Rights. The egg in the lab doesnt apply. Its not in a woman. She is not pregnant. How the president just shocked the world by rejecting w an International Agreement to fight online extremism. You had people that were very fine people on both sides. All in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. The president of the United States is apparently a bystander watching his own administration marching towards the gravest Foreign Policy disaster in a generation. Its possibly unconstitutional and no support from allies and opposition and it appears to be based on trumped up intelligence. When the president was asked about this drumbeat for war emanating from his administration with iran, it was as if they were asking the wrong guy. Mr. President , are we going to war with iran . I hope not. Who, me . I dont know. Very reassuring. We know john bolton is on the record advocating regime change in iran. New reporting said bolton quietly voiced frustration with the president , viewing him as unwilling to push for changes in a region he has long seen as a quagmire. This comes after the attack on Saudi Oil Tankers. Calling around and saying it was iran rian groups. U. S. National security agencies believe proxies sympathetic to or working for iran may have attacked four tankers off the ueo rather than Iranian Forces themselves. It sounds like rebels who had been fighting the saudis in a war going on for two years. If that is the predicate for attacking iran, why are we talking about it now . Lets say even iran did attack the oil tankers, which it appears they didnt. So what . As the onion said, an attack on two Saudi Oil Tankers is an attack on all americans. Why is this americas problem . This is also the heart of all of this. Whose interest are this entire thing serving . An english language saudi state paper called for u. S. Air strikes against iran. This is Foreign Policy goal number one, a saudi crown prince. Mohammad bin salman. The guy the president visited with first. Jared kushner supplied intelligence to aid him with the purges when he imprisoned and possibly tortured family members to death in the ritz carlton. He dispatched a team to hack to death a columnist in an embassy in turkey and got away scott free. The regime we know is bribing the president by throwing money in his hotels and who knows whats happening behind the scenes. We dont have trumps tax returns. He is fighting that in court. We have vague disclosures with ballpark figures showing that trump is 350 million worth of outstanding loans. The president likes money. We know that saudis like to spend it as the president himself said saudi arabia and i get along great with all of them. They buy apartments from me and they spent 40 or 50 million. I like them very much. The most catastrophic Foreign Policy from iraq, possibly worse. You cannot say you know why this is happening and whose interest it is serving. This is one of the democrats questioning whether the Trump Administration is inflating intelligence to get into another war in the mideast. First of all, tell me this. What is it like on capitol hill. I read stories about them sending folks to capitol hill. Your colleagues are getting briefings. What is it like . The group of eight got the briefing today. The rest of us will see that intelligence on tuesday. There is a tremendous amount of skepticism. Bolton has never thought there was any solution in iran except to bomb the nuclear facilities. He did that op ed, bomb, bomb iran. The only solution say military solution. Now we see him setting the stage in every possible way. That includes putting the Abraham Lincoln and strike force into the persian gulf. That includes putting a bomber and a squadron close by. That includes doing the Diplomatic Mission of pompeo going to iraq and saying dont worry if something happens. We are still your friend here in iraq. Despite whats going happen in iran or might happen in iran. All evacuating the socalled unnecessary or unessential personnel. All of this sets the stage and plus on the diplomatic front, he put out the information and there are people in iran who wish us evil or attacks or maybe al qaeda is inside of iran. It sounds very familiar to me. Very, very familiar and the british of like there is no new threat. No new threat. This story from the wall street journal gets at exactly what it so dangerous. It was just published. They suggest u. S. Iran misread each other. Intelligence collected shows that the United States is planning to attack them for possible counter strikes. People familiar with the matter said. You think about the actions that have been taken where we cut off the ability to export oil and we called their revolutionary guard and labeled them inside. A first that that happened. If you were iran, you would be worried. This guy, pompeo, and bolton are preparing to do you in. Remember, this is the same john bolton that made the worst Foreign PolicyNational Security mistake in a century. Which was to do an all out assault on iraq. Destabilize the mideast resulting in hundreds of thousands of people being affected in a terrible way and leaving us with Great Security problems. This is the man who did this and created the hole that allows iran to have an ark of influence to syria. Why is he National Security adviser . Heres my question. Who works for whom . The president today coming outside the white house, i dont know. He is behind the scenes. Im reading a bit of reporting from the new york times. Mr. Trump is less frustrated over the handling of iran over the National Security advisers leaving the policy according to three officials. If thats the case, lead the policy and make declarations that are more definitive than it is stuff coming out of your white house. Absolutely right. When you have this situation that iran is very worried and they take preparations and put missiles on to boats and we say aha, they are planning to attack us. Therefore this is a very tense undertaking in which misunderstanding could result easily in an attack or justification for an attack. My read on republican members of the senate is that they are more split on this than other things. There is a lot of members. Tom cotton is saying its easy. What did you read on your colleagues in terms of where they would be on this . A lot of them understand that saudi arabia really wants to extentuate pressure on iran and traditional enemies and we are doing it for them. There has been a lot of republican resistance to the relationship with saudi arabia. Saudi arabia does a lot of things. They go to terrorism around the world and receive to fund what cultivates the training for forces that cause trouble. Theyre the ones driving the war in yemen and doing enormous, horrific humanitarian damage. The worst in history. 100 children under the age of five dying every day. A lot of resistance on the republican side. When you think about saudi arabia tide into this, there is a lot of concern. Nice to you have here in new york. Great to be with you. Joining me from the deputy be national adviser. Now a contributor and senior contributor at the intercept and host of the deep constructively podcast and al jazeeras english is up front. This to me is the most striking part. Ben, john bolton wanted this for a long time, it is on the record. But the number one priority that appears to let donald trump and the american state around by the nose and does whatever they want and the americans appear to be just willing to help. Chris, you and i have talked about this, but from the beginning of the Trump Administration, trump outsourced Foreign Policy to mohammad bin salman and netanyahu. That manifested itself from the crack down mohammad bin salman s family and the bizarre hostage situation. Very aggressive out of control measures from saudi arabia. Saudi arabia is in a proxy war with iran in many parts of the mideast. In iraq and yemen and in syria. Mohammad bin salman is pushing for confrontation with iran. So is bebe netanyahu. Donald trump has gone along with this. He pulled out of the deal at the list of saudi arabia and Prime Minister netanyahu. He especially poured gasoline over a fire and handed the matches to john bolton. John bolton set the conditions for the war. He framed it the same way as iraq. There is intelligence that is so damaging, i cant tell you what its all about. He is trying to go get a pretext for the war and trump comes out and said im not sure about that. If he was not sure, he wouldnt have let john bolton escalate this for a year and then get to the brink of that war and say i dont know whats going on here. That point is an important one. The president has chosen advisers and also allies hes going to listen to and all of the folks are in agreement. They want military confrontation of iran. Here is consistent on the people he picked to work for him. Even general flynn. Remember general flynn who had 20 days in the white house . He gave one briefing and they noticed in the first or second week. Tom cotton is the adviser in the senate. Lets be clear. If the only thing standing between mbs, netanyahu and john bolton and a war in iran that they dreamed about for year, decades even, if its donald trump, we are in serious trouble. He tore up the iran deal. One of the few things he stuck to. As a terrorist group, he escalated economic sanctions knowing what direction it leads into. Im not willing to give trump a pass. He is a know nothing idiot, but we cant say its all mbs or all bolton. It is very much trump driving it. The president of the United States is the adviser. There is a really interesting thing happening. This intelligence, every one of my spidey senses and my skepticism goes up the way it is being couched. The drumbeat that doesnt seem to pan out. And then other stories that seem to be sending up their own flags. How do you read all of this . Two things. First of all, john bolton has a history ofcooking the books. John bolton, lets remember clearly, there was a concern about whether or not iraq had chemical weapons. There was a man who led the organization responsible for investigaing that who had an agreement to go to iraq to see if there were chemical weapons there. John bolton organization straighted the firing. They were not there. He tried to insift that they supply him and said cuba had a biological weapons program. He cooks the books. I got this intelligence every day for years. I was in the president ial daily briefing. There are always threats in the mideast. They were fighting a war and what pompeo and bolton said is if any iranian groups carry out attacks, they will hold iran responsible. That means if they are fighting a war against the saudis and they did anything, they can say we will attack iran. Its clear whats happening. Drawing down the personnel in baghdad and closing the consulate in iraq. What they are doing is removing the targets that we know iran would hit if we attacked. To me, thats a blinking red signal and setting the stage for the confrontation. Look, in Central Command they were asked about a war in iran. He said if you like afghanistan and iraq, it would be an absolute catastrophe. I wonder why more democrats are not making more noise about this. We heard from Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and we need to hear from all of them. I am glad he is standing strong. This would be a catastrophe in terms of the casualties and the global consequences. You have a president in the white house who in 2011 and 2012 was tweeting that i believe barack obama will attack iran to get reelected. This is trumpian projection. If he thinks obama would do it, its something he would consider doing himself. The political resistance to this and mobilization around this can and will have an effect. When the president likes to waiver and throws advisers under the bus after he signs on, particularly if it doesnt look so good, there is a space for that. Thank you both. Tonight, did someone connected to congress try to prevent Michael Flynn from cooperating with the Mueller Probe . The behind the scenes efforts to interfere with the investigation in two minutes. clients voice remember that degree you got in taxation . danny of course you dont because you didnt your job isnt doing hard work. Its making them do hard work. And getting paid for it. vo snap and sort your expenses to save over 4,600 at tax time. Quickbooks. Backing you. You know reliable support when you have it, and that dependability is what we want to give our customers. At comcast, its my job to constantly monitor our network. Prevent problems, and to help provide the most Reliable Service possible. My name is tanya, i work in the Network Operations center for comcast. We are working to make things simple, easy and awesome. We are getting a better picture of how helpful Michael Flynn was in the mueller investigation. Thanks to an un redacted court filing of security adviser flynn. We knew the president sent private and public messages encouraging him to stay strong. A sequence of events could have the potential to affect his decision to cooperate as well as extent of the cooperation. Flynn informed the government of multiple instances before and after his guilty plea where either he or his attorneys received communications from persons connectioned the administration or congress, thats new, that could have affected his willingness to cooperate or the completeness of that cooperation. He provide the a recording of one such communication. The judge ordered prosecutors filed a transcript and so far this is the only way we are able to glean new information from the evidence of the Mueller Report. Democrats on capitol hill are locked in a debate over if and when to start impeachment proceedings. I want to bring in sydney blumenthal, adviser from bill clinton and comparing clinton and nixon to trump impeachment and elizabeth holtzman, author of the case for impeaching trump. I want to start with this voice mail. Heres whats wild. This was in the Mueller Report, the transcript. I remember thinking oh, it was in the midst of reading 400 pages. This is the voice mail that was referred to today. The president s personnel counsel said this. I understand your situation, but let me see if i can state it in starker terms. It wouldnt surprise me if there was information that implicates the president and you have a National Security issue. We need a heads up for the sake of protecting our interest. We always said about the president and the feelings towards flynn and that still remains. What do you make of that . The person transmitting this message is getting very close to, if not crossing the line, of witness tampering. Obstruction of justice. Of course the raising of National Security issue that goes right back to watergate where nixon is always raising National Security as a reason to keep things quiet. He was calling the fbi and saying quash the investigation or instructing people because of National Security. It definitely wasnt. We know that. The same about the take place. It was supposedly National Security, but it wasnt. What we see here and what this focuses on is the issue of obstruction by the president or his agents and emissaries. This is the president s personal counsel calling a cooperating witness and saying, we might have National Security implications and remember how the president feels about you. Congress needs to put these people under oath, the lawyer involved here and take testimony. Congress is not bound by the attorneyclient privilege and there is no privilege if the president told this lawyer to communicate this message to flynn. This is just one example of what appears obviously obstruction that appears in the report itself. In your memo, you say this is basically the democrats came for the weakest president in modern history with a stronger case for impeachment than nixon. What do you mean by that. Donald trump is vastly overrated politically. He appears to be a strong character because of his bluster, but in fact he is the lowest rated president of any since polls were ever taken of president s. He never hit 50. No other president has been that low. He is consistently low. A very weak president. Furthermore in part two of the Mueller Report, there are obvious cases of obstruction of justice that have been documented. A stronger case than those initially brought against richard nixon. You have to remember the smoking gun tape did not appear until very late in the impeachment. We havent even had an impeachment and we already know about numerous cases of obstruction. The nixon similarities are very strong towards the trump case in terms of the need for congressional inquiry and public hearings and the release of more information through interrogation of witnesses and in the face of stonewalling, that will, i believe, have the same effect that it did for nixon. It will lead to a crumbling of his support in Public Opinion and trump support is already very weak. This voice mail when which we were scrambling, it was in the Mueller Report or not . The record in the Mueller Report is quite damning. What we know is quite damning . Saying democrats and this yet of getting the un redacted report said its fine. Focus on what is in public evidence. Thats damning. Correct. Thats what the democrats in congress and the republicans who joined with them in doing is to take the Mueller Report and additional evidence that needs to be obtained such as the testimony of these lawyers who transmitted the damning communications. What the democrats need to do is educate the public about these terrible facts of obstruction of justice and witness tampering and cover up. Whether its worse or better than watergate doesnt matter. In watergate in the nixon impeachment, the Senate Watergate committee did an amazing job of educating the American People about what nixon did and that hasnt happened here. All these hearings have been behind closed doors. We have a 448 page report that most havent read. It needs to be through live testimony through witnesses in a comp hencible simple fact. You were there when clinton was impeached and talking to him. You read about it in this memo. The lesson i think democrats learn side its dangerous and can backfire and it was not politically expaid i dont want expedient and they are fighting that war. Whats your message having lived through that period . I had more than a ring side seat in the clinton case. What i learned was and we now have 20 years of perspective on it. We can see it objectively. Clinton began the republican impeachment of him at 66 approval. The republicans brought a contrived and insubstantial case. At no point along the way was the public moved to support impeachment. All along the way, two thirds of the public rejected the republican case and at the end of the entire process, clinton ended at the exact same number that he began at two thirds approval. The idea that the democrats have that if they bring a case that trump will remain strong actually has no analogy to the clinton case. The clinton case was rejected by the public and insubstantial and there is evidence in the trump case. Clinton was an extremely popular and strong president. Trump is a very weak president. The dissimilarities are overwhelming in the clinton cases and the trump cases. Where as the similarities between the trump case and the nixon case are the ones that provide a kind of road map for the democrats. Sydney blumenthal, thank you. The Trump Administration stuns the world by refusing to sign a pledge to combat online extremism. The international shock, next. With moderate to severe ulceratiyour plans. 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Will you condemn david duke and say you dont want his vote or that of other White Supremacists . This election. I dont know anything about david duke and what you are even talking about with White Supremacy or White Supremacists. I dont know. I dont know david duke. Hes lying there. To curb extremism in his time in the white house. The dismissal of neo nazis and the claims that counter protesters were somehow equivalent. Huh a group on one side that was bad and a group on the other side that was also very li violent. Blame on both sides. You dont have any doubt about it either. You had people who were very fine people on both sides. That reluctance, that wink wink, nudge nudge way of dealing with nazis is official government policy as the Trump Administration declined to sign on to a multinational effort led by new zealand to fight extremism. Analyst and journalist was there when all that happened and joins me live from paris. You can tell us what the nature of this gathering was and what the nature of the agreement that came out of the gathering was . Chris, the christchurch call, its an agreement to eradicate online terror and extremism and antisemitic content and muslim content and antiminority content and anything that leads to extremists and basically terror attacks as we have seen in new zealand and quebec and even in the United States in synagogues. Most of these terrorists promote online their problem ganda and create copycats and mainstream their ideas. We are united yesterday in paris. Every g7 state. Every world leader was here and agreed we need to force the platforms to comply with certain regulation to shut down extremist voices to prevent other terrorist attacks. The only country that basically in the name of free speech or protecting free speech or in this case protecting hate speech, they declined to and rejected to endorse this agreement. It was shocking. I was in the room and invited by the french minster who asked me to speak about the impact of radicalization online and the murder taking place because of this propaganda and american counterpart who looked at me and suddenly he said well, our position, we endorse the spirit, but unwilling to endorse the rest in the name of free speech. Everybodys jaw dropped because it was clear the president of the United States who refused to disvow his support and some of them are very violent who shut down progress, counter extremists in america and counter domestic terrorists in america and now he is making it official to the rest of the world, he is unwilling to fight hate and terror online. The argument from the white house and i want you to address it. The u. S. Does have a different speech regime than the european countries. In many countries like in germany, for example, a use of a swastika is illegal. The First Amendment is more expansive than regimes. Is there a good faith argument that this is a preservation of the First Amendment . Chris, first of all, we are talking about the president who called journalist enemy of the people. They insight against journalists day in and day out. To be the guy who said that, its clear this policy is about donald trump. Its about never disvowing his base and racist base. It has nothing to do with protecting since he is complaining day in and day out you how unfair everyone is to him and msnbc is so bad and goes into thea reneas and said most journalists shouldnt be allowed to question or challenge his policies. Its preposterous and ridiculous. Its a cynical transactional policy where by he decides that his voters matter more than National Security and peoples lives. People are being killed and being butchered because of online content and we have to regulate. The canadians were clear where they want to go and will overregulate. The french and also the Prime Minister from new zealand. Why the terrorists started shooting, he was Live Streaming what he was doing. I dont know if thats free or freedom. Its not about freedom. This is radicalizing an entire generation and social media platform are the most powerful instrument as we speak. Its really horrifying to see this, the impact on minorities all over the world. To see the United States and republicans who are willing to send soldiers to die in iraq and iran and elsewhere in the name of fighting jihadists and unwilling to save american lives in the United States makes you understand that its all about politics and power and about cynicism. There in paris and attending that conference, thank you so much for your time. The men behind the alabama abortion ban and the outrage over the war on womens bodies and ted cruz is back in thing one, thing two, starting next. [narrator] do you have less energy than you used to . 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That was not the reason ted cruz wished my death by imaginary space pirate. It was Something Else completely. Thats thing two in 60 seconds. So, senator ted cruz had a rough day in cable news after the space pirate speech went viral. After he was roasted by chuck todd, he said a frigate with a skull and cross bones in space is unlikely any time soon, but what msnbc conveniently omits is the threat your speech was about space pirates. Cruise went full space snow flake, explaining to the ceo of twitter about all the dunking on him. Hey jack, how come twitters moment went snarky leftist and didnt include my tweets in response. Explain the real point that nations like china have developed to test satellites. It was the saddest scene i had ever seen. I kmernted this is the saddest tweet i have ever seen. He said may space pirates devour your liver. Pirate flag emoji. Pirate flag emoji. The Tech Industry is supposed to be a leader in invention and progress. But only 11 of its executives are women, and the quit rate is twice as high for them. Heres a hack make sure theres bandwidth for everyone. The more you know. Working americans deserve better and i know we can do it because ive done it here in the largest, toughest city in this country. We are putting money back in the hands of working people. As of this morning, the democratic president ial field somehow got yet another contestant. The citizens of new york city officially got a parttime mayor. You will see lots of insults directioned at mayor deblasio who trafficked that and feel abandoned or angry for one reason or another. But i think his entrance raises an interesting question which is how much does executive experience matter . Right now many polls have Pete Buttigeig in third or fourth place as the twoterm mayor of a midsized city. He won with 8500 votes which is a pretty big apartment complex. He has run the largest city in the country in what is one of the most difficult jobs in politics. It will be interesting to watch it play out over the primaries about experience, good and bad. Back when barack obama ran for president , people thought he lacked executive experience, which he did. It was a received wisdom that governors were the best to run for president and become president s, thanks to jimmy carter and Ronald Reagan and bill clinton and bush 43. There are a bunch of governors polling at like 2 less even though like deblasio, they had to deal with the inevitable difficulties and compromises and conflict of doing so. The rise of donald trump from failed business man to creepy host to experience theorists to twitter beef starter had the effect of making it seem like well, maybe anyone can be president. Its a question worth considering for voters. Whether extended experience does matter in preparing someone for the hardest job in the world. 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So call now for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, and its yours just for calling. So call now. In the wee hours of this morning after an overnight session the Missouri StateSenate Passed an eight week abortion ban and mandating up to 15 years in prison for doctors who violate the ban. That came just hours after the governor of alabama signed the most radical antichoice law in the country. Effectively a total ban on abortion with up to 99 years in prison for doctors who perform the procedure. That law has setoff an impassioned mobilized national backlash, drawing fire from the president ial Democratic Candidates and prompting thousands of women to share their personal abortion stories on social media. The closer you look at the alabama law, by the way, was passed out of the state senate by these 25 republican lawmakers, all of them white men, the more ludicrous it reveals itself to be. But for a law claiming to stem from an ideology it contains a puzzling for embryos using inveto vurtalization. Heres how one of those republican men tried to explain it. So the egg in the lab doesnt apply. The egg is not life . No, sir. What is the egg declared being . Well, im at the limits of my medical knowledge but until those chromosomes that you were talking about combine for male and female thats my understanding what are the eggs considered then . What are they considered . I dont know the answer to that. Call it what he said, if a fertilized egg is not actually inside a womans body it doesnt count. That moment has gotten a lot of attention and obviously got attention because that was a democratic lawmaker pressing him on it but this is what the whole issue was. It revealed the whole game like you said. Its always been about controlling the woman and they dont necessarily care about the fertilized egg. They may talk about it as if its a person they say they do. I want to be clear, they say its about life. Sure. But im going based on their actions, too, chris. And the thing i keep thinking about in this moment where people are saying they care about children, they care about life they are not saying about the babies on the border in the cages. And so i think we have to be honest when were having this conversation and hold those folks accountable to even live up to the values theyre saying they hold. And i think that, you know, when we were told we were being hysterical during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings i was on segments where male commentators would say youre overstating it. Susan collins has said hes going to uphold precedent, calm down is basically what people were saying. They have been doing this since 2010 and now they have the opening. In 2010 they wanted to do trap laws and basically make abortion inaccessible. Now they have their two justice who will vote to overturn it, so theyre going straight at and thats what this is about. Obviously this entire fight is about roe. Why are we pretending its not . Obviously it is. And this is a question now on the right thats sort of interesting. Everyones been playing this and we played it last night the pat robinson clip. Hes not saying he doesnt like it but tactically it might be a mistake. Take a listen to the full quote. I think alabama has gone too far. Theyve passed a law that would give a 99year prison sentence give a 99year prison sentence give a 99year prison sentence to wheem to commit abortion. Theres no exception for rape and incest. Its an extreme law and they want to challenge roe vs. Wade, but my humble view is that this is not the case we want to bring to the Supreme Court because i think this one will lose. This is not the case. Theres an active debate on the right in antiabortion circles right now about precisely this. Right. Hes not saying ware too extreme, were concerned about women, the 12yearold rape victim that will be forced to carry a child to term, hes talk about the optics of this and politics of this, which is all republicans seem to care about. The woman who sponsored this law in the Alabama House said i dont like this law for alabama women, but this is what we need to get to the Supreme Court which is obviously the opt logic of what were seeing from pat roberts there. But i think hes right, i think it is too extreme. You think it is a bad vehicle. Oh, yeah, i dont think theyre going to pick this one up. There are other laws i think theyre more likely to challenge roe v. Wade. I dont think theyre going to touch this one. Theres a great piece, great piece of writing, its called arrest me you alabama cowards. And it just makes an obvious point which is that doctors who perform aersion boz under this law can face 99 years in prison. Theres no penalty for the women. But as she writes in that piece i was the agent of my own abortion. If you actually think its murder then the logic entails the punishment should be for women. And that is exactly what donald trump was saying. Exactly when he got trapped in the logic because hes not in the antichoice world so he doesnt know the cues and how to talk about it without saying this quiet part out loud. When he was asked by Chris Matthews about the punishment be for women, he sort of stuttered because when you get to are we going to jail women . And i think the fear that i have before kavanaugh was confirmed i had nancy and asked her pointblank are we going to start jailing women, and she said thats not an immediate concern, but there are women in jail in el salvador for miscarriages so how are you going to be able to tell the difference between an abortion and a miscarriage, and are you going to believe im really miscarrying or are you going to put me in prison like they are in latin america in some countries . Women have also been arrested in the United States for taking cocaine during their pregnancies, for not using a c section when it was advisable. This has also happened in the states. I think it exposes a flaw in logic here in alabama. If you believe a fetus is a child, a person, i mean if i have a child and i hire someone to kill my child, im going to jail. As you should because you were an agent in that. Exactly. Thats accessory to murder, conspiracy. I yet theres an understanding that the political optics, putting women in prison for this are so terrible they wont go there even though its sort of what the moral logic demands. Great to have you both. Thats all enfor this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts tonight, there are new revelations about Michael Flynn, a legal filing from the mueller team just this evening reveals he was approached by individuals allied with trump who wanted to influence his dealings with mueller and perhaps buy his silence. Plus, trump says he hopes were not going to get into a war with iran, but some of the members of his own administration sure seem to be gunning for it. And the growing anger in florida where the fbi says the russians hacked into two local election systems but they wont tell the people of florida which communities were hacked as the 11th hour gets under way on a thursday night. Well, good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters here in n