i'm at 30. so i wrote him a note, congratulations i'm only beating you in your home state by 26 points. to me, that statement was more important than actually literally killing everybody in the poll. we were much, much higher than more than double everybody. you saw what came out, an amazing poll. >> it's unbelievable. i'm the only one that wins and i get negative publicity. the press. >> joined by "washington post" robert costa and eugene robinson and republican strategist liz. let me start with you and we can have plenty of time to get into everything we had donald trump saying but i want to start with jeb bush because i'm stunned by the poll numbers out of iowa with jeb bush. it's not just that donald trump is leading and down at 5% in one of the polls right there but when they asked about a favorable or unfavorable opinion, they asked republicans and he was 19 points under water is telling me they are not just obsessed with donald trump, these republicans do not like jeb bush. what is going on there? >> trump is having a day in, day out assault on governor bush. it's been relentless all summer and bush is now starting to respond trying to counter but he's countering trump as a conservative saying trump is a liberal, a former democrat. we're not sure as reporters that these charges are sticking. we don't see voters active but bush is under pressure from donors to show some kind of fight as trump continues to battle on. >> so liz, what's strategy, it's the lead off caucus state, when you start getting to this level, 5%, 51% of republicans say they got an unfavorable view of the guy is this time strategy for bush to say let's get out of iowa? >> i'd say it's too early to make that determination. these things tend to go in waves and what you want is to be surging really as you're heading into about mid to late december bearing in mind when the caucus will take place. what is happening now is interesting but not necessarily completely determining or relevant. i do think based on where jeb bush is on a number of issues, there is an argument to be made he shouldn't put his eggs into the iowa basket. this is a state known for taking a slightly different stance to what he does on court issues including immigration. he's moderate on social issues, he is not been as proethanol as certain other candidates have. perhaps him working on the assumption that he really needs to carry that state and do everything he can to carry the state is not the right strategy, but with that being said from what i can tell, looking at the bush campaign and looking what the super pact is doing, i don't think they really are putting their eggs into that iowa basket. i think the person who has been and where this is arguably worse news is scott walker where iowa has been treated as being extremely critical for him and where he is flagging. >> walker another one, elected official getting elected office and flattened in iowa now. on "morning joe" the former senior strategist said that trump's attacks on jeb bush are having an effect. >> look, jeb bush was a very successful governor. he's a thoughtful man. he was a good conservative governor but every day donald trump is e masslating jeb bush and they won't default to the attacks unresponded to. >> trump continued attacks on bush over the week end, too sbl if you want a nice person, honestly, you should vote for jeb. the country will go to hell. i'm much more military than bush, even the brother but you got to know where to use and it when. >> why is jeb bush a frequent target of yours and -- >> i would say jeb bush is a frequent target because when this whole thing started, i thought he was going to be the primary competition but he's drifted very much to the middle of the pact and he's rapidly disappearing so we're going to have to start looking at somebody else. >> and today trump put out a video on instagram going after bush's past language on immigration in a very way. >> they broke the law but it's not a felony. it's kind -- it's an act of love. love. >> eugene robinson, that word that steve smidt word sums it up. donald trump every time he launches into an attack, it's like an emperor has no close moment. he's pointing out things there but no other respectable voice will say. i can see the heads nodding. >> absolutely. he keeps calling him a low-energy person, governor and which he believes and i think he's right really gets under jeb bush's skin. so in that sense he's trying to provoke and reinforce this impression that he's creating the jeb bush just doesn't have gusto to be president. that add brings willy horton. >> robert costa, i think about jeb bush and whether this may be in my mind the wrong year, the wrong cycle for somebody with his resume and name. i look at the poll and add them up, trump, carson, fiorina that takes you to 56% of the vote for people that never held office before. it starts to raise the question very simply, is it the wrong year for a former two-term governor of florida to be running for the republican nomination. >> trump and carson and all the outsiders, do they comprise a huge part? they do but they are not the entire party. it's early. bush people are confident they can revise the campaign. the question is for the accomplishment, if not bush, if bush is so damaged by trump does that open room for governor kasich, for senator rubio to be a bush alternative for the gop establishment to try to have some kind of person who can go against trump. >> i want to get to democratic numbers because headlines here, gene robinson 37, biden into this, biden picks up 14 in iowa. look, we saw in 2008 the hilary collapse began in iowa. she came in third place and sets up now if she loses iowa to bernie sanders, the next state up is new hampshire. sanders is next door and suddenly looking at 0-2. >> well, you know, that would be certainly bad for her. i mean, the cav yacht is the pull puts up joe biden. but the rest of what has coal me out has gone to joe biden hypothetically and joe biden thus far and perhaps for all time is not running for president. if you took his votes, i think most of them would probably go back to hillary clinton. >> what do you think, liz? look at this as republican, the more chaos on the democratic side the better. we'll get to something dick cheney said but i'm curious when you look at the numbers as a political strategist, do you look where hillary clinton is now? she's running against bernie sanders not a registered democrat but self-described socialist. how worried should she be at this point? >> extremely worried. if you actually look at a number of other data and other indicators, i mean, she has really serious problems that go well beyond the actual hard numbers in iowa, things to do with voter sentiment. the sense that she's dishonest and she cannot be trusted and i think that in many respects, it is gratifying as a republican. the trouble also is that in some respects while it would be fun to run against the socialist, you know, i think if joe biden is to get into this race, if he sees the sign of weakness as an indicator, that's something that as a republican at some point is troubling because the party can beat hillary clinton. i don't know if we can beat joe biden. >> last week "the new york times" interviewed 75 democratic leaders increasingly frustrated to get beyond the scandal. pennsylvania governor ed randall saying quote they handled the e-mail issue poorly, maybe atrociously certainly horribly. the campaign has been incredibly tone deaf and she should have turned over the e-mail server to start because they should have known to be forced to give up but at this point there is nothing they can do to kill the issue. they will left playing defense. robert costa, i look at the declining numbers for hillary clinton in iowa and see that should be a warning sign for any candidate at the same time you look a little closer in the numbers and you do find the democrats when you push them and say are you comfortable with hillary clinton being your candidate? do you have a favorable view of her still off the charts numbers there for her. it is tough for me to figure out how serious the problems are for her at this point? >> exactly. if you look at the history of senator sanders' career run income vermont, never run negative add, doesn't run negative campaigns and he and strategists angling sanders summer of festivals and big crowds to start running negative and the vice president biden gets in the race, his people aren't saying he's going negative. who will take secretary clinton on? until then, she remains the favorite. >> i'm sorry, go ahead. >> i was going to say i think the simple answer is because hillary clinton takes out hillary clinton. that's the way the campaign functioning right now is they are on course for that. >> we'll get into that later what it would take if joe biden got into the race because if he gets the race, he has got to go negative against hillary clinton. i don't know if he wants to do that. that's a key question. thank you both, appreciate the time tonight and coming up, rise of donald trump is making the rest of the republican field say the wildest things like chris christie wants to track illegal immigrants like fedex packages and scott walker building a wall between the united states and canada. this kind of anti immigration for republicans come 2016 plus, hillary clinton's lead in iowa as we were just talking about single digits now she's getting more aggressive about winning over waivers democrats. plus, president obama is in alaska where he's changing the name of the countries's tallest mountain formally known as mount mckinley back to its original name and that's got republicans, especially those from ohio seeing red and finally, why are so many voters these days feeling like this. >> i wanted to get upright now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, i'm as mad as hell and i'm not going to take this anymore. >> we're going to find out what's behind america's howard beale moment. this is "hardball" the place for politics. a judge could rule as soon as tomorrow to up rule the four-game sustained suspension. the delfategate is left to the judge after talks stalled between the brady camp. if the suspension is upheld, new england patriots quarterback would not be able to play in the first four games of the regular season, which is slated to begin on september 10th. be right back. my name is peter tran. i'm a gas service representative. i've been with pg&e nine years. as an employee of pg&e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. we always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. my family is in oakland, my wife's family is in oakland so this is home to us. being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special. together, we're building a better california. here is what i'm going to do as president, i'll ask fred smith to come work for the government for three months. come for three months and show these people. >> welcome back to "hardball." new jersey governor chris christie on saturday suggesting immigrants should be tracked like fedex packages. fedex could teach the government a thing or two how to solve the immigration problem. here is more on his immigration policy proposal. >> so we'll go to fedex, right, and we'll package it up and drop that package at fedex and go online and they will tell you where the package is. it's on the track. it's at the station. it's on the airplane. it's back in another station. it's back on the track. at the doorstep. we need to have a system that tracks you from the moment you come in and when your time is up, then we go get you and tap you on the shoulder and say excuse me, thanks for coming, time to go. >> howard fineman is director of "the "huffington post"" and raul ryes is a contributor. i'm trying to figure out how this would work. he's saying let's take people that cop into the country and tag them logistically. what i am thinking about here is back to 2012, back to mitt romney and the debate stage and the republican primaries, he's trying to get through the primary and knows he has to get to the right on immigration and says self-deportation and haunts him all the way to november. is that the same basic thing that's driving chris christie to say something like this? >> the same basic thing but i would say in this instance, here we are in the summer of trump and what is going on now is worse and i would say that it's more kin to what we saw in 1994 with prop 187 or in 2012 with arizona's paper police law that mobilized latinos across the nation to restrictive state laws. what chris christie is proposing, the nicest thing is it's impractical. the worse thing is it's inhumane but the very troubling and disturbing to so many latinos, the language he's using of packages. we've had discussions of anchor babies. this is the trump effect where he's importing extreme rhetoric and this is main stream language. it will be a big problem going forward and when you look at the latino electric, 30% who identify as conservative or independent. that window is not just closing but slammed shut. >> christie defended himself in the proposal yesterday on fox news sunday. >> my point was, was that this is once again a situation where the private sector lapses up in the government with the use of technology. let's use the same type of technology to make sure that 40% of the 11 million people here illegally don't over stay the visa. if fedex can do it -- >> somebody doesn't have a number on their, a label on their wrist. >> we can do it and bring in the folks from fedex to use the technology. i don't mean people are packages so let's not be ridiculous. >> howard, i remember chris christie from new jersey days a couple years ago. he had a very different take on immigration, a very different tone on immigration so clearly he's trying to get to the right and jump out and actually get traction. but let me take this question with you from a different angle. how much room is there? when you see a guy like chris christie, how much room exists now in this republican party for somebody to take a different tone on immigration? jeb bush you see starts to try to go there and kasich and how much room is there in the party? i would say as chris christie is proving, there is not a lot of room in the trump part of the discussion because trump dominates it and you've got form early reasonable or semi reasonable governors such as chris christie sounding like fools proposing what he's proposing. it's as if these governors are trying to get specific with ideas like walls or fedex or whatever when donald trump has all the emotional purchase on it, so i think there is some room in an anti trump approach on immigration. who has the record or the guts to do it? i'm not entirely sure but right now, chris christie and scott walker and jeb bush are fumbling around and fumbling away wlovr advantage they might have if they were gutsy enough to take on donald trump. >> yeah, one thing i am noticing here at least in new hampshire, john kasich who is probably, i don't know the most to the left but moving up in new hampshire. interesting. must win for jeb bush but another republican presidential hopeful scott walker suggested we should consider building a wall not only on the southern border but northern border, as well, between the u.s. and canada. >> we want to build a wall north of the border. >> people asked us about that and raised very legitimate concerns including law enforcement folks that brought that up to me at a town hall meeting about a week and a half ago. that's a legitimate issue for us to look at. >> one of walker's gop rivals laughed that off calling it dumb and ridiculous. >> that's a pretty dumb idea. [ laughter ] >> so there have been a lot of dumb ideas put out, one that the mexicans will pay for a wall is probably the dumbest of dumb ideas but putting a wall up between us and canada is a ridiculous notion. >> gene comings, this may be a window into the problem. he's the guy that supposedly made sense to conservatives on paper but we played it in the a block with donald trump. donald trump saying bush is low energy and scott walker is low energy and tries to make up for it with something like this and makes the situation worse. >> he has so many self-inflected wounds it's difficult to count them. you know, he is a governor with a lot less experience and some of these other candidates. there are ways his campaign today has to take back what he said. this is the third or fourth time in a matter of weeks in which he had said something. campaign had to go back in and try to fix it. so over and over again. he's heard himself and we all have seen the reports that some of his backers are very concerned about the condition of his campaign right now. on paper, he was brilliant but in practice, you're running for president isn't easy and he's finding himself slipping into these traps. when you talk about immigration, just note in addition to kasich, the other one whose so far has, you know, been pretty careful is marco rubio and so he has been avoiding the fights with trump. he never says anything bad about trump, he doesn't want to bring it on and has a record on immigration that he's run from and fuzzed up a little bit but it would be very hard for one of his republican opponents for even hillary clinton to paint him, him as being anti immigrant. so he's one whose got a path on the issue more centered right. >> it's a reason he could be a big general election threat. let's fast forward and look how the rhetoric we're seeing now could effect the republican chances in 2016. look at the numbers, in 2012 mitt romney got 206 electoral votes and missed out in florida and ohio and colorado. when you look at that share that romney got in 2012, realistically, what is a republican running in 2016 the country to be even more diverse then, what do they need to be getting among latinos to actually win? >> they have to get at least 35, 36, 37% and don't forget that the republican party itself did can a post election analysis of this after 2-12 and said the two main requirements, appeal to ma lean yells and appeal to hispanics and we can talk about the millennials some other time but in terms of hispanics, this has been a disaster. this has been everything the republicans don't want. and all of these sound bytes and all of these attacks and all of the things about, you know, the wall and the north and sounds like something out of game of thrones and, you know, the fedex packages of people, this is going to be a disaster for politics, at least certainly looks that way right now. >> steve, one of the latest polls from the decisions which is pretty much the gold standard for polling in a hispanic community. they put the threshold to reach in 2016 between 42 and 47% which is basically a higher share than ever so that just shows a very stark relief how dangerous the position the party is in now going forward and how much trouble sure mounting this summer of trump. >> that's high. i tell you, if scott walker keeps this up, we might pull the canadian american vote and see the threshold. >> remember john snow. >> thank you to howard and dean and raul. >> thank you. up next, we'll go live to alaska where president obama has renamed the tall's mountain in america, mount mckinley with republican opposition. this is "hardball" the place for politics. i hate cleaning the gutters. have you touched the stuff? it's evil. anladders. sfx: [screams] they have all those warnings on 'em. might as well say... 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[phone ringing] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. welcome back to "hardball" while vice president joe biden decides whether to enter the democratic primaries, hillary clinton is ramping up her campaign in a show of strength that's intended to keep biden out of the race. last week clinton interrupted the scheduled two-week vacation in the hamptons to roll out an endorsement in iowa. clinton campaign officials have also begun to talk about their delegate advantage telling bloomberg news they have already secured more than 440 superdelegates, about 20% of the delegates she would need to secure the nomination next year and at a meeting on friday they talked about the field organization and how it will help the party. >> i'm not taking a single primary voter or caucus goer for granted but i'm building an organization for 50 states and territories with hundreds of thousands of volunteers who will help democrats win races up and down the ticket. it's time to rebuild our party from the ground up and if you make me the nominee, that's exactly what i will do. so i hope you'll join me because we're building something that will last long after next november. >> so all told, it appears the clinton operation is showing their muscle. the question is why now as political noted this week the workmen like stretch is meant to convince democratic power brokers and big-money donors they don't need to play side bets on the vice president and suggest to biden himself there is no role for him here. there is no race to save. it also comes as biden today received some words of encourage encouragement from an unlikely source. here is cheney on cnn this morning. >> i would love to see joe get in the race. >> because? >> go for it, joe. he tried twice before. he obviously is interested. i think there is a lot of support for him in the democratic party and i think it would stir things up. they are short candidates on their side. >> i'm joined by the round table msnbc david corn the washington burro chief and michelle bernard is the president for the public policy and paul singer washington correspondent for usa today. the game here, we know what is going on. joe bide season calling around and asking democrats is there room for me. the clinton campaign wants them to say no, sorry, she's got the numbers and there is something in it for us. is that the message after what the clintons have done in the last week? is that the message democrats will deliver to joe biden? >> it's the message that the hilary campaign is trying to deliver, i am here and strong and it's a big fight. now there are a lot of democratic donors out there who still haven't committed to hilary. a lot of people bundlers for barack obama. star warts about hillary clinton with or without the e-mail controversy and seems to be a little opening, maybe a medium-sized opening for joed biden so it's natural the hillary clinton campaign would come around and make that space as small as possible and try to show joe biden there is a big hurdle to overcome if you get in this race. it's a smart move politically for them and when she spokes to the dnc, she's talking to people who care about ground games and maybe care about superdelegates but i got to say, you know, talking about superdelegates this far out is a little absurd and those pledges may not mean anything if six months from now if the superdelegates like somebody better. >> that's right. hillary clinton herself could tell you that because back in '08 they were reminds the press these superdelegates are not necessarily bound. let me ask you from the biden standpoint, he's calling around and we know what the clintons want the democrats to tell joe biden. what does joe biden need to hear. how much encouragement does he need? would it take to get joe biden to stop flirting with this and say yes, i'm in? >> it would take a lot. people would have to say we're really concerned hillary clinton's campaign is evaporating, something maybe in her testimony in front of benghazi committee blows up, something like that that makes it look like this is a firestorm. at the moment when you have is hillary clinton with a series of bad news events coming out and lower poll numbers each time. she's trying to change the die name -- dynamic. let's say something positive about my campaign. i don't think at the moment you'll have sort of everything the house is on fire conversations that biden would really need to hear before he gets in. >> here is an unidentified former advisor said. quote "he really likes her personally but there is an under current of resentment and an element of and biden is by no means the only one that felt this, why does she feel entitled to run and i can't?" michelle thanks sounds right to me because we're sort of in an unprecedented situation when you think about it. a sitting two-term vice president who is basically told by his party by most of the big names in the party sorry, there is not room for you in the race. where was somebody else? i can understand how that would stir plenty of resentment in him. the question for joe biden, the flip side is he is a sitting two-term vice president, this is a guy who has a bit of a legacy on the line here and risks humiliation potentially if he gets in the race and loses badly. >> i think that that's absolutely going to be at the top of his mind, but on the other hand, you know, let's face it, anyone who has the ego, male or female to run for president is not a shrinking violet. he's done it twice before as vice president cheney stated earlier this morning on another network and i don't know that you can get that close to the presidency and give it up. a lot of the reporting we've seen talks about the fact that the vice president allegedly has felt resentful that hillary clinton was the face of president obama's foreign policy even though he feels that he's had so much foreign policy experience, and i think that the electret is telling people like biden and others that the democrats are hungry for somebody else. i think bernie sanders' numbers are showing that the electret is hungry for somebody else and quite frankly, i think that talking about superdelegates so early in time, the risk for that for hillary clinton is that it says to the electret that is already angry with politics as usual that she expects us to be a coronation and people like competition and they want to be able to know that their vote is going to count. >> steve, one short point here, biden did run in 2008 and didn't make it to the end of the race. >> he's vice president. >> hilary was in it in the end and didn't get too far out of the box. so i mean, it's not as if he has a tremendous background that would say yeah, you're the next guy to run for the party -- >> let's go with one word answers here. columbus day weekend, is joe biden in the race or not? david? >> gosh, i would have to bet no but i think it's 50/50 at this point. >> but you're leaning no, michelle? >> no columbus day weekend. too soon but his likability numbers are high and i do think he's still going to get into the race. >> and paul? >> i think no. i think the pain of losing his son among other things he has other agenda items on his heart at the moment and running for president isn't one of them. >> my gut tells me he wants to do this badly but look and it's awfully hard to get to yes. maybe i'll be proven wrong. more interesting if i am. round table is staying with us. why 2016 might be considered the mad as hell election. this is "hardball," the place for politics. doug, we have the results, but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return, we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what? >> still surprised donald trump is atop of the polls for the 2016 nomination? let's look back in the history books thanks "the washington post" fix blog. rick perry was first and four years before that this day back in 2007 it was hillary clinton leading the democratic race and rudy giuliani would stay in the top spot for 129 days longer and in 2003 joe leeb with a ten-point lead over the rest of the field. we'll be right back. and we're back with the roundtable, david, michelle and paul. a new quinnipiac poll out today reveals that americans are not happy with the direction this country is heading. the poll found a wide majority, that's a total of 71% of voters across the country, are dissatisfied with how things are going in america today. and when you look at the responses among republicans that number spikes all the way up to 90% among democratic voters. the number sits at 48%. with so many identifying themselves as angry and distrustful of government, the results appear to resemble the sentiment famously expressed by howard beil, the iconic character from the movie "network." >> i want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, i'm as mad as hell and i'm not going to take this anymore! >> well, michelle, that's the roseta stone number, i think, as we try to figure out this race, 90% -- 90% -- not happy with how things are right now. you start seeing these polls not just with trump out there but ben carson, carly fiorina, that's voters, to me, not looking for specific views on issue "a" or "b." they're throwing up their hand saying i want something totally different. >> absolutely. people have given up and the list of reasons for the anger can go on and on and on particularly within the republican party. you have those who believe obama barack obama should never have been elected. you have those who are upset about the quote/unquote browning of the country and the big immigration debate. those who are angry about gay marriage becoming legal on a state by state basis and people angry over abortion and the entire debate over pro life versus pro choice and it goes on and on and on. i've even seen studies or polls that some people said they just want donald trump to be voted in as president because he's such a laughing stock that we will be forced to start politics all over again in the united states and start from scratch. so there's a lot of resentment on the democratic side, i should state quickly about people who are angry, those running for president who don't want to say the words black lives matter, to those angry about the shooting deaths of unarmed black men, of police officers across the country, the education system, climate change. we have a caldron of reasons to be angry on both the right and the left. >> what michelle is saying is interesting. i think of the trump slogan on all those hats he's selling for $20, make america great again. it's a call back to ronald reagan, a call back to a different era. i think he speaks directly to the kind of voter she is describing looking at all the changes taking place around them and they're feeling very uneasy and here is a guy saying i'll give you a bridge to the past. >> and, you know, it's easy to sympathize with people who are angry and upset and afraid at what's going on in the world. they're beheading our people on television. they're beheading our people on television. how could you not see that and think what has happened to us? i want to go back to another time. >> i have no sympathy for people who take the side of trump that it's not just him saying make america great again. this whole aspect of saying, you know, the quote/unquote, silent majority, harkening back to the days of ronald reagan and richard nixon and let's take our country back. who are you taking it back from? >> i think this is all swirling, steve, on a foundation of uncertainty. i don't know if you can swirl on a foundation but maybe you can. especially since the crash of 2008. people look around, though the economy is doing better and the dow is going through the roof despite the recent problems, there's still tremendous economic insecurity, wages are still not going up. economic insecurity is prevalent for a lot of people across the country, and they look as paul noted around the world and they see these problems with isis. we spent $2 trillion there, eight years, lost 5,000 american gis and soldiers and we still have to deal with isis now. and this is the world we live in. there are no easy answers, no great solutions that are going to change this quickly. so when trump comes around and starts talking about, you know, we're going to make america great again or ben carson who has a kinder and gentler version of this, it times to heal america and revive america. they go with these sort of hallmark or angry man routines and the details don't matter. they want someone who is venting their frustration, their anger, their fright, whatever it might be. >> and that's a huge problem, paul, too. for the republican party. you see that 90% number, that's republicans saying they're not just mad about what barack obama has done, they don't think their party has done anything to stop it. >> there really is a growing movement within the republican party that is turning on itself where you see a real combat between the establishment and the grassroots, the pitchfork wing of the party. some of that in the democratic party as well. you'll see that happening to hillary clinton now, the bernie sanders wing is really picking up its arms as well but, yeah, definitely the republicans are dealing with right now a battle within as well as a battle without. >> the interesting contrast -- >> we are really out of time. we'll get up to it next time, i promise you. thank you, though, to our roundtable. david, michelle, paul, i appreciate you being here. "hardball" back right after this. the secret? superior gray coverage that leaves hair looking 10 years younger age defy from clairol that's "hardball" for now. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. tonight on "all in" -- >> everything about donald trump's campaign it's avant-garde. >> republicans play follow the leader. >> we want to build a wall north of the border. >> some have asked us that in new hampshire. >> as they follow trump further to the right on immigration, will they sign on to his plan to raise taxes? >> some of the hedge fund guys are making a lot of money and paying little taxes. >> hillary picks up a major endorsement in new hampshire. and martin o'malley makes loud noise. >> this sort of rigged process has never been attempted before. we'll have both sides of the democratic debate tonight. and the president goes to the frontline of the fight against climate change.

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