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Attorney general to serve his political agenda rather than the law. Making the dubious argument that the oped in the New York Times posed a National Security threat to the country. Here is the audio of the president responding on air force one. I will say this, for somebody to do that its very low. And i think journalistically and from many different standpoints and maybe even from the stand point of National Security. Well find out about that. For the New York Times to allow that to happen, thats disgraceful. Do you think Jeff Sessions should be investigating who the author of the oped place was or who i think so. Because i think its National Security. It is like a third world dictator ordering the secret police going after somebody who says something about the boss. To government, that was his phrase. To government at once. Subjecting the anonymously published article amounted to treason. The president doubled down on that allegation and accused the New York Times itself of treason. Well, number one, the times should never have done that. What they have done is virtually, it is treason, you can call it a lot of things. It may be a deep state person who has been in there for a long time. Unfair to our country, and the millions of people who voted for us. Joining us now is susan page, michael singleton. Omarosa manigault newman. By the way, congratulations because you have turned out to be the first whistle blower, ahead of bob woodward. And by the way, who do you think wrote the oped. I suspect it is somebody out of mike pences office. And it might be airs. The clues are in the oped. Which are. When and if he leaves, however, indicating whether it is by impeachment or reelection. I believe the Vice President when he denies it, but the style of the writing reminds of documents and emails. You think it is one of his staffers. Absolutely. I want to get to something pick. You have an analysis piece in today which basically says this president has got a real reckoning coming to him right now there is a sense of a storm gathering. Just in the past week, the mccain funeral, the oped and the woodward book together paint a consistent picture for the president and lays a groundwork for bigger things to come. Do you have a timing. We all believed that he would not interfere in the midterm election. Which is relatively soon or days away. What do you make of the president describing the writing as a traitor. I dont think the president knows the definition of treason. If he does, i would ask where is the treasonous act. What is telling about this is it is obvious about what is going on internally within the administration, is all because of donald trump. He is the leader. Telling that those individuals who he selected to work for him, dont trust the president. Those individuals need to have enough courageous to come out and say who they are. I want to get back to the president here, i want to ask you about this, the fact that the president thinks about a person who doesnt like him as a traitor of the country. What does it say about trump . He has this extreme level of paranoia. He thinks he is the state. This is triggering his worst fears. It is going to make him go around and hunt down this person in the white house in the agencies. Do you think there is a man hunt or a woman hunt or whatever. Looking for the guy who ate the frozen strawberry. I think the president is determined to find out who the author is. That doesnt mean he will be able to. I dont think you can believe just because they denied they were the author. It. This was very much like primary colors. When i served in the clinton administration, they were trying to figure out who wrote primary colors. It was cline. He told me he didnt write it. He told everybody he didnt write it. It appears behind the closed doors, the president is unable to distinguish friend from foe. Officials are not only disavowing the oped, catch this. In oval office huddles, thursday, white house chief of staff john kelly, National Security advisor john bolton, press secretary Sarah Sanders tried to convince the president that he could trust them. Big time journalist like you, are you trying to figure out who this person is. The president is trying to find out who it is. By the way, these tough guys like Michael Schmidt and the rest of them. I assume they are. Well like to know who it is. And one other thing. I think it is a brilliant move by the white house that we are worried about who it is and not what this person said. They say, somebody put out the statement, dont think about who did it. I think to susans appointment which is far more important what is written in the article. They are trying to help the country if you will by making sure the president doesnt commit disastrous acts. If there are other things that are worse than this, what does that mean. 90 of it is happening thanks to you guys. Former president barack obama warned not to take comfort. The claim that everything will turn out okay because there are people inside the white house who secretly arent following the president s orders, that is not a check. Im being serious here. That is not how our democracy is supposed to work. These people arent elected. They are not accountable. They are not doing us a service, by actively promoting 90 of the crazy stuff that is coming out of this white house and then saying dont worry, we are preventing the other 10 . Omarosa is that true that is correct the people in the white house feel morally superior because they are keeping trump from doing the tenth of the damage. I would have to say there is more in the time that i have served. He would have these dangerous impulses and the oped said his most dangerous impulses. Not just ignoring any order. When he says lets blow up this country because he doesnt like something that the leader said. Then of course the staffers are going to push back and they should. President trump said the author of the oped and other like minded officials inside the administration pose a threat to democracy. Lets watch. The latest act of resistance is the oped published in the failing New York Times by an anonymous gutless, i think their reporters should investigate who it is. Push their own secret agenda are truly a threat to democracy itself. There is a word he hasnt used before. Anonymous. Not one of his words. But everyone makes mistakes. Who do you think about this. Going after this character, he doesnt know who he is. He is trying to put enemy of the people mark on this person. Make that person the enemy of the people. I do think he has a legitimate point that it is not appropriate for unelected officials to try to counter man officials. They shouldnt be doing what this person admits to be doing. We elect the president. He won the electoral college, he is the president. If you want to oppose him, the checks and balances are with the congress and the courts and with the public. Secretary of defense under nixon said dont obey any order from the commanding in chief when it comes to launching nuclear missiles. Then susan do you follow an order of the unfit president. I understand the argument but we have got 25th amendment. You have a point of view, and you have a point of view. Does anybody here believe michael pence would blow the whistle on trumps incompetence . No. But his staff will. It takes some of the constitution the 25th amendment for the vp to start the ball rolling. If the president is not capable of being president , again, to the individual who wrote the argument and the other individuals are part of this resistant movement, they should resign. They should say for these reasons the president is unfit to serve and if that is indeed the case, and then i do think we have to act upon the 25th amendment. Your way is to leave the white house and to write a book. And this other person is to stay in the white house and put out this oped. I would write the article and put your name on it and resign. If you put your name on it, and you suffer consequences. You know what is going to happen you know what it is like. I went through it. I know that. It is far more important for the countrys sake to deal with those consequences. As long as he has whistle blower protection then come forward. Good luck with the book. Wall street journal number two. Number one on New York Times best seller list. Cant beat that. Coming up. He has waiting more than a year and a half for this. Today president barack obama directly challenged President Trump. Which side wins when these two political gladiators get into the ring. I think trump is taunting obama to get more personal, severe, and nastier and then he can come back to him and do to him what he did to low energy jeb, what he did to little marco. He wants him to get into the ditch with him to take him down. Papadopoulos sentenced 14 days in jail. Do you think he might have cut a deal . 14 days . I think jaywalking gets you eight. Bob woodwards book is fiction, is what the president says. Let me finish with what president obama said today in illinois. And this is hardball where the action is. So, i needed legal advice, and i heard that my cousins wifes sisters husband was a lawyer, so i called him. But he never called me back if your cousins wifes sisters husband isnt a lawyer, call legalzoom and well connect you with an attorney. Legalzoom. Where life meets legal. Thats confident. But its not kayak confident. Kayak searches hundreds of travel and Airline Sites to find the best flights for us. So im more than confident. Kayak. Search one and done. President nixon former white House Counsel john dean was on capitol hill testifying in the final days of Brett Kavanaughs confirmation hearing. Calling the idea of a Supreme Court that is do deferential to the oval office deeply troubling. If judge kavanaugh joins the court, it will be the most president ial power Friendly Court in the modern era. Fought the expansion of president ial power and executive powers and that is no longer true. Judge kavanaugh has a broad view of president ial powers. For example, he would have the congress immunize both sitting president s from criminal and civil liable. Well be right back. Sometimes the backlash comes from people who are genuinely, if wrongly fearful of change. More often, its manufactured by the powerful, and the privilege who want to keep us divided and keep us angry and keep us cynical because that helps them maintain the status quo and keep their power. It did not start with donald trump. He is a symptom, not the cause. Welcome back hardball. President obama delivered those poignant remarks about the president. Obama warned supporters these are extraordinary and dangerous times, knocked trump for attacking the press and for not standing clearly and unequivocally to nazi sympathizers. The contrast could not be more between these two guys. Politics and division will work, will doing anything to hand on to their recent gains. Their policies are horrible. They are for open borders, meaning let all the crime come in. Against so many things that you want. It shouldnt be democratic or republican publish stories we dont like. It is really dangerous and it is really sad for the media and the mainstream media. You need to vote because our democracy depends on it. They like to use the impeach trump. M Maxine Waters impeach trump. You know he is back in the fight again and i think he was careful today. And the former president is wary. He has seen what happened. You start getting trash talk with him, he trash talks to you you look smaller. I dont think that is the case with obama. Obama is a different type of player on that space. We saw that where he systematically deacconstructed donald trump in front of donald trump. It is a highbrow approach for sure, but no less biting. The president is trying to do one, engage the base, but also be that voice, that is a counter voice of what is out here now. Who is that individual . It is not cory booker, it is not kamala harris. No leader that can stand and make a case about a different america. An america that we thought we knew. And i am not saying that the former president has a glass jaw, but i have watched the trump method draw the other person into the pit with you. Get the other guy or woman take shots at you and get them at your level. I dont think obamacares. There is a much higher calling right now. He does not see himself as the face of the opposition, you may recall when president clinton, the two years after he was president , he took on that row. President obama is not doing that. But when he does speak, he draws a lot of attention. He is trying to unite the party and the country. He doesnt care if President Trump tweets to him. President trump wasted no time in responding to the remarks. Im sorry, i watched it, but i fell asleep. I found he is very good, very good for sleeping. Okay. Here is what i think he is doing. You guys are not going to help me here, i can tell. I think he is taunting obama. He is saying get nastier than that. Because if you get nasty, dont get too high level. That is not obamas style. They call him no drama obama for a reason. He does have a way. And we have seen it. We have seen the former president take on adversaries in a way in which he scores the point that he needs to score. You like when he made fun of the apprentice. Exactly. He has a way of doing that. Is that entertainment for us . Possibly. But i think there is something more important here. These last two weeks has been a real exposing of deep fissures in the country and people are realizing where we are. And now there are voices that are starting to emerge, this oped. Now we will see how it plays out. You may ultimately be right, but i give obama an equal footing. Here is what i think obama is doing. He gave a political speech today. Even though you dont like the Democratic Party on immigration, or even if you dont like them on regulation, you think too much big government. Or even if you dont like on abortion issues, here is a chance to punch back on trump. An anti trump opportunity. Vote democrat. He gave an aspirational speech. The contrast is incredible. If you want to take back your country, you have got to vote. We got to see turnout if we are going to win back house seats. Is hillary going to run next time . No. I keep hearing these rumors that john kerry is running, biden is running. I keep hearing this. Shes made it clear on none of these Older Persons are going to run. What i do here is on the list you just mentioned, biden is the one that everyone has an eye on. And of that list, he is the strongest one to move forward. And i think the country january. Age wont be an issue in this next battle. Really . Have you been following these primaries. Women are running. I dont think age is going to be a factor. You agree with that . I think people are going to want somebody who is experienced and come in and take our country back. The tony bennett model, the older guy, the young people like. I think this is too mature an audience. Not you. Up next, George Papadopoulos was sentenced he got two weeks. Two weeks. He got a deal. How many indictments, 30 . 40 . Amazing. It is all happening. It is more than a witch hunt and this is hardball where the action is. Nobody likes dealing with insurance. Which is why esurance hired me, dennis quaid, as their spokesperson because apparently, im highly likable. See, they know its confusing. I literally have no idea what im getting, dennis quaid. Thats why theyre making it simple, man in cafe. And more affordable. Thank you, dennis quaid. Youre welcome. Thats a prop apple. Id tell you more, but i only have 30 seconds. So heres a dramatic shot of their tagline so youll remember it. Esurance. Its surprisingly painless. So youll remember it. If your adventure. Keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips. You may have overactive bladder, or oab. Ohhhh. Enough already we need to see a doctor. Ask your doctor about myrbetriq® mirabegron . 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Thats the only thing i know about him. I dont know him. But they got him on a couple of lies is what they are saying. I dont know nothing. Pled guilty to repeatedly lying to fbi agents. Mueller has indicted or secured guilty pleas now from 32 people and three companies. That is 32 people indicted so far. For more, i am joined by jawia ainsley and greg brower. Give me a sense. I have been counting on you to do this. This young guy, 29years old. With his picture of him at the meeting. How does he fit into the whole thing. We understand that he had some kind of drunken conversation with an australian diplomat and that could be the critical thing that kicked off this investigation. This in particular because he was offered dirt from this professor in the uk for dirt on hillary clinton. And he apparently went and spoke to the Trump Campaign. And not only did he offer that, but also offered a meeting between trump and putin. So definitely someone who was trying to use these connections as a young person to get ahead in the campaign. And what was not clear was who took the bait. Was it sessions at all. He dont know. Seemed interested in what papadopoulos was proposing. And he also was the guy who later recused himself. And that is why trump is so furious at him. Anyway, on his way to north dakota today, he denied any contact with russia. There was none. There was no talking to russia. I didnt make phone calls to russia. I didnt receive phone calls. I didnt have meetings. I didnt have text. I had nothing to do with russia. Let me ask you about this sentence. Last week papadopoulos said lawyers donald trump had approved efforts to set up a meeting between trump and russian president putin during the campaign. The lawyers wrote eager to show his value to the campaign, george announced at the meeting that he had connections that could facilitate a foreign approximatelicy meeting between mr. Trump and russian president vladimir putin. While some in the room rebuffed georges offer. This is pretty close to the bone here, right . That is a sentencing memorandum in which papadopouloss lawyers hoped to get a lighter sentence. The attorney general has denied that is the way it happened. Why did he only get two weeks . I think it is two fold, special counsel one, with respect to the sentencing, they were asking for some jail time and they got it. In large part, the judge felt that papadopoulos was remorseful and probably didnt completely buy into the government argument that papadopoulos misstatements intended to undermine the investigation. It was not that it was cooperation. It seems that the judge thought he was very remorseful and he said he wanted a second chance. The government only asked for 30 days. That was the sentencing given to van der zswan. The charges are discrete. And a lot of times the judge said someone wouldnt even go to jail for lying unless they had a criminal background. Didnt his lying allowed this agent to escape they were going to try to grab. The professor. Everybody who has ever prosecuted a case would like to see someone who lies to agent get more time than 14 days. But he did get some time. The judge apparently thought he didnt deserve more time than that. He must have given him something, what did he give him . I dont think that is necessarily the case. I dont think we know that. I think he was actually someone who it seems the sentencing is not in cooperation. Tons of emails and texts, they know exactly who bit on that bait that he was offering. They dont need papadopoulos cooperation to get the answers. If his cooperation was significant and ongoing, you would not have seen a sentencing. Thank you. Up next President Trump is pushing back on some of the insults contributed to him in Bob Woodwards new book. He is denying saying anything like these things, they are not his words. We have Video Evidence to say these are the very words he prefers. Come on back and watch the rest of hardball tonight. Thank you. The nature of a virus is to change. Move. Mutate. Today, lifechanging technology from abbott is helping hunt them down at their source. Because the faster we can identify new viruses, the faster we can get to stopping them. The most personal technology, is technology with the power to change your life. Life. To the fullest. Welcome back to hardball. Today President Trump again attacked Bob Woodwards tell all book on his presidency. The book that was written was fiction. I dont speak that way. I am highly educated. For example, woodward reports that the president called attorney general Jeff Sessions mentally retarded and a dumb southerner. In 2004, he used that very language on the howard stern show. I have a golf pro who is mentally i mean, he is not really a smart guy. Trump called his former wife marla maples parents an entourage of dumb southerners. Called h. R. Mcmaster full of s a line that trump used about politicians before. No politicians are going to solve it. I would like to use really foul language, i wont do it. I was going to say they were full of [ bleep ] but i wouldnt say that. Trump called it treason and he used that word last night while katalking about the New York Times decision to publish the article. The times shouldnt have done that. It is treason. Lets bring in author of the big game. When does it come out . Eugene scott is a political reporter for the washington post. Why would trump deny what is verifiable by tape. First of all, that was good use of video. It was very deft. He is going to deny. That is what he said. That is all he has and we move onto the next thing. That interview, that was very wwe. Let me ask you margaret, this president , why does he deny what is undeniable. Because he lies and gets away with it. I am sensitive to mentally retarded my brother is brain damage and he is the kind of person that uses words like retard. He never cares about how people feel about it. Feelings, not at all. Dumb southerner. The white southerners. Put this guy in the white house. In places like alabama. He goes directly at the dixie crowd. I said the other night, i went to chapel hill, a brainy school. The idea of people being stupid is absurd. It was awful to attack southerners. And attack Jeff Sessions for not going to an elite university. So many people who got on the trump train. Why is he attacking his base. He doesnt like his own people. And he said they were not going to leave him. I love polls. And three polls were released last week. All which are part of the hardball ten. In missouri the race is tied at 47 between Claire Mccaskill and hawley. I think blackburn can win. And in indiana. Joe donnelly leads by six, margaret. Go irish. You didnt put in manchin in there. Watch the show. Two or three a night. I watch religiously. I must have missed something, and went to the stove to stir the pot roast. Hawley put out everything against mccaskill and it hasnt dented her. She is tough. I admire her. I wish i was that tough against you. You dont need to be. They are counting on conservative states. Do you think trump week can hurt . And kavanaugh. A lot of people were inspired by the performances they saw. And they want to turn out. Can you say this . Can you make a prediction. If the democrats play defense, they keep the seats. If they can maybe get two out of arizona and nevada, tennessee, maybe put texas in there. They are in the low 50s. Bredesen is popular in tennessee. Close to call. I think the age will hurt him. I think women are in good shape this year. Is that dumb to say that . This week nike announced an ad campaign. Colin kaepernick, the ad says believe in something. I dont like what nike did. I dont think it is appropriate what they did. I honor the flag. I honor our National Anthem and most of the people in this country feel the same way. I know this is treacherous cultural territory. You have this thing about taking a knee. Couldnt roger, whats his name . Who makes how much a year . 200 million over the next five years. Cant he figure out a way to finesse this . Do it different times than the pledge of allegiance. Do it for two or three games and stop. They are working on it. The vacuum of leadership inside the nfl has been filled by nike, by donald trump. How come the nba knows how to do things. They have much more urban and coastal fan base and much more trusting relationship with their commissioner. Goodell has no control over kaepernick anymore. You know how teams like to lose in the nba like the sixers did that one year so they get the good picks. Why dont someone hire him . He will bring baggage to the fans who are not supportive. It shows how bad Roger Goodell is that that hasnt happened. The guy who had problem with jobs he got a job. He went to jail first. And that should tell you about the fans and how they view with issues of animals versus black people shot by police officers. How about the game . Let me ask you this. Notice the other team from atlanta, you notice they had five first downs in the last three minutes. So many opportunities. No, because i fell asleep. They won. Philly needs wins. Up next, these three will tell me something i dont know your awatching hardball. Again. Ooh, baby, do you know what thats worth . I want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh im not hearing the confidence. Okay, hold the name your price tool. Power of options based on your budget and well make heaven a place on earth yeah oh, my angels ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] you might or joints. Hingace for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Weve got a big week coming up. Sitting down with john kerry. A lot to say about the current occupant of 1600 pennsylvania avenue. These are two i think president ial contenders. Well be right back. Ah nooooo. Noooooo. Nooooo. Quick, the quicker picker upper bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand. Bounty, the quicker picker upper. On a budget . Try new bounty essentials. If your adventure. Keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips. You may have overactive bladder, or oab. Ohhhh. Enough already we need to see a doctor. Ask your doctor about myrbetriq® mirabegron . It treats oab symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage. Its the first and only oab treatment in its class. Myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. Tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. Myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. Like swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, or trouble breathing. If experienced, stop taking and tell your doctor right away. Myrbetriq may interact with other medicines. Tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. Common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold or flu symptoms,. Sinus irritation, dry mouth, urinary tract infection, bladder inflammation,. Back or joint pain, constipation, dizziness, and headache. Need some help managing your oab symptoms along the way . Ask your doctor if myrbetriq is right for you, and visit myrbetriq. Com to learn more. Back with the hardball roundtable, mark, tell me something i dont know about your book. The nfl is just as bad a swamp. Over seven of all nfl fans has ever set foot in a stadium. What is the average price of a ticket . 55, i just made that up. More. Chris, i was told today that bill shine the ousted fox person is on the leak hunt. This is stirring up the talk how he couldnt possibly have the vetting or security clearance he needs to have the job he has in the white house. He has all of these civil lawsuits against him. How are they going to find this person . What is the technique. Bamboo under fingernails. I think they need to do word selection. There were phrases dropped in. Today trump is excited because Congress Passed a bill that makes it legal for the federal government to deport immigrants convicted in violent crimes. I thought that is the thing. There is debate about that if you commit a felony in this country you are deported arent you . It is not clear. The Supreme Court had debate how they were defining what is a crime. It is not on the schedule right now to be voted on. So not clear if it is going to be. It is a hard thing to vote against. Anybody know what happened to emanuel and why he quit . Not popular. The trial that is coming in on the police shooting. I wonder what he wants to do next . Something not politics. When we return finishing with what president obama had to say. He made a real partisan speech today. It may have looked like something else, he wants people to vote democrats. It is so simple. It is about partisanship. It is about beating trump. Youre watching hardball. Sometimes, bipolar i disorder can make you feel unstoppable. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. Help take control by talking to your doctor. Ask about vraylar. Vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. Clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. Vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. 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His relentless assaults on the American Free press. His refusal to condemn white supremacist. Use ballots this november to vote. Vote anti trump. Vote democratic. Thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts now. Tonight on all in. It is treason. Another guilty plea on the outside. I see papadopoulos today, i dont know papadopoulos. Another Camp Campaign aide is sentenced. Mueller has his sights set on a bigger target. The threat to our democracy doesnt just come from donald trump. It is indifference. President obamas return to the campaign trail. You are the antidote. I began by telling the president there was a cancer growing on the presidency. Dire warning from a man who would know on the last day of the kavanaugh hearing. There is now a cancer on the

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