Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20161017

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That is not the man that i know. And as you can see from the tape, the cameras were not on. It was only a mike and i wonder if they even knew that the mike was on, because they were kind of a boy talk. And he was lead on, like, egg on, from the host, to say dirty and bad stuff. You feel the host, billy bush, was sort of egging him on . Yes. Well, a note about the clip plus trump is referring to, the audio was recorded on an access hollywood bus tour in the presence of others. Access hollywood is an Nbc Universal program. Anyway, melanias defense comes as several new polls show how far back trump is, clinton is in the lead right now. Showing clinton leading trump four points nationally. Thats the best hes doing, hes only down by four. Shes up nine points in a new cbs poll out tonight. She leads by 11 point in a new nbc wall street journal poll, and ahead by 12 points in the new monmouth poll out today. Meanwhile, trump has spent the last week complaining about a rigged political system, electoral system. Instead of being held accountable, hillary is running for president in what looks like a rigged election, okay . It looks to me like a rigged election. The election is being rigged by corrupt media, pushing false allegations and outright lies in an effort to elect Hillary Clinton. The process is rigged. This whole election is being rigged. We have to make sure the people of philadelphia are protected. That the vote counts are 100 . I hear these who row shhorror se have to make sure this election is not stolen from us and not taken away from us. So important that you get out and vote. So important that you watch other communities. Because we dont want this election stolen from us. We dont want this election stolen from us. Well, yesterday, trumps allies explained he was referring to the media when he talked about a rigged system. Lets watch. Well, i think what donald trump is talking about is, frankly, what appears to be the monolithic support of the National Media for Hillary Clintons campaign. And i believe the rigging is the national establishment. I dont think its at the level of stealing votes at the precinct level. Hes never talked about cheating at the polling place. They all said it was about media, and trump didnt back him up. He contradicted his supporters here. Here he is tweeting, catch this, hes tweeted later sunday saying, the election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing crooked hillary, but also at many pollingplaces. Sad. And today trump tweeted, of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day. Why do Republican Leaders deny what is going on . So naive. So why is trump call foul three weeks before election day . And why is melania making the rounds now. Im joined by nbcs Kelly Odonnell. Kelly, let me talk about melania. Why do you think shes been brought up . Shes an unknown figure, were not used to hearing from her, and there she is talking about an area interesting, she said she didnt think that her husband knew she was being taped. I think we agree on that. We all assume he wasnt aware he was going to be taped for later use, but he was. Your thoughts about her defense . I think Melania Trump is the greatest character witness that donald trump can have right now, because she is someone who has been by his side. You can imagine that in their home life, this has been a key topic. And there is no one who can speak to his character better than his wife or his children. And so for her to come forward and to support him after these kinds of allegations and all of the fallout from that can be powerful. The fact that we see so little of her probably enhances the value of her coming forward and speaking. We know that she has been a very private person. That politics is not something she ever imagined would be part of her life. And you can argue that theres perhaps no one in Donald Trumps world who has been more negatively affected by participation in this campaign than Melania Trump. Her privacy gone, her husband put through that kind of scrutiny, which for political families of any party, wherever crisis hits, its always tough on the spouse, on the children. So having her come forward can be powerful. Chris . You know, i was just wondering whether its not the same thing. Maybe it is the same thing. In broad brush terms, youre right. In the case of the clintons, it was infidelity, which was the issue. In this case, its just sort of general bad baehavior, you know awful behavior, that didnt have much to do with seduction or anything like that, but you were laughing, because it is so absurdly bad, because its not credible to even have a conversation about. Because we dont even talk about it. But infidelity is sympathetic were more familiar with. And thats where hillary was able to come out and say, im still with him, leave me alone, its my business. Im not sure its the same question, is it . And times are different. I dont think the country is as innocent as it might have been 20 to 25 year ago. That always changes the lens through which we look at these things. Also in the clinton case, with respect to monica lewinsky, that occurred inside the white house with an intern and there was sort of an Employment Situation there. And of course, with paula jones, there was litigation. And so with donald trump, in most cases here, were talking about new people coming forward with old accounts and it has not had time to be litigated yet. Are these believable accounts . The corroborating information, all of that is being reported out. And many people are looking at this and saying, these women appear credible. And there are others who are supporters of donald trump who say, this is politically timed to undercut his candidates. Its the kind of land mine everywhere situation politically. And youre right, it is uncomfortable. No one wants to talk about these things. Theyre salacious, theyre uncomfortable. He says hes embarrassed. I think the countrys embarrassed, as well. And voters who want to look to a president ial candidate for character, this certainly undercuts his character, if people believe these allegations and the stories brought forward by these women are believable and truthful, that hurts him. Then you find supporters who say, he may have misbehaved, he may have said things he shouldnt have said. Im not looking for that in a president or president ial candidate, i want change and hes the closest in the twoperson choice of this election, of course, four candidates. But the binary choice that most people are considering. So, times have changed, i think the country is wearing down in its sort of threshold of what strikes people with horror. And theres also the timing of this. This has come one after another after another. Very late in the campaign. And its something that trump has had some difficulty responding to. A little reporting also from you tonight, kelly. What about this christie interview you did, with governor christie, where he said something about this tape, regarding the access hollywood and the way that the candidate for president has handled or failed to handle it. I was able to see governor Chris Christie here in manhattan tonight. He was attending an event and we were able to stop him on the street and he spent a few minutes talking with us. And he told me that on a couple of things, he felt that donald trump did not sufficiently apologize for the recording, the access hollywood recording. He thought that those words were defenseless. I also asked him, given their long relationship, had they ever personally witnessed any Inappropriate Conduct . And he said he had not. In addition to that, he believes that donald trump has told him privately that these are false allegations and he is willing to accept his friends account of that, that these are false allegations. And so he is standing by donald trump. He has not been as visible in the last week or so, in the campaign, and that certainly raised questions. And i think in talking with governor christie, health say that he was not pleased that donald trump did not do more to be more contrite, publicly, to express his embarrassment and his sorrow over those words recorded. That, of course, before the women came forward. This is a complicated set of facts for anyone involved in Donald Trumps world and supporting his campaign. Governor christie tells me he is not going to the las vegas debate, but he continues to support him and continues working as the chairman of his transition team. Chris . Thank you so much, Kelly Odonnell for nbc news. A spokesman for Speaker Paul Ryan reacted, quote, our democracy relies on confidence in Election Results and the speaker is fully confident that the states will carry out this election with integrity. Meanwhile, the ohio secretary of state also took issue with trumps rhetoric. Watch that. We have so many safeguards in place, in our election system. Its bipartisan. Its transparent, and theres just no justification for concern about widespread voter fraud. I actually intend on voting for donald trump. But im just remorseful or regretful that hes saying things like this, which really undermine the potential that he has as a candidate. They are not the kind of things that he should be saying. Anyway, trumps talk of a rigged election might be having an impact. According to a new poll from politico and the morning consult, 41 of registered voters now agree the election could be stolen from trump. Thats two out of five think this could be rigged against trump. Joining me now, the former chair of the Republican Party of florida, al cardniss, also a former adviser to jeb bush, and and also, david corn. A little time for comment here. What do you make of these charges, that seem so third world. You know, the operative word is access. He had a softball pitched at him. He could have talked about Campaign Shenanigans in the Clinton Campaign, he could have talked about the emails, he could have talked about the chairmans resignation. He could have talked about everything. And say, hey, its coming our way, be careful, but, no, he had to add electoral fraud. Weve had 200 some years of democracy in america. We have never in our history had to deal with that kind of conversation. Our country, what sets me off is that were an example of the world what an election is like. Peaceful transfer of power, orderly process, electoral process. Everybody in the world comes to see how we do it so they can do it like we do it. And all of a sudden with these remarks, all you do is throw a whole bunch of crap into the fire. We had a case in 93, philadelphia, state senate race, there was some vote stealing. They broke the rules about absentee ballots. The judge threw the guy out, put the republican in, dealt with. Its taken seriously. You know, it happens once in a while, but donald trump cant you can see that he might legitimately lose. Is this a hedge . Its a hedge, because he wants open rebellion should he lose. Hes setting up a situation where republicans will have to pick and choose between two sides. One side, he lost, lets get on with life. The other side, it was stolen from donald trump, Hillary Clinton is illegitimate, you must impeach her. This is what he did with birther. He said obama was an illegitimate and now shes saying hes illegitimate before shes elected. There is no kernel of truth lets talk politics and not ideology. How does this help his band of excited people . It looks like hes thrown in the towel. Al, if im out there, i would say, this guys given up. Hes already blaming people. Because they believe he has a populist movement going who believes beyond this election that theyve got a movement going and theyre going to turn america around the trumps way. So he believes needs to fuel that fire every single day and he also believes that this crowd is, going to go and vote 90 and overwhelm its 7 00 sunday morning, this is monday, these things move so fast. But yesterday morning, i must have been somewhere, i get up in the morning and im reading his tweets its not 4 00 in the morning or 3 00 in the morning, but 7 00 in the morning, hes tweeting at least three tweets attacking saturday night live. Yes. Whats that about . It was a pretty brutal picture of him alec baldwin did. I know we have three weeks to go until election day, but i think we have to dispel the notion, dispense with the notion that he does things in a rational, sane way. Ive got to put this on. Of course you but its idiotic for him to do it. Toot target for trump on twitter this weekend was saturday night live. Trump wrote, quote, watched saturday nightlife hit job on me. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec baldwin portrayal of me stinks. If he cant handle alec baldwin, how does he handle Vladimir Putin . A few weeks ago, he was a special guest of saturday night live. Same thing with cnn polling. He had a tweet about that, oh, its great, im ahead. I dont think he thinks. I think he pulls the trigger theres a Mental Health issue. Are you getting into this, he said shes taking drugs, youre saying he acts in an unhinged, erratic fashion he once attacked iran because their soldiers attacked he is erratic and i feel sad for melania, who comes out and says, those are bad words. You know what i like, i loved emily blunts monologue the other night, when she sang the talent on that show is unbelievable. Thank you, alex cardenas, thank you, david corn. Coming up, if at last debate within the Clinton Campaign to try to win big or grab the votes they need, it seems like the win big crowd is growing up. The Clinton Campaign announced theyre expanding their efforts to flip red states like indiana, missouri to not just win the presidency, but win it with a mandate. This is good for morale. Whuz tell your people, we can win a big one. And whats behind the accusation of quid pro quo between the fbi and the Top State Department official close to Hilry Clinton . Anyway, trumps jumping all over it and tonight well get the facts of the case. And after a week that saw multiple women come forward to accuse donald trump of sexual misconduct, hes playing the political price in the poll with women voters jumping ship. Well show you the numbers tonight. Finally, my election diary for tonight, october 17th with just three weeks left and trump has an uphill challenge ahead of him. He can still win, but hes getting a narrower and narrower and narrower route to get to victory, but its not impossible. This is hardball, the place for politics. If youre approaching 65. Nows the time to get your ducks in a row. [quack ] medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, as supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide and learn more. Well, Donald Trumps holding a rally tonight in green bay, wisconsin, in paul ryans home state. Ahead of tonights rally, trump continued to go after the speaker of the house. He tweeted, the democrats have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton. We have pall ryan, always fighting the republican nominee. And quote, paul ryan, a man who doesnt know how to win, including failed run four years ago. Must start focusing on the budget, military, vets, et cetera. Thats all from trump in his tweet. Polls in the badger state show trump trailing clinton by just under an average of seven points. Hes not winning there. Well be listening to what trump had to say tonight and well be right back after this. We started doing animation. With the surface book, you can actually draw on the screen. So crisp. I love it. Its almost like this super powerful computer and a tablet had the perfect baby. laughing its a typewriter for writing scripts. Its a sketchbook for sketches. Its a canvas for painting. You cant do that on a mac. Welcome back to hardball. With the race appearing to break in Hillary Clintons favor this week, her Campaign Announced today that clinton will now target three traditionally tread states, real republican states, missouri, indiana, and most notably, arizona, where they say a clinton victory would foreclose any path for trump to win the white house. Theyre trying to cut him off where he needs the base support of the conservatives. The moves intended to help boost Democratic Candidates down the ballot. The Washington Post also notes, quote, clinton aides say they see the advantage to running up the score in the Electoral College where 270 votes win the white houses. Victories in unexpected places could boost that total, holding her more of a mandate come january and decreasing the potency of trumps complaints of a rigged election. Not sure about that. Hell claim its rigged no matter how much she wins by. Rocky mook told surrogates that Michelle Obama will appear in phoenix on thursday and theyll devote an additional 2 million to turning arizona blue come november. In contrast, the Trump Campaign pran plans to spend just 22,000 in arizona through election day. And jan brewer said, barring something unforeseen, the governor said, trump is going to lose arizona. The Clinton Campaign says theyre not taking any core states for granted. A new quinnipiac poll shows that the race is still competitive in three crucial backgrounds. In ohio, clinton is tied with trump at 45 all. In ohio, clinton has a fourpoint lead. And in pennsylvania, clinton leads by six. Im joined by republican strategy, Jamar Feehery and jamal simmons. Thank you for joining us. Whats this about rolling up . Weve seen Football Games where people get 56 points and youpg, theyll pay for that. This is only a onegame walk off. This is it. It doesnt hurt anybodys feelings if she runs up the score, so why doesnt she do it . Whats she got to lose . I think she is trying to run up the score. I think shes saying, if these are the battleground states, ohio, pennsylvania, North Carolina, virginia, whatever it is, lets expand the map. Especially because hillary has so muff more money than trump has, so she can afford to expand the map, make trump plays defense, which lessens the amount of work he can do in the state that he really needs to win. He has to play defense. Do you think shes got the money and the time to Start Talking about 350, 400 electoral votes . Can she do that . I think this is a very unpredictable election. I dont think its done yet. If you look at minnesota, for example, its almost a tossup. Shes only at 45 in minnesota. Wisconsin, 45 . This is i think she has do you think somebody was pushing this today somewhere, that the undecided voter always goes to the challenger. Im not sure about that. Do you think that . She is seen as the incumbent. If youre at 45 and youre the incumbent, you ought to be pretty nervous and shes nervous. And i think shes doing this because she wants to help evan bayh in indiana Whose Campaign is failing, and she wants to get roy blunt. The arizona thing. Arizona, georgia, these states are all starting to change and republicans better take notice that if they dont do a better job with the hispanic vote, theyre going to lose that vote, not this time, or soon. President obama, he won indiana in his first election. Missouri, i dont know. Missouri might not happen. I dont think thats possible. Missouris like lucy with the football. You always try for missouri, but you never lets talk about pennsylvania. In the end for trump to come back, he has to win pennsylvania. He needs to win pennsylvania, ohio, he needs to pin new hampshire, North Carolina, iowa, and nevada. Those are the states hes putting all his money into. Hes really fighting like an army thats losing a war. And hes like encircled and he has to win certain areas. And in pennsylvania, its the republicans, but missouri, its the democrats. You always try it, but it never quite works out in the end. You know, pennsylvania is better weighted, because youre from pennsylvania. The core of Trump Supporters in the western part of the state is really energized. And this is not only a vote about polls, but a vote about whos going to come out and vote and theyre energized for trump and against clinton. Thats why shes worried. Theyre putting out the word, and i hate to be ethnic, but im going to be ethnic. He says, going to those other communities and make sure they dont steal your vote. Hes talking about the white part of pennsylvania is going into the urban part, big city, philadelphia, where its 50 50 black and white, but go in there and steal the vote. Thats what they say. I would like to see that happen. Where you going, dear . Im going to north philly and walk around columbia avenue and im going to wait around the polling station and tell people how to behave. Im from detroit and i in all fairness, romney did the same thing four years ago. They had poll watchers watchers are okay. The average person doesnt know how to do this. According to the latest nbc wall street journal poll, clinton leads trump by 20 points among women and 53 points among latinos. Hes only up by three among men. That includes old men. On all counts, trump is underperforming mitt romney, who lost to president obama four years ago. You know, theres some white voters that are still sitting out. In one of these polls, he was at 51 with white reporters and hillary was at 40. Which is about where president obama has been. Theyre not going to go after the last couple of weeks, everybodys scratching their heads saying, how can you vote for this guy . Ultimately, a lot of those people will come back. Do you believe that still . This is my big question. Up until all these women have come forward with these pretty authenticsounding complaints well, volume speaks louder. They also seem very particular, like you would perform in court. Is that going to change the basic default number . For a long time, there would be this big screwup, and something would go wrong, and they would go back to 50 50 . Will it go back to 50 50 after he gets through this week . Well see how melanias interview does. And the fact is, where hes getting killed is collegeeducated white women. If he can do better amongst that demographic, he is a shot at winning this election. His behavior is not romantic. And its not helpful. He doesnt have any Campaign Strategy to go and attract himself to those voters. If he doesnt do that, hes going to win this election. Hes not even trying to talk to the rest of the country. This is a guy, i dont think hes very patriotic. I think he is holding at the threads of our democracy by talking about whats happening with the voting, that voting might not work out, and going at all these different communities. At some point, if you want to love america, love america. Right a the beginning, he questioned stupid wars, bad trade policy, and no immigration policy that has ever been enforced. If he can address those issues in this next debate, he might turn some heads again. Talking about rigged elections doesnt get you a single vote. Up next, trump and his advisers are running with a story about an alleged quid pro quo between the Clinton Department and an official in the fbi. This is hardball, the place for politics. Im going to make this as simple as possible for you. You can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. Or. You can get the quicksilver card from capital one. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. 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More than 80 square miles have been retaken on the first day of the u. S. Coalitionled strikes. Chains are now required to drive up interstate 80. And 83 of High School Students in the u. S. Are getting their diplomas. President obama visited a school in washington, d. C. , today to celebrate the fifth straight recordsetting year. Some good news there. Now back to hardball. This is very big and frankly, its unbelievable. What was just found out is that the department of justice, the state department, and the fbi colluded, got together, to make Hillary Clinton look less zblt look a lot better than she looks. This is one of the big breaking stories of our time, in my opinion. This shows kru s corruption at highest level and we cant let it happen as american citizens. Welcome back to hardball. That was, of course, donald trump, responding to justreleased fbi documents relating to the investigation into Hillary Clintons private email server. One note seems to indicate a quid pro quo suggestion between the fbi and the state department, over the classification of one emai the fbi note cites an fbi official who, quote, indicated he had been contacted by Patrick Kennedy under secretary of state, who had asked his assistance in altering the emails classification in exchange for a quid pro quo. In exchange for marking the email unclassified, state would have reciprocated by allowing the fbi to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden. But the fbi and state department both pushed back today. One fbi official told nbc news it was an facebook agent, not kennedy, who first brought up a possibly quid pro quo. For more, im joined by msnbcs kristen welker. This is a big one. It is a big up with. In the sense its giving a lot of fodder to republicans. But the bottom line, the fbi and state department saying, this gets it all wrong. There was a robust discussion about all of these emails, chris, between the different agencies. How should they be classified . And this discussion pertained to an individual email. It was upgraded to classified and it stayed that way. There was never a quid pro quo. But to this point, this request came from an fbi official. And thats what that document confuses, according to both the fbi and the state department. Let me just read you the statement from the fbi and we can talk about it a little bit more. The fbi says, having been previously unsuccessful in attempts to speak with a senior state official during the same conversation, the fbi official asked the state department official, so it came from the fbi official to the state department official, if they would address a pending unaddressed fbi request for space for additional fbi employees assigned abroad. The classification of the email was not changed and it remains classified today. So thats sort of the crux of this. The email remained classified. At the same time, an fbi official raised during one of these discussions, can you have more fbi agents abroad . Important to also understand what 302s are. They were notes that were taken by fbi officials during interviews. So is it possible that those notes were in some ways exaggerated or missed the point . Its possible. I dont want to say thats what happened in this case, but it seems to be thats the pushback youre getting from the fbi and state department. The state department this allegation is inaccurate and does not align with the facts. They maintain there was no discussion of a quid pro quo. But the bottom line, donald trump is going to speak in wisconsin in a matter of minutes, and he is going to get out there and say that this is just another example of wrongdoing. Of course, the Clinton Campaign also saying this whole thing is ridiculous. But, chris, its less than a month until election day and were still talking about Hillary Clintons emails. And i think politically, thats the problem here. Well, thank you. So basically the charge is, if you believe the worstcase look at this thg, is that somebody in the fbi and somebody from the state department, actually, initiated a deal, okay, if you would just upgrade or downgrade the classification, so it wont make hillary look too bad, because she took it through her email, well give you more guys out there in these countries youre trying to get into, more officials. Right. And we learned that the request actually came from the fbi, not from the state department and that the email was classified, ultimately. So thats the whole problem with the notion that there was ever a quid pro quo. Nothing changed. Its like the clintons never made any money on white water. Im not getting into that they never got a nickel out of it, yet it was a scandal. Exactly. And thats what but donald trump, thats what hes going to be focused on tonight. Hes going to play it big. Up next, Donald Trumps alleged behavior and comments towards women are catching up to him, dont you think. Hes paying the price as this campaign is showing up in the polls, hes losing women, because of this bad press. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. Ooh. Psst. Hey. Where you going . Weve got that thing you know. Diarrhea . Abdominal pain . But we said wed be there. Woap, who makes the decisions around here . Its me. Dont think ill make it. Stomach again. Send if youre living with frequent, unpredictable diarrhea and abdominal pain, you may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea or ibsd a condition that can be really frustrating. Talk to your doctor about viberzi. A different way to treat ibsd. Viberzi is a Prescription Medication you take every day that helps proactively manage both diarrhea and abdominal pain at the same time. 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Trump landed himself in hot water over his alleged behavior and behavior towards women. Melania trump sat down with Anderson Cooper today and said that she thinks her husband was egged on in that access hollywood conversation on that bus. I said to my husband that, you know, the language is unappropriate. Its not acceptable. And i was surprised. Because that is not the man that i know. And as you can see from the tape, the cameras were not on. It was only a mike. And i wonder if they even knew that the mike was on. Because they were kind of a boy talk. And he was lead on, like, egg on, from the host to say dirty and bad stuff. You feel the host, billy bush, was sort of egging h on . Yes. A note about the tulip mrs. Trump is referring to. As we recently reported, the audio was recorded on an access hollywood bus tour in the presence of others. Access hollywood is an Nbc Universal program, of course. For more, lets bring in the hardball roundtable, mary george, Sabrina Siddiqui is a political reporter for the guardian, and ely stoeblgs writes for politico. So mary, is it a smart move for donald these questions are so lame, but ive got to go through them. Is it a smart move for trump to say, i didnt mess with that woman, she isnt goodlooking enough for me. Even people even women who say that theyre going to vote for trump are appalled at hes dismissive of this. You can see it on facebook and twitter, that theres a whole offense from women, they call it, todays hashtag was gophan gophan gophandsoffme. Are they protrump or what . Some of these people, even people who are going to vote for trump are maddened with how hes dealing with women. But even more interesting than all the people that are appalled at his lewd remarks and how hes dismissive is that 40 of women according to the Washington Post poll say theyre still going to vote for him. And thats because not that they like him, but that they dislike her less. If someone could help me with hillary tred. Will everybody explain to me, can you put your finger on it . Why do women or everybody hate hillary . Whats that about . Not everybody hates her, obviously. Shes probably going to win this election, but the fact of the matter is that shes been in the public sphere for more than two decades. So people have been accustomed to so many so does joe biden. Nobody hates joe biden. She is someone who reshaped the role of the first lady, she took a lot of heat about how she talks about everyone, still b x brings up to this day, the baking cookies comment, and there is a trust factor with Hillary Clinton. And theres a slim majority of the American Public doesnt trust her. You can say it might be because of her own behavior or attacks that shes faced, weathered what comes first, the chicken or the egg . They dont like her or dont trust her . Sometimes you automatically like some people and dont like others. They may be predisposed not to like her because of all of the baggage and perhaps because of sexism. And now in this campaign, maybe ageism were talking about women. But i think that even some women weve never seen a woman president before and i think some women wonder about that and have maybe a more antiquated idea youre so interesting about that, jack jermon, the great political commentator thats passed now, he used to say this 20 years ago, no woman over 65 will vote for any woman. That was back 20 years ago. Well, i just spent hours in North Carolina asking this very question. And the older the woman was, the more likely they are not to like Hillary Clinton. But its about trust. Isnt it . They say she is unrelatable. And worse, she is not for me. Is that because she went to harvard and yale law and highly educated. There are successful women, continue to face a lot of criticism that would not be leveled against a man in those same shoes. Suppose she was a conservative. Well, i think if she was a conservative, would any of these knocks be against her . I think some of them would be, because one of the knocks is, shes wanted to be president for her whole life. Thats true. Bill clinton did, too whats wrong with that. Shes too ambitious. Can a man be too ambitious . No. Theres a total double standard. But i also think that part of this is just Hillary Clinton just rubs some people the wrong way, and maybe its a charisma deficit, also. She, apparently is better in those facetoface encounters in the rope line. Shes very good like that. Shes better in that situation, but it hasnt always translated. Bill clinton was good in every situation. Anyway, donald trump said over the weekend that he thinks that Hillary Clinton should submit to drug testing before the next debate. Believe it or not, its getting this bad, lets watch. I dont know maybe hey, look, i beat 17 senators, governors, i beat all these people, were like athletes. So athletes, theyre making them more and more but athletes, they make them take a drug test, right . I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate, i do. Why dont we do that . We should take a drug test prior to because i dont know whats going on with her but at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning, and at the end, it was like, oh, take me down, she could barely reach her car. I think we should take a drug test. Anyway, im willing to do it. Eli, take a shot at this baby. Do you remember in september when he was giving those speeches from the teleprompter . Neither do i. What weve seen in the last couple of weeks is just this is shtick, though. The bottom has fallen out for donald trump and hes just doing shtick. But its so much of this Conspiracy Theory stuff. Its just and you have to remember that its that socalled alt right thats supporting him that has been propagating so this is a very but the reason that what ely said is so important is he was supposed to pivot to trying to appeal to suburban women, republican women who are skeptical of him, independentminded women and hes doing the exact opposite. Lets get back to my initial question, ladies. Hold on for one second. What do you make about him saying, somebody did this, imagine if hillary had been accused of what trump did in terms of the physical comeon to people, if she did that to guys, what would it be like . You would think that she was insane. But now his big defense is, theyre not goodlooking enough for me. Hes making a joke of it. And thats why youre going to see the biggest gender gap on november 8th, because hes sarcastic about it, joking an it. And this drug comment is another flame thrower comment. Saturday night live went after him, did a great job of pillaring him, because they have him as this looming monster, looming over hillary in the debates. His defense, i didnt like her looks from behind. Thats how bad it got. I dont think its ever got than bad in politics. No, it hasnt. But this goes back to the argument that donald trump is the most thin skinned candidate weve ever seen. Anytime hes attacked by anyone, he can go back and only whats the thing about guys and women. When they made that ad against Chris Christie and showed him, it was clearly aimed at making fun of his any sephysique. Men dont like being made fun of physically. Imagine what women think of it. Women are watching this. Think about it, women in the debate, the second debate about a week ago, what was the first thing he said. They asked him about the video, and he said, i have Great Respect for women, i have Great Respect for women. Well, you watch these rallies and you hear him say, she wasnt goodlooking enough for me to actually do that, doesnt sound like he has a lot of respect for women. And thats what yes, the stunner is, still, he has significant support. And this race is the not over yet. Thats really all there is. He has about a 19point advantage among women. Anyway, the roundtable will stick with us. And these people will tell us something i dont know. This is hardball, the place for politics. Youre a smart saver. You find ways to stretch your dollar. So why not compare your Medicare Part d plan with other options . Call or go online now and see how aetna medicare rx saver could help you save. With a low monthly plan premium. Access to over 60,000 pharmacies. Plus 1 tier 1 generic medications at preferred pharmacies including walgreens and walmart. Shop smart. Compare your part d options today. And find out if aetna rx saver is right for you. Hardball is heading to las vegas for the third and believe it or not final president ial debate this wednesday. Join us tomorrow night at 7 00 eastern. Well be live from the campus of unlv. Then on wednesday were going to kick off things with a special edition of hardball at 7 00 eastern out in vegas. Then Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow join me with full debate coverage. The debate starts at 9 00 eastern. Then stay with us for full postdebate coverage and analysis well into the night. Well be outside of course. Well be right back. Youre tot, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Every time i travel, its the moments that are most rewarding. Because youll never forget them. The new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. So no matter where you go, you are here. Join or link accounts today. Were back with the hardball round table. Mary, tell me something i dont know. Theres one state in the union that has a none of the above on the ballot. Its nevada, where the debate is, and i was just talking to people today. And it could surprise everybody where this how high . 20 . It could easily be. It was put in at the watergate era. What does it accomplish anyway . Sabrina . So Mindy Mcgillivray is one of the women who accused donald trump of groping her without her consent. She is a resident of florida. She says she feels forced to leave the country because that is the kind of threat level she has received from Trump Supporters. Some of them have been driving by her house. This goes back to how hes responded. Instead of showing remorse, hes vilified these women. If something happens along those lines, everything is going to change. You cant keep talking like hes been talking. No. Hillary clinton got a 90 chance of winning the election. Youd think everything is great in brooklyn. Theyre miserable right now, and the reason, a great report on this in politico. All this dread because of the wiki leagues every day thats hanging over their head and the way trump has taken this into the sewer. They are not enjoying this. You think its sort of an easy last lap round the track and its no fun for them. Its gotten under hillarys skin and bills. Wednesday night is her last real hurdle not to make a big mistake. A lot of people are going to be watching. I love to hear that because everything seems, you know, wonderful on the surface. When it looks like youre skating into home base. Anyway, mary jordan, thank you. Sabrina siddiqui, thank you. And eli stokols. When we return, my election diary just two days before the final president ial debate. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. And youre talking to youro doctor about your medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. 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Today donald trump brought in the cavalry by enlisting his wife melania in the battle of 2016, he has escalated the question of who he is. Is he a superior person, building skyscrapers, winning fame, the golden figure of success, or is he the guy accused of grub by behavior on airplanes and in clubs. Melania puts the blame for that 2005 conversation in the access hollywood bus on the host of the show, billy bush. She says that bush egged on her husband, that he was the bad guy in this piece, not her husband. Well, blaming billy bush is probably as good an argument as youre likely to get at this point. It has the strength of blaming one celebrity over another in a Public Relations sense it might do some good. Even if it doesnt, if you think about it, make donald trump look much like a leader. The important question is, as i began with, who is the real donald trump, the gifted brand man capable of building Tall Buildings or the guy portrayed by these women who have come forward . Is he the guy on the tape, the guy in the bus, the guy whose voice we heard . Second question, is melania going to put a positive face on this race, or is the Trump Campaign going to be a complaint that the election is going to be rigged, stolen from him despite his plurality in the votes . Melania is a signal of the first. But if he keeps yelling, we was robbed, all the positive pr isnt going to help. Who are you going to Pay Attention to, melania sticking it to billy bush or donald trump sticking it to the american political system . Thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts right now. Announcer tonight on all in. Its a rigged system. Its a rigged election. The Conspiracy Theory campaign. Lets hope that our country gets a fair shake. This is a big mess. Donald trump steps up his unprecedented charges that the media, Hillary Clinton, and now republican officials are stealing the election. Then new polling shows an expanding battleground map for democrats as they send the big guns into arizona. I know its a campaign, but this isnt about politics. Its about basic human decency. Plus the latest on the attack on the North Carolina republican office. And from cordial adversary t

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