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Casualties. There has, in fact, been a surge in reported civilian casualties in the u. S. Air campaign against the socalled islamic state. And under trump, a massive increase in u. S. Drone strikes, more broadly, almost one every two days according to the council on u. S. Foreign relations. Today, tragically, marked the third time this month a u. S. Led air strike may have killed civilians or even our allies, with 18 syrian fighters alied with the u. S. Killed in a Coalition Air strike in syria. The pentagon blamed partner forces. That news comes on the heels of last weeks air strike in syria and now today the decision to launch the mother of all bombs. And we are just 84 days into the Trump Administration. Im joined by Steve Schmidt larry corb. Larry, im going to go to you first because there is a very strange donald trump relationship to the military. He claimed during the came papa that you knew more about the generals, that he was smarter about isis, now hes in office hes outsourced everything to them. What do you make of that contact. President trump is going to have it both ways. Hes outsourcing to them and if something goes wrong, he will blame them. And hes also making a very tragic mistake as you pointed out here with the number of civilian casualties. Thats why you need a civilian to oversee what the military wants. I dont blame the military. I remember when i used to fly for the navy, youd want to, you know, go after the enemy. Youve got to have somebody who looks at the civilian casualties. For him to say he did not know about dropping this socalled mother of all bombs, basically if i can paraphrase general mcmasters book, thats a dereliction of duty. The first time you drop that bomb, the president s got to be involved. Steve, im not sure which would be worse, if he didnt know about it at all and just outsourced and let them do it, or if he knew about it and wont very clear that he was going to step up militarily the pressure against isis, and isis is a deadly foe, dangerous. Theres no room for negotiation here. They need to be destroyed, and i think you see an increasing tempo of strikes in order to do that. Its interesting you mentioned a red line because it seems that the administration was trying to establish two red lines at once. We have the one to steves point, larry, against isis. But then you have this second one against north korea, which we know is going to apparently do some sort of demonstration against themselves. This is leon panetta on hardball, talking about the seeming other kind of threat that donald trump is sort of vaguely making that if china cant handle north korea, we would somehow do it. This is leon panetta earlier tonight. The fact is were dealing with a nuclearpowered nation. If we were to try to attack them, they would virtually wipe out seoul and 20 Million People who live in seoul. And if it became a nuclear war, which is likely, millions of lives would be lost. And thats the reason we havent pulled the trigger. The fact is weve used both containment and deterrence as a princil licy here. I think frankly in the end, thats what were left with whether we like it or not. And frankly it was containment and deterrence that ultimately resulted in the soviet union selfdestru selfdestructing. Larry, you worked in the reagan administration. That was reagans doctrine, containment. Can donald trump successfully maintain this hyperaggressive posture against north korea and this red line against isis at the same time . You hope so because they are totally different. North korea as Secretary Panetta said, they have artillery 20 to 30 miles from seoul, and they could literally, you know, with these thousands of Artillery Strikes wipe out 20 Million People. Thats without even using their some of what trump is doing is trying to get the approval that he gets from using the military, the sort of love from the media he gets, the sort of respite from the ridicule and attacks on his other aspects of his agenda by using the military sort of as a way to boost himself . So i think we saw during the campaign is that donald trump has this remarkable intuition, this native intelligence almost on how to please the crowd, how to get the applause. I think its innate to who he is as a marketer, as a communicator. We live in an era where trust in Public Institutions in this country has completely collapsed across the board. I think its one of the defining crises in america of our time with one exception, and thats the United States military, which has risen in the eyes of the American People. And i think from my perspective, you look at someone who has the radical world view of a steve bannon, the antagonism to the u. S. Led liberal, global order that president s from truman through obama, whether they were republicans or democrats all bought irninto. I think people like mcmaster, mattis, extremely well read, prepared. As Douglas Macarthur pointed out in his farewell address, its the soldier who hates war more than others because hes seen the terrible cost of it. Im reassured by the presence of these mainstream figures around donald trump. Mcmaster, mattis, and donald trump is right. The United States military is one of the most remarkable institutions in the world. Its hypercompetent. Its efficient, and i think that he likes the glow being associated with it that it gives him. Yeah. I think the concern that a lot of people have, though, of course is that we have a civilianled government, and donald trump has put together almost an aware of military leaders and has essentially said theyre running things. And you should be reassured by them, not by the president of the United States. I thk thats disturbing to a lot of people. Thank you both thank you. Coming up, having rekdled his interest in repealing and replacing obamace, donald trump has come out with a new tactic, threatening to sabotage obamacare and leave millions of americans holding the bag. How democrats are fighting back after this twominute break. H y. Try new Flonase Sensimist instead of Allergy Pills. H y. Its more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most Allergy Pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist how to win at business. Step one point decisively with the arm of your glasses. Abracadabra. The stage is yours. Step two choose la quinta. The only hotel where you can redeem Loyalty Points for a free nightinstantly and win at business. Quite, obamacare is dead next month if it doesnt get that money. I havent made my viewpoint clear yet. I dont want people to get hurt. What i think should happen and what will happen is the democrats will start calling me and negotiating. Democrats are countering, however, with some threats of their own. Accords to the washington post, Democratic Leaders determined to use their leverage in the upcoming fight to force the Trump Administration to make the payments. The president s handling of the First Health Care bill has been the only thing so far to have a real impact on his Approval Rating and not in a good way. Now hes going back for more and hes threatening to drag the rest of his party down with him. With congress on recess, town halls are back in full swing. Just like last time, health care is at the top of the agenda. I talkedo hlth Insurance Companies,which, by the way, we only have one in the state that will write these policies. One. If you live in eastern tennessee, you dont have anybody. Most states right now have one. Im a registered republican in your house district. Im sorry to say i was shocked that you declared your intention to vote for the American Health care reform act, the socalled trumcare bill and to replace the Affordable Care act or obama care. Thats not the way we do things here in colorado. Its sad to see these premium increases that are going up. Were living rite now under obamacare. Its the law of the land. Its the law of the land, and you can thank obamacare you can thank obamacare for these huge [ Audience Shouting ] thats why we need to repeal and replace obamacare. Sit down with the democrats and fix the affordable care act. [ cheers and applause ] i want this repeal crap to stop. [ cheers and applause ] im joined now by senator brian schatz, democrat from hawaii. Senator, you know its been interesting. You look at the town halls and you see that people are showing up clearly angry and terrified frankly that theyre going to lose their health care. On the other hand, you have people like congressman dave bratt. I believe hes from washington state, who is positively giddy about the idea of repealing the Affordable Care act, saying its a conservative principle. 50 laboratories, 50 experiments going on simultaneously. You can see what works and what doesnt work. Hes talking about ending community rating, ending the requirement that states that Insurance Companies have to not charge older people more than they charge younger people, ending those requirements in the packages. I dont understand what republicans think people want, but do you detect any desire out there to go back to that old system . Well, i think that they spent so much time using obamacare as a foil, that they forgot to formulate a policy. So here they are in charge of both chambers, in charge of the executive branch, and it all fell apart really quickly. Actually without our intervention as democrats. We didnt have the votes to intervene. They didnt approach us to intervene, and yet it all collapsed within because they were lying for the last seven years. The truth is that what donald trump and many other republicans said for many, many election cycles is you could get rid of the bad stuff and keep all the good stuff. But the truth is that to the extent that the bad stuff is revenue, you need that revenue for taking care of people with preexisting conditions, for community rating, for people being able to stay on their parents plans until theyre 26 years old. So all of the things all of the protections in the Affordable Care act had to be arranged by virtue of revenue and by virtue of regulations. And now that they dont have President Obama as a foil, this thing fell apart, and it fell apart quickly. So you still have 20 or 30 members of the house who are so ideological that theyre willing to inflict pain on their constituents, but the rest of them are just running scared, trying how to figure out how to fulfill a Campaign Promise that nobody wants them to fulfill anymore. You know, youve had now senator ron widen come out and say were not going to negotiate with hostage takers. That was the quote in the washington post. Ron wyden saying not going to negotiate with trump if hes trying to take hostages. But Behind The Scenes, would democrats cut a deal with the white house if trump dropped repeal and said, okay, lets do an obamacare fix instead and call that trumpcare . You think democrats would go for that . Its a good question. I think theres two things. First of all, to the extent that donald trump is threatening to withhold money from Insurance Companies which will harm individuals across the country, which will make hospitals and Hospital Systems fall apart, if his threat is essentially, im going to inflict pain on people and destroy the American Health care system, or ill do it with you, were not going to negotiate under any circumstances like that. Now, what we have said all along is if they officially drop their proposals to destroy the Affordable Care act and we talk about Iterating Legislation and working on a bipartisan basis, Everybody Knows Aca Doesnt Work perfectly. But everybody also knows that for any major social legislation, that you iterate it over years, whether its the Social Security act, the medicare act, whatever it may be, the clean air, the clean water act. You have updates to that law. This is one of the very few major social changes that had no updates into the statute, which is why its a little clunky. If they want to get back to legislating in good faith, we are more than open to that. But they have to drop repeal from their vocabulary. And how far are democrats willing to go . If donald trump withdraws from this was essentially a lawsuit that the House Republicans brought, saying that the subsidies to these Insurance Companies were unconstitutional. At the moment, its on appeal. Trump could just say, were not going to fight it anymore. Were just going to stop paying. How far would democrats go . Would they allow those subsidies to go away in order to stand to this position of not participating in repeal . Look, this is Donald Trumps decision. I think hes threatening the American People. I think hes also threatening the legislative branch. One thing that he hasnt figured out is that legislators dont like to be bullied. You know, hes not in real estate anymore. Hes sort of trying to treat members of the United States senate, who are former governors and admirals and astronauts and, you know, tv stars, and people with substantial egos and substantial support in their home states. They cannot be bullied. They will not be bullied, and this idea that you can sort of treat members of congress, a coequal branch of government, as though were sort of a subcontractor in a real estate deal that he wants to stiff, its one of the reasons that hes been such a failure so far as a president , is he doesnt understand that we have three coequal branches of government and that the legislature the legislative branch is not going to be shoved around. So especially on this, were not gointo allow him to hold the erican people, the American Health care system hostage and negotiate under those terms. Now, if he wants to improve the Affordable Care act, were all in. Yep. It is a coequal branch of government. I think donald trump might be learning some civics 101 in his 84 days as president. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Thank you. Lets bring in Jonathan Cohn who covers health care for the huffington post. Jonathan, i think that last point is very important. You have senators who have their own egos. They have their own power bases. Its not as if theyre going to respond to bullying. But more than that, they couldnt get blamed according to the new polling if health care goes awry. Its not democrats who would take the blame. It would be donald trump and republicans. Kaiser health did a poll. 61 say the president and republicans in congress are now in control of the government. Theyre responsible for any problems with it moving forward. I dont understand the politics of threatening to take away subsidies for millions and millions of people when they would get blamed for the, you know, pain that results. Do you understand the politics on the republican side . No. This is one of the most baffling political moves i have seen in a long time. I mean you said you cited that kaiser poll. There have been other polls. It is very clear that, you know, if the Health Insurance system suddenly unravels for millions of people, theyre going to blame the people in charge. Theyre going to blame the Trump Administration. Now, if you listen to trump, who has this weird tick where he likes to tell you what his maneuvers are, like in realtime. Like heres what im trying to do. So his theory is basically, look, im going to threaten to withhold this money and cause all these problems for millions of people, and democrats will be so upset about that. You know, Chuck Schumer is going to be on the phone with me saying, please, president trump, lets make a deal. That makes no sense because the alternative that trump is offering is basically to take insurance away from even more people. So, you know, hes basically saying, look, if you dont agree to take im going to take away insurance from several Million People unless you agree to work with me on taking insurance away from even more people. It just doesnt im honestly baffled why he thinks this is going to work. And do you think that the fact that its democrats that hes threatening and not his own party is sort of a tacit admission that he cant get a bill through his own party, and so hes essentially admitting that he needs nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer to put together the whip count for him . Yeah. I mean theres no question at this point. Theres a lot of we keep Hearing Republicans were this close to a repeal bill. They have some really fundamental disagreements within the Republican Party about what to do. If you try to imagine sort of a way forward on health care to make some changes in the law, its pretty obvious that the governing majority here is some combination of republicans and democrats. And senator schatz, as he said, democrats would be more than happy to work on a set of bipartisan fixes, you know, modest changes to the law that would make a real difference for people. And, you know, there would be give and take. Republicans would get some things they wanted. Democrats would get some things they wanted. But the sort of precondition for that, the ticket into that conversation is republicans saying, all right. We dont have the votes to repeal the law, so were going to work with you democrats on making some changes. You know, well give and take. You do some things we want. Well do some things you want, and well move forward. Its so easy to imagine what this deal looks like. But, you know, first the republicans some of them, trump, you know, some leaders will have to say, all right. We cant do repeal. Lets work on actually, you know, improving this law, fixing its weak spots, which are very real. Theres a lot of people who are unhappy. There are a lot of problems with this law. But these are not hard problems to fix if republicans would be willing to work with democrats. Very quick prediction. The Freedom Caucus is predictg they will get something passed through the house of representatives. Do you think that will happen . You know, i have no idea. I dont see how they get that coalition right now. But, you know, who the heck knows . You never know in congress. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Coming up, Donald Trumps Campaign Promise of a nationwide Deportation Force. New reports say the administration is so eager to get started, theyre looking at cutting corners to get there. That story just ahead. 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According to the washington post, who interviewed 21 of trumps aides, confident aunts and allies, the president s comments were described as a dressing down and a warning shot. The one bannon friend reflecting on them wednesday likened bannon to a terminally ill Family Member who had been moved into hospice care. Exactly how this turf war in the white house will affect the course of the Trump Presidency is ahead. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with Type 1 Diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take trulicity if you or a Family Member has had medullary thyroid cancer, if youve had multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to trulicity. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing; a lump or swelling in your neck; or severe pain in your stomach area. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. 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Which directly contradicts Homeland Security secretarys John Kelly Quote that we will not lower stads and we will not lower training. However, he also said that there would be, quote, no mass deportations. But the new memo and the president s own Campaign Promise suggest otherwise. Are you going to have a massive Deportation Force . Youre going to have a deportation fo and youre going to do it humanely. Theyre going back where they came. If they came from a certain country, theyre going to be brought back to that country. Thats the way its supposed to be. Joining me now is david nakamura, author of that washington post article on the Deportation Force. David, before we get to the specifics of the Deportation Force, i want to read one excerpt from the Jeff Sessions speech that actually didnt make it into his spoken remarks, but it was written into his remarks. He deviated from it. But he also planned to say that criminal organizations that turn cities and suburbs into war zones, that rape and kill innocent citizens, it is here on this sliver of sand where we will first take our stand against this filth, against this filth. Do we know who wrote this speech . We dont know who wrote the speech, but its interesting that it was left out and yet it was included in the prepared marks delivered to reporters and it got a lot of attention on social media even though he didnt say it. Jeff sessions as a senator in alabama was one of the hardestline senators on immigration that there was in the senate, and he helped really take down President Obamas effort at comprehensive Immigration Reform even though the Senate Approved that in 2013, in the house and through his pressure and working with conservative House Members and ultimately the Republican House dropped out. But now hes in a position of power. You see the Justice Department now becoming more activist on Immigration Enforcement in a sharp departure from the obama administration, which the Justice Department sued arizona over their hardline laws on Immigration Back in 2011. And now you see this memo that i reported on yesterday from dhs talking about Behind The Scenes planning to try to fulfill Donald Trumps executive orders. Yeah, and going back to 2014, sessions was called amnestys worst enemy, the New York Times magazine talked about the fact he essentially is kind of the last gasp of bannonism. He, bannon and ller, for them, immigration is a Galvanizing Issue at the center of their parent vision for reshaping the United States. According to what you were able to find in that memo, how is he playing that out as Attorney General . What is the plan . Theres two different things. The memo i reported on is from the department of home lewandowsky security. Thats general john kelly. This was focused on border patrol. You sort of laid out some of the details. Also in there was something you didnt mention, which was that dhs would work with local police departments, deputizing them in many cases and giving them Immigration Enforcement authority, which has traditionally been the reserve of the federal government. This alarms advocates because they believe local police would not have as much oversight or training. These are the big issues. Separately, Jeff Sessions is trying to make his department have more prosecutions of undocumented immigrants over crimes they commit, which would then put them into the pool of so you have the administration trying to work in concert together to fulfill the president s goals. You mentioned if something happened to steve bannon in the white house, who has been sort of on the rocks lately politically, that, you know, sessions would be the last gassegasp. But sessions is credited as the architect for a lot of this and his action as predate as far back as Steve Bannons world view. Theyre pred cating this a lot of this on attempting to characterize immigrants a violent criminals. How do they plan to whip up the criminality doesnt exist in the real world. Are they looking to charge people with felonies or higher level crimes . The president talked on the campaign about going after immigrants first of all who have a criminal history. You know, and thoseho already have prior outstanding deportation orders. Some of those go back a long time. Some of them are for more minor offenses, even traffic offenses. Those could be in a pool considered people who have violated legal statutes in the country, and theyd be eligible for removal. But session koz attempt to prosecute many more immigrants. Right now the Justice Department focuses on sort of drug cartels and those who commit more violent crimes, prosecuting them and moving toward removals from dhs. He could also prosecute for misrepresenting themselves. A lot of people drive without a Drivers License to try to get to jobs in the country. Look, the supporters of donald trump might say thats fair game. These people are in the country illegally to begin with and theyre committing other violations. What really is the bottom line here is that you see, as i mentioned, different agencies moving to sort of reinvent how they do business on Immigration Enforcement and trying to, you know, sort of build the a apparatus to deport more people. A lot of this also does depend on funding and right now congress is split on this. It does not seem likely it would be easy for them to get a lot of this funding. And it just so happens theres a nice private Prison Industry that is eager to provide those Tens Of Thousands of spots. Yes, people are lining up for the contracts if those were to happen. Thank you very much for joining us. Still to come, learning on the job when youre the president of the United States. Well talk about Donald Trumps constantly shifting Policy Points ahead. Plus a troubling report card for maralago in tonights thing 1, thing 2 starting just after this break. Tech when your windshield needs to be fixed. Trust safelite autoglass. For these parents, driving around was the only way to get their baby to sleep. So when their windshield got cracked. Customer we cant drive this car. Tech . They wanted it fixed right. So they scheduled with safelite. Our exclusive trueseal Technology Means a strong, reliable bond, every time. At safelite, we stand behind our work. Bye, bye. Because the ones you love, sit behind it. parents whisper jingle safelite repair, safelite replace. Even if youre trying your best. 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Most leently, trump took the opportunity to tout the dessert options offered at his 200,000 membership Maralago Club in palm beach, florida. As he described what he was doing at the very moment he received confirmation of the Missile Launch on syria last week. I was sitting at the table. We had finished dinner. Were now having dessert, and we had the most beautiful piece of Chocolate Cake that youve ever seen. And president xi was enjoying it. Look at that Chocolate Cake. It does look delicious. It even has his name on it. But it could be pretty risky ordering a slice if you should ever have the chance and the cash to visit maralago yourself. Why . Well, thats thing 2 in 60 seconds. Termites. Were on the move. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Terminix. Defenders of home. And youre about in to hit send all on some embarrassing gas. Hey, you bought gasx® unlike antacids, gasx ® relieves pressure and bloating fast. Huh, crisis averted. Maralago has the most beautiful piece of Chocolate Cake youve ever seen according to the owner of maralago, donald trump, president of the United States. Just look at it. It even comes with ice cream, two sauces, and a trump logo right on the top. But weve learned some information about the kitchen where its made that may turn your stomach. According to the miami herald, Florida Restaurant Inspectors found 13 Health Code Violations at maralagos kitchen in january. Three of which were, quote, highpriority, meaning they could allow the presence of illnesscausing bacteria on plates served in the dining room. A spokesperson for maralago responded to the report saying, quote, we take food safety very seriously, and all the minor adjustments were made immediately. Additionally, the report by the Health Inspector was updated the very same day to reflect that the Maralago Club was in full compliance. The Communications Director for the Florida Department of business and professional regulations also released a statement, saying, quote, these infraxzs were part of a routine inspection and were not complaintbased. The infraxzs were corrected on de and the eablishment was immediately brought int compliance. See, thats good news. But maybe now we know why trump always orders his steak well done. When a critical patient is far from the hospital, the hospital must come to the patient. Stay with me, mr. Parker. The at t network is helping First Responders connect with medical teams in near real time. Stay with me, mr. Parker. Saving time when it matters most. Stay with me, mrs. Parker. Thats the power of and. Guests can earn a how cafree night when Theypring Book direct on choicehotels. Com and stay with us just two times . Spring time. Badda book. Badda boom. Or. Badda bloom. Seriously . Book now at choicehotels. Com it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. Luckily theres powerful, 24hour, nondrowsy claritin. It provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. Live claritin clear. Threat. Mr. Xi then explained the history of china and korea. Mr. Trump said after listening for ten minutes, i realized its not so easy, mr. Trump recounted. I felt pretty strongly they had tremendous power over north korea, he said, but its not what you would think. That was just one of the trump evolutions or full flipflops that we learned about in the past 24 hours. For instance, after months and months of railing against china and its currency manipulation, the president in that same Wall Street Journal interview said that his administration wont label china a Currency Manipulator in a report due this week. And after a president ial campaign in which he said nato, obsolete, the president at a joint News Conference with the nato Secretary General said, quote, it is no longer obsolete. But while some of those 180s toward a rational conclusion may be heartening to some, a leader who flips and flops in just ten minutes might just as easily flop back, and his decisions may be at the whim of the last person who got in his ear. Right now, tt struggle is playing out in the white house between breitbarts steve bannon and the president s family, soninlaw Jared Kushner and daughter ivanka trump. That is next. Think again. This is the new new york. We are building new airports all across the state. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov ito treat your toughy nasal allergies. Listen up. Unlike pills that dont treat congestion, clarispray covers 100 percent of your nasal allergy symptoms. Clarispray. From the makers of claritin. Lwhos the lucky lady . Im going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage. 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They said other day that thats no longer how i feel. Joining me is ben how. Thank you both. Ben, American People be disturbed that donald trump appears to be learning to be president . I think in some ways it can be good, but it really depends who is surrounding him and whos giving him advice. You were talking a minute ago. Left foot is going to be depending on the last thing that was said to him. As long as bannon is there, theres a lot of reasons to be concerned. For republicans and conservatives and their agenda, i dont think jared and ivanka who i think arent taking a lot of control, i dont know thats great for their agenda, but i think it might be better for the American People. As long as its moving towards bannon getting out, then, yeah, it can be a good thing, at least better than being stuck with just bannon. Shannon, do you have in your report whether or not bannon is skating on thin ice and on his way out . There is all of that mercier money and we know Rebecca Mercier who give money towards the campaign wants bannon to stay. Whats the status of steve bannon. When i was with you guys a week ago, i said i really didnt know and i could get 12 different answers. This week, especially in the later half of this week, the wagons are really circling. Theres an increasing choir of people saying not necessarily that hell go but hell be margin lies and had losing his proximity to the president. Finally youre starting to see fraying among the trumpas who have been loyal no tter what happens but some supporters are upset of bannon being margin liesed. One guy said donald trump dropped an emotional anchor. We expect him to keep his word right now. Meaning theres a large chunk of his base that wants the Bannon Agenda specifically. Well, yes. But i do think in some ways for trump hes been concerned for a long time making sure the base is with him. There was sort of a bandaid ripping moment with syria where his most ardent supporters were not happy he did this. I know bannon wasnt happy he was doing this. The moment his base started to turn, youve seen how trump s. Once somebody turns on him, hes willing to throw them under the bus. And i think hes willing to throw the base under the bus because they already dislike him anyway. Hes known bannon since 2011. Theres documented evidence of him being on bannons radio show. This sort of weird does she think disowning. What might a desperate donald trump do if you would venture to hazard a guess to get approval which is what he wants . Well, i think hes going to shift focus to the economy where he feels he is stronger, where he feels he can take stock market to use as a gage of his success there. I think thats a place he feels comfortable. Increasingly i think while maybe he didnt get a bump in the poll numbers, he did feel like he got positive feedback from a lot of members in congress and critics about his actions from sea. I wouldnt be surprised to see him taking more of a hawkish approach on Foreign Policy even if that does alienate some people because there was a lot of positive feedback. Including feedback from the media which he doesnt want to admit he craves. Do Base Trump Voters lets talk about the working class. Do they care whether he opens the plants that are Shipping Jobs to mexico . I think definitely in terms of bluecollar voters, theyre going to care about the same things when obama and bush was p. Theyre hoping that trump was going to deliver on those promises. Whether its the wall, his positions on how he deals with Foreign Policy, and hes not coming through on left foot. I think the more they doesnt come through, the louder those voices, are going to continue to be louder and louder in their option to what hes doing which is going to make his life harder. He loves popularity. Its going to be difficult for him. We know donald trump loves to hear the applause, but its clear he wants to applause of elites, not just that base that showed up at his rallies. Can he make the rally calm down by dmorgt people which is a horrific way to get your numbers up. I guess i would just kind of say were really far away from 2020 and a lot can happen then. Right now this administration for the most part controls the agenda. Wait until something happens outside of their control, north korea, russia, china, a recession, a natural disaster. Theres going to be a lot thats going to happen in these four years. Were 80 somethg days in, but i do feel theres a lot of shifting that can happen in American Mind sets in this country in the National Agenda that were going to be dealing with. Quick last word, ben. Theres so many ways for him to fail over the next four years as far as im concerned. I dont think theres any question hes going to find ways to disappoint me, personally. Were going to get tired of

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