Assault would make him feel as a man. It harmed him. And it cannot be undone. Senator kiersten gillenbrand joins me to talk about how congress is accepting sexual abuse on capitol hill. Good day. Im Andrea Mitchell on Andrea Mitchell reports. President trump abandoning his tough talk, even changed from what he said last week at the white house. New york times chief White House Correspondent peter baker, and tom donnelin, and Chris Jansing. Chris, what a role reversal in china. Remarkable what a red carpet and a few brass bands will do. Reporter stunning, isnt it . Its not unusual for a president once he becomes president to shift tone from the campaign trail, but this is such a dramatic aboutface and very much different from what weve seen from every other american president. In fact, rex tillerson, secretary of state, was briefing reporters yesterday and was trying to suggest this was more tongue in cheek, that what the president was trying to say about trade was this wasnt just about president xi, it was something that had developed over the course of many administrations over the course of decades, this glaring trade deficit that the president has called embarrassing. But the truth of the matter is, this is being seen as a victory for xi. The state media is saying what a great visit it was. It says it shows he respects our head of state. The president himself talked about the great chemistry. You mentioned all the pomp and circumstance, what theyre calling a state visit plus, meant to really stroke the ego of this president , and in fact, yesterday when they made those joint statements, the president said this was memorable, impressive and something i will never forget. He brought along a video of his granddaughter arabella, who is jared and ivankas daughter, singing and speaking in mandarin. So very much an opening there that is worth noting on a couple of levels. One, we did not see xi returning the favor. You did not hear him praising President Trump in those joint statements yesterday. And there were no questions. You know the 22, andrea, where when a state visit happens in the United States when a foreign leader comes or the president comes here, they often will take questions. They didnt. Something that is being seen again as a victory for president xi who rules an authoritarian thumb and obviously suppresses a free press here. Being watched very closely as he heads out a little bit later today to vietnam without any real deliverables, either on trade or on north korea, the two things he came here at the top of his agenda, andrea. And on those subjects that youve laid out so beautifully, Chris Jansing, peter baker, tom donnelin, kearney has been tweeting that there was a time when they threatened not having president obama do a press conference at all if they did not take questions from the chinese side. This has been an article of faith both under president obama, president clinton, president george w. Bush. When you go to china, you insist on a free press. Reporter yeah, in fact, i remember that press conference that they had. When langley was there, they asked a question from their side. They didnt particularly like it. He asked them about their press freedom issues, and i think there was a sense in the press corps afterward, thats probably the last time well get the chinese to take our questions. Thats exactly right. It is up to a president to sort of make that decision, to force his hosts to abide by the traditions that have been established in the past and open it up to questions. Its not an open society there. President trump decided not to make an issue out of that. But some of the things we saw, some of the, you know, niceties and the pleasantries, thats not a lot different than other president s. Thats not that unusual. President s dont usually go to china skpen gauand engage in th rhetoric we see them engage in on the campaign trail. George h. W. Bush was too close to china. He gave him most favored status when he became president. There is something that happens on the campaign trail and when you become president when it comes to china. And maybe its when you have a lot of american debt in chinas hands. At the same time, tom donelin, you were in charge of the socalled pivot to china to asia. To asia, rather, and including, of course, china. This is a president who as much as a week ago was complaining about chinas treatment of the United States. Whether he was accurate in that regard or not, he was certainly wrong when he talked about china still being a currency manipulator during the campaign when he claimed that he was going to do that on day one, declare them a currency manipulator. They had long since stopped manipulating the currency dramatically. But that said, what were the differences that you noted . Should there have been some overt pressure on china from the president about north korea . Couple things here. Number one, i agree with peters point with regard to press access. That was always a point we made and they were expected to open up questions to the press. Indeed, when president xi came to the United States, he did a press conference in the rose garden when he took questions from the american and chinese press. With respect to this trip, the thing that strikes me is a lack of outcomes. Its important to develop a personal relationship. Flattery can get you places. I dont think anyone advised the president. I would imagine its an ad lib to say china deserves great credit for taking advantage of the United States. I think that was a mistake. We need to work on the real issues. We have real Economic Issues between the United States and china. They need to be dealt with respectfully. We have contact issues, security issues. Cyber. Cyber issues that deserve real interest in an engagement with the chinese. I dont think we saw that on this trip. And there have been other secretaries of state who have all demanded press access. This secretary of state has not. When we went to beijing, did not demand a press conference, and has not defended that issue. Moscow has not demanded press access. Lets face it, this is a secretary of state who doesnt give access himself. So going to other countries and demanding access might seem a little odd. Hes someone who doesnt understand or clearly doesnt appreciate the value of having a press corps follow him around and amplify his words, amplify the statements of the United States. I always thought that was an odd choice for secretary of state because you diminish a third or half of your power if you stay silent. One of the things the secretary of state does is be a voice for the United States around the world. If you dont use that set of tools, youre giving april lup f your power and influence right from the start. Obviously he doesnt care much about the press in his own right, therefore hes not going to press others. Its a lost opportunity, because places like china and turkey and other places, andrea, youve been all over the world with secretaries of state. They dont often answer questions except when american reporters come to visit with secretaries of state. Its a chance for their own societies to hear their own Leaders Press on issues of bu t accountability. First the white house said there was going to be a meeting with putin, now telling the press corps its under consideration. Some thought this might be put aside unless putin is at the summit, unless putin delivers something on syria. Is that any reporting youve been able to get . Peter first. Reporter the idea of another meeting with putin in this context with the investigation sort of bearing down back here at home, and without any kind of deliverable, as tom said without any kind of tangible, concrete outcome out of it might look odd and might, in fact, be counterproductive. President putin is, you know, feeling that he has gotten a lot of what he wanted out of this disruption of american political system through last years election into this year. He, at this point, is feeling strong and on top of things, and its not clear that hes willing to collaborate with donald trump, with President Trump the way the president has suggested he would. That their Good Relationship he thought they would forge would result in specific tangibles. We havent seen that. I think having another meeting without that kind of tangible outcome might be disruptive. And tom, russia not really cooperating on north korea, either. Not at this point. I think that could be an important point of conversation if the president were to meet with president putin. I think having met with president putin more times than President Trump has, you need to have a goal, you need to have an outcome in mind, and absent that i dont think it is a good idea to have a meeting. You need to be well prepared psychologically and substantively for a meeting with vladimir putin. There is a lot overshadowing that meeting at home in terms of the investigation as well. North korea could be an important topic if they do have a meeting. And you make a good point on the investigations here. The president could really help himself by just acknowledging the 2016 issues and moving on to a plan of the future. Tom donelin, always a pleasure. And peter baker, friend and colleague, thank you. And Chris Jansing for setting the stage here. Meanwhile, the wage of Sexual Assault allegations from kevin spacey, Harvey Weinstein and others. Where men and women as well are working to set up Sexual Harassment barriers in the white house as well. I know youve taken this issue in the Armed Services regarding the military, but now what about the workplace on capitol hill . Reporter here in washington, in congress, they have a very difficult process that is not designed for survivors. It is opaque. So we want to modernize it. We want to actually mandate training for all members of congress, every congress. We want to make sure that these rules protect staff and interns. We want to make sure that some of the arcane rules that require them to have mediation no longer exist. So it would also require a survey, so we would actually have data about what the prevalence is and what the climate is actually like for the people working here. Were hoping to work on this bill on a bipartisan basis and introduce it next week. Just to show you i dont need to tell you what preceded you for generations on capitol hill, but just from personal experience covering the 1921 clarence tom homathomasanita h hearings, the hearing did not end up gathering all the witnesses they could have heard from on both sides. But here is a clip from my former colleague lisa meyers coverage from bob packwiths resignation after he was about to be exposed. This is what Mitch Mcconnell had to say. The committee has heard enough. The senate has heard enough. The public has heard enough. The evidence is compelling. And it seems to me the appropriate response would be resignation. And that was friday, september 7, 1995. How things have not changed or changed . The leadership was behind us. Reporter the biggest problem, andrea, for institutions whether its congress, whether its hollywood, whether its the nfl, they tend to protect the powerful. So the system in place here, the system in place in those places, even on college campuses, in the military is to protect those who are powerful and those who are charged. So we have to create transparency and accountability and thats why the me, too campaign has been so powerful. Men and women are standing up, telling their stories, actually proving the case that this is a very prevalent problem and its pervasive in industries across the board that we need to create this measure of transparency. The rules in place are inadequate in every way, so we are going to change that. And theres a lot of senators working on bills right now to do that. I know it has to go through the rules committee. This is a process and that senators klobashur on the rules committee are prepared today, or perhaps have in the last hour or two, delivered their own rule which would pave the way for this legislation. I spoke to senator klobuchar about it and shes bakely masic making a rule that everybody has to have training. Im working on changing the process to make it less opaque, to take out mediation, and make it for interns, too, everybody who works here. From personal experience, i once had to go to senator packwood and tell him to stay away from an nbc intern who was afraid to complain but came back so flustered from a news stakeout that i knew something had happened. Things change very slowly on capitol hill. Speaking of change, i know youre getting into how the air force missed a step tragically on reporting the Domestic Abuse of the killer in the texas massacre. Reporter well, andrea, this is something ive been looking at for a while. I do a report every year that documents the Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence on each of the four major bases for each of the services. And we documented through those reports that one year more than half of the survivors of Sexual Assault were either spouses or civilians. There is enormous Domestic Violence issues within the military and they dont properly track these issues. They dont even survey spouses. The data gets pulled when someone actually comes forward. So they had an issue here, and if they didnt do the right paperwork to make sure that somebody who escaped from an institution, who gave not only had a Domestic Violence problem but crushed the skull of a child, i mean, these are huge issues, red flags. And he should have never been eligible to buy a gun for not only his criminal record, but obviously Severe Mental Health issues. So there is a problem here. Weve asked secretary mattis to do a deep dive to actually do an audit of every Service Member who has had these kinds of convictions who has this kind of background to make sure that criminal record is going to Law Enforcement so the d. O. J. Can hopefully permit those individuals from buying guns. Senator kirsten gillenbrand, thank you for being with us. Up next, chuck todd talking about the soul searching of both parties. Meet the press celebrates its 70th anniversary. Youre watching Andrea Mitchell reports on msnbc. What is a blond . Blond is an excellent term short for web log. You drop the w and you get the blog. Dad molly trash whoo mom hey, molly . Its time to go bell ringing class, lets turn to page 136, recessive traits skip generations. Who would like to read . molly i reprogrammed the robots to do the inspection. Its running much faster now. See . Its amazing, molly. Thank you. when this guy got a flat tire thank you. In the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. And you know the music. You know what that means. Meet the press, the lodngest Running Program on television celebrating 70 years on the air. Interviews with former president s, 82 heads of state, hundreds of journalists. More importantly, now more than ever, especially after tuesdays election, joining me now, moderator of meet the press, chuck todd. Also political director and host of mtp daily on msnbc. We played your song. The legacy is the weight of all of this, but youve been so spectacular in the transition of russberg and a host of other moderators over the years. Lets talk about politics. Tuesday and wednesday, winners and losers, democrats winners, but there are also warning signs that they shouldnt jump to conclusions about 2018. Its interesting and ive seen some hand wringing saying the greenbergs of the world, that democrats have done a good job. They still dont have a message. Or they dont have a cohesive message that allows them to not have to make every election a microtargeting election. Looking for a midterm election, its possible that njust not trump might be enough. So i dont think the demand for them to come up with some cohesive messaging may not be there for the midterm. But theyre not going to win the presidency in 2020. They need to look at the Northam Campaign and look for an immigration answer thats better. It wasnt necessary in that state. It will be necessary for Clair Mccaskill to be coming up with a better pushback on immigration issues. On trade, there are a handful of issues that will determine sort of the fate of people like Clair Mccaskill, joe mansion, joe donnelly, all those red state democrats, that they do need to figure out a better economic message that unifies their coalition. They have one now, collegeeducated whites coupled with women, coupled with minorities, younger voters. You see the coalition there. The same coalition that Hillary Clinton was touting last year, but you still need some sort of over arching mission. They need Something Else for 2020. Pretty extraordinary that northam did better with women than Hillary Clinton. I know. I think look, i said this earlier today on a radio show, but it may be that no president will have a bigger impact on women in politics than donald trump. And i know that may seem like an odd thing, but look how many firsttime women candidates ran and won, whether it was city council seats, state delegate seats, things like that. Never mind the electoral. I mean, a 22point gender gap overall, Andrea Mitchell, 22 points. Look, theres been a gender gap that has favored the democrats among women for quite some time, but it is starting to get so wide that the math will stop working for the republicans if theyre not careful. And youve got bob goodlat, another veteran retiring, not wanting to face the bannon primary factor, and seeing that a general election is a big reach for some of them, especially in the suburbs. You know, its interesting. I think youre going to have a lot of incumbent republicans depending on if theyre a Committee Chair and theyre term limited, the republican conference has term limits on Committee Chairs. Even if theyre in a safe seat, they may think to themselves, geez, are we going to lose the majority . Is it worth it . I think youll see those conversations. Good luck to me falls in that category, perhaps. I think his seat is fairly safe in virginia. But thats a different conversation. Then you have these sitting in the suburban seats, whether its around philadelphia or suburban seats in dallas or houston or places like that. You may see a handful of democrats there. If these are open seats rather than having incumbents in them, that gives the opportunity for the democrats to pick them up to make it, frankly, a lot easier for them. Speaking of things that have happened recently, the year weve had, the tumultuous year, here are some of the highlights, and these roare only a few of t highlights. The best of chuck in the past year on meet the press. Sean spicer gave alternative facts to that. Alternative facts . Alternative facts are not facts. Theyre falsehoods. Heres what i want to tell trump flying from that base, f. U. You used the initials, but i think thats a first for meet the press. Im staying focused on donald trump because i will be the nominee. The show is trump and it is soldout performances everywhere. Ask nd it has been for a lon time. Theres been so many of these moments, chuck, and as you are the first to acknowledge, not only just in the first year. One of the things i think back upon is colin powell with tom brokaw declaring that he was going to endorse a democrat. He was a lifelong republican and a cabinet member, and well, lets watch. I come to the conclusion that because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across america, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities, and we have to take that into account, as well as his substance. He has both style and substance. He has met the standard of being a successful president , being an exceptional president. I think he is a transformational figure. He is a new generation comie ono the world stage, the american stage, and for that reason ill be voting for senator barack obama. Of course, that was obama, not clinton, that he was announcing for, but that was such an extraordinary interview on so many levels. Chuck, in taking this over from tim who transformed the show, and of course the show was really transformed with the hourlong show and made it possible to open meet the press up in so many ways. Look, i think tom brokaw put it well, meet the press had two founding fathers, Lawrence Spivak and tim russer. Tim russer redeveloped it for the modern era. My job as custodian of it is just to keep it relevant in the 21st century in our fractured news environment. I think the thing that im most grateful for right now, being in this position, is the fact that i think coming into this job, there were a lot of questions. Is sunday still relevant and people want to have those conversations. I think now more than ever, because its not just our show, its all the sunday shows, are doing really well right now, and i think the public sees that, oh, i need my own day of reflection to understand what the heck just happened, what mattered and what didnt, and i think the saturation of News Coverage and the noise that can feel like noise on the polarized Playing Field has actually made sundays more relevant than ever and more important than ever for many people because its an opportunity to sort it all out. On a day when new legislation is being introduced on capitol hill on sexual harrasment, i want to show you this exchange. This was senator alan simpson on meet the press on the weekend, at the height of the weekend nonstop hearings on Clarence Thomas, 1991. Senator simpson, youve said you got information. If youve got information you owe it to anita hill and Clarence Thomas to produce it right now. I will. If she comes back, ill ask her these things and these people may get subpoenaed and the list may get longer through the night. It was an accusation made on meet the press in the middle of those hearings. Of course, they didnt give her a chance to come back with either her polygraph test or other witnesses. You know, its been very interesting to look at the archives and to see, particularly on gender, how you can see how the country has changed through the waisoy some questions are asked of women on the show, you had alan simpson on the issue of sexual harrasment. Can you imagine in todays climate, i think the coverage of Clarence Thomas and anita hill would be a lot different today than it was 30 years ago. And that is another useful aspect about meet the press, right . It does span the history of the television journalism, but it also is a reflection of American Society and where we were, where we went, where were headed, and each time you could sort of see the dark there, and its one of the great privileges of being here to sort of being a part to continue that history. Well, thank you so much, chuck. Thank you for being with us today. Of course make sure to catch chuck todd this sunday as meet the press, the longest running show in tv history, celebrates its 70th anniversary. Coming back, tragedy to try u triumph. Well talk to chris hurst whose journalist girlfriend was killed in the media. He won his first race. Alright, off you go. Casual fridays at Buckingham Palace . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money nathan saved by switching to geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. We danced in a german dance group. I wore lederhosen. Man. 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He was inspired to enter politics in response to tragedy after his fiancee, allison parker, was shot and killed on television in 2015. Chris hurst joins me now. Welcome and congratulations for turning your life. I know out of grief and tragedy, you focused on guns and what happened to allison. The house of delegates is pretty much a closed society. Back in the day, i was even a local reporter going to richmond to cover the house of delegates way back in the 1970s. How is it changing this election . We probably worked with fellow wwdbj in compton. Yes. One of my heroes. Mine, too, in the General Assembly. My approach still going to have a journalistic mindset and be a dog in the General Assembly as well. People still look at guns as being behind closed doors in the room that it happened, and i told people on the campaign trail that even if i were to be elected and among the powerful, ill still do the job i did in journalism and keep people accountable. In rhethe recounts, where do the division lie . Last time i checked, it was tied and they were still counting votes. Im not an expert on canvassing and who has conceded, who has not conceded, who is calling for a recount, not calling for a recount. I think things are still very much in flux right now. I know the Democratic Party has many people on the ground making sure every single vote is counted and every single vote and accurately counted. I think the house is in play, and thats the message that needs to get out to folks all across the country, is that what people thought could never occur, sure, there might be a blue wave here in virginia, but no one thought it would be 100 feet high. And there is still a shot for democrats to take control of the house of delegates in virginia for the first time in a generation. Its been remarkable. You had so many women. In fact, there are two men in this group, but so many more women, a transgender woman. The change, women of color in the house of delegates. This old virginia is changing rapidly. And health care was the biggest issue, interestingly enough. Yeah, health care is a huge issue for i think all americans. Virginia is one of few states that have not expanded medicaid as part of the health care act. Virginians need to be offered insurance if theyre still working and living in poverty. That message was resounding in my 12th district. I want to mention what you mentioned, too, about diversity among the people who got elected. I think oftentimes, and you certainly saw this back when you were covering the state house in richmond, there are still white men in august. Im two o office. Im two out of three, ill give you that, but we have the first transgender woman in the country be elected. Kathy tran, our first asianamerican woman to be elected is wonderful. We had two latina women elected. I cannot be more humbled and grateful to now be among a freshman class that actually looks like and will represent fully the commonwealth of virginia. Its absolutely wonderful. Well, congratulations, chris hurst. Its great to meet you virtually and i hope to see you in person sometime soon. Best of luck. Good to be with you. Thank you. Coming up, backyard brawl. A report from the kentucky courthouse where the neighbor accused of attacking rand paul goes before a judge today. Stay with us. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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Reporter well, andrea, that neighbor renee bouche entered a plea of not guilty of misdemeanor assault. His lawyer is trying to figure out how to proceed, whether they want to fight these charges. But the case is taking a bizarre twist over what led up to the dispute. Thats because bouches attorney confirmed reports that this was over a yard dispute. That rand paul has a messy yard, theyve disputed this for years and thats what led up to it. But rand paul has been calling this fake news, offering no explanation of his own, though. He doesnt need to give an explanation as to why he was assaulted, recovering from six broken ribs and fluid on the lungs, but it adds a bizarre twist to this case that there even seems to be a dispute over what caused this. Because of the severity of senator pauls injuries, there is a chance that the charges could be elevated to felony charges. Well have to wait for the investigation to be complete. Andrea . Blake mccoy in kentucky. Thank you very much, blake. And the Environmental Protection agency now directed to Climate Change and promote fossil fuels. And the weeklong look at just how government has changed in the year since President Trumps election. You know what it says, right . Youre going back to work. This is a very different kind of Environmental Protection, the president making good on his promise to roll back dozens of environmental regulations, including rules that kept coal waste out of water waste and required stronger flood standards for infrastructure. He tried to downsize the agency. We are going to get rid of it in almost every form. Were going to have little tidbits left. Proposing slashing the budget by almost a third but Congress Said no. Free market advocate and Climate Change activist led trumps epa transition team. On the issue of the environment, i think President Trump is further ahead in fulfilling his Campaign Promises than in any other area. This is a recipe for killing more people, making more people sick, and leaving the tremendous damage that Climate Change is beginning to cause to just multiply. Reporter after a year of devastating hurricanes and wildfires, a federal report warns Climate Change is already costing the u. S. Billions of dollars. Today Climate Change has disappeared from the epas website, and last month three government scientists were barred from presenting Climate Change research. What happens when science is silenced . We lose big time. And we get set back, too, because you dont just flip a switch and start it up again. Wendy left the epa after 39 years and 7 president s. She was the top official overseeing chemicals and pesticides but said she was left out of the decision not to ban a pesticide that impacts the nervous systems of insects and potentially children. It made me feel like i was irrelevant to some extent. Reporter how would characterize what happened at the epa since President Trump became inaugerated . I have never seen anything like it before. The Agency Always has critics but usually not such strong critics inside the agency. Grade todays epa for me. I give it an f. I really am troubled by what ive seen. I would say the first term is an a. Reporter amidst dramatic change shaped by an industry thats supposed to regulate rather than the environment its charged to protect. Nbc news, washington, ann thompson. Our thanks to ann thompson. They reveal a tax plan today. But will it add up . Youre watching Andrea Mitchell reports on msnbc. Em to protect their secrets . . hi bill. If that is your real name. Its william actually. Hmph affordable, fast fedex ground. The markets change. At t. Rowe price. Our disciplined approach remains. Global markets may be uncertain. But you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president , then what has our government become . Im tom steyer, and like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. Yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger whos mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. And they do nothing. Join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing whats political and start doing whats right. Our country depends on it. 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Com breast [ click ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ clacking continues ] good questions lead to good answers. Our advisors can help you find both. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. Yours. With a looming thanksgiving deadline only two weeks away, Senate Republicans are unveiling their version of tax legislation today. What happens if it doesnt pass, if they dont pass the bill . This is Lindsey Graham. If party fractures, most income thats in 2018 will get a severe primary challenge. A lot of them will probably lose. The base will fracture. The financial contributions will stop. Other than that, it will be fine. Joining me now, democratic congressman joe crowley, member of the house ways and Means Committee and chair of the democratic caucus. Congressman, thanks for being with us. First on the house bill, what are the chances of that passing . I think they probably have the votes to get something done in the house. What that exactly is remains to be seen. Were still waiting to hear what the managers amendment, which is code for a brandnew bill to be dropped in the committee as we speak. So its really not clear yet what that bill will be but i do think theyre so desperate, as Lindsey Graham said, their donors, theyre going to dry up. Even Chris Collins from new york said they have to get this done or the donors will wind up not giving them money. Chris collins from buffalo of course was the first member of congress to endorse donald trump and is, you know, a stalwart supporter. The elections from tuesday night, democratic wins up and down across the board and its noticeably the impact on suburban republicans who might have a Second Thought about state and local tax no question about it, i think thats the hightax states. Yes, my republican colleagues from states like new york, like california, like illinois, where they know the eliminating the ability to deduct state and local taxes will be devastating to middle class people. Theyll see a tax increase. And so its really hard to explain to folks back home. You know, peter king has come out against it very strongly, republican from new york. Thats a bellweather. As are others from new york. Five new yorker, republicans, have come out in opposition to the bill. Were really waiting to see what happens in california. Not a single one bucked party when it came to the budget resolution in opposition to the elimination of salt. Well see if they have the guts to stand up and vote for this. It will take an awful lot of guts to go back to their states and say we eliminated state and local tax deductibility. Theres a lot of excitement in the rank and file among democrats after tuesday night. But you still have profound differences, disagreements, civil war, if you will, in the Democratic Party, between the two franks, donna brazile, certainly exacerbated. Among the things she wrote is she considered changing the ticket unilaterally, even though she now acknowledges she didnt have the power to do that, and getting rid of Hillary Clinton, even getting rid of tim kaine for joe biden, booker, whoever, and, you know, largely because of what she saw as Hillary Clintons Health Failure on 9 11 that year. You were at that event when Hillary Clinton faltered. We even have some broll pictures of you in the midst of that crowd. It was a very hot day. She hadnt told people she had pneumonia, which is an issue. Certainly troubling to donna brazile. But did you see anything in Hillary Clintons health that should have disqualified her from being the nominee . Absolutely not. I dont think there was anything. Look, i was physically next to her and i know theres a lot of debate what the weather was like that day. People look back and say it was quite cool. Where we were, was stifling. And whether you had pneumonia or not, we were all feeling very uncomfortable. Certainly there was one moment. Hillary clinton showed how she revived and came back strong and ran a vigorous campaign. And i think what it really comes down to right now, the special interests are stacked up against americans right now. We see it in the tax bill. Its all about the 1 . Its really about moving america forward. I dont want to relitigate last year. Its about moving forward. I think our party, certainly in the congress, were as united as weve ever been before. Tuesdays results could not have spoken loupder as to where the American People are. Where working class people, working people in this country are. They want to see the country moving in a much more positive agenda as it pertains to them. They hate the hate speech. They dont like the focus and direction of the president right now. Almost ten points of virginia, over ten points in new jersey. These are astounding victories for democrats. The state legislature in virginia may very well turn. It really is remarkable. So i think all the talk about civil war, thats last year, you know, were moving forward to 2018. Moving right on, joe crowley, thank you, great to see you. Well be right back. Dad molly, can you please take out the trash . sigh dad molly trash whoo mom hey, molly . Its time to go bell ringing class, lets turn to page 136, recessive traits skip generations. Who would like to read . molly i reprogrammed the robots to do the inspection. Its running much faster now. See . Its amazing, molly. Thank you. thanks for being with us. Katie tur is up next right here on msnbc. Good afternoon to you from msnbc headquarters in new york, im katie tur in for craig melvin. Some of the stories were following. The gop tries again. They are in need of a win. The Senate Republicans unveiling their tax overhaul bill today. Different than the house bill. And trumps new tone. President trump trades insults for gladry as he attempts to win over china to help advance his agenda. Will it work . And senator assault. Rand pauls neighbor pleads not guilty to Assault Charges as the kentucky senator reveal also how ba

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