Transcripts For MSNBCW American 20240702

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for the medical team. we need that communication. we need to communicate with the people on the scene. we are blind. we cannot work at the scene, effectively, without communication. >> protesters, around the world, demanding a cease-fire, condemning the heavy civilian casualties inflicted in gaza. israel's prime minister, ignoring the calls for peace. three weeks after hundreds of hamas terrorists killed more than 1000 civilians, and took 200 more hostage. hamas continues to fire missiles at israeli towns among the gaza border. join me now, and recently see contributor, huma aberdeen, servings an adviser to former secretary of state, hillary clinton. there is reporting in the washington post, and i hope you saw, the u.s. pushing for a humanitarian pause after weeks of championing israel's right to defend itself. what do you understand, in this conversation that happened behind the scenes, and the pivots that are made to say, in public, we are going to say go go go, in private we will say, please, demonstrate some restraint. what are those conversations look like? >> at the end of the day, you look at this region of the world that's been unsustainable for a while. ten seven happened, this is something -- what hamas perpetrated on ten seven, on israeli citizens, is unforgivable. now, what hamas is perpetrating on palestinian civilians is unforgivable. the united states government, and not just the administration, but senators, and members of congress are saying, no one wants to go back into the region in any kind of military conflict after we have learned these precedents in iraq, and afghanistan. no one is saying that publicly, except in the last couple of days, you seen melissa slotkin saying, they served this country overseas, and us going and does not solve the solutions. the military response that netanyahu has stepped up today, and idf forces being on the ground, it is not the solution. everybody knows it's not. the only path forward -- it's one thing to say, we will destroy hamas. hamas is not just a person, it's an ideology. how do you destroy an ideology? you have to propose an alternative to that. >> you are looking at a huge counterterrorism operation, both more targeted, but also, potentially, longer. >> right, but also behind the scenes, conversations are happening -- somebody is in the state department, right now, talking to their counterparts in egypt, in qatar, we've had all of the regional allies of ours helping negotiate the release of the hostages. we know that with the few hostages who have been released. netanyahu says that's his second imperative, to release them. that is only happening through diplomatic channels, in addition to everything else. when the dust settles, which will be in a long time, everyone is preparing for a long, difficult, painful, and frankly, devastating -- there is a generational trauma that we are all witnessing. that our children are witnessing, in a part of the world that will take a long time to recover from. but, going back to diplomacy, as someone who is a 24-year-old at camp david in june of 2000, it is the only way forward for the future. >> we may want to get to the part of the conversation that you teased out about allies in the region, and the conversations that are happening there. first, let's bring in alison barber, who's on the ground for us at the israel gaza border. alison, walk us through these new explosions over gaza we have seen in the past hour. what is it that you are seeing now? >> it has been constant. you can almost hear right now, with the military helicopters over us. what we keep hearing, and seeing, are loud booms of artillery, and then we keep seeing flashes of light inside of gaza. you can hear some of the booms happening right now. this is northern gaza, just behind me. we have heard a host of artillery throughout the night. and, again, seen more explosions inside of gaza than i could begin to count in the last hour, two hour and a half. there has been a clear, you can hear the boom again, escalation since, initially, on friday night, the idf announcing that they were carrying out ground operations inside of gaza. we have heard that continue to increase tonight. i'm keeping an eye on the skyline in case you see anymore flashes here. that has continued tonight since we heard prime minister benjamin netanyahu say, they have entered a new phase of war. for the last two nights, what we have heard along the border, and we have been reporting from this area for three weeks now, is constant bombardments in the area of northern gaza. what we have difficulty knowing is how catastrophic they are inside of gaza, right now. that is because, there is such a communication bullet hole right now. that we are getting very limited information, coming from inside of gaza. there is a new message that is coming from the palestinian red crescent, saying just getting it from their team on the ground. they've had a difficult time establishing any communications with them. in that message, alicia, their operations command center was telling them, three of their ambulances are out of gas. you can likely see the flashes behind us still. they are out of gas. they say they have 27 ambulances that are operational, right now. our msnbc news team, when they could get a message out in the last 30 plus hours, one of their messages, they said, were people inside of gaza who are taking the dead, and injured, on trolleys, and talk tucks, trying to get them some help. i'm sure you can see behind me, as we've been standing here, just the constant bombardment into northern gaza. every time you hear a boom, you need to think of what is on the other side of it. israel has told people to evacuate from northern gaza, and to head south, but this is such a densely populated area, there is not a lot of room, or safe places for people to go. on top of that, israel has consistently bombarded southern gaza as well. i will remind you, when we talk about people living inside of gaza, they do not have an option to leave gaza, even if they wanted to. and, according to unicef, almost half of gaza's population are children. people under the age of 18. in the days leading up to this, i have been in touch with multiple doctors, and hospitals, and northern gaza. the photos, the videos, of children who have been killed, and severely injured in these airstrikes is beyond words. horrific. that was before this latest escalation. alicia? >> alison barber for us, with the israel gaza border. alison, thank you. one thing that is interesting to me, the families of hostages held by hamas. they gathered today to protest the gaza invasion. take a listen. >> we need to engage in negotiations, and we need to do it now. they say, the only solution is to destroy gaza. they never mentioned the hostages, not once. >> we are afraid for our hostages, our families. we want to bring them home, alive. >> to watch that, we're reminded, the hostages, front and center in this crisis. i wonder, as you hear israelis themselves talk about the need to bring the hostages home, the way they are framing this conflict, how they are challenging netanyahu's frame. >> i think part of it, to, is just like everybody else, were surprised to hear that this increased incursion, i should say, i know they are calling it an invasion, has alarmed them in the way it's alarmed everybody else. the reason they are not using the word cease-fire is, and as we all know, why they can't use the word cease-fire, is because there is specific negotiations. we know hamas will say, we will agree to a cease-fire, but if there is an ability to push forward on this truce, i think the foreign minister was saying that yesterday, the prime minister, that at least, if there could be a truce to allow for humanitarian assistance. you just talked about food, water, and fuel. we're talking about this red crescent trunk. are we adding cell phones to that? you need to have a sin card, or an international chip to get through. my friend, who i talked to today with family and gaza says they -- are quite used to dealing with a challenging life, and this is nothing that they could have possibly imagined. the families, and the human stories are that -- it's such a tectonic shift and how everyone is talking. i think for the family of the hostages, if you think about it, their only hope, right now, is the diplomatic channel. i think that is where our government plays a role, where qatar, and the egyptians does. hamas as shown, they are willing -- whatever true stories there are, whatever medication they are providing, but people, so far, hostages have survived. i think every effort should be made to try to get to a resolution. >> beyond the hostage situation, i wonder overall, the role you see for egypt, and for qatar? >> egypt is in a terribly challenging situation. the rafah crossing, that border that everyone talks about >> watching trucks, yes. in normal times, it is challenging for that crossing to run smoothly. now, you have a situation where aid needs to get in, you need egyptians to sign off, israelis to sign off, and hamas to sign off. it is challenging enough as it is, and not enough aid is going in. the egyptians -- -- well, all of the countries, including our own, are thinking about their own, sovereignty, security. so, they do not want to situation where they have a series of refugees coming in. so, they believe that the solution allows people to stay in gaza, and to their point, they have nowhere to go, and it puts the egyptians in a challenging situation, as our other allies in the region. >> there is this moment of crisis that we find ourselves in, and then there are the multiple long tails of this crisis. you mention the international drama that -- trauma that is being inflicted in realtime. you can layer on to that this question of, if israel defeats hamas, which as you said, is not a person, not even specifically just an entity, is an ideology, what then? beyond what then, my question to you is -- what role does the united states -- what role does the international diplomatic community play in gearing the answer to that question? >> it is not even just the u. s.. it's a combination of western, and non-western nations coming together. i think that the gulf nations, it is in their interest to provide funds for reconstruction. you can think of countries like saudi arabia, qatar, the united arab emirates coming together saying, we need to rebuild the infrastructure. it is, ultimately, going to take palestinian leadership, in the end. leaders from the west bank, coming together, and eventually, it will be a long process, but there will be a transition. it isn't everyone's interest to figure out how to, finally, eventually, get to a place of peace. no one is saying this is easy, no one is saying that this will happen quickly, but it is not in the united states interests to get involved more than they need to. we are sort of living in this fantasy of, you go away, you go away, but that won't happen. so, we need to figure out how to get to that place. ultimately, it will need to be the palestinian leadership who steps up, and provides an alternative. the last thing i'll say is, before ten seven, a poll in gaza, and i'm referencing what dennis roth said the other day, more than 62% of gazans wanted the cease-fire to hold. people, ultimately, one piece, and security for their families, but the situation was untenable for a long time, and now we are in catastrophic levels. >> thank you so much, as always for spending some time with us. next, the man hunt in maine is over. moving forward? that is just the beginning. mains chapter of moms demand action, coming with us. angie craig joins us to talk about the election denying republican who is now speaker of the house. first, we talk to you about the other big stories we're tracking this hour. richard? >> alicia, good to talk to you. former vice president, mike pence, suspending his presidential campaign. he made that surprise announcement today, at the annual republican jewish coalition convention in las vegas, nevada. pence telling the crowd, quote, this is not my time. the united auto workers union, expected to announce a tentative agreement with big three automakers, stellantis. uaw leadership, still having to approve this deal. this allows, or rather, it's follow uaw leaders this week striking a deal with forward. days after hurricane otis destroyed parts of acapulco mexico, survivors are searching for the missing. the storm, intensifying from a tropical storm, to a category five hurricane, in just 12 hours. this left residents a little time to prepare. residents say, the death toll stands at 27. more american voices, after this break. >> back to maine, where the unthinkable unfolded this week. following the 18 victims of america's latest mass shooting. it is not foreign authorities discover the government's body, last night. the task for police was piecing together a motive. today, investigators reveal the gunman's mental health rapidly deteriorated before the attack. to the point he began believing police pulls were turning on him. george soliz it is in maine with the latest. george, what more we learning about the suspect's history in the months leading up to the shooting? >> alicia, one of the most notable things the authorities have been saying is that is a mental health did appear to begin deteriorating. his family reported he began hearing voices reports army commanders sent him to receive psychiatric treatment this summer for two weeks. he was going to inpatient according to senior law enforcement officials. one of the officials also noted today during this morning's briefing, officials found no record of card being committed for mental health treatment. that raises questions, or are there are signs that were missed? when you have family raising those concerns about his mental health. this community wondering whether or not he get access to guns, which of course was a question about that states gun laws, those yellow flag laws, that we have been hearing so much about. this is part of the uncommon investigation. it's my question but obviously linked to a motive, at this point there is none. it's very frustrating question for authorities and many people in this community who are still waiting for some type of answer in that response as they begin to hear. there was a vigil here an hour ago, where members of this community could finally begin to heal. two vigils were planned this weekend, of course, many of them not focusing on the shooter, but rather the people that were lost in this killing, the 18 lives lost, and thosthat are injured, and still recovering. and this community knows it's going to be a long road to recovery, alicia. >> about that vigil, what is it your hearing from the members of the community? part of what we heard in the past 24 hours as the sense of, it brings no relief. and brings no solace that the suspected shooter is dead. that they have more questions now than they have answers. they don't know what the road ahead looks like. what is it your hearing as you talk to members of the community? >> keep in mind, this community was a centrally on pause over the last several days. as the man hunt ensued. this was the first time many of his people were able to go on side, say their name is, so their friends, and linked up, hog one another, and share the sorrow that this loss fell to them. it is really just a palpable feeling that you have here in this community. as i mentioned, it's one of two vigils plan here this weekend. for this community. other family members began a funeral arrangements, speaking of family, we've had the opportunity to speak with family members who've lost loved ones. i spoke with ralph brewer, whose younger brother was shot while playing corn hole. he believes his brother may have been one of the first people that saw robert card enter the establishment. his story is absolutely heartbreaking. he told me that his brother was in there, and other friends of his state in there until his last moments. he wasn't alone there in the last moments. he talked about leaving behind his fiancée, his two-year-old daughter, frankly, it was one of the most emotional conversations i've had with one of the victims, one of the family members of the victims here. take a listen to what else he told me. >> she woke up thursday morning and the first thing that she asked mommy was where's daddy? where is daddy? daddy is not here right now. how do you have the conversation? i don't even know, you know? and that's something we are going to have to cross that bridge at some point. >> alicia. absolutely heartbreaking to hear that sentiment. the family beginning the stages, beginning to plant a funeral, looks to other many families. there was another young victim in this tragedy, a 14-year-old. it is senseless, and a lot of these people are trying to make sense of all of it here. again, as this community begins to heal, they know the road to recovery is lengthy. but there are grateful that this man hunt is at least over. business community able to open eidoors again. but as far as how it will take them to recover, it's really anyone's guess. >> nbc's george soliz. george, thank you. we'll bring in alyssa conroy martin, deputy leader of moms demand action in maine. maine is a state where the gun laws are based on yellow flag laws. as you see it, what needs to change? >> first of all, thank you for the opportunity to have this conversation. that's an important for step. i think we have to understand and realize tools are only as strong as they're able to be implemented. that was not the case here. and there's a lot of bureaucracy and limitation to the current laws. what we need to do is make sure we continue to push and fight for common sense gun laws in the state. >> maine congressman dan goldman made a lot of headlines this week. he reversed his stance on a national assault weapons ban. take a listen to what he said. >> i've opposed efforts to ban deadly weapons of war like the assault rifle used to carry out this crime. the time has now come from a to take responsibility for this failure. which is what i now call on the united states congress to ban assault rifles, like the one used by the sick perpetrator of this mass killing. in my hometown. >> i wonder if that, given you are an organizer and your work specifically organizing the grassroots such that they get members of congress, members of state legislators, to change their positions on gun safety legislation. if that gives you some hope that there is still room for movement here? >> absolutely. and it's huge. and i want to directly thank representative jared golden for his leadership and encourage to realize that the time is now. to change position. that's okay. it's okay to say, things are getting to the point where enough is enough. and we need to make change. so absolutely, i think it's a huge stance and i hope a lot of his colleagues will follow suit. >> i wonder how you are doing. and by that i mean to be so, focused on an issue in the hopes of it never come into your community, of it never come into your state. knowing that it will. because of the country we live in and of reality we live in. to know that the work could not get ahead of this moment? >> i appreciate the question, i think that's part of why i became involved in the first place. recognizing as an individual, a citizen, that by doing nothing is just breeding complacency and starting to normalize what is a public health crisis sweeping our nation. and that we need to stand up. we need to have these conversations. no one enjoys speaking about gun violence and it is certainly not an easy topic to explore. but we all have a responsibility to future generations and to our children. to make sure we're doing absolutely everything we can to pass common sense gun laws that we're doing everything we can to try to create a future we are at this type of violence is not a reality that happens every day. >> alyssa conroy morton. thanks for your time. next the gop new house speaker and what he believes concerns many, including minnesota congressman angie craig who joins us next. and senator mitt romney holding nothing back about how he feels about members of his party. the author he opened up to, mckay coppins, is next. coppins, is next. you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? 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[applause] >> minnesota congressman angie craig joins me now. congresswoman, first, congratulations. you really gave your wife the gift that every girl wants. talk to us about that moment, when it means, and your decision to do that then. >> thank you so much for having me. it wasn't planned, as i've said, in the roll call, it was ongoing and i was thinking about it. truly, just without words, for the fact that republicans had, on a unanimous basis, on a unanimous basis nominated someone who is clearly out of touch with the american people. it was my anniversary, we've been married for 15 years now, legally. i wanted to call it out, and also make sure that the contrast with the speaker was made in realtime. >> when you talk about this new speaker being out of touch, i wonder which piece of it alarms you most. the election diane denialism piece, carrying trump's water on the big lie, which i think is easier to see retrospectively, and people forget that it could be an impending threat in the future. the anti pieces of this. the reproductive rights piece of this. i don't know if it's fair to ask you to parse out what is most alarming. >> i think what is most alarming, to me, is that this was the choice. it tells you everything you need to know about today's gop. they just unanimously put in place a speaker of the united states house of representatives, someone who is second in line to the presidency, who would have overturned the 2020 election. he has called same-sex marriage a threat to democracy. there is a true threat to democracy. they wouldn't play someone who supports a federal abortion ban, without any exceptions. they put in place someone who had cut medicare, and social security. truthfully, we all had to google mike johnson the other night, as he was not -- as he was nominated to be their speaker. we are members of congress. i know the public had to google him to. the more we learn, the more concerned i am. truly, it does everything you need to know about today's gop. >> a real treasure trove in those google results. the next big fights in congress, avoiding a government shutdown, looking at a number of days here of delivering aid to israel, and to ukraine. let's listen to what minority leader, hakeem jeffries, said tonight about the package on politicsnation. >> they should all move together. they all relate to our values, and to america's national security interest. it is necessary, as speaker johnson has indicated, that we stop vladimir putin, and his brutality, in his tracks in ukraine. it's the right thing to do for the free world, it's the right thing to do for our allies in europe. it's the right thing to do for the principles of democracy, freedom, and truth. >> representative craig, do you believe the republican-led house can get that package passed? >> i believe they can if they put the package on the house floor. that's the real question. i voted for hakeem jeffries 19 times to speak speaker of the house. he is a serious leader who understands we have some significant challenges right now. in the last several weeks, as republicans lead us through this exercise in chaos, ultimately, to settle on a far-right, maga, republican as their leader, you will put it on the house floor, and it will get strong bipartisan support from both democrats, and republicans. i believe it's absolutely necessary to support ukraine, israel, to support humanitarian assistance to innocent palestinians in gaza, to support border security that the administration has asked for. it's a serious time, we need serious people. i wish republicans would pay more attention to their own marriages, instead of attacking mine. >> i do want to pivot slightly with you, representative craig. we all watched in horror this week. another mass shooting here in this country. i was struck with the fact you had maine congressman dan golden saying, i have voted against legislation that would have taken us old weapons off the streets. i regret that. i'm changing my position. your sense, at the federal level, is there any appetite for reform? >> republicans are in the majority. so we need every single activist out there. moms demand action is active around this country. and i'm really proud of representative golden. it's the guns. it's the guns, people. in my district, we value the second amendment, hunting, sportsmanship, but we also value freedom. the freedom to go to the bowling alley, to the movie theater, to our place of worship, without having to worry about being gunned down in some sort of mass shooting. so i hope my colleagues will wake up and understand we can't people legislating around the edges of this issue. it is the guns. >> it's the guns, indeed. minnesota congresswoman angie craig, thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. mckay coppins, up next, talking about how mitt romney went from the party's nominee, to the parties pariah. romney spent hours opening up to mckay for his book and give his frank thoughts on former vice president mike pence who, of course, suspended his 2024 presidential campaign just a short while ago. we are back with all of that after this. hi, i'm john and i'm from dallas, texas. my wife's name is joy. we've been married 45 years. i'm taking a two-year business course. i've been studying a lot. i've been producing and directing for over 50 years. it's a very detailed thing and the pressure's all on me. i noticed i really wasn't quite as sharp as i was. my boss told me about prevagen and i started taking it. i feel sharper. my memory's a lot better. it just works. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪ i'm getting vaccinated with prevnar 20®. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i'm asking about prevnar 20® because there's a chance pneumococcal pneumonia could put me in the hospital. if you're 19 or older, with certain chronic conditions like copd, asthma, diabetes, or heart disease or are 65 or older, you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. that's why i chose to get vaccinated with prevnar 20®. because just one dose can help protect me from pneumococcal pneumonia. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated with prevnar 20® today. 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>> i would say his biggest concern is what he considers the creeping authoritarianism within the republican party. i started interviewing him for this book shortly after january 6th. i could tell right away that something in him had been shaken, really dramatically by watching leaders of his party attempt an insurrection. over the next two years, as we had these conversations, he returned again and again to this idea that, the way he put, it authoritarianism is like a gargoyle, lurking over the cathedral, always ready to pounce. and he believes that what's happening in the trump era republican party is raising real questions about whether the cathedral can hold. he's very concerned about the fragility of american democracy. >> mike pence announced today he's dropping out of the presidential race. i wonder how pence's arc in the gop fits in the story of this party? >> mike pence is such an interesting example of somebody who thought they could, kind of, sell out a little bit to get on board with trump and use their position to advance their agenda. right? and mike pence did that to a certain extent. but what he found was that as he created a permission structure for republican voters, especially evangelical republican voters, values voters, to support donald trump and excuse his theories outrageous and personal best behavior, he made basically people like him irrelevant to the party. because that republican parties base no longer one somebody who's a good christian family man. they are fine with somebody like donald trump. and people like mike pence went a long way to. making the possible. >> i want to play something for you. it's from congressman matt gates this week. what it means to see congressman mike johnson as speaker of the house. take a listen. >> the swamp is on the run. maga is ascendant. if you don't think moving from kevin mccarthy to maga mike johnson shows the ascendance of this [interpreter] movement and where the power of the republican party truly lies, you are not paying attention. >> i wonder as you spoke with romney, as you read his journals, does romney lay the radicalization of the party that to the fate of trump alone, or does he see it as more complicated? >> i think it's more complicated and i think he sees that. this is one of the most difficult questions he grappled with. basically the question he tried to answer with me. and i would press him on this. was this rocked always in the republican party? or was it something that was new, caused by donald trump? i think he went back and forth on this. he would often point to when he ran for president in 2012, he had to spend a lot of time courting the tea party. at first, he thought of the tea party is this movement that carried a lot of low taxes, and fiscal discipline, and deficit reduction. those are the issues romney tried to use to appeal to those voters. he saw, and this was foreshadowing of what would come, he saw during that campaign that those voters didn't really care about those issues. they wanted him to be angry. they wanted him to be mean. they wanted him to, you know, go after the people they hate it. looking back on it now, he realizes a lot of those right-wing populist movements that make up the republican coalition for decades, have always had that seat of authority -- seat of authoritarianism in them. trump activated it, but it was probably always there. >> one of my favorite parts of the book. alarming though it may be, is when he talks about how seriously he took his responsibility as a jurist during the impeachment. he sat there, he took notes, he constantly weighed the information being given to him, and he looks around and says, oh, none of my republican colleagues are doing the same. they have made up their minds, and they don't see this as an active exercise. there is also an exchange i want to layer on top of that, where you write, one senator, a member of leadership, said he was leaning to voting to convict. the others encouraged him to reconsider. you can't do that, one set, think of your personal safety, set another. think of your children. the senator eventually decided they were right. there were too many trump supporters with guns in his state. it is the challenge of reading this book overall, which, i think, a lot of us wonder. did republicans know? did they not know? how are they making this calculus? and it is as messy and as complicated, as i think a lot of us are mentioned it was. >> one of the most reveler tory things, to me, was just how large the threat of political violence loomed, and the decisions are being made by republican elected officials. romney told me multiple stories of republicans who sit knew that trump was guilty, especially in the second impeachment trial, after january 6th. knew he was guilty, they wanted to vote to convict, but we're worried about their families, their spouses, them. romney himself recounted for me speaking at a republican convention in utah, we were the booing was so loud, he couldn't get to the speech, and he found himself wondering if anybody in the crowd had a gun. it just speaks to where we are as a country at this moment in our political culture. people who are in elected office in both parties, really, especially right now in the gop, are having to factor in the threat of physical violence from their home constituents in the decisions they make. >> mckay coppins, as always, thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. the new book, romney: a reckoning, is out. now next, the longest wait. an american father with a family stuck in gaza pleads for help in getting them out. . >> american citizens still stuck in gaza not able to get out, and caught in the cross fire between israel and hamas. nbc's ann thompson spoke with one man whose family remains trapped at the egyptian border. >> frustration among u.s. officials trying to get americans out of gaza. it's a puzzle, there's a, getting all the parties involved, israel, hamas and egypt, to open the gates too. israel expands its retaliation strikes. but for families like of dulles, there is growing dread. >> the airplane, the bombing, crying. >> his wife and three children are stuck in gaza, waiting at the egyptian border. his family in limbo, abdullah is trying to comfort his two-year-old on the phone. >> she asked me, come get me, come get me. does she think i want to not get her? >> he's in new jersey. the internet, their lifeline since the war began, no longer works. >> i talked to her and then we lost connection. it's been lost. there is no signal and gaza. >> his last text from his eight-year-old son, heartbreaking. >> he texted me, saying, i hope to see you again, baba. >> abdullah's family are some of the 400 americans trapped in gaza. they are living in a house with 40 other people. like space, food and power are scarce. >> if you go to any grocery store, it's empty. >> born in utah, raised in gaza, abdullah and his wife took their family back to gaza for a visit the summer. she gave birth to their third child early in gaza, and decided to stay a few more weeks. then, the war happened. >> i think they could put more effort than this. we feel that we are left behind. >> >> hoping someone steps up to bring his family, and all the other americans, home. ann thompson, nbc news, new jersey. >> nbc's ann thompson reporting. more american voices next. at the top of the hour on ayman congressman robert garcia on how democrats fight the ultraconservative agenda of the new house speaker. that is eight pm eastern, right here on msnbc. msnbc. s. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. ever notice how stiff clothes gamechanger for my patients- can feel rough on your skin? 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( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. >> that is it for today. i am alicia menendez. i want to thank you for spending part of your saturday with us. be sure to follow this show outline, our handles across all platforms are at alicia an msnbc. i wl see you here tomorrow six pm eastern for more american voices. right now, i handed over to my colleague, ayman mohyeldin. >> it's good to see you, i was thinking about what i want to ask you about in our little hand over here. i was thinking between mike pence dropping out, matt gaetz saying the quiet part out loud, that maga has taken over the re

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