Of coverup was the insiders culture of the christie operation that was exposed today, this time on the public record. The star witness who testified Christine Renna said the fact that the office might be punishing a mayor for political reasons was business as usual. Certainly nothing to blow the whistle over. With this, the new jersey investigating committee got its first on the record testimony of the inside culture of a Governors Office where punishment and reward were apparently meted out in the runup to his reelection. And the big question, from how high up did the orders come. Christina said she didnt think started with bridgel kelly. She described her as someone who took her guidance from above. All of this is out there for the legislators, the media and the National Republican king makers to see. The notion that this tight skrooutny on governor christie represents a partisan attack today lost out to the fact that we are now hearing real officials talking real official business in the nvj nj Governors Office. The prospect is now the reality, people are now testifying. John wisniewski is the cochair of the Committee Investigating the bridge scandal. And brian murphy is a political analyst and former managing editor of politicsnj. Com. As i mentioned for the first time on television, we saw a christie employee under oath today describing how her boss told her to destroy evidence. This is Christina Renna recounting a dramatic conversation back in december when reporters were getting the first real indications that something had gone terribly wrong with those lane closures. Heres renna. She led by saying i didnt know anything about this. The lane closures. I countered with, well, yes, you did because mayor sokolich called evan and i emailed you about it. And thats when the tune started to change. Thats when her demeanor changed and she knew exactly what email was talking about. And she sounded very nervous and then she said, you know, just do me a favor and get rid of it. I said you want me to delete the email . I said that to her. And she said yes, listen, im getting a lot of questions and im just really nervous. And, you know, i cant take getting grilled about this over and over again. Assemblyman, what does this mean . Well, what this means is that the investigation that weve led so far by getting documents has taken a new direction with the testimony of Christine Renna. Whats troubling more, even than the fact that Christine Renna was asked to deliver the email was she felt uncomfortableable going to anyone in the Governors Office to say hey, this sounds wrong, this seems wrong, what do i do about it. Her testimony was she was afraid that reporting the request to destroy the email would have cost her her job. Well, chris are enna also revealed this piece of dra mat eck and damning revelation, how she apparently didnt think Bridget Kelly had done anything wrong by requesting that she destroy that potential piece of evidence. Renna said she didnt tell anyone about kellys request until january 9, the day after the bergen record blew this story wide open by revealing that Bridget Kelly had been directly involved. Heres renna today. I didnt think it rose to a level of having to go to an ethics officer for it. I didnt. Not at the time. You were aware at the time there were legislative hearings on this issue. I was, yes. And knot withstanding that there were legislative hearings on this issue, Bridget Kelly asks you to delete an email from your own personal email account. You delete it, preserve it somewhere else, but you dont think it rises to the level to talk to somebody . I didnt, no. When i heard that, i hear a culture which its considered business as usual to punish a mayor and also to cover up the fact that you did it by deleting evidence. I dont know any other way to wash that but her assumption was thats the world in which she worked. Right. And in that context, it is a stunning thing. There are legislative hearings going on at the time shes asked to delete this. There are press stories that have been going on and on for weeks now. And according to christies own testimony, shes already asked people in this administration to begin digging into this. Its one thing for Bridget Kelly to ask her to do this, but the one thing that really gives us a sense of what the culture is that Christina Renna went ahead and deleted the email. She forwarded it to her personal account, but she did, in fact, delete it from the one she had kept it in previously. So i think the idea that we had talked a lot about the culture and what the culture would permit and what kind of office this was and this would tell us what kind of administration christie has. We got a glimpse of it today. Something like this, where youre being asked to delete an email about an issue thats on the front pages of newspapers, that doesnt meet the bar of what you would go to an ethics officer for. She said Bridget Kelly wasnt the architect she thought of the lane closures. Heres her exchange with luis greenwald. Do you believe that Bridget Kelly broke from what was her persona, her responsibility, and for whatever reason in the exchange of emails to you broke from her normal course of action and that Bridget Kelly orchestrated and was the architect of the theory around a study and to take it from three lanes to one. Do you believe that . I wouldnt say she was the architect. But she was instrumental in the process. I believe that, yes. Well, shes not the architect. Assemblyman, what does that tell you. Do you believe that Christina Renna was keeping a secret here because shes afraid to go public with it . Or is that the norm in the office . What is it . I think thats part of the troubling pattern thats emerging here. If you remember back in december, we heard testimony from employees of the port authority, and they said closing the lanes was wrong, it was unprecedented, they knew it would add badly. But they feared for their jobs. They dare not anger david wildstein. And now this woman is saying i didnt raise the awareness about this email because i feared for my job. I heard her say, the way i watched it a couple of lines, it sounds like shes saying i dont think it rose to the level to report it. Well, she said that, but under further questioning, with easked her, why wouldnt you go to the governors chief council, she said if i went there, i might get in trouble and i might lose my job essentially. Thats a troubling set of circumstances for any Governmental Administration to operate under. The people have to act under fear of their job before they could do the right thing. Lets talk about how high up this goes. What about this issue she raised saying Bridget Kelly the governor has pointed to as the perpetrator here, the punishment of all the mayors, the governors put all the onus on the woman were looking at on the tape here. And now were looking at Christina Renna saying whoa, shes not the architect. She takes guidance from other people. How do you read that . Thats a significant development, because obviously the mastro report wants us to believe this is something bridget kielty orchestrated. The testimony today said she may have been involved, but shes not the architect. That means we have to continue to dig to find out who exactly the architect was. Was it your reading of what she said today under oath, the architect was her boss. Im sorry, the architect was above her boss. The architect the testimony leads you to the conclusion that there was somebody above Bridget Kelly that was directing her efforts. I mean, that was the clear sentiment given by Christine Renna when she talked about how kelly would operate. She would take orders from above. A what we dont know who above is and how far above it goes. Lets go to the logical conclusion its bill stepien. But then hes now the Campaign Manager whos in charge of getting those mayors to endorse the governor. Hes the guy, hes the kingpin. He reports to the governor. What do we make of all this . I think that map is really important. In understanding how the new jersey state house functions. Its clear that they share information in that building on needtoknow basis. Bridget kelly hadnt been in that job long enough to become someone whos truly a member of that trusted inner circle in the waybill stepien was. You could tell the way Christina Renna discussed this today, theres a sense that just on the day to day interactions people have, that people above her, too, are being told information on a need to know basis. And that comment that Bridget Kelly made to her, trust no one, something out of the the x files. Dont trust anyone here. Boy does that speak ill of how that office is run. Here we have a ceremonial office, the only thing separating it. The governor is on the left side. And theres Bridget Kelly. Theyre all connected politically. Theyre working in the same place. Right. Chris, what i said all along is you have these people communicating op a daily basis. The question that comes to mind is how is all this going on and were asked to believe theres not anybody sharing information. That everybody is operating in silos, nobody knows whats going on and that Bridget Kelly felt very comfortable in asking her assistant to delete an email. It really raises some serious credibility issues. Any one of those three people had a pizza for lunch, the other two would know. People with common sense, how was your day, whats the buzz. Ive been in political offices. Its constant chatter. Your thoughts finally here, brian. What does this add to the story . Now we have a public record, public testimony under oath from Christine Renna that she was, in fact, asked to kill evidence. You certainly have now beginning of a picture. When the governor comes out for those pressers, hes coming out of his private office. The first office thats behind all the cameras there and to the right, thats where Bridget Kellys office was. You cant go through that hall way without passing them. So i always thought that the idea that Bridget Kelly can run an operation out of an office like that without anyone else knowing about it is completely preposterous. Unless there was some massively effective coverup on her part. It just isnt plausible you could get away with doing Something Like that because the quarters are too tight will the argument the governor made on day one go ahead. When you have the issue of credibility, i wasnt talking about Christina Rennas testimony today, but people on the first floor who all say they knew nothing about this, and its hard to imagine with everyone in such close proximity that there wasnt a better level of communication between people on that first floor. Thank you so much. Coming. Uh, the right strikes back as they try to take control of the u. S. Senate. If they succeed, this november could mean an historic, nasty assault on president obama and yes, of course, hillary clinton. The benghazi hearings will only b be part of it. Plus, playing the race card. A candidate for governor in pennsylvania is trying to bring down his partys frontrunner with a racially charged attack ad Top Democrats say is slanderous and below the belt. Ed rendell calls it one of the worst hes ever seen. And the Obama Administration is trying to help the Nigerian Government find hundreds of schoolgirls kidnapped by islamist rebels, threatening to sell them into slavery. It could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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The republicans are taking first steps in their quest to take control of the senate. A series of primaries today. Heres what the republicans will do if they succeed. Theyre saying they will gang up on the president with the republican dominated house and the Senate Passing bill designed to hurt president obama and the likely democratic nominee for next time, hillary clinton. Heres some of the ways its going to happen. Theyll force obama to veto or buckle to the conservative legislation they put up. Leave obama and democrats with no chance to initiate bills of his own. Republicans can stifle any Obama Supreme Court nominees. Thats a big one. The daily beast article says it wouldnt be surprising to see the gop give a nominee a hearing but sit on the vote. Thats for the Supreme Court, leaving the Supreme Court with only eight members until they see who wins the presidency. And the big cherry on the top of this sunday, benghazi investigations hour by hour. Joining me right now, the author of that piece, msnbc political analyst joan walsh. I want both of you to paint the picture. I admit this is a get out the vote effort by me. I think people should note. I think people should especially vote if they have something at stake. But this side, i think its the progressives who have something to worry about. These numbers are not good. So what is going to happen . Whats the bad at the end of the tunnel if they lose the senate . If the republicans control the senate as well as the house, chris, that means they control the senate calendar. Mitch mcconnell, assuming he reelections. He could lose and republicans could still get control. Republicans run the senate, they run the calendar. They say what gets to the floor, what doesnt get to the floor. They say what the committees have a hearing on, dont have hearings on. Majority control the Senate Judiciary committee. The house has passed a lot of conservative legislation that harry reid has just blocked and said were never going to bring this to the floor. Hes protected obama in that way. If the republicans have the senate, that legislation all comes to the senate floor. Obama is going to veto presumably. Hes had two vetoes in his presidency, the least since James Garfield who was only president for six months anyway. Obama would be forced to take a lot of stand, and the republicans can pack a lot of things in Appropriations Bills that hes going to be really uncomfortable with. I think the republican goal was to make president obamas presidency himself was an asterisk. He wasnt really president. Like a guy who used drugs in baseball. Well, he doesnt really belong to be on the batting list of all time. If they can use the next two years to stifle the guy, to smother him politically, force him to spend all his time battling to just not sign thing, they win. Absolutely, chris. I think what they would try to do if they had that power would be repeal his presidency. Erase his legacy. It would be as though he didnt exist. They would do everything they could to chip away at the Affordable Care act. We would lose the contraception mandate a lot of it. I dont think we would lose all of it. But they would be able to chip away at parts of it. They would gut doddfrank if not repeal the Consumer Financial protection bureau. But the president can still veto it. Where he really gets jammed if you dont get the democrats back in the senate. Supreme court nominations. Ginsberg is a bit old. You never know when theyre going to want to retire. And all the republicans in the senate have to do if they run the place is just sit on that. Nay done this back with johnson. Wouldnt allow them to pick a Supreme Court justice until they left office and gave it to nixon. Ginsberg says shes not going to retrier. She says she has no interest in that. I talked to about 20 from this story. A clear majority of them, democrats and republicans yeah, they would give a nominee a hearing for show. But i can totally see them, a lot of these people said i could toetdly see them just sitting on it and we would have eight Supreme Court justices until the year of 2016. You know the reporting, how close is the Supreme Court to flipping on roe v. Wade just flip option the whole policy of a womans right to choose. They have four votes, dont they . Yes. I think it really could flip. And i think losing any of the more liberal of the justices appointed by democrats would be very dangerous for roe v. Wade. And, you know, its possible that they would give somebody a vote who was very conservative. I think the president would have to appoint somebody to the right of david suter. David suter couldnt get confirmed in this climate. Even if they picked somebody, they would work really hard to make sure they were palatable to the conservative majority, and thats scary in its own way. I think its very, very grim. We dont know where roberts will go on that. If he gets another ally on the right, he might go with the crowd. Sherrod brown in ohio, your article said for a glimpse of what a Republicancontrolled Congress would do, look to the state. Senator brown says if you want to know what a wholly Republican Congress would do is look at what theyve already done in state capitals, like in ohio. Gone after voters rights, workers rights, women rights. So true. Voter suppression nationwide. That would be a big one. They could stop black people from voting, they would have a real advantage. That would be the name of their game. Womens issues, i think they would really clamp down on that. This is an example of something the house passed in 2013 that said no abortions after 20 weeks nationwide. Virtually life of the mother was the only exception. Would the senate pass that . Would they want to pass that . Trying to reach out to women voters. And if they follow their instincts on that, they might just pass it and the courts, even the court we have now might just accept it. Thank you. Scary times. Ive said this before, only losing five seats is a good night for the democrats this november. Up next, the one thing jimmy fallon saw at the dinner that everybody else missed. I procrastinated on. Buying a car because i knew. It would be a scary process. Truecar made it very easy. For me to negotiate, because i didnt really need to do any negotiating at all. Save time, save money, and never overpay. Visit truecar. Com oh the name your price tool you tell them how much you want to pay, and they help you find a policy that fits your budget. I told you to wear something comfortable this is a polyester blend whoa uh. Little help . I got you unh its so beautiful man should we Call Security . No, this is just getting good. The name your price tool, still only from progressive. Late night comedians finally had a chance to react to saturdays White House Correspondent dinner and jimmy fallon caught something about the president s speech we all seemed to miss. Obama had some pretty funny lines at the din e, but since hes not a trained comedian, i think he was concerned people wouldnt know when to laugh, so he had an interesting technique to make sure people knew when to laugh. In 2008, my slogan was yes, we can. In 2013, my motto was controlaltdelete. These days, House Republicans actually give john boehner a harder time than they gave me. Which means orange really is the new black. That orange is the new black is one of the best lines ive ever heard. Anyway, speaking of the correspondent dinner, i was thrilled to get a shoutout from robin wright of house of cards over the weekend. Heres what she told a Washington Post reporter when she was asked who her favorite White House Correspondent was. I dont live here. You guys talk to us as if we know the ins and outs. I dont know who anybody is. Is Chris Matthews a correspondent . I love that guy. He covers the white house every day. Talk about a bulldog. Right . Anyway, next up, everyones heard of the old phrase from baretta. Dont do the crime if you cant do the time. But bobby scott of virginia, there he is, thinks that kind of political sloganeering simplifies crime policy. They actually do little or nothing to reduce crime. Well, congressman scott joins Steve Colbert last night in his latest better know the district segment. Colbert tried to help the congressman come up with rhymes of his own. You dont think you know your stuff. Put some rhymes into your crime talk. I mean, people dont think youre walking the walk. Thats the next rhyme. My rhyming is sub lime. I can rhyme on a dime. See im trying to help you. But you got to help me out. You got to drop a few rhymes yourself if were going to make the world a better place. Thats. The problem with crime policy. Were pushing so far for an evidencebased approach where you look at the studies, look at the evidence and then you support things that actually work rather than things that make you seem like a jerk. I dont think so. He is so smart. The ugly attack ad at a high profiles governor race in pennsylvania. And Top Democrats sates one of the worst ads theyve ever seen. Now thats a statement. With new febreze allergen reducer. [ man ] wanna see some allergens . [ together ] eww what is that thing . They could be all around you right now. [ gasps ] how would you deal with them . Um. Ninjas. [ male announcer ] no need for ninjas. Reduce up to 95 of inanimate allergens becoming airborne from fabrics with new, dermatologist tested febreze allergen reducer. Get fresher air and breathe happy. Febreze allergen reduc. Er. Febreze allergen reduc. Could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads youd take that test, right . Well, what are you waiting for . You could literally be done with the test by now. Now you could have done it twice. This is awkward. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business built for business. The president of the l. A. The charge of racism is in the air in pennsylvania and its taeking place among democrats. Two weeks before the democratic primary for governor, which is coming up, the frontrunner tom wolf is leading his opponents by get this, 25 point, which explains a lot of whats coming here. And one of the candidates trailing him by so many points rob mccourt is running this ad. He spent millions on tv ads, but now serious questions tom wolf cant answer. Why would he chair the campaign of a man arrested in the role of a race riot, one that left a black woman dead . Why would he stand behind a man charged with first degree, an admitted racist who handed out ammunition and shouted white power. York, pennsylvania, it was an ugly episode. For tom golf, theres just no good answer. Now the facts. Democratic frontrunner tom wolf chaired the Reelection Campaign of the mayor of york, pennsylvania. Mayor Charlie Robertson was charged in Second Degree murder in of an africanamerican woman in race riots 32 years earlier. He was a Police Officer and accused of stirring up crowds that led to the death of a 27yearold woman. Robertson was acquitted. Get that fact. Acquitted of the charges. In this ad deliberately ignored that fact and more importantly, the ad ties tom wolf to the previous racist attitudes of another person. Im calling foul. Im not the only one. Former governor of pennsylvania ed rendell said it was the worst ad ive seen seen. It makes me a shamed to be a part of this business for most of my adult life. Bob casey called the ad offensive and says it slanders wolfs character by implying he is insensitive to racism. Were going to invite rob mccourt to come on but he declined. Former governor of pennsylvania ed rendell is a political analyst. He sits with me now. The former chair of the Republican National commit teen an msnbc political able list. What good is this kind of an ad . I lost two races before i started to win, act actually. They were high profile races. You believe in yourself and you believe you can do gootd. You become almost obsessed with winning. Whats wrong with this ad, ris chris, in addition to his tone is rob mccourt knows its fall. Hes endorsed by the africanamerican mayor of york. The state general democrat said that what wolf did by not disavowing robertson immediately, wolf was given the task of talking robertson into withdrawing his candidacy for the general election, which he did two days after the arrest. Mccourt knows its not true. Never put something on, you know its not true. Its wrong, it stirs up racial tension, and the only one that benefited was tom corbitt. To me this is terrible politics at its worse. It seems to me this is coming off the situation out there in the l. A. Clippers. This isnt something who said hey, we can exploit this thing, its in the atmosphere. Pointing the fingers, appropriately or not, will work. Also, i dont understand why you foul this late in a game. Youre 24 points down, youre not going to win. All youre going to do is put fi the air and probably hurt the partys chance of winning the general. Your thoughts . Well, i think that last statement is an overstatement. I think the governor is going to prevail rather handley this fall. But set that aside, this is a form of racial inopportunism that comes off the heels of not just the l. A. Clippers story, but also cliven bundy. And the general mood in the country with respect to race. The goal is twofold. One is to begin to drive the passion the of the africanamerican community. Given the support thats already out there for, you know, the candidates in this race among africanamericans, its kind of hard to do that. Theyre kind of set in their ways in this regard. I think this drives the passions the wrong way. But you take the shot. I think the goal here is to take the shot. How do you take it back . You cant. You say well, i never said he was a racist. I said he had bad judgment. Give me a break. By the way, they should have pointed out a fact. He was acquitted. Its not in the ad. And robertson did admit he said some racially insensitive things during the roy ottawa. He aint running. Tom wolf actually acted to defuse tensions by getting robertson off the ballot and mccourt knows it. Hes a decent guy. I dont believe he did Something Like this. I sfent, as i said there, chris, i spent my adult life in this profession. I believe theres some great things about politics. But when you see ads like that, it makes you wond whaer you did. What do you think the limits are, you had to decide on these things. How far do you put the knife in when its just about winning the election. You would never put the knife in except to make up 24 points in the election. You cant possibly make up 24 points in two weeks. I dont know why he would do this. I think part of it is, you know, this type of thing draws the bright line. I think for a lot of campaigns, ive been a few where ive been a subject and a victim of the racial polarizing, advertising and the like. In maryland. But at the end of the day, you cant pull back from it, number one. It draws a very bright line as a Party Official as to where you do not want the party to go and certainly dont want the candidates to go. Because at the end of the day, this blows up for not just mccourt, but also for golf. When he wins the primary, this now becomes an overhaj in some respects that could get played by supporters. So you want to draw a very bright line. I think governor rendell is appropriately done so as a former Party Official and governor of the state. And hopefully people will listen to that. The good news is its not working. I did phone calls today. Its not working. Well see. Thank you. Great governor. My favorite mayor of philadelphia. I think youre my favorite Republican National chairman, michael steele. Its not even close. Its up like 24 points. Islamists have captured, kidnapped 280something schoolgirl, hauled them off into the jungle and are selling them into slavery, making them marry people. This is the worst case weve seen since maybe 9 11. woman what do you mean, Homeowners Insurance doesnt cover floods . [ heart rate increases ] man a few inches of water caused all this . [ heart rate increases ] woman 2 but i dont even live near the water. What you dont know about Flood Insurance may shock you including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as 129 a year. For an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. I want to remind you about our partnership with the group born free work on the ambitious goal of completely eliminating, believe it or not, the trangs mission of hiv, the virus that causes aids from mother to child by the end of next year. No children born with hiv, believe it or not. Scientists say it can be done. You can find more information on our website, hardball. Msnbc. Com. Well be right back after this. An absolutely horrific crime in nigeria sparking outrage. Just over three weeks ago, nearly 300 teenage girls were abducted in the middle of the night at their school in nigeria. Their only crime, wanting an education. The group responsible, an islamic insurgency Group Opposes the wests influence in nigeria. This weekend the head of the Group Released a taunting video. Here it is, i abducted the girls at a western education school, it says. I said western education should end. I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market. Eight more girls were reportedly abducted in northeastern nigeria by the same group. International condemnation has ratcheted up. The United States senate today voted to condemn the abduction. Hillary clinton spoke about the incident on twitter. Access to edge ka igs is a basic right and an unconscionable reason to target innocent girls. We must stand up to terrorism. Bring back our girls. Shes not alone, of course, expressing her outrage. Let me be clear. The kidnapping of hundreds of children is an unconscionable crime and we will do Everything Possible to support the Nigerian Government. Our vocabularies dont fit into how offensive, a proper way to describe how offensive this is. I think we should get surveillance equipment down there. This is not acceptable in any century, much less the 21st. Lets call this what it is. One of the most brazen and shocking single incidents of Human Trafficking weve seen in recent memory. Theres news today the United States offered to send a team of military and Law Enforcement experts to support the Nigerian Governments experts. The team will share their experience and intelligence, investigations in hostage negotiations. Michelle bernard is the president of the Bernard Center for women politics and public policy. Lla is a britishborn nigerian writer and commentator. Thank you for joining us. In an interview with al roker, president obama also responded to the kidnappings in nigeria. Heres our president. This is a terrible situation. This terrorist organization operating in nigeria has been killing people and innocent civilians for a very long time. We have identified them as one of the worst worst local or regional terrorist organizations out there. But i can only imagine what the parents are going through. We have offered and its been accepted, help from our military and Law Enforcement oh fishes. Were going to do everything we can to provide assist to they will. In the short term we want to help the International Community and the Nigerian Government as a team to do everything we can to recover these young ladies. Whats the best reporting eight now about with the girls sb taken . There isnt much. To be honest with you there really isnt. No one really knows. What people think is they may have been taken to the Sambisa Forest which is a former game reserve. A vast space where the boka haram spent most of their time and are based. To be honest, nobody really knows. Thats as big as yellowstone park. Its enormous. Yes. That opens the question. You know the terrain. Is it feeble for a military operation from washington if we get troops over there does that make a plausible campaign for them to go into the jungle testify never been into and the world of languages they do not know seeking out a group of people they dont know what they look like. I wonder if its feasible. They have to do it from above. An aerial way in, of looking at things. That particular region borders other countries as well. We are not just talking about forests. They could have escaped into countries. Its a difficult mission. They are dealing with terrorists. They wont walk in and the guys will say, here you go. It is a ricky situation. Your views on the this. Tell me how you go into this thing. You go into it, number one, and say this is another story in a long line of history around the world of how we see people, particularly Islamist Groups view and treat women and girls. We see women regular areally kidnapped, abducted and raped as a tool of war. This is a horrific example of what happened. You have to ask what took the world three weeks to talk about the fact that this this is a terrorist organization run by people with very proud ties to al qaeda and we have absolutely got to do something about it. For the people who dont necessarily care about womens human rights as they should, we also need to look at the fact that womens human rights are a part p of the United StatesInternational Security interests. We have a duty and a moral obligation to send in troops and do what we can to get the girls out and stabilize a thu and fragile democracy in nigeria. Tell us about the group. Boka haram. They started in 2002. They have done a lot of damage in that time. They claim they want sharia law, that they are against the westernization of nigeria. There are 12 states already there with sharia law which emboldened them. I believe they are disaffected, living in an area thats rural. Although they are islamist they have been killing muslims, too. They attack christians, muslims, increasingly women and children as we see with this. They are a shadowy group. We dont know how many there are. Maybe in the hundreds. We dont know how much money they have. So thats the scary part. They have caused a lot of oh havoc. We dont necessarily understand who they are. The scar ier part to me is this is the world we live in now. The this is a world with people have different ideas than we have, who feel they have a moral right from god to go in and do this stuff. Boka harams leader said, i enjoy killing anyone that god commands me to kill, the way i enjoy killing chickenens or rams. No moral pobs with taking girls, making them marry guys and ruin them in their own community ifs they get out. By threatening to sell them for 12 a child. They have no sense of humanity. This is a major terrorist group. This reminds me of when we first saw taliban way before we got involved this in afghanistan. When they blew up the buddhist statue. The sense of nothing stand miss the way of the religious zealotry. They were called the al qaeda there. In the south particularly christians and muslims live eeply together. They are using rereligion to justify their insanity. Thats really the issue. You know, these are crazy people. Its not just to do with their religion. They are disaffecteded. They dont have much else going on. This is their way act on crazy ideas the they have tied to god because it gives them a power they wouldnt is have otherwise. Im hopeful the Organization African unity can do something here. We can help as best we can. Africa has to move on this lt thank you, michelle, bernard and lola. Well be right back after the this. The Performance Review. That corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. And yet, theres someone around the office who hasnt had a Performance Review in a while. Someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. Im looking at you phone company dsl. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business built for business. Let me finish tonight with this horror in africa. Over 200 schoolgirls aged 15 to 18 hauled away in trucks by a group out to destroy modern education. Some have been forced to marry. Others have died already. The question is what can we do . What can our country do to rescue them from what could end up being a life in captivity of degradation, fear and possibly death at the hands of men who think women should be subjected to the worse to make them, in their twisted kwies, pure. I hope we can help and i hope the afr can association of unity gets together. I hope the world can pressure, inspire the government of nigeria to protect its own people. Imagine the horror those young girls are facing. Thats hardball. All in with chris hayes starts now. Good evening from new york tonight as the battle over safer, smarter guns rages there is no relief from tragic headlines of accidental gun violence. This georgia, news a 6yearold shot and killed a 75yearold relative. One of four accidental shootings that have taken place since saturday alone. Last night we brought you our investigative or the are about a new Digital Smart gun that can only be fired by an authorized kwuser. Its faced fierce opposition from the gun rights establishment