Claimed the u. S. Title. And today, we say farewell to our technical production manager, adrian cotega lets hear it for adrian. Hes an going to head over to n after five years here with us on morning joe and way too early. Hes been at msnbc for 18 years. Why are you leaving us . Its tiring to get up this early, so im going to get up earlier. Isnt that a great excuse. Adrian, good look over there at nbc. Thats going to do it for way too early. Morning joe starts right now. Welcome to morning joe. Hold on. You dont want a painting of new york city. We want an after shot. This is a print that b. J. Has in his bathroom. Lieu how beautiful that sky is. Can you believe that . Its august, but it feels like summer almost over. Feels like september actually. Oh, look at d. C. These are paintings. Can you guys get us good morning everybody. Boy, a lot of news, a lot of news overnight to talk about. I dont even know where to start. Were going to get to a lot of news in a second. We have, though, the two richards here, right . You need the two. On a day like this, cant get any better. Richard engel is going to be here. Hes got a great passion on everything you need to know about isis. Well be showing that in about five or six minutes. Richard haass, we actually pulled him back. He was trying to get away with his family. We called him because i read this incredible piece in the Financial Times where richard proposes some things that would have been unthinkable, forget about six months ago, six days ago. Because most experts believe youre not going to stop isis in iraq. You have to go into syria. Richard has a really thought provoking op ed in the Financial Times well talk about right after news. Thats going to make waves. Do we actually have to turn to assad and make him an ally in this battle . The lesser of two evils. Well talk about that in just a few minutes. This morning an American Writer held hostage for nearly two years in syria is finally home. Peter theo curtis is back with his family in boston after being freed earlier this week. The 45yearold was met by his mother after landing at Logan International airport. Still several other hostages remain in captivity, held by militants of the islamic state, a terror group which is increasingly attracting western jihadists, including americans into the fight. As that group rampages through syria, there are growing signs the u. S. Military is poised to cross over that border from iraq. Well get to richard on these issues in just a moment. An openended ceasefire is in place between israel and hamas after nearly two months of deadly clashes. Egypt held negotiate the truce which is similar to an agreement that ended fighting between the two sides in 2012. Israel agreed to ease restrictions on imports into gaza while hamas is declaring victory. The deal falls short of the initial demands. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing criticism. Critics are outraged crews still have weapons after the 50day war. New polls show a dramatic drop in netanyahus ap trovl rating, down nearly 40 points from last month. Richard, i know netanyahu is getting hammered. This is a deal that hamas didnt like. This is exactly the deal they rejected, an unconditional ceasefire. They didnt get the relaxation of all the economics they wanted. It shows, i think, the gap between hamas and people of gaza and they realized they had to make compromises. The palestinian authority, theyre in the drivers seat right now. A group of Police Officers, Police Sergeants is sending a notsosubtle message to mayor bill deblasios administration. The union took out a fullpage ad in the New York Times and the New York Post urging the Democratic National committee not to hold the 2016 convention in brooklyn. The openended letter the open letter cited the quoting danger infested public spaces adding the many your hasnt earned the right to host such an important event. The harsh critique speaks to the similar herring tension between police and city hall in part over deblasios stop and frisk tactics. Commissioner bill brackman says theres no way the Police Department is hurting. The cops saying stay away, its getting more dangerous here. I dont see that in the numbers. Crime still down, murders still down. That was a real shot at commissioner bratton. By the way, all the over time and work are you surprised . I was surprised by it. One of brattons strengths is his ability to establish morale within the Police Department, any Police Department, boston, los angeles, new york. Unbelievable. There was a terrible accident in an arizona Shooting Range on monday where a 9yearold girl lost control of a fully automatic uzie killing an instructor who was helping her shoot down the range. The practice session was being filmed. Police released a video that is cut off just moments before the deadly incident. It is extremely tough to watch but raises questions we have to keep that elevated, otherwise the gun wont fire, okay . Turn this leg forward, there you go. Just like that. Go ahead and give me one shot. All right. All right. Pull on it. Oh, my god. Why is she shooting that gun . Why is a 9yearold girl why is she shooting that gun . Who does this . The Shooting Range manager tells nbc news that kids as young as 8 can fire weapons with parental supervision. The bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms is investigating. Thats insane. I cant even believe that. I cant even believe that. I cant either. Lets do one more quick news story and then open up. Mike, a real stunner. The New York Times decided not to endorse andrew cuomo. Not only did they decide not to endorse andrew cuomo because of ethics questions, they actually encouraged voters to go out and vote for his opponent. Didnt offer an endorsement to her but said you can send a message by going out and voting for Andrew Cuomos opponent. It was a stunner. Well, it was an easy endorsement to make for the times because the opponent has no shot at beating cuomo, no shot. So actually, its not much of a disendorsement. It was a real whack at andrew cuomo. Theyre saying make a point, vote for the opponent, because he has failed to perform job one. The State Government remains as subservant to big money as ever and mr. Cuomo resisted and even shut down opportunities to fix it. That was his promise. Theyre saying forget it now. Its stunning, obviously a shot across the bow. Dont know it will have an impact. Lightning would really have to strike for him to not win in the fall. Not happening. I think hes going to win. Lets get back to our top story on the advance of isis. Richard, you know more about this than anybody certainly around here, other thanks of course, Richard Haass who knows more than anybody around here. We have the two richards, surrounded by the twin towers of brilliance when it comes to this issue. Isis is on the move, obviously. Here is your package and then i want to ask you questions about what happens next. Lets go to the package. Reporter the u. S. Air campaign in iraq may soon be extended into syria to attack isis, the radical Group Responsible for killing american reporter james foley. America does not forget. Our reach is long. We are patient. Justice will be done. Well continue to take direct action where needed to protect our people and to defend our homeland. Reporter isis is taking ground in syria. On sunday attack ag checkpoint held by a Syrian Opposition group near aleppo. This video filmed by a local cameraman shows that deadly battle. Nbc news has learned that one of the isis fighters killed in the battle was an american, this man, 33yearold Douglas Macarthur mccain. Nbc has seen pictures far too graphic to show of mccains body with his distinctive tattoo. His u. S. Passport was in his pocket when he died. Born in illinois, mccain moved with his family to minnesota. He attended cooper high school. A friend described him to nbc as a joker, always smiling. After high school, mccain had several runins with the law. Nine arrests. At 19, Disorderly Conduct, obstruction of justice six years later. In 2004 mccain converted to islam. His social media postings went from talk of basketball and pizza to islamist propaganda. Under the name duala t slave of ala, he wrote the ominous words, they are coming back, soldiers of ala. This spring mccain left the u. S. For turkey. On june 9th he wrote an alleged isis member to say i will be joining you toon. The ranks of isis include many westerners including people who are converts to islam, who have no Prior Experience to islam and the culture, who are just like any other american. Reporter like thousands of other foreign fighters, he made his way from istanbul to the syrian border and then to areas of isis control. He died near a town called oraya. Richard, we get some clues obviously from the fact that an american was killed in the front line. You had actual footage again of the fire fight that led to his death. Some experts are saying, wait a serksd they dont see americans as special enough to hide and bring to america, theyre putting them on the front lines like anyone else. This one getting killed. They have a lot of foreign fighters, and i think thats part of this issue. If they only had two or three americans, they wouldnt put them out there. Katty kay said yesterday they have over 100 American Pass pords, over 1,000 british passports, they can go anywhere they want. Numbers are complicated. Probably 70 to 100 americans that have siblgd through. There are probably 15 to 20 americans there, a dozen to two dozen at any one time. They think there are about 100245 have cycled through. Maybe some have come back, maybe some are abroad. Maybe theyre spreading out. Also, mike, did you have a point you wanted to make . It feeds off of what Richard Haass is going to speak about in a couple minutes. They funnel through syria through turkey into syria. This has a lot to do with our relations with turkey in terms of cracking down on who is arriving in turkey. Turkey has a lot of questions to answer regarding this whole situation. Turkey and qatar actually, too. If you land in qatar, theres no way to get into syria. Qatar always has this strange role of playing both sides of the game. Turkey has a big border. If you want to get into syria, turkey is the way to do it. Turkey has been making noises recently that its trying to control its border more. I was just a few days ago down on the border area. And i didnt see any significant changes that would indicate that theyre going to limit or are able to limit the flow of fighters. Richard, we were talking about your article in the Financial Times. And a couple of really jarring points that you make that seem fairly obvious to some people in Foreign Policy, but the first is if were going to go after isis, we cannot destroy them in iraq. Weve got to go into syria. Explain. Syria has become a sanctuary. You cant go after an organization in one geographic low kale, if they can regroup and rearm and recruit in another. We need to have a global strategy against what has become a global threat. What does that mean in terms of are we working with syria . Are we accepting certain things . What would we have to give up because your fourth point in here is, if you really wanted to feed isis, then youre going to probably have to become an ally in this battle with assad. That means accepting assad as the leader of syria for the foreseeable future. Let me explain how i got there. I argue we need to attack isis on the ground through syria in our power. Its a question of, but not if. Air power cannot do it all. Air power cannot take territory or hold territory. It can simply weaken an adversary. In iraq we have partners, curds bs, sunni tribes. We can be our own partner. Were not going to send in ground forces, obviously. We can get a panarab force. I dont see one in the making. We can try to build up the Syrian Opposition. We havent done much of it. Its a big idea. It would take a long time. Theyre divided. The most capable elements are quite islamist and radical. I said this a week ago. We find ourselves in a very peculiar position to stop possibly the greatest threat since 9 11. Iran to the east and syria to the west. I get there reluctantly. Its because of many reasons, what we didnt do over the last couple of years. Im not saying we should do it unconditionally. We should begin the process now of having that conversation under what conditions would we be prepared to work with this syrian government. And, richard, as horrific as assad is, we can look back at Saddam Hussein and say, okay, if we can turn back the block, would we rather deal with what were dealing with in iraq or rather have a tyrant like Saddam Hussein Holding Things down there . We may be asking the same thing in syria ten years from now. Look how we got here, almost a year ago to the day we were having this debate about bombing syria because there had just been a horrific chemical weapons deck. The idea was we were going to bomb assads forces. Now were gathering about bombing syria, but for bashar al assad. Does it mean he gets a pass . Does it mean were going to look back and say we should have been with him, the tyrant all along or do we look back and say we played our cards so badly, that we have no choice but to accept this option. We have been playing our cards badly for a very long time. Youre right. Its a bad hand. You can be dealt a bad hand and you can also play your bad hand badly. Richard engel, thank you very much. Richard haass, stay with us if you. Stay with us, mr. Bond himself, Pierce Brosnan joins us. Plus, the biden charm. Why age is just a number for the Vice President. Then miley cyrus takes a stand at the vmas. Was he a wanted man . Thats up next in hollyweird. Ahead, what it means to be sleep drunk and how its probably already happened to you. This is my excuse. He is sleep drunk right now. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. 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From our parade of papers, the los angeles times, the Beverly Hills Police Department is expressing, quote, regret for the extremely unfortunate event when officers cuffed and detained a black Film Producer in town for the emmys in connection to a crime he did not commit. Wow. Officials say the man, charles belling matched the description of a bank robber wanted in the area. In a statement on facebook, the producer said, quote, i was tall, bald, a male and black so i fit the description. He has retained a lawyer. The department maintains its officers, quote, properly detained the producer. Wow. Not the headlines he wanted to make for emmy week. No. I think there are are issues there that weve all been talking about lately. Well talk in about ten minutes, theres an op ed in the New York Times about how the Supreme Court protects bad cops. Certainly weve seen whats happened to black young men across america and certainly saw it there. Well be talking about that in about ten minutes. The wall street journal is reporting social messaging app snap chat has a 10 billion valuation. According to insiders, funding has been put in to raise the valuation. The firm was also last week facebook offered 3 billion to purchase the company which was turned down. Snap chat has 100 million monthly amazing. I do every day with my kids. The thing is theyre going to put commercials on them. You need to see it right away. I dont know how they or going to do it. The valuation, i think that always blows peoples mind, that theyre able to put that type of dollar figure on what this means. As youre talking anti, the commercials, news headlines. 100 million users a month. Kids do it all the time. I am really old. I am, too. Its crazy. Its a kid thing. Youre doing it. I know but im trying to do it and the kids will do it in two seconds. And they take a picture they snap chat all day, like 50 times a day. I banned computers from my house, iphones. Ive scrambled the signal. We just sit around and read oliver twist. You put a slammer in your house. Joe, you should read this. From the Atlanta Journal constitution, the town of my birth. New Research Suggests waking up disoriented and confused may be more serious than it seems. According to a new study and here i am im sleep drunk. That means you have a tough time waking up after resting. What scientists call confusional arousals. Ive had a few of those. In the study 84 of those episodes were a result of mental disorders and medication use such as ant depressants. Nearly one in seven americans suffer from being drunk. Confusional arousals . I dont think those are the reasons you have that. Go ahead tom. Confusional arousals. Why . Because youre confused when youre aroused. I know exactly what im doing. Albany towns union, a black war hero is one step closer to being awarded a posthumous medal of army. Army Sergeant Henry johnson, the final decision is up to the president , the senate will need to pass legislation to allow johnsons case to be heard, so the current law only permits awarding the distinction five years after an event occurred. In 1918 johnson is credited with repelling a 20 soldier unit of germans all while he was wounded and armed only with a knife and a broken gun that he used as a club. What a story. The Detroit Free Press Deloitte College is out with their list that puts the lives of Incoming Freshman into perspective. The class were born in 1996 and this is my daughter. Press pound on the phone is now translated as hit hash tag. Good feedback means getting 30 likes on your Facebook Post in a single afternoon. Their collection of u. S. Quarters has always celebrated individual states. When they see wire rimmed glasses they think harry potter, not john lennon. Facebook, i got to say facebook. I dont know a lot of teenagers use that anymore. Did your kids play quarters . No. They have bank cards. They dont know what a quarter is. It is instagram, not facebook anymore. Remember the foldout nickel books. Coming up, next week theyre going to do something on Incoming Freshmans favorite, my space pages. Coming up, is oprah circling yet another high profile hollywood project . Her unlikely role in the upcoming Richard Pryor film is ahead in hollyweird. First, Maureen Dowds continuing crew said against president obama. Bobby ghosh has a bridge he wants to sell us if we can believe a certain story coming out of the administration. Well be right back with much more morning joe. Thank you daddy for defending our country. Thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. Thank you colonel. Thank you daddy. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance can be one of them. 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Shes had a series of great pieces lately. This is a great piece because a lot of people were mystified as to why the president of the United States, barack obama, did not play a more Critical Role in ferguson, missouri, over the past week, why he did not go there. Other people went there on his behalf. Obviously the president spoke strongly about what happened. Theres a feeling among a lot of people that his presence in ferguson could have added a great deal of peace earlier to that situation. I also think it could have added some problems. Im going to move on, but there is an investigation going on. From quartz, bobby, you write why the bombing of tripoli is a gamechanger. It marks the first two time two arab nations have teamed up to it was the first time two sunni muslim nations struck radical sunni groups in a third sunni country. That sets the precedent for the same countries and others besides to join the fight against isis in iraq and syria. Bobby, Mike Barnicle and i yesterday were laughing and sort of saying the same thing you said in this column which is, if you dont believe the United States knew about this, you have a bridge to sell them. The uae and egypt arent going to strike another country without telling us first. Im not buying the white house line that theyre shocked that this happened for any number of reasons. Uae is a very steady partner. Great partner. All of these assets all over the mediterranean washing the skies over that country. It is more importantly a gamechanger. Arab countries are starting to sort out good arab countries and bad arab countries. Well, by good and bad, im not sure where Different Things stand at different points in time. How many times around this table have we asked where are the arab countries, why havent they helped. Im saying, they are now instead of turning the the United States and saying, we dont like them f. You go in there, were not going to say anything. Theyre beginning to take some responsibility. Thats the question weve asked ourselves all the time, when are they going to join the fight . Theres always been a taboo among arab states that we dont attack each other. It was always hypocritical. Its important for another reason as well. The u. S. And others went into libya, they removed gadhafi, there was no followup. This is another example of what i would call a post american world. Essentially people are no longer relying on the United States to take care of what they see as their Vital National interests, and countries like the uae and egypt are becoming much more assertive because they no longer feel they can let us take care of it. Exactly. Richard, in your piece in the Financial Times you talk about the United States forming an Unlikely Alliance with assad. Explain. Again, the alternatives are not very viable, whether its sending in an arab army, theyre not going to do it there, ourselves. Were not going to do it. Were not going to put boots on the ground. The only boots are assads boots. Or the opposition, but the opposition is too weak. Im not saying we do it unconditionally. We would want to see if we could cut a deal bobby is concerned about this. What is your question . Every time weve supported a tyrant and expected a tyrant to take care of terrorists, were giving an incentive to keep terrorists alive. In pakistan, we gave billions of dollars saying you take care of the terrorists. They keep the terrorists going, so we keep giving billions of dollars. We would only allow assad remember what churchill had to say, if hitler invaded hell, i would we might have to make a favorable reference to the devil in syria. Exactly. Theres also an important op ed in the New York Times about how the Supreme Court helps bad cops. Well be talking about that throughout the show and certainly when we come back. Up next, infectious politics as sitting u. S. Senator just accused his opponent of possibly helping spread a deadly disease. Thats below the belt. Keep it right here on morning joe. Nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. Theres a reason its called an all you can eat buffet. And not a have just a little buffet. Because what we all really want is more. Thats why verizon is giving you even more. Now, for a limited time, get more data 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. Our best ever pricing with the more everything plan and 50 off all new smartphones. Like the htc one m8 for windows or android. Built to inspire envy. Come get your more with verizon. That, my friends, is everything. And with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase. Not just everything at the hardware store. Not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. Quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. Say it with me everything. One more time, everything and with that in mind. Whats in your wallet . A nice picture in the paper today of this couple that got married. His names is james costello. He was injured in the Boston Marathon bombing. Thats his nurse and they tied the knot. Isnt that nice . I think thats a sweet story. What a sweet story. A little sweeter than whats happening in arkansas right now where one politician is blaming another for spreading the ebola virus. You think it really cant get worse . It gets worse. Senator mark pryor of arkansas is turning some heads with his latest ad in one of the key battleground races this cycle. The Ebola Outbreak is worse than anybody quote, vastly underestimated. Tom cotton voted against preparing america for pandemics like ebola. He voted to cut billions from our disaster emergency programs. He was the only arkansas congressman to vote this one. He was the only one to vote against childrens hospital. Instead cotton voted for tax cuts for billionaires funding his campaign. Rather than protecting our families. Good lord. First of all, it sounds so cheesy. These ads are terrible. Is this a saturday night live ad . Anyway, tom cottons spokesman responded in part by saying senator pryors desperation is comical. He wants arkansas to believe tom cotton is responsible for everything from ebola to crab grass and male pattern baldness. Somebody is stealing my line. You owe me money. I trademark that. I talk about male pattern baldness, crab grass and locusts descending from heaven. The president and ceo of politico jim vandehei. He is so powerful. Jim, i thought pryor was ahead in this race. That is not the ad of a guy who is confident, blaming your opponent for the ebola virus . Were talking about it, right . Its punching through. Its a pretty devastating ad. Theres no doubt this is a tossup race. Larry had that fantastic piece in politico yesterday saying look at these tight races. Not a single republican who is showing signs of pulling ahead. If youre in a position where youre pryor, you think you can beat your opponent, why not go for the jugular. Man, lets go state by state really quickly on larrys point. You can go state by state by state. In a lot of red states republicans arent moving ahead comfortably in any of them. In any of them. I think thats whats worrying republicans most. What larry saab toe points out is that republicans dont have a great track record going back to 1980 of beating democratic incumbents even in difficult environments. Thats where republicans need to up their game. They need to figure out how to take advantage of this mood of people anti washington, anti obama, anti democrats in this case. How do you take advantage of that. Theyre not. Thats whats worrying republicans. Again, republicans are fighting on republican grounds this time. The next senate election, two years from now, is going to be fought on democratic grounds. Far more republican seats a lot more republicans. If they dont do well this year, a hard rain is going to fall. Who is the next four . Yesterday, jim, and maybe you noticed this. Im sure you did. Both candidates for the senate were present when the president arrived. Kay hague again was there and her opponent was there. Both at interactions at the airport with the president of the United States. Both were photographed with the president of the United States. Thats going to be a jump ball as to which picture plays a more prominent role in the campaign. Its the darnedest thing. You look at the different races and you wonder what is it thats holding these republicans back. We talked in the show a bunch about how they got the candidate and theyve got the money they want and the outside groups finally united behind these and theyre not moving the needle in a way that they need to. I think the conventional wisdom that republicans are going to win back the senate, think twice about it. Jim, thank you, well be checking out the politico playbook. Coming up, a true hollywood sendoff for a tv host, Chelsea Handler. First, remember when joe biden romanced that biker woman . This time he was flirting with a military veteran who happens to be 108 years old. The best of diamond joe next on morning joe. After seeing everything, but let me take one last look. Sure. Take your time. Builtin nav, heated seats for mom, dvd with Wireless Headphones for the kids and tons of room for the golf clubs golf clubs, and strollers. Shhh. I love this part. So what do you think . I think its everything we wanted. Great. Discover for yourself why more people find their perfect car at carmax. Carmax. Start here. Whos more excited about back to school sthe moms . Staples . Or the dads . With guaranteed low prices on colored pencils, its definitely the dads. Staples. Make more happen for less. Over 20 million kids everyday in oulack access to healthy food. For the first time American Kids are slated to live a shorter life span than their parents. Its a problem that we can turn around and change. Revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy, affordable, kidinspired, chefcrafted food. We looked at what are the aspects of food that will help set up kids for success . Making sure foods are made with high Quality Ingredients and prepared fresh everyday. Our collaboration with citi has helped us really accelerate the expansion of our business in terms of how many communities we can serve. Working with citi has also helped to fuel our innovation process and the speed at which we can bring new products into the grocery stores. We are employing 1,000 people across 27 urban areas and today, serve over 1 million meals a week. Until every kid has built those lifelong eating habits, well keep working. Lucy, its joe biden. Hi joe. How are you . I got a younger friend. When he found out i was going to be seeing you, he asked if he could come down to see you. Hey, guys. Here is my buddy that wanted to say hello to you. Say hello to lucy. So nice to meet you. Thank you. Youre welcome. Reminds me every time i have a good looking date, there would be some better looking guy coming along. You know what i mean . Thank you. Youre a special lady. Thank you. I love that guy. I love that guy. Sweetest thing in the whole world. Oh, gosh, i love him. Hes really got a way with people. Theres a New York Times op ed weve been talking about, how cops are protected bad cops are protected by the Supreme Court, written by erwin chim rin ski, obviously well known in legal circles. Mike, here is the heart of the article where the dean says, in recent years the court has made it very difficult and often impossible to hold Police Officers and the governments that employ them accountable form civil rights violations. You buy his argument . Yes, i do. You read this piece and you realize a couple of things. We need more minority Police Officers in every department in this country. Apparently, clearly, we need a different composition on the Supreme Court when it comes to cases like this. He cites judge alitos opinion and Clarence Thomas opinion in two egregious cases. What are they saying . In these egregious cases, why the Police Officers need protection . One involves a police chase in tennessee where multiple shots are fired, passengers of the car fleeing police. Its quite a lengthy car ka chase. The Police Chased the car for more than five minutes reaching speeds at over 100 miles per hour. I dont know of a Police Department in this country, cut off that case because youre endangering public safety. Unbelievable. Also, the New York Times wrote a story speaking about this, talking about a new video thats emerged that may show may actually pick up shots that were fired, the times said it hasnt been verified yet, but talks about how, might be nine, ten shots and then, quote, several witnesses that say Michael Brown was actually inside the car wrestling with the police officer. Something i havent seen in the times yet. This is why its all going to take some time to hash out exactly what happened. It has to be a fair investigation a transparent one. I think it goes back to a point you were making earlier, one of the reasons why i think the president stayed away. He sent the attorney general for a lot of reasons. He represents Law Enforcement, represents justice. As mike said, when i asked how this played out. If, in fact, this video does show or you hear the nine, ten shots as the New York Times is reporting this morning and Michael Brown went inside the car and wrestling, as several witnesses said, they were fighting inside the car and then runs off, i asked mike, how does that play out in all your years as a reporter following stories like this . Like you said its going to play out for both sides, both the prosecution and defense. When i used to work for colin powell, he said one of the things you learned in the army. First reports of incidents are never either accurate or complete. Exactly. First reports you hear in homicide investigations almost always, eyewitness reports, 75 of them will be discounted along the way. Bobby ghosh, thank you very much. Coming up at the top of the hour, as isis marches on, rebel held cities in syria, is the u. S. Military preparing to strike . Its one of the most remarkable stories youll hear all day. How nothing, not even a rare medical condition can break the bond of these brothers. We got so much response on this online yesterday. Well talk about it more. Plus, personal space on planes. Its in short supply. Now a new device is looking to save your leg room. How can a device do that . This story blew up on twitter. Well bring you the controversy surrounding the device. Ahead, Ellen Degeneres confronts Chelsea Handler as the late night host says goodbye to her own show naked. Okay. Hollyweird is next. All right, guys, the video you need to see right now, it involves House Speaker john boehner. He said his schedule is a little hectic, feeling like a windup toy. Now we have a visual to go along with it from this fun Youtube Video that has been released specifically by his own office. This sits in my office on my coffee table because this is me. [ laughter ]. Thats what i do all day. They wind me up about every 15 minutes. I got to go to work. My staff gave it to me. Every 15, 30 minutes, they come in and wind me up and i do my thing. I dont understand it. Its cute. His staff gave him this as a gentle and friendly reminder not to use the windup toy. But he does have a sense of humor about it. The kids love it. But the little toy fell off the table. Im being told its time for bill. We have to go to bill. You seer going to miss this when its done. Our friends in high School Called him lester the molester. Oh, lord. Up to this point Oprah Winfreys career has been known as sophia in the color purple. Lets get hollyweird. The queen of daytime tv Oprah Winfrey is set to take her acting job to unchartered territory. The talk show legend has reportedly signed on to play Richard Pryors grandmother, a cruel and abusive madam, as in legal in vegas madam. In the upcoming pryor pick, it stars the late comedian in the lee daniels directed film. He also directed the butler which oprah played a supporting role. Remember my lee cyruss homeless friend jesse from sunday nights vmas. His mom tells the daily mail hes an aspiring model who went to l. A. To break into the industry. His appearance caught the attention of a lot of people including the cops in salem, oregon. Turns out he has a warrant for a criminal mischief charge. Way to go, sheriff miley. Speaking of miley, she was a part of what can only be described as the holly weirdest collection of celebrities when e said goodbye to Chelsea Handler on last nights Series Finale of chelsea lately. She cant go on making every day that chelsea cares about kim and kanye she is done with teen moms and Justin Bieber, too shes off to find random guys to [ bleep ] of course, Chelsea Handler taking her talents to netflix. We showed you that clip earlier, the shower scene. That is classic ellen. Never once did her eyes go down. Okay. Thank you. The difference one of the many differences what a wierdo. Talking about bill. I know. Exactly. Are we going to do the top of morning joe now . No, were not. We were talking yesterday and we were talking about this response that we got, this big response we got. We were talking yesterday, of course, about those two young boys and the tremendous response we got. It got me thinking about the contrast of that piece and where most americans are. We talked about a frank bruni column yesterday that described how america has gone from the land of gumption to a nation of gloom. Most people are saying they think america is decline. We dont like our president , we like our Congress Even less. Frank bruni says 76 of thethinr children will be worse off than we are. It raises the question, why have these clouds of gloom settled over a country that is still the richest, still the most powerful. We have unimaginable potential if you look over the next 20, 25 years. Weve still freed and fed more people than any other nation in the worlds history. I think the problem is we cant even see our own greatness when it stares back at us in our own mirror. Were all guilty maybe all of us are guilty. I know im guilty of it, that we cant see americas greatness. But i think we cant see americas greatness because were looking for it in chicago, were looking for it in boston, looking for it in washington, looking for it on wall street. We think some savior, as Bruce Springsteen sang, is going to rise from the street and save us all. That aint happening. This piece yesterday touched struck such a cord. Mike and i were talking about it yesterday afternoon, so many people emailing it in, that it just hit us. Great men come a dime a dozen. Its good men that are hard to find, and we found two little boys in a little town in idaho yesterday that brought tears to all of us, actually makes us look and say this country just might make it after all. Take a look at this. Reporter their special bond can be seen in baby photos back when lucas was diagnosed with a rare disorder that affects brain development. Now 6 years old, lucas cant walk or talk or feed himself. But he sure can smile, his biggest grins reserved for noah. I love him. Hes perfect. I start to well up and almost cry every time i hear him in his passion for his brother. Reporter as noah trains for a kids triathlon, he knows lucas wont settle for the sidelines. When the big race day arrives, these brothers tackle the triathlon in tandem. After four back breaking laps in the pool, they hit the road for 1 1 2 miles on a bike, still tied together. The final leg is a 3 4 mile run. By now noah is a pro. All he wants is to make sure every single moment with lucas counts. And for one day turn this small idaho town into a city of brotherly love. Isnt that amazing . Its so beautiful in so many ways. Mike, you think about the conversation we have around this table. Doesnt it change the equation when you hear a story like that, when you see a boy like that and its repeated throughout the day. Thousands of times across america. Absolutely. We sit around here and people sit around in their offices and their cars and whatever. They whine and complain and tweet these ugly random thoughts all the time. More people in this country should pump the brakes, think about those two brothers, what the family has endured and the family has prospered as a result of this horrible affliction as a family. We are a family in the country, we used to be. Think about how fortunate we are to live here, how fortunate if you get up every day and have your health. One of the blessings of being in new york city and working in new york city for 11, 11 1 2 years, i have come in contact with a lot of immigrants i would never have met unless i came to the city where theres a statue of liberty. I will tell you when i see new immigrants to america and they come up because they see me on tv on the streets, it reminds me of that peggy noonan quote that she used in the reagan speech. Ill paraphrase it a little bit. Its almost as if, when theyve come from a war torn country to america, its almost as if the clouds have parted and theyve had a glimpse of the face of god himself, and they dont understand why were so gloomy. They dont understand why we cant see our own greatness when its staring back at us, our countrys greatness. Not ours individually, our countrys greatness. Because they understand, joe, what we used to understand as a country, that this country is a gift to all of us. Weve forgotten what a gift it is over the past 20, 30 years because of a variety of events, obviously. We should take the time to remember what a gift america is. No doubt about it. A long way to go still, but a lot to be thankful for. I really like you guys. I do. All right, lets get to the news. That was a great way to start, you wierdo. A lot of things to cover. This morning, an American Writer held hostage for nearly two years in syria is finally home. Peter theo curtis is back with his family in boston after being freed earlier this week. The 45yearold was met by his mother after landing at Logan International airport. Can you imagine that hug . Still, several other hostages remain in captivity. Theyre willing held by militants of the islamic state. A terror group which is increasingly attracting western jihadists, including americans into the fight. As that group rampages through syria, there are growing signs the u. S. Military is poised to cross over the border from iraq. An openended ceasefire agreement is in place between israel and hamas after two months of deadly clashes. Egypt helped negotiate the truce, similar to an agreement that ended fighting between the two sides in 2012. Israel agreed to ease restrictions on imports into gaza. While hamas is declaring victory, the deal falls short of the initial demand. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing criticism for the deal. Critics are outraged that hamas has its weapons after the 50day war. New polls show a dramatic drop in netanyahus Approval Ratings. Down more than 40 points from last month. Richard haass, why . Because essentially weve gone back to two months ago, the status quo. Hamas is not forced to demille tirize. A seats fire was established today. A month from now they could conceivably rearm and start anew. But hamas is not happy either. Hamas completely caved in on these negotiations. Each side had a set of demands. And for bibi, the problem is that now hes getting attacked from the right. Hamas also caved, but they can at least say we survived. They live to fight another day. The israeli goliath doesnt have a lot to show. A group of Police Sergeants is sending a not so subtle message to mayor bill deblasio. The union took out a fullpage ad in the New York Times and New York Post urging the Democratic National committee not to hold its 2016 convention in brooklyn. Can you imagine this . The open letter cited the dangerinfested public spaces. The harsh critique speaks to the similar herring tension between police and city hall, in part over deblasios opposition to stopandfrisk tactics. Commissioner bill bratton says theres no doubt the Police Morale is hurting. Mike barnicle, its shocking. We all live here. A lot of us live here, have a lot of friends in brooklyn, most of them younger than me. I havent heard any stories from, quote, crimeinfested brooklyn communities, certainly hasnt spread to manhattan. Whats going on here . No. These are very hot properties. People paying enormous sums of money to live here. This is a real shot at two people. Obviously the mayor and police commissioner. A lot of it i suspect involves al sharpton sitting down with the mayor and commissioner bratton at an event a couple weeks ago, talking about stop and frisk, talking about the choke hold death of eric garner. Its infuriated the police federation. There was a terrible accident at an arizona Shooting Range on monday. Oh, this is hard to watch. A 9yearold girl lost control of a fully automatic uzie killing an instructor who was helping her. The practice session was being filmed and Police Released a video that is cut off moments before the deadly incident. Its really tough to watch. We have to keep that held in, otherwise the gun wont fire, okay . Turn this leg forward. There you go. Just like that. All right. Go ahead and give me one shot. All right. All right. Pull on it. You know, mika why are they letting a little girl why, why, why . A man is dead and a little girls life is ruined. Why are you putting an uzie in the hands of a 9yearold girl . It is sick it is sick so sick. I cant even imagine what . Because you have the right a 9yearold girl makes no sense. What is wrong with these people . They should be shut down. Im sorry. What is wrong with these people the first time i saw it i was so shocked. I say this as a father of an 11yearold girl. Who would put an uzie in the hands of a 9yearold girl what is wrong with these people . What is wrong with this culture . Why would they do that . What right is advanced by doing that . A man is dead, and theyve ruined a little girls life. For what . Second amendment. For what . Nra will tell you they have a perfect right to have an uzie in the home. Nra ought to take a look at that video and not edit it. The Shooting Range manager tells nbc news that children as young as 8 can fire weapons with parental supervision. Good for you. Bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms is investigating and they need to do something about this. I find it hard to believe that our Founding Fathers put together a Second Amendment to give 8yearold children the right to fire semi automatic weapons. And if you think thats what the constitution of the United States says, you should really go back and read the Second Amendment and then read cases and then read what scalia wrote in 2008 about what the Second Amendment is and what the Second Amendment is not and what the Second Amendment protects and what the Second Amendment does not protect. And there is no reading of what scalia said in 2008, 2009 that would suggest this has anything to do with the constitution. Its special interest versus collective interests. The collective interests of this society is unlimited. Weve got a problem. We have a problem in our political process where nair roe special interests dominates. Whether the aarp with retired people. The dysfunctionality of american politics is theres no one out there who is powerful, who is speaking for the collective interests by the way. You say the collective interests and people are going to say, oh, thats social seriously, you cant say anything, you do this, idiots on one side will say one thing. We see it every day. I quoted a bible verse yesterday trying to speak to myself. A lot of times when i tweet, im not talking to other people. Im talking to myself. Love is patient, love is kind, love is not boastful, love is not envious, love never recognizes when wrong is done to it and love always prevails. I was kind of saying it to myself, just a reminder. You need to do a better job on tv and off of tv, be more humble. You wouldnt believe the responses to that. Who can be against that . Who can be against love always prevailing, and you find it out there. This video is such a tragedy and it is its the Buffalo Springfield song paranoia runs deep. Weve got a nation of paranoid people on the for instance, on the far left and on the far right, and its time that the rest of us take control of this situation and this country and take it back from paranoid extremists on both sides. One more story before we go to break. A virginia jury could get the Bob Mcdonnell case as early as today. The former governor has spent nearly 24 hours on the witness stand altogether. Yesterday the prosecution tried to box in mcdonnell pointing out his 2010 inaugural speech that included the passage to whom much is given, much will be required. While mcdonnell expressed remorse that he and his family had taken nearly 177,000 in gifts and loans from johnny williams, the ceo of a Nutritional Supplement company, he denied any favors were given in return. Attorneys for his wife, maureen mcdonnell, will present her defense today. Coming up, we have Richard Haass here, talking about a piece he wrote yesterday, in the Financial Times today, talking about options in syria that are going to be controversial. A lot of Foreign Policy people will look at it and say, i dont know if we have much of a choice. Still ahead on morning joe, from 007 to the november man, Pierce Brosnan suits up as a spy once again in latest film. Hell join us in our next hour. How to make Michael Browns death stand for something. The former spiritual adviser to president obama says it starts in the community. He joins us straight ahead. Nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. Theres a reason its called an all you can eat buffet. And not a have just a little buffet. Because what we all really want is more. Thats why verizon is giving you even more. Now, for a limited time, get more data 1 gb of bonus data every month with every new smartphone or upgrade. 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Theres robust planning under way here at the pentagon for possible airstrikes against isis targets inside syria. The question is just how far will those strikes go and for the time being, sources were talking to indicate not necessarily very far. One official called it pinpricks. One said that they go after some individual targets, a few encampme encampments, some weapons systems, some infrastructure, but not Critical Infrastructure because they dont want to destroy the entire area while they take down isis. As far as any objection or possible objection from the syrian government, the u. S. Points out that, look, thats not even close to any consideration here at the pentagon. And they point out that since 2012, the u. S. Has been routinely flying Surveillance Aircraft over various parts of syria, first in connection with the Chemical Weapons Program and now to keep an eye on those terrorist groups. Michael ideaer was former director of the National Terrorism center in washington. Michael, Richard Haass writes in the Financial Times, theres no way well defeat isis in iraq, we have to take the fight to them in syria. Do you agree . Absolutely. Richard recognizes there is no border for isis, they cant be a border for us. If we push them back in iraq, they will still be in a position to syria both to cause havoc in the region with our allies like jordan, but also to still plan, plot and execute attacks against the west, london, paris, the United States. No doubt in my mind. Lets go to amman mole mole ha dean. He said when uae in egypt attacked libya, because arab countries dont usually attack other arab countries. Are you sensing in you travels more arab countries and leaders having such a concern with whats happening in isis that they might actually get involved in the fight . Absolutely. For a long time countries like the uae and others have expressed concerns about the rise of political islam. Thats not what isis is. Isis is a very different cloth of militancy. More importantly, they are seeing this as an existential threat to the stability of countries and millions of people. That is why theyre taking these unprecedented actions as you mentioned and acting out in countries like libya. They see what is happening in libya as a continuation of what is happening inside syria and iraq. They now are demonstrating the willingness to act. That could be a gamechanger for the region. The question that is going to remain is whether there is credibility behind these actions. Are they simply acting out in the interest of the collective good or for self preservation. I think as long as that question remains unanswered, theres always going to be doubt in the minds of ordinary people. Nonetheless, the attacks to try to curb isis would be very much welcomed. Very much welcomed. Again, we find ourself, richard has, in a strange position of actually having iran as an enemy of our enemy to the west or to the east and syria as an enemy of our enemy to the west. Sometimes in the middle east the enemy of your enemy can still be your enemy. Can still be your enemy. In this case even if they are still the enemy, youre suggesting we have to work. If there are going to be boots on the ground, its not going to be us, sure wopt be the european countries, other arab states. You say the only way this works is if we enter into a deal with the devil, as you said, quoting churchill, enter into a deal with the devil. In the short run because it would take years to build up an Effective Iraqi operation. If were worried about the next couple years, i say put on the table the possibility of sitting down to see if we cant work out something not that its good, but the least bad option to do something. My question for mik, he talked about pinpricks, whether theres anything about what we used to call incrementalism. Narrow set of targets in iraq, narrow set of targets in syria. Is the concern that this kind of incrementalism doesnt have the military, political or psychological impact that you want . Absolutely, richard. Just harken back to when the administration was talking about launching missile strikes against syrias Chemical Weapons Programs. You remember then the president said they would be limited. You remember then that secretary of state kerry told congress, well, dont worry about it, theyll only be pinpricks. When chairman of the joint chiefs of staff Martin Dempsey went to the hill and he was asked about that, he said, look, we dont do pinpricks. It is not considered to be a viable or successful military strategy, as you know, richard. Richard, you quoted churchill earlier. Somebody came on earlier this month and quoted napoleon. If youre going to take vienna, take vienna. Aman, i have to ask you as someone who was on the ground and did incredible reporting during july in gaza, longterm ceasefire has gone into effect and absolutely everybody hates it. Hamas is saying its knocking down, netanyahu seen as backing down. His Approval Ratings have plummeted over the past 20 days. Whats your take on the Peace Process and also what youve seen . How do you think the people of gaza are going to take this ceasefire . Well, theres always two layers to everything, that which happens in a public realm and that which happens privately when youre talking about peoples reactions in gaza. Theres no doubt weve seen the images of people celebrating on the street. As richard said, hamas gets to claim victory that it was not destroyed or not devastated enough to not be able to fire rockets on the last day of this operation. Nonetheless, theres going to be a lot of anger among ordinary palestinians that at the end of the day the siege has not been lifted. Its been eased. Well see humanitarian supplies come in, Construction Supplies come in. But what were not going to see is the Free Movement of people and goods which has been a central demand of the people in gaza. It is going to raise questions how long will it be before we find ourselves in a similar situation again. Richard, i want to ask you, if the ultimate goal is to crush isis on an International Policy standpoint, if we dont want to work with syria, why not encourage bass sar al assad to work with Vladimir Putin to extinguish isis. We work with iraq, their department to fix it in that direction and extinguish it that way . Twopronged approach but we dont have to work with syria. Its not a question of working necessarily directly with syria. It would be iran and the russians helping syria. The question is whether we create a context by backing off support for the sunni resistance, groups like free syrian army, that would give assad a free hand to focus on isis. Its not clear thatk can be choreographed. Thats the attempt at diplomacy. The idea would be to create a political arrangement of syria. Mike barnicle mike lighter, this is going to be a long and costly operation everyone assumes. Rocca, in Northern Syria and is seemingly the headquarters for isis is a heavily urbanized area. That would preclude any massive Bombing Campaign there. Is one of the models going to be employed, would you think october, november, december, 2001 model, spotters on the ground, strategic tactical bombing . I think some of that is actually. Reporter going on, mike. Very quietly we have, not troops but other folks on the ground who are helping train the opposition, the more moderate opposition. Thats what we have to see more of. Were not going to put in 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 troops. Theres going to have to be a more quiet, covert ef of fort with special operations, train ag more moderate operation, targeting the isis guys. It is going to be years. This is not a monthlong pinprick fight. This is years of tracking these guys and targeting them. Michael leite, Jim Miklaszewski and ayman mole dean, thank you all. Coming up, has Michael Browns death inspired a new generation of americans to call for equality . Well speak to the president s former spiritual adviser next on morning joe. You can get a 1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. So why are we so obsessed with turbo . Because theres nothing more exhilarating than a powerful ride. And you can get that in places you might not expect. Like the passat. And also in the funtodrive jetta. In fact, volkswagen has sold more turbos than any other brand over the last ten years. That is a lot of turbo. Get a 1,000 reward card on new 2014 turbo models or lease a 2014 passat s for 189 a month after 1,000 bonus. Ends soon you pay your Auto Insurance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. 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A Movement Means weve got to be here for the long haul and turn our chance into change, our demonstration into legislation. We have got to stay on this so we can stop this. That was obviously al sharpton at the funeral of Michael Brown. This morning we have maureen dowd being very critical of the president of the United States saying hes outsourced race. And al sharpton says obama has muzzled himself on race. Two men joined in pragmatism when idealism is needed. We cant expect the president to do everything, we can expect him to do something. With us now, the ceo of value partnerships, joshua dubois. Let start with the first question. Should the president have gone to ferguson . Would that have helped the healing process or better for him to stay out of the way . I think the most important thing the president could do for that communitity in ferguson and Michael Browns family is to ensure a full and fair investigation. He sent 50 fbi agents, he sent the nations top Law Enforcement officer. Does his presence make a difference . Theres only one president. Im not arguing one way or the other. I wasnt on the ground. I dont know what the situation s. I dont know if he would have gotten in the way of anything or whether he would have brought healing. What do you think . I think its possible his presence could have put his thuchl on the scale in terms of the investigation. We have a federal civil rights investigation going on right now. If the boss of the Justice Department shows up and appears to be leaning in one direction or another, thats not good for the family. The president talked about race many times in the past. He has a 2007 speech in selma, alabama, 2008 in philly, after the Trayvon Martin verdict last year. We heard him talk about race. What we need now more than anything else is an investigation. He gets slammed whenever he talks about race. He does, hes leaned in on it. I think elites, folks like maureen dowd and africanamerican academics and so forth, they want him to keep framing and keep talking, whereas most people want action. Let me ask you about als speech. Weve been showing the parts where he talks about policing. But he touches on something that youve touched on which is, man hes got his rhetorical guns on policing the first half. But then, boom, he turns his rhetorical guns, so to speak, on the community itself and says if we want to change america, we have to change ourselves first, and he sounds a lot like bill cosby, you know what i mean . Its at both ends. Every time you talk about this, you have to say at the outset, in my view theres nothing that Michael Brown could have changed about himself that would cause him to be alive right now. What would have changed what should have changed is for Darren Wilson not to have shot Michael Brown. That needs to be clear. Separate, of course, like all communities we have to look in at ourselves and think about the adjustments. Al talked about black on black crime, talked about chicago, the murdering of little girls, the lawlessness and the gang culture. He said some things that are so tough that we certainly cant repeat them here on tv. You can talk about the gang culture not me. No. But reverend sharpton can. I think theres a place to kre teak that. We need to talk about the gun culture. Right now a 9yearold just shot oh, my gosh. Every community has their own problems. Mike, thats exactly what al sharpton said. I bring this up only because everybody is going after al, gee, he was talking about cops. No, he wasnt. He is saying the responsibility is not only with good policing, its with us ourselves. In march of 2008, barack obama, then a candidate for president , gave one of the most galvanizing speeches on race that anyone has ever given, minister, candidate, pastor in any church. Since then he has spoken to race several times as you pointed out. My question to you is, in speaking about race, this great wait that American Culture has carried for hundreds of years, do you think he has an inner conflict, is he torn about talking about it too loudly, too vocally now because of his position as president rather than the fact that hes a black man . I think hes aware hes got to continue to get things done and when he is able to take advantage of moments to lift up the conversation, to have a broader conversation about race, he does. But he also knows that thats going to take up a lot of oxygen. Hes got syria, hes got iraq, hes got health care, hes got the economy. Hes got to focus on these other things as well. What has to happen now is we have to pick up the baton and run with it. We have to have these conversations in our families and communities. I think thats what the president has charged us to do. Now its up to us to take it forward. All right. Joshua dubois, thank you very much. Still ahead, watch out hillary. More 2016 democratic hopefuls are beginning to circle the wagons for a possible white house run. Up next, our friends are out with their guide to good business. It works whether youre a startup wizard or a sheep farmer. A sheep farmer . Well explain that straight ahead. Narrator summer. You know it cant last forever. But thats okay. Because a fresh start awaits. With exciting worlds to explore, and challenges yet unmet, new friendships to forge, and old ones to renew. Its more than a job. And theyre more than just our students. So welcome back, to the students, and to the educators. Ready to teach. And ready to learn. [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. Like the fact that youre pretty attached to these. Ok, really attached. And thats alright. Because well text you when your package is on the way. Were even expanding sunday package delivery. Yes, sunday. 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Basically how did you come up with this concept of small farms from basically how we should tie our knots . The magazine has been going for almost eight years now. Really the heartland of a lot of our editorial has been looking at smes and startup culture. Two things that came out over the last five or six years is the word startup has been coopted by the tech sector. We wanted to shine a spotlight saying, you it can be an app. Theres a bit of technology, but we wanted to redress the balance. That was one part of it. We think its time to give a global view. If youre a retailer sitting in iowa or running a great business in orange county, you might want to see what people are doing in korea. You might want to be inspired to what someone is doing in the grocery sector. Its a global view for people who cant get on a plane every day. Its very visual. It is not a Black And White book about how to get an mba in a threehour flight. You let us now how an australian record store, which a lot of kids have no idea how to put a record on a player, is actually being successful in modern days. Absolutely. I think we really want to show the importance of bricks and mortar, that the world is not completely migrating online. Of course, one portion of it is. And i think theres a message that comes through and we meet all these entrepreneurs and some are very established families. Some have literally gotten their bank loan and approved to be interesting in nine or 12 months. What were trying to show people as well, is you want to invest and build a business. Maybe its not about flipping it. Maybe youre actually building it for the next generation. Youll want to pass it on to your family. Its not just let me burn through this and then ill flip it on the market in three years time. Thats become so much of the business narrative these days. We want to talk about having properly sustainable businesses. When youre looking just monocle as a whole, i want to know how the magazine is doing. Its a tough time. I guess its a good time if the whole world is your market. We do almost 80,000 magazines. Its 150 to subscribe. One of the things that we did thats a little different, mika, we havent gone for that discount model of try to get 52 weeks of the magazine for 14. As we all know, journalism is an expensive business. But i think whats interesting, and we all know that advertising is very important as well. If you can show you have a paidup audience who are paying 150 buck as year to buy this magazine, it means also youre going to get good advertisers who want to follow along as well. I have to say the market is booming and were in growth. Were one of the few news and Current Affairs tyler that is growing. Tyler brulee, the book is on sale now at monocle. Com. Coming up, democrats saying not so fast hillary, when it comes to the 2016 election. Is the denooe defender cheating or will it save your sanity on a flight . Well find out what all the fuss is about. Youre watching morning joe. Ups is a global company, but most of our employees live in the same communities that we serve. People here know that our operations have an impact locally. Were using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. The trucks are reliable, thats good for business. But they also reduce emissions, and thats good for everyone. It makes me feel very good about the future of our company. Here i am. Rock you like a hurricane fiber one now makes cookies. Find them in the cookie aisle. Co until youre sure you do. You need a hotel room bartender thanks, captain obvious. Co which is why i put the hotels. Com mobile app on my mobile phone. Hotels. Com i dont need it right now. Let that phrase sit with you for a second. Unlimited. As in, no limits on your hardearned cash back. As in no more dealing with those rotating categories. The quicksilver card from capital one. Unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase, every day. Dont settle for anything less. Ill keep asking. Whats in your wallet . Thomas, jim vandehei was talking earlier, beautiful days in august have been absolutely gorgeous. Thomas, vandehei was talking a couple hours ago about how republicans are starting to get concerned because you see a lot of these key races being run in red states where they should be making movement, like finding some space. Its not happening. These races, democrats are keeping it close in all these states. Democrats keeping it close. Democrats not named hillary clinton. They are fanning out among key states. We have Maryland Governor Martin Omalley sending out a couple Dozen Campaign staffers to help democrats with tight elections, not just in iowa and new hampshire, but South Carolina as well. We have senator Amy Klobuchar campaigning with Senate Candidate bruce railey. While in the hawk why state, former senator jim webb said im here to listen to people about think about things. Hes interesting. That would be fascinating. Very interesting. We have Vice President sdwrid secretly attending fundraisers for democrats running for congress across the country with participants reportedly instructed no facebook or twitter posts allowed. You can take video of you and a 108yearold vet at the white house. If youre 108, thats okay. Biden eyeing a 2016 run. Politico writes its a way to keep in touch. Hillary clinton is approaching the place of no return. The more she walks and talks like a president ial khan datd, effectively freezing out any other democrats contemplating a run, the more difficult it becomes to turn around and safe no. We know shes coming to iowa. Two words for you. Whats that . Elizabeth warren. What do you think of that . Shes not running. Mitt romney says hes not running, but things could change. He said that . How the white house plans to handle. Airstrikes in syria next plus a terrible and completely unnecessary shooting accident that raises some big Second Amendment questions. Were also talking to actor Pierce Brosnan in our next hour, 007. Not only Second Amendment question, some parenting questions. Forget the constitution. What parent puts a gun im sorry. What parent puts an uzie dont. Not now. I totally know. I feel for them. I really do. The whole thing is so painful, so painful. Creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Hey, i notice your car yeah. Its in the shop. Its going to cost me an arm and a leg. You shoulda taken it to midas. 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So miley cyruss latesest antics were weird. So were chestly handlers with all that nakedness. Wait, whos getting naked . Whos not . I was just about to ask. Who was weirder than them . Youre looking at them. Lester. This does. Does he have pants on . Oh my god. Please. Please stop. Okay. Just take it, whatever youre going to do, and get it done. Most powerful woman in tv, some would say in the world is going to may a madame and run a brothel in a new movie. Lets get hollyweird. Queen of daytime tv Oprah Winfrey is taking her antics shots to unchartered territory. The talk show legend has reportedly signed on to play richard pry yours grandmother, a cruel and abusive madame. As in legal in vegas madame. Mike stars a late comedian in the directed film. Also directed the butder will in which oprah played a supporting role. Is that the wildest . And remember miley cyruss almost friend jesse from the vmas, his mom tells the daily male, hes an apyring model to went to l. A. To break into the industry. The cops were interested. He has a warrant for a criminal mischief charge, way to go sheriff miley. Were all going to sing a song to say goodbye. Speaking of miley, she was a part of what can only be described as the hollyweirdest collection of celebrities when e said goodbye to Chelsea Handler on last nights Series Finale of chelsea lately. She cant go on. Faking every day. Chelsea cares about kim and kanye. She is done with teen moms and Justin Bieber too. Shes off to spain to find random guys to [ bleep ]. Only due to time restraints were unable to bring you the latest news of Justin Bieber and a consider accident. Didnt he have a naked picture of too. My daughter keeps me up on the news. She looks at naked pictures. Its gross, we think hes gross. She does. Yeah. Yuck. Okay. Is that an ek . Yeah, no can do. Please, go to canada. The next hour of morning joe starts right now. America does not forget. Our reach is long. We are patient, justice will be done. And well continue to take direct action where needed to protect our people. The mission scheduled to begin flying over syria are a major step towards launching air strikes against isis bases there. This is a serious threat from a Serious Group of terrorists. Were not going to hold ourselves to agree graphic boundaries. Isis is taking ground in syria. On sunday, attacking a check point held by a Syrian Opposition group. One of the isis fighters killed in the battle was an american. He grew up in minnesota, a basketball fan named douglas maks arthur, mccain. How complicated and global the battlefield has become. We find ourselves in a peculiar poogs to stop the greatest threat since 9 11. Sense of relief and the sound of jubilation echoed around gaza this evening. And for once, guns were fired in celebration rather than anger. Tonight a new ceasefire has been announced between israel and hamts. The troops stopped seven weeks of fighting. Most Palestinian Civilians killed. Why is it today hamas accepted the very same egyptian framework that it rejected a month ago. So much bloodshed could have been avoided. Welcome back to morning joe, top of the hour. A lot going on. I said i was not going to ever eat another whooper. You may now. If these people skimmed out of the country. It was you. Right. Skipped out of the country, and it looks like, who knows, maybe Warren Buffett said hey, ill dotd deal, but ufz do the deal, but you have to stay in the america. If thats the case, whatever they save in taxes, it aint worth it for a brand as big as burger king. People like me, i know conservatives, they dont to want buy chevys. You buy chevy or ford, a lot of people buy a ford truck because ford didnt get at bailout. A lot of americans would say, skreflt democrats alike kreft democra conservatives and democrats alike. This deal has been shaking up. It may go through, but if it does go through, i guess mike, they aint leaving america. Well a couple of things, what is ever going to be enough to prompt the United States senate and the congress to change the tax rate in this country . I bet Warren Buffett did this. The other aspect i was surprised to find out reading the stories about this is tim hortons revenues are greater thanburger king. Yeah. Like you said, its a religion up in canada. People said regardless, no. They believe in morton. Were going to detroit. Were going to ask him. Im dead serious, i have so many people come up to me in canada says i watch you up there, even though you say america should invade canada for the oil. We need to do a show in canada. Toronto. Get in the Coffee Business, i think that was one of the evaluation things they were thinking because theyre trying to get into the Coffee Business to get mcdonalds coffee on store shelves. My son and his friends got a mcdonalds. Were talking about this too, richard haut says we just may, if we want boots on the ground, were not going to go into iraq, we have to go to syria. People going to start talk about dog we team up with assad and really interesting story from college football, thomas. That you and mike were talking about off camera. This is josh shaw, usa today has it in the sports section, he is the colonelerback captain for ufc. It was the heroing tale about how he jumped from a balcony to save his sevenyearold nephew who was very moving story. Very moving story. See, i told you you just had to go to Middle America to see the goodness. Thats true. Or Southern California. Sunny Southern California. Now the story may not be adding up so much. Some new information has come forward that might be calling into question whether or not he was involved in something more nefarious. Escaping. Well, we dont want to the speculate. An alleged burglary. Theft. Thats what some people think. Oh my gosh. Okay. Lets get to the news this morning. An nern writer held American Writer she would hostage in syria is finally home. Peter theo curtis was freed. Several other hostages are being held by the militants of theist lammic states. There are growing signs the u. S. Military is poised to cross over that boarder from iraq. Nbcs richard edgele reports. Reporter nbc news learned that a 33yearold american, douglas maks Arthur Mccain joinled isis and died on sunday in syria. A battled captures on camera as isis fighters attacked a check point held by a Syrian Opposition group, but he died in this battle. Nbc news viewed photos too graphic to show of mccains body with his distinctive tattoo. His u. S. Passport was in his pocket when he died. White house confirmed his death late tuesday noting we were aware of douglas mccains presence in syria. In minnesota, mccains cousin reacted to his death. Hes like a loving person. Hes not a terrorist. I think maybe my cousin could have lost his identity because, thats not who he is. Reporter how did mccain come to joinl the isis ranks . Born in illinois, mccain and his family moved to minnesota where he attended this high school outside minneapolis, a classmate told nbc news mccain was a good guy who loved his family and friends. He always made you smile with his goofy self. After high school, mccain was arrested nine times with two convictions for Disorderly Conduct and obstruction of justice. He converted to islam ten years ago, eventually moving to san diego, taking the name the slave of allah on social media where he posted islamic propaganda. He left the u. S. For turkey this spring before traveling into syria. In june, mccain wrote an alleged isis member to say, we will see you soon. So the headline, an american, an american goes to syria, joins isis, and dies. Thats correct. We know how the story ends. More coming. A group of Police Sergeants are sending a not so subtle message to bill delaware blash owes people. Urging the Democratic National committee not to hold the 2016 convention in brooklyn. The open letter cited the quote danger infested public spaces. Adding the mayor hasnt earned the right to host such an important event. The harsh critique speakings to the simmering tension between police and city hall in part over his opposition to stop and frisk tactics. Bill brathen says theres no doubt the moral is hurting with but wow. Scathing. The New York Times is declining to endorse governor Andrew Cuomos bid. The Editorial Board said that the democrat has made many achievements, especiallying on issues like samesex marriage and gun control, the governors added quote he failed to perform job one. The State Government remains as subservient as ever, and he resisted and shut down opportunities to fix it. The paper also cited his quote failure on ethics reform. Another embarrassment. Really embarrassing for andrew cuomo. Dont to want hear his name mentioned for any national bid any time soon. Well see, but its not like his primary challengers going to win. No. It might be theyre trying to see if he can correct. To the next story now, virginia jury could get the bob mcdonald case as early as today. The former governor spent a total of nearly 24 hours on the witness stand. Yesterday the prosecution tried to box in mcdonald, pointing out his 2010 inaugural speech included the passage to whom much. Is given, much lsh required. And while mcdonald expressed remorse that they had taken nearly 177,000 in gifts and loans from johnny williams, the ceo of a Nutritional Supplement company, he denied any favors were given in return. Attorneys for his wife Maureen Mcdonald will present her defense today. You know, as you know, the seasoned trial lawyer that i am, i was trying to figure out what the defense would be. Layman. Right. What her defense would be, its a very compelling defense. Go ahead, thomas. Law and order, svu, taught me go to held, i wasnt elected. Look at that. Its a pretty compelling argument. You brought it there. Which actually explains mike why she would allow everybody to paint her as crazy and angry, the only way you bust her is if theres a conspiracy. Well, i think the key is we misquoted the governors inaugural address in the news clip. I thought you were going to say i was misquoted. What the governor actually said, apparently is to whom much is given, much more will be requested. During the course of his term. If youre sitting there in the jury, you know youre making an average salary and you just see the moneys that were requested by his wife, the rolex watches. Im sorry. The cars. Youve got to be thinking, come on. Lets get into the jury room. Paying for the daughters wedding and other stuff. You have to realize that this is not just free lunch over and over again. Access issues is yeah, i think more and more people are saying he should have taken the plea deal. Okay. This ones really heating up on twitter. There was a terrible accident at an arizona Shooting Range on monday. Where a nineyearold girl lost control of a fully automatic oozy, killing an instructor who was helping her at the Shooting Range. The practice session was being filmed, and Police Released a video that is cut off just moments before the deadly incident. We have to keep that held until. Otherwise the gun wont fire, okay. Okay, turn this leg forward. There you go. Just like that. Cool. All right. Go ahead and give me one shot. All right. All right. You know, i had to turn away, you know. After seeing that the first time, for two reasons, first of all, the instructor and of course a lot of questions this morning being raised about why didnt he keep his hand on the gun, why wasnt he behind the little girl . The bigger question is why do you put an oozy in the hands of a nineyearold girl . You do it as young as eight, really . Its so painful because i look at him, and know whats coming. And its horrible. Then i look at the little girl, anybody thats had a little girl sees that little girl and knows that little girl as their own, remembers their own little girl being there, and it, what that poor little girl went through after that happened. What she will go through for the rest of her life. I dont understand how im sorry, i know you say i shouldnt say it, what parent puts their little girl in that position . What parent today a parent who are goes to a Shooting Range where they put oozies in the hands of kids. The thing is i know a lot of boys, and a lot of little girls that go out hunting with their fathers in northwest florida, as young as five or six or seven. And theyre taught gun safety, and their taught it responsibly, and they do it the right way. And i, i guess i dont see any problem with that because thats always been part of the culture of growing up and living in georgia, mississippi, alabama, northwest florida. Its a shotgun. A little shotgun for little kid where you teach gun safety from the earliest days. Were talking about an oozy. Well the trust of the situation of the ranges requirements. Obviously, hindsight being 2020, this needs to be vetted more properly. There is an investigation going on. As mika pointed out, they have the policy set that eightyearolds are allowed to go there. This young girl didnt have the strength to be able to hold that. We see her release the weapon right away on the recoil. You know, i remember its tragic all the way around. I remember holding a shotgun when i was, you know, maybe six or seven. And being surprised. Tall. I was very big. I was a big boned as eric cartman says on south park, very big, very tall. I remember being stunned the first time i felt the kick of a shotgun. Knock you back and over . Yeah, but you know what though, my dad and his friends were out and we were in the woods, and everybody was standing behind me, and they told me what to do, and i did it, and i still, big guy, you know, for my age. Not of got knocked back. I dont understand it. Makes no sense. We have other news this morning. Imf chief kristene laguard revealed hes been investigated in connection with a Corruption Case in france. It dates back to 2008 when she served as finance minister and involves a 400 million euro settlement with a french businessman that critics say was too generous. This morning, she released a statement reading in part quote after three years of proceedings, dozens of hours of questioning, the court found from the evidence that i committed no offense, and the only allegation is that i was not sufficiently vigilant. Under french law and official investigation is equivalent to prim their charges despite the problems in parents, the imf chief says she intends to return to work in washington today. Well have much more on this coming up in business before the bell. Shes coming back very tan. Okay. Always. Thats just, i never know what youre going to say. And an Inspector General report details falsified reports and unthinkable wait times for military veterans at va hospitals. The report centers on ground zero for the investigation, a phoenix hont where staff manipulated waiting lists for care. With the oig says they could not find conclusive evidence linking the deaths there to excessive waits. The president addresses thousands of veterans in charlotte, said Great Strides had been made and new executive actions to improve veteran care. The misconduct weve seen at too many facilities with long wait times and veterans denied care. Folks cooking the books is outrageous. And inexcusable. Were focussed on this at the highest levels. We are going to get to the bottom of these problems. Were going to fix what is wrong. Were going to do right by you. And we are going to do right by your families and that is a solid pledge and commitment im making to you here. All right. That was the president yesterday. I want to get jeff miller whos the chairman of the va committee to come up here. Thatd be great. Talk about the other side of that. See if we are making great progress there. A lot to talk about and how we fix that up. So were you ever a james bond fan . I watched a few. Brother and dad from day one, man. James bond freak. Right. We got Pierce Brosnan coming up, you know james bond obviously. Also in mama mia, mrs. Doubtfire. His latest movie, do you have a favorite . I think bond has gone through three phases, original james bond, he was great. Pierce brosnan was great, but it was a different bond. Daniel craig is really great in a new creation, new bond. Now do you have a personal favorite of the three . Yes. Who . Daniel craig. Really . Wow, what about you . I like sean connery. Pierce brosnan is great, remember is remmington steel though . Yes. Listen, i love Pierce Brosnan because hes on the show. Sean connery without a doubt. Gold finger. Im going to leave since i just said daniel craig. I have to leave yeah, probably. Hes going to come out and shoot you with a silencer. Hes going to be talking about his new movie which is amazing. Plus more on burger kings near move to canada. And now one u. S. Senator is calling for a fast food switch. Up next, seat wars in the skies, why a recent flight was diverted after a fight broke out over a passengers leg room. And theres a device involved. Speaking of device device . Lets go to bill camerons. Devices. Devices. Yeah. No devices. Go ahead. Lets turn the hurricanes, we have two of talk about the hurricanes, we have two of them, neither are going to hit land. We are feeling their affects. Check out the pictures from Southern California yet. Some of the largest waves in years are moving onshore. Theyve been making about 10 to 15 feet occasionally. Unfortunately, one surfer did die yesterday as he got caught in the waves. Wasnt the best at paddling out and got caught under. Some thats marie, thats off the pacific. We have kris bam which is now pret cristobal which is now pretty much off the coast of South Carolina. Its heading out to sea, not an issue. Let me show you the heavy rains in colorado yesterday. This is something ive never seen before. Watch the manhole cover. Its bobbling, and then it just explodes. Its like a flash flood underground. That was yesterday, better today there. The other story of the day is going to be the heat. One of the hottest days of the summer from d. C. To philadelphia to new york. And this is all associated with the hot weather thats been in the middle of country. Finally getting a break in st. Louis and kansas city as some thunderstorms will cool you off continue and into tomorrow. Youre watching morning joe, hazy, hot, humid washington, d. C. , well be right back. To new york. Im type e. My golden years will not just be gold plated. I had 3 different 401 k s. E trade offers rollover options and a Retirement Planning calculator. Now i know when im going to retire. Not if. Lactaid® is 100 real milk . Right. Real milk. But it wont cause me discomfort. Exactly, because its milk without the lactose. And it tastes . Its real milk come on, would i lie about this . [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Come on, would i lie about this . Thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. And thank you for your bravery. Thank you colonel. Thank you daddy. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance can be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. All right. A fight broke out in the friendly skies over a unique device. That prevents Airline Seats from reclining. You cant do that. It all started when a man in economy plus used the gadget on the seat in front of him. So the woman couldnt push back her seat. Which led to the dispute, then there was a flight. And the flight was diverted. Lets bring in Kerry Sanders live in ft. Lauderdale, kerry, what the heck happened . Reporter well its called the knee defender. Its these two bits of plastic that somebody can actually use in the seat in front of them. What they do is you install it will and it keeps the seat from reclining. Holds is rigidly upright. Well, when this was used, it wound up triggering a fight between two passengers. Call it the mile high snub. When a passenger on united flight 1462 could not recline because the man seated behind her had blocked the seat with a device known as the knee defender amid air argument ensued. This Youtube Video shows how the knee defender attaches to the legs of the tray table blocking movement from the flyer in front of you. The upset passenger threw her glass of water at the man behind her causing such a ruckus, the pilot diverted where they were both removed from the flight by chicago Law Enforcement. So what do you think . Is it confrontational to mechanically block the seat in front of you from reclining . As you can see now, there is very little room for know work. I think its invading my rights to fly and be comfortable. Where i buy one, id like to get one . There is zero inches between a reclined seat and a passengers knees. Frequent fliers say a fight like this was perhaps inevitable. Reporter the faa says preventing someone from reclining their seat is not illegal, but most airlines have a policy that says, stopping the passenger from leaning back is unacceptable. United airlines where the inflight fight took place says it does not allow customers to use devices that prevent seats from reclining. There are some seats on the plane where, it reclines, the one in front of you doesnt, and theres lots of leg room. The only problem, its in the kpilt row, and on most airlines today, that costs extra. Its very uncomfortable because, you know, its so narrow you dont have space to relax. Reporter this is gaining so much attention, the inventor of the knee defender ira goldman is now forced to defend his product. The knee defender was not the problem here. The problem was two people on an airplane who got into an argument. Reporter if you hate it, then maybe just as many people who love it because these little devices, these knee defenders are sold only online. And since the news broke about these, the website has been crashing for the last 24 hours. Of course, there are those who fly in first class who had no idea what were talking about. Come on kerry. Funny. Kerry, your stand up stuff, vintage. Hes perfect. Yeah. Youre perfect. Thank you, nbcs Kerry Sanders. That is so funny. Hes right. So you were getting angry when you were seeing that. Youre like, you cant do that. You cant do that. You cant come into a plane that you do not own and change the furniture. You cant do that. Would you do that, thomas . No. Lets bring in a staff writer for gizmoto. Com. Leslie horn, gooded to have you. Apparently you can. You cant do it. I guess particular airlines have bans against it, but i have kind of an unpopular opinion. Whats that . I dont think Economy Class should recline at all. Would you rather have thats just not your decision, right . Its not your decision or your decision or your decision. They recline. Well, you avoid arguments like these. Thought about these things though, theyre big and popular. Theyve been popular. Aye never seen them before, but theyve been around for like 11 years. And the faa tried to ban them originally with no success. And so then it was, it was just up to the airline. What if they work for them . Is this not a great commercial . Like the mcdonalds. All publicity is good publicity. They are flying off the web shelves. Does it feature the knee defender examine. Its a blog thats been around for 12 years which is and isnt in blog years. We first covered it in 2003. So its been around. Youve been on the story. It has been around. When you purchase a knee defender, it comes with a courtesy card. So youre politely putted it on your tray table, and you smugly hand your neighbor in front of you a card that says you cant recline your seat, i have the knee defender. Oh really . Just to make sure a fight ensues. Right, yeah. What do you think, mike . What would you do mike seriousfully youre sitting there and somebody puts a knee defender on the seat in front of you and you cant recline . From traveling quite a bit that my seat was broken because it happens 95 of the time. I wouldnt think anything of it. Id figure, oh, i got a broken seat. The next time youre on a plane and it doesnt recline, what are you going to think . It would depend on who was using the knee defender behind me. This is so interesting. It is. I wonder how many times the courtesy card is really used. Like did the person with that knee defender use the card for the lady in front or did the lady figure it out . I think the card would make things worse. Because youre drawing attention. I would say excuse me, were going to be switching seats. And youll sit in the sit that cant recline. Leslie horn thank you very much. Coming up, a hero one day, investigated the next. The controversy behind ufcs josh shaw is still ahead. Plus Pierce Brosnan made james bond cool again. Now the helm of a new spy series. The star of november man joins us next on morning joe. Hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection . Sure, we help with fraud protection. If there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, youre never held responsible. You are saying frog protection . Fraud. Frog. Fraud. I think were on the same page. At discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Fraud protection. Get it at discover. Com thover 65 million years ago. Rth like our van. Yeah. We need to sell it. Hi. Need an appraisal . Yeah. We do. Vo when selling your car, start with a written offer, no strings attached. Carmax. Start here. knochello . Hey, i notice your car is not in the driveway. Yeah. Its in the shop. Its going to cost me an arm and a leg. Thats hilarious. Sorry. You shoulda taken it to midas. Get some of that midas touch. They tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. Next time im going to midas. 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Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use brian 25 years. Matt thats how long weve been talking about the most important social issues. Savannah education. Al conservation. Chris uniting the nation. Jim with a bit of imagination. The more you know. Whoa, that was a scene from the november man on the seats of bellgrade. We sat down with the golden globe nominated actor Pierce Brosnan. You were there. It sort of looks like Pierce Brosnans younger brother. Yeah, sure. Exactly. And pat obrian, yes. Pat obrian. Heres our conversation with pierce. I knew you two would know each other. Couldnt we be all that cool, pierce, to walk away with no explosion and looking like that. Well, theres some kind of snl skit about that the. Old man dont look back. Just always manly about it. But anyway, this was a blast of a picture to do on the streets of bellgrade. They welcomed us into sooesh ya and gave us the world. Real departure from the bond franchise. Having said that, looking at what you went through to shoot this, how did you, i mean, you look fantastic with, but youre not a young man, how did you actually physically oh, im not a young man. Oh my god. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Howd you do it . I got broad shoulders, i can take it. How did i do it . Stamina, hard work. This is from a group of books by bill grange we are, he wrote 13 books, this is book number seven, there are no spies. It took five years in the making to put the picture together. And raise the money, etc. , i did it with my company, and thats just my partner. Weve made thomas crown, so it just seemed like the timing was right to go back on the stage into the game of eps naj. Now listen young man. Yes. Thank you, pat, thank you. We irish man always look good. Its amazing. No, but i mean theres a depth to this guy, and you know, a lot of these movies come out and its shoot them up and that sort of thing, but you get the feeling that this guy has feelings and depth and theres a blanket there. There is. Well thats the testament to bill grangers work in the series of books, november man. The characters name is peter. He has a complexity to him, and a depth and layers. Hes a sassy operative and a cultured bad [ bleep ]. Thats what i want to be. What was in consideration, obviously, you know, played bond for years, big part of who you are. Now another espionage, do you go in more skeptical . Better be that good before i get into that game again . Better be different, right . You want to be an unexpected surprise. You hope to be an unexpected surprise. After the bond moved away, stage left out of my life and the curtain kind of dropped unexpectedly, there was a kind of a void there, and there was an itch to do something within the spy genera, but it didnt feel right, the timing of it. And it was, it was somewhat unfinished business. Just as i was getting the hang of it, i was gone. It felt like. So my partner bo and i, we really wanted to do Something Like this with these books. And as i say, theres been enough time and distance between my time as bond and now. I have little girls. And this had to be your scariest role because you were singing in momma mia. Little girls i watched that 156 times. I was saying to myself, i bet this is scary stuff. It was terrifying. Yeah, i think the three of us, the morning we went into the studio to record those songs, Collin Farrell and myself, we were just deer in the headlights. Talk about your movie roles without talking about the movie mrs. Doubtfire, especially with the passing of Robin Williams and some of the great scenes that you have in that movie with robin as mr. Doubtfire. Because youre the foil. Youre trying to take miranda away. Right. What was it like because as we look at that, we have to think, a lot of that was ad lib because i love your face, especially at dinner at the end when the class. All that seems so unexpected. Cheers to your health. Oh my gosh. Im so sorry about that. Just one moment. This was a joyous movie for any actor to be part of. I was a huge Robin Williams fan. I absolutely adored him. No one made me laugh like Robin Williams. And the job for me came at the most wonderful time in my life. Mrs. Doubtfire, the sequence of which you speak was outrageous because it was my closeup, and that sequence, the choking sequence, and there was no one there, the kids werent there. Coming through. Yeah. So robin just ripped it up and was his rude and crude and as funny and its very difficult to keep a straight face. And we have some of that comic genius, then you just stand back and follow his lead. So great. Isnt pierce a nice guy . Absolutely. Yeah. We so look forward to seeing the november man in theaters today. We encourage you to check it out, also hash tag on twitter, november man. Imf chief, christine lagaurde. The latest is ahead in business before the bell. Plus usc cornerback josh shaw telling the school he hurt himself while saving his nephew. While the university questioning his story. They believe him up front, but they want to dig a little deeper. Well have that when morning joe returns. So what were looking for is a way to plus our Accounting Firms mobile plan. And minus our expenses. Perfect timing. Were offering our bestever pricing on mobile plans for business. Run the numbers on that. Well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be. 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I didnt come here to be insulted. You look very, very, very, very, very beautiful. No [ bleep ]. Yes. No, what were going to do interview front to front. Okay. All right. Your ears are like little seashells. What about my hair . Like the back of a diseased armadillo. Oh my gosh, thats so funny. All right. Cnbcs brian sullivan. Whats going on with the burger king world . Did Warren Buffett say hey well help, but you have to stay in america. What happened there . Buffett is backing the deal. Hes an investor. You know he want why not stay here . Yeah. Get Warren Buffett on, hes facing criticism for that. People love buffett and hes done good things, he is facing heat for this. Some people view it as maybe a fast food pun attended selfserving kind of stance on this deal. I dont know. Again though, were going to be talking to him. I think were going to chicago detroit. Good. Were going to do a great show there. Well ask him. Okay. So well ask him there. Sherrod brown said dont go to burger king. We have a burger joint in ohio. They have two in fact. Listen, the good senator taking a view that americans should boycott burger king if indeed this deal goes through. Its probably a popular stance. I think whatsed so that he came out and said we should eat at wendys or white castle instead. He didnt say mcdonalds, he didnt say jack in the box. He didnt say crystal. You should eat at crystal. Or clydes. Big c by the way. Lets talk about the imf chief, shes under investigation, whats going on. Le yeah, christine lagarde, you hit on it earlier in the program, basically being investigated for what her lawyers call simple negligence. Has to do with a deal in 2008 with a guy that used to own the adidas empire. Lagarde faced criticism for dealings she did under nicholas sarkozys administration. But no one is saying this is a big deal because a, its what six years old now, and b, its going to be simple negligence. Really criminal wrong doing not necessarily imapplicanted here. Although by announcing this investigation, essentially french prosecutors said they have enough to go on. And id like to chime in on your previous discussion of a few blocks ago. It was a guy, joe, youre a big guy, willie is a tall dude. Via law defender. The people cant recline anyway, and i dont blame her or him and the knee defenders. I blame the airlines for basically making it inhuman. At this point, just have a stand up. Dont have the dpars of stand up. Straps. Joe, you and ri about the same height, theres no room. Its physical its funny. There are times i feel like ka arena abdul jabar is on that laptop and somebody goes back. Its like this, let me give you my impression of flying. Hey, good to see you. Man of the people too, and yes, t. J. Can tell you, im always flying in the back. I just hang out in the lavatory, at least i can stand. Yeah. Napkin over there in first class . You dont want the gray pew upon to get on the show. Okay. All right. Mekas making his faces and moaning and groaning, listen, you have, you do not, im going to try to say this in a polite way, we are, we are a little, a little more cramped in the seats. Hurry up. And youre being discriminated against, and we all feel so bad for you. As that woman said, i want my flying rights. I have the right to fly. Joe, you have the power. You have the power to end this. Do it now. Sorry, stepping on you there. Thanks for being withes you. Injured while saving his nephew, but now School Officials say they think theres more to the story. Not so great. Plus michael sam makes it through the first round of cuts, but did one reporter cross the line or reporting on the rams line backer . Well be right back. This is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. During the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. 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Learn more at buypowercard. Com they say this of being president turns your hair gray. I think the president s hair actually turning a little gray, but luckily theres some good news here, take a look at this. Are you going gray and also leading the free world . Make an executive decision to try new just for men who are president. The only Hair Coloring system ph balanced to handle the symptoms of the most stressful job in the world. And youre justs a heartbeat away from tranquility with just for men who are Vice President bubble bath foam. Sold exclusively in the u. S. Capitol parking lot. No. Biden. That was joe biden. That was. Apparently he skinny dips. So there you go. Observatory, theres a Vice President. Theres a go pro camera in the shower . There is a bath cam because the servants have to know at all times how hes doing. Hes just a heartbeat away from slipping in the bath or shower. Hits his head. Suddenly you have to call the speaker. You have to have that camera in there. You didnt know this . I have fallen and i cant get up. Stop. I didnt know that. There are bathrooms please move on. Mental image is getting bad for me. Listen to this, this is a really interesting story. Im sure it is. Theres Big Questions surrounding what started as feel good story. Write up on the website claims that quarterback josh shaw suffered two ankle sprains on saturday. Jumped from a second story balcony to save his sevenyearold nephew from drowning. Im feeling good. L. A. Officials never received a report about a drowning. However shaw was mentioned in a burglary investigation. Witnesses told police on saturday night they saw a man fitting shaws description scaled down from the third story of an Apartment Building before fleeing the scene. Now Officials Say the alleged burglary victim later identified herself as shaws girlfriend, now heres what uscs head coach has to say. He came to us with what had occurred saturday night. And i have no reason, no history to not believe josh and his story and what has occurred. Obviously within the last few hours or so weve gotten a few phone calls, contradicting what josh said occurred saturday night. Were going to continue to vet it. Officials say shaw is neither a suspect nor a person of interest in the burglary. Sources tell nbc news that if shaw hasnt yet been interviewed, there are plans to do so. The cornerback is a starter and team captain, and the key part of what is car considered to be one of the best defensive backfields in the country. All right. Michael sam in the news. He is. And were still waiting to find out if hes going to make the last cut for st. Louis. Sam being the first opening gay player in the nfl and he survived the first round of cuts in three preseason games. Posed five tackles, three sax. Meanwhile, espn is creating criticism after a report on how sam is fitting in with fellow players and that included details on the showering habits. Another rams defensive player told me that quote sam is respecting our space and that from his perspective, he seem to think that michael sam is waiting to kind of take a shower as not to make his teammates feel uncomfortable. Teammate chris long came to sm sams defense tweeting dear espn, everyone but you, is over it. Come on. Startled by that story. You have to be kidding me. Im startled. Yeah. First of all, im kind of startled that he would wait to go in and shower. If he does, if he does, hes a member of the team. Hes a member of the team. Come on. I dont get it. I dont get it. Theyre making assumptions out of nothing. I think they are making assumptions out of something, and if im the coach and thats happening, i go to michael and say hey, youre a member of the team until we tell you youre not. Get in there. Up next, what fig if anything did what if anything did we learn today . [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. 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Its one more part of our commitment to america. I can assure you we didnt expect this at all. I sure wasnt going win. Its such a surprise. This didnt occur to me. I dont believe this. Im profoundly surprised. Emmy lies, i love it. Time to talk about what we learned today. We learned so much. I dont know where to start. Oh. Went sop fast. We need to ask phil to do a fourth hour. We really do. I think, no, actually, thats a no. Adrian is leaving us. We love adrian. We love you. Youre adorable. Thank you for everything youve done. Five years, hard labor. We appreciate it. Love that guy. Cuddly and adorable until he turned into Benedict Arnold and left us. I dont like seeing him angry. What have you learned . I learned that there is a term for sleep drunkness. Confused ayou sal. I find that to be an oxymoron. You learned that a couple hours ago. All right. Mike, what have you learned . Two little byes, one doing a triathlon at the age of nine, and his brother seriously compromised. They love each other. The family is full of strength with regardle to both kids. Question learn a lot from them. Certainly can laern lot from them. The older brother not asking any questions. Thats the way it should be. All right. If its way too early, what time is it . Morning joe because we have the daily run down with the great chuck todd. Just how close are we to air strikes on isis in syria . New u. N. Report delivers more shocking news about whats happening in that civil war. Not very civil. Well have the latest on what the u. S. Thinks it can do about it. Well also talk to fellow floridian and debbie wusaerman schulz about isis and florida politics. And the spotlight on the clash in kentucky. And what exactly does mitt romneys latest musings tell us about 2016 . Me thinks theres a door that is at least unlocked if not ajar. Good morning from washington, its went, august 27

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