Brought here, no fault of their own. So were working on a plan, well see how it works out. Were already starting the wall. The wall is being renovated because we have vast amounts of wall. The wall is being fully renovated right now as you know. We have to have anxiohave an ung that there in the budget or another vehicle, the equal will be funded otherwise were not doing anything. Daca in our and the wall very soon. Good morning and welcome to a. M. Joy. Forget donald the deal maker are on even trump the independent. How about donald trump the weather vane . Trump was all over the place this week taking nearly every possible position on immigration and Border Security. The flipflop started with a deal wednesday night with trumps new besties, chuck and nancy. The trio reportedly agreed on a deal to secure legal status for nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children in exchange for Border Security measures, but no wall. Trumps back and forth from daca now wall later to daca now wall now and back left the white house promising a plan, just stay tuned. Were going to lay out specific priorities. What that looks like over the next 7 to 10 days. And id imagine youll get more details on that front. So why would donald trump cut a deal with democrats enshrining an Obama Era Program that his own Administration Just announced it is phasing out . Schumer had his own theory which he let slirp on a hot mic. He likes us. He likes me anyway. Ire better o youre better off if you can step sometimes left or right. If you have to step just one direction, youre boxed. Does he get that . Or is donald trump just a man desperate to look like hes winning . Joining me now is david k. Johnston, author of the book the making of donald trump. Youve known and covered donald trump for quite a alolong time. What is going on here, does he believe anything about immigration or is he just looking for applause and approval . Donald is so desperate for approval to fill this enormous void inside that that is what youre seeing. But joy, he is doing something pretty smart here. He has come to recognize that what we call the republicans is not a party. Its a bunch of factions. Its the way we used to talk about the democrats. And that by going to the democrats, who are very savvy about their minority position, he can get some things or appear to get some things. Of course, you know, in politics, your word should be your bond when you make a deal. Donald, your word is i said that . No, i didnt say that. Yeah, right. He doesnt have a lot of lets call it loyalty. Political company has been writing a lot of explainer, trying to explain him as a guy who is not really a democrat or republican, but a lonely figure that doesnt make friendships very easily. There was one politico piece will his relationship we mcconnell and ryan. In recent weeks, trump has complained in private that its difficult to have any sort of relationship or even make small talk with mitch mcconnell. He told staff that he finds paul ryan dry as well. But that the two have some rapport. Donald trump is not famously known as having many if any friends. But what is this thing about wants to make small talk . Because i have heard that he is quite chatty and small talky in person. He can be when hes in the mood. Hes very much gricdwric dren d his emotions. And he can also be incredibly awkward. Particularly when hes around attractive women that that comes out and he makes strange comments or if hes trying to control himself, things come out in odd ways. Or according to him, he just starts kissing them. Sorry. Or doing much worse things. Yeah. So that is not surprising. But, no, donald is not a guy who has what you and i and most listeners would think of as friends, people that we are intimate with at some level. That is not part of donalds life. And have you been able to discern from covering donald trump all of these years, i mean we know his history in terms of housing discrimination against black people, we know his history regarding birtherism and other sort of signals that he has got an issue with racial bigotry. But is donald trump when it comes to undocumented immigrants, is his position really as sort of hard right as he initially said it was, does he have a bigoted attitude . Can you tell what donald trump actually thinks about these Daca Recipients . Listen, i think the record here is very clear. And maybe miss Huckabee Sanders will think that the government should call for no one to hire me, and by the way i dont get paid for these appearances. Donald trump is a racist. He isnt just a white supremacist, he is a frlat out full racist. Unless your definition of a racist is that you hung somebody from a tree, he is a brace erac. Hes made awful comments over the years. He is the embodiment of being a racist just as miss huck bhee sanders comments the other day are the absolute embodiment of censorship and should have upset every Single Person in america who has even a modest level of respect for our constitution. Wow. And before i let you go, i have to ask you because the rebuttal from trumps people will say why is Darryl Strawberry braising him or why is he friends with don king. But that is one of the great things not understood largely by people who havent thought about these issues. That we had a black people didnt mean were not a racist country anymore. If we had Hillary Clinton didnt mean that feminism is no longer an issue. We have equality by gender. That is nonessential. And nonsense. And strong thurman had a child with a black woman. Ential. And nonsense. And strong thurman had a child with a black woman. He sure did. I dont think i need the coffee anymore. Youve woken us up. Lets bring our panel in. Maria theresa kumar, and adviser for moveon. Org, Jonathan Cape are the, Evan Siegfried in the penalty box. Marie, your thoughts . Can we drop the mic. Everything that he said was slightly right. We all know the different shades of trump and its one. And that is that he only cares about himself, that he actually doesnt actually believe a lot of the stuff that he does. But that said, the power of the d. R. E. A. M. Ers, what they were able to bring forth within less than a week after he made that announcement actually show that the democrats addre s ands want sort of deal. Andwant do some sort of deal. And this is donald trump again going back and saying no amnesty for d. R. E. A. M. Ers. And this is just on thursday. Take a listen. Do you believe daca participants should have a path to sit secitizen ship . Were not talking about amnes amnesty. And he tweeted out why would anyone want them to go home. His history of bigotry is on the record. Totally. But he seems to be on both sides when it comes to the Daca Recipients. Donald trump is trying to do two things. One thing we heard out of that first meeting where nancy and chuck were with the other that this is one that included the other republicans in the room, he came out of that and hes like oh, i got great press. He was loving the great press. As much as he barbs toig the media, he craves positive press. So i think that is part of it. And there are stories throughout that john kelly is putting in front of him all of the good news out there and trying to filter out all of the breitbart stuff that comes thatused to come in front of him. But he needs to continue to throw red meat at miss bahis ba. So that is why he revisits schar charlottesville, thats why he asked for the espn black anchor to be fired. This is all the red meat that he has tried to kind of creep in there while he is trying to get that great press. And to that very point, lets play donald trump once again going back and saying he was right when he said that charlottesville was an issue on both sides. We had a great talk yesterday. I think especially in light of the advent of antifa, if you look at whats going on there, you know, you have some pretty bad dudes on the other side also, and essentially thats what i said. Now, because of whats happened since then with antifa, you look at you know really whats happened since charlottesville, a lot of people are saying in fact a lot of people have actually written, gheee, trump might have a point. I said you got some very bad people on the other side also which is true. No, people have not said or written that. And so do you comport with you work for the washington post. He wants people like you to write nice things about him so he will go against his natural positions on things, but then he also wants his base to still like him, so he reinforces their view on things like charlottesville. Yeah. Look, the president mass no moral authority at all on anything because he couldnt find it within himself even in a politically expedient way to condemn something that is rooted in americas original sin. And, you know, you can bring up antifa all you want, i didnt even know the phrase until charlottesville happened. Antifa is not the issue. Its white 13resprec supremacis. There is no need to wear hoods anymore. You can walk out in broad daylight with your torches and your guns and your confederate flags and your nazi flags and everything will be fine. And youve got coming from the oval office or in that case air force one someone who is carrying your water. This is not who the president should be. This is not the country that we are. And until republicans of good faith and who believe in this country and what this country stands for, at least what it should stand for, until they Say Something about him, they are complicit in what hes doing. And let me go to a evan, lets give you a chance to get this here. Donald trump at the same time that he is throwing back out this red meat on bracerace, he texted his supporters yesterday saying djt, we will build a wall all caps and stop illegal immigration to keep us safe. Dems and fake news need a contribute 2 if you want the wall. So he is still grifting money off of his supporters who he charges 40 for the hats, some are burning, and they aare buyig it. He is still using the base of your party for commerce while switching his position on the wall. At some point, you know, we keep asking this question is there is a breaking point for trump republicans. But at this point they are actually being asked for money for something trump isnt going to do. Lets me make this bet with you. I bet you that donald trump will maze more money off of that text than hell get from congress for the wall. Weve actually seen this week because of the two deals he struck in the span of a bike is peppi the frog means sticking the fork in the socket because his sbas apoplectic. He thinks that they have betrayed him. Ann coulter says who didnt want him impeached. You are seeing more and most of the mega base saying this isnt what we voted for, this is typical swamp and this is not what we were promised. Doctor would they give him money for that text . Smem some people have the right to be stupid and still keep giving and believe in the dream. But donald trump is also doing damage control by say being the wall is still coming. Its a nonstarter. When you have illegal border crossings down 70 on the southern border, that makes a case for you dont even need a wall, you just need more bodies where the president was right on. And i think that were going out and seeing republicans really having an identity crisis because donald trump is making dealings with Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi, but these deals dont benefit any of the core values. Democra democrats conditio democra democrats cant give me anything, but well work but. Does donald trump want to run for relocation or godid he accomplish what he wanted by becoming what barack obama sfwhaus aand would he be satisfied doing something he thinks bromg conditio barack obama cant do and then go home for maralago . Donald trump wants to be president forever. He he believes that of course he should be president. And if you dont understand that, youre part of the fake news because he is superior to you and me and he and his attempt hafamily have talked about their superiority. I dont think that we have to worry that he can suspend the constitution at some point, but donald has no respect for anything including our constitution and if he had handled himself differently, he would have suspended the constitution and made himself a putinlike leader. Amazing. David k. Johnston bringing super hot fire thois morning. Thank you very much for being here. And up next, the Mueller Investigation is coming into sharper focus. Stay with us. Hey grandpa. Hey, kid. Really good to see you. You too. You tell grandma you were going fishing again . Maybe. vo the best things in life keep going. Thats why i got a subaru, too. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. When this bell rings. It starts a chain reaction. Thats heard throughout the connected business world. 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First the wall street journal report that both during the campaign and while he was National Security adviser, flynn secretly promoted a planning involving Russian Companies no less to build Nuclear Power plants in the middle east. And from nbc news, flynns son is now subject of the investigation into possible collusion between russia and the Trump Campaign. Then on thursday, cnn reported that flynn was among trump senior officials including Jared Kushner and steve bannon whose identities were unmasked by susan rice. Rice said she did it because those officials met in secret with the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates during the transition. Right before the uae reportedly twrid to establish a back channel for the Trump Campaign to communicate with russia. Joining me now are hunter walker, malcolm nance, and paul butler. Thank you all for being here. Okay. So hunter, ill start with you. Youve been reporting this week about some of the other aspects of the investigation including what is going on with facebook. Ill come back to that. But as far as the white house is concerned, donald trump has been really protective of Michael Flynn. Do white house officials understand what a huge liability he and his son are to them legally . You know, its not something that they are talking about a lot. In the Briefing Room whenever questions come up about these mull legal investigations, Sarah Sanders tends to say 8its something she cant understand. And that makes sense because with flynn his son, the Intelligence Committee wants them to testify and they are both refusing. And bob mueller is also focusing on them. So there is a lot of legal activity that is a very risky for the white house to engage on. But as you point out, flynn was someone who mattered a lot to the president when he was a candidate. I mean, this was a guy who was viewed as sort of a bipartisan figure. He had been a high ranking general in the obama administration. We know how trump loves the generals and flynn stood by him. So i think this hurts him. And malcolm, the sort of basic thing if you look at flynns exposure even before you get to the deals that he was trying to cut, financial deals, while he was National Security adviser, you get the straightforward problem of not putting on his security clearance forms that he did this middle east trip. Associated press reported that on thursday. And elijah cummings, Ranking Member on the committee that is one of the committees that is investigating this, and elliott angle, wrote the following this is a en an excerpt. Your responses suggest that you and other officials at your Companies May have discussed with Trump Administration officials during and after flynns tenure at the white house meaning discussed these deals. So is that really kind of the principal exposure for Michael Flynn that he just didnt fill out forms that disclosed it, or is it the actual deals themselves . No, the fs86 in not putting that on there, that is not the principal problem for Michael Flynn. That will be a tertiary problem at the least. Its actually going out and arranging these deals. You know, ive said from the very beginning why did these people go and do things which were patently going to show up as potentially criminal when they got into the white house . And its principally because they feel that they were going to be masters of the universe. Once they won this election, they felt they controlled all the levers of government and that no one was going to look into this, they could use the government as their own tool to empower themselves and enwretch themselves. And Michael Flynns problems with far deeper than even this. The question is on the table, was he working for the russians or was he just leading their dirty tricks teams for the trumps campaign. And both of those things may be the same thing in the end. So you know, i think Nuclear Power plants are the least of his problems. Let me actually read for the audience to you understand what were talking about, cummings and angle wrote a letter that was detailing what Michael Flynn was doing in terms of representing these companies. And this is the letter that they wrote. They said based on your responses, it appears that general flynn violated federal law bio mitting this trip and these foreign contacts with fr his security clearance renewal application in 2016 and concealing them from security clearance investigators who interviewed him as part of his ba background check process. Were providing your responses to Robert Mueller. And paul butler, the ability of the prosecutor to threaten any potential witnesses into cooperating by presenting them with potential jail time, for Michael Flynn, it seems pretty straightforward. He did not put this on the forms. We remember donald trump blamed the obama strainadministration renewing his clearance, but they drn didnt know information like this. Michael flynn is going down. The only question is how far down. So president truobama warned tr about flynn as did sally yateli opened the door to this mess and the special counsel. Typically you start on the bottom and work your way up to the top. Flynn was the National Security adviser. Typically he would be at the top. But the way that mueller is acting, he is obviously trying to turn flynn, hes trying to get him to cooperate with the government. If flynn is kind of on the bottom, we can only imagine who is on the top. Yeah, that is a good question lets talk about Michael Flynn jr. Who folks on twitter will know as somebody who traffics in a lot of the right wing conspiracy theories that come out of the peppi the frog meme world he trafficked in the pizzagate conspiracy city and other things. And so now politico reporting that his son well, reported back this december that he was one of the people that was spreading news that crazy pingpong story that there was child sex ring being operated by the clinton team out of a pizza shop in d. C. Which is insane, but he continued to push it and so did his father. Could the fact that he was spreading the fake news out of russia fake news labs, could that be an indication of what would that be an indication of in your view . Yeah, that is a good question. I think just to add one piece of context, i believe the elder flynn was pushing the younger flynn to get a security clearance. Which was really before Jared Kushner was unheard of. The fact that there were these right wing, and that is being generous, ads purchased on facebook, is there is a connection here . And while this may not be criminal per se, i think it goes to malcolms point which is what is the connection here with russia in terms of being able to manipulate, in terms of the intelligence operation, were these people directed assets, were there communications . At this point, i wouldnt be surprised to find out that tiffany is out of trumps will and vlad is in. Whether criminal or on not, there is a Counter Intelligence component of this. On not, there is a Counter Intelligence component of this. N not, there is a Counter Intelligence component of this. Does not, there is a Counter Intelligence component of this. Do does. Who is the white house most concerned about, is it mike emflynn . Oes. Who is the white house most concerned about, is it mike emflynn . Es. Who is the white house most concerned about, is it mike emflynn . S. Who is the white house most concerned about, is it mike emflynn . Who is the white house most concerned about, is it mike emflynn . Who is the white house most concerned about, is it mike emflynn . Who is the white house concerned about, is it mike emflynn . Hes someone they should be concerned about along with Jared Kushner. The violation is clear cut and it has issues that come with it and they both have clearly violated the foreign contacts. I think the viewers and everyone at home needs to ask why does this administration seem to have so much trouble with having disclosed their meetings with foreign people, is there something they are trying to hide. And the money hunt is the common denominator. Thank you very much. Welcome to the show. Well have you back very soon. Coming up, save obamacare or move on to berniecare . That is the question. Stay with us. What started as a passion to make something original. Has grown into an enterprise. 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On the medicare for all, the average American Family will be much better off financially than under the Current System because you will no longer be writing checks to private Insurance Companies. This week Bernie Sanders and 16 democrats introduced a medicare for all Health Care Bill. All alley vghenily ali velshi took time to explain it all. It would create a public system that would cover all americans. It is not employer based. Everything would be covered. Private insurers would still be in the business for elective treatments like plastic surgery. Bernie sanders says it would all be paid for by a tax increase, but it hasnt been determined yet. Now, according to Bernie Sanders oped in the New York Times and his talks about this, his plan would roll out over four years. In year one, the benefits would go to older people, they would be expanded to include dental care, vision coverage hearing aids. Eligibility age would be lowered to 55 and all children under 18 would start to be covered. In year two, eligibility goes down to 45. Eligibility in year three will be lowered to 35. And by year four, coverage for everyone kicks in. This is basically the idea if you want to think of Canadian Health care, its the same idea. Si single payor system, usings medicare for all libel of label, that is a bet of a catch phrase and it has attracted the support of a lot of democratic senators. It has about zero chance of happening anytime soon because of course the democrats dont control congress. But it does being lolook like w become a rallying cry for Bernie Sanders as the next for you years and the next Campaign Come around. Thank you to the great ali velshi. And up next, our panel tackles single payor and the republican effort to dismantle obamacare. Yep, thats still a thing. Stay with us. On with her smile . Who can take a nothing day, and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile . 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From the most recommended sonic toothbrush brand by dental professionals. Switch to Philips Sonicare today. Philips sonicare. Save when you buy now. If you believe repealing and replacing obamacare is a good idea, this is your best and only chance to make it happen. Because Everything Else has failed except this approach which will work if we get behind it. If you want a single payor Health Care System, this is your worst nightmare. Bernie. This ends your dream of a single payor Health Care System for america. Even as senator Bernie Sanders pitches his medicare for all plan, Senate Republicans are making a last ditch effort to appeal obamacare again. And look sharp, they are getting really close to having the votes to pass it. Here to discuss, jonathan kohn, ovick roy and howard dean. Thank you all for being here. Let me start with you, governor dean. Because now you have this sort of guy cot adichotomy that is h. Lindsey grahams has a plan that would appeal the Affordable Care act and hes presenting it as take this or you will wind up with medicare for all with universe universeal health care. Do you think that threat has the risk of scaring enough republicans over the line that the whole outcome of this week will be the repeal of obamacare . Well, first of all, this is a ridiculous bill. It jacks up premiums on people with preexisting conditions. This bill was put together by people who knew very little about health care and dr. Cassidy is screwing his own state to the tune of 2 million. Its a political bill. Most likely to help Lindsey Grahams good friend john mccain redeem himself in the eyes of the right wing republicans which is always a mistake. So this is nonsense. As far as bernies bill goes, there will be a lot of work to do. It hasnt been scored, there is a lot of questions. But it is an incredibly important momt moment ent. Universal health care for all americans is assumed by about 60 of americans. Ed the phrase head care for all is supported by 60 of americans. Care for all is supported by 60 of americans. Gram oipg has to gham has to ge thing done by september 30th, but it is a real threat. And i want to come back to the politics of the sanders bill in a specifically on this Graham Cassidy bill. People have run through what it would do. It essentially repeals all the subsidies people are getting to help them by insurance. It ends the medicare expansion. It has the vast transfers that will extract money from big blue states like new york and give it to red states who didnt expand medicaid. It would cut medicaid. It would eliminate the exchanges on the individual market and it would allow Insurance Companies to charge higher premiums for people with preexisting conditions. I dont really understand the politics of republicans wanting to do that. Do you . Its funny, you played the clip of Lindsey Graham saying this that this would end Bernie Sanders dream. Actually the opposite is true. You could take these block grants that amount to about 200 baldspending to subsidize the uninsured which is comparable to what obamacare would spend in the future its considerably less. Instead of using to buy private insurance, you could expand single payor health care. So it actually expands the ability the ability to enact single payor in their states and it didnt give a whole lot to give the counter veiling option. So in this ways plan is actually something that i think will be fairly controversial in conservative circles. And jonathan, your thoughts. Yeah, i dont think ovick and i are looking at the same piece of paper. Maybe he knows more than i do about what is in this plan. You said that it means less money to the states. That is right. With any of these repeal bills, you want to watch the dollars. What is happening. This reduces the money overall going to states. And then in ten years actually the money cuts off all together. And apparently, well, congress could then start to reappropriate it again. If youre putting less money into the system, you will take Health Insurance away from people. If you give states more leeway to give them the right to take away protections from people with preexisting conditions, some states will go thado that. So fewer people covered. And is t. Looks a lot like the bills weve seen before. And given the threat to so many Peoples Health care, t. L bills weve seen before. And given the threat to so many Peoples Health care,t. Lo bills weve seen before. And given the threat to so many Peoples Health care, look bills weve seen before. And given the threat to so many Peoples Health care, when you have medicaid on the line, which means tens of millions of people would lose access to health care period, why then are democrats making this wholesale pivot to talk about universal Health Care Bill that even our own genius ali velshi has zero chance of passing and that we dont know exactly what the tax increases would be, but that republicans are going to run on as a huge tax increase . We know that that is what they will do. Bernie sanders has estimated it would be 1. 4 trillion per year how much it would cost, urban institute estimates 2. 5 trillion a year. Republicans would say that is democrats passing a multitrillion dollar pass cut. Is this the time to make that rhetorical shift for the party . It is, but look the bill when it passes is going to pass some day, i agree not in the immediate foreseeable future, it will look very different like the one that was dropped by bernie and the other 15 senators. Many of whom are thinking of running for president. So this is a collective political acumen of people who november somethi know something about politics and their calculation is that eventually the American People will buy medicare for all. But i agree it wont happen soon and it will look different than the bill that was dropped this week. But is a big milestone because it means people finally have the courage to actually do something about making our Health Care System comprehend he thsive and everybody like all the other consi democracies in the world. And as a member of the faction that will present this, will this persuade people on your side of the aisle if the argument had been made if you take health care off the books of american companies, if they are not footing the bill, they could be more productive, they could spend that money on productivity, on hiring more people, hiring more staff, on paying their People Better or just on r d. Is that a pervasive argument to conservatives to say you know what, maybe we should go to the system that the vast majority of the western world uses and not have Employers Health care to 250 Million People . Ive written about this a lot. If you had a real single payor system like canadas where everybody had government run insurance but they also heavily regulated the price of hospital care, farm suit capharmaceutica like, yes, you could have a system that spends less monday than the system we have. But bernies plan doesnt do that. Bernies plan is all carrots and no sticks. It would increase federal spending over a ten year period by 28 trillion. Trillion with a t. That is 5 increase of federal spending relation difference to today and thats because the system we have today has a lot of state and local spendinging that you would be transferringing tos federal government. So the numbers dont add up. And that is not to say that single payor plans conditions wo cant work in theory, but taking the system we have in america is a hell of a lot harder than appealing obamacare. So how do you address the question if you say to people you will pay higher taxes but you can have Unlimited Health care, dont the costs balloon because people use more of it, they use more of these services . Yeah, the way universal Health Care Systems work beina broad, they give people more jenrous coverage than he you get in the United States. Whether a hybrid system with the independent nonprofits, the government then regulate the prices. They basically dictate the prices to the priors, to the hospitals, to the drug makers. You can do that. Iors, to the hospitals, to the drug makers. You can do that. But there are tradeoffs and getting there is a lot harder than saying it will work eventually. But you know, this is the beginning of a conversation, not an end hopefully. Beginning of two, whether or not we scrap the Affordable Care act and whether or not we move to single payor. Great conversation, thank you guys. And coming up in our next hour, breitbartn coulter turn on trump. But does it matter. During our made to move 2017 clearance event, you can do endless online research. Or, you can take advantage of our best offer ever on an xt5. Dont wait. Our 2017 models will be moving fast. You can drive a car. Or you can drive a cadillac. Come in now before the end of our made to move 2017 clearance event and leave with the perfect cadillac xt5 for your next adventure. Choose a low mileage lease on this xt5 for around 339 per month. vo more dper rollres for mom more doing chores for dad per roll more earning something you love per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50 longer than the leading ordinary brand. So you get more life per roll. Bounty the quicker picker upper. And lifes beautiful moments. 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After Robert Mueller was appointed to investigate him, donald trump was so angry with his attorney general Jeff Sessions that, according to the New York Times, trump, quote, told mr. Sessions that choosing him to be attorney general was one of the worst decisions he had made, called him an idiot and said that he should resign. It is sort of you know, its hard. Id have to break out a very tiny violin to feel sorry for Jeff Sessions given all the stuff hes doing. After being berated in that manner, sessions still stayed. Theres an interesting piece on why hes still there. His allies have said that despite the humiliation, the attorney general has stayed on the job because he sees a once in a lifetime opportunity as the nations top Law Enforcement official to toughen the countrys immigration policies. Hes such a zealot that hes willing to take humiliation from trump. If you look at all the things hes done. He took the bully pulpit in announcing daca and connected it with a whole bunch out of false information to confuse people. You look at every single piece of legislation hes trying to promote or rescind. It all disproportionately attacks blacks, hispanics and poor people. Its what this other person in the department of justice is dismantling. Paul butler, it is the case the one member of the Trump Administration that is actually effective in getting done what he wanted to do is Jeff Sessions. There was just a report out by bu bu buzzfeed on friday that Jeff Sessions is essentially killing a project designed to build trust. This federal team goes in and tries to help the Department Work better with the community. Hes killing that. He wants civil Asset Forfeiture back, longer prison sentences. Its a program to more aggressively arrest people and put them in prison for longer. Jeff sessions is a gzealot and hes actually effective. Jeff sessions is probably the only cabinet member whos actually being successful at President Trumps project of reversing everything that barack obama ever did. So sessions wants to bring back the failed war on drugs. Hes restored this program where local Police Departments get tanks and grenades from the pentagon to use against their own citizens. So were really as American People in a difficult position. Either we keep this attorney general, who would not at least pledge loyalty to trump and open the door to an objective investigation, which clearly President Trump did not want. But at the same time, this is an attorney general who keeps his job after suffering humiliation just so he could kick children out of the country, out of the only counted theyve ever known. Thats not the kind of attorney general that we need, but we also dont want trump to select somebody else, who will accept the pledge of loyalty. And that is sort of the vice grip that the counted is in, that if sessions goes, thats how donald trump gets to fire mueller. But if sessions stays, he continues his decades long quest to change immigration law. He believes in the 1924 racist immigration act and has praised it i fusieffusively. The fact that now hes working closely to rescind the sentence of joe arpaio. He was racially profiling anybody that looked like an immigrant. That means american citizens. Sessions actually understands how the system works. When somebody says theyre concerned about pledging loyalty, he understands how the system works. But he also has his key folks that hes trained in different parts. Steve miller, gene is an individual who wrote the muslim ban, hes over at homeland security. Paul, very quickly before we end, at the end of the day is there any mechanism to rein in an attorney general . The mechanism is for the president to get rid of him or for him to resign. 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Im telling you some of the staunchest Trump Supporters are out there and theyve jumped ship. Good morning. Those conservatives werent bashing president obama. They were verbally cannibalizing their own president , all because they dont like trumps new friends, chuck and nancy. The house and Senate Democratic leaders met with trump at the white house for the second time this month. Over chinese takeout they discussed Border Security sans wall. Trump kind of sort of disputed the democrats the next day, saying the wall might not be included in this plan, but it will come later. Believe me. Now, we know that the right wing media elite arent happy, but what about trumps base. Is a deal with no wall a bridge too far . Thank you all for being here. Im going to start with you, curt. You are our breitbart whisperer. I pulled up breitbart this morning just to have a looksee. This was the home page. It was very angry. Outrage. There we go. Very, very upset. We also have trump people burning their maga hats, which means youre burning your own 40, because you already gave donald trump the 40. No rebates. Youre not hurting donald trump. Its your money youre burning. But anyway they are doing that. They are very angry and it is about the wall. For this part of the republican base, this is an issue, immigration, amnesty that cuts so deep with them. Remember, back in 2006 when really the origins of this alt right Movement Really started. Look what happened to marco rubio, a tea party darling. He starts being part of the gang of six, gang of eight, immigration. He goes down. They immediately disowned him. Then you look at Donald Trumps campaign on the border wall. It was very explicit. It was going to be the best wall weve ever seen. Now hes starting to walk away from that. To trade it to give amnesty to these dreamers this is the highest possible betrayal you could ever have. If you go back and look at the polling on trump voters, the one thing thats consistent across economic class is they are very exorcised about the idea of unlawful immigration. Immigration is the thing that drives them and it is the wall they want. If you go down a grid of clinton and Trump Supporters. For Trump Supporters terrorism and the economy were number one. But immigration was way up there and treatment of racial and ethnic minorities. These are voters who whatever their economic condition is, they voted to deport people. Thats what they wanted. And they voted for the wall. I have known donald trump since 1987. I was tweeting to Trump Supporters last year, you dont understand, hes a con man. I will retweet this to you when he betrays you. Donald trump is not a man of principle. He is a man who acts based on praise. If he can abandon a point, if he can knife a friend and in the process get a complemeniment, ts what hes going to do. Hes getting good feedback from the press over this, from television over this. The people who are Trump Supporters who think that he cares about them, he doesnt. What he cares about and has always cared about and from the first day i met him is, am i getting praise. The reality is if kim jongun of north korea got a little smart and stood up and started praising donald trump, you know, hed touring our Nuclear Facilities by morning. [ laughter ]. Yeah. I kind of get the sense that might be true. It does feel like the immigration issue is such an issue of sort of visceral importance to this faction of Donald Trumps base. Its not clear how many of them would actually walk away from him just because of this. But for the community thats under threat for daca, is it possible to even trust donald trump when he changes his mind for the third or fourth time and says, no, no, i want these folks to stay. I think what was the most the Silver Lining in the conversation that he had with pelosi and schumer was there was a conversation and something on the table that actually smelled of a clean dream act bill. Within minutes the white house came back and said, no, no, we actually did want a wall when we said we didnt. Its slippery. The delve is going to be in the details. Theyre organizing. The fact that these young dreamers within a week after daca was rescinded were able to mobilize. Talks about how impact fuful it not just for the democrats but also on the republican side. Donald trumps base sees that. They see he is responsive to the activism of the same people that barack obama was responsive to. Thats got to enrage them. For them, there is no going back. The difference between donald trump and his supporters and his base is they are absolute on this. This is an issue of conviction, of ideology. There is no room to negotiate that back. Trump is not a person of ideology. He is not someone who has true core convictions that guide everything he makes. He instead is flexible. This guy is all about the art of the deal and about praise. As long as he gets that positive reinforcement hes going to keep going that direction. This is the first time in this presidency that hes gotten any type of positive coverage from anywhere. If he has to throw aside the alt right and the Steve Bannons of the world for a while, hes willing to do that. Chuck and nancy are sort of the heros of this daca saga for now, until trump changes his mind. But can democrats have any confidence that a negotiation with trump results in anything concrete and reel . How does he know he cant get more applause by going back to saying build the wall and deport everyone . They dont know that, of course. Thats why youre going to see in the next couple of weeks the House Democrats are going to move on a discharge petition that gets the last daca bill on the floor. It will get some republican votes. Will donald trump actually push republicans, twist arms and say i want you to vote for this bill . Or will he move back . Will he see the shrieking from the bannons and the ann coulters of the world. I think nancy pelosi is a brilliant tactician. She and Chuck Schumer dont trust him at all, but they do have ways to hold his feet to the fire and see if he means that. I think were going to see that in the next two or three weeks, i really do. Youve seen who was going after donald trump here. It is sort of the elites of the right wing media world and political world. So steve king, whos notoriously made incredible racist statements including on msnbc about who brings value to the country, what kinds of immigrants. He tweets if app is correct, trump base is blown up, destroyed. You had ann coulter tweet, at this point, who doesnt want trump impeached . If were not getting a wall, id prefer president pence. You know donald trump. Does the kind of carping from right wing media elites get to him more . Or would it take the actual maga faithful bumping more hats . This is the complexity of Donald Trumps psyche. These people attacking will backfire. He will not look at ann coulter if he ever paid any attention to her at all and say, oh, shes upset, i Better Change my position. He will look at ann coulter and say you were my friend, you you are my enemy. This is not an introspective man. This is not a man who thinks through policy, who thinks through where is my support, what do i have to do in order to satisfy them . Its, i am having an impulse. You are making me happy. I am going to act on that impulse. I think the most important phrase that came out this week was Chuck Schumer getting caught on an open mike saying, well, he likes me, talking about trump. If thats true, if trump likes him, that means schumer has figured him out. If schumers figured him out, theres going to be a lot more cooperation with Chuck Schumer than will will be with the people who more reflect the trump original base. I think there is a little bit of a worry here for trump when ann coulter uses the i word. Its funny to us. Wed like to link hands with ann coulter. For the first time in our lives, he we agree with her. I see so much of this as really tweaking mcconnell and ryan, who hes completely soured on. Theyre useless to him. They and the republican caucuses are something that actually stands between donald trump and impeachment. Im not saying were anywhere near that, but he can never totally forget that he has been untouchable no matter what ridiculous thing he tries to do because those guys are not paying attention to any of these investigations or what bob mueller is doing. They have seemed impervious to the drip, drip, drip of evidence that there was some kind of russian meddling and possibly collusion between the Trump Campaign and the russian interference. He cant completely thumb his nose at the republican party. Because i dont see chuck and nancy riding to his defense if the heat from mueller or the committees gets any hotter, no. Theres one possible flip, which is that if the republicans deliver a win i mean you were talking about the health care, obamacare repeal. If the republicans deliver a win where trump can sign something and get applause, then theyre going to be his friends again. I think that were putting too much weight on both Rush Limbaugh and ann coulter. Theres no one else that wants a clean bill for daca than rupert murdoch. That is an Incredible Group of folks. Thats one of the reasons fox was to friendly to him. Thats one of the reasons steve bannon was basically shown the door at the white house right after he has those conversations. I would look at how fox is going to be covering this piece of the story. Laura ingram just got a prime time show. Shes been savaging him for flipping positions on things like daca. There is an ethnic component to the adamant does he end up losing enough of that base where republicans say, we dont have to anymore be supine lackeys of trump no matter how he spits in our face. With trump, everything is temporary for him. Everything is fleeting. He was having some issues and all of a sudden he decided to pardon sheriff joe. He always looks for a way to give them something to stay with him. At the end of the day, theres no alternative for them. Where are they going to go . The piece in the atlantic, trump is truly something new, the president whose entire political existence hinges on the fact of a black president. For a lot of his base the whole point was getting that man into the white house to replace the other guy. It almost doesnt mat whaer tere does. They just wanted to have that vision, that image as president. Maybe they dont care. Thank you guys very much. Coming up, trumps Voter Suppression commission is next. Wow nice outfit. When i grow up, im going to mars. Were working on that. Some people know how far they want to go. A personalized Financial Strategy can help you get them there. See how access to j. P. Morgan investment expertise can help you. Chase. Make more of whats yours. To j. P. Morgan investment expertise can help you. There are too many to do and see in your life to let chronic dry eye symptoms get in the way. To learn more about chronic dry eye symptoms, chat with your eye doctor and go to myeyelove. Com its all about eyelove, my friends. Feeling the love . Are your eyes dry, itchy and gritty . Blurry vision at times . Grab some face time with your eye doctor and show your eyes some eyelove. Now we know at least win member wants that to be the case. In a redacted email obtained by the Campaign Legal center sent to the Justice Department in february, a member of the commission argued that allowing democrats or even mainstream republicans or academics to serve on the commission would, quote, guarantee its failure. Joining me now is ari berman of mother jones. Ari, this commission that was put together includes some very choice and interesting members. Tell us who hans is. Hans is with the Heritage Foundation which is picking judges for trump, among other things. He was a long time official in the bush Justice Department. He has really been leading the effort to implement strict voter id laws, to implement Voter Suppression measures. He has been spreading the myth of voter fraud for decades. He called for excluding democrats, academics and mainstream republicans from this commission, which shows that the fix was in from the very beginning. This has nothing to do with election integrity. A. Lets just read just a little bit of that email, which initially there was a little dishonesty when reporters tried to ask who authored that email. Ultimately heritage came clean. He wrote, there isnt a single democratic official that will do anything other than obstruct any investigation of voter fraud and issue constant public announcements criticizing the commission on what it is doing, making claims that it is engaged in Voter Suppression. The question becomes, if hes saying that, is that an admission that they are attempting to build a false case for Voter Suppression . Or is he trying to say he thinks that democrats are sa you can see that from the origins of this commission and all the rhetoric that president engaged in from the campaign trail following his presidency that there are mythical voters out there who are trying to impersonate others. We know that is not the case. There have been numerous studies that have accomplished quite firmly that voter fraud is a myth. This statement reveals the animus of this commission. Its conclusions have been predetermined. And these individuals that have been placed on the commission are there to drive an agenda of Voter Suppression. Theres just no turning back from it. There are several lawsuits, of course, revealing what the animus is behind these efforts. And ours is one of them at the naacp Legal Defense fund. We have sued and we have revealed that one of the main driving forces is the disenfranchisement of black and latino voters. We should not shy away from calling that racism what it is and pointing out that is very much a part of the intention of this commission. Governor dean, leading this charge is a guy named chri chris coback, which is one of the biggest zealots in attempting to curtail the right to vote, particularly of black and broken folks. He wrote it appears that out of state voters changed the outcome of the New Hampshire u. S. Senate race. This is the former secretary of the state of kansas. This is him on tuesday. Its simply looking at some of the numbers, hard statistics about individuals who used an out of state drivers license to vote on the same day, you know, register and volt te on the sam day in New Hampshire. Same day registration is legal in New Hampshire. A lot of College Students vote that way. Governor dean, the secretary of state of New Hampshire, whos on this commission has disputed the idea that the outcome of the senate race was changed by socalled illegal voting. You have gone so far to say that New Hampshire should lose their first in the nation primary status. The reason New Hampshire should lose their first in the nation primary status, theyve actually passed a bill that out laws students voting. This is a committee of crack pots. I think gardener is a crack pot too. He lied when he said that New Hampshire doesnt suppress votes. They have a bill passed by republicans in the house and the is that the a signed by the republican governor that makes it illegal for students to vote until they get a New Hampshire drivers license, which is something they may not want to do unless they come from New Hampshire. These are crack pots. Theyre dangerous crack pots. Theyre undermining the right to vote and they are racist and theres no way that we should have our first in the nation y primary in New Hampshire which has just passed a Voter Suppression bill. Is there any evidence whatsoever that illegal voting changed the outcome of the New Hampshire senate race, which of course was won by a democrat . No. Theres absolutely no evidence of that claim, joy. What people in New Hampshire did was they used out of state drivers licenses to voete on election day, which is legal in New Hampshire. They were simply following the law. These were College Students and other people who did not need to have an instate drivers license or register their car in the state. This wasnt proof of anything illegal. The fact that coback made this outrageous claim was very, very revealing about how he and others are lying about voter fraud. Also we should point out the fact he made it as a paid columnist for breitbart. We also learn that i hed theyr personal emails to do the committees business. This commission is illegitimate in so many ways. The more we learn about it, the worse it looks. How much of this is strictly racial, the idea that people just believe that for some reason these black and brown voters are by definition illegitimate, they shouldnt be voting . And how much of it is partisan saying were looking at the ele ele electorate . How much is partisan and how much is race . Clearly both issues are at play. But the racial dimension cannot be minimized in anyway. What is really driving this wave of voter depressisuppression la whats drove this entire presidency is the fact that there is a clear browning of america. Black and latino voters are going to dominate the electorate if they are included in a way thats proper and fair. And this commission is going Everything Possible to erect barriers to take us back to before the Voting Rights act. Governor dean, what should democrats do regarding this commission . We should first of all, remove New Hampshire from its status as the first in the nation primary, because they were already suppressing all student votes from people who are going to dartmouth, the university of New Hampshire. This is outrageous. The second thing is this is being litigated all over the country. Third of all, lets call this what it is. This is a fraudulent commission run by frauds. The Vice President of the United States is involved in this commission. This administration believes that the way to win for republicans is not to allow a large number of people to vote, the young and the black and the brown are being deprived of their votes under this administration. That is wrong. Its unamerican and its not in keeping with a healthy democracy. Thank you guys for being here. Still to come, how dare Hillary Clinton write a book . Thats next. Hey grandpa. Hey, kid. Really good to see you. You too. You tell grandma you were going fishing again . 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As one of those workers, im proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. Gillette the best a man can get. It seems like only yesterday they were competing for the democratic nomination for president. Now Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders cant stop sharing the news cycle. More after the break. And packag. And its also a story about people. And packag. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you to make something original. Has grown into an enterprise. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. Now, im earning unlimited 2 cash back on every purchase i make. Everything. Which adds up to thousands of dollars back every year. And helps keep my passion growing. In every direction. Whats in your wallet . [fbi agent] youre a brave man, your testimony will save lives. Mr. Stevens . This is your new name. This is your new house. And a perfectly inconspicuous suv. You must become invisible. [hero] ill take my chances. Hillary and bernie were back in the headlines this week. Clinton for telling her version of what happened in her memoir. And for the backlash for critics, including some in the media who were appalled that she dare to utter another word about her experience that wasnt a complete repudiation of herself. Then there was sanders, who on wednesday introduced his long awaited medicare for all single payer Health Care Bill. All of which puts health care squarely at the top of the agenda in the critical midterm elections. Democrats are left with a decision, run on berniecare or not . This is new . I think i remember this starting in 1991. Whenever she does something, the major take in the Mainstream Press is, no, no, shes doing it wrong. Sometimes over the course of the last 25 years, she has done it wrong. Theres no question about it. Sometimes she has done it right. Why isnt she blaming herself . Shes got every right to say whatever it is she feels like saying. Every candidate writes a book. Do you think that part of it is a sentiment among the media that the blame is going to fall in part on us . Because the media did spend a lot of time watching donald trump walk around on stages, did spend a lot of time on emails which never went anywhere as a story. Is the media simply saying dont look at us . I think thats part of it. Its the old hillary reflex of the media that goes back to the 90s but compounded by what you just said. We, generally speaking, the press, dont want to look in the mirror about last year. On this question of Hillary Clinton being out there, one of the things you hear people saying is we dont want to go back and relitigate 2016 because weve got to look forward to 2018. But here is Hillary Clintons rival for the democratic nominations back out there, Bernie Sanders proposing a massive change to the Health Care System that now 2020 democrats feel obligated to run on. Are we looking back . Are we looking forward . Whats happening with that . Yes. Look, we have to look backwards. We have to read hillarys book and get from her perspective what happened. We have to look at what sanders wants to do with medicare for all, this bill that now all these people have signed onto. If anything, the conditions to debate bernies bill now are optimal compared to what they were even last year because of what trump tried to do with obamacare and trying to repeal it. People are now eager, hey, lets have this discussion. Look, Bernie Sanders is going to be a part of the conversation about what the Democratic Party is going to do in 18 and 20. I wish hed join the Democratic Party so he could have some standing to talk about how to rearrange the furniture in our house. But thats a whole other discussion. Dont go on your twitter mentions for the next 24 hours. Oh, im ready. Stay off twitter. All that being said, the Democratic Party has to have this discussion about who it is, what it wants to be and how theyre going to deliver it for the American People in a way that resonates and blunts whatever it is the president is trying to do. Were only a half a year into this. These conversations, though, never happen. You know, after romney lost, the rnc had an autopsy. We got to reach out to latinos. What happened to that . Yeah. What happened to that . The guy who was in charge of that ended up working for the guy who grabbed women and bragged about it and who insulted every latino he could find. Unfortunately, our system is really dominate ed by the president ial race. Every four years a Party Decides what its going to be by who they select as the nominee. Now, in between, you can have great policy debates about what to do about the budget, about health care. Of course about foreign affairs. The democrats have often argued internally on all three matters and so have the republicans. So i think its great to have a policy debate now about what to do about health care, as he just mentioned, than to have absolutely no reflection on what happens in the 2020 race or even 2018. Bernie is great to bring this up and hillary is great too to talk about, okay, what would be a better strategy to win next time. They overlap but theyre not the same conversation. I is that true . Because having a policy debate thats on something that isnt going to pass right now, when number one, youve got activists back burning the phones trying to stop this new bill that wants to repeal the Affordable Care act. And when youve got how Many Democrats up for reelection in states that trump won, seven . Democrats still have to defend seats, right . And they also have to attempt to take back one house of congress. Is this a time to be doing the activism required to protect the Affordable Care act and win a house in congress or is this the time to be having a policy debate that republicans now get to preview for three years how theyre going to attack it . I think because of trump we are having like this morale battle. Because we have a president whos so morally bankrupt. And so i think what were seeing on the democratic side is theyre fighting for daca, theyre fighting for health care. Because the things happening with the republicans and donald trump are just so dangerous and cruel. So i think this is what were seeing. I think were seeing there is so much energy out there to fight to beat back all of these ugly, unamerican things that you see. Then why not talk about medicare for all . Why not have those conversations . Were beating back cruel things constantly. There are some people in the conversation who seem to be invested in having a divisive fight on the democratic side. Some sanders supporters want to relitigate and say the party has to go this way. More centrist democrats are saying he should go away too. I feel like its game of thrones and winter is coming. You could have a policy debate, but the divisive stuff really has to be put to the side. I agree, but i would say that it is not the majority of the party, because you do have people who are if you go to demois moines, iowa or destroit michigan they want to know what are you going to do for me, how are you going to change my life . This is what voters actually care about. This is the challenge. Maybe being a liberal makes you have always constant anxiety. Because you care. Thats part of it. But the question is, democrats do still have a divide. There are still two parties. Theres the bernie party and the hillary party. There was this great vox piece about going through the challenges in trying to do health care, including the big amount of taxes youd have to raise, taking 250 million off their health care and all of that. He asked the question, are the berniecrats going to accuse any democrat who doesnt sign on of being establishment and walk away from them a way that a percentage walked away from Hillary Clinton . You have a faction of democrats who are so purist that if you dont sign on that bernie bill, theyre done and they will literally threaten the ability of democrats to take over a house of congress. Yes. Theres no question thats a risk. The tone has to be set by bernie himself. I see he has said this is not going to be a litmus test for 2018. Its good that he said it but i think he needs to say it and say it and say it. It will be more important in 2020 when the president ial candidates come up. Its going to be very important in both elections. I think on the one hand its great that sanders did this. It opens up space to talk about health care in a lot of didnt w different ways. Theyre playing offense and pleasing the base. What happens when the Congressional Budget Office scores this . Its not enough for senator sanders to say this isnt a litmus test over and over again. He has to condemn the people who attack. Thats something hes shown no willingness to do. Thank you so much. Thanks. In our next hour, alex witt brings you the latest from a proconfederate rally in richmond this morning. Charming. Copd makes it hard to breathe. So to breathe better, i go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. Call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. Ask your doctor about anoro. 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Not only were they able to mobilize quickly right after the president s repeal, they had schumer and pelosi up there negotiating the outlines of a deal. Thats amazing. I actually believe the fact that they were also holding vigils in front of ivankas house. That kind of helped them too. Not that she can do anything. Just keeping it real. She says. Who won the week . I have to give a shoutout to dav david caye johnson for the amount of times he called donald trump a racist. But i was going to say women because you had nancy, who was the only woman in the room during these two well, the first meeting for sure, controlling Donald Trumps twitter feed. You had Sloane Stephens really making history this weekend. Ill give it to Hillary Clinton for writing this book. We have to remember she was the first woman president ial nominee. We need to hear what she has to say. And so i thought that was real important. Lastly, jemele hill and miss texas. We havent talked about how miss texas actually amazing. Youre right. Called donald trump a white supremacist. Clearly, it was a different reaction on both sides. We know why. But thats you didnt have anybody in the white house podium calling for her to be fired from being miss texas. Exactly. I feel like John Mclaughlin should be here. Michael, who won the week . My brain is a lot more predictable than theirs, so my answer is chuck and nancy. But its a pretty plausible answer. They had a strong week. And now the president is their friend, at least for the time being. But hes their friend on a couple of really important things. Are they playing him . I dont know. You know, they were taken by surprise by this from what i was told, very much my surprise about how easy it was. Maybe hes sort of playing mitch and paul too in this. I dont really know. I dont know if hes that strategic, ill be honest with you. Hes probably not. If this was strategy on his part, in a lot of ways it wasnt very good because his base is getting pretty mad at him. But i think schumer and pelosi come out of this with no debt ceiling fight and a possible deal for the d. R. E. A. M. Ers so theres actual substance to it and this is good. Its a win. David corn. I was tempted to say that paul ryan won the week. How dare you . He never wins anything. He doesnt have to deal with trump for a while. He admits thats a pretty big win. Enjoy september. But i actually think the guy we talked with in the last segment, Bernie Sanders, won the week. He lost the fight for the president ial nomination of his party, yet he is determining its policy course at the moment. He introduced medicare for all, the bill this week. Who was there . Any senator who wants to run for president. Kamala harris, cory booker, kirst kirsten gillibrand. It showed that he on policy matters is creating space for his revolution within the Democratic Party. Thats a pretty big deal for anybody who achieve, let alone someone whos a democrat, an independent, and not always well liked within the senate. Hes not a democrat, hes an independent. Ive been called about Bernie Sanders, you cant call him a democrat, not ever. The question i have is are these senators joining the bandwagon for medicaid for all because theyre afraid his voters will abandon them and they dont get Hillary Clintoned. Its both. They realize they have to reach out to that wing and this race will probably have a lot of people in it. And my questions has been if sanders ends up running, that base thats backed off of Kamala Harris, do they go back to attack them because they want Bernie Sanders to be president . There are a lot of people atabbing kamala because they see her too close to the establishment. I do think they will turn on him. The minute he steps in the race, theyll turn on all these people. That was a deal, right . He reached out to Kamala Harris and they made an agreement for her to support that. It was very strategic. For the survival of the Democratic Party, they need to have more of those two wings coming together. They all have to be for single payer now. If you want to run in 2020. As i said in the last segment, if it costs too much, it will be interesting to see if they can waltz away. The answer to who won the week, the actual answer, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. The answer is california. California is now pushing through a bill that would force Anyone Running for president of the United States to show their tax returns. I think it will be very important and put donald trump in a very awkward position, and Bernie Sanders, who didnt fully release his either. If either of those guys run in 2020, they may have to show them. Trump can say goodbye to california. But then hell lose by even more in the popular vote. Hell lose by 8 million votes. 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You know what, a sister from another mother, youre going to have to stand in and look longingly and lovingly at me for me. Ill absolutely do that with pleasure. Hes so fantastic. Heres what im doing now, im picking up on where you left off. On weekends theres going to be protests. Weve got more to talk about that. We look forward to seeing you in the morning. Good morning. Its high noon in the east, 9 00 a. M. Out west and heres whats happening right now. A significant arrest as well as a new search in britains subway attack. A live report on what investigators are searching for in a town outside london. A day of protests in virginia. Demonstrators on both sides of the confederate state statue issue. Theyre gathering to make their voices heard. Plus a major protest cancelled following protests in in st. Louis. And we begin with the investigation in the subway attack in london. Uk police have evacuated several

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