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0 >> reporte >> reporter: hey there, good morning, mika. a tragic situation unfolding in central illinois where at least six people are dead. recovery teams still sifting through rubble like this which stretches for miles. there's concern that number could go up. they'll get a better idea of the extent of the damage here but they already know it is devastating. not only in illinois but across eight states in all with at least 40 tornadoes and violent thunderstorms which really rocked a big section of the country from kentucky all the way through michigan. hundreds of thousands still without power. dozens injured. we do know that fema teams already on the ground. we've been told by the white house that the president continues to get updates on the situation. the teams are moving in, doing what they can, shelters open. a lot of people staying with family and friends. the beginning of what's sure to be a long and very difficult recovery. that's the latest here in washington, illinois. i'm jay gray. mika, joe, back to you. >> thanks very much. right to bill karins for the latest on how the weather is looking at this point. bill? >> these storms have moved from the midwest now racing through break into washington news. i guess the headline over the weekend was that the president and his team are suggesting that there are going to be some changes in the white house. that this rollout was a failure and it sounds like we're going to look at a new -- you know, new leaders in the administration in the coming years. >> i do think one of the things to sort of instill confidence in leadership after the rollout is to make some sort of change in those that were responsible for the rollout. i don't think there's any doubt that in order to give people confidence, they've got to make some -- some changes. particularly over at hhs and cms. >> mike, some people are going to get fired. i don't know how you to it any other way. i just don't know how you allow this status quo that let the president down, let -- let his supporters down, let the country down. i don't know how you keep them in place. >> the only question is when do they do this? why haven't they done it yet? i don't know the answer to that. i assume that you're not going to fire people wholesale a couple of weeks ago because that just adds to the turmoil. but when are they going to do this? because the date is creeping up on us. the end of the month. >> yeah. >> it's right here. >> julie, you're in the white house, obviously. you've seen this unfold. especially the problems with syria. and then the problems with the nsa. and all of these other things where the president supposedly was kept in the dark. now you've got this -- this train wreck. i mean, let's be blunt. the president himself is suggesting people are going to get fired for the mismanagement of the past several months. >> certainly that's the sense that we're getting. you're right. it's more than just what's happening with health care. this is something that really started earlier this summer when you had the revelations about the irs. what was happening with the justice department and my news organization. then it just continued throughout the summer and into the fall with syria and the botched plans to nominate larry summers to run the fed. there is a sense that, you know, things just aren't going very well. what i think was pretty striking about the president's news conference last week is, you know, he said that there have been occasions over the past year where he felt like the white house got slapped around a bit by the press unfairly. but that now even he has to admit that the criticism is completely warranted. >> robert, let me ask you about president obama's style. as someone who's been at his side, been in the room with him at times of crisis. over the last month, month and a half, has he been getting people in a room every day and yelling at them demanding answers, or how does he handle a situation like this? >> i certainly have heard and i think others have heard not long after the rollout began, having people come over, particularly again from hhs and cms. and as the president said in the news conference, if things were going to be bad, if everybody knew they were going to be bad, why did we go out and say this thing is going to be great. the website is going to work. it'll be like travelocity or some highly functional -- amazon, some highly functional website where you can make a lot of choices. >> you believe, though, he really didn't know beforehand? if so, what a failing by the staff to allow him to go out and say -- >> that's what i think. >> i do to some degree because i think this is the signature initiative. and if there is something that's not working, there's not exactly a big rush to get into the oval office. and tell the boss. i think this is probably true in almost any business or bureaucracy. that things are not well. if things are going to get botched. my sense is it took a while for them to figure out the extent of the problem. >> here's where we stand when it comes to obama care. the white house's best case scenario may not be good enough. according to administration officials the internal goal is to have an 80% success rate by the end of this month. that means they only expect four out of five people to be able to enroll for health care coverage through the website. while there are still proposals in both chambers of congress to amend obama care, minority leader nancy pelosi says democrats are united behind the president's law. >> i don't think you can tell what will happen next year. but i will tell you this. democrats stand tall in support of the affordable care act. this is an issue that has to be dealt with. but it doesn't mean, oh, it's a political issue so we're going to run away from it. no. it's too valuable for the american people. what is important about it is that the american people are well served. not who gets re-elected. >> all right. >> the impact of obama care's rollout on the white house has sparked some debate whether or not it compares to president bush's response to hurricane katrina. >> there's a qualitative difference. i know the comparisons we've made -- >> there certainly is. >> of people dying in new orleans and people trying to get health care and not able to get health care. but it is -- from a political standpoint it's eerily similar to president bush in the fall of 2005. >> i disagree. it's hard on these feeding frenzies in washington to have perspective. where could we be in four or five months? hopefully the website is working fine and people are enrolling for health care. the story could change. once the website gets fixed, i think the political notion that next year's election or 2016 the republican platform is going to be getting rid of health care, millions of people will be signed up. it's an impossibility. >> meanwhile in washington, the district's insurance commissioner has been dismissed from his job after he publicly criticized president obama. >> the day after. >> william light said allowing canceled policies to continue, quote, undercuts the purpose of the exchanges including the district's d.c. health link by creating exceptions that make it more difficult for them to operate. >> mike, the next day, they fired him. >> show him. >> oh, boy. that's what we want. >> now he's without health care. >> what was he thinking, telling the truth? >> all right. >> you hear about this race in louisiana? >> yeah. louisiana has a new congressman. happy to move on. >> this is pretty special stuff. >> it is. >> i mean, it suggests, actually, a little battle. in -- you know, kind of like a follow up to what happened in the alabama one. where you had a business person who's sane and rational winning. >> there's always hope. a republican who took down the tea party backed front-runner by emphasizing a populist and pragmatic approach to government that he says is not based solely on ideology. political newcomer vance mcallister easily beat state senator neil riser in saturday's runoff for the fifth congressional district. riser was backed by tea party groups and the establishment including eric cantor opposed efforts to raise the debt ceiling unless spending cuts were also included. while both candidates opposed obama care, mcallister said he was more interested in fixing the law. while his opponent was focused solely on repealing it. >> willie robertson reminding you to get out saturday. >> it didn't hurt that mcallister picked up the endorsement from the stars of the hit reality show "duck dynasty"? which is filmed in the district. are you serious? what's happened. i was doing so well. who is that guy? >> the ghost of ronald reagan. >> willie robertson versus eric cantor. willie robertson won. >> that clinched it for him? >> you know, it's interesting. what's interesting here, robert, democrats shouldn't look at this and say, oh, there's a big difference between these two guys. and that this guy that won is going to be this flaming moderate. all he said was, we're not going to shut down the government. we're going to amend obama care. and make it work for the people of this district instead of blowing up the government. it's interesting, a very conservative louisiana district. people said, we prefer that to the nonsense we've been seeing in d.c. lately. >> it'll be interesting to see if there's a wave of pragmatism in some of these primaries. look, primaries -- >> that was. that's the word. conservative pragmatism. >> look, those are the primaries that probably have cost republicans five senate seats in the last two election cycles. nominating somebody even in places like missouri that ultimately couldn't get elected in a general election. what's most important as we mention the website being fixed or mostly being fixed by the end of the month, from december 1st until december 15th you're likely to see a wave of people selecting plans because to be covered by the first of january, you have to be enrolled by december the 15th. that's why it's so important that the administration, even if it's only 80%, get the website as functional as possible. >> mike, you know how hard it is for a guy in louisiana to say something other than what his opponent was saying? which was, we're going to abolish obama care and i'm going to shut down, i'm going to do everything that needs to be done? that's a primary message. the other guy actually had the guts to say, no, no, no. listen. we can't shut down the government. i don't like obama care. we're going to have to amend it to make it better. and he was rewarded. this is -- i tell you, this and what happened with bradley byrne in alabama one, these are house races in those gerrymandered house districts that we talk about all the time. >> there was another added element in addition to the pragmatism, which i think you're right about. the winner of this primary came from outside the system. he ran against a guy in the system. a state senator in the legislature. i think you're going to see a lot of people from outside the system coming in as outsiders saying, let's make something work. let's get something done. the other element, and it may have played a part in this. i don't know. but if you talk to people about whatever you want to call it. the aca. obama care. whatever you want to call it. and you talk to people in hospitals or around hospitals, and you ask them, how is the system working for you right now, they say, no. we need something that works. we need something else. we do not want to give our health policies, our lives, perhaps, to insurance companies. we don't want to do that. we need the system fixed. >> mike's point about the outsider appeal, mcallister made a point of saying during the campaign, i've never set foot in washington. >> that's a winning message. >> that's huge. >> a businessman. had a lot of his own money that he could put into the race. that didn't hurt. but he went out and said some nice things about obama care and his opponent crushed him on that throughout the race. mcallister watched his lead grow as that happened. >> that's a real sign. let's talk about 2016 speculation, shall we? this is kind of interesting. governor scott walker, who's name has been mentioned as a possible contender, was asked who would make an ideal candidate for the republican party. >> i think it's got to be an outsider. i think both the presidential and the vice presidential nominee should either be a former or current governor. people who've done successful things in their states, taken on big reforms, ready to move america forward. >> that rules out marco rubio, rules out ted cruz, rules out rand paul. >> all good guys. it's got to be somebody who's removed from washington. >> your criteria would also rule out paul ryan. >> yeah. and i love paul ryan. if he had a fan club, i would be the president of that. >> gosh, he sort of sounds like he's describing, um -- >> wait. hold on. who could it be? >> take a guess. >> himself. >> you know what? in scott's defense, i was one of these -- >> i know exactly what you're talking about. >> do you remember who i was talking to? >> i was there. we did so many events. >> i was asked in an interview, who should be it? i said, you know what? it's got to be somebody that at no time just get elected to senate a couple of years ago. you won't like this. but i said we've learned from barack obama that you don't want a guy that just gets elected to senate, hangs out for a couple of years and decides he wants to be president of the united states. that's an absolute disaster. we need somebody that's either from the outside or -- that was my -- what i'm saying, thinking about marco rubio -- let me finish it. but i immediately thought afterwards, i was like, uh-oh. i just ruled out marco, ted cruz and rand paul and the other 78 people in the senate that thing they're going to be president of the united states. but it does make sense. you don't want somebody that just got up to washington, that's a senator that doesn't have experience either running things on the state level or running things in the private sector. i'm sorry. now i'll let you. >> no, no, no. i'm just saying -- i think that's probably true for 2016. i think it has less to do with the amount of time you spent in washington. i think as the congressman, the new congressman from louisiana proved it's that you have anything to do with washington. if you've been there ten minutes or ten years, i think people are going to see washington as a big part of the problem. i definitely think governors have a leg up. >> yeah. >>s if fascinating interview when he mentions paul ryan. he says i would be the president of his fan club. i thought, wow. >> oh, my gosh. >> listen, though. you could be the president of a fan club. if you believe that a governor or running a business is preferable to being in the house or senate, you know. >> at the rate things are going, julie pace, with the sort of dissatisfaction with washington, i wonder how that impacts -- by the way, didn't it seem like scott walker was describing scott walker? but i wonder how that impacts the democrats like hillary clinton? >> absolutely. i mean, i think you're going to hear this word "outsider" pretty consistently. anybody who has anything to do with washington right now is tainted. whether it's by health care, whether it's by some of the budget battles. hillary clinton will face a lot of criticism over benghazi and a lot of things that happened on foreign policy. when you do talk to voters, though, there is this real sense that they just want people who can get things done. this is what we were talking about after chris christie's re-election a few weeks ago. he just exudes this -- this sense that he's going to go out and get things done. i think you're going to hear christie, scott walker, bobby jindal, painting themselves even more as outsiders. all of us here, though, know that these guys certainly are close to folks in washington. they're not, you know, real political novices. but anything that can show that you're from outside the beltway is going to be beneficial. >> robert? >> question, julie, for you. the irony now that i get to ask you a question after all those years. >> i don't think i like this. i don't like the tables turned. >> this one -- trust me, it won't be as good as the ones you asked me. you wrote a story, big story for the weekend about the white house needing to take steps to regain the president's credibility. not just on health care, on other issues. did they walk you through or do you get a sense of what that plan is for the next sort of several weeks here left in 2013 and what plans might be they readying for 2014? >> well, i think there's some internal efforts and then there are going to be some external efforts. internally, you heard this from the president last week, there's certainly a sense that they need to do some evaluating and figure out, why didn't the president know? why didn't senior staffers know that the health care rollout was going to be so bad? and why have we seen kind of similar situations on other issues. then the external portion is going to be focus on a couple of things. one, and the primary part of this, is going to be fixing the website. making sure that as many people as possible who've received these cancellation notices are able to either keep their policy or get lower cost policies with better coverage. and then there's going to be an effort to really just speak to the president's supporters. he's going to be doing a conference call later today with organizing for action supporters. this is the president's political arm. and you're going to see him keep talking about things like the economy. like immigration. what the white house doesn't want to have happen is make it look like they've been completely consumed by health care and can't focus on anything else. >> interesting. the disdain for washington, by the way, there's a lot of things i like about scott walker who will be on the show on wednesday. >> wednesday. he's going to be here wednesday. >> but, you know, hillary clinton's message at this point is that she can win as opposed to someone else. which is just as destructive as some of the republicans' message. people want a real message. and a no nonsense, outside washington approach. >> this is why i'm saying, you know, it's very early. but this message from hillary clinton is a guaranteed loser. it really is. >> i'm telling you. >> i can win. the fact there's a possibility of having another clinton versus another bush. which i still think people are going to push jeb into this race. boy, that is -- they seem like they would be -- >> it's all too coordinated and planned. >> people are going to revolt against this. they really are. >> people -- don't misunderstand scott walker. that was not simply directed at three members of the united states senate. right? that is -- that's a general election message. that will be -- if they nominate two people from outside, it will be a very much changed washington. >> let me tell you who may actually have a leg up. at least in the state of alabama and half the state of alabama. saturday night, this was absolutely unbelievable. >> oh, wow. >> auburn, after blowing a huge lead, last second, what happened here, robert? >> this, fourth and 18. 25 seconds left. deflected ricardo lewis. 73 yards. the immaculate deflection. in tuscaloosa they call that luck. in auburn we call that destiny. >> that's amazing. >> after almost blowing a 20-point lead. watch this. watch this. >> dude! knock it down! >> what a beauty. >> just like they drew it up on the field right on the grass. you go long. that guy will tip it to you. >> you're like me. you played football. what did the coaches -- >> knock it down. pound it in the turf. >> this sets up a week from saturday at auburn, alabama. >> you guys could destroy alabama, break nick saban's heart. send us to the blue bonnet bowl. >> that would be one of the happiest days of my life. coming up on "morning joe," former presidential candidate rick santorum will be here on the set. also lawrence o'donnell. u.s. ambassador samantha power. later, saudi billionaire prince alwaleed bin talal. as we go throughout the morning, we're still watching the new england area. still some gusty winds out there, too, as our storm begins to exit. our severe weather is over. winds are still howling. buffalo, 43 mile per hour wind gusts in the last hour. that's pretty much the worst of it. i don't think we're going to see too much more damage from here on out. as far as your monday forecast goes, look at the airports. a lot of them are going to be okay today. not going to have many travel issues. even in new england after our rough start, the rest of the day will be okay. a little rain showers from new orleans and orlando. a new storm coming into the northwest. eventually that storm will head into the intermountain west. maybe eventually bringing snow to the northern rockies. our friends out there in san francisco will see their first rain in literally about two months. looks like they need it, too. california has been very dry as of late. of course, the big headline was the tornadoes. looks like that threat is over with as we go through our monday morning. we leave you with a shot of new york city's times square. storms move through. no damage reported, thankfully. you're watching "morning joe."

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