Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. How do you campaign for reelection when the country is falling apart . How do you try to get four more years when thats happening now is this . Today the president was in ohio for what were basically campaign events. At one event they actually played the song live and let die on the song system before he took the stage, which is a strange choice during a deadly pandemic. Sort of Paul Mccartneys version of it is what it is, i suppose. The plan had been for the governor of ohio mike dewine to greet the president when he arrives. So governor dewine got tested in advance of meeting the president. Guess what . The test showed that he has the coronavirus. Now instead of greeting with donald trump, he is in quarantine, making him the second governor in the country that we know of to have contracted the virus. And it did not get better. The president s remarks at the airport were billed as being about, quote, economic prosperity, but they came on a day that 1. 2 million filed for Unemployment Benefits for the first time last week. Thats the 20th straight week of claims above 1 million. And heres the thing to look at with this. Many of those job losses are permanent. Im sure you have been hearing about it. People are getting laid off. Corporations are cutting back and those jobs are not coming back. There is simply no way to get around the fact the country is in abjective terrible shape. We now have officially lost more than 160,000 of our fellowvirus. While many other countries have the virus contained, we are still seeing over a thousand deaths a day, more than 1,100 so far today. If you look at that, the utter failure to contain the virus, the historically terrible economy, it is hard not to wonder. And i will admit to wondering this a lot, and maybe you do too, honestly how is anyone supporting this guy . I mean, seriously. Six months ago, january, i could understand. Now . I mean donald trump is hugely unpopular. Hes only at about 41 approval rating. That means two out of every five americans after all this, after all this still approve of the job donald trump is doing, which seems crazy. So i was thinking about this. And i decided to just take a look back at what happened in some of the biggest president ial blowouts in u. S. History for a little context. In 1932 herbert hover was running for reelection in the midst of the great depression. There were food lines across the country. Thousands upon thousands of americans living in shammy towns named after the president which are called hoovervilles. We did not have the modern welfare state so people were literally starving to death. It is not the ideal environment for a president to get reelected. And president hoover did lose that race to fdr by a big margin. It is remembered as a massive blowout. But look at this. With shantytowns named after him, hoover still got 40 of the vote. 40 . And that is the thing to remember. No matter how much of a blowout we think the race was, the losing candidate still usually gets around 40 . In 1984, another big historic event. He won 41 of the vote against ronald reagan. In 1980, amid stagflation, jimmy carter who we also remember as running amidst profound national crisis, he got 41 of the vote. Thats the thing. If you run for president in a two party system with two candidates, two major candidates, you pretty much start at 40 . It is just the way it is. Thats the floor. 40 is the floor for a major party candidate. But if donald trump only ends up around where he is now, with around 41 of the vote, its still a huge deal. If he gets that vote, if that is what people vote, it is not only a historic repudiation, it will have huge implications for the entire federal government, for congress, because he will drag down his party with it. Right now democrats are seeing some very encouraging statebased polls, even as the natural race looks to have tightened a little bit, maybe a tick or so. Look at the senate. Iowa, new poll as teresa greenfield with a lead on joni ernst. That was not seen as a top tier pick. South carolina was viewed as a hail mary. One of these things are democrating get excited but its not going to happen. Jaime harrison tied, tied with republican senator lindsey graham. Even in kentucky, Mitch Mcconnell in this latest polling has only a five point lead over democrat amy mcgrath. These are not the races the democrats need necessarily to win to take back the senate. Those are the ones they are not supposed to win. But here we are. Look, its a big country. 350 million people. We disagree about a lot of things, nearly everything. But the thing is there is still a lot of unity out there. The polling shows most of us, most of us, understand the importance of things like Wearing Masks to combat the pandemic for one thing. And while it is not an overwhelming majority, 55 of the country does realize that the guy running for the country is doing a terrible job. And right now with, you know, 90 days until election day, the only way out is to flex our democratic muscles and for everyone to come together across all sorts of lines in american life. I mean, people that dont necessarily agree with each other, right, to deliver the same verdict that americans delivered to president Herbert Hoover way back in 1932. Some Historical Perspective on this race, im joined by historian rick perlstein. I thought maybe, rick, we would start with this idea of the 40 because in a weird way i have kind of found it comforting to go back through these margins. I remember tweeting at one point as we headed into the pandemic that we might be able to find out what would happen if Herbert Hoover had fox news. It turns out even without fox news there is still 40 of the country that voted for him. Well, he had the chicago tribune. But im about to discomfort you, chris, because i kind of made a pledge to myself the morning that donald trump tweeted that we might not have an election the first tuesday in november and i said any time someone asks me to kind of analyze this election in the context of previous american elections, i would point out that we might be coming to a point where we need to think about parallels like chile in 1970 and italy in 1922 and germany in 1933. And with donald trump at 40 , you know, Herbert Hoover didnt face the possibility of going to jail if he didnt get reinaugurated. So the fact that hes at this point where hes desperate and he has, you know, a strong plurality of supporters who probably wont accept as legitimate an election that happens by mail if the other guy wins, its not as simple as the Electoral College meeting in january and casting its votes for the person who wins their state. So were in sort of a more uncharted territory. Now, that said, most people just dont really follow politics daytoday. They dont watch cnn. They dont watch msnbc and they have Party Loyalty and they heard the republicans are the good guys and the democrats are the bad guys. So there is that floor. Barry goldwater had it, too. Maybe he can shoot someone on fifth avenue and someone will pull the lever for the republicans because thats what they have always done. So i think these two are related in this way because i think about this, too, and i agree with you. I said this a lot on this show. Were in a democratic danger zone. Real fundamental like does american democracy like survive kind of territory. You know, the president talking about already sabotaging the legitimacy. But i do think there is a connection between the two because i think if he was pulling at 55 , the antidemocratic moves would be more worrisome. And when you have seen people that have made antidemocratic moves particularly like erduwan in turkey, there was a time he was genuinely popular as a figure. I think the fact that there is a majority of the country that does not like this guy itself and the street protests itself actually prove to be like the only check we really have in some ways. Like thats the kind of force of gravity on the other side. Absolutely. And the fact that he has kind of tried to drum up this terror of, you know, antifa mobs, you know, abducting your daughter or Something Like that, and its completely backfired with the voters he needs most, which are the suburban swing voters, demonstrates that if hes a fascist, hes just not a very confident one. Hopefully that will be enough. On election day, we have to realize it might not be called on election day. You guys will do your job and spread that message. Our gate keepers and our strong institutions, you know, have to hold the line and prepare for the worst, right . Because he calls the shots. And we have to anticipate them and the democrats have to fold them into their plan for election day. Final question for you, and i know historical parallels are inexact, but there was something thats jumped out at me which are both iconic examples of a president running for reelection getting their butt kicked in the midst of a country not in great shape. What i think is important about those two moments is they were also sort of the beginnings of the different eras of american governments. 32 marks the beginning of fdr. And the beginning of reanag itch. There is a relationship between big victories and being able to implement and agenda. I think thats not something to take lightly as we head toward november here. Yeah. Thats our friend, corey robins argument, that donald trump is such a frenzy. Hes reaching for such frenzy for this smaller and smaller chunk of the electorate because we are coming to the end of a historical regime. Thats why it is so important even if you are in a strong blue state you have to vote because we have to pile up such an overwhelming popular victory that not only does trump leave the white house but we have to deleg mate the fascist turn of the Republican Party in the most resounding possible way, you know, so basically we look okay in the eyes of history and we can turn our back and reconstruct the country and the image we want to see it. Yeah. Corey robin, who you just gave a shout out to, wrote a piece saying is trump the conservative carter, which at the time people were like, what are you talking about . But your new book is out now. You should definitely preorder it. Thanks, chris. Cheers. Thanks. All right. For more on what is going on with the polls, i want to turn to the Vice President of policy and strategy at the progressive think tank data for progress. They just released some really fascinating state polls including in iowa and North Carolina. Julian, its interesting because there is a bunch of state polling today. If you look at national polling, it does seem to indicate that, you know, the race has tightened a little bit a point or two between donald trump and joe biden. But the state polling that you guys has shows trump and republicans in a lot of trouble. What did you find in iowa, for instance . So, firstly, thank you so much for having me on, chris. We polled four states that could determine which Party Controls the senate. Iowa was one of them. Iowa, for example, we had trump up by just one, which was obviously not in republicans game plan, but we had democrat up by two against joni ernst. I think that story of whats happening in iowa where republicans are, you know, losing ground quickly in places where they really dont want to see that happen is a very good story for team blue. You know, your last guest was just talking about how we might be at the end of an epoc for the Republican Party in politics. Im more of a basketball guy. And it is kind of like the end of the Third Quarter and team blue is seeing some really good signs and team red is seeing some significant warnings signs in our numbers. North carolina is another interesting race to me because, again, i didnt have this. The three races everyone going into here, i think, in this here saw as democratic pickup opportunities, the strongest were Susan Collins of maine, corey gardener, and martha. Maine has as well. Collins voted for brett kavanaugh. And mcsally has had a hard time. I have North Carolina on my list of races. Tom tellis is polling way under water. And i have been surprised at how consistent it is given that it was not a race i expected to be this competitive. So in North Carolina we actually have democrat cal cunning nham up by eight. So hes up by eight against the incumbent republican. And we have former Vice President joe biden up by four against President Trump. And, chris, youre like completely right about this. This was again not usually something that would be on peoples radar in a normal general election year, but things are going incredibly poorly for the Republican Party. And one thing to note is that its actually not a better story down ballot for republicans. We found that incumbent republican senators are, with the exception of senator Susan Collins actually polling behind the president. So this is not good news for the Republican Party. Thats a really interesting point that has come out, that theyre actually polling behind the president. That trump is out performing in those states in North Carolina and in iowa and that collins actually is doing a fairly good job in relation to trump. Shes only three points behind in your poll. But the quinnipiac had a South Carolina poll. Jaime harrison, who we have talked about, hes raised a lot of money, that president ial race top line number, South Carolina being five points and that senate race being tied, again, that is not what the average of polls is showing, and i think thats one of the best polls harrison has gotten. I wouldnt expect the polls to be that close. Yet, it is hard to express how much of a four alarm fire that is for the Republican Party if theyre seeing anything like that in their internals right now. I mean, i think that it just shows how far the Republican Party is behind the electorate on a number of issues that matter. I mean, whether you are talking about the coronavirus, whether you are talking about the economy. And also whether you are talking about issues that you might not expect to be High Priorities this year like climate change. So we actually asked voters about issue areas like climate, and we found that they tend to be siding with the democrats on a number of issues, whether that be investing in clean energy, you know, environmental justice, ensuring that funds are going to the communities that are most impacted by pollution. So, you know, it is really if i was a republican consultant, which thankfully i am not, it would be hard to say what they have here. Theyre grasping at straws. Yeah. And that grasping at straws is precisely why right now peoples Unemployment Insurance has run out and there has been no deal struck. Because the Republican Party doesnt actually know what it wants aside from railing against cancel culture every night. Thank you so much for being with me. Thanks so much for having me, chris. Next up, trumps postmaster general confirms he is slowing the mail. And tonight, an investigation to find out why. Senator peters joins me next. R t weve always put safety first. And we always will. 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We know that thanks to nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer details what the new postmaster general, who also happens to be a trump donor told them in a meeting yesterday. At this meeting you confirmed that contrary to certain prior denials and statements minimi minimizing these changes, the post office installed these changes after you became postmaster general. We believe these changes now threaten the Timely Delivery of mail that is essential to millions of americans. Although slowdowns are having other effects as well, because most veteran affairs prescriptions are filled by mail. Veterans are reporting longer wait times to get their medication. Today the Ranking Member of the Homeland Security committee, which has domain oversight over this Just Launched an investigation into those delays. And the democrat of michigan is here with me now. Senator, it is great to have you. Let me start with that letter that pelosi and schumer sent and what the top line concerns are from you and other democrats. Well, there are a number of top line concerns, chris. And thank you for really highlighting this story because i think its incredibly important for the reasons that you mentioned. We have folks who rely on the Postal Service for checks, Social Security checks, paychecks, prescription medicines that are coming in. You mentioned how the va is now realizing that these mail delays are impacting the ability to get essential drugs to veterans who require this. This is an incredibly important that we deal with. And as the Ranking Member of the committee with oversight over the post office, we have been trying to get information from the postmaster general. It has been slow. Weve got answers to some of the questions we asked. But there are huge gaps as well. As you mentioned at the top of this segment, we know that a number of changes have gone in place to basically limit over time. So if you have a surge of mail, mail will pile up because its not taken out of the post office as it usually s. You are also seeing transportation trucks going back and forth are being delayed as well, are not being fully utilized. You are also seeing some of the processing, the machines that process and sort are also limited in what theyre doing. All of these things basically mean that mail starts piling up. Im hearing from letter carriers that are saying they are seeing piles of mail they have never seen before. Im hearing from constituents all across the state of michigan, my colleagues are hearing from their constituents all across the country this is happening. This cannot occur during the middle of the pandemic. Thats not happening, and we need to get to the bottom of it and try to understand why would they put these changes in. Clearly, it looks as if thats slowing down the mail without actually testing to find out does this work . The implications are so huge, it is irresponsible to think you would be putting in these kinds of changes without understanding the impact that would have on reliability. You know, i have been in contact with a ton of people both customers, the u. S. Postal service and former retired mail carriers. Inside the post office, it is almost to the point of, you know, religious devotion that you dont let mail pile up, that mail goes out as fast as you can get it out. You do what it takes to get it out the door and that is the cardinal operating principal that has now been upended. And i guess my understanding of the argument from those implementing this is that this is cost saving. That the usps has tough finances, that it needs a lot of money from the federal government right now and this is intended to eliminate labor costs so that you bring the overhead down. Is there a good faith argument there . Is that an actual argument . Well, we havent seen any of that analysis gone forward. But bottom line, if you are a company and you want to provide first class service, just like first class mail, you want to provide service to your customers. When you start backing off on those kinds of Service Standards and people cant rely on the mail, you know, there are other alternatives that people can use for mail service for a variety of products. If you start then taking and providing less service, people will look for alternatives and you will be in a downward spinal. You have to continue to provide the kind of service that people expect from the post office or you will be in big trouble. There are a lot of folks who believe the Trump Administration basically wants to privatize the post office. They want to throw a wrench in the wheel so they can justify prooifti privatizing this service. This is the only agency or entity that actually delivers to every single address in the United States no matter where you live. It is essential to folks in rural areas that rely on the Postal Service. We have to make sure this proud history this organization of over 240 years continues to deliver the mail. As you mentioned very accurately, you know, postal workers say they never want to see a bag of mail laying on the floor. They want to get it out immediately. And sometimes you get a huge surge. You need more people. You need more manpower and hours in order to get it out and thats what we expect the Postal Service to do and we will demand that we get that kind of service from the Postal Service going forward. Final question but briefly. It has not been established that lewis dejoy, the postmaster general and trump is the source of these changes . Do we know for a fact it is his doing . Well, we got a letter this afternoon, just this afternoon that said, yes, these changes are going forward. But it wasnt from the postmaster general, someone within the Postal Service. But it looks clear this is something they put forward, which leads to the other questions, did you test this . Do you have any kind of data to back up that this is actually something that will work . And how are you monitoring it . How do we make changes if it is indeed slowing down the mail . All right. Senator gary peters, thank you so much for taking time and i love to have you back as we learn more about this topic. We will stay on it. Great. Thank you. Coming up, Stacey Abrams is here. We have a lot to talk about, including how you fight back on the president s attack on the ability to vote safely next. On ability to vote safely next. Safe drivers save 40 guys guys check it out. Safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . 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It neutralizes bacteria for a healthier mouth than even the leading multibenefit toothpaste. Crest. Recently got an email from a viewer asking for a little bit of advice during this time of unprecedented uncertainty. The viewer wanted to know what to do with all their rage and angst and despair and suggested on the show i could lessen our normal delivery of the catastrophe tonight. There is a small thing we can do. According to a recent Washington Post analysis, nearly 180 million eligible voters are able to vote by mail in november. So visit your state Election Office website or your county website, figure out the rules for obtaining an absentee ballot and request one. You may have had one mailed to you already. When you get your ballot, fill it out, double check to make sure you have done it correctly and mail it in the first day you can. Do not wait to ask for the ballot or to mail it in until the last minute because you will make it as smooth as possible on the administrative end. It is just one way to do your part. It is a small thing, but it is an empowering thing. Get your ballot and your friends and family to get their ballots and remind everyone get them in early. Joining me now is someone who has been fighting the battle for ballot access, Stacey Abrams, the founder of fire fight action, an organization to suppress voter. Shes the author of the recent book, our time is now, power, purpose and the fight for a fair america. Its great to have you on. I thought of you because you have had to fight on two levels, both in your campaign and in the work you have done, which is at a sort of structural policy level, lawsuits and policy fights to open up access to voting and fight back against diseven franchisement. But also the level make sure people do go and vote that they dont jump through the hoops created by other people for them so they can actually exercise their franchise. It seems to me that is a useful model for thinking about this election. I hope so. Part of the work that i have been committed to doing since i was 17 has been about making sure people understand the power of their vote. My parents would take us to protests. They would also take us to go and vote for them when they would cast their ballots. They wanted us to understand that both are necessary. One is about demanding what we need and the second is about ensuring that we get it. And if we dont put those two pieces together, wrong will win. The other side will be victorious because we only fight half the battle. There is some news out of georgia, which it is such a fascinating state right now. It has always been a fascinating state. But because of the changes that are happening there, because of how hard fought that state is looking like it might be and it may be in the president ial election, dekalb county, which is trending towards the democrats, they want to send to everyone the county absentee ballots. And the secretary of state has sort of stepped in to tell them, dont do that. Dont send absentee ballot requests to everyone you have on your voter rolls. What do you make of that action by the republican secretary of state . Its more than that. Dekalb county is a deeply blue county. It is majority africanamerican, and it has the ability to add tens of thousands of votes to the rolls if every eligible voter casts their ballots. So what we are hearing from the secretary of the state is fear that if everyone who is eligible to vote, particularly those who last voted for barack obama, if they show up and vote for joe biden that this will tip the state of georgia. Here is what we have to remember. We have seen dramatic declines in the margins from eight points in 2012 for barack obama to 1. 4 in my electionme. And they know if every voter and starts them towards the process of being purged, if every eligible voters know they have the right to vote and can do so by mail, they are deeply terrified this will be the death nail of democrats winning. That means we will win two senate seats, flip a house seat democrat and that we can likely flip the chamber in the house of representatives. Its such a great point. I want to reread this quote, right. He wanted to reconsider sending requests to active and inactive voters. Thats not a real category. Thats not in the constitution. Thats not a category in democratic theory. Its not like use it or lose it situation. Like youre a voter. You can vote. You can vote. You can vote if you want to or not vote. But inactive isnt some second class of voter. Exactly. Well, and its what they used. Right now in 2020, georgia has roughly 7. 4 million registered voters. But in june when they send out absentee ballot applications, they only sent it to about 6. 9 million voters. They left off all of the inactive voters because those are voters they have had. So they are slowly moving them out of the eye of voters and out of the eye of candidates who would otherwise reach out to them and pull them back into the process. Thats one of the things i talk about in my book, the shenanigans used to dissuade and discourage those who have chosen not to vote in recent elections, so they get moved out of the conversation altogether. But also have an organization focussed on the census. And obviously the president has sort of waged this kind of war against the census, the famous citizenship case in which they were defeated at the supreme court, this new executive action and now theyre cutting the count short by a month. The census is another place where people can take some small action, which is if you are watching this right now and you havent filled out your census form, go fill it out and get everyone you know to do it. But what are your concerns more broadly about where we are . We need congress to take action. When the next relief passes, we need the census to be extended to the end of october. The nonresponse follow up period when people come and knock on your doors, that is how the undercounted communities actually get included. That means it is absolutely necessary for communities of color. Right now latinos are lagging by 10 . Native americans are lagging by 25 . Even the Asian American population, which is doing the best of communities of color is behind by 22 . If they cutoff that period, they are not simply ending it early. They will use imputation to guess the race and needs of those communities. And when they guess, they tend to guess white. They tend to guess that the people who are not being included they look like the majority that actually performed. And that means that communities of color get erased not simply for the census count but that means that racial gerrymandering would be permissible because you cant prove it. Even though everyone in the neighborhood knows it, they have no ability to prove it. This is more me far mouse than people realize it. We need folks to call on congress to statutorily push the date to october 31st. Do not let them in the census early. Make them do their jobs so we have an accurate census and an accurate count of america. All right. Stacey abrams, always great to talk to you. Thanks for making time. Thanks for having me. Ahead, the Biden Campaign takes a new angle in a persuasive appeal to one of the president s biggest audiences. Thats coming up. Est audiences. Thats coming up and ask your doctor about biktarvy. 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And ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. If youre living with hiv, keep loving who you are. Weve always put safety first. And we always will. For people. For the future. And there has never been a summer when its mattered more. Wherever you go, summer safely. Get 0 apr financing for up to five years on select models and exclusive lease offers. Stop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. Try clean freak it has three times the cleaning power to dissolve kitchen grease on contact. It works great on bathtubs. And even stainless steel. Try clean freak from mr. Clean. The Trump Reelection Campaign is two rhetorical modes right now. One is can the base turn that pandering up to 11 so you get stuff like this in cleveland today where the president said joe biden is going to hurt god. Hes going to do things that nobody ever would ever think even possible because hes following the radical left agenda. Take away your guns, destroy your second amendment, no religion, no anything. Hurt the bible. Hurt god. Hes against got. No religion, hurt the bible and hurt god, which is hard to do. And that kind of rhetoric is one mode. The other is to try to convince people that the not hard core true believers that they have. From the out set, that has been part of a series of the music man style promises of some future connections. Were going down, not up. It is being contained. Do you not think it is being contained . We have contained this. We have contained this. I wont say airtight, but pretty close to airtight. It is going to disappear. One day. It is like a miracle. It will disappear. Thats Kellyanne Conway on march 6th. You dont think its being contained . No, i dont think its being contained. The latest grift is that the vaccine is always around the corner. The president speculated a vaccine could be here by, i dont know, november 3rd, which also happens to be election day. What is the earliest we could see that . Sooner than the end of the year. Sooner than november 3rd . Oh, i think in some cases yes. Its possibly before. But right around that time. Maybe november 2nd. Maybe the day before the election the vaccine magically appears. Well solve it again. As President Trump staring down a pandemic, hes getting more extreme, more desperate in his rhetoric. The Biden Campaign has taken an interesting turn with a new ad that does completely the opposite. Well talk more about that right after this. E about that right after this. With rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill. Can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some. Rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred. 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Our nurses and medical professionals in a battle to save lives. Our schools, in a struggle to safely reopen, needing money for masks and ppe, and to ensure social distancing. And the costs to our economy, to our state budget . Mounting every day. We need to provide revenues now, to solve the problems we know are coming. In 1964 Lyndon Johnson ran a now iconic campaign ad where a little girl counts daisy pedals until her counting becomes a countdown to a nuclear explosion. The idea being president goldwater got elected and started a nuclear war because he is a mad man. 8, 9 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. [ explosion ] these are the stakes. To make a world in which all of gods children can live or to go into the dark. We must either love each other or we must die. Vote for president johnson on november 3rd. The stakes are too high for you to stay home. The stakes are that your adorable little daughter gets nuked. Now even though were not living through Nuclear Winter we are living through a version of disaster. A National Disaster resulting in thousands and thousands of deaths day after day after day and a new ad from joe biden goes against the grain. The opposite of the grand life and death scale. The new ad relates what a bummer this current disaster is. It doesnt focus on deaths and evictions and closed schools, this virus is ruining the Little Things like seeing your gra grandkids. We have been gifted with two beautiful grandchildren. We try to see them as often as possible and its been six months, and its way too long and while i dont blame donald trump for the virus, i blame him for his lack of action. And because of that, were sitting here zooming or face timing with our grandchildren instead of hugging and kissing them and thats hard. Joe biden knows that every moment is precious. I trust joe biden to get this virus under control. Im joe biden, and i approve this message. Seems like a really smart relatable ad for a portion of the population that joe biden is trying to focus on. This is for all the people sold on the idea that there was some normal around the bend during the trump years because there is no normal during trump. That was false. Now for more on different approaches the two campaigns are taking is a ddrieadrien. She is executive director and had a lot of experience in politics and Community Organizing and ads as well. I was so struck by this ad because its so understated given how terrible things are and given the kind of microtargeted median voter he is trying to reach, elderly couple or Senior Citizen couple in florida. Yeah. I mean, the reality is that voters understand where we are. They understand the crisis that were in. We do not want to siakam pain ad after campaign ad reminding them of our national misery. I said in focus group after focus group and the message people want to hear is one of National Unity. They want to hear a message about a path forward and how this is going to get message is going to get fixed. The brilliant thing about that ad is while eight piers to be targeted at one segment of the electorate, that is all of us. That is my entire family every sunday night sitting around for the zoom call, right . So there is a moment where theyre Touching Every single one of us. What is brilliant about the ad is it leads toward the unifying message. And every ad i would hope to see that comes out of the campaign is a way to unify and tell a message and story and connect people about the moment that were in. In this way of having National Unity being a Campaign Strategy all in itself. Thats a great point. You articulated it in a way i hadnt been able to think through the badness of current reality. The ads dont have to hit that home. I often thought that way about trumps character too. People know what trumps character is. The thing that you have to hit home is the idea that there is some way out or there is Something Better is the key message. The conditions that people are facing are so severe. Both from the Health Care Impacts of covid and racism and Police Impacts galvanize people. We should be thinking about black lives matter as one of the unifies messages that have brought the country together which is so striking when you think about the ways when listening to trump speak a week ago or two weeks ago when he was trying to and this idea that black lives matter is coming to your neighborhood. The reality is its their kids that are populating the protests. And when, in fact, you have those same thing or those kids, teenager and in their 20s coming back from the protests and saying to their parents having dinner table conversations about the experience that they just had. And having a conversation about what it is to be antiracist. He cannot provide that because hes incapable but joe biden can. Thats another great point. I mean and i think that, you know, one of the things that you see is that theres been such they have been so counting on a set of divisions, cultural wedge issues, the famous pat buchanan memo saying we can crack the country in half but well get the bigger half. They have been doing that with the smaller half, right . And its a basic and accessible message. It was the 2004 speech and campaign and it is a very effective message. Its what people want. People want a way out of where we are. The pandemic is effecting everyone. People know someone that had the coronavirus. We are all effected in the same way right now and i think that being able to understand that, use the campaign ads and messaging to tell the stories is to fight what were going to need to fight on the other side of this. Thats going to be really important for them to use this campaign ads in that way. Thank you. That is all in. Good evening rachel. Good evening, chris. Thanks my friend. Much appreciated. Thank you at home for being with us here tonight. This is dr. Joseph varone from houston texas. He is the chief

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