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We love our country. Most importantly, we love each other. And i will tell you, there is a lot of prayer in this state. So youre going see all of us try to lift these nine families up in prayer because they need us. And emotional governor nicky haley spoke yesterday as officials announced the suspect in wednesday night ace Fatal Shooting in charleston, South Carolina had been captured. The nine victims are being remembered from coast to coast today. Prayer vigils were held across cities ashgs cross the country club chicago, Denver Portland and more than a dozen lawmakers gathered on the capital lawnol lawn. Its almost impossible to imagine the tragedy. Good morning to morning joe. Were live in washington and we have New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters white house correspond for American Urban Radio Networks april ryan Pulitzer Prize winning communist and editor of the Washington Post and msnbc political analyst, Eugene Robinson and president and south korea of the askman institute, walter isaac son aloaningng with willie geist in new york. You know its hard to even really try to bring any reasoning to an act this heinous. Ive got to say, as far as acts of domestic terrorism goes you have to line this up with newtown and, of course the greatest act, most horrific act of domestic terrorism, Timothy Mcveigh did in Oklahoma City. But this is just one of those scars on the american psyche that will be with us for a very long time. I think. So and yesterday morning live on our show the police chief said they would get the suspect. They would find him. And they did after a massive manhunt. Federal and local Law Enforcement found 21yearold dylann roof nearly 250 miles away and waiving extradition, he was flown back to South Carolina in shackles. Hell be back in court this afternoon for a bond hearing. Roof is accused of calmly going to Emanuel Ame Church and sitting in a bible study for a better part of an hour before killing nine people including some of its most senior members. Gene this is your home state. This is actually your great grandfather had a Blacksmith Shop . My great, great grandfather had a Blacksmith Shop not far from where the church is. And, obviously, a Critical Church not only for the state but for the country. But, boy, there is another mark for you on troubled legacy. Yeah. It is just stunning. The pastor who was assassinated basically in, this act of terrorism was also a fascinating person. He was a rising theological and political star in South Carolina. But, you know, they call this Church Mother emanuel. It is the oldest ame church south of baltimore and the third oldest in the world. It was a charleston institution found in 1816 when the founding members who organized what would have been the biggest slave revolt in American History had it not been found out he was executed, the church was burned down. Right. In retribution. It literally was rebuilt from the ashes. And survived all this time. Yeah. And, walter we find ourselves again trying to make sense of a senseless act. You turn on the television or turn on the radio and youll have everybody predictably going to their ideological corners trying to explain this tragedy away with mere ideology extremism. It just it cant. Sometimes it just cant. This sort of hatred cant be explained away. Absolutely. Youre talking a guy who is just pure filled with hate. Those people exist. I do think thats why the president said you know be good if we got around it to if, we made sure people didnt get guns like. That but more importantly this is not a random act of domestic terror. This is eugene said is part of a long history weve had, even in this particular church. But in black churches and in black neighborhoods around the south. And i do think it fits into the American History which is racial violence. And especially racial violence in places like this where the hatred bills over into racism. Lets get more on the suspect himself. Were looking at who this guy is. Investigators trying to piece together a picture of the suspect. We know earlier this year he had run ins with the law, arrested on a felony charge of selling a prescription. On his Facebook Page a photograph of him wearing a jacket adorned with apartheid era flags of south africa and rodisia. Now disturbing details emerging about his state and mipd in the days and weeks leading up to this massacre. The Associated Press reports roof reconnected with a childhood friend he didnt see for five years and started railing about the Trayvon Martin case about black people taking over the world and the need for someone to do something for the sake of the white race. The friend named joseph meek jr. Said he saw roof wednesday hours before the attack and that the next time he saw him was when a surveillance image was broadcast on television. He told the ap, i didnt think it was him. I knew it was him. Here is meek talking about the suspect yesterday. Im speechless. I dont really know. It hit me hard. Yeah. Seeing my best friend on there that youve known for seven years do Something Like this is pretty crazy. He wanted segregation. He wanted to be white with white and black with black and he didnt, you know he didnt believe in what the black race is doing to the white race. For more on how this suspect was caught eventually in North Carolina, lets go to charleston. Benjy sarlan has been on the scene. Its a remarkable woman involving a woman in florist in North Carolina using what she saw on television to let police know she saw this man. Thats right. Officials here from the police to the fbi to attorney general Loretta Lynch talked about how the incredible amount of resources they had devoted to catching the shooter after he initially got away despite a massive manhunt in the hours following the shooting. In the end it was the American People themselves that are really responsible for catching him. Starting early in the morning yesterday around 6 00 a. M. Police were the first time released the images of the suspected eded shooter and later a car they believe was associated with him, a black car. As it turned out, it was those images which were distributed widely on social media, people distributed paper copies in neighborhoods that ended up being responsible for the capture. That happened when debbie dills, a florist in North Carolina a four hour drive away from charleston spotted something unusual on her way to work. Here is debbie herself talking about that to nbc news. I seen the white tag on the front of the car that had been another picture they showed on the news of something a little emblem with a black circle in it. I said oh, lord. I got of the business exit. I called todd. I said i think i have just passed that boy that killed those people in charleston last night. I said i dont know. I dont want to be you know overreacting or whatever. He said you need to call somebody. I said im going back out here to get back on 74 to see if i can catch up with him and get his tag number. I turned around and started back and when i did, i thought im going to turn back around and see if they at least pull him over you know . If i can get close enough to see if they pull him over. And todd called me and he said debbie that, was him. And they caught him. Im crying every time. I cant not cry. Its just an incredible story, this woman on this off chance actually late to work. Normally she would not have been traveling that route at that hour and spotted this person. And there is some satisfaction here that a community shattered by this incident came together to personally catch this man. Willie, im just amazed listening to her testimony. Yeah. And the fact she pursued him after the fact went out of her way to make sure he didnt get away until the police arrived. Remarkable woman. Debbie dills is her name. Benjy sarlin thanks so much. Back to you in d. C. Thank you, so much willie. And that remind you of how boston i was talking about acts of domestic terrorism, how the people of boston came together. April, were about to take a look at who the victims are and were and the incredible contributions they made. But first, your thoughts just overall taking this all in a day later . Its painful, you know . Eugene has roots in South Carolina. I have roots in North Carolina. Its many days that was the place the state where they found him. Many days i was in the country with my grandparents. There wasnt a day we didnt go to church for week night missionary meeting or Prayer Service, bible study. Part of the fabric of the bible belt down there. And a place that is sacred. And the thing that gets me is theyre talking about love hope and god. He sits there for an hour and just kills the people. Its mind boggling. And what i think and i was telling eugene this earlier, i think what happens is the nation is starting to see the truths of the scars of the nation. And because theyre highlighted now, and i do believe because we have the first black president , were seeing more of the ills within the black community. And were seeing them visually with video cameras and things of that nature. He talked about that. The ferguson the freddy gray. Because we see these things some people are not able to accept the truth. And they go off and do Something Like this. Its its really and it is really everybodys responsibility. I think everybody will step up to it. To do the exact opposite of what he told a friend he wanted to doen that is start a civil war. Were going to talk about the president s response in just a moment. Were also learning more about the nine lives lost in charleston on wednesday night. They had gathered at the Emanuel Ame Church as they did each week for bible study. Among them four ministers, a Library Employee a speech therapist, and a recent College Graduate all ranging in age from 26 to 87 years old. Nbcs craig melvin has their stories. Reporter charleston is a city in mourning nine are dead six women and three men. Among those killed the churchs pastor clementa pink any, a 41yearold father of two who preached here since he was a teenager. God, we welcome and invite you into this place, your house. We thank you for the spirit that dwells here. Reporter pinckney was also a member of the state senate where a black cloth was draped on his desk for his memory. He was the moral come pass of the general assembly. Reporter several people that worked at the church are among the dead including Depayne Middleton doctor a Church Minister who retired in 2005. She was a mother of four. Shah Rhonda Singleton much she was a speech therapist. Tywanza sanders and cynthia hurd, a 54yearold Branch Manager at st. Andrews library in charleston which will be renamed in her honor. Last 24 hours have been devastating. We all were agonizing knowing she left home to go to church and not hearing from her for so many hours. Reporter also confirmed dead 87yearold Susie Jackson, 70yearold ethel lance and Daniel Simmons. A community is coming together to remember nine lives, tragically taken in their place of worship. Thats craig melvin reporting. The range of ages of the dead 26 to 87. Among the survivors, a ayearold girla 5yearold girl who played dead under a table to she wouldnt be shot either. Lets go to the South Carolina house of representatives Bakari Sellers. We talked to you this time yesterday. We were in the middle of a manhunt. Now 24 hours later, whats the moot down there . Well, were still heart broken. Its still a tragedy that is heart wrenching to ing toing to say the least. But people in this area are tired. Were tired of all the death that shrouded our communities. It was a month ago that we buried walter scott. This Church Family has been through so much. These communities have been through so much. South carolinas been through so much. And right now were just looking for a hug and compassion and love. But we do have faith. We do believe we will make it through this storm. Bakari were looking at the faces and names of the nine victims. Beautiful faces and so much youth and potential on the one hand and so much life lived on the other. What can you say about these people who lost their lives wednesday night prayer meeting, a place nobody should have to think about that . Well on wednesday night, just like churches throughout the rest of the south, they gather together for a singular cause and common good. And its troublesome. It troubles my spirit. I have to ask if you cant be black in a church where can we be black in this country . Its unfortunate that this man was filled with so much hate and i really want to now live my life for these nine people and add them to the list of people whose lives were cut short but at the end of the day, whenever im done with my journey, i want these nine people to be able to look down upon me and say job well done. So we have work left to be done. But were going to bring this community together. The progress we made is fragile but we dare not let anybody tear us apart. Bakari what can we say out of this as a positive . How do we make sure this doesnt happen again . What do you think are the things that can be done by the people of charleston the government by this country to prevent Something Else like this from happening . Well, we have to begin a conversation about race. And i know that thats not something that people really want to talk about. But at its core we have to talk about our differences. We have to talk about things like love and hope and peace and justice and truth. Those are the conversations that we really and truly need to have. Those conversations are very, very healthy to have. And people want to have some more conversations about policy areas like gun control and other things. But first, i think this Community Needs to grieve. This Community Needs to heal for the next few days im sure were going to scream. Im sure were going to cry and yell because we have nine funerals. We is we have nine bodies to buries and there is a group of people that wont have a father to go home to for fathers day. And that sir, willie, is a tragedy. Former state representative Bakari Sellers, a leader in the community and state of South Carolina. Thanks so much for being with us this morning. Please give our love and condolences to everyone down there. Thank you. Keep us in your prayers, willie. We will. Guys . Thank you willie. You know gene just a part of what bakari said if you cant be black in a church where can you be black in this country. Then you look it other side of the issues that weve been confronting over the last 12 six months trayvon, ferguson baltimore, Police Issues. Its the same question. Where are you allowed to be just a typical american citizen, not black or white jutst a human being. And how do you think those incidents and that conversation about police abuse and what weve seen happen over the last 24 hours charleston impact progress that we snad. Made . Good questions. The direct tangible link between the Police Violence stories weve seen and this horrible incident was the pastor Clementa Pinckney who in South Carolina state senate was champion of the legislation to require officers to wear body cameras, for example. Very involved in that. And more broadly an issues of social justice. So there is certainly a relationship. This is so different though. This is this is nobodys con flatingflating the two. But if youre a young black man or woman and you have a sense of hope because of black president and a black attorney general you see one side of it that gives you nothing but hope. But then you turn on the news and, again, not conflating any of the Police Stories with this act of terrorism, but it has to also fill you with the same time with an equal sense of hopelessness. Well and anger, frankly. And anger. If there was a there were reports that in the church this guy roof essentially said you know, black people are taking over our country. And that sense that its somebody elses country. No, its our country, too. It belongs to all of us. Weve been here much longer than a whole lot of people. The pinckney name of course comes from the plantation owner and signer of the declaration of independence charles pinckney. Pinckney name has been in South Carolina longer than this has been a country. And the idea that people dont understand the contributions that africanamericans made in literally building this country is appalling. So were going to still have on morning joe an emotional president obama responding by one estimate it was his 14th time making a statement after a shooting. And congressman jim clburn will join us and our interview with Martin Omalley. Hell join us live on set. And the chairman of the Foreign Relations committee, bob corker. Hell weigh in on the looming deadline for a nuclear deal with iran. Youre watching morning joe. Rance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. 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You look back and see what happened on the president s clock. What happened in columbine in 99, Virginia Tech 32 People Killed there. Ft. Hood texas, of course aurora colorado 12 People Killed in the theater. Of course newtown just unspeakable. Miami, washington d. C. At the naval base. And then in Charleston Walter you were asking a question. Is this something new . Or is some something that were just focused on now more because of our 24 7 news culture . Jeremy was reminding there are so many of these in the 1980s. The question i have about this one, columbine, Virginia Tech aurora theater, they were not racial issues. Is this one different because its racial . Or is it sort of the same thing just a nut case against a lot of guns. I would suspect that we look at historically this is a different type of thing than just an aurora. You know ive gotten i have gotten roundly criticized before for looking at somebody that is lets say, after newtown or columbine that fits a certain profile. The first time i saw this guy, i wanted to see who he was, see if he was withdrawn and he looks unstable. Yeah he looks unstable. But can you tell right away its different from the newtown shooter and that this is something where he made a conscious decision to hate black people based on race. The four little girls, remember the four little girls, the 16 . It was not a gun but a bomb. Terrorism. Terrorism. Four little girls killed in a church. So this weve seen this before. Weve seen racial hate before in this community. And the president made reference to that in a speech yesterday. But the debate here i think politically, even though the politics of guns did not change something changed within us as a society and culture. It is because the newtown crime was so gruesome and involved children . People can no longer grasp why we dont react, why it doesnt register when there is another mass shooting why were so quickly to move on. Thats the difference now with why were focusing on how there have been so many of these and we just cant remember. But heres the problem. Obviously, i was very outspoken after newtown, especially on background checks. Background check wouldnt have saved one of those precious little children. A background nothing would have saved a father giving a son a. 45. And, yes, i still support background checks. We have to be aggressive about background checks. But walter the other part of that debate that we as a country have to put our arms around is Mental Health. I dont say that as a guys that trying to distract from the gun debate. Because i weighed right into it. But you look at all of this you look at all of these, 99 of them are disturbed people with Mental Health challenges. And we as a country, you know the same people if youre going to talk about guns which we should have that debate. Lets talk about Mental Health in america. Lets have that debate. There are three things at work here. Mental health fits in a lot of the columbine types that could use a whole lot more Mental Health intervention. And aurora. Mental health and guns. And in this case you have the overlay of race which you didnt have in the others. That adds a certain something to this debate. As the president said you know this is a dark part of our history. Then right away you can read todays wall street journal attacking him for saying that. Saying this isnt about race. Well, lets have that debate because this is partly about race. Let me chime in for a minute. I think i mean weve seen this debate over and over again. Ive been at the white house for 18 years. Clinton tried to deal with the close of the gun loophole. I think when there is a republican in the white house, there is more of an attitude that, you know were going to feel safe without guns. We can keep our right to bear arms. When you have a democrat that there is more of a challenge, and thats what were seeing now. And theres a point here. Years ago washington d. C. We used to hear a lot about the gun violence. No one did anything black on black gun violence. No one did anything there. We saw tucson gabrielle giffords, Nothing Happened. We saw the little children killed in this in newtown. Nothing happened. Little white children. Im not trying to bring race. But little precious babies. But then you have this situation. You dont want to bring race in but its a real issue. You have the nine People Killed. If Nothing Happened then unfortunately were still in a situation where you have big gun lobbies that really rule. Yes, there was a collective coming together on the issue of background checks for those who were mentally ill. But what happened . Nothing happened. Gene again, just to sort through all of these. I think everybody would agree, most of these murderous rampages were act of mentally disturbed people. Acts of terror. But you go back to Oklahoma City, that was a political act of terrorism. This was a racial act of terrorism. It certainly looks that way. And, gene again, going back to the gun issue and again its something i weighed into and got no fear obviously. I spoke with the nra a lot. But in newtown, after all the smoke clears, what do do you about a mom that gives a gun access guns to a mentally ill son . What do you do here where a dad gives a. 45 handgun and well never ban to a troubled son . Actually in many states or in states there are requirements when you gift a gun to someone, there is a background check. The point is he broke the law. And the mother and newtown showed horrific judgement. Well you know, you cant its very difficult to say okay this law would have stopped this particular incident. Right. I think its equally difficult to argue, however, that sensible laws common sense laws, better laws wouldnt stop some incidents. Sure. Wouldnt stop some future incident. Thats a reason to go forward. But, no. Youre right. Just to back up for a second. Very clearly this you know most not stated this is a state of fear. Its just clear that that was clearly a factor and major factor. And second he inhaled this poison from some atmosphere, some where. He got it from somewhere. Just as the tsarnaev brothers got theirs from jihadist web sites. Where did this guy get his . Where did this come from . I said something on the air a month or two ago where people were shocked. I talked about how i grew up and born in georgia and lived in mississippi, lived in alabama, lived in florida. And i said i just never heard of n word thrown around growing up. I just didnt. Walter, youre also a son of the south. The fact is you probably the people you hung out, you probably didnt hear that any more than i did growing up. It became socially unacceptable to do it. However the Confederate Flag still flies in the South Carolina capitol. Shouldnt that be a reaction to this . We take it down . I think it should have been taken down many years ago i certainly hope thats a reaction to this. You know it is a not just an offensive symbol to many people but actually hurtful. The battle flag. Yeah. South carolina is one of the only states that doesnt have a hate crimes law that allows prosecution. Exactly one of five states. Im with you on the issue of the Confederate Flag being devisive. But at the same time and as an africanamerican, i do believe that, you know as someone who comes from slaves five generations, but you also have that other side that says many of their family members died under that flag fighting for the confederacy. I understand both sides. I dont like the flag myself. Coming up next after a break, were going to talk to that florist who helped catch the killer. Well be right back. It can quickly become the only thing you think about. Thats where at t can help. With Innovative Solutions that connect machines and people. To keep your internet of things insync, in realtime. Leaving you free to focus on what matters most. The staff at this beautiful resort. Will stay with you forever. Especially if you dont leave. You got it booking right. Booking. Com booking. Yeah if you cant put a feeling into words, why try . At 62,000 brush movements per minute Philips Sonicare leaves your mouth with a level of clean like youve never felt before. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. Is there such a thing as a sure thing in business . Some say buy gold. Others say buy soybeans. I say, buy comcast business internet. Unlike internet providers that slow down when traffic picks up, you get speed you can rely on. Its a safe bet. Like a goldplated soybean. Reliably fast internet starts at 69. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. The church has a very proud history and has really stood for the spirit of africanamericans and i would even say the spirit of charleston since 1818 a spirit of defiance and standing up for what is right and what is true. That was Emanuel Ame Church pastor Clementa Pinckney speaking about the spirit of the church for an upcoming documentary. A church that has such rich long history. Joining us now from charleston, the president of the South Carolina naacp dr. Lonnie randal. Thank you for being on with thus morning. As we look forward and the community tries to heal tell us set the scene for us in terms of what is planned. Good morning and thank you for allowing me an opportunity to be with you. Our biggest concern is, of course the family of the individuals who lost their lives. Doing the things that people do in this country and should ab loud to do without having to worry about the obstructionist attitude and mental state of so many other people. So our efforts are trying to bring people together as weve always done. This organization that i speak for is 106 years old. And we have spent 106 years trying to ensure that all citizens of this country are treated in a fair and just and equitable manner. In spite of our work and efforts and gains in doing that were still having as we can see here in charleston, this weekend were still facing too many examples of where something is not working. Thats a good starting place. You start at your own home first. But i think the entire United States needs to take a serious look if they want to stop some of this mean spirited bigotry and hatred that exists in this country still today. I agree with you completely. Lonnie randolph thank you. Joining us now the North Carolina florist who provided the tip that helped Police Capture the accused shooter. Debbie dills. Also joining us her boss at the florist shop who she called after spotting roofs car. Lets start with you and moment you first saw the suspect. You recognized him. Not really recognized. I mean i just simply thought it could be. It could be from all the News Coverage ive seen and that it could him. I didnt want to believe it was him. Where exactly were you and what did you see . What made you think this could be him . And then what did you do . I was on the highway and i seen the car. I thought ive seen that car before and then i related it to the News Coverage yesterday morning that was a black car and, you know they never said what exactly kind of car it was. And then i seen the boys hair the bowl cut. Thats coming from the picture ad seen on the news earlier. So just kind of the News Coverage that i had been watching helped me to recognize it. Then, todd, you obviously got a call from debbie. What did do you . As soon as she kaeldcalled me and told me should thought it was the suspect and i said call the police, which i d i called the police department. And they responded really quickly and were relaying it to Shelby Police and from there we had a three way call going between them and had debbie still on the line. And she continued to get back on the highway and follow him and into shelt byby and thats where they sated where she was and once she got the tag number the Police Respond sod quickly with being there and taking him down. And so debbie then did you something that i think most people are surprised by. You felt responsibility actually to continue following the suspect even though obviously, you had just heard he killed nine americans. Any fear as you were following him or were you acting on pure instinct . Oh, i mean i was scared. I was scared when i seen him the first time and i even thought that it was him. Im not i am no brave person at all here. And i was scared. And i just felt like i needed to do. This but i also knew that i had somebody looking out after me. I knew he was watching me. I knew he was in control of the whole situation. And it was the lord up above. He had his hand in the whole thing. So i feel like the prayers of those people in charleston were heard. And ive been saying it the whole time and im going to keep saying it. God is the one who let this happen and allowed this to happen. Debbie i read somewhere as well that you actually were praying for the victims in charleston and praying for the people of charleston at the moment you saw the suspect in the car. What do you make of that . I was praying for them. I had been praying for them since the night before when i heard it. It was horrific. I went to church myself that night that, same night and came home and heard that on the news. And i cant imagine the fear that had to be in their hearts and they were there just studying the word and trying to get closer to lord and learn more about what he wants for their lives. And they were shot and massacred. They didnt deserve that. Right now it should be all about them and the families and the hurt. As a nation and community, we still need to be lifting them up in our prayers and be there for them and surround them with all the love and care that we k thats what god would want us to do. Thats what we need to do. Debbie dills and todd freighty thank you very much. Thank you. The Washington Post bob woodward joins the table next. When you think of the United States Postal Service . Exactly. Thats what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. Whats next . Well show you. If you cant put a feeling into words, why try . 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If you look at what Police Departments have done with the bystander rule policemen who witness things needs to intervene and have a responsibility. And in this case, there clearly were friends, people down the hall who had some glimpse that this is a person with a serious problem. And people in cases like that need to Say Something, need to work. I think weve all had friends where weve been involved in interventions. You just cant say oh, yeah thats going on down there. I want to stay away. And i think thats one way to address it. Were used to people saying i never saw this coming i never expect it. But when a friend says oh, yeah he had hatred and i think he had been planning some something for a while. You say okay why didnt you step up and try to act pro actively to save lives . You dont have to break down the door. But you need to Say Something and if you looked at this case and you say how many people knew this was a troubled person . I hope you would find that many people had a glimpse of this. So the answer to genes question is everyones responsible. Were going to have bob corker on later today. He is very concerned about an Iran Nuclear Deal that he says the president is too desperate to get. What can you tell us about the president s relationship with iran even in the president ial campaign when he was poking Hillary Clinton about being engaged with iran. Well i think if you look at this, the president s trying to do something to avoid confrontation and a war. I think thats the right path. Theyre being very secret ive secretive it needs to be judged once it comes out. But obamas instinct here is lets avoid confilgration and hes right. I think there are many channel thats they can work on. Theres a lot of intelligence people have said things people have said things that are contradictory. You cant sit on the sidelines and say thats not perfect because its never going to be perfect. Walter speaking of wall street journal, they criticized george w. Bush for backtracking against iran. There is one red line after another. He keeps stepping back over red lines. Yeah, i will say that its george h. W. Bush who handled it best in my opinion. Understanding you want a balance of power with iraq and iran in that region let them play off each other, not having undermind and destroyed iraq during the first gulf war. He was able to keep that balance which is very strategic for us. I actually trust bob corker a lot, senator corker. He is a little bit going back to the old days like senator vandenberg, a republican leader of the Foreign Relations committee who worked with truman and others. I think serve looking to him to make a final judgment on this deal. He seems a little bit more worried than he was a month ago. He really does seem doesnt he, bob corker like a throwback to i was going to say a by gone era. But a throwback to like 15 years ago when there were people like bob corker who commanded the respect of people not only in his party but the other party. Yeah you know i dont know how seriously to take it frankly. It is of use to have congress say, you know being the bad cop. And saying, you know were not going to youre giving up too much this and that. Just as hardliners in iran are doing the same thing with their negotiators. So im with bob. Lets see what they come up with. Im with you, i think this strengthens the president s hand where he could say i would love to not look at what youve done in the past on weaponization of this system. Ive got a congress thats not going to allow me to do this. That could be productive. Were going to be talking to senator bob corker about this. Stay ahead. He has no choice. We have him chained to the chair. Were also talking to Martin Omalley on set for an exclusive interview. Plus, two of South Carolinas congressmen James Clyburn and mark sanford on how their home state is grieving and trying to recover after wednesdays deadly shooting. Well be right back. Time upon a once people approached problems the way same. Always start at the starting. And questions the same asking. But that only resulted in improvements small. So we step a took back and problems turned these insideupdown to approach them newly. And thats when we it saw. Garbage can create energy. Light can talk. Countries can run on jet engine technology. When you look at problems in ways different you new solutions find. Youve heard of a winwin, right . What about a winwinwin . Pick up the limited edition metallic droid turbo by motorola. Waterrepellent. Up to 48hour battery life and ballistic nylon back. Thats your first win. Plus, its only on verizon. The 1 network. Theres your next win. Now for final win. Get 250 when you trade in any smartphone. And get 10 gigs of data for 80 a month and 15 per line. The winwinwin. A new way to save without settling. Only on verizon. Still ahead, were going to go back live to South Carolina with new information on how Police Captured the suspect in the charleston massacre. Well hear more from the woman who spotted his car and alerted the police. Were also learning more about the suspect and the recent events that may have fueled what many are calling his racist beliefs. And well remember the victims. Not only the pastor but a barber, high school coach, Library Worker among the nine People Killed. An outpouring of grief from around the country. Plus, officials are calling it a hate crime. But does it also fit into the definition of terrorism . Well have more on that debate. And well be joined by president ial candidate Martin Omalley and the chair of the senate Foreign Relations Committee Bob corker. Stay with us. 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Thats where at t can help. With the tools and the network you need to make working as one easier than ever. Virtually anywhere. Leaving you free to focus on what matters most. I dont want to get into the political arguement but what blows my mind is the disparity of response between when we think people that are foreign are going to kill us and us killing ourselves. If we thought this was islamic terrorism, we invaded two countries and spent trillions of dollars and thousands of american lives. And now fly an unmanned death machines over like five or six different countries. All to keep americans safe. We got to do whatever we can. Look towards your people. We got to do this to keep americans safe. Nine people shot in a church. What about that . Theyre already using the nuanced language of lack of effort for this. This is a terrorist attack. Welcome back to morning joe. What do you think of that . Its its opening up a really important conversation. Bob woodward Eugene Robinson and walter isaac son andson and willie geist and we have Jonathan Capeheart and from dallas the host and managing editor of the daily morning show news one now, role landand martin. Lets start with the nine victims being remembered from coast to coast this morning. Prayer vigils were held. A dozen lawmakers gathered on the capitol line and mourners trying to come to grips with the tragedy. Federal and local Law Enforcement found dylann roof 250 miles away. Debbie dills spotted dylann roofs car and followed him to take down his tag number even though he was accused of killing nine people. And it was that tip that helped Police Capture him. Here she is just moments ago on morning joe. Debbie i read somewhere as well that you actually were praying for the victims in charleston and praying for the people of charleston at the moment you saw the suspect in the car. What do you make of that . I was praying for him. I had been praying for him since the night before when i heard it. It was horrific. I went to church myself that night, that same night and came home and heard that on the news. I cant imagine the fear that had to be in their hearts and they were there just studying the word and trying to get closer to the lord and learn more about what he wants for their lives and they were shot and they were massacred. They doesnt deserve that. They did not deserve that. And it should be right now it should be all about them and their families and the hurt. And after waiving extradition, he was flown back to South Carolina in shackles. Hell be in court this afternoon for a bond hearing. Roof is accused of calmly going into the Emanuel Ame Church and sitting in a wednesday night bubble study bible study for an hour before killing nine people including the most senior members. Jonathan weve been going over this tragedy for the past hour. Its impossible to make sense of it. But also talking about other tragedies. The president talked about it in a press conference yesterday wlchlt you. Whether you talk about jonesboro or Virginia Tech or ft. Hood aurora, oak creek, newtown or miami or washington d. C. Or yesterday in charleston. This happens all too much. But in this case, unlike the others, race no doubt, played a key part. At the heart of it. In the president s remarks, you could just see hes in general bone weary of having to address the American People after yet another slaughter the americans at the hands of someone or people with guns. But in this particular case where race is a prominent factor in what happened. This is coming after weve seen at least almost a years worth of videos where we have seen race play out in all sorts of ways. Charleston, you know what happened with the shooting of lavar jones. A traffic stop in South Carolina, we have seen with our own eyes racial conflicts. You add this on top of it and youve got i think, a president who is weary of the gun violence. Weary of the problems of race that have come to the for thaechlt were talking about in this country for the last year. And at a loss about what to do about it particularly on the gun piece. As youve been discussing all morning, even with the slaughter of 20 children in newtown, you couldnt get anything done on gun control. But because of because of what really drove this massacre im wondering, i mean i can bring it to the table. I it this president had a fundraiser yesterday or some sort of golf event. Do you think the president should do you think he should have gone to South Carolina . No. No. You dont think the president should have gone to South Carolina . No. Have this knee jerk no, wait why shouldnt he have gone to South Carolina . Every time something happens, the president must go. The president immediately has to go. We have to keep in mind when the president goes somewhere, its not just him dropping in and paying condolences. All sorts of things happen that disrupt things that need to go on. So its not that he has to go immediately. Tim robinson this isnt a hurricane. This is where the president of the United States unlike anybody else in the world could go down and comfort. This seems to me to have been an event of all events the president should have gone to or at least canceled a fundraiser and said im not going golfing this weekend. Well i i think it would have been great had the president gone. I realize its difficult for him to go anywhere immediately. I hope he still does go. I hope he goes to charleston and i hope he does so soon. And i hope he gets beyond what i think is the understandable you called it bone weariness. But he sounded there was a resignation, a central resignation in his remarks yesterday. I hope he bounces back from that. Tend of the day, youre still the president of the United States. Yurt most powerful man in the world. You may not be able to accomplish all that you can, but there has to be something you can do. You have your bully pulpit at the very least. I hope he recovers the drive and energy that i think frankly this situation needs. Walter . I think one way for him to do that, i assume he will go down and hell lay flowers and is take on this complex thing that weve been wrestling with on this table and the past few days. You take ferguson and you take baltimore and you take staten island. And you take this. These are all issues that are data points in our struggle on race. But we dont really know how to connect it. Its like how is this related . And theres a very smart and healing speech to be made and we can say, all right, heres what were wrestling with in this motion of whether or not were one country. Bob . But all fine. This isnt about symbols and speeches. This is about some plan of action whether its on guns whether its on this bystander issue. You think you really need to raise the awareness of everyone. Gee if there is somebody down the hall i mean go find out who this person is. You are, you know were all involved in this. Its concrete steps that can be taken. And putting the burden on the president that somehow with the speech, you know thats fine. Thats part of the process. This is about problem solving. I want to be clear about something. Im not saying the president should not go down to South Carolina. Im saying he doesnt need to go immediately. But absolutely when the funerals happen particularly the pastors funeral where he has a close personal relationship and the pastor was a state senator, thats when the president should go and thats when if hes allowed to give a eulogy when he can start having this conversation you were talking about. Should he have canceled the fundraiser . I dont know if he should have canceled it. But clearly, appearancewise, its awful. Let me go to roland and talk some something we were talking about. If youre a young black man or woman in america, you can look to the president of the United States and you look at the fact that this week a sayer monya toenan ceremony for Loretta Lynch, you look at the progress that black americans have made in this country over the past 50 years and then you can turn on the tv set and see that black americans arent safe walking down the street at times. They arent safe even going into churches. What how does a black parent explain this to a young black child about the state of being black in america in 2015 . I think it shouldnt just be a conversation about a black parent or white parent. Joe, we got to stop dancing and stop prancing and being nice about this whole deal. We talk about this country and race. Todays 150th anniversary of june teeth. Thats when slaves in texas found out two years later they were free. First slaves came to this country 396 years ago. We have dealt with this. The violence against black churches has taken place for more than 200 years. And what americans have to do is stop with this ridiculous post racial america, this whole idea that it is all fine and you still have hatred. When the president of the United States joins twitter and gets this racial avalanche that is coming from somewhere. We make a mistake and say weve come a long way. That is true. You acknowledge how far weve come. You have to be willing to say this guy pulled the triger in a church. But what about the person who denies somebody a job . What about the person who realigns . What about the person of right who is a cop, who is in a position of authority and then sends racially charged emails and Text Messages but theyre over the police force . We have to recognize that jim crow may have been shut down by the black Freedom Movement but jim crow had daughters and sons and had granddaughters and grandsons. When i hear people say dont bring up the Confederate Flag but it is a symbol of hate you have to deal with it. So confront it. Talk about it. Challenge ourselves, not just the president. So then how do we do that . We want to talk about that. Earlier this morning former South Carolina state representative Bakari Sellers spoke about the feeling that many in the Africanamerican Community are sharing this morning. On wednesday night, just like churches throughout the rest of the country, they gather together for a singular cause and common good. And its troublesome. It troubles my spirit. I have to ask if you cant be black in a church where can we be black in this country . So theres that question. Joining us now congressman jim clyburn of South Carolina. And from charleston reverend John Paul Brown of the mt. Zion ame church. Thank you for being with us. Jim, id like to start with you. Take this very broad question to you in terms of what we can do to take this conversation to the next level. We sit here on the set all talking about the shock and the grief and where it comes from and how it happened. We see a full screen across our Television Screens beginning a conversation on race. How many times have we done that . What is the conversation that needs to be had to take it to the next level and is the president someone who can lead it . Thank you so much. And to all of those on your show this morning, thats an interesting question. You may rul yesterday as i spoke at my home church we had the services yesterday. I said invoke Martin Luther kings letter from the Birmingham City jail that we were going to be in this generation, not just with the words and deeds of bad people but for the silence of good people. And i thought about that this morning. I said you know there are a lot of dylann roofs in the world. But there a lot of debbie dills in the world. She broke her silence. She did not remain silent whether she saw something. And i think that we all got to do as roladns said recognize the fact that we have problems in this country that are not going to be solved by ignoring them. Just not getting involved. Its not me so im not going to be bothered with it. I it this president can do a good job of leading this discussion. I had this discussion with former president clinton. And we attempted, John Franklin to get the discussion started. But the country would not let us do it. I hope that what is taking place now will allow the people of this country to allow this discussion to go forward. Because nobody is saying that we want to control guns. We want to prevent people who ought not have guns from having them. In this particular instance dylann roof had been arrested for a felony. He was old enough to buy a gun at 21 years old, but under the process he couldnt. But his father bought the gun and gave it to him for his 21st birthday. These are the kind of circumventions that take place time and time again which if you were to have an open honest discussion about all of these things, then the gun advocates would know we dont want to keep guns away from you. We want to keep guns away from the dylann roofs of the world and other people who misuse them. We dont want to stop people from iding themselves when they go to vote. But we want to make it convenient for people to vote. There is Something Different between ids yourself to vote and getting rid of early voting and moving precinct without informing people. These are the kind of chicaneries that we are concerned about in the Africanamerican Community. And charleston and yesterday, these are the kinds of things that people are talking about. Gene, so this father obviously, that if its true that he gave guns when the son had a felony i think there should be another person in that family that should be arrested. Right. Yes. He could face charges. He should. He could. There is a law about that. About circumventing. I have a question for congressman clyburn. Jim, very good to talk with you. One thing we havent talked about and i wonder if you would the political impact in South Carolina of the loss of reverend pinckney who was a state senator. Reverend pinckney is a student i met at Allen University here in colombia. He is he lives in my district. He was an Outstanding Young man. I just stoed my wife a couple weeks ago when we were at Emanuel Church participating in the service after Walter Scotts shooting. As we drove away i said you know i think that clementa is beginning to pursue more actively his role in the Church Rather than in politics. And i really felt that. He was just what we call a stand up kind of guy. Who really felt strongly about his involvement with the church. The bishop placed him there and that church had such significance to the Africanamerican Community and going all the way back to the finding. And so he is going to be sorely missed. But, you know the longer i stayed in charleston yesterday, im finding out that all of these people as best as i can determine are my constituents, all nine of them. And five of them i knew very personally. Reverend simmons, ive known him for a long long time. Youre the same age. And so this was very very hurtful to find out all of this. I didnt know the reverend simmons was one of the victims until i got to charleston yesterday. Wow. Jim so sorry. Were so sorry for your loss and districts loss and states loss and this countrys loss. Well be thinking about you and your family and your constituents and praying for you as well. Thank you for being with us. Greatly appreciate it jim. Joe, thank you so much for having me. I hope that this will be a galvanizing incident that all of us can benefit from. Let us not forget debbie dills. She is a stand up woman. She really s thank you so much, jim. Greatly appreciate it. Lets go to reverend John Paul Brown. Reverend first of all, taumlk about the friend of yours that you lost in this shooting. Thank you. First i want to give thanks for the leadership of bishop here in the state of South Carolina reverend Franklin Richard norris and to the host of all of these, the outpouring of love that has come forth out of this tragedy. Im first pastor in charge in the 70s at st. John ame church. Reverend pinkckney was a little boy there. He helped teach the younger kids and Church Schools at such an early age. His mind was made up. He knew what he wanted. He focused on it. People were outside playing balls and doing stuff, he was just studying around age 14 13 14. He declared himself to the ministry. By 18 he was pastoring a church. By 23 24 years of age, he went to the house of representatives and moved on to the senate. And all of his work all of his Life Ministry has been serving people. And when you talk about a void in our life my wife who is one of the directors of the Young People Division in this Church Reverend pinckney came up under them. He was a leerdader of young people before he became the leader in the senate. This is simply showing us that as someone said we spend so much money and time on the external of this nation. And we dont do much to build the love and camaraderie and the Community Situation within the nation. And so people like reverend pinckney is going to be missed. That is things that he did in this country. All right. Reverend John Paul Brown thank you so much. We really appreciate it. Mika i think this requires us to you see all of the places where there have been attacks in houses of worship. Im afraid its going to require a second look at security in churches. Yeah. And synagogues. I remember the temperature nm wisconsin. The fortress mentality is one way we have to go. There is something at the heart of it that i wish again, we talk about. I know its not just a speech. But maybe Something Big by the one person who perhaps has the biggest bully pulpit on this. Roland martin thank you very much. Still ahead, our political roundtable with chuck todd and president obamas former Deputy Campaign manager, Stephanie Cutter. And bad news for martin owe mally. The former governor joins us for an exclusive interview. Well ask him. Youre watching morning joe. Well be right back. Your babys chubby little hand latches onto your finger so hard its like shes saying i love you. Thats why aveenos oat formula is designed for your babys sensitive skin. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful babies. Song Rachel Platten fight song two million, four hundred thirtyfour thousand three hundred eleven people in this city. And only one me. Ill take those odds. Be unstoppable. 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Comcast business. Built for business. The people who do this kind of horrible act are very small percentage. But unfortunately, the Public Discourse is sometimes hotter and more negative than it should be which can in my opinion trigger people who are less than stable to do something. The second thing is guns. Lets cut to the chase. Its guns. And, you know we have to have a better balance. That was Hillary Clinton yesterday on what needs to be done to prevent more tragedies like the one in charleston. Joining us now nbc news political director and moderator of meet the press, chuck todd. Stephanie cutter joins the table here in washington. Great to see you. Got bob woodward and Gene Robinson with us as well. A lot to talk b we have a guest that is going to join us mark sanford. Does this play into the politics of the conversation with the candidates . Is gun control going to reerupt as an issue . Is it guns that becomes issue . It is race . Both of it. Or nothing . On guns probably nothing. I mean you assume im not saying that that should be the case. Im just saying i dont i think you have a Democratic Party that doesnt isnt theyre united in a the lo of issues. Theyre not united on this. If theyre not, i dont know if they want to do. That i would be shocked if Hillary Clinton embraced not just embracing a position on gun control but actually said, no, i want to make this a top issue. I dont think she would do. That the fact this is in South Carolina will force any campaigning that takes place in South Carolina to at least force the issue of race and force the issue of guns into the conversation in a way that maybe it wouldnt have. Stephanie, how does that play out on the campaign trail . It will play out for a little bit. Were only a day, day and a half out of really feeling the tragedy of this. If you look at who is running in the democratic field with the exception of Bernie Sanders, theyre unified on their positions. What are republicans going to be doing in the president ial race to address the issue of race and address the issue of guns . Look, other countries have racism. Other countries have people that are mentally ill. We still have the highest gun violence and the highest murder rate of any wealthy nation. You know, you just connect the dots. We have to do something about guns. To that point, what is the challenge for republican candidates on these issues . The biggest battle has to be the Democratic Party because of what chuck said. The question is, this is not going to impact the debate on guns. It will not impact anybody on the republican side in the primary because nobody is going to move an inch on guns. The question, is stephanie brings up Bernie Sanders from the state right next door to live free or die state where you can be a socialist and still be a bit conservative on guns. Bernies position on guns has been a conservative position in the state of vermont. I think voted for atthe assault weapons ban. So he has been on that sort of side of this debate sort of moderate more of a moderate democratic position on guns. I think thats more of howard dean following up on that front. But i think there is still the bill clinton side of Hillary Clintons adviser would tell her, dont do guns. He still scarred by the assault weapons ban. I think is interesting moment for the republican field, though. I really do. They all do have to come to South Carolina. And i think well see which ones are comfortable talking about race, which ones have something to say. That seems to be valuable. Seems to add to the debate. I think its going to you know they wouldnt all have touched that issue necessarily had this not happened. But now i think they will not have choice. I think thats i think thats great point. Bob woodward i said on guns there is not a lot of movement. But we have seen we certainly saw rand paul talk about race in a way that people running for president of the republican side have not talked about race. I think that actually is now that i thought about it mika i think that is a question. How do these republicans address race problems that are very real to swing voters the moderates to republicans, to independents . It will be interesting to watch. And its in a way an opportunity for some republican to Say Something different. And something a little out of the mainstream republican line on guns. But, you know you were talking about guns and talking about race. I want to go back to mental illness. That is the center of this. And somebodys got to come up repeating myself with some sort of action plan to try to do something about it. And if you not solve that but put that in the forefront, people will become aware and when they see something, they will Say Something. This is what they do in airports on terrorism and this should apply here. You know mika,en that is actually at the end of the day, and im looking for the list again of all of the long long list of tragedies that weve been talking about this morning. I have to underline what bob said. We were so shocked and so appalled about what happened in charleston, about what happened in newtown, what happened in columbine. And we talked after newtown especially about guns and Mental Health counseling. I think the common denominator for most of these really has to do with Mental Health. Something that this countrys been afraid to talk about until the past few years. I dont disagree at all. Joining us now from charleston South Carolina congressman mark sanford who represents charleston. Mark, good to have you on the show this morning. Mark our thoughts and prayers are obviously with your district and the people of South Carolina. What are your thoughts this morning on this unspeakable tragedy . I think the obvious which is everybody here at home is trying to absorb it. I got back from washington yesterday afternoon. And, you know what has struck me since ive been back is one, the degree to which the community has come together. But, two, the degree to which people are absolutely shocked and somewhat confused by how in the world could this happen here . Mika . What are you hearing from your constituents and from people on the scene . I know they have prayer vigils. Were having conversations. But if i can be completely transparent, were a little bit at a loss as to how to take the conversation to the next level. This about as joe mentioned Mental Health and also about race. But we have had these conversations before. I suspect youll have them again. The tragedy of the human condition. But i believe there was a prayer vigil last night at 7 00 p. M. And the minister reverend evans talked about the book of jobe and how we can be part of racial reconciliation and healing the community by little acts of kindness done from one person to another, done to a coworker, somebody living down the street. I agree with you, theyre very very kblechl issues on the big three that you adjustment talked about. I think were mourning the loss of folks at Different Levels in this community. Chuck todd . You talked about racial reconciliation. A symbolic move could be Something Like you know what . Enough of this putting the Confederate Flag on any part of state property that maybe its time to retire that debate trying to find compromises of how that flag still flies on government property. Is it time to sort of bury the Confederate Flag . I dont know. That is hopping up pandoras box. So what you have with Confederate Flag is a political compromise. As we both know with political compromise you dont have perfection. The flag was brought down off the state house and put on the state house grounds and flown there and at the same time a monument to africanamericans and the slaves who came over hundreds of years ago was constructed. But sides level a little bit unhappy. So you know in, the wake of this 24 hours after, the solution here is moving that flag all of a sudden you have some folks who absolutely i mean i talked to lonnie ran solve who randolph randolph, youll tell you how much he believes that should take place. Other folks say my great great grandfather died if the bat of bull run and for me its a simple of states rights or the loss within our family. So its a very very complex issue within our state. And, you know i dont think that that should be the immediate solution because its one that would take frankly, some time. Its not going to come down immediately. That will be my political tale. Representative mark sanford, thank you very much. Thank you, mark for being with us. And our thoughts and prayers again in this terrible time for your district. And also our thanks to Stephanie Cutter as well. Good to have you back on the set us with. And, chuck, what is coming up this weekend on meet the press . Well have a lot on this and jim clyburn. I have Mike Huckabee on and also a very powerful story from our producer in the network. Its the its prisoners who are serving time for gun violence. Talking to their 18 19yearoldselves about the lessons they learnedst i cant tell you how powerful this is. All i have to say is i hope you tune in on sunday. Wow. All right. Another way to have the gun violence conversation. Im not talking about gun laws. Im talking about what men who made decisions early in their life now think about those decisions. All right. Chuck, we look forward to. That thank you very much. Coming up on morning joe, an exclusive. He was responsible for sweeping gun control legislation as governor of maryland. President ial candidate Martin Omalley is ahead. Well be right back with much more morning joe. Theres some facts about seaworld wed like you to know. We dont collect killer whales from the wild. And havent for 35 years. With the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. Theyre thriving. I wouldnt work here if they werent. And Government Research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. Caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. And we take it very seriously. Because we love them. And we know you love them too. This summer, get ready for suspense. Unbridled jealousy. Shes still there. New beginnings. Goodbye. And sheer exhilaration. And sheer exhilaration. Lock and load. Roger. Its the event you dont want to miss. Its the summer of audi sales event. Get up to 3000 bonus on select audi models now during the summer of audi sales event. When a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill . 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Contact your health plan for the latest information. Up next he says America Needs to elect a progressive president and Hillary Clinton is not the answer. Martin omalley joins morning joe for an exclusive interview. We also noted that he is one healthy looking president ial candidate right now. And well dressed. Yeah. Shopping online. Is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great. If hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Weve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dogwalker as simple as a few clicks. Buy their services directly at angieslist. Com. No more calling around. No more hassles. And you dont even have to be a member to start shopping today. Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. Hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people . Well this summer, stay with Choice Hotels twice and get a 50 gift card you can use for just about anything. 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I mean we have a horrible problem with violence and gun violence and this underscores it again. How do you make sense of somebody giving a gun to a troubled edd young man . So my heart goes out to the people of mother emanuel ame in charleston. It is a great church there, a strong and resillient people. Pastor pinckney, it was a year ago that i visited there and sat with the leaders of the church. This is a horrific incident. I should call all of us to action of we talk all the time about the Better Things we need to do Mental Health treatment or making it harder for people to maintain guns without proper background checks. We need to step up as a people and take greater action. Lets talk about the actions question take. You passed a gun control bill in maryland. You were praised by a lot of people for having the courage to do that. And, yet, your gun control legislation wouldnt stop a dad from illegally giving a gun to a son. We, of course were all haunted by newtown. There is a mother that is reckless and irresponsible with the guns in her house, with a troubled son as well. When Something Like this happens and americans demand leadership there arent easy answers. So what do you do as a leader to move beyond that and try to figure out a better way forward . Well there are, i think, a combination of things that we can do. And in our state, we responded after the massacre of the innocent in connecticut. It was not easy. The nra and all of their lobbying clout came down and it was difficult to pass. But we did so realizing that if we just saved one life it would be an important effort. And thats there are many aspects of this. Its not only about banning assault weapons. Its not only about requiring background checks. But the vast majority of americans believe we should have background checks. This isnt about hunters. We want people to hunt. We want people to be able to hunt. But there are things that we need to do in terms of common sense legislation and better Mental Health coordination. Thats what i want to ask you. None of the Gun Legislation you passed, none of the Gun Legislation passed in connecticut after newtown would have stopped newtown or stopped charleston. And, so isnt it time that we do also turn more aggressively to Mental Health counseling and try to do something there . I think its a matter of doing both and, not either or. But we havent. We did in maryland actually. It was part of our legislation is to better coordinate and to create crisis teams and intervention teams. On Mental Health . On Mental Health. How do we take that to an International Level . You have to advocate for it. We shouldnt say well its just america. That is just the way it s no its not the way it may be the way it s its not the way it has to be. There are things that we can do to better coordinate Mental Health services crisis intervention with Law Enforcement and these were manufacture the things we did in our states some other states have been showing the way here too. We need to reignite the conversation on the National Basis because we suffer from a horrible epidemic of gun violence. Walter . Governor weve been talking about it in the context of Mental Health and guns. The president also talked about it in terms of history of race and racial violence towards blacks. To what extent do you think this was also something that gets at the core of some racial history that we still have . Oh, from the reports i read and lets be honest with one another, the facts are still evolving here. I mean it would appear that the racial motivation was certainly a big part of it. How do we address things like that . We do it by we do it by acknowledging the racial legacy that we share as americans. And i dont know exactly how we how we address this walter. I mean look we as americans, we all share a very painful racial legacy. And we need to acknowledge it and we need to take actions so heal it. I dont think anybody figured out the magic solution to that. I was talking about how were trying to respond this morning to yet another tragedy and were having the same conversation and the same the same full screen coming up starting a conversation about race. I dont know what takes it to the next level. I think our president might able to do that. And i hope he does. He seems extremely worn down by these events at this point. I want to talk political strategy with you, your place in the race. Heres what peggy newnan says about Hillary Clinton. Shell glide above it all. Mrs. Clinton is almost certainly about to glide to her partys nomination. There will be a few bumps. Shell be challenged on questions. There will be back and forth. But her democratic opponents will not attack her Financial Decisions and scandals. Theyll no got at her personally. Shell emerged dinged but not damaged. No one will ravage the queen. Bernie sanders and Martin Omalley know without being told that the party will kill them if they tear apart the assumed nominee. Their careers will be over if they go at her personally. Okay. What do you think . My career ended when i was elevated to the rank of citizen about three months ago. So i dont have a career to kill. What do you think about the trust deficit, and what might you do about it as president . Well, i think thats absolutely true. The sense that i have in spending a lot of time in iowa and New Hampshire is that people realize that wealth and power have been so very concentrated in the country, that the concentration is actually taking opportunity from the vase majority of us. This is the first decade that we have seen the wages decline. So the lack of trust in the leader is very real and i believe that the only way to pierce through that is through the Hillary Clinton a manifestation of power and money . I believe that people are looking for new leadership because the believe the leader in the past have been involved in the concentration of wealth. Whether her . Whether trickle down light or hard. All of these are things that you can point in the leader in the past have been apart of. Thats why we have about 60 percent of the vote looking for so you dont want to talk about her specifically . Her record is well known. I can tell you from my part i have been very clear on my opposition to the Trans Pacific trade deal. I was opposed to it not after it, but before it. I believe that we have to follow through on the commitment to regulate on wall street among that big banks that threaten the future. We wish that we had more time. Thank you very very much. Good luck out there. Yeah jogging everyday. Whats the secret joe . 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Parents are having to explain to their kids how they can go to church and feel safe. Thats not something that we thought we could deal with. Having said that, were a strong and faithful state. We love our state, we love our country and most importantly we love each other. Theres a lot of prayer in the state, and youre going to see us try to lift the families up because they need it. The governor speaking yesterday just as they announced the suspect in wednesday nights fatal shoot er has been captured. The victims are being remembered from coast to coast. Prayer vigils were held across cities and countries in chicago, denver and portland. Other lawmakers gathered. Mourn ers passed a church trying the come to grips with the tragedy. Its almost impossible. Welcome to morning joe. We have with us New York Times report er peters and White House Correspondent april ryan, and former editor of the Washington Post robin soon and president and ceo of the ask pin institute. Yeah its hard to even try to bring to an act so heinous. You have to line this up with newton and of course the greatest act and most act of what timmy mcvay did in new york city. This will be with us for a long time. Yeah the police said that they would get the suspect and find him, and they did after a massive land hunt. They found dylannruff and he was flown back to shackles. We will be back for a bound hearing. He is acoupled of claiming going a church and sitting in a wednesday night bible study for a better part of an hour before killing nine people including some of its most senior members. Gene, this is your home state. Yeah e. This is actually you told me your great grandfather had a shop. My great grandfather had a shop where it was and far came from. A Critical Church not only for the state but the country. This is just another thing for you on trouble legacy. Yeah its just stunning. The pastor that was assassinated in this act was also a fascinating person. He was a riseing political star in South Carolina. They call this Church Mother emanual emanual. It was a charleston institute found in 1816 and one organized what would have been the biggest slave revolt in American History had it not been found out. He was execute and the church burned down and in retro bugs it has survived all of this time. Walter we find ourself dpan trying to make sense of a senseless act. You turn on the television or the radio and you will have everybody going their ideology corners and trying to explain this with ideology and extremism. Sometimes it cant be explained away. Absolutely. Youre talking to about a guy thats filled with pure hate. Those people do exist. I think thats great why the president said if we ever got around to it to make sure that guns dont get in the hands of people like that. More importantly this the not just a random act of domestic this is something that we have had in black churches and south. I do think that it fits into the American History and thats racial violence. Especially racial vieolence in places like this where it spills over into racism. More on the suspects himself. Willy. Yeah, investigators trying to peach together a picture of the suspect. Earlier this year he was arrested on a felony charge of a prescription and a month later misdemeanor of a trespassing. On miz Facebook Page a toe toe graph of him with a jacket with a flag of south africa and now to serving new details about the state of mind in the days and weeks leading up. The press reports rough reconnected with a childhood friend that he had not seen in five years and started to rave about black people taking over the world and about the need for someone to do something about it for the sake of the white race. The friend named joseph told the Associated Press that he told him wednesday just hours before the attack and the next time that he saw them is when the surveillance was on television. I did not think that it was him, i knew that it was him. Here is mek talk about the suspect yesterday. Its speechless. I dont know. It hit me hard. Seeing a best friend on there that you have known for seven years to do Something Like this is pretty crazy. He wanted segregation and white with white and black with black and that he did not, you know he did not believe in what the black race going to the white race. For more on how the suspect was caught in North Carolina lets go down and benjy has been on the scene. Its a remarkable story of a woman thats a florist and using what she saw on television to let the police know that she saw this man. Reporter thats right. Officials here from the police to the fbi to lynch talked about how the incredible amount of resources that they had into catching the shoot er after he got away following the massive manhunts. In tend it was the American People that were catching him. Police for the first time released the images of the shoot er and later as well a car that was associated with him. A black car. As it turned out, it was those images that were widely on social media. People had paper copies in the neighborhood and that was responsible for the capture. That happened when shelby close to four hour drive away from charleston spotted something on usual on the way to work. Here is debbie herself talking about that to msnbc news. I seen the white tag on the front of the tag. That was another picture that they showed on the news and a symbol with a black circle on it. I said oh lord. I called todd and said i think i have just past that boy that killed those people in charleston last night, but i dont know. I dont want to be you know over reacting or whatever. Well he said you need to call somebody. I said that i am going back out here to see if i can catch up to him and get the tag number. I started around and turned back. When i did i thought well i am going to turn back around and see if they pull him over if i can get close enough and todd called me and said debbie that was him, and they caught him. Im crying every time. I cant not cry. Its just an incredible story. Its incredible to have her on this chance. She was late to work and she would not be traveling that route at that hour and spotted that person. Theres a satisfaction that the Community Came together to personally catch this man. Willy, i am just amazed listening to her testimony. Yeah, and the fact that she pursued him and that he could not get away until the police arrived. Debbie is her name. Now, in front of the church thats a memorial now. Thanks so much. Guys back to you in dc. Thanks. I was talking about acts of terrorism how people lost and came together over the year. Well april were about to take a look at who the victims are and were and the contributions contributions, but first the thoughts and taking this all in a day later. Painful. I have roots in North Carolina. Thats the place that they found him. Many names i was in the country, and that was not a day that we did not go to church for weeknight meetings or Prayer Service or bible study. Part of the fabric. Part of the fabric bible belt down there. A place thats sacred. The thing that gets me is that theyre talking about love hope and god. He sits there for an hour and then gets up and makes the rant and just kills the people. Its mind booking. What i think is that the nation is starting to see the truth of the scars of the nation and because theyre highlights now and i do believe because we have the first black president , were seeing the ills within the black community and seeing them visually. He talked about that the ferguson and freddie gray. When we see the things some people are not able to accept the truth. They go off and do Something Like this. Its really everybodys responsible and people will step up to it and do the exact opposite of what he told a friend that he wanted to do and that is start a civil war. Were learning more of the nine lives lost on wednesday night. They had gathered at the Emanual Church as they did each week. Among them are four ministers, a Library Employee a speech therapist and a recent College Graduate. Nbc has their stories. Reporter charleston is a city in mourning. Nine are dead. Six woman and three men. Among those killed the churches pastor a 41yearold father of two thats preached at ame since he was a teenager. God we welcome and invite you into this place, your house. We thank you for the spirit that dwells here. He was also a long time member of a state senate where a black clothe was draped on his desk. He was a giant. It was the moral accomplice. Several people at the church are among the dead a 49yearold dr. Deepayne and he was a mother of four. Sharon da and she was a High School Track and field coach. Sanders a 26yearold barber that recently graduated ar allens university and cynthia hurd that will be renamed in the honor. Her brother says that the last 24 hours are devastating. Were all agonizing that he left home to go to church and after not hearing from her for several hours. Also dead 87yearold Susie Jackson and Daniel Simmons that died after being taken to the hospital. A community is coming together to remember nine lives tragically taken from the place of word chip. The ranges are 2687. Among the survivors is a five year fiveyearold little girl that played dead under the table so she would not get shot. Okay. Now, we talk to you this time and we were in the middle of a manhunt yesterday, and now 24 hours later what is the mood down there . Reporter well, were still heart broken. Its a strategy thats heart broken to say the least. People in this area are tired. Were tired of the deaths in the community. It was just a month ago that we buried walter scott. This Church Family has been through so much and the community and South Carolina. Right now were looking for love, compassion and we do believe that we have faith and going to make it through storms. We are look at the faces and names and beautiful faces and so much youth and potential on one hand and so much life on the other. What can you say about the people that lost their lives at a wednesday night prayer meeting where no one should have to think about that . Reporter well on wednesday night they gathered together for a singulair cause and a common good and its trouble some because it troubles my spirit and ask if you cannot be black in a church, where can we be black in the country. Its unfortunate that he was filled with so much hate. I really want to live my life for these nine peechlt i ask them for a list of people and at the end of the day when ever i am done with my journey, i want the nine people to look down upon me and say job well done. We have work to be done, and were going to bring this community together. We dare not like everybody tier us apart. Okay. What can we take out of this as a positive. How do we make sure that it does not happen again. What do you think are the things that can be done by the government and by the country to prevent Something Else from happening . Reporter well we have to begin a conversation about race. I know thats not something that people really want to talk about. At its core we have to talk about the differences and things like love and hope and peace and justice and truth. Those are the conversations that we truly need to have. Those conversations are healthy to have and people want to have a conversation about the policy areas like gun control and other things, but first i think this Community Needs to grieve. This Community Needs to heal for the next few days. I am sure that were going to cream and cry and yell because we have nine funerals. We have nine bodies to bury and nine families to remember. On sunday theres a group of people that will not have a father to go home to for fathers day, that sir is a tragedy. Tell er a leader in the community and the state and South Carolina. Thanks for being with us. Please give our love and condolences to everyone down there. Reporter thank you. Keep us you are in your prayers willy. Like he said if you cannot be black in a church where can you be black in the country. In the past six to 12 months trevone, ferguson baltimore, Police Issues its also the same issues. Where are you allowed to be a typical american citizen not just black or white but a human being . How do you think those are the incidents and conversation about police abuse and then what we have seen happen over the past 24 hours in charleston impact progress, sofs progress that we made . Good questions and big questions. You know the direct tangible link between the Police Violence and the stories that we have seen and this horrible incident was the pastor who in the South Carolina state senate was champion of the legislation to require offsices to wear body camera. He was in that issue and a broadly issue in the social justice justice. Theres different. Nobody is con flating the two, but if youre a young black man or woman and you have a sense of hope because of a black president and black attorney general, you see one side of it that gives you nothing but hope and then you turn on the news and not con flatting the Police Stories but it has to fill you at the same time with a equal sense of hopelessness. And anger frankly and anger because there was a a reportreport that in the church the guy said that black people are taking over our country and that sense that its somebody elses country. Its not anybody elses country. Its our country toochlt it belongs to all of us. We have been here much longer than the whole lot of people. The name of course comes from the plantation owner and sign er of the declaration of the independence. The name has been in South Carolina longer than this has been a country. The idea that people do not understand the contributions that African Americans made in literally building the country is appalling. Still ahead officials are calling the murders in charleston a hate crime. Plus the woman that spotted the woman suspect joins us here on morning joe. Be right back. Hi. Need an appraisal . Yeah. We do. Vo when selling your car, start with a written offer no strings attached. Carmax. Start here. You are looking at two airplane fuel gauges. 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At some point we as a country have to recognize that this kind of Mass Violence does not happen in other countries. Its my power to do something about it. That was president obama addressing the nation yesterday. By one count it was his 14th time making a statement after a shooting. You know lewis just brought me in a shoot here because i talked about three or four tragedies, but you look back and see what happened in 99 and Virginia Tech was horrific. 32 People Killed there. Forth hood texas, aurora colorado killed in the theater. Of course newton just unspeakable. Miami, washington dc at the navel base and then charleston. Walter, you were asking a question is this something new or is this something that were just focused on now more because of the 24 7 news culture . Well jeremy was reminding me that there were so many of these and the question that i have about this is all of the ones that you listed Virginia Tech aurora theater. They were not racial issues. Is this different because its racial or the same thing with a lot of guns . Youre going look at it historically this is a different type of thing than an aurora. You know i have gotten round and criticized for looking at someone after newton and the first time i saw this guy, i wanted to see who he was. See if he was he looks unstable. Yeah he looks unstable but you could tell right away its different from the and that this is something that he made a conscience decision to hate black people based on race. The four little girl on the 16th t street. It was not a gun but a bomb. Four little girls kill in a church. We have seen this before in this community. The president made reference to that in his speech yesterday. The debate here i think that politically even though that the politics of guns did not change something changed with us within us as a society and a culture. Because the new town crime and children and people cannot see why we dont want reskpakt why were so quickly to move on. Thats the difference why were focussing on how there have been so many of these and we just here is the problem. Obviously i am very outspoken after newton and especially after background check. Background would have not saved a child. Nothing would have saved a father giving a son a 45. Yes, i still support background checks. We have to be aggressive about the background checks but walter the other part of that debate say that is we as a country have to put the arms around Mental Health. I dont say if that if a guy is trying to destrakt from a gun debate. Look at these. 99 percent of them are dissturd people. We as a country and lets talk about Mental Health in america. There are things that fit in here Mental Health and guns because when you put them tokt together t and this one you have the race. As the president said this is a dark part of the history. Then right away you can read todays wall street journal attacking him for saying that and saying that it is not about race. Lets have that debate because it is. Let me which i am in. We have seen this debate over and over again. Clinton tried to deal with the closes of the gun hole. I think when theres a republican in the white house, theres more of an attitude that were going feel safe without them. We can keep the right to bare arms. Thats what were seeing now. Theres a point here. Years ago washington dc we used to hear about the gun violence. Nobody did anything with the black on black gun violence. We saw gabriel gifford. We saw the little children killed the new town. I am not trying to bring race but babies. You dont want to bring race in but its an issue. If nothing happens then unfortunately were still many the situation that you have big gun lobbies that really rule. Yes, there was a collective coming together on the issue of background check for those that are mentally ill, but what happened. Did it change the lives matter. Just to sort through these and everybody would agree most of these rampages were acts by mentally disturbed people. You go back to Oklahoma City and that was a political art of terrorism. This was an act of terrorism. Going back and it was again something that i weighed in to. I have no fear obviously of the nra and anybody else. I have spoken to him a lot. In newton what do you do to someone that gives a gun to a son. What do you do here when a dad gives a 45 handgun that were not going ban to a troubled son . Well actually in many states and some states there are requirements that when you gift a gun to someone, theres a background check. He broke the law. Yes. And the mother showed horrific judgment. You can actually stop it. Its difficult to say that this law would have stopped this incident. I think that its difficult to argue however that sensible laws and common sense laws and better laws would not stop some incidences incidences. Thats a reason go forth. Youre right. Just to back up for a second. Very clearly this its clear to me that was clearly a factor and a major factor and second he inhaled this poigs from somewhere somewhere. I said something on the air where people were shocked. I talked about growing up in georgia and living in mississippi, alabama, florida, and i said that i did not hear the n word thrown people. Walter the people that you probably hng out with did not. It was unacceptable. The flag still flies in the South Carolina capital. Shouldnt we take it down . I think that we take it down. I hope that its a reaction to this. Its not just an offensive similar fwol symbol but hurtful. I am with eugene on the flag by taken down but at the same time i do believe as someone that comes from slaves and five generations of slaves but you also have the side that says many of their families members died under that flag fighting for the confederacy. I have to stand both sides. I dont like the flags myself. Up next we will talk to the two people that are being praised for helping track down the suspected gupnman. We will hear the dramatic story when they joins next. Ams years to master the two handed backhand. But only one shot to master the chase mobile app. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Every Auto Insurance policy has a number. But not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. Those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. 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Well as soon as she called me and told me that it was the suspect and what to do. I said that we need to call someone and the police. I called the Kings Mountain police department. They responded quickly in relaying it to the Shelby Police. From there we had a three way call going and debbie on the line. She continued to get back on the highway and follow him into shelby and thats when we noted where she was and once they got the tag number they responsibilityresponded so quickly and took him down. And then debbie you felt the responsibility to continue to follow the suspect even though that obviously you just heard that he had killed nine americans. Any fear as you were following him, or were you acting on pure instinct . Oh i am i was scared. I was scared when i seen him the first time and thought that i was him. I am no brave person at all here, and i was scared but i felt like i needed to do this. I also knew that i had somebody looking out after me. I knew he was watching me and who was in control of the whole situation and it was the lord up above. I have been saying it the whole time and keep saying it god the one that let this happened and allowed this to happen. Debbie i read somewhere that you actually were praying for the victims in charleston and praying for the people of charleston at the moment that you saw the suspect in the car, what do you make of that . I was prayering for them and i has been praying for them since the night before. It was horrific. I had gone to church myself that night the same night and came home and heard that on the news. I cannot imagine the fear that was in the hearts and they were there just studying the word and trying to get closer to the lord and learn more of what they wanted for their lives, and they were shot and they were massacred. They did not deserve that. They did not deserve that. It should be right now it should be all about them and their families and the hurt and we need to as a nation as a Community Need to be lifting them up in the prayers and be there for them and surround them with the love and care that we can. Thats what god would want us to do and need us to do. Debbie thank you very much. It used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. Whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, thats what id like to do. When a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill . And why stop what youre doing to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. Its the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. 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Bryan will lams will be the special report and breaking news. He will be a breaking report anchor for nbc news live when lest er is not available. He was an anchor from 19962004. He sat down with an interview that aired thiser is not available. He was an anchor from 19962004. He sat down with an interview that aired this morning. Here is a portion of that interview. We live in a world that people are not going let this rest. If there are other circumstances that you did not tell the truth, would you like to take the opportunity to correct the record. I would like to say that what has happened in the past has been identified and torn apart by me and has been fixed and dealt with and Going Forward there are going to be different rules of the road. I know why people feel the way that they do. I get this. I am responsible for this. I am sorry for what happened here. I am different as a result and i expect to be held to a different standard. Wow. That was powerful. Wow is right. Very powerful. I look forward to having him at msnbc. I think that its great for the network. Especially when you go through Something Like that in life and we have all had them and maybe not as publicly as bryan, but if someone can stay that they have not had a moment that changed their life that they owned, then good luck to you. It just makes you rich er deep er and more humane and composition nit. What we find out as we get older and the moments that change us are the moments that break us. We have all been broken one way or the other. Its not about how you fall down but how you get up. Let me congratulation lester holt. A great guy and a guy that could not deserve it more. I am very happy for him. I dont know who can do breaking news better. Yeah, i think this is a lesson and you were talking about getting older and looking at the mistakes. I come from a young er generation and this is a whole remind er of check yourself. Make sure that you have all of your facts right and not hyper boll i can. So this people coming up do not actually report. I remember going knocking on doors after a murder. A lot of the kids sit at a cubicle and 24 years old and analyze like the 24yearold as the worlds view and experience to be an analyst, and thats just not the way that we should be practicing journalism. Well i am excited to work with bryan. Very exciting. Up next an important segment for all of the men. Keep it right here ahead of the morning joe. Before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time and 2 back at the grocery store. Even before he got 3 back on gas. Kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. Because he loves to play hoops. Not jump through them. Thats the excitement of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. Two streetlights. 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I just got a letter from the governor and she is working so hard to get mental legislation passed and wants to work with us. We want to work with you. We want you on the show. Everybody has sort of a reflex. A reflexive response on thousand do this and take care of it. Its obviously very complicated and its going to take a lot of work. Just really quickly just remembering also a friend of ours and a friend of a lot of People Associated jimmy late let that passed away this week. Stay tuned for the run down who is next. Good morning we begin the run down in the breaking news of the charleston massacre shootings. Dylann rough dylann roof has confessed. In just a few hours he will make the first court appearance. Captured in North Carolina after florist debbie spotted his car on the road. Her heart

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