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Good evening from new york. Moments ago a group of black lives matter protesters has a tense confrontation with trump supporters. Get that guy out of here, please. Thank you. Get them out. Lets go. Get them out fast. Hes swinging and hes hitting people. If we hit back, we end up on the front page of the paper. Its a disgrace. Get him out. Get him out. Get him out. It did not appear to be the case. Were trying to track down what happened. After another protester disrupted the rally, trump fully lost his cool. Oh, no. Not another one. Get out of here. Get out. Troublemakers. Real troublemakers. This is a wild evening. Now this comes as the country is still recovering tonight from its collective hangover after last nights Republican Debate in detroit. An event that seemed to mark the absolute rock bottom of american political culture. More like the Jerry Springer show. Candidates calling each other name and a rowdy audience booing and heckling them. Viewers from across the political spectrum expressed their disgust including the participants in a highly Unfocused Group held on fox news. I want a word or phrase to describe tonights debate. Embarrassment. Disappointing. Shameful. Angering. Low on substance. Disgusting. Schoolyard brawl. Jamie johnston tweeted, my party is committing suicide on national television. To the extent that policy came up at all, it was in a series of fact checks on Donald Trumps budget proposals and clips showing him contradicting himself on war in afghanistan. Im changing. We need highly skilled people in this country. We do need. One exchange captured the state of race and the modern Republican Party. It had to be this one. He hit my hands. Ive never heard of this. Look at those hands. Are they small hands. He referred to if theyre small, Something Else is small. I guarantee you theres no problem. Remain to be seen if any of this will have the slightest impact on trump supporters. Theyre gathering outside washington, d. C. At the annual conservative Political Action conference. The decision to give donald trump tomorrow prompted a backlash from conservatives making an attempt to stop him. It probably shouldnt have come as a surprise when trump announced he is cancelling his speech to campaign in kansas. Cpac couldnt resist taking a shot. Very disappointed real donald trump has decided to decline. His choice sends a message to clear conservatives. The organization played major role in validating trump in the first place. They given him prime speaking slots four times since 2011. They cultivated the brand. Peace begins with courageous leaders who willing to identify and define our objectives. Political correctness has no place in our National Security strategy. Liberals say the word lazy is a racist code word as is chicago. The word apartment. Mentioning that obama golfs. These are all according to liberals racist dog whistles which is why maybe only Debbie Wasserman schultz, Rachel Maddow can hear them. In case you get to be president of the United States, make sure you carry your bible with you and your woman. Trumps employing the same tactics without sticking to conservative ideology and a lot of republicans dont care much. Donald trump doesnt need cpac anymore. It was Something Else the frontrunner said last night that shows how dangerous, indeed, the mans impulses are. He was asked about his past comments on expanding torture and targeting the families, presumably including children, of terrorists. What would you do as commander in chief if the u. S. Military refused to carry out the orders . They wont refuse. They wont refuse me. Im a leader. Ive never had any problem leading me. If i say do it, theyre going to do it. Thats what leadership is all about. The Trump Campaign backed off the statement telling the wall street journal he wouldnt order the military to break law. At a rally the candidate repeated the usual line about going much farther than waterboarding. After calling him a con man and frauds and hearing him endorse war crimes and threaten a showdown with military on the debate stage, trumps rivals had the same response when asked if they would support him. I would support him. Yes because i gave my word that i would. If he ends up as the nominee, sometimes he makes it hard, but you know. I will support whoever is the republican nominee for president. Joining me now charlie pierce, writer at large, publisher of the federalist. Ben, let me start with you. What happened to never trump . Ive been watching this deflowering of never trump. I have been genuinely impressed with the conservative move m thats tried to draw this line in the sand that this guy is over this line. Question not support him. They say hes a complete con artist but if he gets the nomination, ill support him. What was up with that . There are people who are signing onto that hashtag. Theres one issue you didnt mention thats the critical moment of the debate. That was trump backing off the h1b visas comment. The comment you played talking about changing and softening his position on that. I think theres been some significant blow back from the sort of very hard core immigration crowd. We saw people going after him on that issue. Basically saying can we trust him. This is the one thing thats been the core element to this campaign since day one. I think that is one of the things that prompted him to dismiss cpac in the way he did. He knew had he shown up there there would be a lot of people questioning him on that immigration issue and demanding answers. We would much rather play to the crowd in louisiana. To bens point, hes now on both sides of every issue. To the extent theres any issue, he wants to build the wall. Mexico will pay for it. Order torture, war crimes. Make the military obey his illegal orders and maybe hell be flexible. Its unclear what the heck this thing is that is this phenomenon and yet it still continues to mow its way forward. Let me be clear. The moderate republican position on torture now is let the cia do it. Thats right. Just so we know. Ive been reading and rereading mark twains the man that corrupted hadley burg. I look at cpac as that. They are Donald Trumps last suckers. He doesnt need them. He said im going to wichita. They are the last they are the prime cut of trump steaks now. They are the high end trump vodka. Theyre the last students at trump university. Hes played them all for suckers and played them all for fools. Theres no going back from it right now. Ben, youre nodding your head. I want to get your response. The big question is this is the same thing we get at every debate. I thought last night there was an interesting moment where it felt and maybe it was the joke about his endowment, partly it was the crowd that was so bizarrely raucus and lusty. It had this feel of like this is how the empire falls kind of way with the crowd rooting them on. It did feel like we were watching collectively some sort of low point. The debates may have outlived their usefulness because they were not discussing policy issues. There are very serious policy issues to be discussed. They were right outside flint, michigan and you didnt hear too much about the water crisis when theres a republican governor in that state. You have made a point he doesnt need cpac anymore. I think thats correct. He does need the votes of kansas. Ted cruz won both iowa and oklahoma. Donald trump could find himself in a situation had he not been visiting caucus sites like planning ted cruz could have snuck up on him and posted a higher delegate count. Now hes used them and hes leaving which is charlie pierces point. Theres a lot of people feel that way. Cpac really is a conservative conference first. Most of the people, i talked to today, were ted cruz supporters and passionate about him. He had a great reception within that context. I think this is a situation where the people kind of holding onto that cruz faction asking whether theres any way to block donald trump, i think that trump knows that as well. I think his reception would not have been as positive for all the mainstream moderate republican who is are coming out and supporting him within all these different huge rallies, as you saw today. Let me say this. Theres nothing monolithic. I think cpac has demonstrated theyre two different establishments. The sort of conservative establishment. More the Republican Party establishment as representative by mitt romney coming out and then theres the base going out and voting in these actual elections who dont seem to care at all about whatever donald trump is spouting or policy in any remote sense. They are looking for enemies to blame. Hes feeding them enemies to blame. I remember seeing video of i remember seeing video of delegates to the 1964 republican convention, goldwater delegates trying to climb into the network sky boxes. Things are getting real in the campaign trail. If they try to stop donald trump and take it over at the convention, i dont want to know the kind of spectacle youll see there. That idea, the never trump hashtag. You had marco rubio saying never trump and today the Kentucky Sports Radio interview, he said ill never vote for him in the republican primary. Hes like yeah, thats what i mean. Thats meaningless. If all of this is the normal posturing everyone will endorse the guy. They were floating contested convention and talking never trump. After last night it seems all hes got to do is get the most delegates and no one will try to stop him. If he were to win florida and ohio, it becomes very difficult for any of the remaining candidates in this race to camp up with him. As far as supporting him polls show if he ran as an independent against a republican and if Hillary Clinton were the democrat in the race then he would split votes with the republican in the race. If marco rubio or john kasich or ted cruz were able to wrestle that nomination, it would make it very difficult for them, in november, to win the election. There are sore loser laws that make it difficult to get on the ballot. Thank you very much. Still to come, how it came to be that one of the first questions at the Republican Debate in the 2016 president ial election was about the kkk. Later, a preview of this weekends democratic fight. Can Bernie Sanders overcome the grip Hillary Clinton has on southern states. First, the story of this man who said he voted against president obama twice, condemned the Affordable Care act and now thanks barack obama for savoring his life. That story is next. Rds so doctors provide more personalized care. Cheese . Cheese patient care can work better. With xerox. Thats it. How was your commute . Good. Yours . Good. Xerox real time analytics make transit systems run more smoothly. And morning chitchat. Less interesting. Transportation can work better. With xerox. Unless you have allergies. , then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. When we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase. 61 changes everything. Woman man yes. A newspaper . Woman its quaint. Man did you read about this latest cyber attack . Woman yeah, i read it on my watch. Man funny. Woman they took out the whole network. Man they had to hand out pens and paper. Woman yeah. Man could it happen to us . Woman no. Were okay. Man we are . Woman yeah, we brought in some new guys. Man what do they know that we dont . Woman that you cant run a country with pens and paper. Its not just security. Its defense. Bae systems. I last nights debate was a low point, there was win republican who sounded like the antidote. His name, brent brown. While attending college i was diagnosed with a serious autoimmune disease. Devastation. Now labeled with a preexisting condition im disqualified from any and all Health Insurance options. More devastation. I feel. I watch my body tearing itself apart but i dont go to the hospital until i can barely move. It cost too much. After numerous hospital stays i drain all my savings. Bankrupt. I cannot afford the surgeries i need to save my life. Literally, a dead man walking. Hope, gone. Then this guy signs this bill. Now i have access to Health Insurance and i receive the care that i do desperately need. Over the last several months [ applause ] thank you. Over the last several months, and several surgeries later i can now say i had a serious autoimmune disease. [ applause ] youre too kind. The Affordable Care act saved my life. I want to repeat that. The Affordable Care act saved my life. [ applause ] to be clear, i have never voted for president obama. Ever. I am a republican who cursed his name, who falsely accused him and someone who zealously worked to ensure he would never be my president. Thanks to him fortitude, thanks to his unwaivering vision of mercy, even towards me, this chump gets a second shot at life. [ applause ] to the republicans who wish to repeal the Affordable Care act, i plead with you to reconsider. Swallow your pride, as i am doing right now, in front of what i assume are Many Democrats and do what is right. Do what is right for the people. [ applause ] what you saw on display at the debate last night represents one side of american politics. Brent brown represents another. Hes going to join me, next. Only those who dare. Drive the world forward. Introducing the firstever cadillac ct6. We agree, brent and i, that the Affordable Care act is helping a whole lot of people like him. [ applause ] that is why we fought so hard to fix a broken Health Care System in the first place. It wasnt about democrats or republicans. It was about our values as americans and making sure that hard working americans like brent are no longer locked out of Health Insurance through no fault of their own. Joining me is brent brown. I want to thank you very much. Its kind of hard in the very politically polarized times we live in to admit to friends that you changed your mind about something. Take me through the process you have coming around on this specific act, obama care, coming around to seeing it as a good thing rather than a threat. Right. Youre very correct in your assessment. It was difficult and it really didnt happen, unfortunately, until i was personally impacted. When i got terribly sick, when i did not have Health Insurance. Then all of a sudden i did have Health Insurance. I could get care. The main thing that changed my mind is also something that i regret in that it is the empathy that i found for people, but it was only empathy i found after having a major and serious disease ravaging my body. Do you remember following the obama care debate and what you thought about it when it was talked about as this abstraction . Initially . Yeah. Republican good. Democrat, bad. That is that was my thought process. It is going to be very expensive and there are going to be many loafers that will take advantage of the system, and that its not an okay thing to back if you are a conservative. Well, brent, my understanding is your health is good right now. I just want to say i really admire what you did a tremendous amount. I dont say that because i feel the same about the Affordable Care act, but its very courageous thing to do. Thank you very much. Thank you. I want to bring in john who is former director of speech writing for president obama. John, i saw you sort of reacting in realtime last night to this Republican Debate. I just felt like there was a contrast between what was happening on the stage and what was happening not that far away in milwaukee at the same time. Do you guys think there would be more brent browns by now when you were fighting so hard on this bill . Yeah, we did. I can remember so many stories like brents as we were trying to pass the law and the president campaigning in 2008. Youd hear the republicans say i dont agree with the president but i have this story about needing health care and needing to get covered, so im going to give it a try. I was trying to imagine as i watched the debate if they debated the merits of kicking 18, 20 million off their health care instead of talking about the size of Donald Trumps penis then i realized i guess thats fantasy land at this point. Heres the uninsured rate in the u. S. Which has fell to 12 in the First Quarter in 2016. Its more or less disappeared. Theres this sort of phantom idea they will replace it. Its moved from the center of this campaign or the last campaign to the margins. Right. I watched the entire debate. I dont remember them bringing it up because its like a throw away line. Obviously, were going to get rid of obama care. Its the biggest job killer, which theres no proof of that at all. They dont talk about it now. None of their websites have a plan. They just dont care. You were part of the speech writing apparatus in Obama Campaign and the white house. A lot of thought goes into president ial communication. A million different people editing. Its a good time. As someone who did that, what is your reaction to watching the kind of political communication that is happening in the Republican Party right now. Makes me want to cry. Its sad. Theyre using communication the way it shouldnt be, which is in the most manipulative way possible. Obama has foughts and made mistakes, but he would try to tell us to be as real as possible and describe policy, to get into the details. Sometimes we didnt want him to get into as much details because he would get down into the weeds on policy. He believe thats the way you persuaded people and thats the way you govern. We moved to what we saw last night which was just a national embarrassment. Who do you feel when you see someone like brent browns story and look at as the end of this term comes into focus on the horizon. It makes me feel good. It makes me feel embarrassed. Im someone who pays attention to twitter all day long. I watch the news. All day long its like lets make trump jokes. Lets see what trump is doing. What crazy thing will he do now. I happened upon this brent story and i read it yesterday. Theres someone with so much courage to get up and tell that story. His life was saved because of something we did together and were off here, most hours of the day, all were talking about donald trump and the latest stupid grab he does. Thank you very much for joining us. Thanks for having me. A look at the white supremacist. A lot of it has stagnating this about a boy . Dad stop, please. Oh, theres tracy. What [ horn honking ] [ forward collision warning ] [ car braking ] bye dad it brakes when you dont. Forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. 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I once called Bernie Sanders bernie sandwiches live on national tv. It yielded a batch of memes for all to enjoy. Bernie sanders with lipstick. A Health Option to a show favorite who tweeted this video with thank you for reminding me, chris, i have not eaten all day. The meme graduated to some interesting tshirts. Big news, bernie sandwiches has made another leap. I present bernie sandwiches a run to the white house. A surprisingly difficult yet addictive game where he tries to collect as many sandwiches as possible on a stroll through the primary states. Game on, and youre welcome. cell phone rings where are you . Well the squirrels are back in the attic. Mom . Your dad wont call an exterminator. Can i call you back, mom . He says its personal this time. If youre a mom, you call at the worst time. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Where are you . Its very loud there. Are you taking a zumba class . Romney also talked about your position on race and the controversy over your failure to denounce david duke on sunday. You have repeatedly disavowed him since then. Id like to go deeper than that. What are your views on the ku klux klan and white supremacist. Theres a reason that was the first question asked and a reason why a protestered had a sign reading trump duke 2016 ripped out his hands in new orleans tonight. Were at the time where White Supremacists are turning to trump as the political leader who will mainstream their ideas. A guy who is back in the news for supporting donald trump. His name, david duke. The only way people can judge the klan is from our own lips, what we can say about it. Im hear to say anything that wants to be a klans man, the way to do it is not being violent but being legal and trying to work within the system. In the 1970s, david duke was a grand wizard of the kkk. The young leader of mainstreaming the racist ideas. Theres plenty other places i would live with negoes, but what are we talking about. I dont want to live with negroes. He founded the National Association for the advancement of white people. He also started running for public office. First as democrat but after an unsuccessful bid for president , he switched to the Republican Party running for a seat in the Louisiana State legislature in 1989. I think its a lot of racial hatred but i think its coming from the other side. Theres more minority racism than coming from the members of the white majority of america. The white supremacist views became a focal point in the race. The newsletter for dukes white Rights Organization regularly carried ads for neo natzi literature. The new orleans telephone registry lists the same address for his residence and kkk. Many voters embraced him. You got my full support. I think its good. About time. You know what, time for white people to start sticking together. It was too much for the standard bearers of the Republican Party. The gop is embarrassed that duke is running as a republican. There is concern that a victory for him would tarnish the partys image with black voters. That concern went all the way to the white house. Im shocked about it. I heard that george bush is sending out a letter to my district supporting my opponent. Duke and his opponent for a seat in the state legislature are running as republicans. President bush sent this letter to voters in the district asking them to support him. The efforts werent enough to dissuade voters. Duke won by less than 300 votes. Republican Party Chairman lee atwater, the brains behind george h. W. Bush Willie Horton campaign ad wanted him kicked out of the party. The people have spoken. The Republican Party is available for everybody. President bush defended his involvement in the local election. Maybe there was some feeling in louisiana that the president of the United States involving himself in a state legislative election was improper or overkill. I cant deny that. What i can affirm is i did what i did because of principle. Dukes political aspirations only grew. In 1990 he ran for u. S. Senate and found base of support. The welfare system is out of control is we have a massive illegitimate birthrate. Hes a symbol of frustration for these people. They dont feel that major parties are answering their questions. You got a lot of good ideas. Its time for somebody to do it. His days as a klansman played out in a political ad. He led the kkk as an adult. Theres no more truly representative symbol of the white race than a fiery cross. Its our symbol. Duke lost his bid for senate but that didnt deter him from running for governor of louisiana the following year. The few familiar themes reappeared. The nomination of a former grand dragon as a republican candidate for governor as the state in anxiety. Efforts from local political leaders to derail the campaign didnt seem to matter. The voters of louisiana have heard all that before. They have seen Television Images of duke at kkk cross burnings and a growing number of voters are willing to overlook that. Everybody overlooks us. Were here. They cant do it. He understands. It was a contentious run off race against edwards who stood trial for racketeering. To have to hold their nose, close their eyes and cover their eyes. To vote for you they would have to get out from under the sheets. Thats a cheap shot. It became clear he was woefully unprepared to run for governor of louisiana. How many people in your state live below the poverty line . A great percentage. We have the highest per capital percentage in the country. About the last five states of the country. How many . I dont have exact numbers in front of me, sir. I dont carry around an almanac with me. If i told you it was 25 below the poverty line. I could believe you. Are these the things the governor should know . He lost the position but won the white vote. By 2000, duke decided to join the Political Group known as the reform party. That didnt sit well with a big wig who was mulling a president ial run on the reform party ticket. Im not going to be running. The party is selfdestructing. When you say the party is selfdestructing, what do you see as the biggest problem with the reform problem now . You have david duke just joined. A bigot, racist, a problem. This is not the people you want in your party. 16 years later, trump and duke find themselves in the same party once again. Are you condemn david duke and say you dont want his vote or that of other White Supremacists in this election . Just so you understand, i dont know anything about david duke. I dont know anything about white supremacist. 16 years earlier he said this is not the kind of person you want in your party. 16 years earlier, donald trump was right. Still to come, four state s on the line this weekend. Today in flint, michigan the r professor by being a more adventurous student . Is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves . Is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the Natural World . Whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. Tiaa. Today in flint, michigan the first city sanctioned effort to begin up the lead pipes began almost two years after the decision was made by state officials to switch the source of Drinking Water to the flint water to save money. Resulting in some lead levels so high they were twice what the epa considers toxic waste. I say city sanctioned because a private contractor started digging up a line leading to a flint home as part of a separate effort that was paid for by the flint coalition. A group of charitable business organizations who said they were tired of waiting. That effort was stopped by police. Some of the best reporting has come from Rachel Maddow. Tonight she has a special look at how the lead poisoning disaster in flint is one part of a failed experiment in state governa nce this michigan. Catch that tonight after this show. patrick 2 thats the kind of control i like. And thats what they give me at national car rental. I can choose any car in the aisle i want without having to ask anyone. Who better to be the boss of you. patrick 1 than me. I mean, you. Us. vo go national. Go like a pro. Because you cant beat zero heartburn i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Four states vote this weekend in democratic contests, kansas, louisiana, nebraska and maine. Hillary clinton will do best this louisiana and Bernie Sanders probably has his best shot in maine. The reason i can predict that fairly confidently is because the defining feature of the race between sanders and clinton right now is race. Sanders almost won iowa, romped in New Hampshire and got crushed this South Carolina. On super tuesday he got swamped in the states with substantial numbers of black voters but remained competitive where it is predominantly white. Clinton won by more than 70 points. Sanders must shrink the huge gap and he has to do it fast. In 2008, large racial gap opened up between the contestants. What explains this years massive gap . Well try to get to the bottom of it, next. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like social media equals antisocial. Hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancee, denise. Hey. Good to meet you dennis. 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Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. And click to activate your within. Joining me now joy reid. Kevin let me start with you. I read your piece about why black voters are not feeling the bern. Youre someone who is personal politics are pretty far left. Certainly to the left of Hillary Clinton. You wrote your piece about your understanding watching the campaign unfold of why the results came out why they did. Thats your explanation in. Theres a degree of familiarity with clinton that black people have. Black voters participate in which the clintons and barack obama are the heads of that party and Bernie Sanders is new to that. A lot of people didnt vote for bernie because they would say i dont know who he is. Some people use a lot stronger language than that. When you talk about the daytoday material politics of it all, who you go to when you need a road fixed. Who you go to when you need the letter for someone written to college, youre listen to black elected officials. Its the devil they know for the most part and the Democratic Party in the south represents the opposing force to the Republican Party, which is the party of white people. That basically sums it up perfectly. You wrote this great book about the contours of the racial fissures that surface in 2008. Its amazing to go back and watch that. Obviously, barack obama had no problem with white voters because if he did he wouldnt have won nomination. Hillary Clintons Campaign was making the arguments that the Sanders Campaign is making. At one point Hillary Clinton said they were going after the hard working voters, the hard working white voters. That was the game plan that they lost black voters. The i think i think a lot of sanders voters and it con found them and sometimes they insult black voters, what they dont understand is the 90s as we look back on them now through the lens of black lives matter is the compromising of not only gay rights but real negative consequences like the crime bill and welfare reform. The 90s is remembered as an era of opportunity. This is where you could get a job when it increased. People felt wealthier. They felt they were getting more prosperous. That memory is there too. The clintons still get a benefit from that. You add to it the fact Hillary Clinton went and worked for barack obama and became a part of his administration. The blessing is on her. Theres nothing Bernie Sanders who is an outsider to the Democrat Party and that team, theres nothing he can do about that. You didnt mention this whe that memory is there too. The clintons still get a benefit from that. You add to it the fact Hillary Clinton went and worked for barack obama and became a part of his administration. The blessing is on her. Theres nothing Bernie Sanders who is an outsider to the Democrat Party and that team, theres nothing he can do about that. You didnt mention this when you were going through the reasons of obama and the obama blessing and the fact that Hillary Clinton has made it a point of hugging barack obama very closely and praising him. How much do you think thats factor . I think for the party regulars, the people that par party thats important. Those people look at cornell west who is antagonistic to the president. Saying that, Bernie Sanders is claiming to want to lead a revolution, it takes time to build that grass roots support and build those end roads and those relationships in the community. Those relationships go back years and years. Its a familiarity issue. I say Interesting Data about his Approval Rating among africanamerican voters. Bernie sanders has tracked well. Theres been sort of correlated trajectory. The more that voters have come to know him, the more they have felt favorably about him, which is encouraging. They will reason out of runway for the plane unless something changes soon. The clintons have the preexisting relationships. They know the lead pastor. She can thats a big deal. I think you have to look at the number of people in South Carolina that didnt vote. 157,000 didnt vote. That could be the people who voted totally for racial solidarity. Thank you very much. Thats all in for this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts now. Good evening. Have a good weekend. You too. Thanks for you at home for joining us. This is prairie view a m university. It was founded in 1876. Its been around for a very, very long time. One of the oldest schools in texas. Its also pretty big school. Its got about 8,000 students. Like most universities and

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