She liked to help people that needed help. There for her friends, there for her country. This was a good fit for her, the army . She wanted to be an officer. Her personal life was a little more complicated. She was estranged from her husband. Were they talking divorce . Kelli was. Mike wasnt. Had a new boyfriend. She was pretty fun. Shes easy to talk to. And lately she seemed to have an admirer. Did he ask kelli for her phone number . Yes. When she suddenly vanished, hundreds joined the search including this perfect stranger. I said, id like to see if i could solve this. He was suspicious about one of the men in kellis life. It is like, dude, i can tell youre lying. But getting the truth wouldnt be easy. I had to get into his mind, see what he was about. What you were involved in was psychological warfare. Uhhuh. He knows where shes at. After a young soldiers mysterious disappearance, one mans personal battle to find her. Do you think hes finally going to reveal to you . Oh, i know he is. It is closed now, just a decrepit old shack with only the weeds for company. The good times are long gone, back when it was a watering hole for some of the soldiers braced at nearby fort bragg. Famous for billiards, beer and karaoke, it was once a popular little pub called froggy bottoms and it was where private first class Kelli Bordeaux planned to unwind one friday night back in april, 2012, friday the 13th. Kelli was just 23, a mere 51 and barely 100 pounds, but she could hold her own with anybody. Girl power indeed. To her older siblings, matt and olivia, kelli was always the perfect combination of tough and sweet. Bouncy, bubbly, happy, and just trying to have a good time. I think she was always working to get better. She had a driven personality. That started from prek. She got straight as. Kelli also had a big heart. She was warm and generous, always putting others first. She liked to help people that she saw needed help. She wanted them to be better because she could help them to be better. Kelli grew up in florida and then enlisted in the army when she was 22. You just wait until i see you. Im not playing with you at all. After basic training the army sent her to fayetteville, north carolina. At fort bragg kelli trained as an army medic, one of the most demanding jobs in the military. I think it gave her an opportunity to do Something Better with her life and she wanted to help people. And what was it about being army medic . Thats an intense job. It was something that would push her to her limits. I want to make a career out of it, i want to do my 20 years. Shes like, i really want this to be something. So she would have possibly made a life out of the military. Oh, yeah. Yes, that was the plan. Kellis professional life was on track but her personal life was complicated. Kelli had a husband named Mike Bordeaux. She got married in 2010 before she joined the service but later separated. After some time apart, the couple decided to give it another shot. So when the army sent kelli to north carolina, she asked mike to come with her. Why did kelli want to save the marriage . I think she didnt want to see it as a failure. She said, im going to give it three months where i devote i am going to make this work. But kelli couldnt make it work. Despite her efforts the marriage was on the rocks. She bought him a oneway plane ticket to florida and he left. And did she actually use the word divorce . I remember in the Text Messages very clear, like, listen, mike, i have done everything i can for the last three months to make it work, i cant do this anymore, like this is it. During her initial separation from mike, kelli started seeing someone else, a guy from her hometown of st. Cloud, florida, named Justin Thompson. She was just fun. She was easy to talk to. She was always laughing, loving, she never meant anything wrong to anybody. Kelli had a knack of making everyone happy . She was inviting to everyone. If you were there you were part of the marriage. When mike ultimately moved out, kelli asked justin to move in. Were you in love with kelli . Yes, we were in love. I dont want to be like we were going to get married and have kids because i dont know what was going to happen, but i know it was our intentions, to further our relationship. Was home wherever kelli was . Yes. In early april of 2012 justin visited fayetteville to get acquainted with his future home. The couple also hit froggy bottoms. Then justin returned to florida. He would be back in two weeks, this time for good. Meanwhile, that friday the 13th kelli decided to go to the bar alone. She texted her sister olivia before she left that night and sent this selfie. Did she say if she was going with anybody . No, shes like im going to go sing karaoke and not think about work, not think about mike, just kind of trying to get away from all of that and relax. Kelli also texted justin about her plans. Justin said he wasnt happy that kelli had gone out alone in a new town she didnt know. I didnt feel like her life was in danger, i just didnt feel like that was a Good Environment. What was a Good Environment . The fayetteville area, her by herself. If something was to happen, no one was going to call and say, hey, kelli hasnt come home in a while, nobody knows anything. Throughout the evening kelli and justin kept in touch, texting frequently. Everything seemed fine. Olivia meanwhile went to bed early. The next morning did you try to call her or text her . Probably at some point i texted her and said, hey, how was last night, but it wasnt uncommon for us not to talk for a day or two. I just remember, like, let her chill this weekend. But justin said he did wake up to a text from kelli sent around 130 a. M. He said something was strange about it. The verbiage about it didnt make sense. I made it home, im safe, ill call you tomorrow. Why would you text me i made it home, im safe, ill call you tomorrow. Did you try to call her then . Yes. What happened . It was bad. I knew it was bad. Coming up, what were some of the scenarios running through your mind . That somebody was holding her somewhere. And then police turn their attention to kellis estranged husband. Were they talking divorce . Kelli was, mike wasnt. When deep in the woods continues. When deep in the woods continues. Long time. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Weve always put safety first. And we always will. For people. For the future. And there has never been a summer when its mattered more. Wherever you go, summer safely. Get zero percent apr financing for up to five years on select models and exclusive lease offers. For bathroom odors that linger try febreze small spaces. Just press firmly and it continuously eliminates odors in the air and on soft surfaces. For 45 days. Saturday, the morning after. Kelli bordeaux had been out of touch for hours. Her boyfriend, Justin Thompson, knew something was wrong. What was supposed to be a day off was now turning into a day of dread. Not a call, text or tweet from her, he says. I remember talking to my mom. I was like, i dont want to start a storm but im really worried about it because i knew something bad happened. Why did you jump to that conclusion so fast . If you talk to somebody every day and they you cant get hold of them it is no good. Saturday came and went, still nothing from kelli. On sunday justin now frantic phoned the Fayetteville Police department, urging them to start searching. Nobody would help me. I called them several times. Police policy required a Family Member to call in and provide more personal details on kelli before they could start searching. So the next day justin decided to call the army basin stead. I asked them if she showed up. I said it is important, if she didnt show up you need to go to her house. They got back on the phone and said she didnt show up. Army investigators and Fayetteville Police went to kellis apartment. They got inside . Uhhuh. No kelli . No kelli. Is that when everybody starts taking this really seriously. Thats when started to panic, yeah. Word spread like wildfire as fort bragk called her estranged husband mike who then phoned her sister olivia. Reliable kelli missed roll call and wasnt at home. I started calling her like crazy, trying to find anybody in the army with her, like have you seen her, did you go out on friday. I was just trying everything. Everything led to nothing, no leads, no clues, no kelli. What were some of the scenarios that were running through your mind . Just that somebody was holding her somewhere. A kidnapping kind of thing. Yeah, i was more concerned she was hurt somewhere and she wasnt able to get to us so we have to get to her. Olivia, matt and mike immediately made plans to all meet in fayetteville. By now the fayetteville pd was all over the case. One of the investigators assigned was veteran homicide detective mike ballard. We knew this could be an endangered person. Why the homicide unit when she has barely been missing. Kelli bordeaux was not a problem soldier, always contacted her family, her friends, and then she just disappears off the face of the earth. Breaking news in the case of Kelli Bordeaux, the fort bragg soldier missing since saturday. The disappearance of the beautiful young army medic was now big news and covered extensively by local media like nbc station wral tv. Right now it is still a missing person case. There is a lot that is not known at this time. Olivia and mike arrived in fayetteville where they took a grim meeting at police headquarters. What did you tell them . That we were hoping for the best but preparing for the worst and they should do the same thing, too. I remember at one point the detectives were trying to take us back to talk to us more and we were walking into a room and it said homicide on the door, and i was like im not going in there. They were like, no, no, this is just the best room. I was like, thats not happening, im not letting that thought in. I have to stay positive. This is an outofcharacter thing to happen to my sister. It is not something that she would do. Olivia quickly became a mainstay on every media outlet in the area. I just want my sister back, you know. I just want to talk to her. Mike bordeaux also went on camera to plead for his wifes return. Please let her come home. Just let her come home. The public, police and military response was intense. It seemed like the whole town turned out to look for kelli. Most of us are military, prior military or spouses, so we are very driven to find one of our own. Search teams numbers in the hundreds combed the fields and thick forests surrounding fayetteville. I searched basically every day i was there, sunup to sundown for the most part, and then it is just searching, searching, searching. This volunteer group started at kellis apartment, but just like police their search turned up nothing. Detectives were also combing through kellis background, her habits, and, most importantly, her circle of family and friends. Everybodys a suspect until we eliminate you. You started with Mike Bordeaux . Mike bordeaux. Kellis estranged husband . Right, and he told me during the interview that they were having some problems and thats what threw me off when he would get on tv, there was no issues. Me and her loved each other very much. And i just appreciate everyone out here helping looking for her. He wasnt being consistent. Mike was saying everything was greats . Yeah, yeah. And it wasnt . Like it was a marriage made in heaven and it wasnt. So you were taking interviews. Absolutely. Were they talking divorce . Kelli was, mike wasnt. Did you see that as a possible motive . Yeah, we had to eliminate Mike Bordeaux. Mike insisted he was in florida when kelli went missing in fayetteville. Even so, police still considered him the primary person of interest. Has her husband been questioned by detectives . Weve had conversation with mr. Bordeaux. Police also needed to have a conversation with kellis boyfriend, Justin Thompson. Little did they know that justin had a huge new lead waiting for them about the night kelli disappeared. Coming up a new possible suspect. He is the last person that is seen with kelli. That was very concerning to us. Why something in his past would trigger even more alarm bells. It certainly was a red flag. When deep in the woods continues. When deep in the woods continues. Ut whats next. And still going for my best. Even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib. Not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, i want that too. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Whats next . Reeling in a nice one. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. 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Neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. Police have just told us they have no new leads. Nothing. Kelli bordeaux. Missing soldier Kelli Bordeaux. What happened to Kelli Bordeaux . It was now national news. Suddenly quiet little fayetteville was ground zero for a massive search for a missing army medic. Detectives say information in this case keeps pointing them to look in this area near where she was last seen. Kelli bordeaux had been missing some 72 hours. The chances of finding her were growing slimmer by the day. Investigators have combed through just about every area here in fayetteville as well as in cumberland county. 600 miles away in florida, kellis boyfriend Justin Thompson was talking to detectives, telling them he was home the weekend kelli disappeared. He was not where he said. We checked his phone. Everything checked out with us though. Justin told detectives Something Else, another name to check out. When he and kelli visited froggy bottoms the week before she disappeared they met a chatty guy who worked there named nick holbert. He started talking to us. You get vibes from people sometimes. I could see he was weird. Kelli being kelli asked holbert if he wanted to join them for a game of pool. Holbert hung out with them until justin and kelli decided to head home for the night. Did he ask kelli for her phone number . Yes. And . She gave it to him because he worked there. It is always good to have somebody that works at the bar as a friend. That friday the 13th when kelli decided to go back to the barbie herself, justin told detectives she wasnt really alone. He said she arranged to get a ride from nick holbert. I just said this guy, watch out, be careful around him. I just told her to watch out, be careful around him. I told her to walk out and meet him because i didnt want him around there if im not there. This guy stuck in your mind . Yeah, hes weird. I dont know what she was doing. Did you say maybe you shouldnt i said it. Go with him . I said it, but i wasnt adamant about it. Im not going to tell her no a thousand times on text message. Kelli made it safe to the bar where she texted justin throughout the night, but then there was the last odd text he received. Justin was sure holbert had something to do with her disappearance and sent the text to cover his tracks. Detectives went to froggy bottoms where they found nick holbert. They discovered he was down on his luck living in the woods behind the bar. They searched his camp site and his car. Not one clue. Holbert also agreed to an interview at the Police Station where he told detectives, yes, he picked up kelli on friday, the 13th, and later dropped her off at the entrance to her apartment complex. Since friday night, no contact with her whatsoever, you dont know where she is at . No. What do you know about her . Nothing, really. Ive known her for, what, six hours all together. Holbert was fully cooperative. Didnt duck one question. If you knocked her down in the car, i need to know about that. No, i did not. Not even touched her . No. So they let him go. If nick holbert was a suspect, he certainly wasnt acting like one. He joined search teams looking for kelli and even spoke on local tv expressing his concern. She seemed like a really nice and cool person, and i mean i hate that shes missing. But Fayetteville Police werent buying holberts story, and now he too was a person of interest along with kellis husband, Mike Bordeaux. Remember, mike said he was home in florida when she went missing, which detectives needed to confirm. What are you looking for in florida . He said he was housesitting for his dad that saturday. His dad was out of town. He fed the horses, and he was hanging out with different guys so we located those people, interviewed them, story attdded up. We got video of him at a Convenience Store in his hometown, so he was there. What time was that video taken . I think it was around noon on saturday. So that didnt necessarily prove that he wasnt in fayetteville. He was there. Family put him there friday night, friends put him there. His alibi checked out. You felt solid no one was covering for him or we even went to the point of saying, okay, if he premeditatively done this he could have left his cellphone in florida, bought a new phone. We even checked into that. It didnt work. He was there. So Mike Bordeaux at that point in time was eliminated as a suspect. So now detectives and District Attorney billy west zeroed in on the last person seen with kelli. Everything kept coming back to Nicholas Holbert as the prime suspect. So investigators dug into holberts background and discovered something rather disturbing. He was a registered sex offender and served time in a penitentiary for that. It certainly was a red flag, the fact that he had a prior sex offense and he is the last person thats seen with kelli. That was very, very concerning to us. The da didnt have any evidence to arrest holbert for kellis disappearance, but he did discover holbert was violating the terms of his parole. He was a prior sex offender, and he was not registered properly and he was placed in jail. Sex offender nicholas right where detectives wanted him. Now they could watch holbert, see if he blabbed to a cell mate about what happened to kelli. They also questioned him twice, even took him back to froggy bottoms to jog his memory, but holbert stuck to his same, though sometimes inconsistent story. You caught him in lies but you couldnt crack him . Exactly. By now olivia and matt had left fayetteville and gone home. You must have felt kind of like you were leaving your sister behind even though realisticly you cant stay forever. I remember feeling defeated. We came up here thinking that something was going to happen and it didnt. I dont know. I felt like i didnt sleep for a couple of weeks. It was 24 7 thinking about what happened, what happened, what happened. Detectives and the da seemed so close to an answer. They even had their prime suspect in custody, but weeks passed, months. Holbert stopped talking. You couldnt arrest him . We needed her body. We needed to find Kelli Bordeaux. Little did police know it would take some two years to finally unravel the mystery, but they were about to get help, help they never imagined. Deep in the forest a secret investigation was underway, a man on a mission to bring kelli home. Coming up why a perfect stranger cared so much about kelli. She needed to be found. Who he believed had taken her and his risky scheme to get the man to talk. He buys that . Hook, line and sinker. When deep in the woods continues. When deep in the woods continues. Needles. Essential for sewing, but maybe not for people with certain inflammatory conditions. Because there are options. Like an unjectionâ„¢. Xeljanz. The first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. Before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra may increase risk of death. Tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. Needles. Fine for some. 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He didnt know kelli but had an intense interest in her case the day she disappeared. She was in the military and you dont just up and disappear. She was a young female. Thats not right. Marshburn is both a Bounty Hunter and private investigator. His specialty, finding people, dead or alive. I knew she wasnt alive. I knew she needed to be found. Remember that tv interview nick holbert did . Marshburn saw it, too. When im watching him its like dude, i can tell youre lying. He did it. He killed her. And marshburn was also convinced he could find Kelli Bordeaux. Operating on his own time and own dime, marshburn started carefully researching the details of kellis disappearance. I dont know what got into me to do it. I mean i just did it. To bring some answers to her family. Yeah, i love doing it. I love helping a family out. Marshburn was convinced holbert had buried kelli close to the froggy bottoms bar somewhere in the thick forest surrounding fayetteville. How daunting of a task was it . It is like i dont know, taking a rock no bigger than this and just throwing it out here and saying, go find it. And you miss it by an inch, you might as well have missed it by a mile because it is not that easy to find something. Marshburn needed help, so several months into his very private search he added two new members to his team, an assistant named marcia ward and a speciallytrained search dog with a keen sense of smell named cass. Hes named on tracking, trailing, whatever you want, what odor you want. Including buried bodies. Together marshburn, marcia and cass slogged through ponds, fields, forests, thousands of acres and searched for months, but no trace of kelli. Do you ever lose hope . Oh, yeah. I got really frustrated and disappointed. And im at my wits end. Then came an unlikely break. In may 2013, nick holbert was released from jail after being locked up on that parole violation. If holbert was happy, David Marshburn was thrilled because now he could deal with him facetoface. So just a day after his release marshburn pulled up to the house where holbert was staying. Ive never talked to a killer. Have you . I work for dateline. Oh, yeah. I take that back. What were you nervous about, that he would try to hurt you or just that the stakes are high here . Sort of like a star struck, you know what i mean . Youre like, wow, it is happening. Its not i fear him because i dont fear anybody. No one is big enough or bad enough. So its more like i want to get this right, i want to solve this. And if you do one thing wrong it goes to hell. Marshburn took a deep breath and knocked on the door. And he answered the door, and i said, hey, nick, im David Marshburn, im a private investigator, im here to try to find Kelli Bordeaux and i think you can help me. His strategy was simple, trick holbert into thinking he was an ally. It was basically telling him, im your angel, im your help, let me help you. Help him how though . For people to see the light that he was not guilty. So youre telling nick that youre going to prove he didnt have anything to do with the disappearance of Kelli Bordeaux . And he buys that . Hook, line and sinker. So now the Bounty Hunter and the prime suspect talked. Over the next few months marshburn gradually started to win holberts confidence, coaxing him to confess about what really happened to Kelli Bordeaux. I had to get into his mind and see what he was about. Did you think that he was going to just confess to you . Uhhuh, i knew that. I didnt know how i was going to get it out of him. At this point police were aware of David Marshburn and his diy investigation. Did you take David Marshburn seriously . Absolutely. He came to us and wanted to befriend nick holbert. What did you think of that . Hey, go for it. We cant tell him what to do. He was intelligent. He had common sense, so we was okay with him trying. Marshburn, remember, is a private eye, not a police officer. Unlike detectives he could try tactics that were, to say the least, unorthodox. A few months after they met marshburn told holbert that the da was ready to cut a deal if he confessed. Marshburn even presented holbert with this very attractive plea bargain agreement. It would be Something Like manslaughter and he would do three to four years and he would go to a mental hospital. The socalled deal was completely bogus. Youll see, i put a fake judge on there. It was justin f. Case, honorable justin f. Case. Just in case. Did he believe it . Yeah. He believed it to a point, but then he threw it back at me after looking at it for about five minutes said, no, theyll just take it back. Marshburn thought that wasnt exactly the reaction of an innocent man. Now he was fully convinced nick holbert had killed kelli, but he needed to get holbert to reveal where he buried her body. How can i be his friend . And i had to do some things, say some crap that i just didnt believe, but i had to do it to play the part. Marshburn bought holbert countless meals, beers, even hired him to do odd jobs, slowly becoming a bff, or maybe a more of a frenenemy. But marshburn said he paid a high price as he practically abandoned his wife and young son. I didnt do any family stuff. If we were eating somewhere and nick picked up a phone call and said hey i need cigarettes, i need money, id get up and leave and id gestraight to him and do what i had to do and come back. Were you obsessed . When i have someone im hunting down im not going to stop until i get an answer. But holbert still wasnt providing any answers about kelli who had now been missing some 18 months. By this time marshburn had spent thousands of hours and some 40,000 trying to crack holbert. He was losing hope and considered quitting or even trying something drastic. At times i wanted to just take nick and cut his fingers off and say, you tell me or im going to chop another one off. I wanted to torture him because i knew he knew. You really would have done that . Oh, yeah. I hated him that bad, i despised him. He really got into your head. Well, i wouldnt say got into my head. I spent so much money, i almost lost my family, i almost lost everything i had. Marshburn didnt resort to torture but he needed a new tactic, something that would holebert finally share his deadly secret. Coming up, marshburn finds a new pressure point. That was his achilles heel. Uhhuh. But will it work . Is the mystery about to be solved . This is it . This is it. When deep in the woods continues. It. When deep in the woods continues. Me i thought i was managing. My moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Yes until i realized something was missing. Me. You ok, sis . My symptoms kept me from being there for my sisters. Flight boarding for flight 2007 to chicago. 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There were still a few flyers scattered around fayetteville, but nearly two years after Kelli Bordeaux had mysteriously vanished the investigation had cooled. New crimes now took priority. Kellis family still visited fayetteville periodically to keep the case alive, somehow never losing hope. People would ask, how do you keep thinking shes alive. I was like, until you can prove otherwise why should i believe it. I would rather believe the better scenario. How did you have that hope it would happen . Because the other avenue wasnt one i wanted to go down. Back in florida, kellis boyfriend, Justin Thompson, had been living in limbo with a bad case of survivors guilt. I could have done more. Somehow i should have done better. I should have told her dont go, argued about it. I dont know. What was the waiting like, the not knowing . Terrible. Just like slams on the brakes, in your life you cant do anything. I honestly didnt think we would ever find her. Really . What was going to change . But little did justin know things were about to change. Up in fayetteville, private investigator David Marshburn had befriended nick holbert, the prime suspect in kellis disappearance. Marshburn was working practically 24 7 to get a confession, chasing every clue holbert dropped. We go talk to him and then wed go out and try and figure it out. We knew we were going on wild goose chases. We had to do it. I mean what else you got . Marshburn needed to turn up the heat on holbert and had an idea. Nick was always worried Law Enforcement was watching him. That was his achilles heel . Uhhuh. So i knew it was a weakness. Which marshburn exploited by enlisting a friend who owned a vehicle that looked like an Unmarked Police car. He had him park near holberts house and conduct surveillance, fake surveillance. It worked like a charm because he saw him right out the gate when he come outside and got paranoid. So paranoid that marshburn tried yet another trick to push holbert to give it up. He had his wife pose as a paralegal and drop phony indictment papers charging holbert with kellis murder. I took one of his old charges, changed who the detective was, changed the charges. He was being indicted and i got cc, my paralegal person on the phone who is your wife . Yeah, who is helping me. The plan was working good and he was worried. Holbert took one look at the indictment papers and went into a panic. Sensing nick was near his breaking point marshburn reminded him about the sweetheart plea deal if he confessed so they took a ride to froggy bottoms back to where it all began. I said, look, nick, youre fixing to be indicted on this. They evidently got evidence. The middle youre probably not so sure because its all fuzzy, you probably had tunnel vision or you just dont want to remember the bad part and the end. The ends where we need to get to. Thats where i need to be. You need to get me to where kellis at. I said im going to leave you right here and you think about it and ill wait as long as you need to. He didnt say a word, nothing. This must have been a powerful moment between you two. It was. Its quiet. Its just my voice, and hes standing there looking straight down, and it feels like hes imaging all the stuff going on of what he done. Do you think hes finally going to reveal to you . I know he is. This is it. Oh, yeah, i have chills. Marshburn then applied one last bit of pressure, his own ticking clock of sorts to push holbert over the edge. I pick up a stick, i figure if i sit there and snap it, it would ring in his mind, hey, im on a time limit whereby the clocks ticking and i stop snapping the twigs off it. And finally i got to the last piece of it. And he said Something Like, okay, im ready. Ready to confess. Finally after a yearlong catandmouse game holbert revealed to marshburn that he killed Kelli Bordeaux. They got back in the van and holbert directed marshburn to a remote area where he remembered burying the body. And i said where we got to go, and he said were at it. My heart just sank and im like how many times have i been on this road, damn, how did i miss her, and he said right here. So we pulldown this path. Are you getting nervous . No. Im excited im going to find her. And i took cass and me and cass try and find her. Marshburn and cass spent the next several hours combing through the thick woods, trying to get a scent of kellis grave. We searched to almost dark and cass starts laying down and so we start digging. Cant find nothing. What is that telling you though . Thinking were close. But not close enough. Holbert couldnt remember exactly where he buried kellis body. It was almost dark. Everybody was exhausted. So marshburn reluctantly called it a day, but he didnt take holbert home. I give him a hotel room and i tell him im going to be back in the morning. Did you worry that he might get spooked and take off . I was worried he was going to kill himself. And take the secrets of kellis grave to his own. Coming up an excruciating few hours. I couldnt sleep that night. Marcia couldnt sleep. In the morning, one final search and at long last a sign. All of a sudden he starts whimpering and he stops. After two long years, are all questions about to be answered . When deep in the woods continues. When deep in the woods continues. Im a performer. Always have been. And always will be. Never letting anything get in my way. Not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. And certainly not arthritis. New voltaren provides powerful arthritis pain relief to help me keep moving. And it can help you too. Feel the joy of movement with voltaren. Feel the joy of movement Gillette Proglide and proglide gel. Five blades and a pivoting flexball designed to get virtually every hair on the first stroke, while washing away dirt and oil. So youre ready for the day with a clean shave and a clean face. It was a long night in north carolina. Nick holbert was holed up in a hotel. While a few miles away David Marshburn was wide awake wondering, worrying, hoping that tomorrow would be the day he could finally bring Kelli Bordeaux home. I couldnt sleep that night, marsha couldnt sleep. We were all excited for the next day. The next day comes and we go to pick him up and hes real quiet. He, of course, was nick holbert who was now back in the forest outside fayetteville. It was may 14, 2014. Two years of searching had now come down to this one sweltering spring morning. But holbert still couldnt remember exactly where he had buried kellis body and went off searching in a different direction. Were standing there and im like i cannot figure this out. And all of a sudden i look to my left and theres some clearing over here and the sun coming down. In this that very same spot cass seemed to pick up a scent. All of a sudden he starts crawling to it, wimpering crawling and he stops. That was our spot. Reporter they carefully pushed a metal rod into the ground. The soil was loose like a hole had been dug and filled in. It was at that moment marshburn was overwhelmed with emotion. At that time i said baby girl youre going home. Youre going home, baby girl. So sorry. I get emotional. Had you even seen her yet . We just knew. But they had to be sure, so now the grim task of digging began. We found a little piece of a jacket. When we pulled that jacket back thats when we stopped. This was hers, this is it. Throughout the day marshburn had been texting Fayetteville Police about his progress. Now minutes after finding kellis body he sent them something definitive and dreadful. A photo. It appears to be a human bone, a place hes digging, and at that time we contacted him and said, hey, cease and desist on the digging and dont do nothing else. Police rush to the scene and soon detective jeff lockleer was interrogating holbert on camera. Where do you want me to start . Holbert told the whole horrible story, how he took kelli to the bar and hung out and later someone there told her about his prior sex offense. She got upset and swore at him in the empty parking lot. I zoned out and hit her, knocked her out. Holbert said he took kelli to his campsite where she woke up and started screaming. And i hit her again, knocked her out again. I mean, she was dead. Holbert said he then took her body deep into the woods and buried her. Holbert was then taken downtown and arrested. This morning detectives with the fayetteville Homicide Police unit recovered what we believe to be the remains of private first class Kelli Bordeaux. By no kellis family had gotten the news. He was like hey you need to come to moms now. I was like i cant just leave work. He was like, no, you need to come home now, they found kelli. And then its like a sense of relief instead of wondering what if, what if, what if. Olivia called kellis boyfriend Justin Thompson. As soon as she called i knew they found her. I was so grateful honestly, i was so happy she was found. I cant say happy. Relieved. Yeah, i guess i was relieved. I was like sad all over again. Now were going to have to do the funeral thing. Two weeks later they paid their final respects. The funeral in florida was such big news it was actually televised. Aim, fire. Kelli bordeaux was just 23. Everybody rise, please. Just over a year later came a measure of justice. Are you in fact guilty of each of these crimes . Yes, sir. Facing the possibility of the Death Penalty nick holbert pleaded guilty to kidnapping and killing kelli in exchange for a life sentence. I wanted my sister, i wanted her. So what happened to nick holbert isnt going to change what hes done, whether he says hes sorry. It doesnt matter. For David Marshburn hiss remarkable work was done. Case closed. Justice served. Kelli bordeaux was finally home. But he says solving her case left him with mixed emotions. Once we got finished we were depressed. It was a depression like you would not believe because we went two years nonstop kelli. Do you think this case would have ever been solved without you . No, i dont think nick would have told anyone unless they were his friend, but he did tell me. But the family of Kelli Bordeaux, the loss, the pain, the sorrow never goes away. But David Marshburn at least gave them a chance to heal. He ended a suffering for my family where were sitting here agonizing for these last two years. He was the one able to come and end that for us and to make it to where you can try to start rebuilding and doing things that will make kelli proud and to live your life. The family also had something for David Marshburn, a very special gift from kelli. Kellis dog tags which thats a great honor in itself. This is very important thing for a soldier. Yeah, ill always have these. These will stay with me forever. Im craig melvin. And im natalie morales. And this is dateline. Whatd you hear . Uh, laughing some almost screaming. You heard screaming . Ive known these kids their whole life. I dont believe for a minute that they made any of that up. Like screaming noises or Something Else . Like like laughing, screaming. They believe their father killed their mother. They found her in the bedroom. A young mom stabbed to death. I can see her fighting, fighting for her life. I was so distraught. She was gone. She was your wife, mother of your children. Its awful. I wouldnt wish that on anybody. Her ex had been to visit the day she died

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