Would gut many components of the Affordable Care act and cover fewer people according to the Congressional Budget Office, which looked at an earlier version. 24 million more people will be uninsured over a decade now. Republicans apparently needed a little inspiration yesterday before the vote. According to the associated press, catch this. Like boxers before a big fight, republicans pumped themselves up with a pounding music of the 1980s anthem eye of the tiger. Thats of course from well, it is of course from rocky 3. And taking care of business. After the vote they were in a mood to celebrate. According to the hill, quote, shortly after the narrow 217213 vote, the gop conference celebrated with beer and cigars and went to the white house rose garden for victory speeches. Well, the Vice President t actually, they cheered, grinned, smirked, and highfived one another down at the white house yesterday. The celebration of course is premature. The next stop is the u. S. Senate, and some republican senators over there indicate they will start from scratch on health care rather than tweak the house bill. So what about the oval Office Celebration . Ruth mark is a columnist for the Washington Post. Jeremy peters and clarence page. Ruth, i was thinking when i watched those four smiles yesterday at the white house, this is what its like in pyongyang, in north korea, where you have to have the same expression for kim jongun or else you get executed. Fixed grins and smirks all around. Well, maybe like in north korea, they were simply relieved to manage to be there and not be hauled off in some way. What about the pressure on them . Ill tell you one thing, when you see a vote thats 217, that meant they didnt waste any votes. They couldnt pressure any more people. They didnt want to cost any more votes than they did because they wanted to sieve at leaave guys. You saw members from swing deconstru districts vote against this for that exact reason. For one of the first times in american history, we are taking something away from people instead of giving it to them through legislation. And every 2018 its like being taken off an airplane once youre on it, right . Exactly. These democrats are going to remind voters of that over and over and over again. I was thinking that the music will be there will be music in these 30second ads that are coming next year starting in the spring. I get the feeling clarence, you know this business as well as i do. The democrats have been waiting for this. I was thinking of the song whos sorry now, but theres a lot of different connie francis, right . Our generation. They were singing the hey, hey, goodbye song, some of the democrats were yesterday, which the white sox used to use before they got back to the world series in the 80s. But anyway, this has been a strange situation because youre absolutely right. Taking away something from the people, comparison to the Airline Flight is a good one. I hadnt thought of that. Thats something thats just not done. Now theyre on the verge of doing it, and theyre breaking out the beer, maybe champagne after phase two. I dont know if they can get through it. Still, i dont now how theyre going to reconcile this whole package. They have to do this phase two because of this reconciliation thing which is probably a skeleton effort. The senate has made it pretty clear theyre not as right wing as the Freedom Caucus in the house at all. The senate has in some ways the same situation the republicans had in the house. There are some people who have said they only want repeal. And there are some people who want way more replacement than the house bill contains. And the senate of course has way less wiggle room than House Republicans do. 52 republican senators. Do the math. You cant lose very many. So on the verge might be giving it a little bit more credit for where it is. Thats a very narrow and steep curve. Well you can only lose two members. Two members out of2 because youve got to get 50 to pass this with the Vice President s vote. Im not sure how much the white house has really thought about that and gamed it out. I was really struck in my conversations with white house officials that the house vote was about getting the process started more than anything else. It wasnt about they could get through the senate and what they can get done in conference. I mean they just were so desperate to look like a functioning body, that the white house is functioning instead of looking like its dysfunctional. That was the real goal here. And, yes, theyve achieved that for now. But how long does it last . I mean this is a white house that has shown a real knack for stepping on its own message. I think of a guy getting on first in a baseball game. How many times are they stranded . How many times are they left on base is normal. Anyway, last night President Trump delivered a surprising compliment to his this is really ironic his australian counterpart on Australias Health care system. Take a look at what the president actually said and then how senator Bernie Sanders, who is a socialist, responded. Right now obamacare is failing. We have a Failing Health care i shouldnt say this to our great gentleman and my friend from australia because you have Better Health care than we do. They have universal health. Oh, okay. Wait a minute. Wait a minute, chris. All right. The president has just said it. Thats great. Lets take a look at the Australian Health care system. Thank you, mr. President. Let us move to aedice for all system that does what every other major country on earth does, guarantee health care to all people at a fraction of the cost per capita that we spend. Thank you, mr. President. Well quote you on the floor of the senate. Australia has universal health care as many people know. Its had socialist governments of course in and out, but its paid for by the government, just like Bernie Sanders would like to see in this country. Actually President Trumps spokesperson today said he was simply being the president was simply being complimentary to the prime minister. Later this afternoon, President Trump reiterated his point, tweeting, of course the australians have Better Health care than we do. Everybody does. Obamacare is dead, but our Health Care System will soon be great. You know, i get the feeling, clarence and everybody, that eventually after all the rigamarole of obamacare and all the problems with it and the fact that republicans dont want to fix it and democrats wont have a chance to fix it and theyre a little bit afraid to fix it anyway, were going to end up with Something Like medicare. A single payer, yeah. Ive been saying that for years. And have no idea where the money is comiing because now, te first paper you throw as a kid, you are paying into Social Security until youre 60something or 70something, all that so you can get Health Coverage in your 70s and 80s as long as you live, right . Thats the medicare system. So when bernie says medicare for all, thats not honest. It doesnt mean anything because you get it from the time youre born. Whos paying . Its when it gets paid out. Thats what makes it medicare for all because [ overlapping voices ] anyway, ill go with him on that one. Politically speaking here, whether or not republicans are able to do something at all in the congress is going to be a huge burden going into 2018 because take this georgia race, for example. Republican voters down there were deeply demoralized over the fact that the congress had failed its first attempt to repeal obamacare because it showed that they just not only did they not honor their promise, but they couldnt govern. They couldnt get anything done. They were dysfunctional. So if there isnt some and im not even saying it has to be on health care. But if its not on some big issue like tax reform or infrastructure or whatever is in President Trumps hopper, if they dont get something done, if they dont have something to show to the voters in 2018, forget it. So winning is good . Winning is good, but i wouldnt necessarily call this an outright win for trump. Is this better for ossoff in georgia . No. I think republicans think that too. I think republicans were worry fd they blew this vote in the hou house, that would elect ossoff. Can you explain how losing is better . I dont get this. Its the tension thats at the heart of the republican dill laem ma, right . On the one hand if they didnt manage to get this vote and get it through the house, they would look like the absolute donothing even with control of everything congress. And if they do get it no. Im saying the opposite. If republicans had blown this vote, if it had collapsed again, that that would have helped ossoff. It would have hurt the republicans. If they do do something, imagine what ossoff is going to do when the Congressional Budget Office comes out with its score. Last time around, it said it would remove protection from 24 million people. Theyre going to be reduced to saying, well, cbo cant score this. Theres too many moving parts. Pay no attention to that cbo score. But cbo has a good reputation. Theres been too many times that both parties have looked to it. Anyway, the republican bill that just passed the other day, yesterday, will increase the number of uninsured americans, reduce the number of lower income people with coverage, slash medicaid spending, and increase costs for some people with preexisting conditions. Id say its going to increase costs. Those are all things donald trump promised repeatedly not to happen. Lets watch him say that. Youre saying obamacare its got to go. Repeal and replace with something terrific. And the terrific is . The terrific will be plans that can be done by private companies. Everybody has got to be covered. I am going to take care of everybody. I dont care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody is going to be taken care of much better than theyre taken care of now. Were going to come up with Health Care Plans that will be so good and so much less expensive both for the country and the people and so much better. What do we do with the folks who fall through the cracks . Were going to take care of that through the medicaid system. Were not going to let people die on the streets. She wants to knock the hell out of your med i compare and medicaid, and im going to save them, okay . This is a little reversal for the democratrepublican, but im going to save them. I want to keep preexisting condition. I think we need it. I think its the modern age and i think we have to have it. Im not sure. You know, when tim russert used to be here, he used to have a very simple thing. He with go over to people on meet the press, and say, lets take a look at what you said three years ago. And then a total 180. We live in a world today where whatever he says last month or yesterday, two minutes ago, doesnt seem to matter to his people. To his people, yeah. They dont seem to be keeping score in the normal like george will said the other day in his column, does he know what knowing means . Right. It doesnt even matter to his people. Its weird. Dont you believe that face . No matter what, when he ss were going to cut it, and were going to give you more at the same time with a straight face, and his followers say, oh, thats wonderful. Hes getting stuff done. They also think that were exaggerating his failed promises and his contradictions. They think that the media is to blame here. So when we report stories about the dysfunction in his oval office or the fact that hes reversed himself on a campaign promise, oh, thats just media spin. When is it going to cut . When is it going to bite, when people are going to say this is not what i voted for . Some of it is predictions and those predictions are going to take a while to come true and to transition to say different system. But some of them is selfevidently not what he promised to do and the primary one of those is medicaid. 880 billion over the next decade cut out of medicaid. I just saw it on your screen, he promised not to touch it. How do you explain that one . Well, thats poor people. Well, thats a good point. Do they care . Do the trump voters care about poor people . Well, you know, the Medicaid Expansion and the ones who maybe not as much. And the ones who voted for him because they were hard hit financially during the great recession, expecting their lives to get better, you asked when does this catch up with him . It catches up with him when they dont feel anything in their pocketbooks . Im not sure when that is. When does trump matter on health care or anything else . When hes backed into a corner, hell blame obama. Mark my words. Will christmas time be a time of year when people say, this guy is not what he said he was going to somebody when will that matter . When he doesnt build the wall. Really . When he doesnt build the wa wall. That was the central promise of his campaign for so many of them. Ask your friend ann coulter. This is what she thinks. Tnk you. Coming up, as Health Care Dominates the headlines, the Investigation Continues into trumps connections to russia. The Senate Intelligence committee wants former trump adviser carter page to turn over a list of his russian contacts, and any communications hes had with them. Well have the latest on that next. Plus Jack Schlossberg, the grandson of president john f. Kennedy on why another president , barack obama, will receive the profile in courage award this sunday. And as President Trump continues to tear down the obama legacy, which democrat is going to emerge the to lead the party out of the trump wilderness . The independent Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, obama himself, or will someone in the new generation rise up . Finally tonight let me finish with trump watch for this friday night. This is hardball, where the action is. Hey dad, come meet the new guy. The new guy . What new guy . I hired some help. He really knows his wine. This is the new guy . Hello, my name is watson. You know wine, huh . I know that you should check vineyard block 12. Block 12 . 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Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than centurylink. We do business where you do business. Welcome back to hardball. The Senate Intelligence committee is putting its foot on the gas in its investigation into the russian influence into the 2016 election. The committee is looking at whether any trump associate worked with the russian intelligence operation to plant fake news stories to hurt Hillary Clinton and benefit donald trump. Well, the coittee s asked or has asked forr trump adviser carter page to provide a lit of his contacts with russian officials and turn over any emails or other communications with russians according to a letter he provided to nbc news signed by republican chairman richard burr and mark warner of the Senate Intelligence committee. The New York Times is reporting similar letters were sent to former trump advisers roger stone, Michael Flynn, and Paul Manafort. Thats my list anyway. Page told the New York Times, quote, although i will help in any way i can, please note any records i may have saved as a private citizen will be minuscule in comparison to the full database of information which has already been collected under last years completely unjustified fisa warrant. Well, ken dilanian is a National Security adviser, reporter for nbc news, and ken vogel is chief Investigative Reporter for politico. Ken, where is this start something it seems to me we had word a couple of days ago that that committee on the senate side was flagging. That warner and burr werent doing the job. Whats going on with the speed change . Thats exactly right, chris. I think we can read into this that there was some pressure put on these guys and theyve accelerated their investigation. They spent weeks basically sifting through fbi and cia intelligence documents, and now theyre into the informationgathering phase on their own. Now, the interesting thing about this is presumably these are all records that the fbi already has. But the fbi is not necessarily going to share the fruits of a criminal investigation with this senate investigation. So the senate is now trying to get it on their own. This is a precursor to a subpoena. If these men dont comply, presumably the committee can issue a subpoena and demand these documents, chris. Who has the best information from wiretapping internationally . If the trump people were talking to russian officials, especially russian intel people, spies, why wouldnt the cia have that stuff . Well, the nsa would have it, and the cia would have some of it. Thats the reason these senate intel lawmakers are going to ft. Meade and looking at all that. But this is the way they can independently gather their own information just to make sure theyre covering all their bases, chris. What do you think about them undermining the investigation itself . How is that going to work . The russians, you mean . The russians are definitely attempting to discredit the investigation, to sow chaos. Theyre still at it because they have not been deterred in any way whatsoever. Theres just been a leak in the french president ial election. Theyre hacking that election as well. You know, policymakers here are really at their wits end about how do you deter this behavior. How do you stop it, chris . You first, then ken. Who does the kremlin want to win in france . Le pen. Le pen is obviously the nationalist. Shes closer to trump, and macron is more of a globalist if you will in the ternology of the trump folks. But on the russi efforts to discredit the investigation, my intelligence sources, chris and ken, say that thats fear that thats already happening. And they have long feared there was actually information that russians planted in this dossier by this former british spy that was false, that was intended to discredit the whole thing and to use that to discredit the fbi investigation because of course we know the fbi has looked at and even used this dossier as a little bit of a basis for their investigation. That is something that they worry about intensely going forward, not just looking at whats already been done. Why would the exmi 6 guy, who is so credible in the world, allow that to happen . Well, he wouldnt know it would be happening. Thats the theory at least here. Wouldnt he be wary of spies from the former kgb types to be trying to do that . I dont know. Do you buy that . Do you actually buy that the mi 6 dossier is corrupted by the russians . I think ive also been told that by intelligence sources, that there is a strong chance that the russians were running disinformation at christopher steele, and he may have, you know, factored that in. I mean he just said recently in a court filing that this is information that needed to be vetted and verified. Dont forget he wasnt actually physically in russia. Hes paying a group of collectors, people that he trusts, to talk to their sources in russia and gatr this information. So certainly theres a chance that some of its false. In fact, some of it has already been debunked by the fbi. Well, the bedroom stuff i wonder. That would be certainly juicy stuff, ken vogel, to sort of poison the whole report. Thats exactly right, chris, although that might not necessarily be definitively debunkable whereas some of the other things perhaps could be devinti def f devintively debunked. Has said he was not in prague, let alone at the time the dossier puts him in prague. Stuff like that would fit with the pattern that the russians have used in the past to try to discredit, you know, anything, but in particular an investigation like this. And it wouldnt necessarily be a russian spy who would give steeles source that but rather the Russian Intelligence Service would find a way to plant that information somewhere, where it would eventually get to steeles source. What about this story ive been reading about today that the russians are planting fake news . Its getting bigger now. Give me some examples of fake news that found its way into the bloodstream in the last election . So clint watts, who is now an analyst for nbc news, has been writing about this for a long time. He tells a story of a fake story about a terrorist attack in Incirlik Air Base in turkey. It was actually just a protest of aew hdred people. But some fake news started emanating from twitter and fro russian statebacked media. And a week later, Paul Manafort went on cnn and talked about this terrorist attack that happened at this turkish air base and why isnt the media covering it. It was totally bogus and it was an example of fake news infecting the bloodstream of the president ial race. Both of you kens, quick answer. Yes or no . Are the russians still able to screw with our election process . Absolutely. Weve done theres almost nothing that weve done to stop it thus far other than shore up the election system a bit. So look out, 2018. Same with you, ken vogel . I mean they can influence our politics. Whether they can actually tip an election or not, i think i, again, havent seen any evidence of that. Thanks so much for the lat t latest. Ken thank you, gentlemen. Up next, this year marks the 100th anniversary of president kennedys birth. Were going to be joined by Jack Schlossberg on why the Kennedy Family has chosen president obama for a profile in courage award this weekend. 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A day and a half before boaters head to the polls in the french president ial election, candidate Emmanuel Macron says Hayes Campaign has been hacked. Documents uploaded to an online sharing site. The Campaign Says the coordinated hack attack was intended to sow doubt and misinformation. Polls show macron is well ahead of rival le pen. More americans are getting back to work. Employers added 211,000 jobs in april. The Unemployment Rate dipping to a tenyear low. Now were going to take you back to hardball. We choose to go to the moon and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. Because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills. Because that challenge is one that were willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win. And the others too. Welcome back to hardball. That was president kennedy at Rice University back in 1962 when he laid out the bold vision of landing a man on the moon within the decade. This sunday, former president barack obama will be awarded the john f. Kennedy profile in courage award up in boston. You can join me on msnbc for special coverage for those two hours. The profile in courage award, barack obama. Live sunday night from the president ial library and museum up in boston starting at 8 00 on sunday. Well be there for two hours through 10 00. Im now joined by special guest president kennedys only grandson and Committee Member who helped pick the winner this year, Jack Schlossberg. Youre all out of school now. Youre about to go to harvard law. My god, unbelievable. You got it all. Yale undergrad, harvard law. Youll be ready to run for office soon. What do you think . Yeah, major plot twist. Im going to harvard. What good going into politics . Do you think you will . Well, im 24 years old. Focused right now on getting through this interview with you, playing hardball. Well see what happens. Youve got a year to be eligible for the house and six years for the senate. Im not looking at that right now, chris. Im still trying to find my way. We were told you liked the speech we just showed and it doesnget as much attention, but it has a rr to it, a thrilling commitment to taking on the tough chances. Putting a man on the moon, which im still amazed we did. Ive still got the newspapers, jack, of front pages where we put a man on the moon. Why did that grab you, that speech at rice . Thats my favorite of my grandfathers speeches because i think his whole personal at comes through. I never got to meet him but i got to know him through these speeches. He improvises. Hes funny. He makes a couple jokes. He asked why do we choose to go to the moon . Why does rice play texas . Not because its easy, because its hard. You can see his sense of humor, his personality, and you could also see how ambitious he was and how he believed that america could do anything if americans set their minds to it. And he set the goal of landing on the moon within a decade. Of course we landed on the moon well before a decade was up. So thats why its my favorite speech, and it inspires me to believe that great challenges are actually opportunities and that we can rise to the occasion if we decide to. You know, one of the dramatic moments in the 2008 election, as you remember, was when your family, your mom and your uncle, ted kennedy, and your cousin patrick all got up there at that stage at American University were looking at the picture right now at au and really put the sort of Good Housekeeping seal of approval on barack obama. Your mom had already written that oped piece for the New York Times that sunday that everybody was embraced by. Now wee wching this sort of very formal, historic embrace between your uncle ted and barack obama. Why do you think your family just said, heres the torch. Carry on, to barack obama from the Kennedy Family . Well, president obama inspired me in 2008 with his vision for america. He is a hopeful candidate who had a bold vision for this country and knew that we could succeed if our politics were just a little less cynical and a little more productive. And i think my uncle teddy and my mom recognized that vision in him, and they saw a leader who could get the job done and, of course, were all so happy to have been proven right. President obama was a tremendous president whose list of accomplishments is long and distinguished. I think if my uncle teddy were here today, hed be proud to stand by that endorsement. You said that president obama embodied the definition of courage, grace under pressure, and you noted his accomplishments on health care, climate change, and cuba. Lets watch president obama in action on some of those issues. Today after almost a century of trying, today after over a year of debate, today after all the votes have been tallied, Health Insurance reform becomes law in the United States. Today the world has officially crossed the threshold for the Paris Agreement to take effect. Today thrld meets the moment. Today the United States of america is cha its relationship with the people of cuba. We will end an outdated approach that for decades has failed to advance our interests and, instead, we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries. Boy, jack, i cant imagine im working on another book on your family, on bobby this time. I have to tell you i cant imagine a bigger change, a 180 change from the views of a lot of americans including the Kennedy Family back then to now about cuba. Fidel castro was the enemy. He executed hundreds of people when he took office, betrayed democracy, brought in the communists, made an alliance with the soviet union against us. When kids like me kids at the time were all rooting for him and he betrayed us, and now were back with his somewhat more pathetic brother raul there, what do you think obama did to deal with that situation . Do ah agree with what he did to open the door . On the cuba question, i think the president made the right choice. I think he recognized that if our country two countries were to be more connected and to learn from each other and to have freer exchange and trade, that ultimately it would be productive for both countries. I think were seeing thats true. I think the cuban economy has improved since the embargo was lifted and relations have been normalized, and i think the outpouring of excitement that you see in america from s many people eager to go to cuba and the Economic Opportunity that american businesses have shown in going to cuba, i think that clearly shows that policy was outdated and the president was right to change it. Are you hopeful well see democracy in cuba again . Im not a cuba expert. Im not going to predict whether or not cuba is going to have a democratic government anytime soon. I personally am a fan of democracy. I hope they do. But well have to see. Im not very hopeful. Anyway, thank you, Jack Schlossberg. This is a very important weekend for president obama. Im glad you people, you especially, got up there to make this nomination. I think its going to be a very positive night on sunday night up at columbia point, the kennedy museum. Our coverage of by the way, i want to talk to you afterwards. Our profile in courage Award Program comes up on sunday night at 8 00 eastern here. Well be on from 8 00 to 10 00 sunday night. Up next, which democrat will emerge to lead the Democratic Party out of the trump wilderness . Thats next with the roundtable. Youre watching hardball, where the action is. [woman] so beautiful. [man] beautiful just like you. [woman] oh, why thank you. [burke] and we covered it, november sixth, twothousandnine. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more peop go to college. Its part of our commitment to being amicas best first job. What matters most is that now weve got to get out there and talk about what were going to fight for, what democrats are going to fight for, that were really going to be out there to fight for working people across this country. And i just think thats what weve got to keep hammering on. Weve got to make it happen because people are counting on us. Welcome back t hardball. That was massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren of course on hardball this week, stressing the need for resistance against President Trump. But the democratic took a blow yesterday when House Republicans passed trumpcare, though democrats now have something to fight for of course. Slate argues that the party is rudderless right now. He wrote the party was essentially allowed to play possum by Democratic Leaders like warren. Well, as democrats work on presenting a united front ahead of the 2018 primaries, theyve sent 2016 contender Bernie Sanders out with dnc chair tom perez to shore up enthusiasm for the party around the country, but its a Party Sanders insists well, hes not even a part of. Lets watch him. Do you consider yourself a democrat . No. Im an independent, and i think if the Democratic Party is going to succeed and i want to see it succeed its going to have to open its doors to independents, who there are probably more independents in this country than either democrats or republicans. Im joined by the hardball roundtable, ginger gikson, michael ta mass ki, and gee ann know caldwell. Youre going to be last. First question. Who would you put on television, primetime, 9 00 east coast time against President Trump to make the best case for the Democratic Party right now. Amyloeb acher or keir stin jill d. They are both strong. They will provide a real juxtaposition. Theyre consistent liberals with a track record who can talk about whats actually happening in washington. They are names that have been fidelitied floated as candidates before. Theyre both running for president. And could do the job. Kirsten jill brand, the senator from new york, and amy cloeb scherff minnesota. Put them on tv against each other. For the best hour of tv, bernie. Now, the asterisk, hes not a democrat. So if you want to limit it to democrats, maybe Elizabeth Warren. Id like to see her and trump go toe to toe. Who would win . You know how hes scored. Of course. I think warren would hit. But heres my dark horse candidate. Al franken. I was about a half a second ahead of you because he knows tv, and hes funny. Yes. And he could cut him up. He would. And he wouldnt be afraid of him. He wouldnt be afraid at all. You guys keep mentioning mr. Republican, sir. What do you think going back to that Bernie Sanders point, Simone Sanders kept telling me hes a democratic socialist, and she of course was his press secretary during the campaign. I would say the Silver Bullet would be Michelle Obama. Remember when she would go after trump, everybody cheered. Trump never went after her on twitter,ever really went out there on twitter. The points were always strong. Republicans and democrats all agree that Michelle Obama was a very powerful tool for the Democratic Party. I think that may draw the biggest audience. Absolutely. Second question. Project now. Maybe you have the same answers. Here we are in may of 17. May of 2020, when youre looking into the summer before the election, whos the best candidate as you look ahead . Youve got to go with age issues here at some point. Some of the names that everyone is floating but im going to offer a dark horse. A governor elected in the next year and a half, between now and 2018 mid terms. A newbie. . Right. You can come out with a lot of forces. Democrats are going to have to be focusing on these races, winning back statehouses. We saw it with republicans in 12. I think thats smart. You mean somebody in their 40s . Maybe their early 50s. Maybe with a business career, maybe who is well known in a state. Hot off the bench. Hot off the bench. Ive heard that theory too. You dont want a guy with a lot of targets on their back. On paper, the best looking candidate to me right now is Sherrod Brown from ohio. You know who i was pushing last time for v. P. The whole time. It didnt do me any good. Hes got genuine working class talks like a working guy. He wears those ohio suits. Exactly the what is an ohio suit . Ive heard of the full cleveland. Whatever suitherrod brown is wearing, thats an ohio suit, i guess. Even though he went to yale. He gets those voters back. Its interesting to me. Being the only millennial on this panel, i must say that democrats, especially young millennials, still like Bernie Sanders. I know hes not a fresh, new name, but he definitely has the enthusiasm of the democratic voters. And even some of those folks that may stop liking trump, though trump voters, because as you know who would trump pay or pay for as his opponent in 2020 if he runs again . You know what im asking you from the republican side. Wouldnt he want him . You know what is interesting to me . Hillary clinton seems like shes trying to stay in the game, and i dont see why. Shes trying to go further to the left with this new Political Action committee. Shes with the resistance. Right, the resistance, but its a progressive. Theyre going to get the progressive groups. I think thats where he may think because shes easily be beatable at this point. Add lay stephens ran three times. I think democrats shoot their wounded. Republicans run bob dole again and again. Anyway, the roundtable is sticking with us. Up next, these three will tell me something i dont know. Be right back. Take on the mainstream. Introducing ssans new midnight edition. Theres nothing more than my vacation. Me so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. Booking. Com gets it. They offer free cancellation, in case i decide to go from kidfriendly to kidfree. Now i can start relaxing even before the vacation begins. Your vacation is very important. Thats why booking. Com makes finding the right hotel for the right price easy. Visit booking. Com now to find out why were booking. Yeah its witnessed 2 diy duos,s 31 crashes, 4 food fights, and the flood of 09. Its your paradise perfected with behr premium plus paint. The best you can buy starting under 25. Only at the home depot. Were back with the hardball roundtable. First up, gin ter, tell me something i dont know. Democrats made a big concession in this budget fight when they passed a spending bill this week. They backed away from a requirement that defense and domestic funding cuts be equal, an thats something thats kept domestic programs funded. Defense is higher this time. Defense is higher. That could have longterm effects. Why did they give on that . I think it was because they got other things that they wanted, and you can see it as a concession that makes sense. You noted in your first segment that if mcconnell loses three republicans on health care, its done. The three to watch are heller of nevada, carlins of maine, and murkowski of alaska. Two women and a state with a lot of working people who are union. Whos up in 18. Ive got three as well. Three republican congressmen attempted to hold their vote to the very end. Congressman peters, ross come, and holcomb. Peters, roskam, all three republicans from illinois, i should say. They ended up voting for it so they didnt get beat up over the head by trump on twitter. Are they going to beat up next november . I dont think they will, but i think republicans will get beat up if this version of the house goes over to the senate and nothing gets done eventually. Youre exposed, youre right. You took a tough vote and nothing got done. Thank you. Coming up, actor paul sor vino. Im. Kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. Energy lives here. Dry mouth can affect how your mouth feels and how you feel. Discover act dry mouth, specially format to soothe and moisturize your mouth. And try new act dry mouth spray for relief when you need it. In prison, dinner was always a big thing. We had a pasta course, and then we had a meat or a fish. Pauly did the prep work. He was doing a year for contempt, and he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic. He used a razor, and he used to slice it so thin it used to liquify in the pan with just a little oil. It was a very good system. Heres some red wine. Okay. Now we could eat. Ill get some white too. We need white too. Beautiful. Okay, boys, lets eat. Come on. Welcome back to hardball. We learned the right way to make a mar nar ra sauce from pauly in good fellas and now actor paul sorvino is out there with his own cook bic, pinot, pastas and parties cowritten with his wife. Also a rare breed in hollywood, a trump supporter. He joins me now. Well get to the cookbook, but i have to ask you about the rarity of being yourself, of being a trump guy in the world of hollywood, which everybody thinks is fairly left politically. Well, i dont worry about that. I mean im an actor. Im a singer. Im a chef. Ill all kinds of things and im an author as you saw. Heres the book. Its a big book. That im good at. Im not good at politics. Trump has been a friend of mine for 30 years. Ive always known him as a really good guy and an honest guy, and i just think we ought to give him a chance. Hes only been here a short while. What about the wall idea . What do you think of his wall idea, a wall across the Mexican Border . Do you think hell do it . Do you think it matters . I think its a good idea if it can get done. I dont know. Can it . We all look, the countrys borders should be inviolate. Just the way you lock your door at night before you go to bed with the family, theres a reason for that. We dont want unwanted people. We want people that we invite. I think hes right there. Let me ask you about a funny thing about trumps personality which reminds me of the movie that everybody got to know you in. Its one of the memorable characters from goodfellas actually. Jimmy two times. Here he is. Jimmy two times, who got that nickname because he said everything twice like im going to go get the papers, get the papers. Get the papers, get the papers. President trump also likes to emphasize his words by repeating them. Lets watch president two times. A great disappointment. I was very disappointed. Fis that a good memory, a god trick for people that dont Pay Attention . No comment, no comment. Let me ask you about a food. I remember you in good fellas. I remember the killer with the tommy gun in the godfather making italian food. I remember it from the sopranos, the priest that would always come over and talk to her about food. She said, whats this food in this weird thing . What is it about italians and food . Go for it. American people eat to live. Italian people live to eat. For us, its the way we express love. Its the heroism of the mama, and its just our food is so good here and in italy. Its Getting Better here. Look, American Food is pizza, spaghetti and meatballs, hereo h sandwiches. Were very much mainstream italian here in america everywhere. You know, what i love about going to italy, whenever i got a chance to go over there, no matter what time you get to the restaurant, no matter how many kids youve got with you, they always say come on in. Well open up another table. Of course. They love kids over there. They love their children. They love their old people. By the way, we have something in common. Whats that . Were both tenors. Thats right, i am a tenor. Thank you. So am i. Well, well have to sing together. Anyway, the book is called pinot, pastas and parties by paul sorvino. Buy it this saturday. Hes here to sell it, and were helping him. Thanks, paul. When we return, let me finish tonight with trump watch. Youre watching hardball, where the action is. Why pause a spontaneous moment . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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Kennedy created the rose garden for grnd occasions, the welcoming of a global ally, for seeing off young peace corps volunteers to foreign lands, for paying honor to the courageous. Yesterday donald trump used kennedys garden for a smirking round of mutual selfcongratulation. But lets face it, there was something forced about those smiles. It was like those Public Events over in north korea where everyone has the same regimental express on their feace for feari assume of an execution. What shouldnt we ask are they smirking about . Why are they making an effort to seem so damn happy . Could it be they already hear the tv ads being produced nailing them . Thats hardball for now. Think thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Tonight on all in. This really is the group. What a great group of people. The party is over as the trumpcare fallout begins. You have every provision of this bill tattooed on your forehead. You will glow in the dark. Tonight, new projections of a political earthquake, but will republicans pay before the Senate Passes a bill . Plus, shades of 2016. A brazen lastminute hacking of french election, and all signs point to russia. Then, the Washington Post reports the Trump Transition Team warned Michael Flynn about contact with russians. And as the federal investigation of fox

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