All the School Shootings, it doesnt make sense. Fix it. It should have been one School Shooting and we should have fixed it and im pissed because my daughter im not going to see again. I lost a best friend. Practically a brother. And im here to use my voice because i know he cant. My story is far too wellknown. I had two sons who were at sandy hook school. My eldest who was 28 at the time survive and my 6yearold son dillon did not. How many more deaths can we take as a country . How many more teenagers and 6 and 7yearolds can we allow to die . At other times, it was an honest debate what exactly should be done. Its not left and right. Its not political. Its a human issue. People are dying. And we have to stop this. We have to stop this. If hes not old enough to buy a drink, to buy a beer, you shouldnt be able to buy a gun at 18 years old. I turned 18 the day after. Woke up to the news that my best friend was gone. And i dont understand why i can still go in a store and buy a weapon of war. We all Work Together and come up with the right idea, and its School Safety. Its not about the gun laws right now. Thats another fight, another battle. One possible solution which may not be very popular, would be to have people in the school, teachers, administrators, who have volunteered to have a firearm. Anyway, President Trump listened and at times weighed in with his own idea how to stop the violence which he often touted during the campaign. If you had a teacher with who was adept at firearms, they could very well end the attack very quickly. In addition to what were going doing about background checks, were going to go very strong. Age, age at purchase and very strong into the Mental Health aspect of whats going on because here was a case where it tried out, this person was sick. Anyway, a week after the rampage in parkland, florida, its clear the students are engaged. Hundreds of teenagers from florida to washington, d. C. Took to the streets today demanding action. What is still unclear is if politicians will actually deliver any concrete reforms that confront the deadly issue of gun violence in our schools. Im joined by richard bluen that you will from connecticut, nicole lost a 6yearold son dillon in the sandy hook shooting. Shes dedicated her life to fighting gun silence. Shannon pettypiece from bloomberg news, and Phillip Rucker at the Washington Post and a political analyst for msnbc. Let me go to nicole. I loved what i watched today. I wasnt so taken with what the president had to say. It was unnecessary he even talked. I love the fact that people could get out there who werent paid politicians paid by the nra or afraid of the nra but people with the guts and the personal experience that spoke with candor about guns in school. Your thoughts what you saw today. What did it feel like in that room . There was a real energy in that room that i hope that the president and his administration felt it. I was so glad they brought forward survivors and victims from so many different Mass Shootings to hear how does this impact your community and what solutions do you have to offer. This is an important start of a conversation. And now we need to hold this Administration Accountable for taking action on the ideas that they heard. Let me go to senator blumenthal. There are a couple arguments i thought were going to be key. One i was impressed that the president said we have to Start Talking about at least the age at which somebody can get an assault weapon, maybe not banning them. This is the first time hes even british opened the subject, the nra hates this, that you have to be old enough to buy a beer to buy an assault weapon. This kind of common sense measure has to involve breaking the grip of the nra and the gun lobby. Nicole who cannilys courage and strength which was also so evident on the streets today by these young people, how inspiring and wonderful their voices. That kind of passion has to be talken to the ballot box so those kinds of measures not only raising the age for buying an assault weapon but banning them. And in fact, they are weapons of war designed to kill people in mass slaughter. Banning high capacity magazines, extending background checks. Otherwise how can age be checked at all if you dont expand background checks to all purchases. Theres no one panacea. But we know that action has to be taken. Nicole, back to you. Youve had the experience of going through this, losing a child. Remember the very passionate guy standing over to the right of you, with the three sobs who lost his daughter. He talked about how we should not focus on guns but focus on the School Safety issue. Can you separate the two . Can you separate the ar15 semiautomatic basically School Shooter weapon where you can go in and just spray bullets and kill all kinds of people from the issue of School Safety . Absolutely not. And you know, the ar15 is the same weapon used at sandy hook to kill my son. This is an issue about guns. This is about access to those guns, about arab to deal with the Mental Wellness of the people who have access to those guns. This is a complex thing and its not guns or people. Its guns an people. If were not focusing on both elements for School Safety and for safety in general, then were missing a key part of the equation. Thats why the solutions wont work. We needed to focus on both and drive forward in that way. Senator blumenthal, its great having you on. You come from a state where people are only about guns. Some states are. Most states are not. Most states are against any mention of gun control or School Safety no matter how you phrase it. How are you going to get anything done with a president whose ear seems to be tuned to the nra and a majority of senators with ears and pocketbooks attuned to the nra who dont want anything done . This president has said to the nra, we will never let you down. In fact, his administration has cut funding for school security, cut funding for Mental Health treatment. He seems to be backing the idea of arming teachers. And eliminating gunfree zones. That idea has been rejected soundly and consistently by the entire educational community, by teachers, superintendents, principals, because it makes schools less safe. And it is a nonstarter whether its proposed singly or as part of any other measure in the United States senate. I will fight it because it is anathema, a dangerous and frightening prospect, but we need to take this issue to the ballot box. Thats where its going to be decided and nicole hochleys example of leadership should inspire us. Our journalist here, its such a tough one. Logically, how does a custodian or a teacher who has access to a gun, a handgun perhaps in a box somewhere and they have to open it up because you dont want students getting into it and pull it out in a way they can challenge somebody with a semiautomatic Assault Rifle . Theyre going to start spraying you and you cant shoot them till they start spraying. A civilian cant shoot at you first. You cant shoot someone because they have the wrong weapon. You cant say put that down or ill shoot. Theyll shoot you. Give me the scenario where regular guns would take on a semiautomatic Assault Rifle successfully . What would be the scenario . I dont know that scenario, chris. I would point out that the experts in this area would say there are a lot of flaws with that theory including that you would then be having guns in all the classrooms. Youve got kids running around. Kids love to unlock things. How about a student in a tough neighborhood challenges the teacher. I know youre armed. Show your stuff. It creates a dynamic of hell. And its a very controversial position, too. You know, regardless of how the logistics would work. The president acknowledged it was controversial but brought it up anyway. In all the solutions being discussed and possible solutions being discussed, this is one that he took time to emphasize. Of course, he did ask the people in the room. Because the nra likes this idea. This is not surprising. And he did ask the people in the room what they thought of it and people had the opportunity to give their feedback. So maybe he was listening on that. But it was a controversial topic and i went right into it. He knew who was going to be listening, as well. Its hard to imagine theyre gaining steam. Nicole, you have the street cred here. What do you think works . I think prevention works. I think focus on imminent safety, School Safety and security. I really do not support the idea of arming teachers. They have enough on their plate at the moment and need to be focused on teaching. Im not aware of any teachers that support this. Prevention is a critical part of cure. How do you prevent like limiting access to the school to one door who you lock it when the School Starts in the beginning of the day . How do you keep people from barging in with a gun and shooting people . Well shooting people, theyre going to find a way. However, there is a lot of things that can be done in school security, doors, Security Systems insuring the doors are not open before and after school, theres appropriate signage and stuff like that. When im talking about revention, im talking more upstream. The teachers know whats going on in their classrooms and who is at risk of hurting themselves or someone else. The students do, as well. Arm them with the knowledge how to identify that and what actions to take so it never becomes an issue of someone shooting through a glass door to get to a school. Ten years old, angry at the fact bullied around being the outlier in the school not part of any clique, resist cliques theyre not a part of, is really, really angry and perhaps emotionally disturbed. How do you stop them from that condition which is fairly common i think to becoming a violent shooter . Senator, i can see your face. Do you want to Say Something on that . We have no higher rate of alienated angry, young teenagers or men. We have no higher rate of Mental Illness than other industrialized countries. We have a rate of gun violence that is off the charts because of access to weapons of mass slaughter. We need to reduce the number of dangerous people and in fact, keep those guns out of their hands and connecticut knows what works. We did it in the wake of sandy hook. We banned assault weapons. And we extended background checks to all purchases. We banned high capacity magazines and we have a measure called extreme risk orders which says to police in effect, if you sympathy someone is imminently dangerous to himself or others, get a court order, take those weapons away from that person. Thats what we need to extend to all 50 states. Have i legislation that would help to do it. And banning dangerous people from having weapons is what will help reduce that number of alienated young men who do Dangerous Things to themselves or others. What do you think of that, nicole . I think those are important legislations. I also think some of the programs we teach from sandy hook everything from reaching out to someone who is isolated starting with hello and knowing the signs and how do you assess threats and put in protocols to find out whats going on in the kids life, why are they acting out, this is a spectrum of activity from that bullied ice located child all the way up to the moment theyre going to pick up a weapon and hurt someone. There are actions we can take. The dominos all line up. We need to focus on the space between the dominos and create interventions. Phil, what can you tell us about the nra is up to . I had the sense the nra likes any sense of emotional conditions, anything to doing with unlimited rights to guns, right . The nra. Guns in school is good for them. Teachers have more guns, they sell more guns. The National Rifle association has largely been quiet since the shooting. They like the discussion of Mental Health, the discussion of School Safety. They do not like the discussion of restrictions on guns or background checks. How about age limits . Age limits i dont think they like. They want people to have access to guns if they want. Why cant a kid, an 18yearold wait till hes 21 or his mother or father buy him the gun . Why do they have the right to walk into a gunshop at 18 when you just turn 18 and buy an assault weapon . Why is that so important to anyone. Because our laws allow it. The nra argued for generations its the Second Amendment right to be able to buy a gun if youre an adult in this country. One argument ive heard is if they can be drafted in the military and carry the weapon, shouldnt they be allowed to buy it. The president raised that issue of age in background checks as one of the things theyre looking into. You should be allowed to drink at 18 if you die for your country. I would argue that, as well. But this is going to be, i think this is now an issue that wasnt on table yesterday on the table today. Just like bump stocks. We were not talking about bump stocks a year ago. Senator blumenthal, should the American People believe the president when he flirted the other day with bang bump stocks which allows a semiautomatic weapon to be turned into an automatic weapon . Do you believe him . I thought he was doing the same kind of flirtation like he did on daca, oh, yeah, well do that. I think hes still going to slip away from that position. How do you read him. Great question, chris. I dont take him seriously. The reason is that if he really wanted to ban bump stocks, if he was serious, he would back the legislation that i and others have introduced. Its bipartisan. He doesnt have the power to ban bump stocks. His edict, his proposed regulation will fail in the courts because the atf has already said that the. Is that what hes doing . Is this a fake is he faking this by saying hes going do it by executive order knowing that wont work and blaming it on Jeff Sessions at justice when if he backed your legislation it would become law because he would sign it . Whether he knows it or not, it is fake. It is a an unreal and illusory solution because he lacks the authority. Better to legislate it, ban it by an act of congress as i propose. It could be done in a day or two. It would sail through the congress. But he refuses to back legislation. And he refuses to back extending background checks to all purchases. And a ban on the sale of assault weapons. These kinds you have serious stepses are what will test President Trumps real dedication to making american safer. Thank you so much, senator Richard Blumenthal of connecticut, nicole thank you so much. Shannon pettypiece and phil rucker. Well have much more on this extra another moment right now as they tell the president to his face what they think needs to be done top stop gun violence in this school. Will this raise the stakes for the president to do something . If theres another School Shooting in the next couple months, it he personally responsible . Thats a good question because hes taking control of this issue, he says. He says hes going to stop it. Plus well get to what is happening in florida where students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School face off with lawmakers in the state capital despite attacks from the fringe right. The sickening commentory coming from the right. This is hardball where the action is. 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Over the last week, weve seen the survivors of the massacre as Marjory Stoneman high school express their grief in their push for stricter gun Safety Measures in contrast to the grace and poise they displayed, were seeing a growing and ugly backlash among the fringe elements of the very hard right. Various right wing websites have been targeting the young advocates falsely accusing them of being paid activists exploiting the tragedy for their own gain. The president s eldest son don junior a father of five joined in. This week he liked a tweet that accused one of the parkland shooting survivors david hague of hating the president and covering up for the fbi because his father is a retired fbi agent. 17yearold david responded to the attacks with an impressive level of maturity telling buzzfeed its immature, rude and in human for these people who try to destroy the people trying to prevent the death of future americans because they wont. Joining me is evan mcmullin, former cia agent and former president ial candidate and Jared Moskowitz is a Florida State representative. Mr. Representative, what do you make of this element out there that has decided of the whole band of them out there decided they fear these young voices so much, these civilians if you will, not politicians so much that theyre trashing them already . Well, i mean, weve seen this playbook before, chris. Its a kill the messenger sort of strategy. Its funny as we debate Mental Health, i think to myself the folks that think these students are not real and are actors they may need to wind up on the list of people who dont have access to weapons because you know, ive met with these students. The governor met with them today. Ive been feeding them pizza and ice cream. I was in a dozen meetings with the constituents. The idea theyre not real and are actors, this is nonsense. These are the people who believe in big foot and the lochness monster. Its a shame that we give these people any credibility and we even talk about them. The fact the president s son is retweeting that nonsense, its all politics. People see through it. I like the way you talk. Another case after florida lawmakers voted down a measure to ban assault weapons, one right wing activist tweeted saying the vote was the worst news since their parents told them to get summer jobs. Thats dinesh desouza. Former sheriff david clark said on twitter the well organized effort by Florida School students demanding gun control has George Soross fingerprints all over it. What do you make of this, evan . Is this fear . I find this not a big fan of the president these days or for a while now. I thought putting this together today was great. I thought letting all those people talk till he talked was first rate. Id be afraid of those voices. Yeah, look, i think there is some fear here. We see it in just the lack of decency that you see from dinesh deso za. You might want to dismiss him as a fringe guy in the movement but hes still on the masthead of the national review, a conservative publication thats mostly mainstream, has diverse opinions. My point is that theres a lack of decent sit now within the party, within trumps republican party. This is a party who got behind ultimately roy moore, not everyone in the party certainly. Thats why he lost. But the party got behind him. This is a party who is willing to turn the other way when youve got a wife beater in the white house or two. Theres a lack of decency that starts with the president and results in the way they approach these students, these survivors, victims, their families. Its despicable. Are they worse than trump . It seems like hes surrounded by a coat kerry of people less decent than him. It is part of the trump movements culture. Thats what it is. The representative, how do you address someone of your office . Is it representative moskowitz . How do i call you . Chris, you can call me jared. The official title is representative. Representative moskowitz, i believe in titles. I want to give yours. Let me ask you about this whole thing. What do you think is going to happen down there . We had a vote the other day in tallahassee where even to bring up a ban on the assault weapon down there lost 21 just to bring it up. What do you make of that . Thats not a good sign for doing flig anything about this rifle that did the killing the other day, used to kill . Listen, that was a procedural vote. Anytime you try to bring up a procedural vote and overrule the speaker who made a decision that vote will go down, the topic could have been puppies. Obviously on guns we fell 40 votes shy of the twothirds needed. We only have 41 democratic members, vastly outnumbered in the house. What i do believe is happening, a bill will be drafted. Youll see it released thursday or friday. It will be in committee on monday. I think youre going to see a massive bill that includes gun control first. Its going to include school hardening, going to include School Resource officers, going to include funding for Mental Health. It is going to include making government talk to each other, the fact that four different departments did of government had information on this kid and didnt talk to each other reminds me after 9 11 in which we created the department of Homeland Security and made government talk to each other. Those four divisions did of government faced those children. And that should not happen again. So this is going to be a complete package. I can tell you right now, we have 600 plus million ready to be spent on member projects. These are water fountains or things in peoples communities. Lets take all of that money right now and tell every member, every senator, youre not getting your pet project. Were going to take the money and put it towards all these issues. Ill be first one to stand up and vote for that. Whats your betting odds on this passing . Well, we havent been able to pass a gaming bill here in five years. I dont know if id bet on. You have a state down there that fines local officials for doing something about gun safety. I mean, by that standard, dodge city under matt dillon would have been fined for having gun ordinances. I mean, what a crazy situation that is. Thank you. I mean, the states had a problem counting votes and a problem counting lives. Thank you, Florida State representative Jared Moskowitz. Thank you, evan mcmullin. These gun laws are ridiculous. Despite these ugly attacks from the fringe right, students across the country are mobilizing all over town here in washington taking the fight to law maeshs. Will they be able to bring about legislative action when so many others have failed . These kids are something. This is hardball where the action is. Gathered here are the worlds finest insurance experts. 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Dear congress, how can you claim to stand for the people but let your kid get slaughtered like animals congress and senate, what if had happened to you or to your children . Would it take you so long to make a difference . After seeing what happened in parkland, i just decided that that was the last straw. Students can no longer stay silent on this issue. This country cannot stay silent on that issue. That was daniel who organized todays march in washington, d. C. Daniel, thank you for coming down. People dont do things for no reason. Why do you think a march would help . It brings much needed attention to the fact that our country is in desperate need of gun control. I mean, after parkland, its just blatantly obvious something needs to be done and lawmakers arent taking that action. We are demanding they do something now. When you think about it, you think about the gun itself, the ar15. Tell me about that kind of gun and why it is particularly dangerous in a school. I mean, its a weapon thats modeled after the m16 which is a military grade weapon. And citizens are running around with them particularly lunatics like this guy in parkland, and they can do this massive damage. They can take lives. They maim people forever. Its just terrible. You know, when Bobby Kennedy was killed, i wrote my congressman, i tried to do something. Maybe the only time in my life i wrote my congressman. Something happened in the early 90s or assault ten years later, no ban. Who do you trust in the congress in the senators in maryland or where do you go . Marylands already doing a lot. We have some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Nationally, something needs to happen. Parkland has to be the last School Shooting. Thats like did you sense trump was moving a little . He talked today, im always watching with skepticism. Did he talk today about doing something about the age requirement for buying one of these. Not outlawing them but saying you have to be a certain age. I brought that up late today after meeting you had. That shows that he is starting to waiver. Like he is starting to realize that the public outcry is so great and that he cant just sit by because like i said earlier today, if lawmakers dont do anything to fix this problem, to stop these killings, they are complicity in the murders of all these people, people from sandy hook, people from orlando, the people from las vegas and now the people from parkland. Something has to happen. Do you think the next one is on him. Yes, i think this one is on him. He hasnt done anything up till this point. Let me ask you about this idea, im sure its an nra approved idea. Teachers carrying guns. Your thoughts and feelings. Thats ridiculous. The more guns in this country, the more at risk we are. I mean, the access is already like crazy. So why do teachers need to have them . There should be less guns if anything. I mean why do teachers need to have like an ar15 . Keep up the good night. You know what a single issue voter is. Somebody who votes for a single issue. Youre up against them. How are you going to keep this issue on your mind months and years from now . The people at the protest i organized today will be able to vote in 2018. Will they vote on this issue. Of course. Theyll be able to vote out all these politicians bought and owned by the nra. They dont stand a chance once were at the ballot box. Good for you. Its hard to be a single issue voter. It almost makes you crazy because youve got to be like the people youre against. Dan, very articulate fellow and gutsy. Up next, todays listening session made one thing clear, be gun violence is now a white house issue. Whether trump likes it or not, he bought this issue, he took it into the white house. Next shooting trumps. The president has to have some guts now because hes got to the protect himself politically. 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That was President Trump vowing his administration will take action on background checks and Mental Health, also on the age of people able to buy things like the ar1ar15. The president heard the emotion emotional pleas of students survived. I thought it was an amazing hour before he started talking. I was born into a world where i never got to experience safety and peace. There needs to be a significant change in this country because this has to never happen againing. Woke up to the news that my best friend was gone. And i dont understand why i can still go in a store and buy a weapon of war, an ar. Trump also invoked the story of a football coach at Stoneman Douglas who died protecting students to floit this idea of his it, probably an nra idea, of his solution. If he had a firearm, he wouldnt have had to run. He would have shot and that would have been the end of it. This would only be obviously for people very adept at handling a gun. And it would be, its called concealed carry where a teacher would have a concealed gun on them. They would go for special training. And you would no longer have a gunfree zone. Gunfree zone to a maniac because theyre all cowards, a gunfree zone is lets go in and lets attack. Because bullets arent coming back at us. Lets bring in the hardball roundtable. Yamiche alcindor, eugene scott from the Washington Post, and sam stein, politics editor for the daily beast. Let me start at this end. Trump was pushing it the nra line today talking about emotional problems, thats the soft that doesnt deal with guns. Also the idea to arm teachers. He says you should be packing to use the term. In other words, on you, the teacher when teaching arithmetic orifice sicks they have a gun on them. Every student. Imagine schools where that would be a fighting issue. Every student as a tough kid feels challenged by a teacher. I know youre armed. I know youre a tough guy. Imagine the conversations that get started in the school. Thats the traditional republican way. Thats the nra way that the nra bought. The nra bought politicians to say that. Do we ever have teachers packing Walking Around the classroom with a gun . To be fair, there were parents in there that also spoke about the idea they would want their teachers to be armed. Its an idea an that is out there, but obviously, it would cause shootouts obviously. When is a teacher allowed to shoot . Because a teacher, Police Officers get in trouble seeing a guy reaching for something and think its a gun and they get in trouble. Theyre authorized to do Something Like that. A teacher cant shoot somebody till theyre shooting. You cant shoot a guy because hes got the wrong gun. How would it work . Thats not clear. One of the many problems its not known how a teacher would respond in a way thats appropriate. Theres no consensus. Ive spoken with many teachers and parents and students and many of them dont support the idea, just creates more anxiety. Ive been talking to white house officials what does the president want to see done about this. They do want to obviously move on bump stocks. They think the president wants to have those things not be able to people. Why is he going through ordinances . Why is he going through the eo . Why doesnt he push the statute, Richard Blumenthal was here. Why doesnt he say pass the law. Because he wants to give himself political cover and the backlash from his base who will be angry hes curtailing the Second Amendment rights. He thinks it wont get approved by the courts. Exactly. As we used to say in the cowboy movies speaking in a foreclosed tongue, remember what he did with daca . All for it meeting with pelosi and chuck schumer. He started to add all these new conditions. Is he pulling the same number . You talk to anyone who does any bit of legislating on the gun issue and no one within trusts him. Part of that is reminiscent of the daca debate. They dont know where to pin him down. Part is hes trying to thread a needle. He was elected with more support from the nra than any candidate in history. He says ill never let you down. Also a man who back in his formative days as a real estate developner new york city was very supportive of gun control measures. Its tough to figure out where he is. He is a city mouse like most of us. He doesnt think guns are the solution to anything. The trump of 20 years ago would have responded differently than the trump of today. His proposals are by and large either vague org a reflection of the gun lobby. The age issue . The age issue is the one thing, i know for a fact he has Close Associates and advisers pushing him because its common sense. 21 years to buy an Assault Rifle. If you take a step back, background checks, he means this is bill pushed by cornyn and murphy which is to beef up the current system, not to expand it. When he talked about Mental Health, hes putting out the line that all Mental Health people have a propensity to violence. Since when did he care about Mental Health . The minute this young guy nikolas cruz goes to trial, theyll want to execute him. They dont believe in Mental Illness. Talking about guns in the classroom, we need to be very specific. I shouldnt say theres not a single teacher. The vast majority of teachers oppose this idea. Theres data that suggests when you have guns around in a hope, you are far more likely to have incidental shootings. This is the proposal of the nra because they want more guns. This means more guns. Wouldnt you shoot the teacher first . Who knows. We dont pay our teachers to have classroom products. They have to buy their own supplies but now were going to outfit them with guns and train them . Its crazy. When i asked white house officials what are the actual things you can do, are you okay with an assault ban . A weapons ban . Are you okay with changing the age . They would only say the president is open to changing the age. They said. Why do you think hes open to that . It is reasonable. Its a starter and gets you on first base. The nra isnt. Why would he challenge because heres my theory about politics. Its all about timing. He will say anything for the next two or three weeks because he knows a month from now, people wont be paying attention. Thats essentially been his personality. Hes gotten away with being a person who says one thing, does Something Else and continues to have political success. Well be talking about russia tomorrow. These kids will be talking about all kinds of educational student loans. Hes counting on that to fade them away. That is the classic story of gun control debates in this country. We had a congressman shot in the head, it faded away. 20 first grade sfleerz a president shot by a nut. Ronald reagan. Yes, it goes back to reagan. The white house knows this. There is a limited Attention Span in this country even for mass tragedies like this. After the vegas shooting. Baseball game. Everyone was talking about bump stocks. How long ago was the baseball practicing that the congressman was shot . Its fairly recent. I think the frequency is picking p. By the way, the next time. The gunfire next time, the quote james baldwin, who is going to take the heat . Trump i think bought it today. The roundtable is sticking with us. Youre watching hardball. I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. And is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. 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She was the first africanamerican woman to moderate a Vice President ial debate and she made history as being one of the two first female anchors along with judy woodruff. She passed away in november, 2016 which is really, really hard for me and a lot of journalists. She mentored a lot of women and someone i look up to and think about very, very often. It was your feeling about her that inspired me to do this whole thing, by the way. I thought thats what its about. Eugene. I also chose a well respected black journalist,ler ron bennett, author and historian and editor editor of eboni and jet magazine, publications at the forefront of addressing issues related to black americans before the Mainstream Media told the stories and took them seriously. I so looked to eboni magazine and jet magazine as a kid growing up to see my story and community reflected in ways the Mainstream Media did not. When i grew up, there were no blacks in ticements or any shows. Alfred hitchcock made movies in new york city with no blacks in the street. They cleared the streets. I dont have a journalist. But i went because its baseball season coming upon us, i went jackie robinson. Big baseball buff myself. I can only imagine how hard it was to integrate our national pastime, the vitriol he went through, not being able to stay with your roommates on your own when youre in the spotlight of the most popular sport in america takes real guts and fortitude. They were not nice to him. They were saying stuff you can imagine. He was such a person with so many ideas about the gop. Later in his life, my dad saw him in the hospital in yale and he almost went up and said hi and he always regrets not doing it. He had great dignity. What a story. Thank you yamiche for starting this whole thing, eugene and when we return, let me finish with the powerful honest human voices we heard today in the east room of the white house. Youre watching hardball. 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They talked about banning the devices, bump stocks that make semiautomatic rifles into tommy guns, of school drills, of raising the age on who can buy an ar15 or outright banning the Assault Rifle. Of the bullying that leads some teenagers to resort to the mass revenge on classmates, of the failure to act on signs that a student is becoming violent and the basic challenge of making a school safe. There were all kinds of propositions some of them in conflict. Should we arm our teachers so there is someone to challenge the shooter in those vital minutes before the First Responders arrive, or does that detract from the teachers primary role which is education, guidance and encouragement. What i liked most about watching that scene in the east room today was the openness and honesty of the discourse. When i hear a politician talk about guns i hear someone with the nra in his ear, or the Second Amendment voter on his mind. Today i heard people with Human Experience speaking their hearts. The one group of american whos lack the first amend right to freedom of speech are our olticians on the topic of guns. They dont speak honestly about guns can because they fear to. Late this afternoon, we had the gratify tag experience of hearing from people not in the bag of or in 247 fear of the National Rifle association. Thats what seems so refreshing little truly american. Thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on allin. You have the power to change this. If you dont, we will change. You one week after the florida massacre. This is to every lawmaker out there, we are coming after. You students across america demand action. Shame on you. Shame on you. Tonight, how the never again movement is taking hold. How lawmakers are responding and how the white house is trying to manage the fallout. Does anybody have any an idea for a solution to the School Shooting . Plus, how the far right social media and youtube are allowing the smearing of survivors. The only time youre doing anything that actually matters is when people try stopping

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