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One to take you through this . Im chris matthews, thanks for watching. Trump. What do we want . Trump. Trump is right, and americans know hes right. Ladies and gentlemen. I dont think he can become president of the United States. I dont think its mathematically possible. I am officially running. This guy is saying what people are thinking. For president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again. Hes tapped into the e let trit that is angry with the economy. I will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. I tell you that. Dont have to talk about his ego. I mean, its sinks out of every pour in his body. Youre kidding . Donald trump full throttle readily to destroy anyone who gets in his way. We are going to start winning again and were going to win so much, youre going to be so happy. Were going to make america so great again, maybe greater than ever before. Good evening. Im chris matthews, i dont think this countrys establishment, politics, the media ever got this guy. They certainly underestimated him. Not going anywhere, cant last. What about the man himself . Who is this guy so many told pollsters they want as president . Has he done to get where he is and would kill anyone else in public life whats he got hold of . Over the next hour, well look at the donald trump story as a whole. Youll see him as a young man, as a budding business tycoon, and as an entertainer. Youll see that the experts have been counting him out for decades. In the movie, citizen kaine orson welles plays the newspaper baron, foster kaine. Trump told the new york times, it was his alltime favorite movie. Its also my pleasure to see decent hardworking people in this community arent robbed blind. Trump the candidate echoed those sentiments for months in a roiling campaign. But in december, many believe he went too wbr id wbr1742 far. Donald j. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the b United States, until our countrys representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. It played well with some of his supporters. Okay, we are civilized people. These people, these with their beliefs are not civilized. And we cant change them. Theyre not willing to change. But many in his own party criticized him. The white house Spokesman Says it disqualified him from the presidency. And experts questioned its feasibility whether its the right way to fight terrorism. Hes hurting the best tool that Law Enforcement and people in both parties believe we have to fight terrorism, which is the help of the Muslim American community. And this hurts us abroad, too. As he had with his campaign kickoff, it once again displayed trumps readiness to conquer by dividing. When mexico sends its people, theyre not sending their best. Theyre sending people that have lots of wbrid wbr2412 problems. And theyre bringing those problems with us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime, theyre rapists. And some, i assume, are good people. No one was really focusing on immigration policy. And then, suddenly, it is the issue that america is obsessed with. Trump is acting in a very old and shameful american tradition. It goes back to the 1850s, when there was a party that had the name know nothing. And it was an anticatholic, antiimmigrant political party. It didnt last that long, was then, every so often, like a fever, antiimmigrant feeling arises. He has tapped into a part of the electorate that is, i think, deeply angry about the state of the economy. Its a group of people who are still suffering from the downturn in 2007 and 2008. As trumps numbers rose in a crowded field no, no, no the hispanic population reacted with anger. On june 26th, 2015, univision canceled its broadcast of trumps Miss Universe pageant. Nbc then announced it would not air the Miss Universe or the miss usa pageants and macys removed trump merchandise from its stores. But trump stayed resolute in his message. We are taking mexicos problems. Mexico is beating us on trade and theyre beating us at the border. But mexico doesnt want to take these people. Controversy didnt seem to hurt him. By midjuly, he passed the great establishment hope jeb bush in the polls. He was finding his audience. Hey, i like this guy. Hes saying what were saying in the pool hall, or, hes saying what were saying around the coffee table in the morning. So hes tapped into something. I think it is both a bit of populism, a bit of racism. It is also real. On july 11th, 5,000 people showed up for a trump rally in arizona, a state at the epicenter of the nations battle over immigration reform. These are people that shouldnt have been in this country. They flow they flow in like water. Hes playing on our aspirations to be rich, which most americans have. And hes playing on our disgust with politics as usual. And thats a pretty potent combination for him. In certain parts of the Republican Party. Trump led in the polls by a wide margin, heading into the first Republican Debate, hosted by fox news on august 6th. Youve called women you dont like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. Your twitter account only Rosie Odonnell. When he gave the line about Rosie Odonnell and megyn, i think, was very surprised, that the audience didnt boo, but instead, they cheered. They laughed. They rallied. They were supportive. That changed everything. You once told a contestant on celebrity apprentice, it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president . I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. And honestly, megyn, if you dont like it, im sorry. Ive been very nice to you, although i could probably maybe not be, based the on way youve treated me, but i wouldnt do that. She wanted to talk about whether he was sexist. He flipped this into a discussion of whether hes politically correct and what did he say. You know what, im not politically correct and if you dont like it, too bad. You know, there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever. Comments during a phone interview with cnns don lemon got trump uninvited from a republican red state event. Critics roared, but his poll numbers held strong. Later in august, trump held a Campaign Rally in alabama. 30,000 people showed up. Were going to build a wall. And at a press conference in dubuque, iowa, univision anchor jorge ramos stood up to ask a question without being called on. Mr. Trump, i have a question about immigration. Okay, who is next . Mr. Trump excuse me, sit down. You werent called. Sit down. Again, exactly what weve been waiting for. People did not fly all the way to dubuque to listen to you read from your little speech, and thats exactly what jorge ramos was doing. He was reading from a speech. Trump had him thrown out. It was great. Then trump invited him back in and took his question. Yes, good. Absolutely. Good. Absolutely. Good to have you back. Thank you very much. Okay. Theres an illusion in the American Press that we cherish what we do. Ive got news for you, if theyve got somebody whos going to give him a black eye, trump knew what he was doing. With the jorge ramos confrontation worked well with his base. That represented why it is very possible for trump to win the nomination, but impossible for him to win the election. Any republican candidate needs to get at least 40 of the latino vote to have a chance, electorally. The more controversy, the higher his numbers went. The more people criticized him, the higher the numbers within the. The more provocative he was, the higher his numbers went. Donald trump knew exactly what he was doing. He was strategic, he was brilliant. And it was the summer of trump. I would vote for donald trump. Definitely. This is very new. This is the equivalent of obama new, you know what i mean . First black president , first interesting president. Now, suddenly, the summer of trump is becoming the autumn of trump. Trumps not going down. Hes going up. When citizen trump continues i joke and i say, theres only one rogue in every family. Donalds the rogue. Hes a pretty good rogue. To do one thing another. Only at t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be. Local global. Open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Puwith meta appetite control. You and temptation clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. New, from metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. Try duo fusion ing antacids . New, two in one heartburn relief. The antacid goes to work in seconds. And the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. Try new duo fusion. From the makers of zantac. Man 1 i came as fast as i man 2 this isnt public yet. Man 1 what isnt . Man 2 weve been attacked. Man 1 the network . Man 2 shhhh. Man 1 when did this happen . Man 2 over the last six months. Man 1 how did we miss it . Man 2 we caught it, just not in time. Man 1 who . How . Man 2 not sure, probably offshore, foreign, pros. Man 1 what did they get . Man 2 what didnt they get. Man 1 i need to call mike. Man 2 dont use your phone. Its not just security, its defense. Bae systems. Donald trump was born in queens, new york, in 1946. Hes the second son of fred and mary trump. Donald grew up with Four Brothers and sisters in this 23room house that his father built. My father was a sevenday worker. He loved that was his hobby. He was a task master. He was, you know, a strong man in business. But successful. My father would take me he used to call it the rounds. He would take me on the rounds. He would go around to construction sites. Every penny counted. Every penny in construction and every penny in rent. That was how they bonded as father and son. Donald learned the business by following and shadowing his father from a very, very young age. During the 1940s and 50s, fred trump built housing in queens and brooklyn for returning veterans. And soon he owned 39 apartment complexes throughout the city and was a multimillionaire. I think the important thing about fred trump is he gives the lie to the idea that donald trump is somehow some kind of selfmade man. Friends and family say that trump was a toughtohandle teenager. He was wild. He was incorrigible. He was difficult. Highly spirited. I joke and i say, theres only one rogue in every family. And donalds the rogue. Hes a pretty good rogue. He was a brat. You know, after enough of this kind of misbehaving and not following the rules, his dad packed him up and sent him away to military school. And he actually says its the best thing that happened to him. He really did need the discipline. I loved it. It was terrific training. It was tough, but it was good. So he was tough to handle, had to be sent to the new York Military academy. Excellent. Hes an alpha male. Hes given a uniform and a belt with brass buckles that hes told to keep shiny and subjected to very intense discipline. Those were days where it wasnt like today. I mean, they hit and they did whatever the hell they had to do. They were a tough lot. Trump thrived at new York Military academy. He was a star on the baseball team, was elected captain, and led the honor guard in new york citys columbus day parade. During the summer, trump began working for his father. We used to have contests and he used to always respect the fact that i always had the record. I was able to have painted with two painters, six hallways in one day. We used spray. Thats the alltime Trump Organization record. So it was great. At the time, that was like the greatest achievement of my life. Trump graduated in 1964 and went to Fordham University for two years before transferring to the Wharton School of the university of pennsylvania. He graduated in 1968 and after all his military training, a medical deferment makes him ineligible for the vietnam draft. Trump went to work for his successful father, fred, but the boroughs of brooklyn and queens were not enough for him. Hell take manhattan. From the time i was very young, ive been fascinating with the new york skyline. Coming up, trump moves across the river to manhattan and the new York Real Estate business will never be the same. Plap i am a lot of things. 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When i graduated from college, i went to work with my father, and he built housing in brooklyn and queens and it was dangerous stuff. You knock on the door and there would be bullet holes on the door, and i would say to the people, what are those holes . And he said, those are bullet holes for knocking on the door and collecting rent. As a kids from queens, manhattan was always the emerald city in the distance. A real beacon that drew him. In 1971, trump moved to his first apartment in manhattan, a studio in the upper east side. He was 24 years old and family and friends say he was enjoying himself. He always went to what he called the single bars and checked out the women. Donald was a high flyer when it came to that. He joined some private clubs and thats where he rubbed shoulders with George Steinbrenner and roy cone, the infamous lawyer and former mccarthy aide. Wherever i hear that people are failing to act on fbi information about communists he said, listen, i followed your career, and youre a bit crazy like i am and you stand up to the establishment. Can i come see you . And i said, sure. Cohn was one of trumps first really influential connections. He had no scruples, whatsoever. None. Just get the deal done and do whatever it takes to get the deal done. So trump used him as his lawyer to go and cut deals. I think donald likes associating with people who are brass knuckle. Tough characters, uncompromising characters. Young trumps ambition was reflected in his early business ventures. Well, my first big deal in manhattan was probably the convention center. In 1973, trump saw in the newspaper that the penn central rail yards were filing for bankruptcy. I got an option to the penn central land and was able to convince then governor kerry that this is the place to build the convention center. Trump did not build what becomes the Jacob Javits Convention center, but he did make more than 1 million brokering part of the deal. In april of 1977, trump closed a more personal deal. He married czech model ivana velencheck. Roy cohn drew up the prenup. The thing that first attracted me was her beauty. She was very beautiful and i liked her because she was also very solid. You know, everything very boom, boom, boom, very orderly. On new years, 1977, the couple had the first of their three children, donald jr. Trump set his sights on another troubled penn central property, the Commodore Hotel next to Grand Central station. He had to convince the bankruptcy overseers that he could make a deal with banks reluctant to invest in new york city real estate. Donald told the penn central folks that they should meet him at city hall and he would introduce them. In new york, real estate is about tax abatements. Its about making deals with political people. Its about zoning. And its about getting the public, and especially the public officials, on your side. The penn central executives arrived at city hall, mayor beam invited them in. There was donald and the mayor said, what the trumps want, the trumps get in this town. They really didnt know what the future of new york city was. And that was both good and bad. It was good in that i was able to get tremendous Tax Advantages and tax abatements. It was bad in that it wasnt easy to get financing. After obtaining multimillion dollar tax abatements, trump received the necessary financing to develop what would become the grand hyatt hotel. People ask me, how come how is it that you got 40 years of tax abatement and i would always say, because i didnt ask for 50. I interviewed him when he was an unknown on the today show many years ago. You bought some prized properties at the bottom of the new york market in the 1970s. Yeah, i had a great faith in new york, primarily our purchases have been in new york. And about five years ago, new york was not considered very hot and cities in general werent considered too hot. I so ethe inner cities as the wave of the future. Trump was on the today show to talk about his next big project, the trump tower. They had beautiful bas relief carvings, and he just wrecked them. I said, how could you have done that . Couldnt you have just saved chose scum curs . It would very, very dangerous to save them. They weighed two tons, about 15 feet high, about 2 1 2feet thick, and if they would have fallen, people could have been very badly hurt and ill canned. He just ripped those out without any consideration for their historic value. And the people he had doing the demolition were illegal immigrants. In an interview with the new york times, trump said he did not know they were undocumented workers on the site. Mr. Trump, whats left in your life . Youre 33 years old, youre worth all these money. You said you didnt say that you want to be worth 1 billion. No, im really not looking to make tremendous amounts of money. Im looking to enjoy my life. And if that happens to go with it, thats fabulous. In 1981, there was heartbreak. His older brother, fred, an alcoholic, died. His brother was so young when he died, 42 years old, and his brother told him, donald, dont ever drink. Dont ever get involved in alcohol. And thats why donald, to this day, has never had alcohol, never smoked. Doesnt touch the stuff. A few weeks after the loss of his brother, a happy moment for the family. Donald and ivana welcomed daughter ivanka. Trump rode high in the 1980s, bought a yacht, an airline, a professional football team, and palm beach palace mar lago with 118 rooms, it is one of the largest homes in the nation. People of modest means look at that and they say, wow, if i were rich, thats howd i want to live. People love the way he lives, because he symbolizes the american success story. He symbolizes the way youd live, the bling. Coming up, winning and losing with donald trump. A Major Business magazine came out with a story, everything he touches turns to gold. And i started to believe that myself. Its your grandpappys hammer and he would have wanted you to have it. It meant a lot to him. Yes, ge makes powerful machines. But ill be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. Ill be changing the way the world works. interrupting you cant pick it up, can you . Go ahead. He cant lift the hammer. Its okay though youre going to change the world. Youthats why you drink ensure. Sidelined. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. So we know how to cover almost almoanything. Hing, even a ufh2o. [man] thats not good. [pilot] thats not good. [man] thats really not good. [burke] it happened august fourteenth,2008, and we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum puwith meta appetite control. You and temptation clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. New, from metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. Thousands signed a change. Org position for the parents of the boy that fell into the gorilla. The child fell into his enclosure. The zoo director said today knowing that what he knows now, he would make the same decision again. Meanwhile, at least six are dead and one missing after a week of heavy flooding in texas and kansas. Now back to citizen trump. With chris matthews. The 80s were very good years for trump. In 1982, he bough a prized piece of real estate along the new jersey boardwalk. He brought executives to the site and made it look like construction was well underway. I had every truck available in the area moving on that site. We had trucks going back and forth and working all over the place. They saw that action, they were immediately impressed and we made a deal like right then on the spot. In 1984, the same year haras trump plaza opened, donald and ivana opened their third trial, eric. A year later, trump castle opened. Beautiful, beautiful. They were cash cows. Particularly trump plaza. It was the first casino that anybody driving into Atlantic City hit when they arrived there. It was essentially a license to print money. Closer to home, actually across the street from his home, the skating rink in central park had been closed for years, since 1986. They had spent over 20 million over a sevenyear period. And finally, i said, this is ridiculous. This thing shouldnt take years to build. And i was able to convince everybody to let me build it. Donald is a gifted selfpromoter, went out there and pitched this as, i got the project done, what the new york City Government couldnt get done. I think you see the same instincts coming out now that you did with the wallman rink, with trump being frustrated at ow inept and useless government is and jumping in and saying, im going to fix this. Across the street from the wallman rink, trump won a crowned jewel of new york in 1988. The plaza hotel, for 400 million. Ivana was put in charge and spent millions more to renovate. Is there anything you wouldnt support your man in . Oh, sure. Oh, sure. I wouldnt support donald would be running around and fooling around, you know, and that i couldnt live with. In 1990, the tabloids were reporting that trump was doing just that with a young actress named marla maples. One headline, i think everybody remembers was, marla maples, best sex i ever had. Marla denies ever saying that. But its telling that the tabloids in new york would be so accustomed to trump craziness that theyd run with it. Divorce is a challenging and terrible thing for anyone. Wed see our parents on the cover of the post every morning walking to school. And they really i mean, i have to give them both credit. They did everything in their power to, you know, help us through it. While the Divorce Proceedings played out in the tabloids, at the office, it was business as usual. Michael jackson performed at the starstudded opening of Atlantic Citys trump taj mahal in 1990. Theres never been anything like this built in this country. And i think thats why you see the huge crowds today and thats why youre going to see the huge crowds for many years to come. It was the most expensive casino ever built, costing more than 1 billion, most of it borrowed money. This was a time when borrowing money was easy. Junk bonds were created and refined during the 1980s. Every marquis purchase from the plaza hotel to the trump shuttle and later to the trump taj mahal, the construction of that and the purchase of that was all built on debt. I was taking things a little bit too for granted. A Major Business magazine came out with a story, everything he touches turns to gold, and i started to believe that myself. If you owe the bank a little, it owns you. If you owe the bank a lot, you own the bank. And thats essentially what happens. I never worked so hard. Convincing those banks to give me more money, so i could keep going, and ultimately get them paid back was one of the best deals i ever made. Coming up, new opportunities and a new audience. His currency is not really real estate. Its the name, trump. Tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Looktry align probiotic. Our digestive system . For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. 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For trump, the roaring 80s were fading into memory. It was 1990, and with the National Real estate market in decline, trumps empire was on the brink of collapse. Well, this week the bankers took over Donald Trumps life. I mean, did they take over. From now on, almost everything he does and every penny he spends needs their approval. As real estate nationally, and even globally goes down, trump goes down with it. And he loses the plaza hotel, but he also wound up being 900 million in hawk to the banks. What that allowed him to do was to cut a deal where they could pay the fees he needed to pay as part of his divorce settlement, the money he needed to retain trump his condo and trump tower, which was really an enormously symbolic security blanket. So he escaped personal bankruptcy, but he essentially became a shadow of the guy he was in the 1980s. Trumps downturn extended to his personal life. In december, his longexpected divorce from ivana became official. He was single again. Just this past weekend, you had a big party in palm beach. You invited just a few of your close friends, like the Miami Dolphin and the buffalo bill cheerleaders. Donald trump is hugh hefner of the 90s. For an older person, hes very attractive. He was seen in public with marla maples, but he was not ready to tie the knot. So, when is the big day . Its, truthfully, one of those things weve planned probably a dozen times, and were very much committed to each other. Theres just a little fear, i think its more on donalds part now. In october of 1993, they had a baby girl, tiffany trump, and two months later, marla maples became mrs. Donald trump. Over the next few years, the Real Estate Market rebounded and donald trump was back on top, valued at 450 million on the forbes wealthiest americans list. But trump said it was more than like 2 billion. Donald is one of the few people, and i think the researchers at forbes have always said this, who personally lobbies them to not only be included on the list, but to constantly push himself upward in the ranks. What people think of donald trump is important to him. He may or may not admit it, but its important to him. All of his this, poll numbers, forbes lists, you name it. His position matters to him. In 1997, he filed for divorce from marla maples, and less than a year later, trump fell in love, this time with a 23yearold slovenian supermodel. As soon as i saw her, i said, thats a very special person. I knew what i wanted as soon as i saw her. He was very charming and it was the energy between us when we started to talk. And thats important, that we both felt the same way. 1999 was a president ial Campaign Year and trump discussed running. Give me a scenario, as we say in the movies, of a perfect donald trump run for president. All the way to november, mexico year. Well, i think a perfect run would be, i do no campaigning. I run, only on election day. I get at least 51 in a threeway race. Trump ultimately decided not to run, but that did not mean he faded from view. He essentially became somebody who licensed his name, ultimately, on an array of products that included vodka, underwear, mattresses, clothing, an Online University and basically anything anywhere that you could glue his name on, he did and he took the fee. In 2004, trump got the brass ring of publicity, a Network Primetime Television Show about what else, donald trump. The apprentice premiered on nbc. Youre fired. The apprentice is Donald Trumps baby. I mean, he is heavily involved. Hes actually there quite a bit. It is something that he clearly takes a lot of pride in. The show was a hit for nbc and things were going well at home, too. In january 2005, donald trump married milania. Did you guys sign a prenup . Absolutely. I wont need it, but we did. I cant believe i just asked you that. A year later, she gave birth to trumps fifth child, a son named baron. Theres nothing more important to me than fatherhood, than family. I have great kids, theyre really hardworking. With a hit tv show, a new family and his name everywhere, things seemed to be going well. But in this decade, there were two more bankruptcies. Trump hotels and casinos accrued an estimated 1. 8 billion in debt and went bankrupt in 2004. Trump entertainment resorts hit hard by the recession went bankrupt in 2009. Tim obrien began writing trump nation in 2004 with donald trumps cooperation, and attempted to find out what trumps net worth really was. When i went back and started doing the math around various statements he gave me about how much he said he was worth, the numbers werent adding up. The book came out in 2005, and in 2006, trump sued obrien for 5 billion. He claimed that he was defamed. To win, trump had to prove that obrien acted with malice. However, the presiding judge denied trumps claim and ultimately dismissed the lawsuit. We deposed donald for two days and that deposition is one of the great rosetta stones of understanding the real donald trump. Because during the course of that deposition, he really couldnt give a practical and reliable assessment about how he determines his net worth. In 2011, donald trump also began throwing around the accusation that president obama was not a u. S. Citizen, that no one even knew him growing up. You are not allowed to be a president if youre not born in this country. He may not have been born in this country. I just thought, come on you know, by now weve all seen the birth certificate. When everybody else had given it up, he was still hanging in there on it. Reporter at the white house Correspondents Dinner in 2011, president obama struck back with humor. Donald trump is here tonight. No one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth sector matter to rest than the donald. And thats because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter. Like did we fake the moon landing . What really happened in roswell . And where are biggie and tupac . Went citizen trump returns, donald trump is back on the campaign trail. Constipated . Trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief nobodys hurt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive three quarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. 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Trump is savvy about spending almost all attention, negative or positive, to his advantage, while attacking his rivals anytime they gain ground. In the middle of september, the second Republican Debate aired on cnn. Theyre trying to get the republicans to mix it up. Carly, trump says you have an ugly face. What do you think of that . I think women all over this country heard very clearly what mr. Trump said. I think shes got a beautiful face and i think shes a beautiful woman. I keep hearing, oh, she totally won no, she looked like a little sourpuss. So, this is a plan thats simple voters and candidates look for a shift in focus to issues, and when september arrived, trump announced that he had a detailed proposal for something. A tax plan. No business of any size from a fortune 500 company to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living from gig to gig will pay more than 15 of their business income in taxes. In this tax plan he offers something for everybody. But the most for those who have the most. If youre concerned about the national debt, its not a plan that you would favor. What youre saying is you make it all up with growth. No, no. Not all up with growth. We also start cutting because the waste in this country is unbelievable. Do you know how many politicians have said this over the years . I know, but im not a politician. Waste, fraud, and abuse. You know how that will happen . Management. Hes a great leader. Hell give it to us. He doesnt have to say how. Hes just going to say he will. On october 28th another debate, this time hosted by cnbc. The moderators were repeatedly attacked by the republican candidates. You have been very critical of Mark Zuckerberg of facebook, who has wanted to increase the nuv these i was not at all critical of him. I was not at all. In fact, i am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in silicon valley. So youre in favor of increasing im not at all critical of him. Where did i read this and come up with this that probably, i dont know, you people write this stuff. I dont know where you Fact Checkers quickly pointed out trump was wrong. His own website criticized zuckerberg. And the moderator herself also noted this later in the program. They were intimidated, afraid, not bold enough. But thats not how you handle afraid, not bold enough. Thats not how you handle donald trump. He can see the fear in your eyes and he pounces on it. The country has kind of bought in. I dont know what its going to take to change it. At the fox business Republican Debate on november 10th, opponents challenged trump on how he plans to deport millions of undocumented immigrants. If people think that we are going to ship 11 Million People who are lawabiding, who are in this country, and somehow pick them up at their house and ship them out of mexico to mexico . Think about the families. Think about the children. Let me just tell you that dwight eisenhower, good president , great president , people liked him. I like ike, right . The expression. I like ike. Moved 1. 5 million illegal immigrants out of this country, moved them just beyond the border you need at least 100,000 buses to take them back to mexico. Has he thought about that . Has he explained how thats going to happen . It is a totally impractical idea. When ben carson was a threat, trump went, well, ballistic. How stupid are the people of iowa . How stupid are the people of the country . To believe this crap . An unacknowledged part of the trump mystique that is hes find of kind of funny. Hes enjoying himself. Thats a big issue. You look at all these other mooks and they seem to be suffering. Trump is having fun. You know, when somebody is having fun, you start to have fun. But not everybody was laughing as trump impugned the patriotism of american muslims. I want surveillance of certain mosques, okay . I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And i watched in jersey city, new jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. And after cnn aired footage of a black lives matter protester being beaten up by Trump Supporters at a rally, trump retweeted extremeright propaganda exaggerating racial crime statistics. Despite inaccurate and controversial claims, trump continued to sit atop the gop polls. Youre running for president of the United States. Your words matter. Truthfulness matters. Factbased stuff matters. Chuck, chuck, take it easy, chuck, just play cool. Are you worried that sometimes he bends the truth . Bends the truth . You know what . He may. But hes still going to get things done. So you dont care . I dont care. After a president ial address on terrorism following the San Bernardino mass shooting, trump read his proposal to ban muslims from entering the country. Donald j. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the United States until our countrys representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. Reaction was swift and loud. What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for, and more importantly, its not what this country stands for. I do believe that it disqualifies him from serving as president of the United States. Trumps statement, even in the season of extremes, is a dangerous proposal that overrides history, the law, and the foundation of america itself. But trump rose in the polls after this. A large part of the Republican Base seemed to support the idea. Im supporting him. And im supporting what i believe he meant when he said ban muslim immigration. I dont believe hes a racist. I think hes talking about we need to step back and reexamine the vetting process. But many saw this as a game changer. Many thought even proposing the idea gave isis a propaganda victory. Maybe this time hed gone too far. Do you think something changed in the medias reaction to him and the reaction of much of the American Public . Remember twothirds of americans dont like him. So he already has a very steep climb to actually becoming president. And i think that many of those people went from seeing this as a kind of an entertaining joke to being a dead serious political situation. And it was topic number one when cnn aired another debate on december 15th. Governor bush, you called mr. Trump unhinged when he proposed banning nonamerican muslims from the United States. Why is that unhinged . So donald is great at the oneliners. But hes a chaos candidate. Hed be a chaos president. He would not be the commander in chief we need to keep our country safe. Mr. Trump . [ cheers and applause ] jeb doesnt really believe im unhinged. He said that very simply because he has failed in this campaign. Its been a total disaster. Republican frontrunner donald trump has stunned the political world by announcing he will not show up at tomorrow nights Republican Debate hosted by fox news. They cant toy with me like they toy with everybody else. So let them have their debate. And lets see how they do with the ratings. In february 2016, the longawaited iowa caucuses. The vote didnt go in trumps favor. We finished second. And i want to tell you something. Im just honored. But then the big comeback in new hampshire. New hampshire, i want to thank you. We love you. Were going to be back a lot. Were not going to forget you. You started it, remember. You started it. The wins continued to roll in for trump and then on march 1st, the big cashin on super tuesday. Georgia, donald trump projected winner. Tennessee, the volunteer state, donald trump, projected winner. Alabama, deep south, 50 delegates at stake. Up to the old dominion, the commonwealth of virginia went to donald trump tonight. Trump won seven primaries that day and held the lead in the delegate count as he faced the contests ahead. Im going to come in the worst as second in the two or three that i might not win. I think, you know, were a democracy. I think its awfully hard to say thats not the person we want to lead the party. Last night the republican establishment got crushed again. Trump won four of the five contests last night. Were going to go forward and were going to win. But more importantly were going to win for the country. Were going to win, win, win, and were not stopping. Trump needs just 55 of the remaining delegates to clinch the nomination. Days before the wisconsin primary, trump made a significant statement during a hardball town hall. What is your stance on woman rights and their right to choose in their own Reproductive Health . Well, look. I mean, as you know, im prolife. I think you know that. With exemptions. With the three exceptions. But pretty much thats my stance. Do you believe in punishment for abortion . Yes or no. As a principle. The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment. For the woman . Yes, there has to be some form. Trump later pulled back on his position but went on to lose in wisconsin. His prospects for the nomination were strengthened by a win two weeks later in his home state of new york. In his victory speech he softened his discourse on his opponents but doubled down on the republican establishment. Its a crooked system. Its a system thats rigged. And were going to go back to the old way. Its called you vote and you win. Were going to go into the convention i think as the winner. But nobody can take an election away with the way theyre doing it in the Republican Party. Trumps quest to top the Republican Party heading into the National Convention was realized after winning the indiana primary on may 3rd. His last opponents exited the race. So again, folks, this has been aan amazing evening. I didnt expect this. I didnt expect it. What ted did is really a very brave thing to do and a great thing to do. We want to bring unity to the Republican Party. We have to bring unity. Its so much easier if we have that. Donald trump is a toplevel new York Real Estate guy. Youve got to have big kojones to do that. Reality television star. Dont have to talk about ego, it seeps out of every pore in his body. He knows how to take a simple, quick message and drive it home. Poll after poll shows the heart of Donald Trumps appeal lies with the American Voter who didnt go to college, who doesnt have the money, hasnt had the breaks. He is the one rallying to the billionaire from new york who rages against illegal immigration, against bad trade deals that cost us jobs, derides wars he says we shouldnt be fighting. Trump seems to be tapping into an injured sense of nationalism especially by those most threatened. For a number of ropes, good, bad, and many would say ugly, donald trump has connected. Label him, attack him, condemn him. But the immense failure of this countrys political establishment right, left and center to deep with deep National Problems has left the door open. And this brash businessman from

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