Youre telling me that major auto makers are scared of the president . Because donald trump is threatened. Our special report on a climate in crisis. So when it rains around the country, it pours here. The glacier height was of the height of the mountain. And because of that theres no jobs. This is a special edition of all in climate in crisis. Good evening from washington, d. C. , im chris hayes. Today the crisis of Climate Change became the biggest story on the face of the planet. It was enormous day of protests across the globe. Millions of people participating in coordinated actions in more than 150 countries. In australia the biggest protest in years, organizers saying more than 300,000 people poured into the streets. In london a massive turn out as well. Protesters blocking Roads Around Parliament for hours. In johannesburg an activist calling on the south african government and in afghanistan a march led by brave young and women flanked by armed guards and in bangkok, in lapaz, protesters tying themselves to trees as wildfires rage across bolivia. This was shot by a 15yearold climate activist, this one by a researcher and musician in islamabad, and in the u. S. There were protests in more than 1,000 locations including right here in washington, d. C. At least one protest in every state of the union. Hundreds of thousands marching the streets of new york and san francisco, philadelphia, boston and all across the land. Tonight we have a special report. We have reporters standing by across the country and beyond with updates and breaking news on the state of the climate, the effort to get the world to act and the attempts by the Trump Administration to block that action. Here in washington, d. C. Site of day two of climate reform we spoke to 11 president ial Candidates Plus one republican who says its time for his party to join the fight. And weve come to washington, d. C. Because the one place on this entire planet where we have the greatest chance to do something to avoid the most catastrophic effects of global Climate Change is in that building behind me, and the one down the street at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. This is the capitol city of the most powerful country in the world. It is ground zero for the struggle were engaged in and right now there are reports that that building and the one down the street are failing us. The breaking story being reported tonight. The story that the Trump Administration has determined that Climate Change played a role in driving the record migrations from guatemala to the u. S. Recently and rather than acting on it, decided to ignore its own internal report and even cut off aid to that Central American nation. Jacob, tell us about the story you and julia broke earlier today. Reporter chris, the Trump Administration had in hand evidence presented to them by customs and border protection, cbp, in which they collected data that indicated very clearly that Climate Change caused hunger, food and security, acute food and security, starvation basically was causing migration to the United States. 100,000 plus people have left guatemala over the course of the last couple of years, the largest country from Central America to the southern border and instead of take that evidence and double down on foreign aid here, the Trump Administration suspended foreign aid that would help mitigate what was going on down here in guatemala and put that money towards an approach on stemming migration. Youve been down there reporting on how the climate has been affecting guatemalans. What have you learned down there . Its a dire, dire situation, chris. People are literally starving to death and that is why theyre leaving. Theyre not leaving to go get a job or some sort of life or future in the United States that the president has talked about. People are leaving because theyre looking to save their lives and their familys lives. Honestly seeing it is something i never expected to see. Its something i hope the president sees and i want everybody to see it. Take a look. We started here in Guatemala City, leaving early to follow our guides from the World Food Program on a journey deep into the country. But we didnt have to go far to see the hardship the climate has brought here. Im a couple miles outside Guatemala City and here with Columbia University and World Food Program and theyre studying how the Climate Change affects Small Farmers in places like this and how that contributes to migration to the United States. We started talking to a small former who showed up to sell bananas. You know at least 100 people that left to the United States . No less than 100 people. Most are hard hit by a drought and plantkilling fungus. He said hes barely surviving by telling bananas instead. Its a crisis but hes using bananas as a backup. Reporter but not everyone has a backup plan. We carried on to chicky mullah and four hours later to a town only reachable with a four wheel drive. You can tell paved roads ended here. The World Food Program brought us here because last year five kids in the village died from starvation brought on by climateinduced crop failure. Many of their parents left for the United States as a last resort. Now in an emergency response, the u. N. Is holding kids at a school. This guy took us to a coffee plant that would normally be as good as cash but today are worthless because of a fungus spreading rapidly due to Climate Change. Translator this is a fungus, the consequence of drought in guatemala. Before there were really goodpaying jobs. Reporter the Climate Crisis here hit just what they were before previously because of global competition. Can you survive in that amount of money . Not possible. Reporter so people are leaving. A few miles down the road we met this woman, who now lives alone. Where is your family . Translator they migrated to the United States. My husband and my daughters. Reporter when did they go . Translator four months ago. With this drought, theres no work and they migrated after four years of water crisis. Reporter theres been four years of a water crisis and because of that, theres no jobs. Later that afternoon we began the bumpy journey out. Theres a lot of talk about the humanitarian crisis at the southern border of the United States but the reality is the conditions, the real humanitarian crisis is here. Yes, all tied together. Lack of opportunity, no credit, no insurance. Just think about starting into agriculture entrepreneurship without all of the safety nets every other country in the world would have. Reporter we headed towards our next stop, an even dryer part of the country, zacapa. The following morning made our way to another village where crops and people who tend to them were also struggling. This is the reality a lot of Small Farmers deal with out here. No only Pay Attention for rattlesnakes but you can drive as far as you can get and then you have to hike. This is elizabeth. We made it to her farm. Shes showing us what she grows here or more accurately whats not growing here anymore. [ speaking Foreign Language ] this is corn. Obviously, this corn is dead. Translator that was a watermelon. Reporter this was a watermelon and this is what happens when watermelon doesnt have enough water. This type of situation, whats happening to her and her crops is what youre trying to avoid. Correct. Reporter ho are you doing it . With the new seasonal forecast system tell them exactly how much water they will get throughout the year so they can adjust their agriculture calendar to avoid failing of crops. Reporter while the search for longterm solutions continues, desperate farmers here are returning to their last resort. Your daughter who is 16 went by herself to philadelphia to make a good life. What did she tell you about the United States when she crossed . She felt really happy. Reporter this is elizabeths house. Everywhere inside there are reminders her daughter left behind. This butterfly, this was done by her daughter in the u. S. She shows the other drawings too. What is it like to see them, i asked her. She says, i feel sad. A familiar story to the tens of thousands of guatemalans leaving on roads just like this to the United States. Chris, i dont think i can be any clearer, the president of the United States, at least the Trump Administration had in hand exactly a year ago a report that described to that administration exactly what i saw on the ground here, that people are starving to death leaving for the United States as a result of that and starvation is exacerbated by Climate Change happening on the ground here. Instead of fixing that situation, they totally pulled funding from usda and other u. S. Organizations here. What are the u. N. Or any ngos or anyone doing to try to make sure these folks have some kind of recourse, some kind of safety net . Well, the u. N. Specifically, the World Food Program who took us out, does not rely on funding from the United States government but there are plenty other of organizations who do and i talked to a source on the ground today in Guatemala City who said that money has already been pulled from these organizations so they have to rely on money that does come from the u. S. Government, for example the climatologist Just Announced the next gem program for a seasonal forecasting system. They cannot rely and dont rely on United States funds and for the time being, thats how its going to be. Jacob, that was an incredible, incredible piece of reporting. Thank you very much for that. That was really great. Meanwhile we also found out this week the Trump Administration is trying to actively sabotage efforts by the state of california and major automakers to raise standards for emissions. With that jo is reporting from glendale, california. Reporter hey, chris, were in california where there are more cars sold in this state than any other. And thats why the state of california, along with 23 other states, is bringing a new lawsuit brought today against the Trump Administration because they want to win back their right to set their own Greenhouse Gas emissions standards. Because california often sets the tone for the rest of the nation, this could soon impact production lines across the country. This is maryvale, ohio, inside this plant about the size of 39 walmarts, honda new york america is manufacturing hybrid electric vehicles around the clock. What is the demand like on this car right now . This is great. Sales is doubled from two years ago. Reporter this is the hybrid edition of the accord, one of hondas bestselling cards and it is at the center of a nasty highstakes political battle so we suited up in their safety gear to see whats on the line. In july can honda, along with ford, volkswagen and bmw voluntarily struck a deal with the state of california to meet stricter tail pipe emission standards. Climate change is real and we have to address it through improving the fuel economy of our products and through transitioning the fuels our products use from gasoline to electricity. Reporter the goal of the deal, increase fuel efficiency to nearly 51 miles a gallon by model year 2026. 13 other states are following suit. By contrast, the Trump Administration wants to drive in the opposite direction and roll back obamaera standards to 37 miles a gallon. Does it feel like customers want that, that increased fuel efficiency . Absolutely. Fuel efficiency translates to the customer for reduced energy costs for driving their car. Reporter to avoid making two different cars for california and the white house before automakers apply the stricter standard to all vehicles sold nationwide and the fact these automakers want to regulate themselves has trump furious. Do you think President Trump is taking this emissions issue personally . Yeah, i think its all personal for him. Reporter California Governor Gavin Newsom said his state has the right to set clean air standards. They can lay out clean air rules that are tougher than the federal government. The president tweeted california will squeeze companies to a point of business ruin. Whats your response to that . Ask bill ford. Ask the folks at vw and honda, ask in a privacy in the offtherecord conversation the vast majority of the other automobile manufacturers. 17 representing 97 of the market that wrote a public letter to donald trump and to me saying compromise on this. We dont want to abandon the obamaera rules. Reporter undeterred Trumps Justice Department turned up the heat in august, suddenly launching an inquiry into the four automakers for antitrust. The Justice Department confirmed the antitrust letters were sent but wouldnt comment on the ongoing investigation. Its honestly laughable. Theyre desperate. These four companies voluntarily agree to Higher Standards and they are somehow claiming they have no right to voluntarily agree to Higher Standards. Reporter so you think its a doj investigation into antitrust regarding this . Purely political, pure politics and its disgraceful politics. And unless he can get them to back off on the voluntary agreements, then theyre going to go with the Higher Standards. Trump will lose. Theres no way out for him. So he has to beat them down. What a pathetic state of affairs. Reporter newsome believes the economy depends on making these cars to survive. These domestic Car Manufacturers will get crushed unless theyre able to compete on the international market. That is why this is a jobs killer and innovation killer. Reporter it had a Chilling Effect on mercedesbenz, which reportedly wanted to join the agreement but recently backed out. Youre telling me major automakers are scared of the president here . Not one but two. And companies were about to be public in support of our voluntary agreement. Reporter and theyre not because because donald trump threatened them. Reporter just days after i sat down with the governor, californias new emission requirements facing another setback when the Trump Administration stripped california of the ability to set their own emission standards. No state has the authority to opt out of the nations rules, and no state has a right to impose its policies on everybody else in our whole country. Reporter Governor Newsom doubling down on his states goal. It begs the question, mr. Trump, what and who is this for . The companies, the automobile manufacturers dont want it. Its about the oil industry period, full stop. Its not about the Car Manufacturers. Its not about consumers. Its not about the health. Its not about our economy. Its about oil companies. Reporter honda says its staying the course. It plans to roll out new hybrid versions of all of its cars in the coming year. I want to know, does honda ever feel caught in the middle . Does the company feel caught in any sort of crossfire here . We know what we need to do as a company to meet our part of the Global Responsibility to reduce co2 emissions. Reporter its full steam ahead. Full steam ahead. Reporter now the other three automakers that have signed up for the california deal voluntarily have also not indicated they plan to change any of their production plans, at least yet. Chris . Jo, youve been reporting this story for a while. Im curious if you have seen the effects of the announcement of the antitrust investigation, which is a serious thing and strikes me carmakers are scared about that. What does your reporting suggest . Reporter theres certainly a Chilling Effect when we do talk to these companies. Theyre very concerned about what the Trump Administration might do or say, what the president may tweet as an xfactor and by the way, this lawsuit that came down today from the state of california, this is probably going to go all the way. The state of california had a pretty good record with federal judges when it comes to fighting the Trump Administration but the administration is telling us the desire for uniform admission standards across the country may actually have some legs. Chris, this is probably or maybe going to the supreme court. Jo ling kent, great work. Thank you very much. We have an hour packed with amazing and in depth stories on the monthlong flooding to mississippi to al rokers reporting in greenland and youth activists taking charge. Climate change is a manmade crisis. Were the main generation thats going to be affected. My name is haven coleman, im 13 yeerld old and live in denver, colorado and im a climate activist. I got educated myself and brought my mom since im a minor. I educated students in my school and students across the surrounding areas in the u. S. And started rallies and marches, talking to politicians and stuff like that. It really, really snowballed. People are helping me, and i am in something greater than myself. Im in something that will help my future as well as millions across the world. Limu emu doug hour 36 in the stakeout. As soon as the homeowners arrive, well inform them that Liberty Mutual customizes Home Insurance, so theyll only pay for what they need. Your turn to keep watch, limu. Wake me up if you see anything. 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If this area got destroyed, that would be devastating for me. Im part of a lawsuit with 20 other youth plaintiffs who are suing the u. S. Government for their actions to cause Climate Change. Basically we are asking the u. S. Government to put a sciencebased climate Recovery Plan into place. After i give a speech people come up to me and they oftentimes say that, like, i give them hope. And i dont want their hope. I want them to be taking action. Were back here in the nations capitol with some of the people who were out there protesting today. Were still getting images of the climate strike around the world. Thousands of people took to the street. One of the many reasons this issue has become so urgent is that so many of the effects are so clear around the globe from greenland to montana to mississippi. We have reports from all of those locations, and we begin in greenland, where al roker traveled to see the effects of Climate Change firsthand. Reporter greenland, a massive island at the top of the world and one of the most remote locations on earth. This breathtaking landscape is ground zero for Climate Change, where the arctic is warming twice as fast as anywhere else on the planet. I traveled there to see the devastating effects firsthand. This is a glacier or whats left of it. The guide witnessed its retreat over the past several years. What did this glacier used to look like . The glacier height was the height of the mountain right there. This to me is a very big volume of water that today is in the ocean and not on land anymore. Reporter right. Sounds very hollow almost where were walking. Yeah, but its full at least 100 meters below us of ice. Reporter as we continued on, i got to witness Climate Change in realtime. Thats a chunk of a glacier breaking off. Its very important here, standing on ice, to realize were on the first step of a domino effect. Then later we call Climate Change. Reporter university of new york professor David Holland is studying the warming impact on the glaciers. In 2018 professor holland and his wife capturing a spectacular event, 4 mile wide, half mile deep and more than milelong chunk of ice breaking away from the helm hiem glacier, dumping tens of billions of chunks of ice into the ocean. I joined him on board his research boat, where he and his team spent up to a month at sea gathering data along greenlands southeast coast. Is the rate of warming increasing . As we look on the ocean, its very warm water and top couple hundred feed are pouring southward. Surprisingly water from the tropics, gulf stream, is lying underneath all of this and its flowing towards that glacier and others and when it hits them, it melts them like crazy. Reporter todays mission, retrieve and then redeploy a mooring thats been sitting on the ocean floor for the past year. Taking daily readings of temperatures, sell entity and depth. We know glaciers are warming and trying to find out why. They go up and meet glaciers and light them on fire. Reporter oh, there it is. Its up. Once we raise it from the deep, data is removed and batteries checked. Warm water was detected but the actual rise in temperature will take up to a year to analyze. Meanwhile, its time to resubmerge. The warmer water on the bottom from the tropics is leading to a lot of the melting of the kblasier so important to keep track of how warm it is and how thick it is. Reporter al roker, for nbc, greenland. This left part of the delta underwater for months. Trymaine lee joins us live from mississippi. Tremain . What happens upriver has a downriver effect and what evidence is where the banks and historic flooding had consequences. We traveled here and learned firsthand how connected peoples lives are to the fate of the muddy Mississippi River. The Mississippi River is a source of life, commerce for millions of people. From louisiana their river stretches 2,300 miles spread with waterways that encompass 40 of the water in the country. Here many were hit with unprecedented rainfall and the namesake river overflowed its banks, swamping states like greenville. Mare Eric Williams said the hurricane of 2019 is reminiscent of the most devastating flood in history. It reminded me of 1912 where it was poor folks and black folks left displayed for days and months. Now we have the flood of 2019. Here i am as a play mayor but i can see the effect on poor folks and black folks. Communities like this have been historically neglected. And when you have highflooding events like this, they get hit hard. So when it rains around the country, it pours here. Reporter it wasnt just the city that flooded. Hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland in the mississippi delta were inundated, leaving farmers like ed jenkins, who grows corn and soy, with unusable land. This probably has been the worst one i had in 30 years of farming. Reporter 30 years of farming and this is the worst . The worst. Reporter does it give you concern what might happen next year or the year after that . I wish i was old enough for retirement. Reporter normally when the Mississippi River floods, the army corps of engineers tries to protect surrounding communities by eliminating excess waters from swellways but this year it was so swollen, they opened the spillway longer than it ever had, dumping an estimated 010 billion gallons of water into lake pontchartrain, increasing the water volume seven fold. The water ended up off the mississippi gulf coast, causing extraordinary harm to wildlife. We had the largest number of dolphins die, we had about 143 dolphins and 195 sea turtles, which are the most endangered in the world. Reporter whats killing the dolphins . Primary factor is the water comes in the spillways and brings insecticides and fertilizers. So what were basically seeing is millions of freshwater legions in the saltwater that are exposed for a long period of time to fresh water. And we need to source the way into it. Reporter in an area of Climate Change, this is the normal, more raining and flooding and damage to areas across mississippi. Those whose lives are rooted by the water have to prepare for whats next. We had hurricanes, obviously katrina was one of the worst. But i have never seen a situation where one event would totally wipeout the seafood industry and tourism industry. Theres a governors race on right now and the two guys running for governor are claiming theyre going to help out, but you dont hear the word Climate Change in there on their platform in mississippi. Elected officials are so afraid to that theyre going to lose their voter base if they even mention the word Climate Change. Cant even say the word. Reporter while many politicians are reluctant to face the issue of Climate Change head on, people here on this river whose lives are rooted here say they think about their futures and what will be left for their children. And most of all, chris, they want this issue to be taken seriously before its too late. That was an incredible report. Im curious from the folks you talked to how they think about their future there, if they think there is a future for them there. People are living with water in the delta for as long as theyve been down there. Obviously things are getting worse down there. How do they think about whether they can stay . Ive talked to a number of people, the steamboat captain, a number of farmers who are generations into this lifestyle and livelihood. They say theyre not urging their sons and daughters to go into this business. Its not just about money and business, its about their livelihoods and their traditions. But where they live, delta, mississippi delta in particular, are the land is so rich and fertile but its a former wetland. So conservationists say in order to restore the lost, we have to restore the wetlands but this is home. People making money and dredging a living out of this land so now theyre hoping something will disrupt the current course of things, chris. Msnbc correspondent trymaine lee live in mississippi. That was fantastic. Thank you very much. Some 2,000 miles to the north of mississippi near the Canadian Border in montana, glaciers are disappearing from Glacier National park because of the warming climate. Msnbcs calipari is in glacier park and joins me with more live. Hey, chris, its in the name, right, Glacier National park. Its why people visit. When the park was established in 1910, there were over 100 glaciers. Today only 25 remain. Glacier National Park is in many ways a Climate Change marker. If you want to see glaciers in Glacier National park and you want to see them in a state where theyre kind of oppressive, its better to come now than later. Reporter if this park is a litmus test how our National Wonders are standing up against Climate Change, were in trouble. According to the literature, northwest montana is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Before and after photos displayed by the National Park service a frightening example of the now in Climate Change. For the man who measures the glaciers for the u. S. Geographical studies, it is disappearing every day. How much more is the Climate Change changing . Its on the tshirt now. Yes, we do science for the world and world changes and we will keep doing the science to document that. The mission is provide the best possible science for the leaders and public to manage a park like this going into an uncertain future. Reporter this woman studies forest fires and etymology. Its changed the entire way i have to do my research. I never had any intent in studying Climate Change. 80 of my work is Climate Change driven because i dont really have an option. Reporter here in the corner of the northwestern park, people travel he hundreds of miles to see the jackson glacier. Nothing escapes the issue and the signage even explains whats going on behind it. Its gorgeous and were worried about the receding glaciers. Every time we come, we hope there will still be as much there as the next time but theyre disappearing slowly. I think the oh, my god moment is going to be seeing the places they love, the places close to them and go down and realize their kids are not going to be able to experience that and that the quality of the lives of their kids and grandkids are going to go down and not up. Reporter that increase in temperature is having a profound effect across the park. Weve seen a threefold increase in the last 100 years in days over 90 fahrenheit. Its causing the trees to move uphill so that treeline you see behind me now constantly on the move because of Climate Change, chris. Cal, the scientists you spoke to talked about the fires there. What are the warmth and heat done to the fire season out there . Reporter so compared to the 1970s, weve seen an increase in fire season of 70 to 80 days. Theyre burning hotter and theyre burning longer. When you talk to scientists, you talk to professor sticks, she will also tell you about about insects and Invasive Species in the forest decimating the forest and we worry about the tipping point. They are supposed to ingest carbon but soon they will turn toxic and start emitting the carbon. More live from washington, d. C. Where students filled the streets today, joining millions of protesters around the world. I will talk to them next. This is more than the environment but a human issue and our communities. Im 19 years old, descendant of the indian people. When i first started public speaking around the environment and climate, i was the only one at these events around my age. And now everywhere i look, young people are revolutionizing movement culture. For the youth trying to plug in, this is a good time to do that because of how many people are on the ground with projects, calls to action, that were building towards. If we make continue we hit the mark and do the work that needs to be done, the future will be really dope. It will be abundant and beautiful and just. But we have a lot of work to get there. Im your cat. Ever since you brought me home, that day. Ive been plotting to destroy you. Sizing you up. Calculating your every move. You think this is love . This is a billion years of tiger dna just ready to pounce. And if you have the wrong Home Insurance coverage, you could be coughing up the cash for this. So get allstate and be better protected from mayhem, like meow. So get allstate and be better protected from mayhem, plants capture co2. What if other kinds of plants captured it too . If these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. Walking a dog can add thousands walking this many . Day. That can be rough on pams feet, knees, and lower back. Thats why she wears dr. Scholls orthotics. They relieve pain and give her the comfort to move more so she can keep up with all of her best friends. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills . E else. Flonase sensimist. Nothing stronger. Nothing gentler. Nothing lasts longer. Flonase sensimist. 24 hour nondrowsy allergy relief ive been doing this work since i was about 14. For me there was never a time in my life where the Climate Crisis wasnt a reality. Im 14 years old and going into my senior year of high school and im founder of zero hour youth Climate Action movement. Were called zero hour because this is an emergency. There are zero hours left to take action. And over the course of an entire year we mobilized, weve been able to put together a missive coalition that were all over the world. Right now were still in my state and digging and digging ourselves into this problem. I am a plaintiff along with 12 other young people who are suing the Washington State government because here in my state, theres a lot of new fossil fuel infrastructure being built and proposed. A lot of times the way Climate Change is talked about, especially with the president ial debates, well have we will talk about health care now. Next topic, Climate Change. Next topic, race. In reality we should talk about all of these issues within the context of the Climate Crisis. We should not have to mbeg our leaders whose job is to protect us for the very basics of a liveable future and liveable planet. Were back, were live here in washington, d. C. With this group of young climate activists who took to the streets today, along with other activists all over the world. While they were doing that, my colleague ali velshi and i spoke to the 2020 candidates at the second day of the climate forum, with the Georgetown Institute of public service, Mccourt School of Public Policy and new York Magazine and our daily planet. I led off the day by talking to senator cory booker to talk about cash bonn emissions. How concerned are you about that argument, a lot of people are working the oil fields in texas, a lot of folks whose livelihoods might be disrupted or ended in their current form by the transition to net zero carbon emissions. I think there has to be a just transition, as a lot of people are now saying. I think if you go to coal miners and basically say your family, my ancestors were coal miners, your family, what you have been doing for generations, helped raise your kids, carve through the earth your labor, your American Dream and this country is now going to turn their back, and you by the way helped to fuel industry, light up peoples lives literally and now were going to turn our back on you. For shame. If i heard that and i was a coal mining family, i would vote for the person who tells me i will protect your jobs. The Democratic Party cannot look down upon any profession, anyone whos trying to do what they think is best for their family. What we need to be doing is show them a future that includes them and their family. We need to urgently transition off coal and we will do that. But we have a plan to make sure you will not have to lose your coal job and go to a minimum wage job where youre not going to be able to feed your family. So im here with the group of climate strikers out on the streets today. Whats your name . My name is is tocata and im 16 years old from the Standing Rock reservation. What do you think about the politics of this, where there are some people watching the climate strike who work in the oil fields or coal and think this will leave me out . I want to say as a person of this generation, its not about jobs for me. I recognize the value and importance of jobs but when we are talking about the Climate Crisis, were talking about a matter of whether or not there will be a future. When we talk about jobs, were talking about providing for the right here and right now. What we need to be looking at is what does life look like for our children . What does life look like for our grandchildren . It really does come down to a matter of life and death. How did you get started doing this kind of work . When i was 9 years old, and before that, my parents have been raising me with the indigenous values of the people so knowing inherently i was related to everything that lives upon the earth sort of made me an activist. I started public speaking when i was 9 because there was a proposed project to mine uranium in the black hills, which is a sacred site to Indigenous People. Whats your name . Olivia. Where are you from . Sonoma county, california. Do you feel like you have seen the Climate Change up close . Definitely. I was completely affected by the california fires. Luckily, im an emergency firefighter and one of my friends was extremely affected. She called me one day and she was surrounded by flames. Luckily, again, because im a firefighter i was able to my team and i were able to get her out safely. You got her out of the fire . Yes, we did. Were the folks around you as theyre recovering from that fire, which was horrifying, do you feel like that was a kind of light bulb moment for some people about what it means and how close this threat is . Oh, absolutely. I honestly wished it was because i had been telling my story multiple times and yet every time people are affected but at the same time, why do i have to tell people . They should already be experiencing this. They should already know about this. Its not something you can just blow over. I want to ask you something that i asked folks last night about the way you think and feel about it. Do you feel anxiety about the future . Yes, 100 . I worry too much about what my future looks like. When im talking about school and just daytoday life, those things are always skewed by the fact that we dont know what the immediate future looks like. Especially when youre looking at the catastrophic events caused by Climate Change. Theyre affecting everybody personally. If youp have the seen it yet, youre not looking. Do you feel like politicians are listening now or listening more . No, no. I honestly wish they did. This isnt about size anymore. This is about coming together as one. And were not being heard. Thats why were here. I dont understand we have one side versus another. Were fighting for survival at this point and it doesnt make sense to me. Guys, i appreciate you i taking the time to talk to me. Were have much more from washington, d. C. On the historic protests. Dont go anywhere. Its upsetting that the Climate Crisis has been put on my generations shoulders where we have to be the ones fighting for a liveable planet and its unfair, especially how our leaders are acting. Now its time to go on the streets and demand they act on the planet crisis. My name is ali and im a 14yearold cliel activist living in new york city. Every night i am outside of the United Nations headquarters because its where all of the world lears come together to make Big Decisions like reducing our global Greenhouse Gas emissions so its really a symbolic place for a global message. When i first started, i was alone but as weeks progressed, people came out and the movement here in new york city started to quickly grow. Because my generation truly is pushing for change and we have to be the ones out here demanding action. burke at farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. Even a ernie lost rubber duckie . burke you mean this one . ernie rubber duckie cookie what about a broken cookie jar . burke again, cookie . cookie yeah. Me bad. grover yoooooow oh what about monsters having accidents . I am okay by the way burke depends. Did you cause the accident, grover . grover cause an accident . Maybe. bert how do you know all this stuff . burke just comes with experience. all muppets yup. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum man hey. N banjo . Go home. woman banjo sorry, it wont happen again. Come on, lets go home. After 10 years, weve covered a lot of miles. Good thing i got a subaru. man looks like you got out again, huh, banjo. avo love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. Be right back. With moderate to severe Crohns Disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. Is she alright . I hope so. So i talked to my doctor about humira. I learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Be there for you, and them. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. With advil liquigels, what stiff joints . What bad back . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil liquigels. This is his family, the world hes built, for 72 years. This is hals heart. Its been torn. Broken. And put back together. This is also hals heart. This is the cardiologist his brother recommended. And this is hals relief, knowing hes covered. This is hal. His heart and memory keeper, and its beating better than ever. This is what medicare from Blue Cross Blue Shield does for hal. And with easy access to quality healthcare, imagine what we can do for you. This is medicare that cares back. This is the benefit of blue. We march because Indigenous People are disproportionately affected by Climate Change. This building built on the backs of our ancestors has the power to make change. We demand a safe future. Is that really too much to ask . You are the david that will beat the goliath. You will beat the fossil fuel industry. We are back here in washington dc. That is just a taste of the protests that we saw across the country. We got a chance to talk to several 2020 candidates about their plans to address Climate Change. Take a listen to what payor mete buttigieg. This is not abstract. I hope to have grandkids and i hope to do great. But i think i will be here. And it will be hot. And that means for one thing i will be held accountable. I think my generation will be held accountable. It will be on our watch that this played out. I think it is a moment, a pivotal one, maybe like the American Revolution itself, the struggle for civil rights of all of the things that were doing right now, what we will be remembered for is how we were on this issue. Where are you from . Washington dc. The mayor was talking there about a generational drive. This movement has been youth lead, why is that . Were on the midst of a global emergency and we must act as such and make sure were holding our elected official accountable. Right now they lack the ability to care. We have to have a moral call to action and thats why i found that one million of us is to mobilize young people around the country. Had what did you learn about registering to vote . We have to continue to engage young people. We understand that were not the last generation and that we will will continue to go on. Whats your name . You were an organizer here, right . Whats it like trying to bring together thousands of people . It is hard work, as jerome was saying we were given the name generation z, and it is terrible if people think were the last generation. Generation of the Green New Deal. What do you say to people that say youre young and young people are fired up, but when you get older you feel like it is not as pressing. It is super pressing. It is very pressing. I think our energy comes from that. To have that looming over our heads, to understand that we may not have futures, we may not have clean air and water to live. Thats not okay. You talked about registering to vote, how much do you see politics and voting and engagement with the current political system as part of the movement . We must believe in the politics of today. By the time we can run for congress, office, president , we wont have the time. Well be past the tipping point. We have to elect officials that represent the democracy. One of the candidates we talked to was tom steyer and i spoke to him about climate justice, take a listen. America has concentrated i pollution in the low income neighborhoods that dont have political power. If you look in my home state of california, in west fresno, people have 22 year less Life Expectancy than people two miles north of them. The pollution is concentrated. So its important to go to those neighborhoods and to make sure this reflects the needs of those targeted with pollution. Thats been a big focus. Do you think youve transformed the conversation politicians are having . Definitely. Were with sunrise, and like nadia said, were generation gnd, we want the Green New Deal to stop the Climate Crisis and create millions of good jobs in the process. We see it as a historic opportunity to not only tackle the Climate Crisis but to reverse historic and systemic racism and economic inequality in this country and talking about those andations those intersections seriously is how we will win. Do you feel hopeful and confident about winning . I do. I think that is the only way were going to win. Im proud of the incredible work that we have already done to set the terms of the debate this far every major president ial candidate has backed the Green New Deal as the most ambitious solution to tackle this crisis. Thank you all so much for coming out. That does it for this special edition of all in. I want to thank you all for watching. I also want to thank the incredible team, the reporters and producers that fanned out across the world to put that together. Special shout out to the team that brought it oklahoma, Rachel Maddow starts now with joy reid in for rachel. Good evening. I dont know you can hear me, but that was cool. That was a cool show. Thank you. Thank you for doing that. I learned a lot from it, thank you very much. I texted my kids, this is their issue, climate. Thank you all of you at home for joining us this hour. If you follow the news in the current political era than you know that every day is a treadmill of breaking stories and by this time every evening were trying to sprint to keep up, we have gotten brand new, astonishing reporting about a phone call between the president of the United States and the

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