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Good evening from new york. Im ali velshi, in for chris hayes. Things are not looking good for scott pruitt. Amid an avalanche of scandals, there are multiple signs the white house is getting fed up with the epa administrator and could cut him loose. Pruitt did get a few encouraging words today when President Trump on a very windy tarmac, responded to shouted questions about whether he still has confidence in pruitt with the words i do and followed up with this on air force one. I think that scott has done a fantastic job. I think hes a fantastic person. You know, i just left cold and energy country. They love scott pruitt. They feel very strongly about scott pruitt. And they love scott pruitt. But trump has offered kind words for plenty of top aides, right before theyve gotten the ax. And trump seems to be cooling on pruitt. Officials familiar with the president s thinking tell nbc news that as recently as last week, trump had been considering firing attorney general Jeff Sessions and replacing him with pruitt. But a source said that is now unlikely in light of pruitts ethical lapses. And pruitt, for his part, just keeps on making the situation worse. In an absolutely disastrous interview yesterday, pruitt insisted there was no problem with his sweetheart deal to stay in a condo, coowned by the wife of a top Energy Lobbyist for 50 bucks a night. Because that lobbyist, he said, had no business before the epa. Youre renting it from the wife of a lobbyist. Who has no business before this agency. Hold on a second. So major lobbying firm. Exxonmobil is a client. Mr. Hart has no clients does exxonmobil have business before mr. Hart has no clients that has business before this agency. That was not even remotely close to the truth. The daily beast reported today that, quote, hart was personally representing a Natural Gas Company and Airline Giant and a major manufacturer that had business before the agency at the time he was also renting out a room to pruitt. And that one of his clients is currently battling the epa in court over an order to pay more than 100 million in environmental cleanup costs. According to the washington post, the white house has instructed pruitt not to participate in interviews, even with friendly Media Outlets like fox, but pruitt ignored that advice. A move that likely did not endear him to his boss. You said some pretty tough stuff. You said about the president , quote, this is in 2016, i think hes an empty vessel when it comes to things like the constitution and rule of law. You said that about donald trump. Look, i was misinformed. The post reported that the white house does not find pruitts excuses credible, particularly his claim that he was uninvolved in a move to bypass the white house to give big raises to his favorite aides and the white house is making its displeasure known. What is Scott Pruitts future . I cant speak to the future of scott pruitt. I can just talk about where we are now. And that is that the white house is aware of these reports. Were obviously looking into those. We dont have any announcements to make as regards to staffing rate now, but were aware. And, you know, we believe that some of these questions need to be answered. Well, we dont know what Scott Pruitts future is, but yesterday we learned that white house chief of staff john kelly had warned pruitt that the scandals needed to stop and asked what other shoes, if any, were going to drop. Today we got an answer. Politico reporting that pruitt fell behind on payments for his 50 a night condo rental and had to be pestered for payments by that lobbyist. For 50 a night he got the sweetest deal in america and still stiffed the landlord. Also today, an epa ethics official said he did no have all the factual information when he signed off on pruitts sweetheart loose. Thats important, because pruitt is hiding behind the fact that epa ethics folks said the deal was kosher. And the New York Times report today that at least five officials at pruitts epa, four of them highranking, were reassigned or demoted or requested new jobs after they raised concerns about pratts spending and management. Quote, the concerns included unusually large spending on Office Furniture and firstclass travel, as well as certain demands by mr. Pruitt for security coverage, such as requests for a bulletproof vehicle and an expanded 20person protective detail. The epa told nbc news that it disputes the voracity of the accusations. Joining me now is the coauthor of that story, New York Times Investigative Reporter, eric lipton. Also with me, daily beast Legal Affairs columnist, Jay Michaelson, who authored a piece yesterday entitled too crooked to fail why scott pruitt still has his job for now. Gentlemen, thank you for joining me. Eric, let me start with you. Your reporting is that five employees of the epa, four of them senior, have been moved, demoted, or left because they took issue with the way scott pruitt was doing things . Yeah, whats so interesting is that these objections started way back in march of 2017. Way before the public, reporters, or anyone knew that there were these issues relative to, you know, his desire to take firstclass flights or, you know, expenditures on special security or a special bulletproof desk, which is something that was considered or a bulletproof car. And there were many there were three different deputy chiefs of staff. One of whom was a Trump Campaign advance man, very popular with trump and was praised by trump personally at a rally, in delaware. And these are you know, these are also people that served as early as for george w. Bush. Theyve been in the epa all that time and helped with george bushs transition, bringing people in. And repeatedly, these three different folks that were deputy chiefs of staff. Two people in a security detail were saying, somethings wrong here. We are concerned about these requests for these expenditures. And each one of them then found themselves demoted, asked to be transferred or pushed out. And, you know, this is way before there was really any press coverage of it. Jay michaelson, reading that litany of things that scott pruitt has allegedly done, its like comedy, if it werent actually real. It seems strange, given that scott pruitt has a mission at the epa that is very different from prior administrators of the epa. And that is largely to dismantle it. Right, to roll back the administrative state. And i think the smart way to do that would be to keep your head down, undo a bunch of regulations, and do it in a way that, in a way respects the process. Scott pruitts done the opposite of that. He fired all the scientists, he hasnt responded to freedom of information act requests, hes gone after a lot of headlines. And now with this flashy stuff, you know, scott pruitt seems to think hes batman, who wants to fly in a chartered jet and have a bulletproof car. Thats not the way to not draw attention to yourself. Speaking of that, i want to show you a tweet from chris lew, eric, which says, criticism of pruitts 50 a night housing deal is unfair. Theres a place within walking distance of epa for that amount. Granted, its a youth hostel and you have to sleep with nine other people and share a bathroom, but breakfast is included. Jay and i were talking before the show, this stuff that hes getting into trouble for seems amateurish and sophomoric. If you have a mission to deregulate the United States government starting with the epa, why make stupid mistakes like this . Its hard to understand. This is a guy who was in the state legislature in oklahoma, served as attorney general for six years in oklahoma. Hes a very smart person. He knows the environmental regulations quite well. Hes battled the epa in court, while he was serving as attorney general. Its just unclear as to why he would have so many fumbles and distract from his mission. Because in a way, the epa like the department of interior is one of the most effective players in trumps strategy to roll back the administrative state. So, you know, again, i think it is sort of a distraction. And i think that to some extent, the president is getting a lot of pressure from conservatives and from dark money groups to keep pruitt just where he is. Because, in fact, hes been so effective in rolling back rules, but he keeps causing a distraction. And thats the so theres this tension as to how long they can allow this distraction to keep playing out. Jay, scott pruitt says that its all from the left. There are, i think, three republican members of the house now who are calling for scott pruitt to go, but thats not a ground swell. No, but i think its crazy to say this is some sort of leftwing conspiracy when Chris Christie goes on television and says his days are numbered and white house staff people say, we dont we can within the we cant comment at all. And even what President Trump said, he says kind things about people before he fires them. Like the kiss from the godfather. Exactly. And were all waiting until friday afternoon when these firings tend to happen. And who knows . I think its notable what President Trump did not say is that hes innocent of all of these allegations. What do you make of that, eric . Is this now passed the point of no return for scott pruitt . And what happens next . Yeah, its still impossible to predict, particularly with this administration, as to whats going to happen with personnel. I do think that pruitt himself has acknowledged that some mistakes were made, with respect to particularly raises to given to two employees. And i think that now the ethics officials at the agency have sort of pulled back on their clearing of the condo rental. So, i mean, theres some culpability here as to whether or not its efficient to result in his being forced out. Thats unclear. And i think that to some extent, its going to depend upon how much pressure the administration is getting from the coal industry, the oil and gas industry, and outside players that want to see pruitt kept where he is. I was going to say, i was going to make note of that, jay. Scott pruitt is a darling of the oil and gas industry. Hes really one of them. He meets with them all the time, the times earlier pointed tout that he meets with representatives in the industry more than anyone else. But i actually want to quibble with this a little bit. Scott pruitt is not the only scott pruitt in town. Weve talked about Andrew Wheeler who, you know, worked for Robert Murray and helped draft that 16point plan of regulations he would like to see undone, all of which were then undone. There are other people with these ties and at this point, i think the folks in the fossil fuel industry, in the dark money groups, want to start thinking about scott pruitt as more of a liability than an asset. Thanks to you guys both. Eric lipton, Investigative Reporter for the New York Times and Jay Michaelson, columnist at the daily beast for your reporting and analysis. With me now is democratic senator mazie hirono of hawaii. Good to see you. Tell me what your take is on this. Every week we tend to be discussing some other Senior Administration official whos on the line for something. Whats your take on scott pruitt . I dont think hes long for his job. However, hes just one in a long parade of Administration Appointees for whom the words conflict of interest, ethical violations, breach of the public trust do not seem to enter their minds at all as they brazenly do the things that have come to light regarding scott pruitt. I didnt vote for him, by the way. Do you need to do anything about this, or is this one of these things that on a weekly basis, with someone comes to light and it gets talked about in the ether and a friday afternoon or some time thereafter, scott pruitt disappears . Weve certainly seen enough of this parade of really terrible administrators and secretaries depart, and thats why i think that scott pruitt is not long for his job. And even Chris Christie has said he should never have been put there in the first place. And while he may be doing the bidding of the gas and Oil Interests is, even for them, i would say that maybe this is too much. Well, Jay Michaelson made that point but i dont expect im sorry to interrupt you. But i dont expect it ends with pruitt. There are others. Ryan zinke comes to mind. There are others who have various kinds of ethical and other issues that arise as to them. What do you whether its with ryan zinke and interior or Mick Mulvaney at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or scott pruitt at the epa, there is something similar here. These are people at the heads of agencies there with the intent of essentially dismantling what Many Americans would think those agencies or bodies are there to do. The epa is thought of as an agency that protects us from the excesses of Corporate America that would dirty our water and air if they didnt have regulation. Thats not Scott Pruitts world view. Thats exactly right. And lets add people like betsy devos who doesnt even believe in public education. So i have not voted for very many of President Trumps nominees, because oftentimes, they are opposite to the agencies theyre being asked to run. And its all coming to light. And what im finding particularly telling is how brazen they are for using taxpayer misunderstand for all kinds of personal expenses and furniture and airplane rides and all of that. Its just so brazen that its it makes your head spin. Its a bit strange, though, because its brazen and its obvious. And it would be something that a good chief of staff could explain to you that you shouldnt be doing this stuff. If youre intent is to dismantle Government Agencies or to, you know, to have a big effect on policy, why get in trouble for the kind of stuff that scott pruitt is getting in trouble for . Well, i think that they also take a page from the top and you have a president who lies every single day. You cant even rely upon his pronouncements and positions from one day to the next. And maybe they think that they can get away with this kind of stuff, running their agencies, as long as theyre dismantling the agency, as scott pruitt is doing, as long as zinke is doing what hes doing over there in interior and you name it, i think that one of the telling things about this administration is their behavior that very much runs contrary to the public trust. Senator, always good to talk to you. Thank you for being with us. Thank you. Senator mazie hirono of hawaii. I should tell you, by the way, in this whole thing, the d. C. Department of consumer and Regulatory Affairs has found that the condo that were all talking about does not have a business license to operate as a singlefamily rental. The owner got a notice of infraction and could be fined 2,034, which is a lot of 50 a night nights. Coming up, President Trump speaks about the Stormy Daniels controversy and her lawyer says its only making stormys case stronger. What trump said aboard air force one in two minutes. Its time t aveeno® positively radiant body lotion. With the moisturerich power of soy. It transforms dull, dry skin to leave you glowing. Positively radiant® body collection from aveeno®. But im not standing still. And with godaddy, ive made my ideas real. I made my own way, now its time to make yours. Everything is working, just like it should for the first time, President Trump addressed the Stormy Daniels scandal, telling reporters today on air force one that he had no prior knowledge of the payment his lawyer, Michael Cohen, made to the adult film actress just weeks before the 2016 election. Listen. Did you know about the 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels . No. Then why why did Michael Cohen make this if there was no truth to her allegations . Youll have to ask Michael Cohen. Michaels my attorney and youll have to ask michael. Do you know where he got the money to make that payment . No, i dont know. You obviously cant hear a lot of that, but its important what the president said and why this may have an impact on this whole case. Joining me now is attorney ellie mistel, editor of the above the law blog, and lisa green, an attorney and also the author of on your case a comprehension, compassionate, and only slightly legal guide for every stage of womans life. Thank you, both of you, for being here. Lisa, let me start with you. In fact, let me start with you, but i want to play what Stormy Daniels lawyer, Michael Avenatti said a little earlier to ari melber on the beat about what this means. This is an undisciplined guy who, you know, he just he finally cracked. And we knew he would crack eventually. Weve been patient, ive been waiting, and lo and behold, who would have thought that it would arrived on this thursday, this glorious afternoon here in new york. He felt it was christmas coming early. Tell me why. Tell me for those of us that are not legal minds, what was so significant about what the president said . I think the only thing missing, the bow on the present for Michael Avenatti was if he could have rushed a Court Reporter and a bible and a judge on to that plane and have donald trump repeat that under oath, right . Essentially, what is the president saying . That theres basically no grounds to enforce this contract. If there was no money changing hands, you need a meeting of the minds, its contracts 101. I give you money, you give me cable service. I give you 130,000, you agree not to talk about our night. You know, if there was no understanding on the party to the contract that the money was supposed to change hands, i dont quite know whats left other than just paper and ink. You know, to quote hamilton love that. Ive never seen somebody ruin their own life like trump just did on this plane. The whole point, the whole point Michael Avenattis been trying to make is theres an agreement between Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, not between Stormy Daniels and donald trump. For that to be in agreement, you have to have something called consideration. If i say, heres 10, give me a sandwich, thats a binding contract. If i say, give me a sandwich, thats a gank. I just robbed you. You cant enforce that. All trump had to do was shut up. All he had to do was to not say that. Instead, he has gone on and said that there was no actual contract between because he didnt do he didnt do anything. He didnt give Stormy Daniels anything, so there was no contract between him and Stormy Daniels, which is all Michael Avenatti wanted him to say. But Michael Cohen says something else. His lawyer, these are lawyers of lawyers, he made a statement and in response to what the president said, this is an accurate assessment of the facts. This is exactly what ive been saying ul along. Michael cohen made the payment to protect reputation, family, and business. It had nothing to do with the election. This is from david schwartz, an lawyer for Michael Cohen. This complicates something a little bit more. He now says, a payment to protect reputation, family, and business, but we still dont have a clue as to what the there there is. Im going to go back to the agreement. The most publicized nondisclosure agreement in the history of nondisclosure agreements. If you look at it, although hes under a pseudonym, the president is a party. And to have Michael Cohens lawyer say theres nothing there, does make you wonder. One more wrinkle to the legal analysis is, remember, the president joined a motion to remove the fight over this nda to federal court. If he didnt know about the payment, why is he at the same time joining the battle do you know . This is a very good question. The entire argument here is legally and intellectually incongruous. Right . Hes saying that he wants to enforce an nda that he claims has nothing to do with him. Has nothing to do with him. Michael cohen is saying that he paid hush money on trumps behalf without consulting his client. Look, ive got a lot of good friends. And aint one of them gonna buy me a drink in a bar if im not in a bar, right . Thats just not what happens, right . So what theyre their whole strategy right now seems to be to enforce an agreement that they dont agree exists. Right. It makes no sense. And if you wonder why our Blood Pressure is collectively rising to the point, this is sort of unheard of across the board, in conventional lawyering, right . I was willing to give donald trump and Michael Cohen the benefit of the doubt and say, with you know, what happens thats an enforceable agreement. Maybe it ought to go to arbitration, Stormy Daniels got the money and they had an understanding, but after todays developments, its really hard to make the argument with a straight face that shes required to, what, remain silent about what happened . Oh, shes already talked about that, too. Because now what happens . Because we still have a situation where theres arbitration versus theres courts of law. What does this all amount to . Well, heres the thing, right . Trump still wants to enforce the agreement. So as long as he wants to enforce the agreement, avenatti has an argument to depose him under oath. All avenatti wants at this point is to get trump under oath so trump can lie, so avenatti can say, im the guy that got trump caught up on perjury, right . The other thing that i think we have to consider, and i dont want to sound like a i think we have to consider the fact that at this point, avenatti and daniels have only talked about things that generally we kind of already know. If avenatti is able to get the nda ruled nonenforceable, does he does she have more information about trump that hasnt come out yet, that theyve been holding back you really want to hear more information about trump . You know, it looks like the spanking with the magazine sort of was plenty for you, right . It certainly reads like a form agreement, i think you would agree, if youve had the luxury of having time to read it several times. And of course, the second question i have is, if it was unenforceable as it relates to Stormy Daniels, and if, im speculating, it was ever used with other social friends of donald trump, is it enforceable then . Thats a nice way of putting it. Well have to leave on that note. Good to talk to both of you. Thank you both for being here. All right, coming up, new evidence that Robert Muellers investigation is looking at a previously unknown angle in the russia probe. Ill explain after the break. My name is Cynthia Haynes and i am a senior Public Safety specialist for pg e. My job is to help educate our First Responders on how to deal with natural gas and electric emergencies. Everyday when we go to work we want everyone to work safely and come home safely. I live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. Once i moved here i didnt want to live anywhere else. I love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other peoples lives. Together, were building a better california. Weve got new evidence that Robert Mueller may be pursuing a previously unknown angle in the russia investigation, whether healthy russians whether wealthy russians illegally funneled cash to the president s campaign or his inauguration. Now, according to a new report, muellers team has been questioning russian oligarchs who traveled to the u. S. , stopping at least one and searching his Electronic Devices when his private jet landed at a new york area airport. Now, those details were corroborated by the New York Times, which reports that one such search and seizure took place about four weeks ago, according to cnn. At least two other russian oligarchs have been questioned or asked for an interview with muellers investigators. Harry litman is a former federal prosecutor, now a professor at Ucla Law School and david connor is Washington Bureau chief of mother jones and coauthor of the bestselling book, russian roulette the inside story of putins war on america and the election of donald trump. Thanks to both of you for being with us. David, let me start with you. The significance of this, the idea that you dont get to be an oligarch in russia if youre not tight with putin and probably not if you dont have a business relationship with him. Weve always known, with certain sanctions like the magnitsky act and other things, this is the way to putin, to get to the oligarchs. Well, excuse me, it is. And we talk in the book about how trump connected with one oligarch to do Miss Universe in 2013. And it was through that oligarch that the russian government reached out to the Trump Campaign and offered them dirt on Hillary Clinton. So trump has had a longstanding relationship with certain oligarchs that have been important to him on business and in terms of his political campaign. And the fact now that mueller is looking at whether any russian money flowed into the campaign, into the Trump Campaign or towards the republican party, i think is highly significant and can open up a whole new dimension for the inquiry. And this is important, harry, because that is this doesnt seem to be a fishing expedition. It looks like mueller is looking for something specific. Mcclatchy is reporting whether the fbi investigates whether russian money went to the in nra. Mother jones is reporting that if a Top Executive donated 200,000 to trump. Hes trying to find real connections to the Trump Campaign or ways in which the election would have been influenced . Yes, i agree. So, hes not fishing, but he is casting a wide net. On the one hand, hes looking very discreetly at potential violations of election law by both russians and people in the states. You cant have foreign contributions to an election. It looks like the oligarchs here might have funneled money through think tanks, through possibly the nra, through straw donors. So very specific stuff. But then its generally part of the whole, whole mess of russian money that hes beginning to uncover more and more. Its like, youve seen on tv in tv shows, the index cards on the wall. And i think thats what were sort of having. You know, figures moving east, you know, manafort and the malik and carter page and now figures moving west. Konstantin kilimnik. When they meet in the middle, theres possible conspiracy and possible collusion. David corn, you were working on this before it was a story, before anybody knew it was a thing. You are one of the original journalist who is uncovered the connection between russia and the Trump Campaign. What harry just said, the mess of russian money, whats the distance between there being a mess of russian money and possibly some real intent on the part of putin cronies and oligarchs to influence the outcome of the election and a connection to the Trump Campaign . Okay, we know there was an attack. I dont like to use the word meddling or intervention. We know there was a russian attack on the campaign, right . Thats thats clear. We also know that the Intelligence Community said it was done in part to help trump. So the fact and we also know that trump has relationships with oligarchs and we also know that putin uses oligarchs to do his will around the world. So, it is not a far stretch of the imagination that oligarchs during the campaign or after the election, in terms of the inauguration and the republican party, falling on moscows lead, wanted to support trump in some way or another. And the story that i did last year with dan friedman, we found the cousin of victor vexelberg, a very prominent oligarch who runs a company here in the United States, who is an american, gave 250,000 to trumps inauguration. Why was that unusual . This guy had never given more than 2,000 to anybody else, once to a republican, and twice to democrats. So where does he all of a sudden give this much money to trump . Its worth looking. But Sergei Magnitsky lost his life looking at these types of connections. Its very hard to prove in russia. If its hard to prove in america, its hard to prove in america. So lets say mueller finds out there are these oligarchs like the reporting in mother jones by david that gave money to the campaign or gave money to the nra. Whats the route from a to figuring out whether there was collusion when youre looking at russian oligarchs . Look, we do still have the rule of law and we still we dont expect anybody to take a poison needle. And mueller is being very aggressive here. You think of the oligarchs and their private planes being stupefied when someone comes in with a search warrant and says give me your phone. The immediate route is to try to get someone, especially a straw donor who is an american subject to the jurisdiction of the courts, who can be subject to real criminal penalties and get them to turn. Same thing as youve done with flynn. Same thing as youve done with manaforts partner. And from there, begin to work your way back to the states. And worth noting that there is an exception to for searches that take place at points of entry. You dont need a warrant or probable cause for those searches. I think thats right, a ali, but i think they got one here. Which is that a court did fine out of a surefit of caution, the court did find one. David, thank you both very much. All right, coming up, trump is now calling for more tariffs on china tonight. 100 billion worth, as the tit for tat continues markets are already responding. Are we headed for are we in a fullon trade war . Former u. S. Ambassador to china joins me after this quick break. I have Great Respect for the president of china. President xi. Hes a friend of mine. And im a friend of his. And i like him a lot. But hes representing china and im representing the United States of america and it was time that we did something. Now, that something that trump was talking about doing was potentially starting a trade war between the worlds two biggest economies, after he recently proposed tariffs on chinese goods, china is now threatening tariffs of their own, including on Many American Farm Products from the heart of trump country. And now just moments ago, President Trump firing back yet again, threatening 100 billion in tariffs on chinese goods or tariffs on 100 billion worth of chinese goods. Max baucus, the man you see here, has seen u. S. china trade relations from the inside as a former ambassador to china and a former u. S. Senator. He joins us now. Ambassador baucus, thank you for being with us. You bet. Who wins a trade war . Nobody. Both sides lose in a trade war. Both sides have to pay higher costs. Both sides lose. Both people in china and the people in the United States. I think its important, though, for us to keep in mind that china is a they got a lot of bounce in their step. They think they have the wind at their back. Theyre a very proud country. They think in the longterm. Theyre very patient. Theyve got a plan here. And that plan is to be as strong as they can economically. They put together this china made in china 2025 program and theyre going to do all they can to accomplish that objective. Some of what they do is unfair, and thats what trump is addressing, but i think hes addressing it in the wrong way. China is going to take u. S. Measure. But hes not wrong about that. You would find bipartisan support for the statement that china is not always a fair player. In fact, its often not a fair player. But President Trumps complaint has been that no one has done anything about it. Im not sure thats entirely true. Tell me what you think of that. Well, its weve tried in the past administration, and in the one before that, to address some of these issues. But frankly, china has become much stronger in the last several years. And they are able to push back more easily than they have in the past. Frankly, it is time for us to take chinas measure and to stand up against china. And weve not done that. But its going to take a really strong, thoughtful measure, part of our president , our country to think through a very strong Strategic Policy as we deal with china. All these tariffs arent going to do it. And frankly, i think that china is going is chuckling a little bit now. This extra 100 billion you mention, i think, ironically, it makes us look weak. Trumps shooting from the hip. Its not something thats thought through. China is going to stand up, chinas going to take care of itself. They had 3 billion worth of tariffs when we announced ours against aluminum and steel. Then they announced their 50 when trump announced ours. Trump announced 100 now, theyre going to come back. 24 hours from now, well probably have another announcement. But listen, ambassador, donald trump has not been a fan of these trade deals for decades. We knew that going into it. In the last election, we knew Bernie Sanders wasnt, and eventually Hillary Clinton came around to the idea that she, too, would have walked away from the Transpacific Partnership if she were elected president. The bottom line is, we knew we were getting out of the deal that was probably our best case for standing up to china. It was probably our best opportunity to stand up to chinas growing influence, to be the leader and a participant in the Transpacific Partnership, but we walked away from that opportunity. Yes, we did. It was a big mistake. And i was over there, the most important geopolitical matter to cross my desk was the Transpacific Partnership. I lobbied so hard in favor of that. I came back to washington two months before the election, met with 45 members of congress, republicans, democrats, because i thought it was so important. Huge mistake. Were creating a huge vacuum as a consequence in asia and china is feeling that. Theyre smiling when we dropped off from that. Its a big mistake when we dropped out. All right, what happens next, ambassador . Because we keep talking about provoking a potential trade war. Looks to me like we might be in one, even though none of the ink has dried on any of these proposals. Well, neither country really wants a trade war. China really does not want that, because that harm their economy. We dont want it, its going to harm ours. So during this next 60 days or so, its very important that cooler heads prevail. Its going to cool the rhetoric here, Start Talking and find some way to get some resolution here. But President Trump is correct that we have to find a way to deal with some of these unfair trade practices of china. I think china understands that. And china is going to give in just enough. Thats my experience in dealing with them, just enough to get america off its back. All right, ambassador max baucus, good to see you. Thank you for your time tonight. All right, thank you. Still to come, new reporting that chief of staff john kelly is losing his influence over the president. What trump unleashed looks like, coming up. Does. Aveeno® skin relief. With oat oil and natural shea butter, it softens very dry skin and lasts for 24 hours. Aveeno®. Its a game changer. Racing isnt the only thing on my mind. 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In the meantime, facebook has rewritten its terms of service to better inform people of exactly what data its collecting, which is the wife transparency the leader of apple, tim cook, called for when he sat down with Msnbcs Chris Hayes and kara swisher in chicago last week. Everybody should know what theyre doing. Everybody should know what theyre giving up. And not only the specific data point, but the issue is more of the whole line that people can draw, right . Its the when i know this plus this plus this plus this, i can infer a whole bunch of other things. And that can be abused. And it can be abused against our democracy. It can be abused by an advertiser, as well. To me, its creepy when i look at something and all of a sudden its chasing me all the way across the web. I dont like that. Particularly when i bought it. Right . Thats a good discussion. You can catch more of it, all of it with chris hayes and Kara Swishers town hall with tim cook tomorrow night, 8 00 p. M. , msnbc. 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This week President Trump sent an order to send them to the border speaking in West Virginia the president sounded more like trump the candidate saying the kind of things that often appeal to his base. Meanwhile, the chief of staff john kelly is sidelined with the president increasingly trying to go at it alone. The hill reporting a source in trumps orbit said john is frustrated because his influence is diminished and cant control what the president does. The author columnist for the hill joins us with a republican strategist at usa today White House Reporter for the daily beast. What are you hearing about the influence of john kelly within the white house, the john kelly so many people were relieved to have there because along with Rex Tillerson and mattias and mcmaster, they were going to be the adults in the room that kept the president contained. Thats the thing. Hes not in the room when Big Decisions are being made and he should quit. Hes on his way out. Nobody comes back from this sort of thing and there is great instability in this white house. It is alarming. This is a president who does not wanted a adults in the room. If you look at him like a racehorse where you have a jockey, trainer, professionals, you have a goat in the stable with the race house for the soul purpose of keeping them calm. They are comfort goats. His chief comfort goat hope hicks is gone. Corey is one. He doesnt want the truth. He doesnt wanted a visors. He doesnt want trainers. He doesnt want jockeys. He only wants comfort goats and thats what well get. Thats like a bacon wrapped insult. Without using the term comfort goats, trump suffered fatigue. He was tired of being told no by kelly and has chosen to not tell kelly things at all. Well, trump has actually been expressing that sentiment to aids and confidents for several weeks if not many weeks and months now. Its just that in the past couple of weeks or so, it seemed to be ramping up a bit and not only the president who is getting more frustrated with chief of staff john kelly, its kellys colleagues within the west wing who see that the promise of john kelly and his main selling points to why he should take over after the Reince Priebus area are falling flat right now. John kelly would kill off the palestinian intrigue and put a lit on the chaos and keep people away from the president in the west wing and away from the oval office who more quote unquote serious people did not want near President Trump the chaos is still there and john kelly fired after he got on the job as we in the daily beast reported was back in the dining with President Trump. So all the things that john kelly seemed to be promising with his new era of supposed stability seemed to have not at all come to fruition. Now the issue here, though, is that you may not care about the palace intrigue at the white house and inner workings and whether jared and ivanka like john kelly but we have a brewing trade war with china and spontaneous summit with the forth koreans and russians saying they were invited to a meeting in washington we cant confirm. This is the world at stake, not the white house. Most americans could careless if the white house implodes, its about the white house. Syria, what is the policy in syria . We dont know. The reason we dont know is a short time ago the president apparently in an off the cuff manner said we should get out soon and he gave him a milder version of that and the White House Press secretary came with a statement intended to clarify and didnt clarify anything. You have to think to bring this back to john kelly. What does a retired fourstar marine general think when there are 2,000 american troops in syria and no one really seems to know what the actual policy is. They got conflicting views on this. I guess to your remarkably vivid comfort goats sentiment, the issue here is we kind of need somebody whispering into the president s ear about these various things and the fact we got something going on on the southern border we cant understand, something to keep things straight. What kind of person is that . The president doesnt want to take instructions from people who seem to have a certain amount of selfdiscipline. John kelly, by the way, raised eyebrows whether he is that disciplined guy but the bottom line is what happens next . Axis is reporting this is the most dangerous phase of the presidency from the brewing trade war to north korea, its a worry. Its going to be somebody he doesnt hire. It has to be somebody in congress, the congressional leaders that grow a spine and closer to the midterms, their members and candidates running for reelection have to answer to some of this as they go home and particularly once you get out of primary and no longer playing to the trump base and have to appeal to independents and democrats, they cannot defend this president. It might be somebody from the outside who doesnt really care about getting the approval of trump and who trump didnt hire. Maybe they have to have a come to jesus meeting where a bunch of them go down to the white house. Thats not unprecedented. Im surprised it hasnt happened many, many times before but thats probably the only chance there is of breaking through. It wont be somebody in the white house. What do you think . One of the difficulties is people expect a chief of staff to be able to make donald trump not donald trump. I think thats where expectations get out of whack with john kelly. I think donald trump is particularly adverse to anyone telling him what to do and he will go to any length to prove he cannot be reamed in in that way by anyone. Do you think the elections will have a meaningful impact as we get into it and polling shows up. What changes this trajectory . Well, if the 2018 midterms are a complete wipeout for republicans, i cant think that will change the trajectory for the United States saying Republican Leaders on capitol hill would like it but dig more into the people around me trying to control me and control my message are keeping the make America Great again message shackled. These losers as the president calls them could not. All right. Thanks to the three of you for being here. Thank you for your analysis and your help tonight and that is all in for this evening. New tonight, President Trump breaks his silence on Stormy Daniels and that payment to keep the porn star quiet. The reporter who finally got him to answer the question joins us. And breaking tonight, late developments in the mueller probe. New scrutiny of the president s lawyer, Michael Cohen, and the trump organization. Plus, the hits keep coming for embattled epa chief, scott pruitt. So you might be surprised to hear what the president had in mind for him. A promotion. The 11th hour begins now. Good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. Im Nicole Wallace in for brian

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