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Also took hostages. The school is run by the Pakistani Military with students in grades one through 10. Peshawar has been the target of attacks. They said they attacked the school because the pakistani government is attacking families. Amin, theres been a period of peace, relative peace in this area for the past few months. Taliban has promised retribution for attacks the pakistani government has launched. No one could imagine retribution would come in this form. Tell us about the ongoing struggles with the taliban inside pakistan . Reporter its a decadesold conflict since pakistan got a foot hold in that part of the country. Right now the Pakistani Military has been trying to go on a counter offensive, trying to break up the strongholds in that area. Breaking up the taliban said it would fight back and today we saw the kind of action they carried out. Very deadly and ugly attack. More importantly targeting a school that was run by the military. This was a school that essentially was providing education to the children of military personnel as well as civilians. The operation is still ongoing as we under but it gives you a sense of the barbaric action in this part of afghanistan. A politically motivated attack in this case. Weve talked before about the killing about the Wedding Party in jordan how that was a turning point in western iraq in 20062007. I wonder how does the taliban launch an attack against children in this region and not lose overwhelming support in that region . You know, pakistanis and i speak a throat the pakistanis, they reject the taliban. The problem is about the capacity of the government to tackle this issue. Make no mistake about it in some of those tribalal areas the Pakistani Taliban still have some support but the overwhelming majority of pakistanis reject terrorism and are trying to suppress this, if you will, cancer in their society. The problem is the capacity of the government to do so successfully has been the biggest challenge and sometimes it has successes and sometimes it doesnt. Theres been frustration that has spilled over that americans have worried president bush as well as president obama have worried for some time the pakistanis were not tough enough on terrorism, the pakistanis and a nod and a wink relationship with the taliban. I suspect if that was the case that all changes now. Youll see a different approach. Theres two schools of thought on this. Some within pakistan wanted to try a reconciliation approach with the taliban, to try to bring them into the fold and they felt the best way to do that of not to use these heavy handed military tactics that disrupted their way of life. There was that argument within pakistanis political establishment. Others say you cant negotiate with these people. These people want to destroy the country. Today youll hear a different tone from the pakistani leadership. The Prime Minister is on his way out there to peshawar. Lets bring in bbcs katty kay. I remember reeding an article about the Afghanistan War talking about how only 15 of afghans actually were supportive of the taliban. And it was jarring to me how a group that had so little public support could have such a large footprint in the political future of that country. Seems like its the same thing in pakistan as well. This is a terrorist organization that is literally holding two countries that we americans too often think oh, are in line with the taliban. But this organization seems to be holding two countries hostage. You dont have to have very much public support and you dont have to have very much known mount terrorist attacks. Thats why they are so effective for the organizations doing it. Whats happened in pakistan as the civilian death toll has mounted from this kind of attack, the Popular Support, if there was any, has almost eroded for the organization. But amin is right the pakistani government has played with fire over the last four years, for several years thinking it could distinguish between good taliban and bad taliban. The groups in the taliban the pakistani government thought supported destabilizes india they were allowed to operate and then thought they could keep that siloed. What they learned you cant. Its attacking within pakistan. Losing the Government Support because civilians are getting killed. But they created a monster. Its very difficult to take it on. You wonder whether this school killing how much it will really change in term of their ability to wipe the taliban. I have to believe it changes everything in pakistan. Julie pace, the search for moderates in pakistan, frustrated the pakistani government. But its also frustrated two president s now. What is the white houses view of the situation in pakistan right now . Pakistan is just this huge conundrum for the white house. You saw early in president obamas tenure that he wanted to have a new relationship with pakistan. He saw that as hugely for the afghan strategy. But theres a lot of things that have really upset the pakistanis about the u. S. The bin laden raid, there was a cia agent who killed pakistanis. So that the relationship has been tense on both sides. But the u. S. As they look at the future of our relationship in that region, the taliban has become incredibly central to that. You remember a couple of weeks ago there was a decision where the president basically expanded what american troops would be left in afghanistan. That was all about the taliban giving the american troops to go after not just al qaeda remnants but the taliban. Politically its much tougher when you move away from the military side and move to the political side theres no easy answer. The Bush Administration plagued by sharif allowing the taliban to hide in plain sight. This country frustrated the past two president s. I cant believe theres not an opening for us to provide some assistance. This is a moment for secretary of state john kerry right now. He a fairly prominent speech a few years back at the center for american progress, a think tank here in washington, d. C. Where he out lined a very broad strategy that had a lot more focus on pakistan. A lot of those monetary focus. Sending money for them to do this type of antiterrorism training, to push up the moderates in the country. And, you know, it died by the wayside. Now in the wake of this im wondering if theres more political willingness to revisit Something Like that. To your point theres a backlash. When you go and kill hundreds of students, if you dont have a cultural backlash to that i dont know what produces it. Also this is, again, some of the most elite military families children that have been shot. This is going to yeah. I just find it credibly hard to believe as difficult as it is hard to understand whats going on inside of pakistan and all the different players this cuts to the core of it and i would be shocked if you didnt see a massive offensive against the taliban in the coming weeks. Lets move on to sydney where people are coming to grips. Three people are dead including the gunman who took 17 people hostage inside the Lindt Chocolate cafe. This video were showing you shows heavily armed police storming the building after a series of loud gun shots were heard. Several hostages were able to escape and officials decided they couldnt wait any longer to act. They made the call because they believed if at that time they didnt enter many more lives would be lost. It was tough exacting work. Many hours whether they were on point or part of a team that had to make that entry and deal with the situation. I want to point out they have save lives. Thief saved many lives. To those men and women all that were involved we thank you. The victims have been identified as 38yearold Katrina Dawson a mother of three a lawyer and 34yearold tori johnson. He managed the cafe and stew did at Washington State university between 2002 and 2003. Authorities are investigating whether they were killed by the gunman or wounded in the crossfire. Four other people who were wounded are in stable condition. Flags are flying at half mast. Officials also attended a Memorial Service a block away. Who exactly was the man behind the 16 hour hostage standoff. Hes been identified as a 50yearold man, monday. An iranian refugee being described as a selfstyled cleric who considered himself a martyr and loner. As he held 17 people hostage with a sawed off shotgun he demanded the isis flag which could be seen through the window an Islamic State flag. He wanted to speak to the Prime Minister. He was currently out on bail after being charged with helping a woman stab his exwife to death. And set her on fire. He was also charged this year with sexually assaulting at least seven women and sent to prison in 2012 for mailing threatening letters to families of australian soldiers who were killed in afghanistan. What we do know is that the perpetrator was wellknown to state and commonwealth authorities. He had a long history of violent crime. Infatuation with extremism and mental instability. As the siege unfolded yesterday, he sought to cloak his actions with the symbolism of the isil death cult. Tragically, there are people in our Community Ready to engaging politically motivated violence. The events at martin place also showed were ready to deal with these people professionally and with the full force of law. I guess, it begs the question here what exactly do you have to do in australia to get sent to jail . He sexually assaulted seven people. Part of a murder of his exwife where shes stabbed and set on fire. Hes sending threatening letters to the families of service men killed. They were poison pen letters and claimed it was his First Amendment right. What else can you tell super tuesday i guess the biggest problem this morning australian officials are saying that if he had been part of a terror group that would have been fine. If he were even talking to two or three people they would have tracked him down because it would have been in clusters. As we heard yesterday this lone wolf right. Is impossible sometimes to track. That illustrates the problems with these attacks. Thats why people are worrisome to officials here in britain, in canada we saw the attack on the soldiers there. In parliament there. Theres lots of people out there who are disturbed who make threats, do crazy things and its very hard for Law Enforcement to strike this balance between peoples Civil Liberties and putting them on watch lists. We see one story after another of muslims, muslim extremists going out and chopping peoples heads off in an Oklahoma City warehouse or running over soldiers outside of montreal or shooting up the parliament in canada. Its rarely a cleric that comes out of the mosque clean. So many of these people are disturbed. They have a bad criminal record already. This seems to be just a confluence of events and almost like they are using their religion as an excuse to be extreme. I think a lot of these people are disturbed and they are looking for something to latch on to. This is a convenient thing where theres lots of propaganda on social media. Isis has been very effective in creating very slick propaganda. I think its something that people can latch on to very easily that presents sort of a convenient narrative for people who are looking for meaning. Joining us now from sydney, australia, sar gentlema james w been there since the news broke. Have we seen changes already . Reporter we certainly are, mika. Theres no question about it. Just tonight New South Wales police the state please announced something they are calling Operation Hammer head. What they are planning to do is have an increased Police Presence on street. They will be patrolling in particular areas which are Public Meeting places. So things like the harbor, the iconic harbor with the Sydney Opera House and transportation. That will go on for about three weeks. We have certainly seen that increased Police Presence obviously yesterday but its going to be continuing. But, again, you know the point that you have bern raising there with your guests is why was monis on bail . And thats a question so many australians are asking tonight why was this guy on the streets . Its obviously something that everybody is looking at. Were hearing from the authorities that they are going to be taking a very close look at, you know, what changes need to be made. He was supposed to go to court in february. Thats a couple of months away. And everything that we know about him from what were hearing in the community is that this was a man who was unraveling and there were signs and clearly with what here its a question of how you keep that how you prevent it from getting to this situation. Back to you. Sara, let me ask you. Joe scarborough here. Are police under scrutiny in the community and the media forgoing in at the time they did. Two tragic deaths in that cafe. Still no answers on whether it was actually the gunmans bullets that killed the two or whether it was, in fact, the Police Officers bullets that killed the two people inside. Reporter well, the commissioner here Andrew Scipione has said we have an active investigation. Clearly thats one of the questions that has to be looked at. Who or how is the bullet fired that killed these hostages. But we were here last night and one person i spoke to who was near very, very close to this as it happened just looking down upon the scene said right before it happened there was the belief that one of the hostages was down. And that the police had no choice but to go in, in the effort to save lives. So theres this, theres this really difficult situation. You got to go in and then when you do go in, how does that play out. Thats absolutely one of the things that we scrutinized. But i think that theres also been the belief of many people here in australia that there was a lot of restraint, that this was measured, there was a lot of waiting, that there was negotiation, conversations were going on, and so i think people are going to wait and see what comes out of that investigation. All right. Nbc sara james in sydney. Thank you very much. Another big story were following a manhunt under way right now for an iraq war veteran suspected of killing his exwife and five former inlaws. This all unfolded early yesterday morning in montgomery county, pennsylvania about 30 miles north of philadelphia. Officials say 35yearold marine reservist bradley stone went on a shooting spree gunning down his exwife as well as her mother, grandmother, sister, brotherinlaw and niece. Their bodies were found in three different homes. A 17yearold boy, his exwifes nephew was also shot and wounded. Officials have not released a motive but stone and his exwife were in a bitter custody dispute and friends and neighbors said she feared for her life. I was asleep and thats when i heard the noise. Reporter ashley doesnt want her face on the camera without could hear it all through the walls of her apartment. I heard four gun shots. Reporter nicole hill brad stones exwife dead inside her apartment. Ashley called 911 after seeing bradley rush the kids in the car. I opened the window and asked him if anything is okay. He looked at me and said shes hurt pretty bad. We have to leave. Reporter neighbors said nicole and brad were having nasty custody issues. They say she was very open about her concerns for her own safety. She would tell all the ladies in the neighborhood this man will kill me. She felt threatened. This is the Worst Nightmare to see this kind of violence so close the home. Those who know stone say he suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder. The District Attorney said he should be considered armed and dangerous. This is one of these mornings we wish we put the alarm under the pillow and stayed in bed. The story we were talking about, the questions we were raising whats happened in australia, why was this guy not on a watch list, why was he not being monitored more closely you could ask the same question in the pennsylvania list. Theres hundreds of thousands of people around the world who have posttraumatic stress disorder or suffer from some mental problems that could potentially lead them to violent acts. In the vast majority of cases it doesnt. If you look at our veterans and the suicide rate alone is huge. The story hasnt unfolded. Its the question between civil rights and research. How do you know who are the ones that will do something terrible. We just passed the tragic two Year Anniversary of newtown. Weve been focusing and a lot of people in the media have focused how none of the gun laws were changed. But i think as big or i would say even a bigger tragedy and a bigger failure in washington, d. C. , gun laws aside, the failure to address Mental Health in a Meaningful National way. Because the further you get away from newtown the more you find out you could have passed every gun law in the world and that guy, that guy was going to figure out how to bring harm to people. Australia has some of the strictest gun laws in the world. Incredibly difficult to get one. People will do crazy things. Lets be straight about it. Australia, i looked it up, has 40 murders by firearm. In america its 11,000. Talking about apples and oranges. With Police Killings as well. The point, though, is that whether youre talking about australia, whether youre talking about newtown, whether youre talking about pennsylvania, all three of those, regardless of the gun law, all three of those have Mental Health, a Mental Health problem. Does it matter it does matter. Whether 11,000 people are dying in the country, whether 5,000 people dining in a country or five from guns if we dont address Mental Health first among our veterans but then for all americans, these tragedies are going to continue. And if they dont happen with a gunther going to happen with a knife. They are going to happen with Something Else. We have so much more ahead on morning joe. Happy stuff. Well be talking about happy stuff right after we talk about bill cosby. Happy stuff. Shes going to talk about accusations against her husbands and why she referenced if Rolling Stone magazine on the university of magazine. And a uber story. 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Bill cosbys wife of more than 50 years is breaking her silence about the series of women accusing her husband of Sexual Assault. She strongly defended the comedian and questioned the media coverage. Her full statement says quote i met my husband, bill cosby in 1963 and married in 1964. The man i met and fell in love with and whom i continue to love is the manual knew through his work. He is a kind man, a generous man, a funny man, and a wonderful husband, father and friend. He is the man you thought you knew. A different man has been portrayed in the media over the last two months. Its the portrait of a man i do not know. Also a portrait painted by individuals and organizations who many in the media have given a pass. There appears to be no vetting of my husbands accusers before stories are published or aired. An accusation is published and immediately goes viral. We all followed the story in the article in the Rolling Stone concerning allegations of rape at the university of virginia. The story was heartbreaking but ultimately appears to be proved to be untrue. Many in the media are quick to link that story to stories about my husband until that story unwound. None of us will ever want to be in the position of attacking a victim. But the question should be asked who is the will. Bill cosby said in the New York Post he expects black media to remain objective while covering the story and asking while his wife was holding up cosby said love and the strength of womanhood. Let me say it again love and strength of womanhood. You can reverse it, vaccine of womanhood and love. Cosby ended the conversation saying his lawyers did not want him speaking to the media. A lawyer for cosby said the reporter didnt telecom by he was being interviewed for publication and recorded. Bill cosby has never been charged with a crime and through a lawyer has denied all allegations in the past. Julie . I have one thought on this. I agree that people need to be careful and vet these things. Are they doing that . The difference between this and the hold it. You said they should. Yes. Are they doing that or is the media being careful . Are they allowing a woman make an accusation 40 years old and splash it on the front page of a newspaper. In the uva case you have anonymous people making accusations. In this case these are people who are on camera making these accusations. And the critical difference is they are making almost identical accusations each and every one of them. Thats not to say he doesnt deserve the presumption of innocence. He does. But shouldnt there have been vetting. Of course. You say they are making identical. One person can hear another persons story can hear another persons story and repeat it. Im deeply troubled about this. You asked why i didnt talk out more about this in the very ding. We saw after the Rolling Stone case its very easy to charge somebody, accuse somebody of something and its almost impossible to prove a negative in realtime. Let alone 40 years later. That is impossible. Absolutely. One thing that the media can do to help ourselves in the wake of the Rolling Stone incident is to be a little more transparent about our vetting process. You cant have people be on television answering questions by name but i think we have a responsibility to share why we think this person is credible and should have this platform. Ive seen interviews with people who dont seem credible at all. Not on our network but others. Long background of their story. We dont know if they just called in and said i got this story. We dont know whats behind it. I remember the media certainly pounced on people that accused bill clinton almost in realtime of Sexual Harassment because they tried to sell their story. Then went on and sold their story. Theres not even that standard being held in the cosby case. Maybe cosby has done everything hes been accused of. I dont know. But i do know that to have somebody come forward 40 years later with a man who has never been charged and for the media to put it out there and for to it go viral and for it to happen over and over again we have to finish every time bill cosby has never been charged. Do we not report it . I dont think we should. Bill cosby should being charged with something. Weve seen figures of being charged and accused of found guilt i of Sexual Assault of 40 years ago. A massive entertainer when i was a child in britain, major figure, there was always rumors about it, some allegation child abuse. Child abuse. Again and again and again repeatedly. From 30 or 40 years ago. Doesnt mean that things that happened 30 or 40 years ago didnt happen. Im not saying that. Im saying though any woman can come forward right now and say bill cosby did this to me 40 years ago and be on the cover of us weekly. With no vetting. Say what you want to say about bill cosby because its open season they will print your story. Maybe it happen. But if it didnt happen you get your 15 minutes of fame. Thats valid. You have to be forthcoming about why you think this person is credible before printing her story. The one thing i will add to this which is worth noting he did in 2006 settle a lawsuit. Now that doesnt necessarily mean hes guilt i but thats a worthwhile fact to have in this discussion. Thats a worthwhile fact. I was having a discussion with phil griffin. He settled a suit. Phil as a lawyer do you know holmes he had to tell clients, you know what . It was civil suits. Tell clients listen its a pain in the ass, and it makes you angry, but if you go to court, this is whats going to happen. And this is whats going to happen to your brand. And this is how much its going to cost you. Just settle. To be done with it and let it go. Walk away. I would be comfortable l. A. Apparently is opening investigations. I would be much more comfortable if they want to open up 40 year investigations even though the statue limitations has run. I understand what youre saying. I just dont know if we ignore all these stories either. Ive seen completed ive seen some people who have spoern out that dont seem credible. Mika think about the usual in the uva case. We did it as well. We did it as well. It became a national story. Its a really important conversation to have and well continue. Coming up did jeb bush give his 2016 stump speech a dry run at the university of jg . Mike allen gives us the must read opinion pages when we come back. As the velocity of change in the world increases, new players in new markets face a choice do it fast and cheap. Or do it right. 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To help all those wishes come true. Cvs health. Because health is everything. Cvs health. Mmmmmmm. Look out. Now theres even more of the amazing cinnamon taste you love on cinnamon toast crunch. Crave those crazy squares even more. Were seeing more and more people often model their lives on their parents and i can tell you from personal experience if your parents worked in politic, well you know the rest. Dont be depressed by this because you dont have to follow the pattern. You can do what you want to do. In fact life is a lot better if you find your own reasons to do your own things. Theres no motivation as powerful as wanting to do something for yourself and expecting more of yourself. That was jeb bush fueling speculation that a bid for the white house is in his future at the university of South Carolina. Stop. Joining us now is the chief White House Correspondent for politico mike allen. We also have a great piece by david brooks. Let me just tease the headline for you. Warren can win. So this time it looks Bush V Clinton 25 years later. This time its personal. Just what a tired electorate that hates washington wants, right . Wrong. We saw the top ten google trending terms today for politicians. One of the top ten politicians yesterday for the year was not Hillary Clinton. People are not that curious. We got a preview of what governor bush will be like if he goes out on the stump and doing the university of South Carolina graduation speech and by the way nephew morgan got accepted there. Thats exciting. What he now calls the real usc. Very good. But this will be very important to governor bush and politico popped up a story how South Carolina will be central to his strategy. Very plausible scenario you would agree. Ted cruz could win iowa. Rand paul, Chris Christie could win New Hampshire. And then third you have South Carolina where bushs have been strong and dad 43 won there. Yesterday we saw him visiting governor nicky haley trying to set that ground work. Heres the New York Times, Elizabeth Warren can win by david brooks. The Political Class has been wondering if Elizabeth Warren will take on Hillary Clinton for the democratic nomination. This speculation is usually based on the premise that warren count actually win but that she could move the party in her direction. But today even for those of us who disagree with warren she has a chance of being nominated. The emotional register of the Democratic Party is growing more combative. The fundamental truth every structural and historical advantage favors clinton. But every day more democrats embrace the emotion and view defined by warren. Well not just democrats on this populism issue. Sam stein, Elizabeth Warren going after citi, sounds like ted cruz going after citi, Joe Scarborough going after citi. This is not just a democratic issue. Populism is rising for good reason. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer and theres a huge gap when you have clinton and bush. Really . Clinton and bush in this rising age of populism. The problem clinton has is she has these ties to wall street, whether its in her husbands own political or personal history. Whether its because shes from new york. Shes so aligned with wall street. Rhetorically she can move away but that will always be part of her character and thats a vulnerability she has. For all this talk about Elizabeth Warren and im not sure if david brooks is doing some high profiling trolling for all this talk she has signed a letter along with all the Democratic Senators if Hillary Clinton runs she will support her. It can change. I trust the letter. Her numbers are still low. Set up against Hillary Clinton. President obama didnt have a Hillary Clinton interesting dynamic in that she did have shes not in that position i didnt know a Single Person in early 2006 that thought that Hillary Clinton wasnt going to clean up. I remember reading quotes about the clinton unusually good liars and jarred everybody. It said oh, my god theres a crack in the wall. And through that crack came pouring Barack Obamas operation, millions and millions of dollars. And julie pace, if theres anybody out there that can do that, im not saying they could but if theres anybody out there that could do that it would be Elizabeth Warren who is actually saying what nobody else in the Democratic Party is saying. She seems something at least. One of the issues of clinton were not sure what her message is why shes running for president. Whether you agree with her or not Elizabeth Warren has a set of principles and you know where she stands. This time the clintons will not be taken by surprise. This time they are watching it. They will squash her like a bug. We see the positioning we saw last week on the show, howard dean endorsing Hillary Clinton, a scoop in playbook today, today at 3 00 p. M. Here on msnbc, al franken senator from minnesota another prominent liberal will endorse Hillary Clinton. So people are moving to try to tamp down this talk. Up next, more fallout from yesterdays events as police end a expense filled 16 hour standoff with an armed gunman. Terror analyst Michael Sheehan is our guest. Keep it right here on morning joe. And ah, so you can see like right here i can just. You know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a claim. You know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. Oh, thats so cool. Well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. No dude, youre on the jumbotron whoa. Ah. Yeah, pretty much walked into that one. Geico anywhere anytime. 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The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem onesided. Welcome back to morning joe at 47 past the hour. The question is what should other major cities be looking out for in the wake of yesterdays sydneys hostage situation. Here with us now, former Deputy Commissioner of counterterrorism for the new York City Police department and former state Department Ambassador at large for counterterrorism Michael Sheehan. Michael, after sydney if you were still working in new york city what would you be recommending today today they are going to be looking for copycats and isis has a way through social media inspiring people. We see this all the time. Nypd will be out on the streets trying to prevent a copycat and also more importantly looking at the investigations to see if anybody out there is really getting heated up. Where would you put your resource . Investigations. Thats how you stop this stuff. Looking at people who are involved. People known by police. People in boston known by police. What do you do follow them around . Sometimes you do if they are bad. Otherwise theres different legal steps that you can take with somebody but yes. We were talking about how if you look at the recent attacks that have made the papers, whether youre talking about the attack on canadas parliament, whether youre talking about the woman whose head was cut off in Oklahoma City, you talk about here, these are not devout muslims. These are people who are deeply disturbed who ended up converting, trying to find meaning and then they went off. That makes it a little harder to go to the local mosques and try to find out who you should follow. It does. These are isolated events i call tragic terrorist events they are not strategic terrorism. Strategic terrorism requires isis to organize multiple attacks around the country. Andrew, the strategic attacks are the ones that are easier to follow because we got surveillance where two, three, four terrorists come together potential terrorists come together chances are good were looking, were listening and watching but not in the case of these lone wolves. Its interesting one tactic you mentioned people being followed around. Something else the fbi and other Law Enforcement agencies have been doing more and more looking for people on social media who might be expressing these sorts of beliefs and putting them in contact with a cooperator who is working for the fbi. You see these cases very frequently a lot of times they dont make headlines where someone thinks they plotting something, plotting to go pakistan or join the Islamic State and instead they are actually working with an fbi informant. Thats the way they feel they can smoke people out. Theyve thrown people in prison because of Civil Liberties concerns. Online media, email, social immediate area chat rooms, xbox video games, everything, its almost like possible terrorists are making the fbis job so much easier because they are leaving a paper trail every day. They are leaving a paper trail but also a massive recruiting tool. On one hand perhaps leads us to them on the other hand it enables more of them to go join jihad. The other thing about social media is for governments and authorities to put out an alternative social media message. To have a counter balance out there that these guys can come up against in their hearts and minds. Hard to imagine this guy wasnt tracked at the same time when you look at his history. It really is. You wonder how a guy is even out on the streets. They should have been looking at this guy not only as an agitator for this type of violence but personal issues with him being accused of murdering his wife. , you very much. Andrew grossman thank you as well. Coming up, from a beloved comedian to the years must have app we got the top google searches of 2014 next on morning joe. Just take a closer look. It works how you want to work. With a Fidelity Investment professional. Or managing your investments on your own. Helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. And save on taxes where you can. So you can invest in the life that you want today. Tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. Call or come in today for a free oneonone review. Call or come in today for a free oneonone review. Thanks. [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to enable Global Commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. Great job. mandarin cut it out. See you tomorrow. They take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. For respawn, building the best Interactive Entertainment begins with the cloud. This is titanfall, the first multiplayer game built and run on microsoft azure. Empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. This cloud turns data into excitement. This is the microsoft cloud. All right. Alex goes on air. Were on the air. Okay. Stop. No. Katty kay didnt know either. We also learned im not sure i feel better. Shes got to go where . One of those parties. One of the conventions. All right. Late actor Robin Williams talks googles list of the top trending searches for 2014. The company analyzed trillions of searches made here in the u. S. And world wide. Williams had the largest increase in searches for any person this year. The second most popular search in the u. S. Was the world cup. Ebola. Malaysia airlines. And flappy bird rounded the top five. Is that Something Else . Flappy bird was one of the most worn outfits. Stop. Whats flappy bird. I dont mean to be ignorant. Its an app. A game alex tells us. The list was the same worldwide except for fifth place which went to the als ice bucket challenge. Thats very nice. Thats impressive marketing philanthropic move. A good story came out of sydney yesterday the ill ride with you story. Really good story about a lot of people across sydney letting muslims know on twitter and facebook that they wanted to ride with them to work and really nice. The hash tag was ill ride with you and it happened. Very good. Coming up the very latest out of pakistan. Where more than 100 people are dead. Many of them children after a devastating attack on a school. Andrea mitchell has the reaction from the u. S. Embassy straight ahead on morning joe. Sheila you see this ball control . You see this right . Its 80 confidence and 64 knee brace. Thats more. Shh. I know thats more than 100 . But thats what winners give. Now bicycle kick your old 401 k into an ira. I know, i know. Listen, just get td ameritrades rollover consultants on the horn. Theyll guide you through the whole process. Its simple. Even she could do it. Whatever, janet. For all the confidence you need. Td ameritrade. You got this. You dont need to think about the energy that makes our lives possible. Because we do. Were exxonmobil and powering the world responsibly is our job. Because boiling an egg. Isnt as simple as just boiling an egg. Life takes energy. Energy lives here. We are about to make more gooddeliveriesverybody. To more places than anybody on earth. We have the speed. We have the technology. And we have the team. We made over 15 billion successful deliveries last year. 15 billion football has a season. Baseball has a season. This is our season. Welcome back to morning joe. Were live in d. C. This morning. Katty kay and julie pace are still with us along with amin in new york. Joining the table, chief Foreign Affairs keernt host of Andrea Mitchell reports, Andrea Mitchell. Also Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, msnbc political analyst eugene robinson. Speaking of the the Washington Post, you guys see this headline today in the Washington Post . A tower built in mississippi cost 350 million. For be a rocket thats been scrubbed. Here the punch line. It will continue to cost 100 million a year for upkeep. For a rocket that no longer is being made. Right. We have power there. Usa. A tower to nowhere. Thats a tower to nowhere. Preparations are not dead. No they are not. Come on. Here New York Times smarter robots move deeper into the workplace. We have evidence of robots moving deeper into the workplace at nbc. We dont know if they are smarter. With that mika lets turn it over to the news as andrea looks down. Shes checking the latest. I good word from the embassy at islamabad. U. S. Ambassador is extending on behalf of the American People the profound deepest sympathies and condolences to families and victims of this heinous attack. As amin was telling you this is an army school, military children. Unbelievable. Core of the Pakistani Military. U. S. Condemns senseless and inhumane attacks on students and educators and stand in solidarity with people of pakistan in the fight against the menace of terrorism and few have suffered more than the people of pakistan. Its true but also true Pakistani Military and particularly the intelligence agencies have been embedded with the taliban. There has been an ongoing problem. Mika we talked about it last hour with the Pakistani Military and also isi having a wink relationship with many segments of the taliban. I suspect and i would be shocked if the horror, the horrible news coming out of pakistan this morning doesnt change that. Well what andrea is looking at reaction too of course is nbc confirming through a military source that at least 126 people are dead, many children after taliban attacked a school in the northwestern city of peshawar. At least 500 students and teachers were believed to be inside. Were told that there were ten or 11 attackers and that the militants took hostages. The school is run by the Pakistani Military with students in grades one through ten. The taliban says it attacked the school because the pakistani government is quote, targeting our families and females. So andrea there has been a time of relative quiet over the past few months. The taliban, though, has been promising retribution for some of the attacks from the government. But this really is, it is a strange relationship, complicated relationship between the isi, the military and the taliban. But dont you think the lines are going to be cleared up a good bit after this tragedy . I dont see how pakistans government cannot respond in the most forceful way, in the kind of way that weve all been with the u. S. Government and allies have been pressing them to do for years and years. This is so complicated by take it back to afghanistan, pakistan, Richard Holbrooke and the fact that he had this unit inside the state department trying during the first obama term to do something. Then, of course, his tragic death and that effort fell apart. Nobody wanted to deal with this. As we withdraw from afghanistan this is making it that much more complicated. Much more complicated to withdraw from afghanistan. I obviously, ive been saying since 2009 we should be withdrawing as aggressively as possible. Now you look at the rise of isis and whats going on in pakistan. Its just not that simple any more. This does complicate so far delayed withdrawal as you recall, president obama has already said well leave more troops in afghanistan i think than originally planned, quite a few more. But lets not forget for pakistan to make a serious effort to go into the territories and root out the taliban, is no small under taking. Its a big war. Its something they have been reluctant to do. The taliban is concentrated kind of a no mans land, ungoverned space. And so its, you know, if they could do it but it would be a big bloody thing that had the potential to spill back into afghanistan and they are not popular in their own country. The taliban. Right. But they do have some support in their base and they have enough support among the pashtuns to have stuck around this long, to you know, committing an atrocity like this in terms of their pr is not a great thing for them. But i just dont under estimate the degree to which they are rooted in there. It would be nice to think that out of this horrendous tragedy which is worse than others that we have seen, something changes within the echelons of the pakistani intelligence sources you cant support one group of taliban you cant pick and choose. Youre playing with fire the moment you engage with taliban forces. So many pakistani civilians have died over the last few years because of taliban attacks. Public opinion has turned against the taliban in much of pakistan and things have not changed within the pakistani intelligence forces. It would require a fundamental shift in the relationship between pakistani government, the Intelligence Services and the military and also i think would require the United States to get involved, to help try to bolster moderate elements in the pakistani government and just so far we dont see remember the comments about snakes in your backyard. That was in lahore, opening to homeland. Barack obama, george w. Bush, theyve all tried to deal with pakistan. We gave pakistan billions of dollars a year after 9 11. And Many American lawmakers think we got absolutely nothing back for it. What do we do moving forward to help pakistan . Does pakistan even want americas help . Well, you know, i think pakistan is a country and we see this in several countries that the u. S. Engages with is a country that has a proud sovereign tradition. It prize itself on sovereignty. That was one of the stick points with the United States pakistan would try to project publicly to its own population and the region it was an independent sovereign country but then sometimes worked very closely with the United States and allowing things like either covert operations or drones. What were seeing is it would appear then that the pakistanis would be speaking out of two sides of their mouth. On one hand we dont need american assistance or we need that kind of independent relationship but then allowing americans to carry out operations and have all kinds of support and allowing supply routes to go into afghanistan. This is a tricky balance for the United States where on one hand it cant appear the u. S. Is dictating to pakistan what to do or how to do it. It wants to provide pakistan with assistance but in exchange for that assistance i want needs some cooperation from pakistan and sometimes thats where the break down happens is that pakistan doesnt want to give back the kind of cooperation that the United States wants so as not to compromise its sovereignty in the eyes of its own people. Explain if you, youve spent a good amount of time reporting on pakistan, staying in touch with pakistanis on usual beat. Talk about the country and the middle class. Ive been fascinated over the past five to ten years about we saw the lawyer riots five years ago, people said it would cause the government to fall apart. The middle class didnt join in the streets. And the center held in pakistan. Buddhos death was supposed to unleash forces to bring down the government. The middle class stayed in their homes. The Pakistani Center held. Its an extraordinarily complex country. But its a country thats enjoyed some economic success and a middle class, forget the taliban, forget about the extremism factions but a middle class thats conservative with a small c. Absolutely. Pakistan as you were saying spot on, joe, its a complex country and there are a lot of Different Power Centers in that country. One, the tribal regions as eugene was talking about where the Pakistani Taliban has strong root. Its a strong allegiance of tribes. That makes it difficult for the Central Government to assert its sovereignty. But you also have very well educated tremendously successful cosmopolitan centers, karachi and other Financial Centers and against that backdrop you also have a lot of problems that we see in denselypopulated countries, poverty, conservatism and that makes it a very difficult country to govern. Given the fact that it has such a pressing security challenge you have also a very powerful security establishmen that has risen over the past several decades because of external threats wars with india and powerful military and intelligence service. Against that backdrop you have a budding democracy a country thats constantly trying to push forward democratic reforms sometimes not very successfully. We want to move to sydney where people across australia are coming to grips with the hostage crisis that left the country on edge for more than 16 hours. Three people are dead this morning including the gunman who took 17 people hostage inside the Lindt Chocolate cafe. Who exactly was the man behind the 16 hour hostage standoff . Hes been identified as 50yearold haron monis, an iranian refugee. Hes been described as a selfstyled muslim cleric, a loner who considered himself a martyr. As he held 17 people hostage with a sawed off shotgun monis demanded isis flag and he also wanted to speak to Prime Minister tony abbott. Monday nice was currently out on bail after being charged with helping a woman stab his exwife to death and set her on fire. He also was charged this year with sexually assaulting at least seven women and he was sent to prison in 2012 for mailing threatening letters to families of australian soldiers who were killed in afghanistan. What we do know is that the perpetrator was wellknown to state and commonwealth authorities. He had a long history of violent crime. Infatuation with extremism and mental instability. As the siege unfolded yesterday he sought to cloak his actions with the symbolism of the isil death cult. Tragically, there are people in our Community Ready to engaging politically motivated violence. The events at martin place also show that were ready to deal with these people, professionally and with the full force of law. You really do wonder. This guy was out . How was this guy out . I can even imagine. He helped stab his exwife to death, set her on fire, seven charges of Sexual Assault. Writing threatening letters to families of soldiers who died in afghanistan. What does it take . Exactly what does it take to be locked up in australia. Officials are facing questions about not putting monis on a terror watch list or doing more to monitor his activities. Australia has also tough gun laws that ban some semiautomatic weapons and force licensed applicants to show legitimate reasons for needing to own a gun. But, again, as we talked before, whether you talk about the terrible story coming out of pennsylvania or where more people died than actually died in sydney or what happened in sydney so much of this goes back to Mental Health as well. I want to bring in contributing opinion writer julia baird. You were there. Tell us what you saw. Reporter i was not there during the siege, i was there actually packing my bags for the states glued to the television for the first several hours. The cbd area where it was going on was completely evacuated it was in lock down. This is part of the Central Business district, it was two blocks from the state parliament. Its a big shopping and commuting thoroughfare. Its at the heart of sydneys business community. The streets were deserted. People were fleeing the city, the ferrari rides were packed over to manly and the opera house was evacuated because there were rumor as device was found there which turned out to be increase. But it was one of those days where it was a beautiful blue sky, beautiful sydney day. Contra dwiktd this incredible paralyzing anxiety. And you actually sadly n lly the woman in the attack. Cristina was an incredibly loved woman. She had three children under 10. She had an enormous heart. She was very well respected. Forging her way at the bar with her, very few women combining motherhood with it effectively and everyone still, obviously, in shock that this has happened, her family is grieving and i just want to count by her neighbor saying she didnt like coffee and so she went to the lindt cafe for a hot chocolate that morning and obviously with tragic consequences but i did hear that she was with a pregnant woman and she was shielding her at the last minute which is an entirely in character of what Katrina Dawson was like. Have you heard, are there questions as to why the police launched the attack when they did . Questions right now about whether so many about the gunman. Whether the gunman actually fired the fatal shots or whether it was crossfire from the police . Reporter there are questions. I dont know the answer to that. All i know is police went in as soon as they heard gunfire. Thats what triggered it. Its unclear how the manager of the store and katrina died. Can you explain to us about were wondering whether it is common in australia for someone who had such a record. Had such a record a long record of helping stab and kill and set on fire his wife Sexual Assault. Sexual assaults and sends threatening letters to the families of deceased soldiers. How is a man like that out on the street first all and secondly how is he not on a terror watch list. Thats what were actually all trying to fathom now. So many extra measures which have been brought into parliament in terms of surveillance and terror and in response to that. I dont know why. I want seems crazy he wasnt on a terror list. In terms of bail hes been put out on bail three times. The first was in december last year. That was an accessory to his wifes brutal murder. The day which he apparently concocted a heart attack and fake ad robbery in his house. Irrespective, let out on bail. Since then seven women but 40 counts of Sexual Assault. So theres a debate as he was pretending to be some kind of magician or exploitive business. Theres questions about bail laws and theres a long going debate in New South Wales. They have been tightened but not introduced. There will be discussion about that. But theres also discussion about whether we take the Sexual Assault of women seriously enough. Very violent acts committed against women. Should these men be let out. There will be a very robust debate in australia about it now. Julia baird, thank you very much. One other big story were covering this morning right now a manhunt is under way for an iraq war veteran suspected of killing his exwife and five former inlaws. This all unfoldled early yesterday morning in montgomery county, pennsylvania b30 miles north of philadelphia. Officials say 35yearold marine reservist bradley stone went on a shooting spree, gunning down his exwife nicole stone as well as her mother, grandmother sisterinlaw and niece. A 17yearold boy his exwifes nephew was also shot and wounded. Officials have not released a motive but stone and his exwife were in a bitter custody dispute and friends and neighbors said she feared for her life. Those who know stone say he suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder. District attorney said he should be considered armed and dangerous. Lets go to doylestown, pennsylvania. Jesse what do we know . Reporter police are doing a shift change here at the Doylestown Police department. Then head out. The officer is heading out to the spotting of bradley stone. Late last night he tried to car jack or steal the keys to the car of a gentleman who was walking his dog. That gentleman, though, was armed with a gun. He was able to fire several rounds and police here believe they have some shell casings back at the scene. The man matching stones description ultimately ran off into the woods and has not been seen since as you said earlier. Stone is wanted for the slaying of six people. Theres a seventh person a 17yearold who is in the hospital here in philadelphia wounded in the attacks. Additionally, two School Districts here in this area are working under whats called modified lock down meaning children will not be allowed outside and monitor and limit the people to come inside. Another School District is closed all together and an alternative school here in do doylestown will be closed because of this ongoing manhunt. All right. Thank you. Still ahead on morning joe what were the biggest lies in politics for 2014 . Were going look at the the Washington Posts top pinnochios of the year. And a top guitarist the latest inductes in to the Rocknroll Hall of fame when we come back. Its not about how many miles you can get out of the cmax hybrid. Its about how much life you can fit into it. The ford cmax hybrid. With an epaestimated range of 540 miles on a tank of gas. And all the room you need to enjoy the trip. Go stretch out. Go further. Wellllll. Earlyfit latefit risefit fallfit ballfit wallfit pingfit pongfit pingfit pongfit rowfit throwfit slowfit olliefit oopsfit otisfit thiswayfit thatwayfit daddyfit pappyfit datefit weightfit goalfit gooooooalfit stepfit stairfit smartfit heartfit spinfit bikefit hikefit yikesfit wheeeeefit wowfit whoafit findyourfit its all fitbit time now to take a look at the morning papers. We have thomas with us. The New York Times well start there. The price of oil dropped to just under 56 a barrel yesterday marking its lowest level since may of 2009. Officials have declined to hold emergency talks on the oil crisis as opec refuses to cut production. Gene, the russian ruble has collapsed this morning to new lows. What an economic crisis for russian and Vladimir Putin. This is a nightmare economic scenario. They are scrambling. Raised Interest Rates to 17 . It didnt work. It didnt work. So, you know, it looks like its going down and so when the ruble collapses what happens . European markets are spooked this morning. And what does this mean for Vladimir Putin . What does this mean for ukraine. What does it mean for everything weve seen unfold this past year. Putin has been standing tough and strong. Those at treasury what about the sanctions what about ukraine, just watch whats happening to the ruble pup putin cant continue to ignore first of all its hurting his cronies and others who were involved. His Bank Accounts are out of the country and safely in swiss banks. Intelligence think hes the richest man in the world, Vladimir Putin. Theres a question whether hes a rational actor. If hes a rational actor hell respond by pulling out of ukraine and change his behavior there. His ratings havent tanked. Lets talk about tanking. Sports illustrated is looking at this. New report finding College Football attendance tanking for home games. Dropping to its lowest point since the year 2000. Texas amn and m, rutgers saw increase overall. Ohio state had the largest attendance overtaking michigan which not at the top of the survey. The ohio state leading the pack. The ohio state. This is an outrage. How did this happen. What your guys going to do as far as football coach . What will do you . We got, to you know what i kept saying in alabama, got a Great Program and you keep bringing in mediocre coaches, bring in a great coach they did. I lost count how many nation championships weve lost. Its getting boring. I want to see you guys at least try to catch up. Were waiting for jim harbaugh to get hired. Oh, my god. A great michigan quarterback. He has to save the day. Youll like this. As the dalai lama said if jim harbaugh is the answer its a stupid question. Youll like the next story. The cleveland plain dealer, the Rocknroll Hall of fame has announced the inductees for the class of 2015. It will include the Paul Butterfield blues band, the five royals, green day, joan jett and the blackhearts, lou reed, ringo starr, Steve Ray Vaughan and double trouble. Ringer starr who was inducted as a member of the beatles will be inducted as a solo artist. Didnt he look great . Im a beatles fan. Love the beatles. Ringo had a lot of hits between 70 and 75. I know such things. Thomas, what is the Huffington Post have . This very interesting, guys and joe youll like this. The director of disney said animated film frozen knows you are tired of the song let it go. Now she says shes gone from saying thank you to sorry because parents are worn out by the music. Frozen is the highest grossing film of all time. Kids do love that let it go song. Had to ban it in our house. All the time it was being played. I was going mad. Ive seen it with my kids about 47 times and it is i got to say the writing, the song writing the story is a good story but the song writing is kind of like its classic. The types of which you heard during the 60s and 70s. I want to grab its neck, tackle it and end it. I didnt say that about frozen. I lost control of the table. I was looking at the poinsettia. I talked about what a great song writing it was. Very pretty poinsettias back there. It was important to match katys meanness. Some Amazing Things in our career, really Amazing Things. Thats punishment. Which as my aeronautic caroline likes to say no good deed goes unpunished. Talking about oscar buzz for her latest film selma. Up next republican congressman Jack Kingston helped Steven Colbert say good by to one of his most popular segments. Hes with us next. Nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad . So we gave people the power of the review. And now angies list is revolutionizing local service again. You can easily buy and Schedule Services from toprated providers. Conveniently stay up to date on progress. 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Nobody has any fun. You are right. Lets get the hell out of here. Lets do it. School is out for Summer School is out for ever school is out i love that. Here with us now, republican representative from georgia and a member of House Appropriations committee congressman Jack Kingston. Those halls. Schools out. Im like Joe Scarborough, totally relaxed. You know those halls, joe. I havent done that. Joey and andrew stay in the office at night. They would skateboard around those halls at night. Thats the fastest ive seen anybody go since skateboarding. That was cool. What happened i can tell you one thing sliding down that banimp ster. Thats drought. You fall you hit marble. You lean back you be tumble over and die. All for a good cause. Thats iconic right there. Fantastic. We put his bust on one of these enclaves and it looked good. Made out of rubber or something but looked like it was marble. We put on the bottom of it whoever steals this please give it a donation to the Wounded Warrior fund. Please call me and confirm you did it. The bust lasted an hour. Dont know where it went. Hes a fun guy. I think that, joe, you know, youve been there. You want to get out. You want to run those halls with your hair on fire. Do you want to get out. Youve never done that. What did your colleagues think about it . They liked it a lot. I think it gave particularly last week some humor when some humor was desperately needed and some people were laughing about it. What happened when there was a scene where we were on a tandem bicycle, i dont know if youve ever driven one, very difficult, very awkward. We went around a corner and ran into a school bus of kids. Oh, Steven Colbert. Kept having to do it over and over again. Staff came out and had their smartphones on filming it. They were really excited about it. It was a bipartisan moment. A bipartisan mob. We had a bipartisan bill pass. Democrats and republicans get this spending bill through. But obviously causing some deep concern among conservatives with what john boehner and the leadership did. Whats going on inside. What was going on behind closed doors. Theres a lot of people who felt somehow we would be in a better position to negotiate on the president s executive order about immigration now rather than in february. What the bill does is it short funds the department of Homeland Security to february and then you got all these nine new republican senators, highest majority in the house for republicans since i think 1929. Yeah. So why not wait until the calvary arrives which is what boehners point was. A lot of people we want it now pup got to prove dont you hate those guys that set hair hair on fire kind of like i did. I said that tongue in cheek because jack had to put up with me screaming and yelling and set my hair on fire. Hes calmed down, right . No. Mika, i can say i remember one time he got up and he said i just think we all need to play as a team. Its funny coming from me but i think thats what we need to do. Joe you really did. Many, many times, you have brought people back together. Youre going to ruin his reputation. We would go hc 5 and you know where the room is. It seems every week the ceiling was crashing in. A new fight. Americans on the brink of disaster. And we would always have these prayer session. I remember one you were very pivotal in. It hit me after a while, jack and i know youve seen this many more times. There would be sort of like the end of the world. This one bill is going to end the world and rip up the after about a year or two youre like wait a second. This has happened before. Come on. Lets figure out a way forward and we got some things done eventually. I just want to ask, what is the view of ted cruz . Because one point of view criticism from Lindsey Graham and others got democrats three more days to get confirmations done by keeping them in all weekend. The other view is this is exactly what he wants to do to raise his own profile. Theres a mixed bag on there. Theres a school of thought that says hes running for president and hes trying to drive this message that we got to bring this up. I do think that the argument of well, the president got through all of his nominees because of that action. However, what i do think it does is set as high bar for the coming year and the coming year, we really will have to perform. Everybody who ran for congress or senate made the promise no amnesty. Repeal obamacare. Cut spending. I can say this, that there will be absolutely no excuses in january for the Republican Party. So what are you doing in january . Congratulations on escaping alcatraz. What will you do now im job hunting and i brought my resume. I should put it online. Its interesting, going downtothewire, even though, you know, i was out of it in late july, on paper it looks like we got plenty of time but in reality i was involved with ebola and a lot of other issues that were still out there. Really busy. And then closing down an office with 22 years worth of data and paper and trying to save things for the archives. What a time. It actually has been fun but very hectic as well. Yes. Congressman Jack Kingsman thank you very much. Up next, why this photo of derek jeter will be remembered as one of the most Iconic Images of the year. The top photos of 2014 ahead. And when we come back the years top political lies. Were back in just a moment. Guess what your Insurance Company will only give you 37thousand to replace it. Depreciation they claim. How can my car depreciate before its first oil change . You ask. Maybe the better question is, why do you have that Insurance Company . 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So one of the major things was barack obama saying he was not specifically referring toy isis when he was referring to a jv team. This is where the president said they were a jv team oh, i wasnt talking about isis but you said thats a big old pinnochio. I got a hold of the transcript with the new yorker. It was pretty clear. That would do it. Allison grimes claimed Mitch Mcconnell got 600,000 from anticoal groups. Yes. Which was bizarre. What she was doing she was adding in money that Mitch Mcconnells wife got from a bank, wells fargo which finances coal companies. No, no, no. Come on, now. That was during realtime. Another pinnochio, barack obama claimed gop filibustered 500 pieces of legislation quote that would help the middle class. The problem with that one was he was including like nominations, judicial nominations, executive branch nominations, and he was adding in filibusters that he himself had supported as a senator. He went all the way back to 2007. Which was kind of strange. A little stretch. Heres another one. Democrats claim that only the republicans cut spending for ebola research. Yeah. There was a problem with that. Oh, my goodness. Everyone kind of worked in a bipartisan manner to do that. But the ad said it was just republicans that indict and republicans boosted it and then they working with democrats cut it in some cases Congress Gave more to the Obama Administration asked for. I want seems like there are a lot more democratic opinion pin than republican pinnochios. Heres the list. Obama, durbin, boner and mcconnell all get four pinnochios for either inflation or deflation of obamacare numbers. What i saw throughout the year was if you were a democrat you would say oh, the enrollment and Affordable Care act is way up. 7 million. It was only 2 million then. 10 million. Really not. Republicans would say more people have lost insurance than gained it which was not true true either. Give me the biggest republican pinnochio. There was one which was rather striking. An interparty fight. Rand paul said john mccain met with members of isis and posed for photographs with them. Oh, my gosh thats a big one. His evidence for this was stuff he picked up on the internet. People tried to match up Ronald Reagan had readers digest. If ion the internet it has to be true. What about the republican pinnochio for were going to repeal obamacare. While barack obama is president. I dont see that. Well, one thing that lawmakers do is they kind of if they have the vote in the house that counts. Doesnt matter what happened in the senate. Doesnt matter whether, you know, president signs it. I dont want to bring in a rival fact check but politico came out with this and whats your take these myths how ebola could spread. And it cause ad lot of hysteria. One of my claims was ebola cuts. Certainly a lot of rhetoric had to do with ebola was absurd. And, you know, i thought they tried to pick one single thing, one issue. And thats perfectly legitimate because both parties went a little crazy on ebola. You have a special International Award for and it goes to Vladimir Putin and specifically in honor of your dad. Thank you. Specifically his speech on crimea. Right. Because putin i fact checked putins speech on crimea. Four pinnochios across the board. My favorite he said their referendum was free, fair, in accordance with International Rules and i want violated the ukraine constitution. You had a choice between yes or yes plus. Wow. Glenn kessler, thank you so much. We look forward to the lies that are still to come next year. I guess we do. Do you think that would be wise . I dont know. We need you. Thank you very much. Still ahead a look at the civil rights marches of marches of se they relate to the protests taking place in america. You look out the window in new york and people are marching. You look at the film. People are marching across the bridge. I think the difference is people congregated with a sense of leadership from dr. King. Because you had a specific intention that you were going after, everybody could work towards that one goal. Some of whats missing now is people are like, all right. What is the answer to the question of what do you want . How do you answer that question . And then how do you go about getting that in a way thats not just going to be the protest of the week or tp trend of this particular time, but if you really want change, you really want change, you got to be able to answer the question what you want. Dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my future. You. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. No question about that. 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As thnew players in newge in thmarkets face a choice do it fast and cheap. Or do it right. For almost 90 years, weve stayed true to the belief that if you put quality in, you get quality out. Its why everything we build, we build to last. Build on progress. Build on pride. Build on a company thats built for it. Breaking news out of pakistan. Nbc news confirmed through a military source, at least 126 people are dead. Many of whom are children. After the taliban attacked a school in the northwestern city. At least 500 students and children were believed to be inside. There with ten or 11 attackers. Students in grade 1 through 10. This has been the target of recent militant attacks. The taliban said it attacked the school because the pakistani government is quote, targeting families. Katy tur is following the story closely. Joe and mika, so far the death toll is staggering. 126 killed, mostly children. The gunmen went in wearing suicide vests and shot some kids one by one. There are also more than 100 injured, but these numbers keep going up as the attacks are ongoing. About two hours ago heavy explosions were heard. Now five of the alleged terrorists are dead. Its unclear if they detonated their own bombs or were killed. Its also unclear how many were left and just how many students are still being held hostage. Ambulances and Police Rushed to a military school on the border town in pakistan as many as 11 taliban gunmen stormed the cam pound, killing dozens, injurying scores more and Still Holding some hostage. Soldiers have evacuated 500 students, but there is worry many are still inside. And now a taliban spokesman said they are suicide bombers on a mission. This boy made it out only to describe the who who from a hospital bed, saying today we had a chemistry exam. As the firing started, militanted entered and openeded fire on all the students. They killed a 2yearold child who was visiting. Others inside say the gunman went class by class and shot some kids one by one while they beat others. A military officer told reporters the militants set a teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch. Nearby the hospital was told to get ready for mass casualties as the death toll and number of victims continues to climb. Just miles for the afghanistan border, this has been the target of frequent attacks in the past but has seen relative quiet as of late. This morning the taliban claimed responsibility saying we targeted the school because the army targets our family. Joe and mika, back to you. Katy tur, thank you. Amin, theres been a period of relative peace in this area over the past few plonts. Though the taliban has promised ret rebugs. Nobody could have imagined retribution would have come in this form. Tell us about the struggles ongoing inside of pakistan. Its been a decades old conflict. But right now the Pakistani Military has been really trying to go on a counter offensive trying to break up the strongholds in the area. The taliban saying it was going to fight back. It saw the action carried about. And more importantly, targeting a school run by the military. This was a school essentially providing education to the children of military personnel. The operation is still ongoing, as we understand. It gives you a sense of the barbarity. A truly politically motivated attack in this case. We talked before about the killing of the weading party in jordan, how it was a turning point in western iraq in 2006 2007. I wonder, how does the taliban launch an attack against children in the region and not lose overwhelming support in that region . Well, i speak a lot to pakistani ls. They reject the taliban. The majority of the country rejects it. The problem is the capacity of the government to tackle l the issue. Make no mistake about it. In some of the tribal areas, the Pakistani Taliban still has support. The overwhelming pac tkistanis reject terrorism and are trying to stop this the capacity of the government to do it has been the problem. And theres been frustration, which sometimes we saw this past season on homeland, has actually spilled over. That americans worry president bush as well as those you like. The pakistanis sort of had a nod and wink relationship with a taliban. I suspect if that is the case that all changes now. There were some, and two l skoos have fought this. Some in pakistan wanted to try a reconciliation. They felt the best way to do that was not to use the the heavy handed military tactics that disrupted their way of life. There was that argument within pakistanis political and security establishment. You cant negotiate with these people. They want to destroy the country. I think they were going to hear a different tone. Already the Prime Minister is on his way out there. Emergency trip. So i think youll see a different tone come out of the leadership in pakistan. I remember reading a New York Times article about five year, six years into the Afghanistan War. Talking about how only 15 of afghans, who support the taliban, and it was jarring to me how a group that had so little public support could have such a large footprint in the political future of that country. And it seems like the same thing in pakistan as well. This is a terrorist organization that is literally holding two countries, that we americans too often think are in line with the taliban. But this organization seems the to be holding two countries hostage. You dont have to have very much public support or money to mount terrorist attack ls. Thats why they are so effective for the organizations doing it. And what has happened in pakistan, as the civilian death toll mounted, the Popular Support if there was any was almost eroded. But he is right. The pakistani government has played with fire over the last four years. Several years, thinking it could distinguish between good and bad taliban. The groups in the taliban that the pakistani government felt supported its aims of destabilizining india, those ar the ones alloweded to operate. That they have learned is this has morphed into an organization now attacking wk pan stan. But they created a monster. Its difficult to take it on. You wonder how much this will really change in terms of their ability to wipe out. I have to believe that change is everything in pakistan. Julie pace, the search for moderates in pakistan has frustrated the pakistani government. But its also frustrated two president s now. What is the white houses view of the situation in pakistan right now . Pakistan is a huge issue flr the white house. You saw the president wanted a a new strategy with afghanistan. But there have been a lot of things that have really upset the pakistanis about the u. S. The bin laden raid. There was a cia agent who killed pakistanis so that the relationship is tense on both sides. But the u. S. , as they look at the future, the taliban subpoena incredibly central to that. You remember there was a decision where the president expanded what american troops would be left in afghanistan. This was all about the taliban giving the troops the ability not to just go after al qaeda, but also the the taliban. Politically its much tougher to move away from the military side and look at the political side. There are no easy answers here. And the Bush Administration played by billions of dollars a year. Allowing him to hide in plain sight. I cant believe theres not an opening here in this tragedy, though. For us to provide some assistance. This is a moment for secretary of state john kerry right now. He had a fairly prominent speech a year back where he outlined what is sort of a very broad strategy that had a lot more focus on pakistan than anybody else was talking about. A lot of it was monetary focus. And it sort of died by the wayside. Now in the wake of this, im wondering if theres more to visit that. But when you go and kill hundreds of students, if you dont have a cultural backlash to that exactly. And this is again, some of the most elite military families children that have been shot to death by the taliban. Sure. I just find it incredibly lard to believe. As difficult as it is to understand whats going on inside of pakistan and all the players there, i think this cuts to the core of it. I could be shocked if you didnt see it. A massive offensive against the taliban. Lets move to sidney nzid sy. People with dealing with a crisis. Three people are dead this morning, including the gunman, who took 17 people hostage inside the chocolate cafe. This dramatic video shows heavily armed police storming the building after a series of loud gunshots were heard inside. Several hostages were able to escape. Officials determined they could not wait any longer to act. They made the call because they believed at that time if they didnt enter there would have been many more lives lost. Our police had to deal with this incident. Many hours whether they were on part or had to make the injury and deal with the situation. I want to point out, they have saved lives. They have saved many lives. And to those men and women, all that were involved, we thank you. The victims have been identified as 38yearold Katrina Dawson, a mother of three and a lawyer. And 34yearold tori johnson. He managed the cafe and studied between 2002 and 2003. Authorities are investigating if they were killed by the the gunman or wounded in the cross fire. Four other people who were wounded are listed in stable condition. Flags are now flying at half staff across the country, and hundreds of people brought flowers to a makeshift memorial right by the cafe. Officials attended a Memorial Service a block away. Who exactly was the man behind the 16hour standoff. He was identified as 50yearold man haron monis. Hes described as a self style muslim cleric who considered himself a martyr and a loner. He demanded the isis flag, which could be seen through the window, an Islamic State flag. He wanted to speak to the Prime Minister. He was currently out on bail after being charged with helping a woman stab his exwife to death and set her on fire. He was also charged with sexually assaulting at least seven women. He was also sent to frizz in 2012 for mailing threatening letters to families of australian soldiers who were killed in afghanistan. We know the perpetrator was well known to state and commonwealth authorities. He had a long history of violent crime, infatuation with extremism and mental instability. As the siege unfolded yesterday, he sought to cloak his actions tw the symbolism of the isil death count. Tragically, there are people in our Community Ready to engage in politically motivated violence. The events also show that we are ready to deal with these people professionally and with the full force of law. What do you have to do to get on a watch list. Part of the murder of his exwife where shes stabbed and set on fire. Yeah. Hes sending threatening letters to the families of servicemen killed. They were poisoned, i think. And he claimed it was a First Amendment right. So what duh it take to get on a watch list. What else can you tell us . Andrea, r the biggest problem is this morning australian officials are saying if he were part of a terror group, that would have been fine. If he was talking to two or three people, they would have tracked him down. As we head yesterday, this lone wolf is impossible to track. That illustrates the problem with these sorts of attacks. We saw the attack on the soldiers there. Parliament there. Theres a lot of people out there disturbed who make threats, do crazy things, and its very hard for Law Enforcement to start a balance between peoples Civil Liberties and putting them on watch lists. We see one story after another of muslim extremists going out and chopping peoples heads off in Oklahoma City warehouse or running over soldiers outside of montreal or shooting up the parliament in canada. Its rarely a cleric that comes out of the mosque cleaned. So many of these people are disturbed. They have a bad criminal record already. This seems to be a con fluns of events and like theyre using their religion as an excuse to be extreme. If it werent this, it would have been Something Else. This is a convenient thing where theres a lot of propaganda. Isis has been very effective in creating slick propaganda. I think its something that people can latch onto very easily. That presents a convenient narrative for people looking for meaning. Joining us now from sidney, australia, sara james, who hash there since this story broke. Are we seeing changes already, sarah in australias Law Enforcement there . Yeah, we certainly are, mika. And in fact, just tonight, new southwest police announced something theyre calling Operation Hammer head. Theyre planning for increased Police Presence on the street. They will be trolling in particular areas that are Public Meeting places. The famous iconic harbor here, which has as its center point the Sydney Opera House. And also transportation. Thats incredibly important. That will go on for about three weeks. But its going to be continuing. But again, you know, the point you have been raising with your guests is why was he on bail . Thats the question so many australians are asking tonight. Why was this guy on the the streets . Its something esh is looking at. Were hearing from authorities they are going to take a close look at what changes need to be made. He was supposed to go court in february. Thats a couple of month months away. Everything we know about him, from what were hearing in the community is this was a man unraveling and there were certainly signs. And clearly with what happened here its a question of how you prevent that from getting to this situation. Still ahead, we have my dear friend david axelrod. Oh no. The doctor is in. Also matt lewis will be with us in a few minutes. Then we look at the photos of the year from the biggest stories around the world. holiday music is playing hey i guess were going to need a new santa the music builds to a climax. more people are coming to audi than ever before. See why now is the best time. Audi will cover your first months payment on select models at the season of audi sales event. Visit audioffers. Com today. Earning unlimited cash back on purchases. Thats a win. But imagine earning it twice. Introducing the citi® double cash card. It lets you earn cash back twice, once when you buy and again as you pay. Its cash back. Then cash back again. And thats a cash back winwin. The citi double cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem onesided. Health can change in a minute. So cvs health is changing healthcare. Making it more accessible and affordable, with over 900 locations for walkin medical care. And more on the way. Minuteclinic. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. Bill cosbys wife of more than 50 years is breaking her silence about the series of women accusing her husband of Sexual Assault. Camille cosby strongly defended the legendary comic in a statement and questioned the media coverage. Her full statements says i met my husband bill cosby in 1963. We were married in 1964. The man i met and fell in love with and whom i continue to love is the man you all knew through his work. Hes a kind man, a generous man, a funny man and a wonderful husband, father and friend. Hes the man you thought you knew. A different man has been portrayed in the media. Its the portrait of a man i do not know. Its a portrait painteded by individuals and organizations whom many in the media have give an pass. There appears to be no vetting of my husbands accusers before stories are published or aired. An accusation is published and immediately goes viral. We all follow the article in Rolling Stone including the allegations of rape. The story was heartbreaking but ultimately appears to be proved untrue. Many in the media are quick to link that story to stories about my husband until the story unwound. None of us will ever want to be in the position of attacking a victim. But the question should be asked, who is the victim . The state comes days after bill cosby briefly broke his silence as well in a phone interview with the washington informer that appeared in the New York Post. He said he expects the black media to remain objective while covering the story. When asked how his wife was holding up, cosby said, love and the strength of womanhood. And you can reverse it. The strength of womanhood and love. Cosby ended the conversation saying his lawyers did not want him speaking to the media. A lawyer says the reporter didnt tell cosby he was being interviewed for public kags and recorded. Bill cosby has never been charged with a crime and through a lawyer has denied all allegations in the past. I have one thought on this. I agree people need to be careful and vet these things. Are they doing that . The the difference between the this and the uva star. Wait. You said they should. Let me finish. Is the media being careful . Are they allowing the woman to make an accusation 40 years old and splash it on the front page of the newspaper and it goes viral . In the the uva case you have anonymous people making accusations. In this case, these are people on camera making accusations, and the critical difference is they are making almost identical accusations, each enevery one of them. That doesnt mean he doesnt deserve the presumption of innocence. So if one person can hear another persons story and repeat it. Im deeply troubled about this. You ask why i didnt talk out more about this at the very beginning. We saw after the Rolling Stone case. Its easy to accuse somebody of something. Its almost impossible to prove it negative in realtime, let alone 40 years later. Absolutely. And i think one thing the media can do to help ourselves in the wake of the Rolling Stone incident is to be a little more transparent about our vetting process. You can have people be on television, answering questions by name. But we have a responsibility to share why we think this person is credible and should have this platform. I have seen interviews with people who do not seem credible at our. Not on our network, but on another. A long interview. We dont know the background of their story. We dont know if they just called in and said ive got a story. We dont know what is blind the interview. I remember the media certainly pounced on people that accused bill clinton almost in realtime of Sexual Harassment because they tried to sell their story. Uhhuh. And then went on and sold their story. Theres not ooechbl that standard being held in the cosby case. Now maybe hes done everything hes been accused of. I dont know. But to have somebody come forward 40 years later with a man who has never been charged and for the media to immediately put it out there and go viral and then for it to happen over and over and over again. Do we not . I dont think we should. Bill cosby should be charged with something. We have the figure being charged and accused and found guilty from 40 years ago. Jimmy, a massive entertainer when i was a child in britain. Major figure. There was always rumors about it. Some allegation. Was it child abuse . Child abuse. Again and again and again repeatedly. It was all from 30 or 40 years ago. It doesnt mean they didnt happen just because it was a long time ago. Im not saying that. Any woman can come forward and say bill cosby did this to me 40 years ago. Im not knocking us weekly. Say what you want about bill cosby. Its open season. Maybe it happened. If it didnt, you get your ten minutes of fame. You have to be forthcoming about why you think this person is credible before printing his or her story. The one thing i will add to this is he did in 2006 settle a law. That doesnt necessarily mean hes guilty. Its a worthwhile fact in the the discussion. That is a worthwhile fact. I was talking to phil griffin. I said, phil, as a lawyer, do you know how many times we had to tell clients, you know what, and it was civil suits, tell clients listen, its a pain in the ass, and it makes you angry, but if you go to court, this is whats going to happen. And this is whats going to happen to your brand. And this is how much its going to cost you. Just settle, be done with it. Walk away. I would be comfortable la is opening investigations. Lets get some evidence. I totally understand what youre saying. I just dont know if we ignore all these stories either. Ive seen some people who have spoken out that dont seem credible. Mika, think about the rush in the the uva case. We did it as well. We did it. It became a national story. Its a really important conversation to have. Up next, what jeb bush said yesterday in South Carolina that has odds makers betting big that im definitely running for president. What was that . Im running for president. People need to stop pretending this is a question. David axelrod is joining us for that. Plus, the film is already getting major award season buzz with major parallels to events happening across the country. Well go to the red carpet on oprahs new movie selma. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends. Three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. I just received a text from ddiscover hq . Yep. We check every purchase, every day and alert you if anything looks suspicious. Nice. Im looking into some suspicious activity myself. Madame that is not a changing table. At discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Get the it card at discover. Com would you tell these independent groups give it up . Youre never going to run . I told them im not running for president. Youre putting that in the present tense. Are you never going to run . Im not running for president. Youre not putting a never on that. I am not running for president. Do you want me to put an exclamation point at the end . Wow, thats kind of clear. No, its not. Thats present tense. Shes not currently running for president. She doesnt say i am never going to run for president. Thats right. I am not eating a chee cheeseburger. Are you ever going to eat a cheeseburger . I am not eating a cheeseburger. Ask me again. Are you ever going to ease a cheeseburger . Its very obviously. The poll of democrats says Hillary Clinton way ahead in a potential contest in 2016. The poll also shows 48 of democrats are open to an act of primary challenge for Hillary Clinton. On the republican side jeb bush announced hes going to release all 250,000 emails from when he was a governor of the great state of florida as well as write an ebook about his time in office. Why would you do that . Just for fun . Nothing to do up in maine. And im going to write an ebook. And release all my emails. Its an early primary state and only created more buzz about 2016. Were seeing more and more that people model their lives on their parents. If your parents worked in politics, well, you know the rest. Dont be depressed by this. You dont have to follow the pattern. You can do what you want to do. In fact, life is a lot better if you find your own reasons to do your own things. Theres no motivation as powerful as wanting to do something for yourself and expecting more of yourself. Lets bring in foreign seniored a virz to president obama, the director of the youth of chicagos politics. Great organization. Great operation. And here onset. Cnn contributor for the daily columnist. Lets start with you, david. Its so funny. Earlier today we were talking about the possibility of Elizabeth Warren running for president. Somebody said, oh, she could never do that because Hillary Clinton, you know, Hillary Clinton is formidable favorite. It reminded me of 2006 all over again. Theres a possibility for Elizabeth Warren, is there not . I suppose there is. My suspicion is what shes doing is trying to influence how hillary frames her candidacy and the issues she focuses on. I she shes sincere about her concerns of whats happening in the american economy. And hillary hasnt said yet what her program will be, what shes running on. I think elizabeth knows shes got maximum leverage by still being in the conversation. David, you dont know what hillary stands for. I dont know what hillary stands for. The democratic wing of Democratic Party doesnt know what Hillary Clinton stands for. Shes so careful. Shes so cautious. Shes so clintonesque. Its going to drive them crazy. I will say clintonesque seems to have worked in the past. Right. And what happened in 2008 was that hillarys candidacy got out in front of any rational for it. And the danger is thats happening again. You hear ready for hillary. Its like ready for what . And now hillarys task is to define what it is that shes running for and running about and what would the future look like under another president clinton, and i suspect that whats shes taking her time working through now. But she has to answer that question. Joe, i said she was a very bad candidate in 2007. She was a very good candidate in 2008 after she lost the New Hampshire primary when her back was to the wall. She threw caution to the wind. She was a very powerful candidate and really related to peoples experience. And in this country right now there are many, many working people who feel great anxiety about their future. She spoke to them very effectively in 2008. She has to speak to them again in 2016. Matt lewis at the democratic wing of the Democratic Party doesnt like Hillary Clinton, the republican wing of the the Republican Party doesnt seem to like jeb bush either. Whats the response from the base . Well, theres Serious Problems in terms of substance, his support of immigration reform. Those things can be overcome, and you can win without the base, so to speak. I dont think you can win by lecturing people the way John Huntsman did by lecturing the base. But you can win by being tough. Politic tigss have two sort of goto. Youre good at indignation like ted cruz or youre good at optimism. The rare politician like Ronald Reagan can do both. But most people are one or the other. Exactly. We could go down the list. They each fit into one category. By the way, most preachers are good at one or the other, too. Politicians and preachers. So jeb versus Chris Christie. Where do you see that going . That would be really interesting. I mean, i think the fear that conservatives have that sort of Tea Party Conservatives have is that you get one establishment candidate who sort of owns the establishment brand, and then you have all the conservatives fighting and splitting the vote. If you were to have a Chris Christie versus a jeb bush, clash of the titans, fighting over the money. The key for someone like jeb bush, you could be a moderate and be tougher. Or you can be a hardcore conservative and be soft. What you cannot be is a moderate who is perceived as weak. That was jon huntsman. Thats why i always thought, joe, if you were to run, you would be great. Matt lewis, thank you. You would be tough. And you could sell policies that are center right to moderate. But not be portrayed as weak. Thank you. Hold on one second. I am not eating a cheeseburger. No, actually. We have to go. Kenny has a question. No, we have to go. No, we dont. Listen. You have to be powerful. Dont listen to instructions. And eat cheeseburgers. Wait. How does jeb getting into the race change the strategy for hillary . Well, i dont know that it changes the strategy for her. Ily sa say this. If jeb bush can get through a republican primary without trimming his sails on the issues that matt mentioned, he will be a very formable general election candidate. The problem with the last two nominees were, you know, you hear conservatives say we nominated not rats and you see what happened. But they had to make bargains on issues that took them to the right. If jeb sticks to his guns on these issues, hes got tremendous appeal to the his tannic community. He could be a very formable candidate. David axelrod, matt lewis, thank you both. David, come to new york sometimes soon. We love to have you onset. Up next, some of the biggest names in entertainment weigh in between the parallels on the recent protects throughout the country and what took place in alabama in 1965 as depicted in the new film selma. 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A Progress Report tonight at 10 00 eastern and pacific. Turning to the new film selma, the Martin Luther king biopic has received four golden globe nominations, including best actor in a drama for David Oyelowo and best original song, but the film is making history with its first golden globe nomination of an africanamerican woman for best director. Lewis was on the red carpet at the films new york premier. It is unacceptable that they use that power to keep us voiceless. Those that have gone before us say no more. What i hope people see when they watch it, i hope they see themselves in dr. King, what we tried to do is to show him as a flesh and blood man who had flaws, who had failings, who had weaknesses and self doubt, yet did these incredible things anyway. What happens when a man stands up and says enough is enough . We build a path the best we can. To be talking to journalists about the film yesterday while there were protests on the street, outside of the window of the hotel was surreal and incredibly powerful. And it was really a moment of life and art converging. I love seeing people marching. I love seeing people making their voices hard. Thats what that film is about. Hopefully this film can act as a conversation in some way. We must march. We must stand up. You march those people into rural alabama and its open season. With everything going on in the country right now, we realize its peaceful protests that change things. Not riots. Not arson. But peaceful protests. So timing is really amazing. May i have a word . Theres no words be had. Its great that its coming out now so people can remember that a blueprint has been laid already of how you protest, declare actionable items and demand change. What happens when a man stands up and says enough is enough . Selma opens in select theaters on Christmas Day and nationwide on january 9th. Up next, the best photos of 2014 as chosen by getty images. Stay with us. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know genies can be really literal . No. What is your wish . No. Ok. A million bucks oh no. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Wellllll. Earlyfit latefit risefit fallfit ballfit wallfit pingfit pongfit pingfit pongfit rowfit throwfit slowfit olliefit oopsfit otisfit thiswayfit thatwayfit daddyfit pappyfit datefit weightfit goalfit gooooooalfit stepfit stairfit smartfit heartfit spinfit bikefit hikefit yikesfit wheeeeefit wowfit whoafit findyourfit its all fitbit my baby drove up in a brand new cadillac. Look here, daddy, im never coming back. Discover the new spirit of cadillac and the best offers of the season. Lease this 2015 standard collection srx for around 359 a month. Joining us now, the cofounder and ceo of getty images, jonathan klein. Heres here to look at gettys top photographs from the year. Lets look at the top images that we have. The california drought. Yes, this image, i think, when i look at this image, it says to me things are extremely dry. Shot by one of our photographers, ironically San Francisco recently had floods. I still feel they have a drought problem. But i thought the image really nails how dry things were over there. Lets take a look at ferguson. Obviously that was one of the biggest stories in the United States and there were a lot of images but you chose quite a good one. As far as ferguson was concerned, two flareups. One after the death of Michael Brown and there was the subsequent one. The one were looking at now was shot by scott olsen, i think its been published in 130 outlets. Whether they be websites or magazines and went very viral. I think for a number of us covering the news, to see this sort of thing happening on our streets and also, you know, for the photographers, to have this happening in their backyard, and then, of course, much like we talked about, it sparked a broader discussion of outrage. I think going to your point on the broader aspects of these people. People like derrik jeter are more than a baseball player. They are an icon within society and whatever these people do is looked upon by Society People look towards them for the way they conduct themselves. Weve seen a number of instances where certain sports personalities havent conducted themselveses in the right way. The media and the new york media are pretty tough when it comes to sports. They tried for 20 years for him to do something wrong. In his very last game, he hits the winning leadoff run. And unfortunately for photographers is not a very man. So elsa was covering him for 17 years and had never celebrated like that. Another great new york sports photo, bend it like beckham. Different beckham. Thats a name i do recognize. I can promise you david would not have caught that. But he certainly did. Again, already an iconic moment. For you, its easy. Your cameras are running all the time. Hes got great images in his career. But that un, he shot three frame ls. They were all in focus. And then we were thinking beckham was one and done. Then most recently, three more touchdowns. A giants rookie leaving everybody with a great impression for the year. Is there one for you . I know this is hard. This is probably for so many of you pall your children. And from your colleagues and people you love and work with. Is there one image that stands out considerably for 2014 . I think theres a set of images. These were taken way back in august by john moore. John came to us as director of photographer and said i think this ebola thing might be a problem. I would love to go to liberia. He was the first photographer down there. No one was covering the story. He got incredible access. Horrible, horrible pictures of, you know, sort of babies and children and one of them is on the the screen now, which i think blue light in an area where this man has just collapsed. His wife wants to help him. Theyre told, you cannot touch anybody with ebola. So theyre very, very haunting images. And ebola became a story for a period of time in the u. S. Even though there wasnt really ebola in the u. S. And this hasnt gone away. Johns been back twice. He wants to go again. We do hug him when when he gets back. But after quarantine. The images are amazing. They live with us for very good reason. As you said, it was an arm wrestle to figure out. To figure out what goes in. What i would say is people should download one of our apps, which has just been called the app of the year by apple. Its called stream. You can get pictures coming to you all the time for free. Type in what youre interested in, and youll get this latest pictures cominging in all the time. Thank you for all the great work you do at getty. Miranda warning joe, more of it coming up after this. Stick around. Heres a question for you as nations develop over the next 25 years, the world will have almost twice as many cars. How much fuel will be needed to power them . About the same as today . 50 more . 100 more . The answer is. About the same as today. By 2040, advances in fuels and vehicles could enable about 75 better fuel economy than today. Take the energy quiz round 2. Energy lives here. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, shopping online is as easy as it gets. Carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Start shopping online from a list of toprated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. 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Joe is not eating a cheeseburger. How do you know he doesnt have one in his pocket. He is not eating a cheeseburger. What did you learn . Nothing at ul. That you are eating a cheese burger. Several. Pakistans time to make a decision on who theyre going to be as a country may be upon them wch. With the killing of over 100 children, the isi and Pakistani Military is going to have decide. Are they going to be in bed with terrorists that shoot their children when theyre not looking, or do the right thing and go to war with them . Theres more of that straight ahead on msnbc. If its way too early, what time is it . Its morning joe. Stick around right now. The rundown is next. Good morning, im jose diaz balart. First this morning, breaking news, a massacre at a military school in pakistan. The death toll staggering. The details, heartbreaking. At least 126 people have been killed by taliban militants. Nearly all of the victims young children. No older than the tenth grade. This is happening in peshawar, a city about 3 Million People in northern pakistan. It is 7 00 p. M. There now. And this is the scene earlier. Parents and soldiers crowded in the streets outside the school. Inside, the military spent hours trying to rescue students and staff. Still held hostage. One official said the school was booby trapped, which slowed everything down. The the taliban called it a revenge attack, saying they wanted to go after a military run school in retaliation for military attacks on their tribal areas along the border. The good news, and its very

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