can you answer that . Im a closer. I like closing deals first. But i liked him until about three weeks ago when he started getting nasty. Wow, he got nasty and the problem is i get nastier than him and then i win and then my numbers get hurt a little bit because youre so youre so tough that people dont necessarily like it but you do what you have to do and we have to win. I was very surprised when he started doing his don rickles routine on me and it didnt work. Mr. Trump, congratulations on your victories last night. And thank you for your nice words yesterday, that was very nice. Its been reported you talked to senator mcconnell, is it true youve talked to other senators and Senate Candidates . Who did you talk to . I cant tell you but i talked to people you have on your show all the time talking about donald trump we have to stop him and i dont mean i call them, they called me. Why cant you tell us who it is . You have people on the show all the time talking about stopping donald trump who are calling me to work out a deal where they want to become involved because they see things here and they say this. They see things here theyve never, ever seen in the Republican Party. The big story is the number of people voting in the primaries. Were up 72 or something. The numbers in florida were through the roof. A woman who worked in one of the polling booths said ive done this for 20 years, ive never seen more than five people in a room and they had lines going four or five blocks long so its been an amazing thing. Do you think you can bring those people together . I think so. I watched your show and other shows and i read a loath and i see people making statements and i have them on the phone calling me wanting to get together and we have very good conversations and then ill see them continuing but they want to come together. We had dire Foreign Policy around the world right now. Who are you consulting with consistently so that youre ready on day one . Im speaking with myself, number one, because i have a very good brain and i said a lot of things. In fact, in my book in 2000 i talked about Osama Bin Laden and i do remember somebody putting the book in front of joe and josing no way he talked about it, no way he wrote about Osama Bin Laden before the World Trade Center came down. And i remember joe looking at it saying i dont believe it, thats amazing. So i know what im doing and i listen to a lot of people. But my primary consultant is myself and i have a good instinct. How would you describe trumps Foreign Policy . Earlier in the show someone said neoisolationist. How would you describe it . I wouldnt say that at all. In 1350ek being with alec stern i should have said, well, maybe. That was the first time i was asking about going into iraq. The fact is i was asked about going into iraq. It was a horrible mistake. At the same time now that you have isis, we have to take isis out. Theyre cutting heads. Theyre drowning people in cages and theyre looking to do serious damage. I mean, if they ever had you know, the problem you have today is weaponry. If we had you know, if this was 50 years ago or 100 years ago when you fought by gun and by sword, i would have never i would have been out of there so fast, but the problem is you cant allow somebody to get the big weaponry. So does that mean a ground does that mean a ground war, Ground Troops . Ill tell you what it means. It means we have to take isis out. I would consult with the best people. Youll let us know who at some point . We may need that. I would prefer getting some of it. Its a very expensive process. I can just imagine putin with oil prices low and every time he drops a bomb it costs a Million Dollars or something and hes saying, wow, because, you know, that happened to them once before in afghanistan. Afghanistan is the thing that broke up the soviet union. The cost of afghanistan was enormous. I can see putin saying this is more expensive than i thought and he gets out. At some point we have to get back to rebuilding our country. Not rebuilding, to start to rebuild it. Donald trump, were being told, donald, that you have another hit. We will let you go. Thank you so much for being with us. Congratulations. Congratulations on a big night last night. Thank you very much. Steve schmidt, two things to take from there. First of all, when he says he consults with himself, donald trump has been his own person in his own orbit for 30, 40 years now so that obviously is who he is, its who he has been. It is at the same time remarkable that hes basically engineered all of this himself but also frightening because you need other people helping you. Mark halpern, hes reaching out to other republicans and he is doing the very thing i said he needed to do, talking to people who are attacking him on television at the same time. Look, hes going to have to bring the Party Together. Hes going to have to make an argument. Hes going to have to communicate to the party that its an unacceptable proposition should it move into a contested election, the one who wins the most amount of states is somehow denied the nomination. So he needs to convince republicans in the senate and the house in washington that he is somebody who can expand the party and, in fact, increases the chances of doing well in november and not the opposite. Then on the National Security issues, there is no question and mika frequently asks these questions of donald trump when he appears on the show, he doesnt have to do it tomorrow but sometime soon he will need to lay out the architecture of who are the people around him. Shes asking for shes asked him four times now. Advised him on these issues, nuclear sabre rattling, we have a profoundly turbulent world. The quote of that interview that you know is going to get headlines when mika asked who are you talking to, im speaking to myself. Im my own best advisor. Trump wants to clear the field. He wants to keep beating them. He wants to get the establishment to say to those two guys and the donors, you guys need to get out. He is trying to build bridges to reassure republicans. You get reporting that he is not only calling senators, hes calling Senate Candidates . Like hes getting im not sure if its candidates or incumbent senators. Hes trying to make the case that i can beat Hillary Clinton and i can beat the Senate Majority. If he can convince them that he is the best candidate, he will get a lot of pressure on cruz and kasich, to get out, consolidate and focus on Hillary Clinton. Up next, a clean sweep for Hillary Clinton. Try it again. Thats the fourth time. You tried. Keep trying. Keep trying. Im like a broken record. Okay. Some say Bernie Sanders is all but finished. Well talk to former obama Campaign Manager David Plouffe ahead on morning joe. Hi im kristie and im jess and we are the bug chicks. We are a nanobusiness. Windows 10 really helps us get the word out about how awesome bugs are. Kids learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug. Hey cortana, find my katydid video. Oh this is so good. laughs if youre trying to teach a kid about a proboscis just sketch it on the screen. 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Why dont you check your new watch and tell me what time i should be there. Oh, i dont hire people. Im a developer. Im gonna need monday off. Again, not my call. It took Joel Silverman years to become a master dog trainer. But only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. This is another super tuesday for our campaign. I think by that kind of a number is incredible. I have to thank the people of the great state of ohio. I love you. We are going to go all the way to cleveland and secure the republican nomination. Every republican has a clear choice. Only two campaigns have a plausible pathway. Well, this may not have been the year for a hopeful and optimistic one. Then there were three. Marco rubio suspending his Campaign Last night after losing his home state of florida. Donald trump took four out of five states last night. Nbc has him the projected winner in florida, illinois, and North Carolina, an apparent winner in missouri and. Governor john kasich easily won ohio with an 11 point win over donald trump taking 77 of the vote. Trump added more delegates bringing him to 656. Ted cruz only brought home 32 delegates to finish the night at 408 and kasich added 75. Trump is more than halfway to the delegates he needs for the nomination on the first ballot at the convention with 581 to go on the democratic side. What a big night for Hillary Clinton. Clean sweep. It was a clean sweep. You cant overstate how big this was for the clinton campaign. Second clinton won by double digits in florida, North Carolina, and ohio. And notched razor thin victories in missouri and illinois. For much of the evening those two races were too close to call but nbc news has now declared clinton the apparent winner of each. Missouri she edged out senator sanders by less than 2,000 votes but she picks up 363 delegates. Bernie adds 282 and now clinton is 2 3 of the way to the total she needs to clinch that nomination. All right. So with us on set this morning, the managing editors of Bloomberg Politics and hosts of with all due respect mark halpern and john heilman. White house correspondent for the huffington post, sam stein. In cleveland, ohio, Chris Jansing who literally works around the clock. She works around the clock. Shes everywhere. Mika, last night there are so many headlines you can go with. You can go with marco rubio, you can go with donald trump, can you go with Hillary Clinton. Having massive nights, the frontrunners, but this was what a significant night it was, john heilman. Whats your big take away from last night. Hillary clinton is going to be the democratic nominee and donald trump is not quite as certain to be the republican nominee but pretty likely. A massive night. Mark halpern, obviously marco rubio out of the race but also something were not used to saying. A very bad night for ted cruz. Weve always talked about ted cruz overperforming. Last night, wow, a bad night from beginning to end. They wanted to come away with some victories and a lot more delegates by targeting congressional districts. He does not have the clean one on one fight that he wanted and he doesnt have much of an argument now to say heres a clean path. This campaign put out a memo saying heres our path to the nomination. Were the ones going to beat donald trump but it is a tough road for him and for john kasich not to just make the argument that they can beat donald trump but to find the number of delegates to stop donald trump from getting the majority before cleveland. Possible but hard. Willie, last night the rich got richer, the poor got poorer. Trump and clinton had massive nights. Both showing strength in different states. We thought there were a couple states that Bernie Sanders might be able to pick off. He didnt get any of them. We thought maybe ted cruz would win missouri. Looks like he didnt win that either. Its an amazing place were in right now where ted cruz has become the establishment candidate. The guy whos loathed in washington got out outsidered by donald trump. John kasich had a very big night. I guess theres a math for him path for him and alluded to it. Theres a path for him. He happens to stop trump from getting 1237 delegates. Theres no math but a possible path out of the ordinary. Out of the ordinary, no doubt, but that depends on an open convention. Right. We dont know what the likelihood of that is, but if you look at what happened with john kasich last night, mika, a lot of democratic crossovers. That was the ultimate. I think hes the ultimate crossover that could fit into the mainstream of thinking. That could be a fascinating, fascinating and possibly really constructive for our country race, Chris Jansing. Well, its so fascinating what i saw last night. I was in suburban cleveland and the number of crossover votes at this set of four districts, four precincts. Usually they would have two to one in favor of Republican Voters. It was three to one. Most of them crossover voters, democrats crossing over to republicans and these are lifelong democrats. One woman told me her entire family had a meeting and made a decision, a gutt wrenching decision to register as republicans and vote for john kasich. Another person told me he and his wife said that they made that decision even though they really dont like john kasich as governor but they felt very strongly that donald trump was dangerous. You know the dynamic here in cleveland and the cleveland area. These are folks who often come from families that are very ethnic and bound to the Democratic Party, Union Families bound to the Democratic Party. The idea that their name is going to be associated with the Republican Party for four years is painful for them and yet they did it. And so we saw how much that made a difference last night. Across the state i think the crossover was 8 . Wow. Before we get to hearing from the frontrunners, you and mark alone, really alone, predicted rubio wouldnt make it, and last night he called it quits. What was it about the campaign that you saw so early on . Well, you know what i saw early on was the fact that he just wasnt ready. He wasnt he wasnt at the level yet. He was being called the republican savior by Time Magazine right after he got there and then i think what as far as just the blocking and tackling goes, there are a lot of people making a lot of different excuses this morning. At the end of the day donald trump is an exception. Hes a one off. Hes been a celebrity for 40 years. My brother started following donald trump in like 1989, okay . Youre not going to run into this many candidates. Just put donald trump over here. Well, at the top. At the end of the day im just saying as far as why is trump winning. Right. At the end of the day politics still comes down to blocking and tackling. Mark, i know what you and i have been talking about now for at least six to nine months is the fact that they didnt have any early state that they said they could win. They didnt have any political base. They said these are our people that were going to target. There wasnt a ground game. Politico has a story this morning about the fact that activists couldnt even find their field offices in iowa or New Hampshire. At the end of the day blocking and tackling Still Matters unless youve been a celebrity for 40 years. Those basics matter a lot. Ive had two things. One is there were no signature issues. Sitting around here today, what was he running on . What were the policies that were important that really broke through. The other thing, there was a canary in the coal mine. He did not raise money the way Bernie Sanders does on the internet. A young guy who talked about the new economy with a brand that should have been good for the internet. He never caught on with that grassroots investment in the tens of millions of people around the country. You know what one of the great ironies, willie, is, he pointed this out last night. He talked about himself and the life that he led. Yeah. Living paycheck to paycheck, only repaying Student Loans late in life. For some reason donald trump, a manhattan billionaire, connected with the working class voters and the populists who one this party now, lets just lets just say run this party. I saw a stat yesterday that with working class voters he had 2 of working class voters. Yes. 2 . He was the College Educated candidate. He was did very well in wealthy suburbs. Thats not the Republican Party of 2016 and that hasnt been the Republican Party for about 30 years now, but the guy that had the best story to telling did not connect on a gutt level with the people who now run this party. And hes told the story again last night. He came out and kind of made his stump speech again, a guy who maybe was talking about coming back in 2020. Heres what i believe. Heres my story once again as he leaves the stage. The question will be, can he recover from this . A lot of smart people you and i both know from the Republican Party, Steve Schmidt was on the air saying this guy has his future in front of him. Hes 44 years old. Hell learn lessons and hell come back stronger. I suspect weve not seen the last of him. Hell come back. Vice president. Theyve both denied it. When republicans stare down the barrel of, you know, a decision where its like is Hillary Clinton going to pick the Supreme Court justices for the next four to eight years or do we hope we can influence somebody to pick the Supreme Court justices for the next four to eight years, even if its donald trump or ted cruz, well see what happens. And at that point you may have if people like Haley Barbour are going to marco rubio saying, youve got to do it for the party, whats marco rubio going to do . Ill give you another problem with the rub bow candidacy was that his fundamental argument wasnt one on policies. It was a generational argument. I represent a new generation. Your party isnt the Democratic Party. Its always been a tracted to the john kennedy figure, barack obama party. Its still not doing that. In rubios case, he not only had that engrained problem with the party but he had the problem of he looked like the republican barack obama. In a party that spent eight years saying barack obama was not qualified, didnt have enough experience, didnt have a serious enough resume, marco rubio had the same qualifications and scant resume and say, were going to embrace that lie. Nobody in washington saw that. Nobody in the media saw that. Nobody that were even the donor class saw that. The Republican Voters saw that. Yeah. They said, wait a second. Were not going to pick our own republican who reminds us of barack obama. Because rubio checked off every single box you would want your dream candidate, your, quote, savior candidate to be. Is it brett hume who said, you can make the dog food, you can market it but if the dog dont eat the dog food, tough luck. The rank and file Republican Voters that own this party now, working class, middle class republicans just i think you guys have tapped into how they feel which is ultimately where it goes. Last night donald trump appeared before a select group of supporters and reporters and what was billed as a press conference though he took no questions. In the ballroom of his club in palm beach, florida, flanked by his family and Small Campaign staff his quote, unquote, squad. He began by talking about his poll numbers saying those who say he has a ceiling of support, they just simply dont get it. One of the commentators who im not particularly fond of, but these are minor details, said, but donald trump doesnt get over 50 . And i have to explain to these people, they dont understand basic physics, basic mathematics, basic whatever you want to call it. When i dont get over 50, we have four people, right . We have four people. Do you understand that . We will some day in the not too distant future, if i win, otherwise its not going to happen, i have to be honest with you, but apple and all of these Great Companies will be making their product in the United States, not in china, vietnam, and all over. One of the broadcasters was saying, is there anger . I said to them, im supposed to say, no, theres not. We love the way things are working. We love the deal you made with iran. Its wonderful. You give them 150 billion, we get nothing. We love all the trade deals. Theyre wonderful. You lose 500 billion a year with china. We lose 58 billion a year in terms of in terms of imbalance. Its a total imbalance. We dont make good deals anymore. We dont win anymore. As a country we dont win anymore. And they ask, is there anger from your people . I said, there is anger. Theyre not angry people but they want to see the country properly run. Willie, a huge night for donald trump. Weve been laughing at candidates all year that have lost and talked like they won. Last night donald trump who had a massive night talked like he lost, going after the press. Will somebody tell the man, stop looking at the polls, hes winning at the polls. The polls dont matter. No sleight is too small. No sleight is too small. Going after somebody he had just been watching on tv after he cleaned up last night. Hes talking about an economist poll and he just had one of the biggest nights hes had all year. These are not small details. He had a massive night last night. Hes complaining about what the press is saying. And hes pointing to a poll. If you win at the economist poll. Declare yourself a winner. Ill tell you, it is interesting there are reports again this morning about the stop Trump Movement. Theres going to be a meeting later this week and the Hedge Fund Guys are getting together. Seriously, what a joke. Its become a parody. Youre not stopping trump. If you want to do stop trump, do something differently. Go ahead and launch an independent conservative bid. Still ahead on morning joe, marco rubio suspends his campaign, but where will his voters go. What the exit polling shows and why many republicans are looking for a third party candidate. Plus, were joined by former president ial can date Carly Fiorina on where last nights poor showing by ted cruz leaves him. The candidate she is now supporting. Political analyst Jeff Greenfield and reverend al sharpton will be here as well. For your retirement, you want to celebrate the little things, because theyre big to you. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade®. Joining us now msnbc political analyst and former chairman of the Republican National committee, Michael Steel. Good to have you on board. The outcome is leaving a lot of republicans, michael, wondering where to turn, where they are turning. 51 of voters say they would definitely vote for trump if he was the nominee. 19 say they probably would, but nearly three in ten say they wouldnt. 61 of republicans who didnt vote for trump last night say if forced to choose between trump or clinton this fall, they would consider a third party candidate. Also a majority of kasich voters say they wouldnt vote for trump if he were the nominee come november. 47 of rubio voters and 36 of cruz voters say they wouldnt vote for trump. What are we looking at . Michael, donald trump a lot of people not voting. A lot of people not voting for donald trump. Saying theyre not. Saying theyre not. There you go. What does what does he do . What does the Republican Party do . What do conservatives do . I think on the front end of this, trump right now is in a position where he needs to begin to make the pivot. Youve begun to hear it towards bringing the party towards him because he knows this is out here. He knows how people are feeling. Youve got the establishment types who have the dump trump effort underway. Theyre having a meeting i think coming up this week to talk about how theyre going to do that. But the reality of it is, hes not in the best position or only position to bring everybody in closer to them. Work those cruz voters. Certainly work the voters for the other candidates who have left the ranks. But the problem is, i mean, and weve been saying for some time hes got to make the turn. Last night right. After winning hes tweeting negative attacks against megyn kelly. I mean, the very much people that have been he needs to reach out to the republican establishment thats been kicking him. He needs to reach out to megyn kelly. He does both. Instead of calling the media disgusting, like those tactics are not goings to get those 33 of republicans over to him. Hes got to make the turn or he will get swamped in the fall. That is the key thing. He has to understand and the people around him have to make it very clear to him that at this stage he cant afford to have a third of his party stay out of the game. He has to figure out a way you can, you know, build the bridges to the establishment but youre going to have to turn the hearts and minds of the voters who say theres no way. I dont know if he has it in him or not, john heilman, but i will tell you after my first primary on a very small level, but it was an ugly primary. It was personal. They attacked me personally. I was one of these, im going to stay above the fray and not attack back. That was the last time i did that. It was really ugly and nasty. The next morning i got on the phone and i said, i shouldnt have won this race to my opponent. I shouldnt have won this race, i cant win without you. Tell me what i need to do. Please help me. I was in a position of strength. I got on my knees and begged for help. Thats not weakness. I begged for help. You know what, the next time a nasty article came out about me, you know, my opponent had nice words for me. Because we made peace quickly. Thats what you do to move on. Calling the press disgusting, attacking megyn kelly. Quoting, i swear, an economist poll when the guy has just run the boards on one of the most important nights of the year. Right. As willie said, no sleight too small for him to ignore. If donald trump is the nominee, hes going to go in as an underdog. Hillary clinton will be strong with Barack Obamas coalition. Hes not going to be the favorite. Hes going to have to be the underdog and hes going to have to win fighting an uphill battle. Hes already alienated a bunch of hispanic voters. Hes got real problems in a general election, so in order to win, if donald trump wants to win, the first thing he has to start to do is unify his own party. Exactly. If a huge chunk of his party isnt with him and the Democratic Coalition isnt with him, hes done. First step, pull your Party Together because youre not going to win without your whole party behind zblu if youre the republican nominee and youre fighting the biggest star at fox news when youre on the verge of locking down the nomination, youve got it backwards. Coming up on morning joe, another blockbuster night for Hillary Clinton but some of the numbers are lopsided as she still struggles to win over Younger Voters from Bernie Sanders. Well get reverend al sharptons take ahead. Plus, former president ial candidate, Carly Fiorina, will give us her take on Donald Trumps big night. . . Fight it with jublia. Jublia is a prescription medicine. Used to treat toenail fungus. Use jublia as instructed by your doctor. 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The key for trump yesterday, he got that narrow win. If you look at the total vote, he got a very narrow win in missouri. This is true of illinois. If you win the state and you win the congressional districts, you are going to win a ton of delegates. It looks like thats what happened. We think when all is said and done donald trump is going to emerge from yesterday with about 690 delegates. Ted cruz will be down at about 420. Marco rubio sitting at 172. John kasich at 146. For trump that is more than we were expecting yesterday. And very quickly if you look ahead, you take that number, 690, and you look at the Playing Field going forward, we outlined this yesterday, this could be Trump Country in here. This could be a good trump state. There are a lot of potentially fertile trump territory on this map. If you make the same assumptions we made yesterday, conservative assumptions, he doesnt break 50 anywhere, cruz still picks up a scattering of states. Same assumptions as yesterday with what happened last night. Donald trump now finishes in our calculations with 1241. That is over the magic number. All right. Wow. Steve kornacki, thank you very much. What a remarkable night on so many levels when you really think about it. Really is. Donald trump. Just florida. Hillary clinton both. Hillary clinton. Lets bring in our political roundtable host of msnbcs politics nation, reverend al sharpton. Author, columnist Jeff Greenfield. Consultant and political writer, julianna glover. Chief adviser and board member for uber. Hes endorsed Hillary Clinton for president , david blouplouff. I hope we have 45 minutes for this. Im sure you do. Joe, go. Lets talk about hillarys numbers first. What a huge night for her. How far does that move her along to locking down the nomination . The delegate story is over. Shell have the pledged delegate lead. I think Bernie Sanders will stay in and im sure hell win some of the upcoming caucus states but the delegate story is over. Youve begun to see last night, shell be respectful about that but shell outline the message against donald trump. Three to four weeks ago you were talking about how donald trump would make an interesting general election candidate because he shakes up the board. I believe that. A lot of other people believe that. Have his words and actions over the past two or three weeks made you reconsider that . No. I think thats the question, joe. I think theres a lot of people out there, if they can get by the bluster and the bigotry, they might not be able to, but if they can, there are a lot of things that he says that are sort of against republican orthodoxy that hes getting criticized about that a lot of swing voters will be open to. He sucks all of the oxygen out of the room. Hell say anything about anyone any time. Thats a tough thing to deal with as weve seen. Like you said, when you run campaigns, you like to know who your opponent is. You like to know what the map looks like. You like to know what the strategy looks like. You say trump just shakes up the board and makes it all very unpredictable. Certainly day to day. You just dont know what youre dealing with. I think in places Like Northern virginia with College Educated women, the suburbs of denver, i do think hell under perform. I do think hes got the chance to over perform in the southern part of virginia, for instance, in some of the midwest states. Again, his he says im not going to throw out the iran deal on day one. He thinks the carried interest loophole ought to be closed. He says some things that if people can listen to him if they can get by the bluster and bigotry that hell have a chance. Trade, Foreign Policy, al, far different than what republicans have traditionally supported on trade and Foreign Policy. Talk about that briefly and then also talk about Hillary Clinton and what a big night she had last night. Well, i think that trump will probably be the nominee. I think that him shaking up the board can only be destabilized if he continues to have this image that he somehow causes disruptions. Hes got to now act president ial. I think what mrs. Clinton showed last night is that shes not only the nominee but that she won everywhere the africanamerican and latino vote. Something that she can now use in a general election if shes running against a trump. Youve got to remember, joe, and mika, that in cleveland the prosecutor wouldnt indict and at that mere rice was defeated. In chicago alvarez wouldnt deal with the Laquan Mcdonald case was defeated. People are actively using the electoral process to express their views. If that is energized by ms. Clinton, she can be very, very hard to beat in november if trump plays into im representing this standdown thing. Hes going to be dealing with a bigger electorate now than the far right of the republicans. 31 of people said they wouldnt vote for trump. You dont want to accept that . I am utterly terrified that this something that is reality. Do you accept that its getting to look like reality. Based on steves numbers, winning with 1241 when you need 1237 to get there, that four delegates is a little too close for comfort for him. So, first of all, this is not a foregone conclusion. I think that we need to also be very realistic of the fact that last night was not a very good night for people who want a third party option for Something Like this. Lets say trump is, indeed, our nominee. We wont actually know that now until the first week in june. A third Party Operation would have to be up and running in may. Theres a small chance that trump might not be the republican nominee. You would have conservatives like me trying to stand up a third party or some sort of alternative to trump with the possibility that you could still have a reasonable scientent. Who would that be . I would love it to be jeb. Id love it to be romney, paul ryan. Jeff greenfield, what republicans want and what republicans have gotten are two very Different Things this year. Yeah. May not be a foregone conclusion but its a 3 1 2 gone conclusion. Pretty close. I was thinking eight years ago in may tim russert famously said one night we now know who the nominees of the parties are going to be. Were awfully close. To David Plouffes point, if youre a republican you need to worry about donald trump. Hes broken every single rule. As i wrote yesterday and im getting serious feedback, i think Hillary Clinton in some ways is uniquely vulnerable to him, in part because he will say things that no other opponent will. She wants to raise masogony, you know the card hes going to raise. Dont even do it. Because he seems to be unable to avoid these slips. If im donald trump im buying every billboard with her quote, were going to put a lot of coal miners out of work. You want to talk about how the electoral map gets a little bit scrambled. Yes, the latino vote could maybe make arizona in play. That rust belt area which the democrats have carried for six straight elections i think becomes vulnerable under some circumstances if people can get by the fact that donald trump is the most manifestly unfit person ever to run for office. Times ten. Times ten, huh . We hear this and yet, al, youve talked about before, how donald trump could actually shake things up. He could, but i think that but hes got to make that turn. The worst enemy of donald trump is donald trump. I think that if he gets into the debates with mrs. Clinton and becomes more clown than president ial and is prone to over i mean, last night you have one of the biggest nights of his career and hes arguing about poll numbers. You said earlier, why are you concerned about the economists and their poll than you are about whats going on in terms of the electorate . Hes got to grow into where he is, and i bet he doesnt. And if he doesnt, he will never win the white house. David plouffe, a little communication, quick question. Republicans right now are going on the senate and the senate are going to have to decide whether theyre going to meet with, whether theyre going to have hearings for and whether they are going to vote for judicial nominee to the Supreme Court. What would your advice be to democrats if they refuse to even meet with whoever that nominee is going to be . Well, joe, its tough to take back their positioning here. What i never understood was they almost seemed scared and fearful. Sit back and go through the process. If you want to reject the nominee, reject the nominee. Its much less exciting that way. I think theyve got themselves in a tough position. Youre looking at the prospect of trump being your nominee. This will be a lot closer than people think. You say Hillary Clinton is the odds on favorite. Youll probably like the conditions a loot more now than you might like them in 10 or 11 months. The president has the high ground and theyll play it out. David plouffe, thank you. Reverend al sharpton and julianna glover and Jeff Greenfield, thank you all. Ted cruz doing better in the deep south with voters who want a candidate who shares their values who are very conservative and white evangelicals. Why did he come up short last night . Carly fiorina, whos one of his most visible supporters, joins us next. But its not how fast you mow, its how well you mow fast. Its not how fast you mow, its how well you mow fast. Its not how fast you mow, its how well you mow fast. Its how well you mow fast . Its how well you mow fast. Even if it doesnt catch on, doesnt mean its not true. 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Its his strongest play throughout this whole election. This needs to get down to a twoman race. The second thing i would say is donald trump tends to win where there are open primaries. Where democrats, in other words, and independents come over and vote. Ted cruz tends to win in republican closed primaries. I actually think republicans should pick their nominee. I actually think it matters that we elect a conservative, if for no other reason, what you were just talking about. President obama is going to pick a Supreme Court justice and frankly i have no idea what donald trump would pick, but what i know is what he said, and what he said is hes going to do a deal with Chuck Schumer and harry reed. And i dont want a president or a nominee doing a deal with Chuck Schumer and harry reed. I want ted cruz, a guy who will stick to his principles and convictions. Hey, carly, michael here. Real quick. Keeping the map the way it is, youve got kasich is not going anywhere. Youve got trump obviously and cruz. Where does where does the game plan go next . Where do you begin to get back in the game and win the states you need to win to make this thing much more of a twoperson race than what it is right now, a threeperson race . Well, first, let me just congratulate marco rubio on a wonderful campaign, very gracious and inspiring speech last night. He was statesman like and did the right thing. John kasich, as you point out, has no path. A contested convention will be devastating for this party. Ted cruz can be will beat donald trump in a oneonone race. Should john kasich drop out. Urge republicans to get behind him. But i think what youll see is us moving on to places like arizona, and utah, and missouri, wisconsin. Pardon me. Do you think john kasich continuing to battle this out. Do you think john kasich should drop out. I do. I do. Frankly, he doesnt have a path. I mean, hes a good and honorable man. He fought a good fight in ohio. Hes been a good governor but he doesnt have a path so apparently his hope is that he can be some kind of king maker, but ultimately this is not about him. This is about our country. This is about our party. I said the week that donald trump announced he does not represent me, he does not represent our party and i do not think he can be our nominee and we need to give ted cruz now a chance to beat him one on one which ted cruz can. Thank you so much, carly. Up next, one of the more interesting moments from our interview with donald trump. Also, the americans, best show on television. Joe is obsessed with the show. Premiers tonight. This is an amazing show. Obsessed. Were going to be talking to the gurus of the americans next. The intelligent, allnew audi a4 is here. Aint got time to make no apologies. Youre an at t Small Business expert . Sure am. My staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. At t can help you stay connected. Am i seeing double . No maam. 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I have three children that are going to grow up here and i want them to be able to enjoy all the things that i was able to enjoy. Together, were building a better california. Who were you talking to consistently since we have some dire Foreign Policy issues percolating around the country right now. Who are you consulting with consistently so that youre ready on day one. Im speaking with myself, number one, because i have a very good brain and ive said a lot of things. In fact, in my book in 2000 i talked about Osama Bin Laden and i do remember somebody putting the book in front of joe and joe saying, no way he talked about it. No way he wrote about Osama Bin Laden before the World Trade Center came down and they said, no, he really did. And i remember joe looking at it in the book saying, i dont believe it. Thats amazing, okay . So i know what im doing and i listen to a lot of people. I talk to a lot of people and at the appropriate time ill tell you who the appropriate people are. I speak to a lot of people. My primary consultant is myself. You know, i have a good instinct for this stuff. That was donald trump speaking to us last hour on morning joe with his answer to now the fourth time that ive asked him about who he is consulting on Foreign Policy. Well be following that. Okay. Nuclear proliferation, he is ese and todays laundry list isnt all that different from the list facing the u. S. In the 1980s which is the time featured in the hit fx show the americans. Its what we call a source. I might get some information. Is it dangerous . No. Its more its more about getting people to trust you, to help them understand that you want the same thing that they want, which is to make the world a safer place for everyone. Not everyone sees it that way, so its all done in secret. Wow. Season four kicks off with a major curveball for the average american teenager, finding out her parents are actually soviet spies. Thats a bummer. Joining us now that is a bummer. Executive producers and writers. So tell us, do they knock off the preacher . Theyve got to knock off the preacher, right . I thought he was going to do it last season. So this is this is ive been very this is my favorite show on television right now. Pretty extraordinary and really last season ended with the parents basically being outed by their own daughter. Teenagers. Teenagers. So talk about this year and just great reviews you guys have already gotten. Yeah, the reviews have been pretty overwhelming. This year kicks off with a lot of propulsion from last year. Weve done something we havent done in prior years, we started where we left off. A lot of character and story fueling to explore. Why is it such a success . Its not about espionage so much as its about a married couple trying to work their way through. We say if we took all the espionage out of it, would it be the same . This couple has a lot of secrets. Thats why people like it. How does the process happen . Last season ended, did you guys start right away . I follow you on twitter, thats how weve gotten to know each other. But do you guys start right away writing the new season . Yeah, we do, we start right away, before our summer break we had written two scripts and four more stories for season four. Well do the same thing this season as well. So we take where we ended and continue the story. You guys Work Together in the same room screaming and yelling. We share an office. We have our desks across from each other. So whose idea was it . Yeah. For those who dont know about the show, what sets it apart . Set it up. The whole thing started, i oo used to work at the cia. I got a call from the dream works television from when all the russian spies were arrested. They called me up and said, do you want to create a series . I said, sure. That was a long time ago, six years ago now. So for people who havent seen it, i started to tell them a couple weeks ago, they need to catch up, talk about the setup. These guys are what we call illegals. The russians still have illegals in this country and all over the world. Theyre a special breed of spy. They dont work in an embassy. They pose as actual americans. This isnt a fantasy or something crazy out of a novel. These people are so deep under cover that they live in suburban communities in places like that, they speak english as well. In real life they have accents and things like that that might tip people off. Just because you have a neighbor with an accent why would it occur to you that theyre soviet or russian spies. Joe, talk about the cast that you guys have assembled. Just extraordinary from top to bottom. Theyre amazing. As much as theyre out there trying to spy, theyre people who have to raise a family. Theyre leading a double life. Carrie russell and Matthew Reese is incredible, emerick is amazing. Were lucky because theyre able to bring these kashlg terse to life in a way thats real. Thats the magic of the show. You talk about secrets. This couple obviously has a secrets, but do they have secrets from each other as well . I remember seeing one episode where it was just there were so many layers of secrets. It was mind bending. We joke about it that sometimes it gets confusing even for them to keep straight what secrets theyre keeping from each other. Even in a way secrets from themselves. In that kind of situation you can end up lying to yourself in certain ways. We all have multiple identities in this recalled would. We all have multiple relationships. Its discussed in their marriage and family. My gosh. Im curious as the seasons have progressed and you look back on it, are there character developments or story lines you wish you would have done a little bit differently or taken a different direction . Now do you sort of look at the fullness of it and go, wow, if we had done this, if we had got it right on this character maybe the story line would have been different . Sometimes we talk about characters that we killed early on. We have a couple of those in season one wish was still around. We have some blood on our hands and its not that we regret the blood, we regret the early spilling of the blood. Yeah. You know whats fascinating, phillip, talk about the friction between the couple, how phillip actually starts to think pretty early on its in a bad country. Got air conditioning. Closet space. Closet space. A bit of a new york moment there. Exactly. There is that friction all over. Guys, thank you so much for coming in. Thank you. Hope youll come back. Season four of the americans premiers tonight at 10 00 p. M. It is a much, much needed break from politics. Thank you, guys. Up next, what have we learned today . Tal crimes unit to fight cybercrime. We use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. When it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. Were building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. Until one of you clipst da food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Trolling for a gig with cant blame you. Its a drone you control with your brain, which controls your thumbs, which control this joystick. No, im actually over at the ge booth. Were creating the Operating System for industry. Its called predix. Its gonna change the way the world works. Ok, im telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. Umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. Look out ohhhhhhhhhh. You know what, im just gonna email it to you. Yeah thats probably safer. Ok, cool. I drive to the hoop. I drive a racecar. I have a driver. His name is carl. But thats not what we all have in common. We talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. Xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto® is also proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. You know, taking warfarin, i had to deal with that blood testing routine. I couldnt have a healthy salad whenever i wanted. I found another way. Yeah, treatment with xarelto®. Hey, safety first. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® is the number one prescribed blood thinner in its class. Well that calls for a round of kevin nealons. Make mine an arnold palmer. Same here. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. Welcome back to morning joe. Time to talk about what we learned. Michael steel, fascinating night. What have you learned . A phrase comes to mind, resistance is futile. For the republican establishment . Yeah. All these secret meetings, theyre going to have another one. Were going to sit down and work this out. I asked a question several months ago, whos going to take out trump and when do they do it . They cant answer those two questions. Get with the game plan. The momentum, mika, he just keeps moving forward. Rolled over ted cruz and marco rubio last night. Looks like donald trump has a path to the nomination. Im not sure what the kasich plan is in cleveland. That could be exciting. I think people need to start accepting what has happened. Yeah. Something needs to move to bring the party and him together. Might be. The New York Times actually got the headlines right. Both Hillary Clinton and donald trump rolled up big wins last night. I will tell you that the scope of Hillary Clintons victories to the degree. Wow, she had a huge night tonight as well. Its a big day ahead on msnbc at 11 00 a. M. Eastern. Stay tuned for full coverage of president obamas announcement of the Supreme Court nomination. Steve kornacki picks up analysis of last nights big primary results right now. All right. Well, good morning, everybody. A big hour ahead for us after the biggest night yet in american politics in the year 2016. A full hour of results, of analysis, of what this all means going forward. We have that straight ahead. Also though, breaking news this morning for you out of washington. President obama now set to announce his pick for the Supreme Court at 11 00 a. M. Eastern in the rose garden. The political implications of this are

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