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Country . I hope he did write those letters. I hope he does call those Family Members in the coming days. He was wrong to try to make up this just awful lie that President Obama didnt do that. But my concern is more about what it says about future decisions hell make about putting soldiers in harms way. Or point of fact, current kinetic Military Taifd by this nation in places like niger were frankly, senator, i bet if he polled a thousand americans, 999 Couldnt Have told you that the u. S. Had members of the Armed Service theres in harms way in niger. What is going on there . What is striking to me, four americans were killed there, and what do we know about why were there, what the strategy is, what the u. S. Government is doing . Well, listen, to be fair to President Trump, this Counterterrorism Strategy of pushing Special Forces out wherever al qaeda was gaining president talked about at length today, and i want to ask you, because i have you here and youve been very koch vocal on this topic is obamacare. He seemed to talk about destroying it at one point, saying there is no obamacare, and then saying the problems are all due to obamacare. I want you to take a listen to some of his comments and respond if you dont mind. Take a listen. Republicans are meeting with democrats because of what i did with the csr. Because i cut off the gravy train. If i didnt cut the csrs that. Wouldnt be meeting. Theyd be having lunch and enjoying themselves. Theyre right now having Emergency Meetings to get a shortterm fix of health care where premiums dont have to double and triple every year like theyve been doing under obamacare. Because obamacare is finished. Its dead. Its gone. Its no longer you shouldnt even mention. Its gone there is no such thing as obamacare anymore. What does that mean, senator . I have no idea what that means. Well, first of all, the first piece of that sound bite is very clear. What he is telling you is he is intentionally trying to hurt americans, trying to drive the cost of their coverage up or ending their coverage in order to drive republicans and democrats to the negotiating table. First of all. Thats ridiculous. Second, he is kind of right that there is no clear part of the American Health care system that is obamacare any longer, because the Affordable Care act is now wrapped inside of the American Health care system. So when he thinks that he is sabotaging the Affordable Care act, or what he thinks is obamacare, he is really sabotaging the entire American Health care system. When he pulls these Cost Sharing Reduction Payments for the Insurance Companies, its not just that those people lose insurance or have their premiums go up. Everybody elses premiums go up because the Insurance Companies spread it out to everybody else. I guess he is kind of right that he attacking the whole Health Care System and not just obamacare. Thanks for your time tonight. Thanks. I want to read you the white house response to the back and forth, particularly after your former colleague had that to say about the president. They say the president wasnt criticizing predecessors but stating a fact. When american heroes make the ultimate sacrifice, president s pay their respects. Sometimes they call. Sometimes they send a letter. Other times they have the opportunity to meet individuals in person. Individuals claiming their bosses called each family of the fallen are mistaken. Alissa never made that claim. What do you make of that . There. You have a statement from a white house official who says something quite a bit different than what President Trump said today. And the truth is when youre the president of the United States, one of the things that you feel is a grave responsibility for the millions of americans who have signed up to serve and sacrifice for this country. And the thing that is painfully obvious about President Trumps remarks today is he doesnt seem to understand, or at least feel the weight of the responsibility that he has as our commander in chief. If he just spent half of the time that he dedicates to trying to convince the flab he cares for our troops with actually caring for our troops, then our troops would be better off, and i think wed all feel a lot better about President Trumps capability and capacity to effectively and responsibly manage the United States military. It also just it seems to me there is a requirement to for an address on what they were doing, what the circumstances were under which they were killed. The whole the idea that the president who speaks about everything from which espn commentator should be sanctioned to who is going to run in 2020 to the dow. Talk about everything and not talk about this, its just a bizarre, bizarro mission in the first place. Chris, you alluded to it in your conversation with senator murphy. The president has time and time again deem stlatd he is not really comfortable assuming the responsibility of making these lifeanddeath decisions that were expecting our Commander In Chief to make. He has regularly put his generals in a position where if something goes south, they will take the blame. But if something goes well, then President Trump is certainly the one that is eager to step forward and take all the credit. Thats not what we expect from a leader. I was with President Obama on a number of occasions which he paid his respects to fallen soldiers. And one example i can think of is when President Obama used to go to Arlington National cemetery on veterans day. One of the things that he would do after delivering his speech there and after laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknowned soldier, he would make an unannounced visit to section 60. This is the part of the cemetery where the remains of those essentially 9 11 generation veterans are laid to rest. And President Obama would go there in private. He would often go with the first lady. I even got criticism and complaints from white house reporters who wanted to cover the president making that visit. And, chris, i use this example not to portray President Obama as a martyr, but actually to portray, like president george w. Bush, as somebody who felt the weight of responsibility that the Commander In Chief bears. And like i said, President Trump doesnt behave in that way at all. I thought it what was interesting was the casualness with which this president characterized the actions of his predecessors. And he has gone to when a u. S. Service member was killed in yemen in a raid very early in his tenure, i know that he was there. I know he has contacted an gone to walder reed. I was the contention he made today standing in front of the cameras as if everyone who came before him was very casual about the whole thing. Yeah. I mean, this is sort of the latest iteration of what it is about him to try to defend something President Trump has done that often is in itself indefensible. And to fail to acknowledge the enormous sacrifice that those four brave men made in africa is indefensible. And frankly, it would have been much better for President Trump to say i regret i havent said something publicly about this, or to be forthright and say look, i dont talk about this publicly, but the fact of the mattersy wrote them a letter last weekend. I doubt that fact. But he said it will probably be going out tonight, which i thought is a little bit of a tell, if youve had experience watching the president. Josh earnest, good to have you. Thank you, chris. Lynn sweets covered multiple president s, the Washington Bureau chief of the chicago times. Michael steele of formerly of the Republican National committee. What are you saying . How did you react having been in many of those Press Conferences with many different president s dealing with in this long period of war, the longest period of war in the nations history, people talking about this. What was your reaction to it . I was there when he was telling this, this story. First of all, he is mailing a letter tonight. He is mailing it tomorrow. But then when he couldnt resist taking a jab at President Obama, thats when i thought is there no situation, mr. President , where you cannot resist taking a jab at obama . Were talking about four soldiers killed in action. All that was asked is are you going to send some kind of condolences to these families. And as you and josh pointed out, all he had to say is i am. It isnt unreasonable to say i wanted to give them a little time, if thats what he wanted to do. But once he started doing these comparisons that he had no fact basis on, and i applaud nbcs Peter Alexander for getting in that followup question. Because it was pretty chaotic at that Press Conference. Yeah. To trumps credit, he took a lot of questions. And he didnt have it rigged as to who would ask questions. He could just yell it out, which i did, for a question i had. But peter asked the question in a perfect way, where he trump ended up saying he kind of knew, he didnt know. Maybe someone told him. A general told him. He was disassembling. And i know you have gone through this a lot. And i know there is a lot of things where you talk about fact checks and the president. But on this one, chris, were talking about people who soldiers who were killed, and giving some comfort to the families as the president of the United States, as the Commander In Chief. And this dissembling is something that struck me as something i had never, ever seen before. And something this serious. Michael, your reaction. Its the same. Its stunning. It is inexcusable in many respects. I watch that as the president was going there. And something struck me was that he didnt he didnt want to get caught flatfooted with the answer i havent responded. Right. And thats what this was all about. Thats right. He had not responded to these families. And probably, you know, someone came in and said you really do need to do this. And never thought hed be asked about it. And when he was, he got caught flatfooted. So the default position was, well, obama, well, you know, he never did this. Im the first president really to do this. And thus it begins. And that is the m. O. Here when he gets caught, with that light on him, and he doesnt have the correct answer, which is the honest answer, i have not responded yet. He could have very easily said, you know, i wanted to give the family some time. This is bad enough pressure on them, et cetera, et cetera. But that was not the default for him. Lynn, what did you make of that Press Conference more broadly . You just mentioned it was chaotic. And watching it at home, it seemed kind of bonkers. Just lots of yelling out. And it seemed to kind of go off the rails. He seemed also to want to stay gallup as long as he could. Mcconnell was kind of standing there squarejawed. What did you make of it . Well, again. I applaud that the president stayed there for 40 minutes. Chris, i came from chicago, city hall, a lot of yelling to get your question answered. And thats what we did, because the system wasnt rigged as to who was going to have questions asked. On that applauded. Yeah, i like the victim too. But from the looks of the public, aside from the very serious question of not talking, his answer to the question about the families of the soldiers who were killed, we got a lot of topics covered. And there is time for followup. And mcconnell weighed in. And we went through a lot of stuff there. But, yes, it was more informal and maybe kind of reminiscent of the rough and tumble of how i came up. But he stood there and took it. And when you heard all that yelling, its because we were assembled without chairs. I dont know if you had shots of how we were. You had to yell because there was no other way for him to figure out who he had a question. Waving your hands. He didnt know who a lot of the people were. So he was pointing. And in that way, it was perhaps a good way where the press had a chance just to ask whatever they wanted of the president and have enough time to take in i would think if we went through it, at least 10 to 14 topics. Michael, finely, one of the things, the juxtaposition today is the president talking about players kneeling for anthem. It sort of struck me this perfect juxtaposition of a lot of what has happened and the way this country thinks about war in the last 16 years. This abstraction of the flag and the troops. I understand at the same time there are four Service Members actually killed in a battle in a place that most americans couldnt tell you we were engaged. And that preference for the abstraction and the symbolism over the actual conversation over where the u. S. Is fighting its wars. Yeah. It is stunning the sort of dichotomy there, the two views of the same symbol, if you will. And in the fact that this administration with respect to those four servicemen, there may be very quiet operations on the ground there. We dont know what all of that is. And, okay, i guess that. But when you do have something that occurs like the death of these four soldiers, it does bring into stark relief exactly what that flag is all about. And more importantly, what our mission. And i think there is very little that people know than at this point. And that is equally disturbing for a lot of americans out there. The administration i think is still trying to figure its way out. The president , again, goes to the default conversation which is oh, kneeling before the flag is horrendous. Tell us about fighting in niger. Elevate that up to what are we doing in niger at the moment. Tell us why were fighting in niger. Lynn sweet and michael steele, thank you for being here. Thank you, chris. Next in two hours during two events, President Trump managed to take two different sides in the raging republican civil war. The ever widening gap between the trump promises and the trump presidency, in two minutes. The classes, the friends, the independence. And since we planned for it, that student debt is the one experience, im glad shell miss when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. Ameriprise weekends. The president and Senate Majority leader pledged well, if not their undying affection, at least their acquaintanceship this afternoon. Former chief strategist steve bannon declared, quote, a season of war against the gop establishment. Just hours after the president all but took bannons side. I have great relationships with actually many senators. But in particular, with most republican senators. But were not getting the job done. And im not going to blame myself. Ill be honest. They are not getting the job done. Todays rose garden event was an attempt to reboot a legislative agenda that has been by any standard a failure. Over the weekend, peter baker wrote about the gap between donald trump and his actual policies. Apparently the president did not enjoy bakers reporting, calling him out on twitter. Quote, the failing New York Times story by peter baker should have mentioned the rapid terminations of me of tpp and the paris accord. And peter baker joins me now. Well, peter, someone said today eli stokols said the whole day felt like a rebuttal to the peter baker column. Did you take it that way . No. I think hes got more things to think about than that. Well, youd be surprised. Maybe so. He had a reaction to the story, and thats fine. Its fair. Actually thought his tweet was perfectly reasonable and civil. I have no kind of problem with feedback if he wants to talk about it, i would talk about with it with him. The point is to look at big ticket items and how the talk is more expansive than the actual actions. Sometimes its because congress hasnt gone as far as he would like on health care, for instance. Sometimes he is talked out of going further like on the iran deal. Both of those things happened on friday. Well talked a lot about those. That is what the story was focusing on. It wasnt meant to be a review of his entire recognize. One is the legislative agenda. I want to talk about that first. Today is the goal is to come out hey, were buddies. Two hours later, im kind of with bannon in the civil war. But reality from everyone i know on the hill and the people that i talk to there and other reporters is that the white house and capitol hill are not at all in sync. No, theyre not. And this is an attempt to show it obviously. But think about what weve seen in the last couple of weeks. Two weeks ago we saw the Secretary Of State come out that he felt compelled to deny that he was going to resign. A week ago we had the white house staff come out and deny he was going to resign. Today the Senate Majority leader come out and deny that he and the president of the same party are not friends. I mean, really seeing a lot of effort here to smooth over whats been a lot of destructive internal friction here within the white house, within the administration, and within the republican caucus. The fact that theyre doing this in public does not mean that that friction has gone away there is obviously a lot of angst on the hill. A lot of republicans who dont know whether to believe what steve bannon said yesterday or whether to believe what President Trump said today about where things are going in the next year, by the way, steve bannon was called for using the Julius Caesar metaphor. He called for a brutus to go after mitch mcconnell. That sort of literary appeal to assassination. I know he meant it metaphorically. When the president gets asked about id today, he says theyre not getting the job done. And then comes out two hours later. That point you have to think the appearance of mcconnell is not fooling everyone. Everyone on capitol hill watches what is going on. Yeah. Republican senators understand exactly what is happening. And look, they understand the civil war just like anybody. Theyre looking back at their own states. Theyre worrying about primaries. Theyre thinking about where they might be vulnerable. And, look, when bob corker comes out and says the things that he says, its interesting that most of the other senators didnt necessarily come out. Its not that they dont agree with him. I think a lot of them do. Even steve bannon said they do. Theyre afraid of saying it outloud. They dont want the civil war to erupt even further than it already is. They dont want to be luther strange. They dont want to lose a primary in their own state. Its is increasingly the archetypal dysfunctional family gathered at thanksgiving. Thank you. Thank you. The president gets Pious In Public and mox prayer Behind Closed Doors. What the president has been saying about Vice President pence behind his back, coming up. And if you want to see what was going on behind my back, were Live Streaming from the studio all show, even through commercials. Visit the show now and tell whats you think. Aggressive styling, so you can break away from everyone else. The bold lexus is. Experience amazing. So we know how to cover almost almoanything. Hing even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum our guests can earn a free night when they book at choicehotels. Com and stay with us just two times . Fall time. Badda book. Badda boom. Pumpkin spice cookie . Im good. Book now at choicehotels. Com Donald Trumps obvious pandering to religious people during the campaign, his manifest lack of knowledge was at times so columns circumstances it was downright comical. 2 corinthians, 3 17. Thats the whole ball game. That the one . Is that the one you like . Im wondering what one or two of your most favored bible verses are. I wouldnt want to get into it. Because to me, thats very personal. The bible means a lot to me. But i dont want to get into specifics. When i drink my little wine, which is about the only wine i really drink and have my little cracker, i guess thats a form of asking for forgiveness. I do that as often as possible, because i feel cleansed, okay . It was evident to pretty much anyone paying attention that this profane lies the married seemingly biblical ill let rat candidate was not a religious guy. But four out of five evangelicals voted for him anyway. On friday the president became the first president to speak at the Valley Summit where he pandered to americas belief. American is a country of believers. And together we are strengthened and sustained by the power of prayer. In America We Dont Worship government. We worship god. [ cheering ] big applause. Thats what President Trump says publicly when he is in a room full of evangelicals. But what does he say privately when it comes to his evangelical Vice President , his propensity for prayer . A new report in new yorker magazine has some amazing quotes that tell us how trump reportedly really feels, next. Statins lower cholesterol, hi leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. A personalized Financial Strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. Hi guys aw yeah see how access to j. P. Morgan Investment Expertise can help you. Chase. Make more of whats yours. At the value voters summit on friday, President Trump cast himself as a Pious Man Casting Fealty to the power of prayer. But the new yorker citing a Campaign Staffer says Behind Closed Doors trump had a habit of mocking mike pences religiosity. When people met with people stopping by pences office, he would ask them did mike make you pray . He needled the socially conservative pence over his hard line stances on abortion and homosexuality. When it turned towards Gay Rights Trump Motioned towards pence and said dont ask that guy, he wants to hang them all. Saying its filled with unsubstantiated claims that are untrue and offensive, though it did not dispute any of the specific claims. I am joined by ben how of red state. Ben, there is just something so remarkable about the juxtaposition. Weve been watch donald trump before talk about the power of prayer when i feel like we all know where this guy is in terms of his own personal devotion. Well, you know, he has shown over and over again that he will shift based on whatever audience he is talking. To ive said before i feel like he is just selling trump stakes everywhere he goes. And i think thats basically what he does here. He comes up with techniques based on what he thinks is going to indicator to a particular audience. Unfortunately a lot of evangelicals buy into it. They accept what he is saying as an accurate portrayal of his inner beliefs. Im not going to pass judgment on his faith. If he says he is a christian, ill believe it. But i will say a lot of people had a lot more distrust of barack obama saying he was a christian when he said he was when he showed far more of a christian attitude in his public speaking and how he dealt with people than donald trump ever has. Here is my question about folks. Religious evangelicals. There is two ways you can read this. One is folks know that the guy is not, you know he is not pious in the way they are. He doesnt have their value structure. He doesnt have their behavioral structure, their devotion. But look, thats the person were in coalition with. There are certain things we want, whether its Supreme Court justices. And this is simply a marriage of convenience. Or there is also the idea that it works. That the sales job somehow works, despite what to me reads as just like obviously pandering condescension. Well, look, i think that in some ways a lot of christians look at this as an alliance. They say they dont theyre not really concerned about whether or not he is pious. He can say with a he wants to whenever he is giving a speech. And if he says something look li like, theyll cheer for that. The main thing is he going to put something on the Supreme Court that is going to be prolife. What laws supported to gay marriage, things like that. I think thats really a doomed way of looking at things. If youre a christian, then youre supposed to believe that the right way to do things is to be a christian. Th and if you align yourself with somebody who uses christianity as a tool to achieve his ends, i think that youre aligning yourself with exactly what you were warned about in the bible to be afraid of. You know, this quote about pences prayer and the one about he wants to hang all the gay people, which is an offensive joke because its offensive joke to joke about hanging people. Yeah. And thats a gross joke. But its also struck me as 805 to pence. Its a few of peoples religiosity as essentially a punish line and ridiculous, that people that have the Belief System that mike pence says he has are essentially like barbarian neanderthal rubes. Well, he is playing the caricature. He is calling pence the caricature that a lot of christians reject. Plenty of christians say look, we have our positions on homosexuality, or we have our positions on abortion. But were not barbarians like youre saying. And he is essentially saying yes, you. And he is saying it to his own Vice President. But what is interesting its more of that you know you were just talking about this a moment ago. About how we can seattle. We can see how he is. In all of his interacts before he was president , when he was running for president , this man is a bully. He pushes people around. He pushes buttons. He says things that he he knows are going to be outlandish, and he does it to his own Vice President. He is like a child in the white house poking fun at the Vice President while there are serious issues he should be thinking about. Ben howe, thanks for being with me tonight. Thank you. Still to come, President Trump was served a subpoena for any documents from his campaign that relate to allegations of sexual misconduct. What happens next, ahead. And tonights thing 1, thing 2 starts right after this. If you have moderate to severe Plaque Psoriasis,. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness,. 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Occasionally west wing reads will highlight an actual news article which tend to be far more editorial and neutral. So it was a bit unusual when todays west wing reads started by siting the Washington Examiner economics reporter joseph waller. Quote, Corporate Tax cut will provide huge boost to wages. If that quote seems unusually editorial for a beat reporter, even at a conservative paper, thats because its not his quote. Its a headline and is missing three words of attribution, White House Study. Thats thing 2 in 60 seconds. Because each day she chooses to take the stairs. At work, at home. Even on the escalator. That can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. Scholls orthotics. Clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. So keep on climbing, sarah. Youre killing it. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Your kids go to college and you start trading. 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His article doesnt say that a Corporate Tax cut will provide a huge boost to wages. It says that a White House Study says a Corporate Tax cut will provide huge boost to wages. And while the article begins by saying President Trumps goal of lowering the Corporate Tax rate will boost the average familys income by 4,000 to 9,000 each year, the rest of that sentence reads, according to a new analysis released monday by his new economic adviser. Which means the white house released a selfserving study and then tried to attribute its findings to a report theyre wrote it up. We look forward next week to find out the west wing is just reading a string of Donald Trumps own tweets. S time to wa. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . Dealership has Great Customer service. muffled voice . And has great deals . And has. Complimentary donuts. Thats the one cars. Com. Over 5 million expert and user reviews. Donald Trumps Campaign has been subpoenaed for records about the president s Sexual Harassment of women. A former contestant on The Apprentice last year accused the president of kissing and groping her without her consent. He called the accusations lies, and zervos sued for defamation. The subpoena comes as part of that defamation suit. Today the president was asked about the subpoena, and here was his response. All i can say is its totally fake news. Just fake. Its fake. Its made up stuff. And its disgraceful what happens. But that happens in the world of politics. Remember, he is not being sued over the sexual allegations themselves. He is being sued for calling a zervos a liar, which he essentially just did again. But what matter news is not so much the president s response for the microphones. Its the way he and his legal team respond in court. The subpoena is one that cant be ignored because it is not fake news. More than a dozen women have accused donald trump of assault and harassment. What lies ahead for president and the buzzfeed reporter who broke this story, next. You nervous . Proven blood sugar control all day and all night, and significant a1c reduction. Toujeo® is used to control High Blood Sugar in adults with diabetes. It contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. Dont use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar or if youre allergic to insulin. Get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash or trouble breathing. Dont reuse needles or share insulin pens. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life threatening. It may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. Check your Blood Sugar Levels daily. Injection site reactions may occur. 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He then grabbed my shoulder and began kissing me again very aggressively and placed his hand on my breast. I pulled back and walked to another part of the room. He put me in an embrace and i tried to push him away. I pushed his chest to put space between us and i said, come on, man, get real. He repeated my words back to me, get real as he began thrusting his genitals. That was summer zervos, a former apprentice contestant last year. She like a number of women came forward in which donald trump admitted sexually assaulting women. He called the allegations a lie and she sued for defamation. She has subpoenaed, quote, all documents from his campaign pertaining to any woman alleging that donald j. Trump touched her inappropriately. The subpoena is going through the courts. News of the subpoena comes days after a series of horrifying stories alleging decades of Sexual Assault, harassment and rape by harvey weinstein. Its prompted widespread discussions of Assault Women face and in some cases the kinds of assault of which the president has been accused. Jessica garrett has published this and, jessica, how serious is the legal threat here to the president and his campaign . I mean, i think thats the 64,000 question. She sued him for defamation. As part of that suit she filed a subpoena, her lawyers did, on his campaign seeking, as you said, all documents pertaining to any incident. And that subpoena did not initially appear in the court file because it was served own the Trump Campaign but it made its way in the file in september as part of wrangling over the suit itself. So i think the question you know, the Trump Campaign has until october 31st to file their response. At some point after that there will be a decision whether the suit goes forward. Thats the point at which well find out whether this discovery is going to be turned over. There is some precedent here. Paula jones suit was allowed to go forward during the clinton years. Correct. Which is important precedent. One of the connections here to weinstein is the way in which the response to the women is attacking them. In 2015 the first time the weinstein allegations became public and when the model mattress accused him. Immediately you saw stories attempting to discredit her. Shes made other allegations. It seems to me this is part. M. O. The threat of that is what kept weinsteins secrets for so long. Absolutely. Thats how the power dynamics work. Theyre not about sex, theyre about power abuses. It wouldnt Sexual Harassment and sexual power abuses wouldnt happen if they didnt have the power to suppress, hire, fire, make or break the working lives of the women when were talking about this in a professional context, thats one of the things that is in question as well as physical power. The fact that women are not believed, that theyre shamed, that theyre made out to be untrustworthy, crazy, vindictive, have axes to grind, thats part of the threat. And the fact that they should feel ashamed. All of these things are part of what works to make Sexual Harassment and assault possible. You had this incredible story that you wrote about, a small sort of window into the power that weinstein had in which you were a cub reporter basically and had a run in with him. I was a young reporter working on my first story. It was not an incidence of sexual power abuse. I interviewed him totally legitimately and he screamed at me, things i cant say on the air, you know, called me the c word and pushed me and just you know, screamed at me in public. I was there with a colleague. He took him out and put him in a headlock. It was an incredible in front of a ton of reporters. In front of a ton of reporters and photographers. Though that incident was reported on, it was reported i was the aggressor. You were the crazy one. I was the crazy one, i burst into his party. No pictures were published. He was a powerful man. The way the president dealt with this, these women are lying. He threatened a lawsuit which is another tactic that weve seen used very effectively. He threatened to sue the New York Times. That was never borne out. Correct. And i think, you know, its interesting because another story that we did this weekend was to go back and talk to many of the women. Great piece by the way. Who came forward, thank you, after trump. Almost to a person they said, im really happy to see that mr. Weinsteins been fired, but i cant help feel a little bitter sweet about it because, you know, nobody believed us or not enough people believed us. And i think that a lot i think a lot of people thought that was a very poignant reaction. One woman even told us, maybe if i had been a celebrity they would have believed me. Theres a similar oh. Go ahead. It reminds me of a story that i believe was in pro publica who spoke about arnold schwarzeneggers groping them. Thats one of the things thats so painful about this moment and that i worry about with the weinstein outrage. You and i sat at this table a year ago. There was outrage about what donald trump did. Kelly oxford had that twitter hashtag where women named their first Sexual Assault or sexual abuses that they experienced. There was tremendous outrage. It was a traumatic event. A male senator told me he had no idea his wife had been harassed or groped. We had what should have been the educational moment of mass reaction. Great point. And we had an opportunity there. There was a mechanism by which donald trump could have not been elected president , but he was. And i think that that and its strange because he lost the vote, right . 3 million more people voted for his opponent, and yet hes still the president and it contributes to this feeling of these powerful forces at work against

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