Excuse me. We are going to take those people and those people are going to be serviced by doctors and hospitals, well make great deals on it but we wont let them die if the streets. Who pays for it . Gentlemen, please wolf, it to clarify this. This is the Republican Debate because that attack about letting people die in the street if the government doesnt support them im having fun up here tonight, i have to tell you. Thank you for the book, appreciate it. Donald, relax. Im relaxed. Youre the basket case. Dont get nervous. Go ahead. Theres nothing about you that makes anyone nervous. You dont know whats happening. Wolf, im goingc to ask my time not be deducted when hes yelling at me. Take control. Gentlemen, please. I get my answer. I want to move on. What ive seen up here. First of all, this guy is a choke artist and this guy is a liar. This guy always goes off combination of factors other than that, i rest my case. This is the typical thing he does. Any debate about policy he goes right for the outrageous statement. You have to floor. Do i get a response . You will but i promised governor kasich he would zblo respond. Can somebody attack me, please . [ cheers and applause ] that kind of sums up the night. Can somebody please attack me . Please, please . Did you see that . Look, it was like fruit salad, thats it. It was fruit salad. On fire. Somebody poured gasoline on it and lit a match. Good morning, everyone, its friday, february 26. That was a mess. It was a hot mess. That was a hot mess. At one point i tweeted, this is a disgrace because i dont know. Even after that section, soon after thatc they were yelling, willie, at each other for about two minutes uninterrupted all three yelling at the same time. In that clip there, the frustrating thing was theyre all talking over each other and nobodys like, stop, you talk, you talk. I thought that was an ugly part. I will say right from the beginning marco rubio did finally what everyone has been asking him to do. Boom, boom, boom. He came to play and he fought. He came out fighting. Donny deutsch is here as is senior Political Editor and White House Correspondent for the huffington post, sam stein. In washington, republican pollster and columnist in at the Washington Examiner Kristen Soltisanderson and in houston, managing editor for Bloomberg Politics mark halperin. We were in touch with him all night as he was analyzing it firsthand. Give us your report card, mark, really quickly. I gave marco rubio and donald trump a minuses. Again, my grades are based on performance and how the performance affects the candidates chances of being the nominee. I thought rubios performance really most surprising to me was hed never flinched. Everyone else whos gone up against trump inc these debates has had moments where they flinched and trump has gotten the better of them. I dont think rubio took trump down but i think he showed a fortitude and people in rubio world are wondering why he didnt do this sooner. Any impact i mean, bloomberg came out with polls that shows donald trump crushing everybody in the deep south. Rubio showed two polls of him being crushed in florida where hes a sitting senator. The thuz chan does this change your mind . I dont think see any reason that this would separate any of donald Trump Supporters from him and he last night was his normal self. He stayed on message. He had moments where he was under attack and he held his own and talked about what he wanted to talk about. I gave ted cruz and john kasich bs and ben carson a c plus. But rubios performance, while strong, doesnt erase the huge gap he has not just in florida but in that poll of ours, the Bloomberg Politics poll you mentioned, where trump is in the Southern States voting on tuesday way ahead even thoughc voters know hes not the most conservative american the race. Well get to an incredible moment of the night but first we should let everyone know we flew down to South Carolina yesterday, we have a big interview with Hillary Clinton to show you, extremely wide ranging, sat down with her with well over half an hour. Fascinating. And she was very relaxed. She was what she had been in 2008 when she really went on that run. So thats coming up as well. But back to the debate, there was this moment where rubio demanded trump offer explanations for his health care policies and then look what happened. You may not be aware of this, donald because you dont follow this closely. When they passed obamacare, they put a bailout fund in obamacare. All the lobbyists put a bailout fund in the law that would allow public money to be used, taxpayer money, to bail out companies when they lost money. We led the effort to wipe that out. What is your plan . I understand the lines around the state. This is no you dont know what it means. That is your problem. The biggest problem hes got is he doesnt know about the state. The reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state and you have we already mentioned that as part of my plan, i no what that is. I think you dont know much. So the only thing is to get rid of the lines around the state. What is part what the lines around the state means, instead of having one Insurance Company taking care of new york or texas, youll have many, theyll compete and it will be a beautiful thing. [ applause ] so thats the only part of the plan . Just the lines . The interstate competition. The nice part you have many different plans. Youll have dpe competition. Now hes repeating himself. [ cheers and applause ] i watched him melt down on the stage like ive never seen anybody lets stay focused on substance. Lets talk about your plan. You say the same thing, everyones dumb, hell make America Great again senator rubio, please, please stop. And the lines around the state. Every night. c [ laughter ] it was a beautiful thing. Thats america right there. What a difference between the democratic debates and the Republican Debates. Where you actually talk about policy. The democratic debates are one on one now. And that really does help. I dont think anybody is paying attention to substantive issues there. I think clearly rubio, to his point, had a very, very strong night. He was on the offensive. What i think he did is what i would do if i was advising anybody to go against trump is go at him as the businessman. Go after Trump University. Go after youve hired immigrants, say you are a shady guy. Shady, shady, shady i dont think that makes ao; though. If you are a trump supporter watching that debate, youre lensing it through thats my guy, hes strong, he was punching back. If you didnt like trump you still dont like him. Had rubio started off that way, we would have a very different what about the devils advocate. I agree with basically 99 of what you said but theres a devils advocate of rubios night which is that he spent all this time crafting an image as someone who is elevated, positive thinking, forward looking, and then toc get into the mud with trump might have hurt that brand. As a branding guy, what do you think . I dont think it hurt him. I think he just added a dimension. It was not okay this is a guy looking into the future, this was a guy who punched back and did not flinch. I was shocked. If you go against trump its tough to keep your footing but i thought that for the first time trump was in the positionover not even defending himself but at least having to swat those things away. I thought it was a strong night for rubio. I dont think it moves the point on the needle. Heres the thing, though. Im with mark halperin. If you look at the polls, look at the fact hes 20 points down in his home state, marco rubio, you look at how badly most of us think, other than donald trump, how badly most of us think donald trump did in South Carolina. The South Carolina debate was an absolute disaster. It was a Nuclear Meltdown so we thought. Compared to last night. Doesnt matter doesnt matter. Thats why i say it doesnt matter. But this is why it matters to marco rubio. Because rubio and cruz are not just fighting for 2016. Marco rubios losing in the next 11, 12, hes going to lose 15 primaries in a rowc he wants t going to even get to florida. But rubio and cruz have to prove to their donors that they are worthy in 2016 to be in pole position. Marco rubio cant hear over the next three years. Marco, id give you money again, man, but you had the chance to fight trump and you never did. For marco rubio to be able to raise the money he needs to raise in 2016, he had to do what he did last night. I doubt it will move the polls for him that much, maybe a little bit. But heres another thing, too, willie, if it gets him ahead of ted cruz by instead of half a point like, say, one, two, three points he can go into 2020 going, you know what . I took on ted cruz, he had more money, he had a better porti organization and i beat cruz in then he starts naming the states. Because these two too guys are young, theyre in their mid40s. How olds marco . 44, i think. Wow. This will be incredible for him. So in if 2020 hell be 48 years old. Hec had to do this because we were saying, his donors were saying, the writers were saying why is he scared of donald trump . He proved last night even though it wont make a difference hes not scared of donald trump. And if he is going to be the future of the Republican Party which hes been called by Time Magazine he has to prove to be the future of the Republican Party by punching back. What party . Thats the question. But if you talk to him, hes not giving up. He believes if he gets in a one on one with trump theres a way. You may disagree its not that i dont disagree, it goes back to data, willie. It goes back to every super tuesday poll. Hes down in all 11 super tuesday states, hell probably lose 15 in a row and he has to go to florida where hes down by 20 points. If hes 0 for 15, 0 for 16, he doesnt run in florida. He may be governor in 18 and run for senate again. It brings up the point of why didnt they do this type of attack against trump months and months ago. I couldnt help but think you remember 2008 Hillary Clinton the inevitable candidate and everyone is barack obama, go after her, inc the fall of 200. And it took actually chris dodd to go after her in that debate, on illegal undocumented citizens drivers licenses in new york for her to finally get the glean ripped off of her. So now youre wondering if they had done this back in september or october, would it have made a difference . No. You dont think so . No, i dont think so. Trump was not coming ive got to say this again, donny. If any debate performance was going to hurt donald trump it would have been South Carolina. It would have been South Carolina. But that was too late. We went back to september. If you just for the first time out of the box were watching that but hes stronger since that debate. If you were watching that debate you would say wow, rubio is the guy and trumps not a viable candidate. Youre coming in now lensing it through trump winwinwin. Theres so much equity in him right now. Theres so much built in gravitas. People are finishing his sentences for him. Its different. But if you watch last night fresh you would say rubio was the guy. Butc too little too late and its not going to happen. We put up a story yesterday about how these campaigns didnt even put up Research Files to get trump over the summer because they assumed he would go away. Last night was a research debate. They could have done that months and months ago had they prepared. Sam makes an interesting point which is i think most people thought donald trump was a passing fever of some kind and they felt like were not going to go through this, were not going after him and by the time everybody woke up he was on his way ive never seen more people with who with more experience in journalism and politics sit here in shock and sit here kind of with their pants down because they didnt prepare. Not literally. Well, i hope not. Theyve come back on the other side angry. And theyre angry. Very angry. Mark halperin and kristen, we have to get kristen in. Lets go back to the bloomberg polls again. Give me a quick rundown of super tuesday Southern States. Talk about how massive Donald Trumps lead is there. Hes leading in the horse race 21c over rubio and kwlou a cruz who are basically tied. Voters dont say hes most conservative but they still like him. They rank him on a range of issues, strength, electability. It shows the difficulty these candidates will have in defining him. As strong as rubios performance was in some ways last night, the way you take someone down in a debate is to have a single frame to say heres why this person is dead. Rubio threw the kitchen sinke d enin various different frames. This guy who has new york values, who isnt seen as the most conservative is still the dominant figure. So a lot of what they went after him last night on is hes too liberal. Well, thats been priced into the stock for voters again the most conservative part of the country. The other thing in our poll is one on one. We tested trump against rubio, trump against cruz, the sort of conventional wisdom was well, if only they could get him one on one and trump leads both rubio and cruz one on one, suggesting that even if the field winnowed before tuesday trump would be in a strong position. Kristen,c weve got donald trump winning the last three races. Hes getting momentum behind him and hes going into the area that we have said around the table would be the strongest. Hes a jacksonian. He seems to be a jacksonian and hes going into the heart of sort of jacksonian democracy in the deep, deep south. And its going to be very hard for marco rubio or ted cruz or john kasich or ben carson or anybody to get those people to turn away from trump. I think those twoway ballot tests that mark just talked about are probably some of the most interesting of the questions in that survey because the idea here is that folks have been saying, look, youll have to have either marco rubio or ted cruz step aside, make way for the other and thats the only way you take down trump at this point. And i think whats so fascinating about last nights debate performance is that you may not have a lot of trump hard core supporters turning away from him. I agree. If you like trump, you probably still like him after last nights debate. Whats responsibility that ac t of polls have shown if a cruz drops out of the race some of those cruz folks go to trump instead of to rubio. If rubio drops out, some of those folks go to trump instead of cruz. Last nights debate performance may have prevented people from switching from a rubio and cruz to a trump. If you were looking for someone who projects competence, if you were looking for somebody who projects i really can win, i think thats what made last nights debate so interesting. You may not have pulled away people who already like trump but you may have said, look, if you dont like me at least vote for the other guy who is not trump. I think thats whatbi making things interesting. If you look at the polls in texas, the last two polls ive seen come out of texas, one had cruz up by 15 but one only hand cruz up by one. If cruz wins texas by one or loses texas, thats a big problem. Trump is getting the nomination. Everybody has to grow up and deal with that. [ laughter ] its jeb bush says the man who said we needed a trump ban on the show three months ago. Well what im saying youre growingc up. No, no. You saw what the democrats play book is going to be and you paint one image trump is a lying sleaze. Just put him on the defensive. If im advising trump, id say thats what you have to watch out for. If im advising hillary i say thats straight where you go. And rubio did all those things last night. Too little too late. If you want to know to the story of trumps success, go to the second line of the bloomberg poll. Do you believe trump is a committed christian . 12 . Yet he won evangelicals in South Carolina. He won evangelicals in nevada. People dont really care about the specifics of who he is. They love his style, they love his brand. Thats the way you cut into the style and brand. Thats the case. Its the same thing with mark. Mark halperin, youre saying they know hes liberal, that hes the most liberal candidate in the most conservative part of the country, theyre still voting for him and i want to show you in a very, veryc conservative state in the republican primary marco rubios home state of florida. This kind of goes follows up on what kristen was saying. Everybody assumed when jeb bush jumped out of the race that all of his numbers were going to marco rubio. Well, they didnt. Donald trump got a lot of them. Hes at 44 in rubios home state where hes a sitting senator. Thats a quinnipiac poll. I think they dismissed that poll but theres also a pp poll that came out yesterday that actually had trump at 45 . So real uphill climb for marco rubio, despite a really good debate performance last night and i would be shocked if he went into the florida primary without a win and didnt drop out of the race to maintain his viability. You cant lose your home state by 20 points. We have a lot to get to. We had such an incredible day incredibly long day yesterday. Back from washington, did the show, went down to South Carolina, incredible interview with Hillary Clinton. Was she asking for me . She was not asking for you ac all. Shes coy that way. Security was. It was extremely wideranging. It went from fun to dead serious. And then speaking of great performances, your band last night at prohibition, you have incredible musicians. Theyre great. People need to come see this. Its an awesome band. I dont know how you did that. Whats the cover charge . Why didnt you ask me . Its free but for you its like 100. You were out performing with a ninepiece band. Why didnt you ask me to play the triangle. Can you bring your triangle next thursday . Do they serve food . It was you guys are good. It was packed, it was kind of crazy. You can watch it on periscope. Theyre incredible musicians. How many them . Nine, right . You have a horn section nine. Brass, backup. It used to be like the police. We had basist, guitarist, drummer. And then i went to see steely dan at the beacon and now we have 28 people. Im like i need horns, i need background singers. Our interview with Hillary Clinton is ahead and morec debe highlights. So still ahead on morning joe it is painful, its hurtful to have people say oh, i dont trust her, i dont know why shes doing it. And it suddenly struck me, well, you know, maybe there is this underlying question like is she doing it for herself . Or is she really in it for us . Were going to have the first part of our revealing interview with democratic president ial candidate Hillary Clinton. Morning joe continues in just a moment. Welcome to opportunitys knocking, where selfproclaimed financial superstars pitch you investment opportunities. Ive got a fantastic deal for you gold with the right pool of investors, theres a lot of money to be made. But first, investors must ask the right questions and use the smartcheck challenge to make the right decisions. Youre not even registered; im done with you i can. I can. Savvy investors check their financial pros background by visiting smartcheck. Gov could you double check scothe envelope . Wins. Best actress, 1984. And i cant deny the fact that you like me. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what youre gonna get. Were gonna need a bigger boat. Xfinity x1 lets you access the greatest library of oscar moments, simply by using your voice. Live oscar sunday, february 28th on abc. Tomorrow in South Carolina, Hillary Clinton looks to notch her third victory of the democratic president ial primary race and we sat down with her yesterday in that state for a wideranging conversation about the issues and her candidacy. As you know, on our show we sort of speak our mind, for better or worse sometimes for candidates. For you sometimes laugh. You made her laugh right at the top. I knew it. I had to say over the past couple days we have said for better that you seem to be a different candidate since nevada. In fact, the second you got up on stage and started speaking in nevada reminded me of the Hillary Clinton from 2008. What was different . What is different now . Thats a great observation. You know, i dont know. I think it does take me a little bit longer to get into the rhythm of campaigning, to feel what im doing and how its working and i felt just really c good. We hit our stride in nevada. I felt like not only was the campaign and the message of breaking all barriers really beginning to take hold and people could understand it, but i just felt that we were on the upward trajectory. So maybe thats what you were seeing. You also said something, too, in abintn interview, im not su which one it was, but weve been talking about how calculating you were and how it seems to be not the person that we know personally but you said in an interview earlier this week that your biggest challenge was convincing voters that you were not interested in what was best for you, you had58ini to convin them that you were doing this for them. Right. Talk about that. And the misconceptions that you may feel youve been fighting. I have to this has kind of come to me over the last months because, you know, it is painful. Its hurtful to have people say oh, we dont trust her, dont know why shes doing it. It suddenly struck me, well, maybe there is this underlying question, like, is she doinghi for herself or is she really in it for us . And ive always thought of myself as being service oriented. I always believed that i was in it for trying to help people get a better shot in life, even the odds. And i think im going to keep reaching out, talking about what ive done, what i will do and making the case that people can count on me because they always have in the past. Somebody else said something funny when i said she just seems different. And she seemed different this week, shes more relaxed, shes what weve been saying all along we should be and it was surprising. And i think it was halperin who said the clintons have a 30year history of neardeath experiences and resurrection. [ laughter ] so why dont you make it easy on yourself and forget the lazarus routine and make it easy for your friends and supporters. Lets do that from now on. I like that alternative. Thats an interesting observation. There mayc be some truth to it. Part of it is that i always feel like i am carrying a big weight of responsibility for so many people. I really do have this sense that a lot of people are counting on me, a lot of people are expecting know help them. A lot of people are really in my corner. I think that does sometimes get me a little tensed up to be honest. I think im afflicted by the responsibility gene. Ever since weve been getting ready for the interview and mika was writing notes and everything, i was sitting here talking. How a man prepares versus and mika commented man versus me fretting over every note and carrying notes. She asked me do you want notes . And i was like nah. Do you ever look at yo you are husband and how he did it and go its not fair i think mika and i understand this because still today when you are a highachieving woman, particularly one in the public eye, you really are just expected to qurform at a higher level all the time. And there are not enough experiences with different styles or different approaches that women make my goodness, theres a million different ways you can be successful, you can communicate and all the rest of it and, look, im not telling you anything you dont know. I am not a natural politician like bill clinton or barack obama so for me it came through the root of service, it came from my deep conviction that, you know, we had to make sure that this country we all love kept producing opportunities for everybody and i see that narrowing and i see people being left out and it upsets me. So i invest a lot of energy and a lot of my own emotion into what i do and i think sometimes instead of that being as easy to understand as i would like it to be, it sometimes is a little bit nervewracking. Right. And we saw that with jeb, a guy who knew policy forward and backwards but in 2016 it justc didnt seem to be interpreted as well on the campaign trail. So you have a lot of different branding and messages out there, you have donald trump make America Great again. Right. Bernie sanders, the system is rigged. What is your message simply . Break down the barriers so america and americans live up to their potential. That is what i care about, thats what ive done, thats what im talking about, i feel very comfortable talking about that. It hit me. I care deeply about the economic barriers. I think i have the best idea about how to help create jobs and get incomes rising and all the other things we have to do to get the economy growing and get it fairer. But economic barriers are not the only things that hold people back. We were just talking about, you know, some of the genderrelated issues that hold women back. Theres race, theres lgbt discrimination, theres a lot of reasons why people feel somehow pushed down or left behind. So using this barriers metaphor really works for me because it helps me organize everything im talking about, knocking down barriers to quality health, to good education you know, were in a county here where were doing this interview and its one of the i95 counties that there was a big documentary saying it was the corridor of shame because the schools are so poor, theyre falling down, kids are not being educated. They dont even have enough teachers. Thats a big barrier. No matter how loving your family might be, you dont have those opportunities, thats going to hold you back. So thats how i now think about what i want to do as president and it really helps me maybe do a better job of conveying that. So let me then ask you. You express concern about being held to a different standard as it pertains to the wall street speeches and you said you would release the transcripts when the republicans do. But isnt it more important perhaps to be transparent to democratic voters about what you said to big banks behind closed doors . Well, i think i have been transparent. I have a record. Im not coming to this for the first time. People can go back, they can look at what i said and what i did when i was a senator. Im the one who called out wall street. So where did you say that . Where did you say that . Back in december of 2007. I even ran an ad in the 08 campaign, it was in 07, warning about the mortgage crash and so im on record. I have gone after these guys, i have been pointing fingers at them, ive been introducing legislation. So people who want to know about my public record, it theres to see. People who want to know what i will do as president , everybody says whos looked at it i have the best plan to rein in wall street, to prevent them from ever doing into what they did to us before. And i want to move toward a level playing field. As ive said, happy to do it when everybody, including the republicans, does it. But if reporters are looking for dont you want to get ahead of it before somebody gets their hands on these transcripts . No, i really dont. Because i want people to look at my record. People are treating me sometimes as though i just decided to run for president. I have been on the record on if you look at what caused the great recession, a bill he voted for in 2000 had a greater impact than most of the talk that were now doing. So lets get everybody out on the same field. I feel like i dont mind being responsive. I dont mind answering questions but at some point i want everybody to have to answer. I respect that call. Can you assure the American People that you didnt say anything in those speeches that would undermine your promise to be tough on wall street. Absolutely. Absolutely. And besides, im on the public record. Ive told them what ive going to do. Ive said im going to go after big banks that pose a Systemic Risk. Hold me accountable for that. Ill do that. So clets talk about that. One of the chief complaints that a lot of supreme is after the bailout, the banks that were too big to fail got even bigger. Havent they gotten even bigger. I think they have. Whether its bank of america or j. P. Morgan. Any of these big banks, if they went down tomorrow, wed all be on the line again for, that right . Well, no, because now were not going to bail them out. They have gotten bigger but theyve also been under much closer scrutiny. So if bank of america came to you and im going to get in big trouble from friends at bank of america. We found out what about to Lehman Brothers was going to happen tmqn bank of america you third week in office and they said listen, this is very simple, you let us go down, atm machines across america are going to shut down. Our people arent going to get their money. You have to save us or the economy collapses. What do you say to them. I say under doddfrank we have an orderly unwinding of your bank because you are now posing a Systemic Risk. But madam president , the markets will absolutely collapse. Look how badly they collapsed after Lehman Brothers. We need you to step in now or are going to be responsible what do you tell them . Well do in the an orderly way so there wont be surprises. The reason we passed doddfrank was to make it clear no bank is too big to fail, no executive too powerful to jail and we have to keep faith with the American People. Im sorry that youve made bad decisions, but were going to have to unwind you and, yes, break you up. And parts of you will be very successful Going Forward and other parts wont and if there is any accountability that needs to be imposed on individual decisions we will also follow through on that. So you can make the guarantee today that if youre president of the United States under no circumstances will those there be a taxpayerfunded bailout of these big banks. If they pose a Systemic Risk, weve got the process under doddfrank now. The tools have been provided by. We have to follow through on that. And the banks have to know we will follow through. Thats a guarantee of no taxpayer bailout. No, because thats what we tried to fix in doddfrank and too, though, j this. I want to go further because if you really look at what happened in 07 08 and you mentioned Lehman Brothers, it was investment banks like Lehman Brothers, it was Insurance Companies like aig, mortgage Companies Like countrywide. So the only culprits with not just the banks, there were others as well and im the only one with a plan who says hey, guys, doddfrank is great, it gives us the foundation, it doesnt go far enough. We need to look at other entities that pose Systemic Risks as well. A champion on these issues is elizabeth warren. Do you see a role for her in your campaign. This is Hillary Clinton you can feel my pain. I have the highest regard for her. I think shes doing an amazing job. She signed a letter two years ago urging me to run for president and we consult regularly. My staffs consult regularly with her staff so i am very much interested in what shes doing and what she thinks we should be doing. Will you consider her as Vice President. Thats mikas follow up president. Well, i cant get presumptuo presumptuous. I have to win the noq 9 and then ill take a deep breath and maybe get a good nights sleep and then start thinking about that important decision. I wasnt going to ask that, but okay. Youre glad i did. Theres more. Theres a lot more. Much more. I thought it was fascinating. You want to go to mark halperin. No, mark halperin, what were your takeaways from an interview where i thought Hillary Clinton was as relaxed as ive seen her, bluntly, in eight years. Im getting so many emails about this interview. From her victory speech in las vegas on saturday to that interview to a performance on the stump lately, shes in as good a groove as i have seener in a candidate in any race shes run right now and part of that is her relief that she went from being under the gun to being relaxed. You guys asked her tough questions. She never once seemed rattled or off her game. She seemed most of all conversational and when shes conversational, anyone whos had a conversation with her knows shes engaging well beyond what people normally think of her as. I would echo that. You can see a weight lifted off her after nevada. After a razor thin win in ciow getting blown out in new hampshire, shes relieved she won there. Theres an oped in the New York Times calling for her to release the trimtease the trans the case it makes people think shes hiding something by stonewalling so it was interesting to see her answer your question. She said theres nothing in those speeches that would understood undermine her message and also her promises to be tough on wall street and big banks. Lets see them. What was compelling, though, her argument of course im not going to say i agree with it because yesterday i said that republicans shouldnt release she shouldnt release hers until republicans release theirs and everybody went crazy everybody saying youre wrong, youre wrong. But she had a really compelling argument. You guys are worried about speeches. Ive got a 30year public record. Look at my public record. If you think those speeches have influenced how i behaved in Public Service, look at my Public Service. Judge me by my Public Service. I know thats not going to be good enough for the critics. It is a good answer. When people givec speeches, if you talk to the truckers you go truckers are the backbone of this country. Let me tell you something, trucker people, theyre the best people in the world. Thank you. Its a speech. The bigger is should she have done them . Dont you want to know what she says in private . I feel like that can offer a window into what she thinks. Thats what i think. I think at the end of the day i think shes made two compelling arguments and i stand alone in the world. I agree with you. Next hour number one is ill release my transcripts when the republicans release their transcripts. Nobody agrees with me on that. I agree. Number two, look at my public works. Look at my Public Service, judge me by that. Next hour, there are our sit down with Hillary Clinton, including her candid thoughts on donald trump. Andrew ross sorkin also coming up, tom brokaw, chucked to, mary kissel of the wall street journal joins the table. We like mary. She goeets mean. 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Oh, my god [ laughter ] hes angry. His speech was good. The senator from South Carolina turned up the heat way up. Well hear from him. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Doctors have been prescribing humira for more than ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment get tested for tb. 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The most dishonest person in america is a woman. [ laughter ] whos about to be president. How could that be . My party has gone bat [ bleep ] crazy. [ cheers and applause ] if we dont win this election, when are we ever going to win one . Thats not meant to be funny. A good republican would defend ted cruz after tonight. That aint happening. [ laughter ] if you kill ted cruz on the floorc of the senate and the trial was in the Senate Nobody could convict you. [ laughter ] oh, my gosh thats awful its awful thats the real lindsey, though, right . And the party is definitely crazy. It is. A little crazy. Whats going on there . That was senator Lindsey Graham roasting the president ial field last night in washington. Joining us now, a member of the wall street Journal Editorial Board and host of opinion journal on wall street journal live, mary kissel. Who i just made feel very uncomfortable. I never thought i could, youre so confident. Sour confident. Who won the debate last night . What was your take away . My take away is that rubio and cruz realize they cant run for second place. Donald trump is the frontrunner and they finally woke up and tag teamed him, essentially. Marco can lift the hammer. He can lift the hammer. Marco came ready to fight and he raised some pretty serious questions about trump. I think the most Effective Exchange was the Health Care Exchange where, you know, the emperor had no2clothes there. He exposed the fact that trump doesnt have a Health Care Plan and the second Effective Exchange was on israel where cruz pointed out that essentially trumps policy is hillarys policy and rubio said, look, you cant be neutral. You cant negotiate with somebody whos negotiating in bad faith. The only problem is that a lot of his policies do lean to the left a little bit and nobody seems to care in some of the more conservative states so far. When we had trump in our town hall meeting, i was surprised when he talked about being neutral between israel and the palestinians. He said he was going to do that because he wanted to be an honest broker and bring peace to the region. That with planned parenthood and everything else. Republican voters know, Republican Voters dont seem to care. Trump last night did a bunch of bold things that a normal republican candidate would be afraid to do. He said everyone in the country should have health care. He defended planned parenthood but said he was against abortion and wanted to defund them but defended their work. He said again what you said on israel and he also was, you know, open to the notion of being a more inclusive cfigure. I thought trump he criticized hugh hewitt for bad ratings. [ laughter ] he took risks. Maybe thinking about a general election, but all of them things no other republican candidate would insult hugh hewitt on that stage. Trump showed boldness and strength and some positions will help him if hes the nominee win a general election. Mary, is it too little too late . A lot of people watched marco rubio, he was very effective, well prepared stylistically, good at going after donald trump and people wonder why that didnt happen six months ago. Is there any stopping trump this point forward . Well see. But they didnt let trump get away with his usual word salad of nonsense last night. You know, one of the reasons why voters have started to get more comfortable with donald trump is because they didnt perceive an alternative. But look at the laundry list that rubio put forward last night. He wont release his tax returns. Hes hired illegals. We dont know anything about his income. Hes bankrupted four companies. Hes been a hypocrite on manufacturing. Hes close to hillary on foreign policy. These are very Serious Problems with the Trump Campaign and itc about time that rubio and cruz pointed them out. Is it too late though . We dont know, we havent had super tuesday yet. Thats the test. But i think that rubio and cruz did what they had to do last night. They did what they have to do but couldnt have have lifted the hammer from the get go . I dont think they took trump seriously. I dont think anybody took trump seriously. Isnt that the big mistake everybody made . From the establishment in washington to the establishment in the media, the laughing from the get go actually made him stronger. If you think about it, if you think about it, every candidie should be taken seriously. Im thinking herman cain and all these others were taken seriously. I dont know. I didnt take herman cain too seriously. The 999 plan . But did you laugh in his face . No, but they should have taken him on on the substance. Jeb bushs mistake as a serious candidate. Jeb bush took him on personally. He attacked trumps character. So did the media. And they finally attacked substance last night. Does substance matter in 2016 . I think it matters. Jeb bush had the most substance. But he couldntc communicat it. Of any candidate in the field. But he couldnt communicate. It doesnt matter if you cant get the message across. He could communicate but his communication wasnt insults or screaming or an in your face display well, thats not effective communication. Its been tremendously i think substance does not if substance matters we wouldnt be where we were. What matter zblshs s no, thats not true. Last night was the first night they made the argument. This is an angry. Us will. Theres a guy up there saying im mad as hell. The exit polls show 13 to 15 of voters care about immigration. Thats what hes running on. And look at the dislike what hes running on is us versus them, that should be the point. Thats not the substance. Mark halperin, we love mary. Shes so great. Can you do us a favor . We dont want to torture mary. Could you describe the most, lets say, troubling parts of the bloomberg poll of the deep south yesterdayc for a wall street journal editorial page writer . Well, the reality is the polls suggest that in the super tuesday states trump is leading but strong despite voters not thinking hes the most conservative and doing very well headtohead against the other candidates. Trump has a lot of strength and for people like mary who would like to see trump stopped, the question is how can you stop him, can you stop him if he wins one or every state on tuesday . Was this a poll after the debate or before . If you look at these numbers is he a committed christian . Only 12 say he is but hes swamping everybody among evangelicals. Only one in five voters think hes conservative. Everybodys saying were going to prove hes not conservative. So the question is why. Well, i think theres a deep, deep cynicism about politics and i think voters arent distinguishing between these candidates on policy. Could you and your deep cynicism please stay here . Coming up on morning joe, one of the best headlines is mary not great . Shes the best. When i was at the Johns Hopkins event, i thoughtshe went to hop thats explains why. Robot rubio turns terminator. Thats a good tease. Someone that understands and cares about your business. Pnc corporate and Institutional Banking offers strategies tailored to your companys needs. Know that our dedicated teams of local experts offer insight to help you achieve your business objectives. See how working with pnc can help your company grow at pnc. Com ideas in the country have in common . Many of them now call Cancer Treatment centers of america home. Expert medicine works here. Find out why at cancer center. Com. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. [bassist] two late nights in blew an amp. But good nights. Sure,musics why we do this,but its still our business. We spend days booking gigs, then weve gotta put in the miles to get there. 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[ cheers and applause ] rubio throws everything but the kitchen sink. Can i just say . Quickly. Somebody wrote that line for him, he delivered it very well. Okay. I think he only said it one time. The watches . Yeah. He did say this is not a real estate deal four times in like 15 seconds. But the watches line tom brokaw and chuck todd join us. Plus more from our interview with Hillary Clinton. Ill be back in a moment. Nobody move get on the floor do something oh im not a security guard, im a security monitor. I only notify people if there is a robbery. Theres a robbery. Why monitor a problem if you dont fix it . Thats why lifelock does more than free credit monitoring to protect you from identity theft. We not only alert you to identity threats, if you have a problem, well spend up to a Million Dollars on lawyers and experts to fix it. Lifelock. Join starting at 9. 99 a month. Because you cant beat zero heartburn i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Heres a guy that inherited 200 million. If he hadnt inherited 200 million, you know where donald trump would be right now . c selling watches in manhattan. You lied about the polish workers. Oh, yeah, yeah. 38 years ago. You lied to students at Trump University. Oh, he lied 38 years ago. I guess theres a statute of limitation on lies. In 2013 when i was leading the fight against the gang of eight amnesty bill, where was donald . He was firing Dennis Rodman on celebrity apprentice. I will not let people die on the streets if im president. Have you said youre a liberal on health care . Excuse me, let me talk. I know youre embarrasses, but keep swinging, swing for the fences. Wow. Some good lines in there. It was hard to describe the debate actually at times. I wasnt hard, it was a cage fight. Thats when you get down to it. It was fisticuffs. Tom brokaw is with us. There you go, a cage fight along with mary kissel of the wall street journal and, tom who do we have in washington. Republican pollster Kristen Soltis anderson, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist inc Eugene Robinson and host of meet the press chuck todd. So, tom, it was a cage fight and at points three candidates were yelling at each other at the same time for five minutes. For a long time. What is a moderators responsibility to step in and maintain order when the yelling continues unabated for five minutes. Or was that part of the story . Its always a tricky piece, having been there and done that. People you can never satisfy everyone. Actually, a couple of those exchanges, as heated as they were, were instructive when they were going after donald trump on whether or not hed been fined a Million Dollars for hiring illegals, what his net worth may be, what about his tax returns and when ted cruz was making the point i was there on immigration. Those were relevant points. My problem with the debate last night was that were not getting at issue that the country needs. None. We have a flat economy going on right now on the democratic side we are. Not only that, folks, in the last two weeks, weve had two more Mass Shootings p 350 People Killed in america in Mass Shootings in the last year. One last cnight. And one last night in kansas. Thats a stunning thing. You can look at all of these 10 debates, insults flying back and forth, a lot of petulance and yet you dig inside those bloomberg polls weve been talking about all day, in the deep south the number one issue guns. No. Jobs. By a long shot. The numberone issue is jobs. All the other issues, all the social issues whether its guns or abortion or the environment, theyre at the bottom. Its jobs, jobs, jobs. All these guys are doing are insulting each other. And nobody is talking about jobs. Theres always the difference between the primary debates and the general election. What theyre doing is going after a constituency trying to get over 50 to get them home and there was a lot of that last night playing to the immigration heated debate that goes on in the s. E. C. , as we call the primary this is week, and in texas especially. But if trump beats cruz in texas and kasich is in trouble in ohio and marco is losing by 15, 20 points inc florida in two different polls. Heres what will happen in washington and other pundit places. It will look like the American Embassy when the iranians were coming home. Well be feeding stuff into the fire thank you for that. Thank you, tom brokaw, its already begun. Lets show the debate. Marco rubio challenging trump as a hypocrite on immigration and trade. If he builds the wall the way he built trump towers hell be using illegal immigrant labor to do it. [ cheers and applause ] so cute. Such a cute soundbite. About the trade war, beyond because your ties and the clothes you make are made in mexico and china. So youll be starting a trade war against your own ties and suits. Why dont you make them in america . Because they devalue their currencies. Then make them in america. Well, you dont know a thing about business, you lose on everything you do. They devalue their currencies to such an extent that our businesses cannot compete with them. Our workers lose their jobs. So you make them in china and russia. Well, you dont know anything about it. I dont know anything about bankrupting four companies. Heres a guy that buys ac house for 179,000, he sells it to a lobbyist whos probably here for 380,000 and then legislation is passed. You tell me about this guy. Heres a guy that inherited 200 million. If he hadnt inherited 200 million, you know where donald trump would be right now . Selling watches in manhattan. [ cheers and applause ] i took 1 million and i turned it into 10 billion. I borrowed 1 million. Then release the tax returns so we can see how much money you make. I borrowed 1 million, i turned it into 10 billion. He doesnt make that much money. So chuck todd, people having saying for some time that the candidates, especially rubio, should go after donald trump, last night he did and he did it after a spate of polls came out that showed the race to be almost over. The bloomberg polls in the deep south and then in florida those two polls that showed rubio losing by almost 20 points the. Question of the morning, is it too little too late or could this change things next tuesday . What i was struck at the most last night is that lastc night the normal rules of political debate applied. Meaning the people that were behind attacked the frontrunner. What was so amazing about last night was that was the most that i think donald trump had really ever been attacked by multiple candidates, mostly right, cruz and rubio. And whats im sorry, i think its remarkable that it took to the 10th debate before pressure was applied to trump. Is it too little too late . Well find out on tuesday. I think rubio certainly if you look at what donors wanted to see from him, what a bunch of people sitting on the sidelines who dont want to see trump as the nominee, who have been hesitant to jump on the rubio bandwagon, particularly after what happened in new hampshire, did he perform well enough for them . My guess is he did. He was relentless. I think at times he did get under trumps skin. Cruz disappeared early in the debate. I thought he came back late. But youve got to give trump credit. I thought he countered pretty well. He didnt just take the pummelling. He did return fire a little cb. But i have to say chuck, dont you but joe one more thing. The audit defense on tax returns was awful. Theres just to make that your well, im getting aud it th audited. Anyone else id say thats a massive unforced error, with trump you dont know. I think it works for him because it shows how the irs is hounding everybody and hes getting audited. Okay, im audited every year. Really, you are, buddy . This, zmuk did he do better or worse than he did in the South Carolina debate that we judged as a complete collapse . I thought he was better last night. Thats what im saying. I thought he collapsed in South Carolina. The polls showed he went up so if that performance causes him to go up four or five points, i dont know what will help donald trump weve said it before, it helps marco rubio because marco rubio answers the bell. He finally gets upc and punche the guy, the heavyweight champion in the face time and time and time again and he doesnt back down. And thats good. Not for 2016, it may be too late but as we set up for 2020 because i suspect youll see him move ahead of ted cruz and as those who jockey for whos the next nominee in 2020 if thats the case. Not only did rubio perform well stylistically, he was relentless, he went back at trump. In the past when weve seen people like jeb bush, hed go at trump once and when trump hit back he had nowhere to go after. That rubio was well prepared with the research. The question, gene robinson, is a lot of this stuff is lowhanging fruit. You say all the jobs are going to mexico and china yet you make all your clothes and ties in mexico and the china. Why havent we heard this stuff at least on the debate stage . Weve seen in the the press. Why havent we heard it from other candidates until last night . Well, because they were scared. They were scared to do it. They because attacking trump got you out of the race, basically. The candidates who had gone after him before are no longer with us. Last nights debate was fascinating. It was a cage match, as tom brokaw said and you could listen to it on the verbal level. There was the verbal level and nonverbal level. On the verbal level and what was said, clearly rubio struck blow after blow, the watches in manhattan line actually was brilliant and brilliantly delivered. The Trump University stuff i thought was damaging. People would get that. Cruz late in the debate was an effective prosecutor i thought in crossexamining trump so on the verbal level clearly he took blows. On the nonverbal level you had the big dog in the middle and you had two yapping smaller dogs on either side who did not dislodge him. That was the sort of image that you got from the whole evening. So in that sense who knows what hurts donald trump. Most of his voters seem to have made up their minds a while ago and they dont seem shaken by this sort of thing. Mary . The reality is, if Republican Voters are going tn choose donald trump, then donald trump has to be vetted and what we saw last night were a lot of big rid flags about trump. He says hes getting audited every year, he refuses to release his past tax returns. Well, thats the first time weve heard that excuse and to my knowledge theres no reason why he cant release past returns. Whats in them if republicans go with trump, hes going to face a Hillary Clinton who looks very serious, very president ial, whos very ready for him. So he needs to be attacked mary, shes not releasing just as much as hes not releasing. Theyll cancel each other out on this. Thats true. But look at the excerpts of the interview with her you just played. Essentially what she just said is, if you like your 2 economy, you can keep your 2 economy. She spouted a lot of nonsense about how shes all for good schools. You know what . Shes backed by the teachers unions. Shes absolutely against school choice. So she can sound serious while spouting a lot of nonsense and really saying were going to have a third term of obama. So what were reading in the wall street journal editorial is trump for president inc the fall . That will be fascinating. Cant wait for that. Tom, so what happens now . We wait for super tuesday. If the polls go the way theyre looking right now, it looks like a decisive donald trump win. Does the Republican Party start lining up behind this man or do we see a thirdparty challenge from bloomberg or from another republican . On the bloomberg piece of it, ive talked to him a couple times and hes not ready to pull the trigger yet and it will get harder and harder for him to do that as the trump phenomenon continues if it does continue after all this. As you know, its very tough getting on the ballot as a third party candidate. When ross perot got 19 of the vote that was a triumph, but it was only 19 of the vote and he had a long runup to doing that. The Republican Party establishment, whatever it is, hope that he does not get to the nomination in the primaries. That hell be well short of that. And then they can broke err convention in some passion. But theyre in a panic mode about the fact that donald trumc will be the nominee. I think the tax returns are critical at this stage, quite honestly. Hes being called out by everyone and when he says i cant do it because im being audited. Lets see the last nine years. Look, head to head, trump loses to bernie and he loses to hillary and cruz tried to point that out last night when he kept talking about trumps electability. Now im sure that doesnt speak to trumps supporters because trump has his supporters just arent swayed. Its about 30 . But it may sway some voters in the middle. Look, my point is if republicans want to go with trump they need to understand what theyre getting and they need to understand that they might lose the general election. Kristen, can you explain who the republican primary voters are that are supporting trump . Republican primary voters who are supporting trump are typically working class folks who are frustrated. That they feel like america has changed in a bad direction in the last couple of years, over the last decade or two and that they are being left behind. So most people voting for trump, theyre doing so because they sort of want to change the directionc of where things are going. They dont want to be left behind. Thats why the attacks up to this point saying trumps not conservative have failed. What was fascinating and the reason why rubios attacks last night were important is because he finally did Something Different than what other people are doing. Its not just that rubio went on the attack. Its that he finally used different attacks that havent been levied on the debate stage. That might be potentially per situationive to folks who dont care that trump isnt conservative but want somebody whos competent and can win. Chuck todd the Republican Party in the rubio camp is dreaming of a brokered convention. Thats all they have. Thats all they have. But lets say even if this debate moved things five points in rubios direction trump still wins all 13 contests on super tuesday. He still wins florida, may lose texas. If we get past super tuesday next week and trump dominates the way it looks like hes going to dominate right now, is the dream of the brokered convention dead in the water . Absolutely. Look, its ac Pretty Simple chuck, they have to stop him before super tuesday. Correct. Its well, know, its march 15. Thats the deadline. On super tuesday because of the proportional go ahead, lets put rubio, give him another three points. So lets say he averages in the high 20s in many of these states rather than the low to mid20s. Trumps sits at his 35 to 40 depending on the state. Hell have 100 to 110 delegate lead but the real test is ohio and florida. If trump wins them both, its over. Hes halfway hell be at 600 plus. Thats halfway to the magic number. No one else will be within, i think, 250, 300. So 16 years later its still all about florida, florida, florida. And theres only two outcomes, either trump becomes the presumptive nominee or were headed to a brokered convention. Trump has enough of a lead already, hell get en delegates on super tuesday that its impossible for anybody else to win this before the convention so its either trump now or a convention . And todd harris, the chairman of rubios Campaign Said the media needs to chill, marco rubio is going to win florida, period, take it to the bank. What chuck says is correct and here is the problem for the republicans and this is if trump does all that what chuck just outlined and they decide to have a broerk brokeredn convention, theyre defying the will of the people. Theyre alienating everybody who went for trump. This has been the case from the getgo. And the party breaks up in its own way. Thats a huge issue about are they playing by the establishment rule source there a new Republican Party that trump has managed to personify with his style and positions . Not exactly where i stand but quickly, the audit narrative, i predict it plays into trumps favor. Why is that . Because im being audited every year they audit me. Theres more there and it will play into his favor. Chuck todd, thank you. Again, every other candidate would have to release it will play in his favor. This is also in iowa. Theres never been more true than this. I support the crazy one. Are you talking about sanders . Is that the prosanders fill in the blank. Democrat or republican. Whatever you want to do. Chuck, what are you working on for meet the press on sunday . Were getting close to most of the candidates that are left so well see how many we have. But we have a primary tomorrow night. Oh, my gosh. Kristen soltye soltis anderson, you so much. Tom brokaw as well. We all support the crazy one. Join, stay with us. Up next, our oneonone interview with Hillary Clinton in South Carolina. We ask why nothing seems to stick to donald trump and much of it does to her and her take on how her campaign is going right now. And his campaign. Watch this. I think its been mostc surprising to me sotto see somy who was affable and good company and have a reputation that is bigger than life really traffic in a lot of prejudice and paranoia in some of the comments that hes made which have been so divisive and mean spirited doesnt quite fit with what i thought i knew about him. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive i thione second its there. Day. Then, woosh, its gone. I swear i saw it swallow seven people. Seven. I just wish one of those people could have been mrs. Johnson. [dog bark] trust me, were dealing with a higher intelligence here. The allnew audi q7 is here. Job what do you think . Marys going into the voting booth shesc got major derangemen syndrome on both sides. Shes sitting there and sees two name trump and clinton. What does she do . What do you do, mary . You have to think about the Supreme Court. So what do you do . In that instance, you have to think do i want 30 years of an incredibly liberal Supreme Court that just may youre going to vote for donald trump. That makes up the law. No, im telling you the calculation of conservatives. So that means donald trump. Youre a trump person. Im telling you okay, fine. Mary kissel for donald trump. More of our discussion with Hillary Clinton. You going back to the newsroom i dont sit in a newsroom. We sat down with the contender ahead of South Carolinas primary vote. Take a look. I want to ask you Something Else we talked about on the show, bob woodward came with a big folder that said trump on it and he said were going to go after this guy. He is going to be the next nominee and nobodys gone after him. I said, bob, theyve written all the articles, nothing seems to stick to him. And i said the bigger question is not why the press hasntc investigated him because they have the question is why doesnt anything stick to him whereas everything seems to stick to Hillary Clinton . Its got to be frustrating for you to see sort of the double standard not necessarily among the press but among the voters but why do you think that is that nothing sticks to donald trump but if you wrote something in 1973, the press would be chewing on it for two weeks . Foryou said something in 1994 someone would hold up a sign and take it out of context in front of a speech youre doing. Which we saw today which is ridiculous. I have a couple responses to this. I think part of the reason why im going to be the nominee and the next president is because i have withstood all this. I have been vetted. Ive been at this for decades now and despite all the incoming, im still here, im still forging ahead because i think in most cases most people kind of see through it and we go on together. The vetting on these other candidates has not even begun. And it will. And ic think if you look my best memory on this, joe, is that the republicans in nevada had fewer voters turn out than we did in nevada. I think it was like 70,000 to 80,000. Thats a very small group of people who are making this decision right now. When it moves to the general election, i think youre going to see a real seriousness of people whoever the republicans nominate turning and saying what do we know . Wbr id wbr51720 its most likely going to be donald trump, though, isnt it . Right now it looks like that but im not going handicap their race. How surprised are you knowing donald trump as long as youve known donald trump . And i said shes exactly right when you answered the question, you said hes fun, hes an interesting guy, hes fun. How surprised are you that we are finding our we woke up after nevada and everybody in washington said oh, my god, this guy is most likely going to be the next nomination. I didnt know him that well but i did know him. But its been most surprising to me to see somebody who was affable and was good company c and, you know, had a reputation of being bigger than life really traffic in a lot of the prejudice and paranoia and some of the comments that hes made b which has been so divisive and mean spirited doesnt quite fit with what i thought i knew about him. So i think it will be interesting to see what if he does get the nomination he decides to do with it how he presents himself. But he has really been offensive and in many respects surprising to those of us who did know him. Lets talk about the email controver controversy. Sometimes your spokespeople wil come out and say that this is a republican attack. Its the right wing going after you again. But obviously the fbi is involved . Well, theres two things and the New York Times has been reporting on this for some time. So you could take elements of benghazi and say republicans were driving this for a political purpose but here you ot suggesting the fbi here you investigation is politicized are you . No, but theres two Different Things. There is a security inquiry going on and if we respect that, its on its own timetable but its moving forward. But the other one, the lawsuit, theyre not talking about the security inquiry, theyre talking about Judicial Watch. Not the underlying investigation. No. So there are two Different Things. I am personally not concerned about it. I think there will be a resolution on the security inquiry. The litigation others have brought and some of them are rightwing outfits, those will proceed and im not worried or concerned about them. I just dont want people to confuse the two. So in the early primary states, younger women supported a 74yearold socialist man. [ laughter ] a man, man, as austin powers would say. c its a man, man what do you make there were news stories along the wbrid wbr53520 way looking at how women connect with you. I think it comes down to trust issues again, possibly not. Maybe you tell me. Whats going on . Especially with younger women. I think with younger women i think they have every reason to feel like things are kind of messed up. A lot of them have gotten a education with a huge price ago attached to it with student debt. Theyre not getting the jobs they thought they would get. I think theres a lot of real frustration. And ive talked to many, many young people and even not just those who support me, those who support my opponent and thats what comes through. Its like, hey, the economy has failed us, the governments failed us and you know were excited by somebody who says were going to change it all, were going to start all over again. I totally get that. I can vaguely remember being that age and feeling a little bit like that myself. So i keep saying i want to meet people where they are and particularly young people. Thats why ic put forth all of these ideas about student debt and college affordability. The things they talk to me about and also tackle a lot of the barriers, whether its racism or sexism or anything else that is worrying them. Equal pay. Equal pay. Huge issue. And young women ask me about it all the time. So ive said many times, look, i know a lot of them are not for me right now but im for them and i feel very optimistic when we get into the general election against whoever the republicans nominate, you know, theres going to be a clear distinction that ill be able to build on and im going to take people where they are and a lot of young people are very worried about their futures. At the same time, theyre the among the most generous and tolerant. You have two at home. Theyre generous, tolerant, open minded. Theyre willful, theyre materialistic, they can be very selfish, too. Stop talking about your daughters. I think what we want to do, though, is love them as they are and then try to figure out how do we create a better path for them so when i say thesec thin like i want you to have all the opportunities that you deserve in america. Its not hollow. Its got real meat to it and they can believe it with. When i draw contrasts with senators sanders, its not because we disagree on goals. I want to get to universal health coverage, too, i just think i have a better way of getting there. So we have a real dialogue. Thats what im looking for. Speaking of a real dialogue, when weve been around the country for the past seven or eight years talking to group after group, whether its the 92nd street y or roural alabama were struck by how much people are alike, how their views of america are so similar and how theyre concerned about the same thing and that is that we have a government that doesnt work. And whether its a very liberal audience were speaking to or conservative audience they always ask why cant they talk to each other . You understand if republicans elected, democrats are politically going to try to knock their heads off. There is no substitute for building relationships and ill tell you a story which might surprise you. But in the 90s, i have a passion about foster care and adoption and what we can do to make it better, more kids get permanent homes and i was trying to figure out, well, who could i get in the congress to work with me on this . So i did my research and found out tom delay had been a foster parent. I called him up. He was as surprised to hear from me as i was surprised to be calling him and i said congressman, would you work with me on a big reform on adoption and foster care . Silence, he said well, what do you want me to do . I said come to the white house, well have a meeting and figure out how we can do this. And he did. Im not sure i could have found any other Common Ground than that one slice, but thats what i want to do. There are people there who are honorable, who care about solving problems on both sides of the aisle. How do we begin to connect with each other, to see each other as human sfwhbeings . You and i know there are outliers who will never compromise, but theyre still thankfully a minority. How do we have a more open process to bring people in, to listen to them . I thought what patti murray and paul ryan did after the Government Shutdown in the fall of 2013 was a textbook example. They were charged with go get a budget. Weve had this reallyc bitter experience. They didnt start by walking into a Conference Room flanked by their acolytes carrying binders. They had breakfast together. They called each other on the phone. They actually got to know each other as people. What a novel idea. Weve got to get back to that. I know its hard because people fly in, they fly out, theyre not there, we dont have the opportunities. I think what youve heard and what you both have experienced traveling around is people across our country want that to happen. We just have to do more to create the conditions where its a winwin as much as possible. I will also stand my ground on things i dont agree with, but lets try to find as much Common Ground as possible. President clinton said governors and president s cant afford to have long memories. Yes. Weve heard stories in the press before about how youre tough and driven and you remember people that slight you. When youre president of the United States, is that your governing philosophy as well if you get elected president of the United States . That you need to have a shortc memory and you need to wake up every morning and forget about what happened . Absolutely. When i got to the senate, Lindsey Graham was my colleague. Lindsey, yeah. And we started to get to know each other. There was a lot of history there, as you know, and then we teamed up to get health care for National Guard members. I travelled with him and john mccain. Is we got to know each other and that is exactly what i will do. There are very few people orcyv events in politics where you say you have to write somebody off. There are a couple where people really do things that are just so inimmickable and really indefensible. But otherwise you take people where they are, try to get to know them better and find that Common Ground. When i was shepherding the start streety through the senate, i spent countless hours on the phone in meetings, what do you need, how do we doc this . What expert do you want to talk to . How can i do this to reassure you . Im hands on about this because i dont think theres any way other than to do that. All right, still ahead, weve shown you the food fight moments from last nights debate. There was one much more dignified moment that happened before the fighting started. Well have that straight ahead. Wed also like to welcome a very special guest with us here tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, the 41st president of the United States, George Herbert walker bush and former first lady barbara bush. [ cheers and applause ] dad, you can just drop me off right here. Oh no, ill take you up to the front of the school. Thats where your friends are. Seriously, its, its really fine. You dont want to be seen with your dad . No, its. No. Oh, theres tracy. 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I used to like that song. Up next, much more with our political round table with the washington posts Eugene Robinson and the washington posts mary kissel. And well bring in the u. S. Conference of mayor, Baltimore Mayor stephanie rawlingsblang. Well be right back with much more morning joe. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Her lifes work has been about breaking barriers. And so would her presidency. Which is why, for every american whos not being wbr id wbr61037 paid what theyre worth. Whos held back by student debt or a system tilted against them and there are far too many of you she understands that our b country cant wbrid wbr61337 reach its potential. Unless we all do. Together. A stronger country. Thats a loophole that my opponent voted for where you have to finish the background check within three days and if you dont finish it, too bad, you still have to sell the gun. The killer in charleston, that young man filled with hatred and racism, went to buy a gun at the end of three days they didnt have all thec information but under the law he was entitled to get it and he got it. And only later did they find out he had a criminal conviction, he should have never been able to buy the gun in the first place. And you know what he did, he took that gun and he went to church, he went to mother emanuel. That was secretary Hillary Clinton contrasting her record on guns with that of senator Bernie Sanders. Joining us now, mayor stephanie rawlingsblake as baltimore, she serves as president of the United States conference of mayors and secretary of the Democratic National committee. Mary kiss i Donny Deutsch with us as well. Lets bring up the issue of guns. A big problem in baltimore. A lot of guns used in crimes and murders in your city are acquired illegally. They dont go through the traditional background system check so how do you get those guns out of the system . How do you stop murders happening in baltimore . Its interesting you say that. We had a case last year where 30 guns a weekend were coming in from out of state. It is a huge problem and thats why the conference of mayorsc again bipartisan organization. Were not republicans. We are asking for the candidates for president and those who wish to lead our country and congress to be real about how we can step the tide of illegal guns. We need a federal government to invest and protect and we say protect, we need stronger partnerships between federal Law Enforcement officers so we can stop this onslaught of guns that are destroying our cities. What do you say to gun advocates to who say some of the places with the strongest gun laws like chicago for example are some of the places that have the worst gun crime statistics. I would say just really need to stop it. How many shootings does it take. How many children have to die on our street before they realize they cant just say no. They cant just block it. Lets figure out what we can do. Its so sad that that we are stuck in this country not willing to stand up to say that you might havec what can we doo make our country safer . You know well the wall street journal gun advocate say this is not a question of having laws. This is a societal problems, not the guns that are the problem. Lets be real about the problem is. Its black on black violence and thats something the mayor isnt speaking about and thats what we should be speaking about. We should also be speaking about the real problem which is politicians running against the police forces. What worked here in new york city was stop, question, and frisk which kept guns off the streets and protected the largely minority communities in our urban areas here in new york city. That worked. But now you have a federal candidate, candidate for president running against the police, stoking racial tensions instead of stepping back and saying how do we solve the problem based on whats worked in the past. Would you like to respond . Or i can. M rjtjj jjq e to st. The facts are very clear. I talk about blackon black crime all the time. We have a call to action for africanamerican men to step up and into the community. But what we heard from her is the same stuff were always hearing, a bunch of gibberish and no solutions. You can point the finger all you want, that doesnt make us safer. Well, and im with all due respect, mary, i have lesser issues with stop and frisk as long as they go to every community and stop and frisk. Well, you have to target the communities where the crime is occurring. The crime isnt occurring on the Upper East Side of new york. Do you know how many people are getting hauled in for mare w marijuana in their pockets and lines around the corner with citations that get thrown out, that throw people off course who are already struggling to get on course. Are you kidding me . Stop and frisk, fine, but bring it to your community and mine as well. And have the white kids with the pot in their pockets brought into jail as well. I think criminal Justice Reform is a separate issue and i think theres bipartisan no, its not its not a separate cissue, if youre stopping and frisking youre screwing with the criminal Justice System and throwing a ton of minorities in there. There is a bipartisan consensus on capitol hill for criminal Justice Reform. I agree with you on that, but you have to protect these communities now because it isnt is 1 elites on the Upper East Side who are at risk today, it is the largely black and hispanic communities in places like baltimore, chicago, new york. By the way, cities that are ruled by liberals and have been ruled by liberals for decades. These are the people that have to be protected and im sorry, i have proposed a solution, stop question and frisk works. And creates massive racial tension, gene, can you help . Well, look, there was a federal lawsuit, a successful federal lawsuit against stop and frisk in new york city and whatn the few instances when police did stop and frisk whites in white neighbor hootds they found illegal weapons and contraband at a higher rate than they were finding in minorityc neighborhoods. So the issue with that policy was always would it kill you to stop and frisk some white guys . Would it kill you to stop and frisk yes, in the Upper East Side and Lower Manhattan and in places where, guess what, we dont find crime because we dont look for it there. So clearly the policy was applied in a discriminatory fashion, they had to revise it because that was the finding of a federal lawsuit. Do you care about appearances or do you really care about black lives . Thats where the murders are actually happening is in those communities, black on black crime. That is why the police went to those communities. Mary fairness is not a matter of appearance, fairness is fairness, equality is equality. You cant apply a policy in a discriminatory fashion and that is what was found in a federal lawsuit that us cad the policy to be changed. Stephanie. What shes suggesting is the way that we solve americas problems is to continue to make minorities second class citizens. Again, not real solutions. My hope is that maria and the rest of the peoplec who are so unwilling to take on the nra, look at themselves in the mirror and get real. We know that we have crime in minority communities, in poor communities, regardless of race, but what she is saying doesnt help. Weve seen where the divide between the community and the police has caused. Look at baltimore. Caused huge problems in our community. We dont want to see that again and the solution is not going to be just stop more people. We know its wrong. This is a conversation we need to continue obviously. My daughter by the way loving baltimore and is working in the community. I love to hear that. Volunteering and tutoring. Its got a lot of great things going on, especially in the arts community. Thank you stephanie rawlingsblake, Eugene Robinson and mary kissel as always. Morning joe continues as we come right back. Up next, after being whipped into shape by Chris Christie marco rubio comes out swinging at donald trump during last nights Republican Debate. Could it change the race or is it too little too late . He lifted the hammer. Thats good. Plus more from our sit down interview with Hillary Clinton including the moment she says she realized some voters are having trust issues with her and what she plans to do about that. Moeblng is back in a minute. Was engineered. To help sense danger before you do. Because when you live to innovate, you innovate to live. The allnew audi q7. A higher form of intelligence has arrived. patrick 2 pretty great. Ke to be the boss of you . patrick 1 how about a 10 raise . patrick 2 how about 20 . patrick 1 how about done . patrick 2 thats the kind of control i like. And thats what they give me at national car rental. I can choose any car in the aisle i want without having to ask anyone. Who better to be the boss of you. patrick 1 than me. I mean, you. Us. vo go national. Go like a pro. Excuse me. We are going to take those people and those people are going to be serviced by doctors and hospitals, we are going to make deals on it, but we are not going to let them die in the streets. Gentlemen. Gentlemen. Please. I want to clarify something. I want to move on. That attack i want he says the government doesnt support healthcare. Gentlemen. Gentlemen. We are having a lot of fun up here tonight. I have to tell you. Thank you for the book. I really appreciate it. Donald, relax. Im relaxed. You are the basket case. Go ahead. Dont get nervous. Myc name is makes anyone nervous. People are actually watching this at home. You dont know whats happening. Gentlemen. Okay. Now hold on. Im going to get my answer. I want to move on. What ive seen up here, i mean, first of all, this guy is a choke artist and this guy is a liar. This guy always you have a combination of factors other than that i rest my case. This is the typical thing he does. One at a time. Gentlemen. Governor kasich, you have the floor. I get a response to that. You will have a response but i promised governor kasich he can respond. Can somebody attack me, please . Whoa. Whoa. [ cheers and applause ] that kind of sums up the night. Can somebody please attack me. Please . Please . Did you see that . Look, it was like fruit salad. It was fruit salad. On fire. Somebody poured gasoline on it and lit a match. Good morning, everyone, its friday, february 26. That was a hot mess. A hot mess. At one pointc i tweeted, th is you know, this is a disgrace because i dont know. Even after that section soon after that they were yelling, willie, at each other for about two minutes uninterrupted. Right. All three yelling at the same time. Well, in that clip there the frustrating thing is they were all talking over each other and its like lets stop, you talk, then you talk, then you talk. I thought that was an ugly part. I will say right from the beginning marco rubio did finally what everyone has been asking him to do. He came out fighting. He fought. We will be showing some of that, donny joyce is here as is sam stein, in washington republican pollster and columnist at the Washington Examiner Kristen Soltis anderson and in houston managing editor for Bloomberg Politics mark halperin. We were in touch with him all night as he was analyzing this firsthand. Give us your report card, mark, really quickly. I gave marco rubio and donald trump a minuses, again, my grades are based on performance and how the performance affects the candidates chances of being a nominee. Rubios performance most surprising is he never flinched. Everyone else who has gone up against trump in these debates have had moments they have flinched, i dont think rubio took trump down but i do think he showed a fortitude and a lot of people and rubio were wondering why didnt he do this sooner . Any impacts. Bloomberg came out with polls that shows donald trump absolutely crushing everybody in the deep south, marco rubio saw two florida polls yesterday showing him being crushed in his home state of florida where he is a sitting senator. Eqn your mind given whats happened over the past nine debates . I dont see any reason to think that this would separate any of Donald Trumps supporters from him and i think he last night was his normal self. He stayed on message, he had moments where he was really under attack and he held his own and i think he talked a lot about what he wanted to talk about. I gave ted cruz and john kasich bs and ben carson a c plus, but rubios performance while strong doesnt erasec the huge gap he has not just in florida but in that Bloomberg Politics poll where trump is in the Southern States voting on tuesday way ahead, even though voters know that he is not the most conservative person in the race. Were going to get to an incredible moment of the night but first we should let everyone know we flew down to South Carolina yesterday, we have a big interview with Hillary Clinton to show you, extremely wide ranginranging, sat down wi well over a half an hour. It was fascinating. She was very relaxed. She was what she had been in 2008 when she really went on that run. So thats coming up as well. But back to the debate. There was this moment where rubio demanded trump offer explanations for his healthcare policies and then look what happened. Be aware of this, donald, because you dont follow this stuff very closely because here is what happened, when they passed obamacare they put a bail out fund in the law that would allow public money to be used, taxpayer money to bail out companies when they lost money and we led the effort and wiped out that bail out fund. What is your plan . c i understand the lines around the state, whatever that means, this is not a game where you draw maps and you dont know what it means. Thats the problem. What is your plan on healthcare . The biggest problem hes got is he really doesnt know about the lines. The biggest thing weve got and the reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state and you have you have you already mentioned that as part of my plan. I know what that is but what else is part of your plan . The only thing is to get rid of the lines around the states the lines around the state thats your plan. Instead of having one Insurance Company taking care of new york and texas you will have many, they will compete and it will be a beautiful thing. So thats the only part of the plan . Just the lines, the interstate competition . You have many different plans. You will have competition. You will have so many different plans. Now hes repeating himself. No, im not. No. No. No. Mr. Trump. I watched him melt down on the stage like i have never seen anybody. Lets focus on the substance. Lets talk about your plan. It says five things, everyone is cdumb, hes going to make America Great again, were going to win, win, win, hes winning in the polls and the lines around the state. Every night. Beautiful. It was a beautiful thing. Thats america right there. What a difference between the democratic debates and the Republican Debates. Where you actually talk about policy in the democratic debates. The democratic debates are oneonone now and that really does help. I dont think anybody is paying attention to any of the substantive issues there, i think clearly rubio had a very, very strong night. He was on the offensive and what i think he did is what i would do if i was advising anybody to go against trump, go after him as a businessman, Trump University, youve hired immigrants. I dont think it makes a difference, though. You are if you are a Trump Supporters, you were lensing it through thats my guy, he was punching back and if you didnt like trump you still dont like him. Had rubio started that way we would have been a different race. There is a devils advocate theory about rubios night is he spent all this time crafted an image as someone who elevated positive thinking, forward looking, the future of the party and to get into the mud with trump might have hurt that brand as a branding guy what do you think . I dont think it hurted him at all i think he added a dimension to it. It was not, okay, this is not a guy looking to the future. This was a guy who punched back and did not flinch. I was shocked because if you go against trump its tough to keep your footing but i thought for the first time trump was in the position of not even defending himself but at least having to swat those things away. It was a strong night for rubio. I dont think it moves the point picture. Here is the thing, though. Im with mark halperin. If you look at the polls, you look at the fact hes 20 points down in his home state, marco rubio, you look at how badly most of us think other than donald trump how badly most of us think donald trump did in South Carolina, the south so we thought. Compared to last night. Thats what im saying it doesnt matter. Thats why i say it doesnt matter butc this is why it matters to marco rubio, because rubio and cruz are not just fighting for 2016. Marco rubio is losing in the next 11, 12 he is going to lose 15 primaries in a row. Hes not going to probably even get to florida, but do you know what, rubio and cruz have to prove to their donors that they are worthy in 2016 to be in poll position. Marco rubio cant hear over the next three years, marco, id give you money again, man, but you had you had the chance to fight trump and you never did. For marco rubio to be able to raise the money that he needs to raise in 2016, he had to do what he did last night. I doubt its going to move the polls for him that much, maybe a little bit. Here is another thing, too, willie, if it gets him ahead of ted cruz by instead of half a point, one, two, three points and he can go into 2020 going, do you know what, i took on ted cruz, he had more money, he had a Better Organization and i beat cruz and then he starts naming the states. Right. Because these two guys are young, they are like in their mid 40s. I cmean, how old is marco . 44, i think. 44. So in 2020 hes going to be 48 years old. So he had to do this because we were all saying, his donors were all saying, all the writers were saying why is he scared of donald trump . He proved last night even though its not going to make a difference he is not scared of donald trump and if hes going to be the future of the Republican Party, which he has been called by Time Magazine and every else he has to prove by punching back. If you talk to them hes not giving up this time around. He Still Believes if he gets in a one on one with trump there is a way. You may disagree with that its not that i disagree with that. It goes back to willie. If you look at every super tuesday poll, he is out for four right now, down in all 11 super tuesday states, probably lose 15 in a row and then hes got to go to florida where hes down 20 points. If hes 015, 016, 017 he doesnt run in florida because he knows hes got a Bright Future he may be governor in 18 or run for senator agaifc in 1. It brings up the point why didnt they do this type of attack against trump months and months and months ago. You remember 2008 Hillary Clinton the inevitable candidate and everyone was asking barack obama go after her during a debate, this was in the fall of 2008 and it took actually chris dodd to go after her in that debate, going after her on undocumented citizens, drivers licenses in new york for her to finally get the gleam ripped off of her. Youre wondering if they had done in back in september, bakt back in october would it have made a difference . No. You dont think so . Listen, i have to say this again, donny, just following up with that question, if any debate performance was going to hurt donald trump it would have been South Carolina. It would have been South Carolina. We went back to september. Im telling you if you just for the first time out of the box were watching that were watching that debate, you would say, wow, rubio is the guy and trump is not really a viable candidate. Youre coming in now lensing it through the trump win, win, win. Soc theres so much equity in m right now, theres so many built in graph a tas. People are finishing his sentences for him. If you watch last night fresh you would say rubio was the guy, but too little, too late and its just not going to happen. We put up a story yesterday about how these campaigns didnt even put up a research to get trump over the summer because they assumed he would go away. Last night was a research debate, they could have done that months and months and months ago had they prepared. Still ahead our complete interview with Hillary Clinton. Did something specific change for her and her campaign after their win in nevada . Youre watching morning joe. We will be right back. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive tomorrow in South Carolina Hillary Clinton looks to notch her third victory of the democratic president ial primary race and we sat down with her yesterday in that state for a wide ranging conversation about the issues and her candidacy. So as you know on our show we sort of speak our mind, for better or worse sometimes for candidates, for you sometimes worse. We didnt make her laugh right at the top. Over the past couple days we have said for better that you seem to be a different candidate since nevada. In fact, the second you got up on stage and started speaking in nevada,c reminded me of the Hillary Clinton from 2008. What was different . What is different now . Thats a great observation. I dont know. I think it does take me a little bit longer to get into the rhythm of campaigning, to feel what im doing and how its working and i felt just really good. We hit our stride in nevada. I felt like not only was the gain and campaign and message of breaking all barriers taking hold that people could understand it but i felt like we were on the upward trajectory. You also said something, too, in an interview, im not sure which one it was, but it was weve been talking about how calculating you were and how it seems to be not the person that we know personally, but you said in an interview earlier this week that your biggest challenge was convincing voters that you were not interested in what was best for you. Right. You had to convince them that you were doing this for them. Right. Right. Talk about that. Well, you know ndc at misconceptions that u may feel youve been fighting. I have to this has kind of come to me over the last months because, you know, it is painful, its hurtful to have people say, oh, i dont trust her, i dont know why shes doing it and it suddenly struck me, well, maybe there is this underlying question, like is she doing it for herself or is she really in it for us and ive always thought of myself as being serviceoriented, always believed that i was in it for, you know, trying to help people get a better shot in life, even the odds, and i think im just going to keep reaching out, talking about what ive done, what i will do and making the case that people can count on me because they always have in the past. So somebody said Something Else very funny today when i said she just seems different and she seemed different this week, shes more relaxed, shes what weve been saying all along she should be and its really surprising and i think it was halperin on the set said, no the clintons actually have a 30year history of near death experiences and then c resurrections. So the question is why dont you just make it easier on yourself and forget the lazarus routine and just make it easy from the gaining for your supporters and friends . Okay. Lets do that from now on. I like that alternative. Thats an interesting observation. And there may be some truth to it. Right. Because part of it is, though, i always feel like i am carrying a big weight of responsibility for so many people. I really do have this sense that a lot of people are counting on me, a lot of people are expecting me to help them, a lot of people are really in my corner and i think that does sometimes get me a little bit, you know, tensed up to be honest. I think im inflicted by the responsibility. Since were getting ready for the interview and mika was writing things and she was writing notes and everything i was sitting here talking, how are you guys doing its how a man prepares and mika said, man versus me fretting over every note and carrying notes, she was like do you want notes . I wasc like no. Do you ever look at your husband and how he did it and go, its not fair . Well, look, i think mika and i understand this and maybe its because, you know, still today when you are a high achieving woman, particularly one in the public eye, you really are just expected to perform at a higher level all the time. Right. And there are not enough experiences with different styles or different approaches that women make men my goodness, theres a million different ways you can be successful, you can communicate, all the rest of t im not telling you anything you dont know. Im not a natural politician like bill clinton or barack obama. So for me it really came through the root of service, it really came through my deep conviction that, you know, we had to make sure that this country we all love kept producing opportunities for everybody and i see that narrowing and i see people being left out and it upsets me. So i invest a lot of energy and a lot of my own emotion into what i do and i think sometimes insteadc of that being as easyo understand as i would like it could be it sometimes is a little bit nerveracking. Right. We actually saw that with jeb. A guy who knew policy forward and backwards, but in 2016 it just didnt seem to be interpreted as well on the campaign trail. You have a lot of different branding and messages out there, you have donald trump make America Great again. Right. Bernie sanders, the system is rigged. What is your message simply . Break down the barriers so america and americans live up to their potential. That is it. Thats what i care about. Thats what ive always done. Thats what im talking about. I feel very comfortable talking about that. And it hit me because, look, i care deeply about the economic barriers, i think i have the best idea about how to help create jobs and get incomes rising and all the Different Things we have to do to get the economy growing but economic barriers are not the only things that hold people back. We were just talking about some of the genderrelated issues that hold women back, theres race, theres lgbt discrimination, theres you know, a lot ofc reasons why people feel somehow pushed down or left behind. So using this barriers metaphor really works for me because it helps me organize everything im talking about, knocking down barriers to quality health, to good education. We are in a county here where were doing this interview and its one of the i95 counties that there was a big documentary saying it was the corridor of shame because the schools are so poor, theyre falling down, kids are not being educated, they dont even have enough teachers. Thats a big barrier. No matter how, you know, loving your family might be, you dont have those opportunities, thats going to hold you back. Thats how you now think about what i want to do as president and it really helps me maybe do a better job of conveying that. So let me then ask you, you expressed concern about being held to a different standard as it pertains to the wall street speeches and you said you would release the transcripts when the republicans do. But isnt it more important perhaps to be transparent to democratic voters abota what you said to big banks behind closed doors . Well, i think i have been transparent. I have a record. Im not coming to this for the first time. People can go back, they can look at what i said and what i did when i was a senator. Im the one who called out wall street. I actually went to wall street in 07. I said, you guys are going to wreck the economy. I went after hedge fund loopholes. So where did you say that . Where did you say you guys back in december of 2007. I even ran an ad in the 08 campaign, it was in 07, warning about the mortgage crash and so im on record. I have gone after these guys, i have been pointing fingers at them, ive been introducing legislation. So people who want to know about my public record, its there to see. People want to know what i will do as president , everybody says who has looked at it i have the best plan to reign in wall street to prevent them from ever doing what they did to us before and i just want i want to move toward a level playing field. As i said, happy to do it when everybody including republicans do it. Dont you want to get ahead of it before somebody gets their hands onc these transcripts . No. I really dont. I want people i want people to look at my record. People are treating me sometimes as though i just decided to run for president. I have been on the record on a lot of these issues for a really long time. The real question underneath this is, okay, if you take money from wall street can you regulate wall street . Right. Well, barack obama took more money from wall street than any candidate who has ever run for president , turned around, passed and signed the doddfrank bill. So i think you should be judged on what youve done and im more than happy to put my record against Bernie Sanders. I mean, if you look at what caused the great recession, a bill he voted for in 2000 had a greater impact than most of the talk that were now doing. Lets get everybody out on the same field. I feel like, you know, i dont mind being responsive, i dont mind answering questions, but at some point i want everybody to have to answer. I respect that call. Can you assure the American People that you didnt say anything in those speeches that would undermine your promise. Absolutely. To be tough on wall street and big banks . cabsolutely. And besides im on the public record. Ive told them what im going to do. Ive said im going to go after big banks that pose a Systemic Risk. I want you to hold me accountable for that because i will do that exactly. Lets talk about this first of all. One of the kpleef complaints that everybody have is after the bail out the banks that were too big to fail got even bigger. Havent they . I think they have. Whether its bank of america or jpmorgan, any of these big banks well, know if they went down tomorrow we would all be on the line for that, right . No, we are not going to bail them out. They have gotten bigger but have been under much bigger scrutiny. If bank of america came to you lets just say any bank we found out that what happened to Lehman Brothers was going to happen to bank of america, your third week in office and they said, listen, this is very simple, you let us go down atm machines across america are going to shut down and our people arent going to be able to get their money. You have to save us or the economy collapses. I said under doddfrank we have an orderly unwin ing of your bank because you are now posing a Systemic Risk. But madam president the markets will absolutely collapse. Look how badly they collapsed after Lehman Brothers, we need you to step in now or you will be responsible for a global depression. Were going to do it in an orderly way so there will not be any surprises. The reason we passed doddfrank was to make it clear no bank is too big to fail, no executive too powerful to jail. Weve got to keep faith with the American People. Im sorry that youve made bad decisions but were going to have to unwind you and, yes, break you up. And parts of you will be very successful Going Forward and other parts wont and if there is any accountability that needs to be imposed on individual decisions we will also follow through on that. I think its so you can make the guarantee today that if youre president of the United States under no circumstances will there be a taxpayer funded bail out of these big banks . If they pose a Systemic Risk weve got the process under doddfrank now. Okay. The tools have been provided and we have to follow through on that. And the banks have to know that we will follow through. Thats a guarantee of no taxpayer bailout . No, because thats what we tried to fix in doddfrank. Right. Okay. My point too, though, joe, is this, i want to go further because if you really look at what happened in 07, 08 and you mentioned Lehman Brothers, it was investment banks like Lehman Brothers, big Insurance Companies like aig, mortgage Companies Like country wide. So the only culprits were not just the banks, there were others as well and im the only one with a plan who says, hey, guys, doddfrank is great, it gives us the foundation, it doesnt go far enough. We need to look at these other entities that pose Systemic Risks as well. A champion on these issues a elizabeth warren. Do you see a role for her in this campaign this is a recurring theme. You can feel my pain right here. I have the highest regard for her. I think shes doing an amazing job. She signed a letter two years ago urging me to run for president and we consult regularly, my staffs consult regularly with her staff. So i am very c let me ask you this followup question very much interested in what shes doing and what she thinks we should be doing. Let me ask mikas follow up question. Will you consider her as Vice President . I cant get presumptuous, right now i have to win the nomination and then im going to, you know, take a deep breath and maybe get a good nights sleep and then start thinking about that important decision. I wasnt going to ask that, but okay. Youre glad i did. I want to ask you about Something Else we talked about on this show, bob woodward came with a big folder that said trump on it. He is going to be the next nominee and nobody has gone after him and i said, well, bob, actually theyve written all the articles, nothing seems to stick to him. And i said, the bigger question is not why the press hasnt investigated him, because they have, the question is why doesnt anything stick to him whereas everything seems to stick to Hillary Clinton . Its got to be frustrating first of all for you to see sort of the double standard not necessarily among the press but among the voters, but why do you think that is, that nothing sticks to donald trump but if you wrote something inc 1973 t press would be chewing on it for two weeks . Or if you said something in 1994 someone would hold up a sign and take it out of context right in front of a speech you were doing. Which you saw today which was absolutely ridiculous. I have a couple responses to this. I think part of the reason why im going to be the nominee and im going to be the next president is because i have with stood all this. I have been vetted. I mean, ive been at this for decades now and despite all the incoming im still here, im still forging ahead because i think in most cases, most people kind of see through it and we go on together. The vetting on these other candidates has not even begun and it will and i think if you look my best my best memory on this, joe, is that the republicans in nevada had fewer voters turn out than we did in nevada. I think it was like 70,000 to 80,000. Its a very small group of people who are making this decision right now. When it moves to the general election i think youre going to see a real seriousness of people,c whoever the republica nominate, turning and saying, what do we really know about this guy. Its most likely going to be donald trump, though, isnt it . Right now it looks like that but im not going to handicap their race, i will let them decide that. How surprised are you knowing donald trump as long as youve known donald trump and i actually said shes exactly right when you answered the question why did you go to his wedding. Hes fun, hes an interesting guy, hes fun. Yeah. How surprised are you that we woke up after nevada and everybody in washington said, oh, my god, this guy is most likely going to be the next nominee . I didnt know him that well but i did know him. Right. I think its been most surprising to me to see somebody who was affable and was good company and had a reputation of being kind of bigger than life really traffic in a lot of the prejudice and pair annoy i cant and some of the comments he has made which have been so divisive and mean spirited doesnt fit with what i thought i knew about him. Its going to be interesting to see if he does get the nomination what he decides to do with it, how he presents himself. c but he has really been offensive and in many respects surprising to those of us who did know them. Lets talk about the email controversy, discoveries moving forward a couple days ago that news broke. Sometimes your spokes people will come out theyll say that this is a republican attack, its its about the right wing going after you again, but this obviously the fbi is involved, the New York Times has been the New York Times has been reporting on this for some time. So its not like you could take elements of benghazi and say, okay, republicans were driving this. Right. For a political purpose, but here you do have an fbi investigation. Youre not suggesting the fbi investigation is politicized. No, but theres two Different Things. There is a security inquiry going on and, you know, we respect that, it is on its own timetable but its moving forward. Then there are these lawsuits and i think when people say, well, look, you know, this lawsuit, thats what theyre talking about. Theyre not talking about the security cinquiry, theyre talking about Judicial Watch not the underlying investigation. No, not at all. No. So there are two Different Things, they get conflated sometimes. I am, you know, personally not concerned about it, i think that there will be a resolution on the security inquiry. The litigation that others have brought and some of them are, you know, right wing outfits, those will just proceed and, again, im not worried or concerned about them, but i do think its important not to confuse the two. President clinton said governors and president s cant afford to have long memories. Yes. Weve heard stories in the press before about how youre tough and youre driven and you remember people that slight you. When youre president of the United States is that your governing philosophy as well if you get elected president of the United States, that you need to have a short memory. Absolutely. You need to wake up every morning and forget about what happened yesterday . When i got to the senate Lindsey Graham was my colleague. Lindsay, yeah. And we started to get to know each other. There was a lot of history there as ya÷ know, and then we teamed up to get healthcare for National Guard members. I traveled with him and john mccain. We got to know each other and that is exactly what i will do. You know, there are very few people or events in politics where you say youve got to write somebody off. There are a couple where people do things that are just to inn im cabell and inn defensible, but otherwise you take people where they are, you try to get to know them better and then you try to find that Common Ground. When i was shepherding the new start treaty through the senate i had to get a bunch of republicans. I spent countless hours on the phone, in meetings. What do you need . How do we do this . What can i say to you to reassure you, what expert do you want to talk to . Im really hands on about this because i dont think theres any way other than to do that. Thank you so much. Well, thanks for coming to South Carolina. We appreciate you sitting down with us. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Should be accessible to at pg e,everyone. Ve solar our partnership with habitat for humanity allows us to provide the benefits of solar power to the types of customers who need it most. Pg e provided all of the homes here with solar panels. The solar savings can mean a lot, especially for lowincome families. With the savings that i am getting from the solar panels, it is going to help me have a Better Future for my children. To learn how you can save energy and money with solar, go to pge. Com solar. Together, were building a better california. Still ahead, reports of lead tainted water in another major city. This time jackson, mississippi. People line up for free water from the salvation army. We will look at a Health Crisis that should not be happening. Do you think when youre president youll be paid as much as if you were man, male . Do you think when you are president wbr id wbr96116 you will be paid as much as if you were a male . This is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. But there are so many examples where that doesnt happen. Im going wbr id wbr96416 to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same as the men who are doing that job. b does a freshly printed presentation fill you with optimism . Then you might be gearcentric. Right now, get 25 back in rewards on hp ink, toner, and paper office depot officemax. Gear up for great ®. If there is anything positive, if theres any Silver Lining out of this tragedy is it is my hope that the American People will look at flint and say, never again can we allow a community to undergo this. And while flint may be the canary in the coal mine, there are a lot of other canaries all over this country. That was Bernie Sanders speaking in flint, michigan, about the water crisis there. And now jackson, mississippi, has reported finding lead in its Drinking Water as well. I wonder if theres more to come. Joining us now former white house adviser for Health Policy and vice pro voss for global initiatives at the university of pennsylvania dr. Ez eek yall people mule. Also with us leading spine surgeon and author dr. Dave campbell. Zeke, whats it cmean, man . What is lead now in jackson, mississippi, mean and i remember getting Public Service announcements like in the 60s saying dont let your kids eat lead. I cant believe were talking about this 50 years later. My father was a leading campaigner against lead paint in chicago in the 60s, i very much remember the same thing and it causes brain damage, it causes an uptick in crime among the kids. How did this happen in jackson, mississippi, now . I think its happening throughout the country. We know that we have hundreds of billions of dollars of problems with our water and sanitation system. We have not kept them up and the problem is that theyre corroding and one of the corrosions is that lead leeches out and kids drink it. We all drink it and its a problem for all of us, for kids in particular because they have developing brains. Who is most at risk . By far young kids, babies that arent even born yet because it targets the neurological system and the changes that dr. Zeke was talking about last forever to a certain extent. Behavioral problems, learning problems, cognitivec problems, all that stuff leads into adult life. Guys, is this a precursor . Can we expect over the next ten year 74 nor problems . Thats what im worried about . Its a given that its dangerous, the question is how prevalent is it and whats coming . If you look at the u. S. Civil engineers they do an assessment of infrastructure in this country every few years and they have been warning that we have all these infrastructure problems, highways, bridges, but also water systems. I will tell you in my brother city, he is inn vesing over 4 billion to replace every pipe in the city of chicago and he has this nice pipe that they gave him, its a log that was hollowed out in the late 1800s that was still carrying water in chicago. This is a big problem across the country. I dont think jackson, mississippi, flint as someone said they are canaries in the coal mine and we have to invest. They are not exceptions. This is a case actually where a failure to invest in infrastructure actually is going to cause us longterm health risks . This was a little difb ent. Flint is much bigger than the canary in the coal mine. It was many, many times worse than jackson, mississippi. They were investing in some new infrastructure when this happened in flint, they were trying to save some money and it backfired because they didnt account for the chemical reactions that were occurring when they switched from lake huron water to the flint river. And we should also say lead is only one part of the water problem there. There was legionnaires disease that has ended up killing seven or eight people and making about 90 people sick. So the water system actually has a lot of Health Implications and we i think we dont invest in our peril. This is one of those issues that should be bipartisan because its the key for both health and in the longterm saves money. In jackson the maximal lead dose was about 150 parts per billion. In flint it was 13,000 at its single peak. Thats a tremendous difference. So the exposure of over 8,000 kids in flint is what we are all watching and waiting and worrying about and there is a whole lotc you can do about it once youre exposed, the treatments and drugs dont work well to reverse the effect. Lets talk about the debate last night. Healthcare again gets into it. Donald trump keeps talking about the ability to negotiate across state lines with other Insurance Companies. That makes sense to me just like using our power as the biggest purchaser of drugs to get pharmaceutical companies to negotiate down a price. Right. Makes sense, too. I dont know like you said before that he can put all the meat on the bones but instincts seem right. Do they or not . I dont think thats going to solve any problem and i will tell you why. Which one of those . Well, allowing competition across state lines. The Insurance Companies. The Affordable Care act already permits that and actually every state keeps or retains its right to regulate Insurance Companies. So one of the problems is you can say whatever you want at the federal government, ultimately states have the veto power because of state insurance commissioners. Why is there such a lack of Insurance Companies for healthcare . Well, in many states, take alabama, you know, one insurer has about 80 or 90 of the market. Why is that . Blue cross blue shield. Historical reasons and employers dont switch that much and they have, you know, done i think donald trump is right, typically in states not at the federal government but in states that are in bed with the legislators who by. By the way, can we get that on a loop, dr. Zeke just said donald trump is right. That the politician that the insurers have worked with politicians for a long time. Doesnt it seem insane that you have like again in some states one Insurance Company dominating a market to the tune of 80 , when you have all of these other options, again, its not market driven. So theyve got everything by the throat. No, it is a problem and its also a problem that with the new healthcare laws it is those Insurance Companies that set the copay and deductible. So this year, 2016, in practice i can tell you the deductible that kigq in in in january has stopped thousands and hundreds of thousands of people from actually having access to the plan they have because they cant afford that. Even though the bronze plan is fairly inexpensive you cant pay the copay or deduductibleductib you have University Access to healthcare you just cant afford it. You cannot afford step one which is paying your deductible. How do we fix this . How does the next president fix this . I do think we will probably see some limits on the deductibles and i think you already see employers beginning to shift off that, but the substitute is they need healthcare costs to stay under control and i think one thing theyre going to be looking at is Narrow Networks and reducing the deductible for using those Narrow Networks. I think thats the trend. Really quickly give me a report card on the Affordable Care act, all in, where we are now versus before it came, scale one to ten. March 23rd is six years. Weve done pretty well. 17 Million People have gotten insurance because of this, actually despite our talking about high healthcare costs the fact is that healthcare costs have bden flat for the last few years. I mean, not flat but theyve been much better under control. We have actually a lot more innovation. One to ten. One to ten i would say we are about a 7. So, dave, you practice every day on the front lines and have been, well before and after. What do you rate the Affordable Care act . I would give it about a 3 because of the fact that you cannot access that 17 Million People cannot Access Healthcare often because they are already fairly poor. Well, first of all, they are fairly poor, but we put in the Affordable Care act that you get Preventive Care for free, no copays, no deductibles, we have made a lot of other changes that do allow people to get in especially when theyre sick. I agree, are there reforms we need to do, yes, but were much better than a 3. Its a 5. Okay. Zeke and dave. We were a lot better in january of 2016 in our hospital and Surgery Center where it was a void in january, schedules were blocked, my gi fellows and colleagues told me yesterday januarqc was a void it was because of the copays it was the deductible. The deductible we have to fix the deductible. We all agree on that. Very good. Okay. Dr. Zeke, dr. Dave, thank you, guys. We love having you. More morning joe in just a moment. Be good. Text mom. Boys have been really good today. Send. Lets get mark his own cell phone. Nice. Brad could use a new bike. Send. [google] message. You decide. Theyre your kids. Why are you guys texting grandma . 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Hillary clinton looked very, very relaxed, seems like you might have been a little too chummy with her in the interview. Hillary . I dont know. It seemed a little just nice and friendly. I got it. Too chummy, joe. Exactly. Exactly. What did you learn today, joe . You know, i learned that the debate last night was considered by most people a win for marco rubio, the question is does it have any impact in in race. I suspect it wont have as much of an impact here as it does moving forward for marco rubio because he will be back four years from now wanting to run for president again and he needed to hit back hard last night. He did. Okay. And i learned that i Hillary Clinton has focused in on her message and yeah, she looks strong. She has found her voice for this campaign. I think we all learned that. She is light years ahead of where she was a week or two ago. Nevada has helped her relax and madec her who has chuck todd got next . Its Steve Kornacki. 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Right now at at t, buy one get one free on our most popular smartphones. No matter how you hang out, share every minute of it. Buy one get one free on our most popular smartphones. And right now, get up to 650 in credits per line to help you switch to at t. And good morning. Im Steve Kornacki live in atlanta, georgia. We are at more House College today, home of the fighting maroon tigers. We will be talking to the School President , we will be talking to students, potential first time voters at this famous historically blaj college in this critical super tuesday state and super tuesday of course now just four days away, butc this morning we are goingo start we are where all eyes are and that is on the republicans and last nights show down in houston. What a showdown it was, marco rubio finally taking off the gloves and going after donald trump, something his supporters had been urging him to do for months

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