0 much less promoting her to an important position. how are they going to have the authority for people to believe what they're saying when he's promoting someone who directly and deliberately misled the public over benghazi? the benghazi tragedy is really not going to go away until we have some answers. really why was there this elaborate coverup? >> you know, i used to think rand paul had at least a philosophy that you could justify, the ayn rand, objectivism and now he's just a poll. the president is struggling to regain the moral authority. the president's numbers on personal ethics are excellent. there's no struggle here about his personal integrity. anyway, also on fox karl rove talking about integrity. the man who said that president obama didn't win the election. even after fox called the race, went after the president this time for his choice obviously of rice. also questioned about rice's, well, why not, honesty. let's watch. >> we saw the today statement by the president's people that he was going to get more partisan and that he was going to get more in the face of republicans. this is clearly -- >> this is the first example of that, do you think? >> one of the examples of it. and, look, i don't understand it. she's a capable, able person. but she went out and lied. not only did she go on television, less than two months before the election and tell a lie in order to protect the president's political position, but she did so at the risk of undermining our relationship with libya. >> the word lie now of course the jay carney, the president, much-respected press secretary is a paid liar. susan rice is a liar. the discourse coming from that side, i don't use that word liar, i don't like it being used. you never know what is in another person's heart. you never know unless you go into a court of law. how do these people get away with talking like this, even on fox? >> because i think they're talking to themselves and i think there's a passionate minority of people in this country who do believe this the problem is it's a clear minority and probably getting smaller as we found out during the election. what happened is all of these scandals have given republicans a kind of allowed them to believing that somehow because democrats are going to implode and hillary clinton will be brought down by this, they're not going to have to do the hard work of figuring out how they start to attract the new america demographically that's emerging. they're taking cover from that in these scandals. >> why do they get the idea, if it isn't ethnic, i'll leave the possibility that it's not. why do they just assume evil on the part of obama? he's raised his whole life has been crystal clear and clean as a whistle and transparent. we know his whole life through all the great excellent education he's had. the good pro bono work he's done through his life. he's never been a money grubber. never doing anything wrong. his family is picture-perfect. everything is clean as a whistle. and yet, they just refer to him as evil. they refer to him as a liar. i've got to believe it's ethnic with these people. they got a problem with this guy being president, is there any other evidence to justify why they keep calling him a bad man? that's what they do. >> on benghazi, they're up against a desperate to believe that barack obama doesn't take terrorism seriously. it plays into that narrative. i think that's why benghazi is so appealing for them. because it plays into a larger narrative. despite the fact that he killed bin laden that actually he's a guy who is a typical liberal who doesn't recognize terrorism when it's staring him in the face. that's why benghazi is just catnip for them. >> i think he sits with tom donalan who can be tough, too. a tough public official. those guys went after the bad guys on that list of al qaeda people. >> earlier this week on the house floor, first-term oklahoma republican jim bridenstine delivered a blistering attack on barack obama, had this to say. let's watch. >> mr. speaker, the president's dishonesty, incompetence, vengefulness and lack of moral compass, lead many to suggest that he is not fit to lead. the only problem is that his vice president, is equally unfit and even more embarrassing. >> what is this, this villainization of the president? what is it about him. >> it's desperation. >> these back-benchers -- >> trying to impress the hardest of the hard-core of their base. not just the base, but the hard-core of their base. >> what's interesting to me is that the president has decided to heck with it. to ignore them. >> the jackals. >> to just to ignore them and to pursue his own vision of foreign policy. don't forget, he just gave that speech where he talked about sort of the post-war post terror war age and he's picked and susan rice and samantha power, two advisers that go way back to the beginning of his national campaign. who believe his vision of how to proceed in the world. and he's basically saying the heck with the right wing hard core base i'm going to pursue my vision of foreign policy. the way i enunciate dd in cairo in 2009. i'm going to try to do it. >> it's the day of the jackal right now. thank you howard and thank you, peter. i've never seen this kind of carping and negativity. who is going to hurt more from this so-called scandal politics, president obama or the republicans? i think we know. we've got new poll numbers on how americans view these so-called scandals and how the republicans are finding the old gop adage, start each day with a prayer and end it with a probe. also, when you hear republicans these days talk about women, you'd be excused if it you thought we were going back in time. in the last two days alone, we heard two gop senators talk about things that sounded more like 1913 than 2013. and getting hammered for playing politics, i think it would cost new jersey $2 million a day to have a senator elected in october rather than in november. i've done the math, checked with the senate, there's only six working days in the senate between those two days. i just checked. that's $2 million a day, governor. finally, another republican makes the mistake of saying aloud what he really thinks, that republican would be actually really prefer it if african-americans just stayed home on election day. i'm glad somebody on that side saw what the game really was, keep them out of the voting booth. this is "hardball."

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