Who are trying to figure out how to stay in their homes in the middle of a Global Pandemic and affect the lives of people that call this country home but worry about status here because theyre caught up in immigration system that is deeply, deeply flawed. And it affects every american who wants to know our election and with it, our democracy are legitimate, safe and secure. We know whats at stake. We know whats on the line. We promise to keep that focus front and center. So thank you for joining us on our debut weekend of american voices. Tonight, were going to start with a shocking story you probably have not heard. Its a news story that falls at the intersection of the fight over womens bodies and the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It is happening as people gathered at the steps of the Supreme Court again this morning to pay their respects. Before ginsburg was a Supreme Court juice tistice, her fisrs was on behalf of a block woman. Cox was sterile utilized in 1965 as part of the statewide program that targeted people with mental disabilities. As gruesome as it sounds, forced sterilization was once common place in america used most often against immigrants and people of color deemed mentally or morally deficient in someway. Researchers estimate in california alone, manyore than those people under went such procedures before it was out lawed in 1979. A nurse who worked at an Immigration Detention Center in rural georgia filed a whistle blower complaint. Details how a lack of proper medical care and unsafe work practices helped spread the coronavirus in the facility. She also said that some of these women received medically questionable his ter his ter recolle recollect. I had a his tysterectomy. I didnt have answers why. Two lawyers representing women currently or previously detained at the same facility said their clients were left shaken after being treated by a doctor while in i. C. E. Custody. The private company and lawyers for the doctor have denied that there were any medical procedures performed without the necessarily consent from the patients. On friday, acting i. C. E. Director tony pham said if there is any truth to the allegations, it is my commitment to make the corrections necessary to ensure we continue to prioritize the health, welfare and safety of i. C. E. Detainees. Nbc news has not verified the authenticity of the claims but if this has happened even one time to one person, it is too many. Lets face it, this is bigger than one doctor or one facility. This is about a system riddled with abuse. This story grabbed our attention for good reason because the possibility of such a thing happening is atrowrong. It is never been more important to emphasize that many of the battles over immigration ended up in front of the Supreme Court. A court now without Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Id like to bring in lindsey, the executive director of the immigrant offenders law center and Caitlyn Dickerson for the New York Times and the author of my under ground american dream, my true story as an undocumented immigrant that became a wall street executive. Caitlyn, can you walk us through the latest on this story . Sure. So were very much still as reporters trying to get to the bottom of exactly what happened at the irwin Detention Center in georgia in south georgia. Its a facility where hundreds of immigrants are detained every year and one that as you pointed out is part of a broken system. Irwin has been pointed out before as a place that has s substandard health and dirty where translation is not available and so many women who are from all over the world ive interviewed and interviewed lawyers from women who are from two dozen Different Countries detained there and most of the guards there talked to them in exclusively english and thats true for the doctor at the center of this case were looking at now. The allegations began with this idea that perhaps women were getting hysterectomies without their knowledge or consent. We know there are many women detained there who has injections done, who had procedures done that they didnt understand. They didnt know they needed and they didnt consent to. Thats a huge problem finish that thought. I want to know what is the latest on the doctor at the center of this case . So, the doctor has not responded to any of the questions that the New York Times has asked of him or lawmakers have been asking of him and ice hasnt said much about him specifically, either, other than to say theyre looking into the allegations against him. We know that he was part of a very large federal case in which he and the hospital thats also been imp kalicated by the whist blower were defendants and had to pay out over 500,000 because they were accused in part of a medicaid and Medicare Fraud scheme. We also know that he did not he was not a Board Certified ob gyn. Of course, you can practice without being Board Certified but its not advised and you would sucertainly think the federal government overseeing care of people in such vulnerable situations, not like we can go into a Doctors Office and get a Second Opinion or dont like when this person is asking of us. They have to do whatever they are being told so you would think the federal government would want to work with doctors who are Board Certified for that reason and he was not. A critical point ill make. Ill note the attorneys for the doctor have denied these allegations. I want to play you some sound from my colleague jacobs interview with this whistle blower, the nurse. Take a listen. When you get in your vehicle after a 12hour shift and you cry yourself home, and youre the only one in the vehicle asking why . What is going on . What is happening . I dont have an answer. Why is nobody not hearing them . Or taking them so to speak seriously . I dont have an answer. So shift after shift then it gets to be to where you dont want to report to work because you dont have an answer. You dont have a reason and theyre going to ask you why. What does it tell you, her claim nobody was listening to these women . Yeah, i think its a continuation of how black and brown women and immigrant women are constantly treated where people do not listen to us. They do not listen to our complaints. They do not Pay Attention to us. This is just not the first time that latina women have been sterilized against their consent. In california in 1975 there was a case of ten spanishspeaking women who were sterilized against their consent and the judge then said that it was their fault for not speaking english. In puerto rico in the 1950s, puerto rican women, mostly black were used at guinea pigs for trials for the Birth Control pill and so this is just another chapter in the way that america treats black and brown women and immigrant women and its no surprise that it took a black woman to be incredibly brave and putting herself in harms risk to come out and say and stand up for immigrant women and so what it really says to me is that its going to take all of us using our voice to bring attention to these types of issues and to stand up for each other because otherwise, it doesnt happen. Lindsey, what is the Bigger Picture when it comes to oversight at these facilities . You know, what is happening here is really disturbing because what we are seeing out of irwin is just the tip of the iceberg. It is bigger than what is just happening there. People should be outraged. The stories coming out of irwin, what don wooton said is happening is soul shaking. This is something that people imprisoned in i. C. E. Facilities in privately run facilities done for profit like irwin and the ad voe k advocates that work for them. Its so important to remember this is the tip of the iceberg. We see this type of abuse is systematic within the i. C. E. Prison system. It is something that is built on racism. The entire facilities themselves have a long history of medical neglect. We have clients at the detention facility out hear in california, one of the largest in the country that is 90 miles from Downtown Los Angeles where there is currently a large scale outbreak of covid. I. C. E. Has the ability instead of being a super spreader of covid to free them all. I. C. E. Has the discretion to let people out of these death traps in this moment but instead, they choose to continue to imprison people in the middle of a pandemic and keep them separated from their families and embark on this systematic medical neglect that is leading to people, you know, not only women having their wombs taken from them but also to, you know, brothers and fathers and grandfathers and people in these facilities losing their lives. Weve seen more people losing their lives in this pandemic in i. C. E. Facilities than ever before in history. That should shock the conscience of everybody reading about this story and hearing about this today. Lindsey, you say there are immigrants being deported from this facility. Caitlyn, in your reporting, you mentioned pauline essentially sterilized without her consent in 2019. Democratic congresswomen stepped in and were able to stop her from being deported last week. How does this case move forward when you have some of these women, their status in this country in legal limbo . Well, thats the big challenge is that when women are detain detained, unless they have a lawyer, there is almost no recourse. Imagine being in a detention facility when you dont speak english and dont have a lawyer so you cant ask anyone about the status of your case or if you dont feel comfortable with the medical care being reck mond recommended for you and someone like pauline put on a plane in the middle of this happening. Ive talked to other women in similar situations. They went in, they were told they had to have a procedure. They didnt understand what it was. They didnt necessarily want to get it done and put on a plane two days later. I think once youve been deported, thats kind of as difficult as it gets to be able to seek recourse and try to protect yourself and it just speaks to, you know, how the Legal Protections have to exist when were talking about people in an incarcerated setting that could be deported at any time. It could be mysterious. I doesnt let people know ahead of time when they will be reported. With women like pauline, her lawyers were watching the case but she ended up on a plane and they had to rush at the last minute and try everything they could to get her taken off and there are many other women like her that dont have that legal representation and thats again why this scrutiny were putting on thenecessary. All right. Thank youall. Next, the fight for young voters and what congress is doing to combat Sexual Assault in the name of vanessa guillen. T in the name of vanessa guillen. driver i dont know what happened. burke this . Eh, Nothing Happened. driver Nothing Happened . burke Nothing Happened. driver sure looks like something happened. burke well, youve been with farmers for three years with zero auto claims. driver yeah . burke so you earned your policy perk accident forgiveness. Now instead of this being something, it s driver its nothing burke get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. They should really turn this ride off. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum twow jim, could yous spop the hood for us . There she is. Turbocharged, right . Yes it is. Jim, could you, uh, kick the tires . Oh yes. Can you change the color inside the car . Oh sure. How about blue . Thats more cyan, but. Jump in the back seat, jim. Act like my kids. How much longer . Thats exactly how they sound. Its got massaging seats too, right . Oh yeahhhhh. Oh yeahhhhh. Shop from home or inperson to learn more about the mercedesbenz sedan family. Lease the c 300 sedan for just 449 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. As the u. S. Surpasses 200,000 deaths, polling reveals the covid19 crisis is the top issue for young voters in ten key swing states. According to the alliance for youth action, 23 of democratic and independent voters age 18 to 39 feel that the coronavirus is the most important issue heading into novembers election. Their second most important issue is Affordable Health care at 16 . With me now sarah the executive director of alliance and Jonathan Green the Vice President of programs at Margaret Casey foundation and former National Director of lateen x out reach for the Warren Campaign and doaca recipient. Sarah, walk us through the polling. Were getting a lot closer. What does it tell you . It is so close and there is some good news in our polling. We are seeing an increase in the amount of young people that have heard from the Biden Campaign and the people that are persuadable biden voters that say they have high favorability of joe biden and this could be for a lot of reasons because the campaign is contacting them. It could be because senator harris is on the ticket. It could be because young people supporting other candidates are coming around. There are a lot of reasons why this could be but if anything, we think this is good news. Ben, i got to ask you about the division we see in this poll between we, old erma lee eer mi and young ere ee eer millennial. What do u you thiyou think is ce difference . Folks will take time to come around and recognize that they have to vote, they have a bchoie in november and its trump versus biden. Like sarah mentioned, biden may not have started out this general Election Campaign super popular with some of those millennials but that has changed. They have a much more favorable opinion now because of the stances hes taken on the issues they care about most, whether Climate Action or access to Affordable Health care. When this Supreme Court debacle, gen z is black, brown, their rights are at stake. They look a lot like this panel in fact and so we see the young base is for fired up than we anticipate. Thats good news for biden and Senate Democratic candidates. Jonathan, its very easy to talk about the fight ahead when it comes to the Supreme Court and very thoueory terms and the lived experience for the decisions made on the court are real. Youre among them. So i wonder for Young Americans how you crystallize Something Like a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court in terms of live kpd per yenss and the li experiences in their every day lives. D experiences in their evy day lives. Young people are clear what is at stake. For me being a daca recipient, for me, im making sure that we have and we rebuild this country in a way that works for all of us. Im really clear that our democracy and at this point is on life support. And its on life support and what happens this november will determine whether or not people like me get to be part of this community where we grew up and were part of whether or not our rights are protected, whether or not we are treated like human beings or not. Im clear that this election while it will not grant us the victory, freedom, justice were fighting for, its a necessary stop along the way towards that fight. Sarah, i want to look at texas. Your poll found that the majority of voters hadnt been contacted by anyone with information on how to vote this fall. How should organizations be first, i have a question before that question. Which is that is a selfreported number, right . There is some wiggle room around whether someone perceives they have been contacted or not. I wonder if you think that number is reliable and also, whether or not it is, what more campaigns need to be doing to get this information to these voters . Thanks for the question. Voting is challenging badly especially in these times when young people are trying to navigate vote by mail when it may be the first time voting and every state and frequently every county like in texas has different rules about how to participate. The Group Network move texas has been running massive programs to engage young people, to register them and educate them. Vote by mail is not accessible if youre under the age of 65 in texas and the state of texas has fought really hard to make sure that young people cannot vote by mail in that state. I believe this data. Really government has responsibility to reach out to young people and guide them through the steps about how to participate. Groups like next gen and others are trying to pose the gaps. When your State Government is not actually interested in your participati participation, then those numbers are completely believe them because texas certainly has not shown that its a state on the side of voters. Sarah, ben, jonathan, stay with me. I want to dip into congresswoman ocasiocortez and schumer offering a tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg at her high school. Take a listen. Today a reuters poll said 62 of americans agree with her so that means democrats, republicans and independents agree it is only right and it is only fair for us to abide by rbgs last wish. That she be replaced when a new president is installed but the third reason were here is the most important of all. So many peoples rights are at stake in this election. The right of people to health care. The president is a pursuing a policy which would get rid of all protections for preexisting conditions, which would take Health Care Away from 7 Million People and hell appoint a justice that will enact that in the Supreme Court case thats due only a few weeks after election day. Were here to protect the rights of women. Their rights to their body and choose, their rights to health care and equality would go down the drain if that wish were not realized. Were here to protect the rights of working people. The court, the majority on the court wishes to undue the rights working people have, to undo labor unions. And make it much harder for working people to get ahead. Were here to protect the rights of our globe and the people who live on it so that climate is protected. A court with a kind of nominee President Trump will choose will undo all of that and not make Global Warming less likely but more likely and it will come quicker. Were here to protect the rights of lgbtq people which the court conferred. My daughter and her wife are here and over new years dinner last night, they thought to themselves could their right to marry and love each other in marriage go away . Were here to protect the rights, Voting Rights of so many people. Were here to protect the civil rights of so many people and people of color. Were here because the American People want those rights preserved. We do not want to close or turn the clock back. And we only need two more senators to they will abide by rbgs wish. Two said it. We need two more. Americans, if you care about the rights and dont want big, powerful, wealthy special interest to turn the clock back 100 years even please, our plea and wish is that you call your seven tore and say abide by the wishes of the brilliant woman and let the great, lets haven election and see the results and then let us choose somebody on the Supreme Court. Thank you so much senator and we are here today to make sure we honor the legacy of justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who came here as a product of James Madison high school and as a proud new yorker and its extraordinary important we understand the stakes of this vacan vacancy. Our reproductive rights are on the line. Our labor rights are on the line. Our right to health care is on the line. Labor and union protections are on the line our climate is on the line. With an early appointment, all of our rights that so many people died for Voting Rights reproductive rights, Health Care Rights all of those rights are at risk with this appointment and so we need to make sure that we mobile wise on an unprecedented scale to ensure this vacancy is reserved for the next president and we must use every tool at our disposal from everyday people especially in swing states. We need everyday people to call on senators and folks on the bubble, to call republican senators to make sure that they hold this vacancy open. And we must commit to using every procedural tool available to us to ensure that we buy ourselves the time necessary. We must commit to allowing and considering and utilizing every procee procedural tool to us to buy that time. We need to make sure we realize and fight this fight with the weight of every person who sacrificed for Voting Rights and every person that sacrificed their well being and lives to make sore thure they could marr they love. To make sure they can live freely and safely in a workplace. To make sure they can live in this country and make sure dreamers can stay in the this country and that families can have the path to citizenship they deserved. This can be shaped by the next 60 or so days. 45, 44 days until the election a few more until the aca case is heard on the Supreme Court. This is an important time for everyday people to stand up, not just from every day working people but all the way up to the house and the senate. We all need to be more courageous and we all must act in unprecedented ways to make sure that our rights are stabilized and to Mitch Mcconnell, we need to tell him that he is playing with fire. We need to make sure that this vacancy is protected and our election continues and that the American People have their say. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. I didnt mention, i too am an alumnae of Madison High School but we were not allowed in this entrance. This was the teachers entrance. We had to go around the corner and enter on the side. It has a grand tradition and Madison High School was what america has always been, a Diverse Group of people of every different background, race, creed, color. Everyone striving as a working school. Everyone struggled to get ahead but needed an ally. The court can be that ally or that court can be an enemy of their progress. Thats what were hear to do. And as the congresswoman said, if you want to get back at Mitch Mcconnells blatant, nasty hypocrisy, call your senator and tell them not to listen to mitch mcelderry conand will nk mcconnell and not be afraid and stand up and do what is fair and right and toed a heed to rbgs final wish. Were ready for questions on this subject. Senator, have you spoken with senator romney or grassly about their decision in the coming days might be in the reaction to this coming asco country have started to vote. Thats the point. People are already voting. It just a few days away. I quoted Mitch Mcconnell what he said a year ago, four years ago. When youre close to an election, the next president should decide. Were not close to an election. Were in an election and to try to decide this at this last time at this late moment is despicable and wrong and against democracy. Its shoving the wishes of the hard right and republicans who go along with them down americas throat. Senator, if the president s pick is approved and biden wins the election, could we add more Supreme Court justices . Well, it will be a decision that is coming to the senate. We first have to win the majority before that can happen. But once we win the majority. God willing, everything is on the table. Senator, to follow up, this time could be considering abolishing a filibuster . We have to win the majority. If we dont, the questions are moot. If we win the majority, everything is on the table. Congresswoman, you mentioned being open to all ideas to buy time. Would you be in support of potentially renewing talks of an impeachment hearing against the attorney general or president . I think i believe that certainly there has been an enormous amount of law breaking in the trump administration. I believe that attorney general barr is unfit for office and that he has pursued potentially law breaking behavior. That being said, these are procedures and decisions largely up to House Democratic leadership but i believe that also we must consider again all the tools available to our disposal and that all of these options should be entertained and on the table. Congresswoman, this is in spanish for telemundo. [speaking foreign language] [speaking foreign language]. You have there ocasiocortez and talking about the path ah d ahead. I want to bring back my panel, jonathan ben and sarah. We cut out as you have congresswoman talking with one of my colleagues at telemundo about daca and the way the Latino Community has been treated under this administration. How does that fit in the larger context of what you heard there from both the senator and congresswoma congresswoman . I think what is really clear to me is everything we asked for, everything were fighting for on the ballot this november, we know every Single Person has a role to play. Im doing my part organizing my friends and family and other people in my community to come out to vote. I want us to be able to play that role because the way that this administration has treated communities, black communities, native communities, poor and working class people across the board, its only going to get worse. I believe were at the present and if we do not do our part to make sure were engaging our communities and coming to vote, i fear the amount of death, the amount of destroying of our experiences under a second term, its imperative everyone does their part. You heard them ticking through the list there, things we were talking about before we dipped into their sound reproductive rights, climate change, Voting Rights, health care more generally, how do you focus . I mean, the attention of this electret on those issues as some people have cast their ballots. Some people are going to be casting them today, tomorrow, there are 44 days left. How do you turn your attention to these . If there is one thing i know about young people, we are petty and ready and so if an illegitimate White Conservative minority thinks they can control the world that a majority person of color and heavily year cohort of voters will live in, if they think that people will take this lying down, i think thats just utter b. S. Frankly. We know that young people are going to make themselves ungovernable and we will create the systems that we need in our image to protect our communities. That means i think were going to have record turnout in this election full stop and that will be powered by young people who are pissed off at what is theft of our basic rights and then after that record turnout and after we put joe biden in the white house and flip the u. S. Senate, well ensure that it is what we need thats at the center of every political decision being made in this country, not that of some ageing conservative White Bloomer culture that is far past its time and is definitely the minority in this country. I got like real fired up about this and i know that our young people that were talking to every day at next gen are just as fired up as me. That petty and ready line killed with aduelo. She loved it. We saw the aocs insta live where she took to followers to talk about the consequences of this election. You saw a lot of themes of what she talked about there minus the brunch reference being replayed in front of the high school. How important are messengers like this that can connect directly with the population . They are vital. It awesome to see aoc taking to insta live to talk about the election and impact of not having access to Affordable Health care. The Campaign Needs to be digging in hard. The other thing that came out of the poll that we didnt talk about is that we have more young latinos who have not been reached out to by the Biden Campaign compared to young white and black voters. As aoc was cutting out, she talked about the impact of programs on our communities. A lot of people with it, their kids can vote. Weve seen progress they need to keep digging in to make sure that theyre still reaching out to the third, again, people who havent heard from the campaign yet and interested in voting for them but really looking at voters like young latinos who know our families and communities have so much on the line. I could not have asked for three better people to be here with as that sound came through so sarah, ben, jonathan, thank youall. Stay with us. Well be right back. Uyoall. Stay with us well be right back. Oks like thd the wrong getaway driver. Theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. 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The Supreme Court nominee belongs to the American People and their voices should be heard. Congresswoman garcia. Lets talk about the legislation youve been working on together, im the Vanessa Guillan act. Were suffering a crisis of Sexual Harassment and assault in the u. S. Army and not to say fort hood having the highest Sexual Violence and one of the Largest Military bases but nothing justifies what is being done to innocent people like vanessa. Congresswoman garcia, what is your hope with this piece of legislation . Well, you know, first of all, its about any victim of Sexual Harassment or any kind of sexual abuse has a place to be heard, has a safe setting and a pathway to getting there. It has to be looked at by an independent prosecutor and thats what this bill does. Chairwoman and a number of us have filed. Its also to try to reach the base because what we have in vanessas case and a case of so many others were learning about now, there is going to be a trail of trust. When families take their children to a military base to marry soldiers or airmen or soldiers, they want to make sure theyre protected. Americans try the army and military to make soldiers out of these young men and women but that trust is betrayed by the army. The army fails and they continue to fail others. We need to make sure that we restore that trust and that we find a way to measure that anybody has a complaint of Sexual Harassment or any kind of abuse feels like they can have a safe place to be heard without fear of retaliation, without fear of retribution and not fear of any other circumstances. Congresswoman when we have spoken with Service Members on this program, so much what we heard about is complicity. I wonder if that is something that can be addressed through legislation alone . Absolutely. I keep a helmet signed by Service Members who have been Sexual Assaulted or sexually harassed in the military in my book cage in washington as a daily reminder what an epidemic this is in the military. 20,000 Service Members a year are Sexual Assaulted. Only 5,000 report for fear of retaliation. 120,000 are sexually harassed and only 1 report. Those who are harassed tend to be the youngest as was vanessa. 20 years old. The youngest and lowest rank. It is a system that has allowed this kind of conduct to go on forever and it is time to bring it to a halt. This legislation will take them out of the chain of command and create a chief prosecutor thats independent and investigation independent and will provide for compensation to those who have been violated and it creates a separate article for the uniform coat of military justice for Sexual Harassment. My team and i have been following this story since it began. Were grateful to both of you for being with us tonight. This year might really be the most important election of our lifetime. We keep hearing that. Next, ill talk with kevin bacon and kira what they are doing to get out the vote. What they are get out the vote ay restless with the icon that does the same. The rx, crafted by lexus. Lease the 2020 rx 350 for 409 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. [camera man] actually anyone 50 or over is at increased risk for shingles. The pain, the burning my husband had to do everything for weeks. And the thing is, theres nothing you can do about it [camera man] well, shingles can be prevented. Shingles can be whaaat . [camera man] prevented. You can get vaccinated. Frank they have shingles vaccines people to get their hands dirty to help democrats in 2020. The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, even more at stake, dreamers, womens rights. Groups like swing left and last weekend project are working hard to motivate voters to work hard in 2020. Kyra sedgwick and kevin bacon. Kir ark, i want to 125r9 with you. Weve been following the news of the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I wonder how you see that changing the dynamics of this race. I think its more important than ever now to vote, vote your conscious if you care about peoples rights, lgtbq rights, you care about womens rights, the belief that womens rights are human rights, then we need to make sure we get somebody in there for the next 20, 30 years who is going to support our democracy. Kevin, voting is a piece of this, but there is a lot more that people who want to be involved in the process can do. People come to you and they say, i want to be a part of this. Where are you telling them to start . Well, i think that encouraging other voters and other potential voters that this is a super, super important, the most important election certainly of my life is as important as voting. The lastweekends. Org is a place you can find things to do, things you can get active with, writing letters, making phone calls, encouraging people in a lot of these swing states that their vote really does count and theres a lot on the line, which clearly there is more and more every second. Kira, i want to pick up on what kevin said about having conversations with someone who might not think their vote matters or might not be motivated to vote, where do you start those conversations. How to you engage someone who needs to be persuaded not necessarily about who to vote for but the importance of their participati participation. That is a really good question. It was really great for me in 2018 to knock on doors and press flesh with people and go eye to eye. I talk to them about what matters to them, what ways in which they feel disenfranchised, what ways they dont feel seen and heard and remind them voting is the way to use our voice. I talked to them about how do they feel when these things dont happen in their community, so they get in touch with what they are feeling apathetic about it and feeling powerless and remind them you are powerful and what you can do. This trauma you feel every day because youre not taken care of one way or the other, the way to mitigate that trauma is to speak out and vote and volunteer. This year, its not just about voting but volunteering and making calls. I know for me when im feeling in the most despair, reaching out to somebody like taking an action is the best thing. Thats why these lastweekends. Org and swing left are so great at that because they give you actionable items you can do right away. Weve heard a lot, of course, about the need to recruit poll workers, specifically young poll workers, given we will be voting in the middle of the pandemic, for people who choose to vote at the pools. Some things that get lost as we frame this election, theres so much attention, understandably, placed on the president ial race between donald trump and joe biden but there are down ballot races across this country equally important. How do you have conversations, how to you engage around those races . Well, you see what happened in 2018 that kira was mention g mentioning. A lot of the reason we got involved with swing left was to see the power that can shift things. Down ballot is incredibly important. Right now whats going on with the senate and having just one more democratic senator would be a huge plus right now. And i think that, again, this is our right as americans to voice our opinion through our vote. My 80yearold sister was saying to me every day that every time she goes to a polling station, she gets very emotional. That makes a lot of sense to me because its important. Its truly, truly important, and its important for your friends and for your families and for people that you dont even know just to encourage them that this is the time. All right, kira and kevin, thank you both. Well be right back. Thank you so much. K you both well be right back. Thank you so much mornings were made for Better Things than Rheumatoid Arthritis. When considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz. A pill for adults with moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis when methotrexate has not helped enough. Xeljanz can help relieve joint pain and swelling, stiffness, and helps stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. Before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections, like tb and do blood tests. Tell your doctor if youve had hepatitis b or c, have flulike symptoms, or are prone to infections. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. 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I ill see you back here saturday for american voices. My colleague Joshua Johnson picks up coverage right now. Joshua, one night in the books. Did it. Best of luck on episode 2 of the week. We did it. Now, thanks to you im two degrees of separation from kevin bacon. Hey, everybody, im Joshua Johnson, good to be with you tonight from nbc news headquarters in new york. Welcome to the week. York welcome to the week. Tributes are pouring in honoring justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her death from pancreatic cancer e the political debate from her successor is flowing just as fast. The death of justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has set off a ferocious political battle. Move forward without delay. The right thing to do is for the senate to take up this nomination. Cannot have one set of rules for a democratic president and another for the republican. They talk about, well, you know, we had other standards before. Well, they made a new precedent. If the shoe were on the other foot, they would right now be trying to confirm another member of the supreme

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