Sterlings of the world and the sheriff copelands, but in a little town in new hampshire, all white, whites came out to demand that this commissioner resign because he used the nword. All kind of nba players and other owners voted to get rid of mr. Sterling. Yes, we still have segregation in schools, but people are standing up fighting it. Yes, we still have big gots in this country, but there are those that have increased the numbers that are fighting bigotry. We just have to keep proving theres more of us than there are of them. Thanks for watching. Im al sharpton. Have a great weekend. Hardball starts right now. The return of team clinton. Lets play hardball. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The r. Lets play hardball. The rt good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. Why did rove do it . Possibly the partisan equivalent of a terror attack. Getting the other side so shook off it moves off its game plan. Did rove do that, get the clintons ton a fight a year ahead of schedule . Did that get bill and hillary out in the streets clamoring, out there looking like the veteran roe partners they intend to be, but way, way ahead of their 2016 schedule . Did rove succeed in setting up the Health Matter just before her book tour to get every tv, radio and reporter to drop the Health Question wherever the book tour takes her. And finally, did karl rove southerly encourage jeb bush to get into the race by show how ready operatives like him are to do the job on hillary, just like they did the job on michael
dukakis back in 1988. And after all the blowback, could it be that karl rove doesnt mind at all being hated all the more by the left for running alongside the Clinton Campaign bus lobbing stink bombs in the window as long as it makes him more highly prized on the right, especially by the big money people. David corn is the Washington Bureau chief for mother jones and is an msnbc political analyst. And the special correspondent the daily beast. All opinions are relevant because i have been trying to project where this takes us. Its been the week of the attack on hillarys health, whatever that is. Has it worked, or even hurt her . Whats it all about . Rove is going to be around and shes going to be around and bill clinton is going to be around. This talking point is not going anywhere. I dont know if this was strategically intended for this particular week, but week by week hes been doing this for a while. Week by week, the clintons are
more and more in the news, particularly hillary, as we get up to the big book release, happening next month. So you see more and more folks on the right as you get closer to 2016 trying to take shots at hillary. Now, i think what rove wants to do here, he doesnt want to win the case. You know, he actually made a mistake by talking about brain damage and going too far and having to qua zi apologize. He said brain injury, would that have been smarter . I think it would have. He wants to create background noise so this question linger, hovers. People have to ask her. Weve seen this so many times. They did it to dukakis with the psychiatrist. Its not at all unexpected. And its going to continue to come up. And actually, though, in one way or the other, she will have to address this the way that john mccain and Ronald Reagan did. They did it more with rumor, but this is an issue. Lets go where we were six months ago. Hillary clinton comes off a pretty sterling performance as
secretary of state. Worked hard, went millions of miles. Became first name basis with these world leaders. Shes up here as an icon, not a politician. Is she still an icon . It drags her back down into the political theyre dragging me back in again. Every time i get out. A little bit like that. But thats inevitable. If she runs shes going to become a political figure again. Its may 2014. Shes expected to announce in 2015 . Early 2015, maybe. Weve got to talk about it. Its going to standard happening and it has happened. When rove walks into a crowd, not like this little crowd, but somebody on the pretty far right money people, is he well received now. Is he seen as a guy who, okay a little dirty . But he gets the job done. The group that he started, american crossroads had a big problem. They didnt win the races they were in last time. I know from talking to people on the right that his group did not do the internal autopsy that convinced people that they knew what to do next time. But that said, all karl rove needs is one or two texas billionaires, thats always been his goto gang, to fund whatever he wants to do snex next. So theyre still out there. Hell rope them in and they will appreciate this attack. Who else is a riding, roping cowboy like this guy. This is lee atwater stuff. 103 million lost on every single race. Is there a fee in this . He places these ads. Does he get 7 . Of course he does. But he lost every single race. The husband of outed cia officer valley plame has his own
history with rove. Wilson took rove to task for engaging in his old dirty tricks. In the long run, wilson says they will backfire. Africanamericans, gays, women have long since fled the Republican Party as poll after poll have shown. But rove is still practicing his old treks by attacking Hillary Clinton, he seems to do short term damage, but what about the longterm damage hes done and is doing to his own party . By 2016, rove will have succeeded in alienating millions of more through his revolting tactics. My question to you, the question of mike is this i thought that hillary had almost reached the point of untouchability and that wasnt going to last. But this guy is now is he going to pay the price . And who cares. Are the republicans going to pay the price for his behavior . The republicans are going to pay the price. I dont think this resonates outside of the echo chamber. The echo chamber is a,rah, rah, rah. But with others its going to produce a little sympathy for Hillary Clinton, if anything. But still, the republicans may not learn their lesson this time around. And Hillary Clinton is a great candidate in a lot of ways but also a candidate with problems and she is beatable by the right republican. She point out for the nirs time, i think it was her piece that we now know the rollout plan for the clin tons, the book tour. Get a lot of positive ink about her role as secretary of state. Really focusing on those four years. Then apparently shes going to play a major role in the fall like dmix son did in 56. Pick out the clinton favorites. Peck out those ones, they win,
she gets the record as well as bill with being in the winners. She did this in 1998 and 2000. Schumer in new york. And others. She had a great record. A great won loss record in 1998 and that helped her be a much more impressive senatorial candidate in 2000. I dependent know until this thing happened. You know why this is important, she hasnt campaigned in a long time. Micks is always evolving, its always different. The role she is played as secretary of state is it giving nice speeches where everybody cheers . Or letting people ask you questions. It its both. Its having a message and a vision. Its going elsewhere and its doing it you know what, ill book it doing it not just
once a week, its doing it every day over and over again. So she needs to get back up. Thats always been my concern about any politician that leaves the field for eight years. Youre not into the zeitgeist. Every time you try a speech in the old days, nice try. Thats why she goes out this fall. The conservative attack on Hillary Clinton, Charles Krauthammer insisted that Hillary Clintons popularity is vastly overstated. Lets watch charles. I think the democrats gross ly jor estimate how popular hillary is. She may be popular with them, but they assume she hasnt been out in the field. She hasnt been challenged in debate. Shes a non shes not an officer holder right now. So shes not subject to slips. You go back over her record and you have somebody asking very simple correct and tough questions, number one, name a single achievement in your four years as secretary of state. If you need more clues, the right sees hillary as a threat, look at Reince Pribus twitter account. Tweeted about hillary no fewer than five times in the last 24 hours. Her failures at the state department are evident. Also the hard choices led to bad decisions and bad outcomes. Plus, heres another tweet. Where Hillary Clinton goes, the donor scandals will follow. And the state Department SaysHillary Clinton could have acted on boka haram sooner. Should she be trusted with hard choices . Thats the title of her upcoming memoir. Charles krauthammer what is he up to . Hes taking the benghazi cool aid. 66 ceiling. I have never seen a ceiling this is the point you made earlier. As secretary of state in that cabinet of rivals, team of rivals, her popularity just really went very high. Now the question is, as she gets back into partisan politics, which a lot of americans tend not like, is she going to come down a bit . She will. The question is, how far . By the way, youre not answering the right question. Youre a smart guy, but youre not answering it. Charles didnt say shell end up being unpopular. He says shes unpopular now and thats not true. Look at the number, charles, look at the polls. Shes ahead of everybody 10, 12, 14 points. Thats been done to no effect when she ran for president. Legislatuors dont usually do something. This morning, Hillary Clinton showed up on the view to bid farewell to Barbara Walters. The former secretary of state had advice for the entirery news i dont think we say newswoman, but its on script here. How about correspondent. Here we go. First of all, take some time off. I mean, really youre in no position to tell me. Thats what ive been doing. Take some time. You have a wealth of friends who adore you. Spend time for them. Take a real vacation. I go out with my dogs. My husband and i take long walks. Just let down and enjoy. For a week at least. As long as youre here, let me ask you a question. The question i want to ask is are you going to run, but well, i am running around the park. That appearance did not hurt the former first lady. No. Thats what shes got to do more of. Politicians dont usually get to do that before they run. They usually do that if they lose. Do we have time . Quick. It makes me think about something. Democrats always win women, but republicans win white women. Watch that if shes the candidate. You may not be the last person to say that. White women will vote for hillary. Coming up, i dont think they ale get together on it. You would think the tea partiers would have a good shot of winning the sflat and pushing it to the right, but it turns out they have a problem with the likely concerted republican winners. To too liberal by their
standar standards. Also, do you remember this by the republican Gubernatorial Debate, not just the establishment candidates, but the fringier ones as well. Hey Diddle Diddle right up the middle. Thats my style. You have your choice, folks. A cowboy, a curmudgeon, a biker or a normal guy. Take your pick, thank you very much. Normal wasnt good in that case. That was harley, harley brown. And how could we help but invite him on to hardball. Hes going to join us later in person. Plus, speaking of people on the fringe, right wing socalled patriot groups promise 10 million to 30 million of them would deaccepted scend on the w right. About ten people more or less did show up. Finally what we can expect now that the starters gun has gone off way ahead of schedule in the president ial race. This is hardball. Nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad . So we gave people the power of the review. And now angies list is revolutionizing local service again. You can easily buy and Schedule Services from toprated providers. Conveniently stay up to date on progress. And effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. Visit angieslist. Com today. Take a look at this. The laws opponent spent an estimated 418 million on almto it on tv, versus 27 million of positive tv ads. Thats a ratio of 15 to 1. Well be right back. Step seven point two one two. Verify and lock. Command is locked. Five seconds. Three, two, one. Standing by for capture. The most Innovative Software on the planet. Dragon is captured. Is connecting todays leading companies to places beyond it. Siemens. Answers. And were here in detroit ent michigan helping folks refinance their homes and save money. Does it make sense to refinance right now . A lot of times we can lower the monthly payment, we can consolidate debt. We just want to make sure that you know your options, and were here for you. Were not just number crunchers. I specialize in what i do and i care about my clients. From beginning, the middle and to the end, youre gonna talk to someone. Not a machine. Call us today for a mortgage experience thats engineered to amaze. Trwith secure wifie for your business. It also comes with public wifi for your customers. Not so with internet from the phone company. I would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. But that would require wifi. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get two Wifi Networks included. Comcast business built for business. The republican mainstream has been forced to veer hard right to appease the tea party red hots. It seems to be working. The new hard right version of the Republican Partys establishment has seen something of a are youer is jens in recent
primari primaries. The most recent sidelined, the gop is eyeing full control of the congress, maybe even the senate. The tea party, instead of declaring victory right now is signalling its ready to go to war with the Republican Party itself. Again, the Washington Post reports today that a number of conservative leaders are gearing up for a fight with republicans who they fear will betray them once they get into office, especially when it comes to fiscal issues like the budget or social issues like immigration. They fear elegislature the republican, even if they succeed in retaining control of the house and winning the Senate Majority would cast aside the core conservative base. At a recent meeting, conservative leaders drafted their demands that included things like married moms and bads are best at raising kids. Support for antiabortion legislation and a balanced budget amendment. At that pleating, c imeeting te crowd, yay, our team is winning,
but we win when we stand for principle and we lose when we give in to washingtons status quo. On activist summed it up and said conservatives ought not to delude themselves. If republicans win it will somehow be a conservative majority. We have the experts here. The author of dont hurt people and dont take their stuff a libertarian manifesto. And a National Political reporter with the Washington Post. Thats your report. And i guess, what is it that you believe the hard right is worried about the center right doing if they get control. I was at ritz kacarlton hote and they were skiddish that should republicans take the senate theres going to be movement on Immigration Reform, theres not going to be a lot of
attention paid to social issues and theres not going to be a bold conservative agenda like cruz would like to see and mike lee would like to see. There was a fear that republican establishment is ascending and the tea party, popular with the base just doesnt have the power it wants to have. Whats the fear . Whats your fear . Im actually more optimistic about it. I think were defining the agenda. Youre seeing even someone like thom tilus, hes come in our direction. Hes run on that issue. Weve reset the table. I think you have. You made that point, too. What was once called well, theres no more jake javitz. That wing of the party. No more arlen specters around. Those republicans you called rinos are gone. There. A difference in temperament, style and strategy. Not ideology. I think you guys, i think the
reason there is a tea party is a very legitimate concern that the government is wasting money. Theyre spending money on things people cant it doesnt make sense to regular working people. Regular working people have to balance their books. Why cant the dan government do it. I get that. Theres also this sort of maybe ethnic, maybe just nationalistic attitude about illegal immigration. I think they will go crazy if Speaker Boehner cuts a deal that basically offers some route to legal status legally. Doesnt that bother you . I think it would be a huge mistake to pass dick durbins bill and thats the mistake marco rubio made. I think the problem is we cant work with harry reid, we cant work with barack obama. Frankly we dont trus them. Dont trust them to enforce the law after they get them . No, i dont trust them to negotiate an honest bill. What do you suspect that they would do to undermine the effect of this Immigration Reform . Everybody knows what its about,
especially in the southwestern part of the United States. Everybody knows what its about. Too many immigrants, too fast, whatever. Ethnic differences are obviously part of it. But heres the question, what are you afraid of . What deal are you afraid of . Im afraid they wont fix the problem. The problem has to be, if you want people that want to come here honestly and work and follow the rules, you should fix prospectively the opportunity to do that. The senate bill doesnt do that. It focuses on who controls politically the people who came here illegally. The problem is if the house wrote the best immigration bill, one that i could support, it goes to conference, harry reid rolls them and we get a really bad bill. Thats something we just cant do. How does that square with your reporting . Its real. They do the internal whip counts, the numbers arent there. The numbers arent even really there for a piecemeal bill that eric cantor wants to do. Is there any chance that Speaker Boehner here objective reporting here, will
boehner try something in june with this little window we hear about . Or will he try something in a lame duck . Much more likely in a lame duck. He knows he has to get the base energized in the midterms. Would he pass a bill after the election is over . Thats never been his style. Im not going to rule it out as a surprise. Are you worried about that . Fast numbers like november 15. I think john boehner is a shorttimer. I think hes looking at what hes going to do next in his life. You think that time down in florida meant something . Thats the biggest rumor. Boehner is maybe on his way out. But a lot of what boehner says when he says hes keeping it as an option, hes signalling to the wiz community in the Republican Party hes not ruling it out. You dont trust these guys, do you . Well, why would you . They made a lot of promises and they havent been willing to keep them. The tension between the
grassroots and the gop establishment goes back to 1976 when Ronald Reagan took on a sitting president. How do you move away from samesex marriage . You could have a religious difference with it, many religions do. Not all. Mine does. But people are gay. Theyre supposed to get married to other people of the opposite sex. What would that accomplish . You say your family values. What is a gay person supposed to do . Marry someone in a fake marriage that doesnt involve physicality or that kind of love . What are you advertising . What do you want to happen here . Im a libertarian, i dont understand why government, particularly the federal government is involved you dont mind states approving samesex marriage. I dont want the government out of it. No, states. How do you do it without licenses. Marriage is is a social institution. So youre saying you dont need a state license to get
married . I dont think so. Some people like rand paul are advocating that right now. Get rid of marriage licenses . No, more of a libertarian slant within the party when it comes to i agree with that. But prayer in school. Thats not libertarian. How do you support that . All kinds of religions there and youre going to read the King James Version of the bible. I would love parents to decide how kids are educate popped. In Public Schools . Why dont you give patients a choice . Who decides which religion you are. If the parents dont like whats being taught in a public school, should they get a choice to send their kid to a parochial school, yes. Now its top down. So youre for School Choice . Fabsolutely. They talked about School Prayer yesterday. You just slipped off, whether they should. Reading christian bible readings. I do not want politics determining school curriculums. I want parents to. You dont want prayers in
public school . I dont want government in school. Youre having a libertarian argument. No, its a political argument. Up next, what happens when right wingers throw a party for 30 Million People in washington and about 10, just 10 people show up. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. My mom works at ge. And thats epic, bro, weve forgotten just how good good is. Good is setting a personal best before going for a world record. Good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. [ crowd cheering ] good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it and do some experiments. So start your day off good with a coffee thats good cup after cup. Maxwell house. Good to the last drop what are you waiting for . vo celebrate this memorial day with up to 40 off hotels at travelocity. gnome go and smell the roses. Who gets the allstate safe driving bonus check. Rock beats scissors [ chuckles ] wife beats rock. And with two checks a year, everyone wins. [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving
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things are like orthopedic shoes for your face. You would have to be brain damaged to wear those. Or nearsighted, which i believe is caused by brain damage. Well, hillary wasnt wearing those glasses when she appeared on the view for Barbara Walters final show today. She talked about what the former secretary of state has been up to and what shes doing to prepare for her role as a grandmother. I love your daughter. Oh, my gosh. What do you want to be called . Do you like nana . Do you like president clinton . The great Barbara Walters, still working the story. Next, the protest Group OperationAmerican Spring descended on washington today. Leaders were promising millions would gather to overthrow the government. And remove president obama from office. Well, the Group Says Government leaders have, quote, abandoned the u. S. Constitution and are unworthy to be retained in the
position that calls for servant status. Retired army colonel harry rowley said the group expect ee 10 to 30 million activists. It turns out that was a bit high. From the looks of this photo posted today on twitter, i would say they got between 10 and 30 people to show. Some seemed to give up on the cause to go visit the newly reopened washington monument. So they are patriotic. Finally, say hello to the candidate who won the republican primary in West Virginia for a seat in the state house. Pro life, pro gun and describes herself as a fiscal conservative and she graduates from high school next week. And she won. Sara blair is only 17 years old. She will be 18 by the november elections, so she is, in fact, legally eligible to run. She unseeded a twoterm incumbent. She could become the youngest
lawmaker in the history of West Virginia. Wow. Still ahead on hardball. The side show that was the idaho republican Gubernatorial Debate. Harley brown, the selfdescribed biker in the race joins us a little later on. Nowchoose one option fromith red lothe woodfire grill,trios one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. All on one plate. Three delicious choices. All for 15. 99 for a limited time only come sea food differently today so i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there ar24 7. Branches . Im sorry, im just really reluctant to try new things. Really . Whats wrong with trying new things . Look mommys new vacuum cat screech you feel that in your muscles . I do. Drink water. Its a long story. Well, not having branches lets us give you great rates and service. Id like that. A new way to bank. A better way to save. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. The ambulance racing by you. The ambulance chaser. Chasing the ambulance. A rollerblader with headphones whos oblivious to everything. The cab driver whos checking out the rollerblader. Its 360 degrees of chaos out there. But with driverassist technology, including a blind spot system and a rearview camera, the ford fusion will help tell you when its coming. The ford fusion will help tell you when its coming. And im his mom at the dog park. The kids get trail mix, and heres what you get after a full day of chasing that cute little poodle from down the street. Mm hmm delicious milos kitchen chicken meatballs. They look homemade, which he likes almost as much as making new friends yes, ill call her. Aww, ladies man. Milos kitchen. Made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient. The best treats come from the kitchen. A firefighter in california has grown to 3,000 acres and is only 10 contained. The undersecretary for health at the va has resigned. The agency is under fire over allegations of delayed care and falsified records at its hospitals. And finally, aaa expects 36 Million People will travel 50 miles or more this memorial day weekend, the most in nine years. Back to hardball. Welcome back to hardball. Theres been hot political stories this week. Most notably karl rove versus clinton story. The other big story is the firing of the New York Times executive editor jill abramson. Appropriately or not, its raised the issue of pay fairness again and it recalls a scene from ron howards great movie the paper where glenn close, playing the newspapers managing editor confronts the papers publisher asking for a raise. Well, i wont waste your time. The fact of the matter is i have other offers. Didnt we just renegotiate your contract . Recently, yeah, but my deal is up in a little under a year. 18 months, isnt it . Technically that would be more accurate, but, you know ill tell you what. If you have other offers, you have my permission to pursue them. But dont come to me again without talking to bernie first. I dont like it. Its cheap. Okay . Are we done . Graham, i dont think you i would love it if you werent here. Joining me now, in a race to regain the pennsylvania district in the house she once representative. Marjorie, thanks for joining us. You know, when i sthau movie, it struck me that this probably has a lot different feelings coming out from men or women. The idea of a woman asking for a pay raise, but accidentally walking with the publisher into the mens room and finding herself in that strange situation where shes
outnumbered in the wrong gender role as shes sitting in there, it just struck me, that much really get to women who are professionals. Damn it, they must have an attitude about this. And what does this say about pay equity . I agree with you. And this is the pay equity, were still about were going up at 70 cents on the dollar for white for the average. But africanamericans are at 77 and latinas, or the hispanic community, the women are at 56 cents to the dollar. But more than that, women really they dont ask for raises. Typically, its true. Women kind of feel, well, were doing a good job, we should be recognized, thank you very much. Women dont ask typically for raises. The other thing is we grow up
still with stereotypical images. You know, these are the kinds of jobs that well be safe to go to, or that you should get although thats definitely changing. But once we get there, we find in the news business, many, many more women are on television. But still, the numbers in the executive offices, it doesnt it doesnt reflect the numbers that should be there. Ive got to tell you, nbc is doing very good at that department. We have our top people all over the news area, all over the news business, generally find all the women in the top positions and all around us, with lots of Vice President s. But beth, im not here to flap for nbc. It doesnt need it. It has pay equity has something to do with her being sack popped. All of us who are professional women, i think this story has the legs that it does. Its something we all contend with scene a huge frustration for us. But on the other hand, lets keep our eyes on the prize, jill abramson, those of us in television news, we have a good job with good salaries. The real problem is for women who are in the lower classes, working women, working class people, they, too, are discriminated against in terms of salary. And it really brings down their family income, their household income. It hurts the economy. They have less money to spend. Its so engrained in the way that we do business in this country that nobody thinks abc the overall repercussions that it has on a family and the economy. I wonder how much this conversation is going to encourage more women, not that they werent already there to vote for hillary when the time comes. Today, Hillary Clinton addressed
pay inequity. Lets listen in. You respond to this marjorie. Mothers are now the primary or soul breadwinners in nearly 40 of all families. This single mom lives in our vast metro sprawl, traveling long distances every day to work a low wage job shes lucky to have. Many other young people in her neighborhood are still looking. She works hard but she knows that her male coworkers tend to make more than she does. Its demeaning and demoralizing and it shortchanges her whole family. Her whole family. Marjorie, your reaction to that . And its shortsighted. If we are going to make the next steps, what we have to do is weve got to grow our way out of this economic situation. When did we last do it . We did it in 93, frankly. When 24 million new jobs grew in the 90s after the clinton budget passed. Thats where we have to thats where we strong and we have to figure out what it means to grow the economy with women. Weve got to make sure theres transportation, job training, that theres day care. And we know that when we do that, the middle class grows. And when the middle class grow, more money is spent. I like my wife making more money. Why wouldnt anyone want their space to make more money . Theres always a little rivalry theoretically, but when it comes to the paycheck, it all adds to the family income. You know, it would seem, why arent men joining in this fight to help women get more money . Theres no transparency around what people make. Nobody knows what anybody sitting next to them is making. Businesses make sure that those
kinds of discussions dont happen. So we dont really know how to we dont know how to negotiate because we dont know what anybody sitting around us is making. Did you ever know what your dad was making . I never knew what my dad i cant imagine that coming up in the house. I would ask and they would not tell me. It was off the record. Good luck right there. I would be up there voting for you, of course. If i was up there now. You would have such a good time, chris. Northeast, i mean, you would be you would such a good time. Were in there. Marjorie, i ran for that seat 30 years ago. Wow. Thank you very much. Good luck to you. Beth, thank you very much for coming on from our network. The wild Gubernatorial Debate in
idaho. One of the candidates said the race is between a cowboy, a curmudgeon, a biker and a normal guy, the moral guy being the odd man out. This is hardball a place for politics. I dont like political correctness. Can i say this . It sucks. Its bondage. And im about as politically correct as your proverbial turd in a punch bowl. And im proud of it. You, my friend are a master of diversification. Who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche . The same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. Its a masterpiece. Thanks. Clearly you are type e. You made it phil. Welcome home. Now whats our strategy with the fondue . Diversifying your portfolio . E trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. Are you type e . Take a look at this incredible piece of historic film. Thats president roosevelt walking back in 1937 as he took his seat at baseballs allstar stadium. The images were shot by a former Major League Ballplayer himself from harrisburg, pennsylvania. And theyre very rare. Thats because the press generally didnt film fdr struggling to move as he does here, lean on an assistant with one arm, or grasping the rail with his other hand. Also, so few people in the time even had movie cameras. His family donated this footage to the Pennsylvania State archives. Tthe will. ,
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lamb a ding dong, rock and roll is king. We have a national vet wound up into the stratus fear, 17 trillion. My grandson was born a couple months ago, his share of it is 55,000. I dont like that. Okay, youre president of the United States tomorrow morning. Youre sworn in. What are you going to get rid of . What Government Programs . The commies. Twothirds of federal government is social programs. Where in the constitution does it say we have to give all this money out to everybody, provide health care to everybody. I would give a swag, a scientific wild ass guess that 90 of what the feds do is as unconstitutional as the communist manifesto. Where does it say we have to have department of labor, department of education, department of energy, and even
two of my favorites, the va and nasa. But the end run around that, put them under the air force, keep them going. But do it under the war department, which is authorized in article 1, section 8, as a function of we the people and the states who create it. Where is the air force in the constitution . The Army Air Corp. Where is that in the constitution . 1789, the constitution, where was the air force. All right, put it back under the Army Air Corp, the b17s that worked over nazi germany. I wouldnt mind having the Army Air Corp again. What do you make of the language in the constitution in the preamble that says we should promote the Public Welfare of the country . What did they mean by promote the Public Welfare . You say it is not in the constitution. What does that mean . That word welfare has been contorted out of shape and the liberals interpret it as giving money out to everybody that needs it or wants it, and thats not the way the original intent was. You mean the way you contort an army out of shape to include an air force . A few things changed in the late 40s. Ever since world war ii, this country, like these piis ant wars, vietnam, the gulf, you declare war, wipe out your enemies, period. Thats the way i read it. You think we should have killed all the north vietnamese . Hell yeah. First declare war, then use every weapon we have to annihilate the enemies. Never send a marine when you can send a bullet and send the biggest bullet you got. Harley, take a minute, list politicians in your lifetime you
respect, president s going backwards, the last president you respected, going backwards. Tell me who you liked in American History positively . Okay, i liked reagan, i liked general eisenhower. I admire harry truman for having the Georgia Union tight to push the button. I like ulysses s. Grant, george washington, abraham lincoln, arguably the best president s we had. Teddy roosevelt, booey. However he interpreted the president ial powers. Youre on the ballot. See what people think of your candidacy. We will be right back after this. That are powered by the moon. She can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ]
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