There is no one who is better prepared to provide america with the strong leadership that is needs, both at home and around the world than donald trump. This is the only guy on that stage other than governor kasich who has made executive decisions. The confidence i have is that he is Strong Enough to take on the d. C. Establishment, which is what is represented by senator rubio. Well, the in us comes as senator rubio escalated his trash talk with trump. Earlier this week, he said he didnt run for office to tear up republicans. But today, he tried to torch trump after an attack after an attack after attack. Every business he has ever run that has gone bun bankrupt, do you bankrupt a casino. What about the people who signed up for the fake school. You got a paper certificate and a picture with a cardboard cutout of donald trump. This guy inherited 200 million. He has never faced any struggle. He has never faced the told somebody protester, im going to punch you in the face. Donald trump has never punched anyone in the face. Donald trump was the first guy that begged for secret service protection. First guy. Well, short time later, trump responded. I watched a part of his little act. He is is a desperate guy. Ive been watching him over the last number of he is not president ial material that i can tell you. Doesnt have the demean ner. He is a nervous nellie. Backstage, he is a mess. A total mess. And you know, i joked recently, can you imagine putin sitting there waiting for a meeting and rubio walks in and totally drenched. Ive never seen a man sweat like this man sweats. Donald trump continued the attack. Isnt it sophisticated, a short time later. When they put marco on to refute president obamas speech, do you remember that catastrophe . Hes like this . And we will and well i need water. Help me, i need water. Help. And hes this is on Live Television. Its rubio. Unbelievable. Well, the old line is dont get in a peeing match with a skunk and he has gotten into one. Michael steele, the former chairman of the Republican National committee. Eugene robinson, political mvp, sounds like marco rubio, and finally, not arepeating. Let me go with you, michael. Everyone said rubio won on points. It was the three stoojs last night. The three stoojs. Nobody looked sophisticated as a president ial candidate. Your thoughts . Is rubio able to get back into the ring with this guy, or just desperate. I think after the announ announcement today, rubio is looking outside the window at, you know, trump and christie on the playground going maybe ill play inside for a while. The reality from last night to me was disappointing. I thought that all decorum, any pretense they were running for president was lost. The only one who tried to maintain that stature was gov ni nor kasich was trying to pull it in a different direction. A stunner today, no doubt. How big is it . What does christie bring . The northeast, ethnicity, jersey . He brings the fight. He brings the fight. Remember, he was the one who stopped marcos momentum. He was the one who put marco in his place in a substantive way. I think coming back on to this field right now when everyone kind of thought that christie would take his marbles and go back to jersey, i think its significant. He brings certainly into the campaign some of that northeast opportunity. I mean, you know, new york, new jersey, going up into new england where trump is already up big. So yeah, i think christie today really stepped all over the marco momentum coming out of last night. Yeah, great guy to send out as your hatchet man you have to. This campaign doesnt need a hatchet man. Christie wasted no time what he does best, going after rubio. Here he is doing the job. Desperate people in campaigns do desperate things, flailing punches in the last days of a losing campaign. I find it fascinating that somebody who barely shows up for work six years as United States senator, talk about somebody else being unprepared. He has shown himself over the course of time to be unprepared to be president of the United States. Well, he is prepared for every event he goes into. Gene, you know the act. He is going, recitesed, prepared. Scripted. I think the audience last night was also scripted. Ive never seen an audience so dog trained to react at certain times. It was like Frank Sinatra or somebody. I didnt know what was going on. He had to do it right. He had to attack trump and he crystal told him to. Which you know from everybody told him to. Okay, but all punch. He tried. But you know, and look, he scored some points. He got to what effect . Probably to no did he win . He won the verbal confrontation, but nonverbal, trump. The two dogs on the side nipping at him. The two dogs. Yaping at the side. This thing about trump, he is the worst the psychological assassin ever been. He makes you feel bad when he goes after you. He finds something. Low energy has to do with impet impotent or something. The gertol ads. How about the big ears. He uses make jump to cover up his ears. Just like the way the water thing is the one thing people know about marco rubio, he gets thirsty in his speech. What did he do . After obama and marco rubio gave his response, he could not he reached. He kept reaching for water, couldnt finish drinking, trump finds the one thing about you, hits on it. Today is so big, because trump is becoming the establishments kind of joining him now. Members of congress endorsed him this week. Motivation, please. Motivation. I assume he wants to be attorney general. Exactly. Thats because trump is about to win, you know. Two senators from jersey going to be there a while. No room fun job. Hell be home. Think about the job. More than that, this is also, remember, rubio was the first to go after christie in this campaign. His people with their super pac started taking bite sized chunking out of christie early in this fight. Christie has not forgotten that, fellows, he has not forgotten at all. So whether or not he wants to be attorney general. Right now, he has got marco rubio in his cross hairs. You know, the old italian expression years ago, its a great line, revenge is a meal best served cold. Right. But you know, rubio wait around until the right time comes. Rubio lass to be playing for florida, right. That has to be his game at this point. Yes. There is not enough time for him to have what is his game . Before super tuesday. He has got to win florida. Thats march 15th. Everybody says if he wins there for what. He hasnt won it doesnt change anything. Okay, is the goal to get to cleveland with yes. Okay, former chair. Tell me how it works. If trump goes from with most, plurality of the votes, but not enough for majority, goes in and there a ballot. He loses, because he dont get a majority, does your party risk denying him the nomination as the guy who comes to the convention with the most delegates, and give it to the guy that has the second most because the second and third gang up. Then trump walks out the door and says thats the end of my republicanism and you lose the general . Yeah, you just summed it up. Nominee if he has the most delegates. I warned that about them from the very beginning. Dont mess with the process. Dont tinker with the rules. Changing the numbers of states to nominate from five to eight, knowing paul had the five states to hut his name in, even though didnt have the delegates to actually be on the first ballot. And they changed it to eight states, and that has come back to haunts them now. I think theyve got to be very careful about how they deal with trump. If he goes in there as you say with the plurality of the delegates, just shy, maybe 300 or so shy of getting the nomination on the first ballot, this should be a matter of how they accommodate. Do you know what the rubio game is . I think its to win florida, force cruz out and get into a oneonone and hope you win the california and new jersey. Win or take all. Thats the real plan. Hes not going to do it. I dont think hell make it. Meanwhile, talk about getting personal, rubio and trump personal conduct backstage at the debate. Usually, by the way, gentlemen politicians, of the old order, if they went to the bathroom or said something stupid, that would be considered private. It isnt now. Lets watch. He called me mr. Meltdown. Let me tell you something, last night during one of the breaks, two of the breaks, he went backstage, he was having meltdown. Makeup thing applying makeup around his mustache, because one of those sweat mash tashustachee wa wanted a fulllength mirror. Putting on a pile of make jump. I said marco, easy with the makeup. You know the story, ive watched him with this man, he was right over here, i actually looked at him. I said are you okay, he was a mess. This is the lowest. Talk about a guy, peeing his pants, i mean, that is really high school. Bad high school. The republican to this. This is like way blow the beelo. Politicians, you work for the light touch. This is the opposite of the light touch. He doesnt have trumps staleto. He doesnt sting like a bee. Okay, i have a problem with rubio, because i think he is a reciter. I dont think comes to mind. Nothing is spontaneous with the guy. I do like spontaneous. It tells me the lights are on. What do you think of that . Its imitation. I was watching several live feeds of rubios speech today, and it was very clear at certain times, would he say a word and then realize, thats not the word and then he would change it to the word, and then finish the rest of the thought. So go with the flow. If the word, you know, comes out, go with it. But it is, it does come off scripted. Again, number two, how do you then say im not here to attack republicans and then spend the next 24 hours doing that. Again, credibility and in that authenticity is something that the voters are looking for right now. And its a hard sell i think at this point. I think his audience has an authenticity problem. The people that did the screaming on queue. Thats orchestrated. We agreed on that. Too late. What was he waiting for . Trump has won three states. What was he waiting for to attack him. A natural thing. Any way, a moment of craziness, one sober republican who offered up. Here is Lindsey Graham who left the race early. Here he is. The most dishonest person running is a woman. Who is about to be president. How could that be . My party is going [ bleeping ] that crazy. Well, there he is. Enough said. Hillary clinton, i mean, michael, sticking it to Hillary Clinton, i thought they were friends, whatever he said, liar, and then hes going to into the usual whatever word. Yep. And i think the guy in the bat, yeah. He hit the nail on the head. He really did it goes back to what i said at the beginning of this, of this time with you that this was not the best performance. This was not best presentation by our candidates for president. I think Lindsey Graham summed that up very well. I dont understand why mr. Rie prebis hasnt been able to curve this. I dont know what chairman of the party means these days since you left. You did great. Any way, michael steele, thank you. The former Republican Party. Right. And i want to thank you perry. Coming up, on to South Carolina, 24 hours away from poll closing time down there. Hillary clinton has an edge in polling down there, but is Bernie Sanders proved last night, hardball college dorm, he was not giving up without a fight. Can the bern work down south. And Tipping Point perhaps as i said, Chris Christie becomes one of the biggest names in america. He is one of the biggest guys to endorse donald trump. His momentum carry the Trump Campaign through next tuesday on to domination. Actually, the hardball round table dozen state contest, a lot happening next tuesday. Plus privacy versus security. One of americas Iconic Companies goes head to head with the fbi. Tim cook arguing the federal government has overreached. And stoked a debate among the millions of kcustomers. Extraordinary party. This is hardball, the place for politics. We can help guide your retirement savings. For over 75 years, investors have relied on our disciplined approach to find long term value. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call a t. Rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor. To see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. 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Well pay for a tax on wall street. Who is going to pass that tax. Look, we look at the world differently. You look at it inside the belt way. Im not an inside the belt way guy. Im an outside the belt way guy. That was a little rough. Any way, welcome back to hardball. That was part of my interview last night during last nights college tour at the university of chicago. A beautiful place. I was pressing him on his tuition free. It moves south, when South Carolina holds the primary. The latest poll out of South Carolina Shows Hillary clinton with a strong lead. Secretary clinton campaigned there today in charleston. Here she is. When you run for office, i think you have an obligation to tell people what you intend to do. Thats why ive been playing out my plans. I want people to know what i intend to do and how much it will cost and to hold me accountable. I think if you were to talk to the people i represented in new york, they would tell you that i told folks what i would do, then i went about doing it, and then i asked them to hold me accountable. Thats what i will do as president. Joining me right now, tad devine, senior advisor, hasting weinman, democratic party. Ive got to go to mr. Chairman here. Was stunned about, you know, blacks or minority in this country, africanamerican, but not in South Carolina politics, right . Chris, say that again. I didnt hear you. Well, i said that the blacks are not a minority when it comes to the South Carolina Democratic Politics . Definitely. Not here in South Carolina. You know, in 2008, as you mentioned earlier, africanamerican were 5 of t5 . So every election since then, the africanamerican share of the electorate has grown. So its definitely a force here in South Carolina. And i think, you know, senator sanders and secretary clinton will see theyll be a force in the Southern States on super tuesday as well. Hastings, every time i look at a map, im always impressed how much the agriculture of the country, drives cultural identity where we are, the large cotton culture, africanamerican, huge numbers, 40 sometimes, and that may explain the deep right wing feeling of some of the whites down there. You get up into the tobacco areas, much more africanamerican community. Lets talk about the deep south. South carolina. How influential will that be in terms of the black voters to support the clinton family. Very influential. I think that Hillary Clinton is running very strongly there. Not only there. The clintons have been involved in politics in South Carolina for a long time. Theyre wellknown in the africanamerican community, and i think that will really kick start how Hillary Clinton will do in the rest of the Southern States next tuesday. Its tough being the newby. Weve seen it forever. The first black president that taught from the old days. How do you beat it . How do you challenge hillary in her home turf. I think first of all, we recognize that. She has ee nonormous strength t. What we have to do with bernie is continue the process of making sure the africanamerican community, latino community, other people in the country who dont know him well get to know him. We saw real progress. Our own tracking poll had him six points ahead. So i think weve begun to see progress and great progress with africanamerican. The big names, you get the celebrity names. Spike lee, appeals to young people. And of course, you have the naacp. How does that work . Are you deploying them around the areas where the voting strength is . We are, you know, spikes radio ad has been down there, use it elsewhere as well. You know, danny glover has been campaigning with bernie along with ben jealous. Morgan freeman, hillary. Im jealous of that, so. Let me go to jamie about the looks of this whole thing. Getting into the general ee leks election, its almost impossible to carry them in november. Eventually. Isnt it almost impossible . No, i dont think so its almost impossible. Barack obama got 45 of the vote here in South Carolina in 2008. I think if we spent the resources building an operation here, expanding the message, but what happens is every election cycle, all of the resources go to ohio and florida and these other places, but georgia and South Carolina are very similar. Theyre right on the cusp. They just need the attention to build the infrastructure and get the message out. What do you make of the charges made by the sanders campaign, including the candidate that bill clinton in the 90s played it not quite on the level of the racial issue. He did things like, the welfare reform bill, played in the hands of conservative people. What do you make of the record . Well, you also know, chris, that the democrats, a lot of democrats actually voted for some of that legislation as well . I think right now, there is a lot of regret for some of the things that took place during that period. And youre seeing that in some of the statements from member of congress as well as president clinton. Well see. Thank you. Thanks for helping us get your boss. Im glad he got the chance to do it. He was great. The kids loved him. I had a tussle with him, which is my job, and i think he was ready for it and he took it. He accused me of being inside the belt way, and here we are, inside the belt way. He nailed me. Tad devine, hastings. The bruise brothers, there they are. Christie and trump. After marco rubio tries to take down donald trump, the brass new jersey comes out to endorse trump. Political theater at its worst or best. Is it a game changer . A lot of people including me there is something about Chris Christie thats bigger, not as a candidate. But as a backup guy, a supporter. You know . He looks like he is ready to go to war. Any way, this is hardball, the place for politics. Going now to Oklahoma City where you see governor christie out there campaigning for donald trump. America needs a strong leader who is going to restore american strength around the world and donald trump is that man. America needs a strong leader at home to restore jobs and american confidence to our people, and donald trump is that man. The Republican Party needs a leader who will make sure that Hillary Rodham never gets within ten miles of the white house. Donald trump is that man. Im going to tell you, weve had a fun time. We were in fort worth this morning. Things in texas are looking good. Believe me, ted cruz is nervous. Now we come here to oklahoma, we come to oklahoma full of optimism, not only for elections on tuesday, but full of optimism for americas future when we get a strong leader in the white house and not the hand wringing guy we have in the white house right now. Could you imagine the whiplash, the whiplash that americas enemies are going to feel when they go from a weakling like barack obama to a man of strength like donald trump . Now, and lets have one more message for someone who has had a pretty big mouth today. Marco rubio, your campaign is almost over, buddy. Showing a lot of desperation today. Throwing punches from every angle, but none of them are landing, because america has made their decision. Donald trump represents strength and marco rubio represents washington, d. C. We dont need any more dc politicians. And so i just want to remind senator rubio, confused about this, president of the United States is not a no show job like he has treated the United States senate. We need an executive on the job, and that man is donald trump. So i am proud to be part of the team. Im proud to be part of the team that will restore strength and confidence and faith and hope in our country, and its people again, nothing that has happened in america under barack obama is not able to be reversed by having a strong person in the white house to lead us again, and donald trump is that man. So were counting on you. Were counting you, oklahoma, when you go to the polls. We not just a win here. We need a trump size dollars win in oklahoma. I think youre going to give it to us. So it is my honor, my privilege, and my pleasure, to introduce to you the next president of the United States of america, donald j. Trump. Well, you know, think trump has what he has needed. Up, up man, as they say in politics. Somebody to make a big deal about him when he comes on. That was very effective by governor christie. Here he is, trump. Wow. Wow. This is great. This is great. Thank you. Unbelievable. We came here, we wanted 4,000 people, they have 7 or 8,000 people. Unbelievable results. All over. All over. So we had an amazing, we had an amazing experience last night. And ill tell you what. Every single poll, i was being hit from both sides, every Single Online polling poll on the debate, did anybody watch that crazy debate last night . They have us winning by a lot. They have us winning by a lot. Every single poll. And most of the people on television, but some of the pundits of course, never. No way. No way. But every poll in a lot of the people, we had an amazing time last night. It was very different. These are two desperate people. Theyre desperate. You know, the one guy in florida, he is down 20 points, rubio. And ill tell you what. They hate him in florida. They hate him. You know what, he defrauded florida, if you think about it. He runs, he becomes a senator, he never shows up to vote. He is never around. And they dont like him. He is not doing well. So it was interesting. One of the reasons i love chris. I was on the stage in New Hampshire which we won, remember New Hampshire, we love New Hampshire. And we won South Carolina, big. We won by double, double, double digits. And a few days ago, we won nevada, and that was amazing. Big, big. Were doing great. And we have amazing people. Its a movement. I tell people, its a movement. But i was on the stage in New Hampshire during one of the debates, and i watched a meltdown like ive never seen anything like it. I watched a meltdown like ive never seen. It was chris grilling marco rubio. This guy was sweating so badly, oh, he was sweating honestly, it was disgusting, all right. And i knew he had a problem, because before that, when he was doing the a little bit of an address to the president s speech, you remember, and they put him on, and he went for the water. Do you remember that . During Live Television . But what i saw what chris did to him was incredible. Then last night, i saw him backstage on makeup where he is putting it on with a trowel. He was soaking wet. He was out here, and you know, i only say it, because honestly, this is not a president ial guy. This is not a president ial guy. He has a situation in florida, where he buys a house. These are our politicians, and not the only one. Im selffunding my campaign. Im putting in my own money, okay. Im putting in my own money. Even though i heard today my father gave me 200 million. Believe me, i would love if he gave me 200 million. Believe me. That is not true. That is way, way, way, way off. I love my father. My father did give me a lot of knowledge. But i wish he gave me 200 million. You know, these numbers, where they come from, well, they come from phony newspapers. Because these people back here, the media, they are the most dishonest people any where that ive ever seen. So today, i heard little marco say 200 million. Now hes talking about a got a 1 million loan, which by the way, i paid back. In the meantime, i made billions and billions and billions of dollars. So pretty good job. Not many could do that. So this guy, rubio, buy gs a house for 178,000. Sells it for 380,000 to a lobbyist, okay, is the lobbyist in the room . Is he here . Makes his massive project. And is doing legislation for this guy at the same time. Okay, tell me about this. Right. Then he has got a credit card problem, where he is taking from the Republican Party, having his driveway all of this. Why is this not brought out. And from the Republican Party . And the man doing the investigation is furious that theyre not listening to him i think ill have to get up and interview him. Then he has a foundation, but he doesnt, a rich guy has a foundation who does a lot of business with florida. And who is the head of the foundation. Does anybody know . Thats right. His wife. Big salary, big, big salary. Then he has got a noshow professorship. He never shows up. And all of this, this guy is making a lot of money. And shouldnt be making this money. But all of this, and the state of florida cant stand him. Im up by like 20 points. And were going to win florida. Were going to win florida. Let me tell you. Were going to win it, were going to win it big. Now, the other gentleman, on the other side, who is actually a smarter guy, i will say this. He is smarter than marco, but he was on the other side, and he has been hitting me left and right, and hes got a problem, because were about tied in texas, and if i win texas, thats going to be embarrassing. If i win florida, thats going to be embarrassing. How do you beat a sitting senator in florida, how do you beat a sitting senator in texas. They could have an embarrassing time. So tuesday, tuesday, big day, tuesday, we have to get out there. They could have a very embarr s embarrassing time. I will say this, marco is very, very weak on immigration. Very weak. Come on over, folks. Come on over. Marco is weak. Gave amnesty, wants to give amnesty, the bill of eight. He is very weak. Honestly, ted is pretty weak on he is is a little stronger, i have to say, but he is also weak on illegal immigration. If i didnt come down that escalator and Start Talking about illegal immigration, it wouldnt even be a subject. We wouldnt be talking about it right now. Wouldnt be a subject. Wow. So we have a number of situations that when i made the decision to do this, and ill never forget it. Standing in trump tower, the press is downstairs, in the building. And it looked like the academy awards. It takes guts, believe me. It takes guts to run for president. Not easy. Not easy. I mean, as a non think of it, im a nonpolitician. Ive never done this before. So all of a sudden, im doing it. But im doing it because were going to make America Great again. And a politician, all talk, no action, is not going to happen. These guys, i know them. Its not going to happen. Cant happen. Its not their thing. For instance, on the border, i love you too, darling. Stand up. I love you too. I love you too. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. On the border thank you. Great group. I love oklahoma. And word is, your Football Team is going to be pretty good this year, right . Right . Thats what the word is. Better be. Well be rooting for you. It better be. I think it will. So i came down and i talked about illegal immigration. And did we get a stir from that. And all of a sudden, it became a mainstay of everybody. And some are were strong, some weak and i just got the endorsement as you know from sheriff joe arpaio, you cant get thats donald trump in the Campaign Rally down in Oklahoma City. Much more on the campaign trail coming up. This is hardball, the place for politics. The life behind it. 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Tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu, tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. Antiflu . Go antiviral with tamiflu. Welcome back to hardball. A titan shift in the president ial race. New jersey governor Chris Christie endorsing donald trump. A friend from jersey, but a vocal enemy south of the border. President of mexico, vicente fox used colorful language about mexico building a wall between us and them. It came up in last nights debate. The former president of mexico vicente fox, said today and quoting him, he said im not going to pay for that, quote, fing wall. So if you dont get an actual check from the Mexican Government for 8 or 10 or 12 billion, whatever it will cost, how are you going to make them pay for the wall . I will, and the wall just got 10 feet taller. Believe me. It just got 10 feet taller. I saw him make the statement. I saw him use the word that he used. I can only tell you, if i would used even half of that word, it would have been national scandal. This guy used a filthy, disgusting word on television, he should be ashamed and apologize. Wow. Fox says he is not offering any apologies to mr. Trump and doubled down on his position again today. I have to say were not, i am not going to pay for that fing wall. I am not. He should know that. Im not going to apologize on the skcountry. A real public servant, joe biden, he said i have to apologize for this guy. I mean, its not credible. Well, trump went right out after the former pressed tidenty with christie by his side. Chris can tell you, can you imagine if i used that language. Terrible. If i used that language, it would be a major scandal, and as many people as we have today, you would have five times more. Da disgraceful the way he went about saying it. Mexico will pay for the wall. Round table tonight, republican strategist, both with the washington post. Ann, i have to tell you, do you believe trump when he said how that awful word offended him. I think trump has been visited by the gods. Every couple of days or weeks, he gets somebody like the pope or international adversary to play his foil. Its not ive said this before. Its not about government or the president. Its about our country. The big shots in the world, the chinese, putin, the pope, the Mexican Government. He has taken them on. He doesnt talk about government. He talks about us. These guys do this stuff. They do him a favor every time. Us against them rhetoric. The line in the playground dirt is working for him. I mean, in this case, i doubt there are a whole lot of americans who even know or remember who whats the line, you draw the line in the dirt and say cross that. Cross that at your peril and he keeps drawing it, and then he keeps either inviting someone to cross it or frankly, he crosses it himself, right. And it cost him nothing. It is working for him. What is the message it sends to the average voter, up to 39 nationally. What does it bring to him . It brings the idea that he is a fighter, you know, a frontline battler for them. People feel like they are a aligned with him. The country has been pushed around. Politically incorrect. Towards the middle east and israel. He sort of stuck to that sort of. No country is going to tell us to do anything. This whole joke really about offensive language, everyone is in on the gag. Explain that because i think post modern i think. Its like we know that. This whole campaign. In the back room, we know what the language is like. Its kind of a gag, the whole campaign. I cant believe it. Everybody is in on the gag. Everybody is on the joke. He has to take them he is mocking everybody. Its everybody is in on it and laughing along with him. What is does he say, the less educated people. The poorly educated people. I love those poorly educated people. I mean, what is that . The people who didnt get a college education, break in life, how do they react to that. They go i get it. I guess they say i get it. Or they didnt get it, which is why theyre supporting him. I talk to our reporters all the time on the air and off the air. Its almost become a 24hour campaign, but thats it. Anything beyond yesterday is history. You dont bring it up. You can say trump said two weeks ago you were prolife, prochoice and it doesnt work. Its true. Two weeks ago is ancient history. Iowa caucus was 24 days ago. That seems like a lifetime ago. Chris christie likes donald trump. Look at this. Now Chris Christie doesnt like marco rubio. Here it is Chris Christie wasnt always a big fan of Donald Trumps wall concept. Here he is back in january making fun of trumps wall. I dont care how beautiful it is. It will be a beautiful wall. It will be an incredible wall. The wall will be unbelievable. Itll have a big door and swing open and the good people will come back and the bad people will leave, and well have a great wall, and the mexicans will pay for it. This is a perfect example of it doesnt matter. It doesnt matter if theres video tape or nexus because weve moved on. Tim used to go on meet the press and he used to do this thing where he would do a regular interview. It meant something in those days. It meant that you said something. Today you can pull that out and go, yeah, so what. Trump said id have to know the context. The context, youre the one who said it. He gets away with it. Were not sure if thats going to work. Were not sure anything works. Proving hes not a conservative doesnt work. Hes not auditioning to be your fathers hes for planned parenthood. Hes running the general election now. Hes running for president. It goes along with what you said a moment ago about his israel policy. Hes carving out some interesting centrist with his previous views. Its a big mix which a lot of american politics is. Why is it important for a conservative republican to say i like planned parenthood . They provide a lot of Health Services to women across economic spectrum. What women would hear that and say hes not a bad guy. Right. You can simultaneously be antiabortion and proplanned parenthood has many women are. Hes saying why blow up planned parenthood entirely when they provide needed Health Services and young women on college campuses, thats where they go. That and young women on college campus, middle class republican voters. The daughters of the voters. The voters themselves. The polls are unbelievable in planned parenthood. Hes running in the general election. Hes not doing anything. Its amazing. Hes not obedient. Thats what they want. The roundtable is staying with us. Its been a busy week. Its getting busier. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. Try the superior hold. Of fixodent plus adhesives. They help your denture hold strong more like natural teeth. And you can eat even tough food. Fixodent. Strong more like natural teeth. Fixodent and forget it. Let me finish with this extraordinary situation of the Republican Party. What were seeing is a party in defeat. Its leaders scrambling this retreat. You see Chris Christie joined donald trump today. Its a member of the Party Establishment joining with the attacking forces. Christies going outside the citys walls to join the man raging against it. Look at what the other Establishment Republicans are doing. Most are saying they want marco rubio to be their leader. Are they really happy with that . I dont think so. Theres something strange seeing the political heavy weights offering up their allegiance to rubios stature. Lets face facts, trump is heading toward the nomination or to the convention with the most delegates. Rubio is doing what he can to stop him, trying to show hes trumps equal. Even as i speak, i predict he will pay for this this personal humiliation. Trump handy with nicknames is saying rubio is using make up to cover up his years. How could he not know this stuff is coming. The problem for rubio and the rest of both parties is that trump stands out there with something they look, a compelling message. Trump speaks, however you like it or not, as an american. He goes after putin and the chinese and the pope and the president of mexico. He speaks in and out about how he will handle the job of president and operate the job of governor and what bills he will sign and veto and how he will lead america and the world. He speaks of country, of this country. That makes all the difference. Something like rubio cannot contest hit. Its too late to try or imagine what trump can be doing. He can match insult and slapstick. He can basic them look like the three stooges. Trumps got a winning strategy. Its in his slogan. The only any of us can remember. To make America Great again. Thats hardball for now. Thanks for being with us. All in with chris hayes starts now. Tonight on all in. He want add full length mirror. Make to make sure his pants werent went. Then. You remember that catastro e catastrophe. Hes like, we will i need water. The Republican Party is officially a dumpster fire. My party is going bat [ bleep ] crazy. The fight between rubio and trump getting ugly. First he took out like this little make up compact like right here. He had a sweat mustache. You had to see him backstage. He was putting on make up with a trowel. The guy who said this about trump. He had no bus

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