0 recognizing that president obama is the president of the united states. the ones who can see through the dark know they can't go on like this. margaret is not alone, bobby jindal said we have to stop being the stupid party. haley barbour says to stop making stupid comments, again, that word about rape. don't lose heart. like an old car that won't turn off, some character out in new mexico wants to stick women who are raped with stiff prison sentences if they get an abortion. she calls it tampering with the evidence. but wait a minute, crazy guys, didn't some of your republicans say you can't get pregnant in case of a rape? anyway, fighting our way through the crazy even as we hear the first loud barks and meows from the backyards of american noonan is a tremendous writer, i don't agree with much of what she says. but here's the thing. they're not listening to the editorial page, they have been fed 30 or 40 years the insanity or the belief that their views are absolutely right. the idea of calling democrats marxists and being extreme on abortion that is not right, it's fundamentally american, more american than the other side. >> the polls say you're right. >> you can't change the cake by changing the frosting. the problem in the republican party is not the political or the intellectual class -- >> what are you, dan rather? >> i am. the base of the republican party isn't listening to the intellectuals. they're listening to what you call the other day the mickey mouse crowd. that's who ascended. it can't just change because peggy noonan says so. >> i think she may be right for this reason. when you look at the commonality now, the common nature of the republican party, still to keep talking about rape. something they ought to stay off of. it's a terrible tragedy, it's a crime. why keep talking about it? this thing about obama, the birtherism. we'll get to it later in the show. more than a third of the republicans think he was born somewhere else still. >> bless peggy noonan. she wants to come in from on other high -- >> don't be jealous over columnists. >> i'm not. six out of seven of the presidential primary candidates were basically yahoo candidates who believed in any one -- >> remind me of their names. >> kane, perry, bachman, santorum and mitt romney was the only guy there -- he flirted with this, but he stayed away from it. the house republicans came into power two years ago, tea partiers, they tried to redefine rape. it's not just yahoos out in new mexico or those with transvaginal probes it's the heart of the republican party. >> here's jindal here. he's trying to be the leader. down in charlotte, louisiana, governor jindal called out his own gop. >> the republican party does not need to change our principles. but we might need to change just about everything else we are doing. we have to stop being the stupid party. i'm serious. it's time for a new republican party that talks like adults no secret we had a number of republicans that damaged the brand with offensive and bizarre comments and i'm here to say we have had enough of that. >> got a smattering of applause there. joy, you heard that. not very enthusiastic. this morning, haley barbour, a very smart politician, he seconded jindal's comments. >> the point he made is correct. facilitating an abortion or compelling or coercing another to obtain a fetus that's the result of criminal sexual penetration. why do they get into this stuff? what in their mind magnetized to be talking about rape and what they were through with murdoch and -- what's his name? >> akin. >> because they believe it. >> but they don't think about it. or do they? >> i guess they do. this is the issue. it's not about stopping stupid remarks as haley barbour as jindal or peggy noonan says. a lot believe this crap and they believe in self-deportation. that wasn't a stupid remark, it was politically, but that's what mitt romney campaigned on. they believe in preventing gay marriage. they believe -- they believe -- >> they do agree with some of the stuff, i don't want to marginalize it all. >> say on the tax policy, they fought against raising the taxes on the rich and 60% of the public believed in that. >> they came out -- coming out for cutting government spending will help you. >> but the rich. >> why don't they stick to their strong points? anyway, republicans look ridiculous this week i believe when they decided to go after secretary of state hillary clinton who is riding so high in the polls right now. why'd they go at the very point she was at her strongest, they attacked. let's take a look. >> i'm glad that you're accepting responsibility. i think that ultimately with your leaving you accept the culpability for the worst tragedy since 9/11 and i really mean that. had i been president at the time and i found that you did not read the cables from benghazi, you did not read the cables from ambassador stevens, i would have relieved you of your post. i think it's inexcusable not to know of the requests for security i think cost these people their lives. >> madam secretary, you let the consulate become a death trap. and that's national security malpractice. you have said you take responsibility. what does responsibility mean, madam secretary? you're still in your job. >> well, let me get this straight first of all. let me start with joy. i think there's a sex, a gender aspect to this. they treated her as if they were reproaching her. like it was their job to reproach her. here's a line that doesn't square. one guy says she's leaving her job because she has been basically fired. he says i think ultimately that your leaving you accept the culpability. everybody knows that secretary clinton had decided months ago she was going to serve one presidential term. here he is dishonestly, you can say it's dishonest, he is leaving out of shame or out of recognition of her guilt. that's just not true. your thoughts? >> this is the same crowd that said she was too afraid to testify. then you have snidely whiplash rand paul up there being disrespectful to her. >> who is snidely whiplash? >> dudley do right. >> dudley do right, whatever. this comes from only talking to each other and listening to the rush limbaugh that call women babes and think that's that's okay. >> thank you, joy and regan. coming up, coincidence in the age of conspiracy. why do so many people believe in conspiracy theories? the fact is the more you know the less likely you're to believe in them, except the republicans the more they read the papers or watch fox, they're more likely to believe in conspiracy theories. well, say the word fox. obama and clinton alliance are doing a joint interview on "60 minutes." this is a fascinating event. the president of the united states with a duet with the secretary of state. this is big time. something is up. and what must joe biden -- what is he going to watch sunday night? can you rig it? republicans in five battleground states are looking to change the electoral voting process again. the five battle ground states where obama won, it would look like this where the republicans winning a third of them. i guess if you can't get people to vote for you you stack the deck. and let's talk about the collection of memorabilia, the life of jack kennedy. ♪ i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? 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