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Line to the president , is now facing specific public allegations of sexual abuse of a minor. Allegations concern steven rhinebolt who attended high school in illinois where hastert was a teacher and wrestling coach. Tonight, a friend of a classmate of rhinebolt tells nbc news that rhinebolt told him in 1974 about sexual contact with hastert that occurred while rhinebolt was still a student. He started to talk about his relationship with Denny Hastert and told me that they had been sexual and i was flabbergasted. I said, what do you mean . And he said well, we would do things sexually and it would sometimes start with a massage. Rhinebolts sister said that rhinebolt told her that hastert sexually abused him throughout his high school years. She said she first learned of the alleged abuse when rhinebolt told her he was gay eight years after his high school graduation. I asked him, stevie when was junior first samesex experience. And he just looked at me and said, it was with Dennis Hastert. And i just i know i was stunned. I said, why didnt you ever tell anybody, stevie . I mean he was your teacher. Why didnt you tell anybody. And he just looked at me and said who is ever going to believe me . In this town who is ever going to believe me. Reinboldt died of aids in 1995. His sister says she confronted hastert when hastert showed up at her brothers funeral. I said i want to know what you did to my brother. He continued to stare at me. And i said i want you to know that your secret didnt die with my brother and im out here and i know. She first told news outlets about her brothers alleged abuse when hastert was speaker of the house. And when a scandal that broke involving mark foley who sent sexually explicit mentals to house paiges but decided against going on the record with the allegations against hastert at the time and news outlets could not corroborate the allegations so did not make them public. The identification of an alleged victim comes in the wake of a federal indictment against hastert, announced last week accusing the former speaker of structuring Bank Withdrawals to avoid federal reporting requirements and then lying to the fbi about his reason for doing so. The indictment says hastert agreed to pay someone, identified only as individual a, to quote compensate for and conceal hasterts prior misconduct against that person. It did not specify what that misconduct was. The federal Law Enforcement sources have told nbc news that haasstert was paying a man to keep him quiet about allegations of Sexual Misconduct while hastert was a high school teacher. Hastert had agreed to pay that man, individual action, 3. 5 million. Burj says she was interviewed last month by the fbi about hasterts alleged sexual abuse of her brother, but theres unclear whether theres any connection between individual a and the new allegations. She has never asked hastert for money and does not know who individual a is. Hastert is expected in court next week. Nbc news has not independently confirmed the allegations against him and has made repeated attempts to reach hastert without expect. Joining me now, john stanton, whos been on this story from the beginning. John, my head is spinning a bit at this development. Your reaction . Yeah you know i think that this is its a little unclear, frankly, if this is if her brother is the other individual that we know of. We know at least one other person in the original indictment before it came out, and it also specified an individual b, but the u. S. Attorney decided to take that out, in part because of the request of speaker hasterts attorneys, apparently. Its unclear if he is this person, if there are other people involved. We know that there are obviously multiple alleged victims and so and, you know, frankly, as someone who covered Denny Hastert for his most of his speakership, this whole thing has been kind of shocking. That is shocking i think is accurate and what youre seeing now is, i mean uhyou got to understand, for folks watching at home there are reporters from every outlet descending on yorkville, illinois, as we speak. They are knocking on doors and combing through school records, and going back through every list of students who were on that wrestling team who had Dennis Hastert as a teacher, right . That town is going to be in the midst of unprecedented amount of sort of investigatory work being done. And whats surfaced so far is a lot of people you know, worp on the wrestling team and students saying, you know i am as shocked as anyone else. Yeah i mean i think, certainly the people in the town are that way. And folks like myself that knew him when he was speaker are kind of stunned. You know he almost sounds like that old saw about the guy that lives next door to the serial killer, he seemed like a nice guy, just quiet. And certainly during his time on the hill, that is what he was like. And definitely in yorkville, he was a pillar of that community. And i think that may, if these allegations are true that may have been part of why it took so long for them to come out, because the victims felt like they couldnt tell anybody. That nobody was going to believe them if they started raising these issues. Now, am i correct, ive had have hasterts people or hasterts attorney issued any formal statement, any formal denial since all of this started . No, they have not. They have not spoken to anyone at all, frankly, as far as i know, at least except for the authorities. I want to stipulate very firmly on the record here that a lack of denial is not an affirmation of the allegations. But just in terms of how these things normally play out, the silence from the hastert camp is bizarre, to my estimation. I mean i am somewhat surprised that there has been no forthcoming statement from them. It has been surprising that he hasnt said anything. You know i think theres been a huge amount of attention on this story. One would think that at this point, they would have made some sort of statement, you know one way or the other, to try to at least mitigate some of the damage thats going on. Although, you know, it seems like the damage was pretty well done at this point. He left his lobbying shop, where he was the cornerstone of the lobby operation at this point. And he was summarily dismissed or left. And hes pretty much gone mia now. So thats sort of an odd thing for them to be doing. Whats the next plot point here in terms of how this is going to progress . Theres a court date next week. Is that correct . Yeah on tuesday, hes going to be arraigned. I think people are going to continue to try to dig into this, to find out who these other victims were if there were more than reporters seem to already know about, if there were those in washington potentially. All my reporting on that has sort of indicated there were no victims in washington this did not go on while he was here. But, you know who knows . Again, he was the speaker of the house and he was a very wellrespected member of congress for, you know, two decades. And so there could be it could be a similar kind of situation as with yorkville. If, again, if these allegations are true. All right, john stanton of buzzfeed, thanks very much. Thank you. Dennis hastert was House Speaker from 1999 to 2007 a period of which republicans were pushing a number of issues. Hasterts record for gay rights supported a constitutional amendment banning samesex marriage and voting against the employment nondiscrimination act. Joining me, Charlie Pierce with esquire magazine. That is just one part of the craziness of this story. And lets stipulate upfront, these are allegations. These are some of the most serious allegations a person could possibly face. And anyone on the side of the allegations is due due process. I hate stories where everything you say about them has to begin, if this thing is true. Right, right. I hate that. That having been said, it is stunning to me if true that a town that size a small town nobody knew this was happening. I mean usually in a town like that, Everybody Knows everything. And that is the perfundy of the secret here. Lets talk about the allegation made on the record, someone saying coming forward and my brothers telling me. That scene at the funeral, i cant stop thinking about that scene at the funeral that she says happened in which she confronts him. And the idea that the combination of taboo and power could combine to keep this a secret for as long as it was kept. Again, presumably that was a fairly goodsized funeral. I mean as funerals go in a town like yorkville. Id like to have someone else who saw the encounter. I would like to yeah. If that really happened if she said to him, im out there, your secret is not safe that would have gotten around time to me. At least in the small towns im aware of that would have gotten aware, hey, you know steves sister braced Denny Hastert as they came out of the funeral. Thats a big event. Yeah you covered some of the you wrote about some of the things that happened in the Catholic Church and particularly around boston. Right. I covered it in the book i wrote. And there was a place where secrets were kept for a very long time. Sometimes they were open secrets. Sometimes it was dont go on that trip with father. Sometimes they were closed secrets. People really didnt know. But they were they were capable of being kept for a very long time. But they were much more open within the parishes than this is. I mean i havent seen one person from yorkville who said, yeah, we heard about this. Barney frank said he had no idea. He sat at this table and said, i would have heard something if there was something to hear. And this was the person who threatened to out people when they were gay baiting tom foley back in the day. And he said he had to idea. And the other thing to think about is sort of the division of mind it would take to do your job and ascend to the place that Denny Hastert ascended while knowing this was in your past. To make the choice to enter public life and make a series of choices that keep pushing you higher and higher in which you would, in some subjective sense, be inviting more scrutiny. That puts him in the duggar household, doesnt it . In every human being, especially politicians and people who want to be on television theyre the worst. Theres an overwhelming desire to get there. And its tragic when the secret you know when you do this and know the secrets there. And in this day and age, i mean its almost impossible. What do you think about this sort of looking back on the culture war being waged by this congress back in that period . And again, you could even just you know hastert is one part of a bunch of people gingrich, you know people voting to impeach bill clinton, telling people their marriages should be ripped up by the state. Crusading all over the place on other peoples private lives. American Politics Center should have gotten into that. And the people who pushed it in deserve to go to political hell basically. And in this i include bill clinton for signing dohaemadoma. That should have been eliminated from the National Political dialogue because right from the time that the socalled christian right rose in the late 1970s, early 1980s, terrible a terrible effect on civility, on our politics. On our national life. It just should have been kept out. I dont know if it was ever possible to do that but i wish enough people had fought the temptation. Charlie pierce always a pleasure. Hear to cover can race . Yes, i am. Writing for grantland on monday. Good to see you. Next how many traffic tickets would it take to make you think less of president ial candidate marco rubio. Coming up, Hillary Clinton calls out her gop rivals by name, because they have managed to get on the wrong side of Voting Rights ahead, and all in the movies as Melissa Mccarthy crushes it and upend some boorish ideas about women in film. Breather. Well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicines alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. Audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. The only thing left to fear is you imagination. Nissan. Innovation that excites. 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Now, let me say this was a downright bizarre use of the times reporting power, but according to Court Dockets reviewed by the times, those traffic infractions included speeding, driving through red lights and careless driving. Okay, heres the thing, though. The 17 infractions, the headline number, are for the rubio household. Marco rubio, who is the person running for president , incurred four, just four traffic infractions, while his wife jeannette, who is, i would note not running for president , acquired 13. Also. Those 17 infractions were accumulated over not six months or a year but the course of nearly two decades, dating back to 1997. I know people who get that many tickets in a summer. Naturally, the times report was met with derision on twitter, spawning the hashtag, rubio crime spree, or other possible rubio offenses were imagined, from marco rubio once ripped a tag from a mattress to ordered a mcrib at 11 03 a. M. Call 1800royal caribbean or your travel agent today. Here in texas, former governor rick perry signed a law that a former court said was actually written with the purpose of discriminating against minority voters. In wisconsin, Governor Scott walker cut back early voting and signed legislation that would make it harder for College Students to vote. In new jersey, governor Chris Christie vetoed legislation to exthe endend ex exextend early voting. And in florida, when jeb bush was governor authorities conducted a deeply flawed purge of voters before the president ial election in 2000. Hillary clintons republican rivals for the white house are playing defense today after she called them out by name, for the first time in the campaign in a fiery speech on Voting Rights. Laying out a strong agenda to expand access at the polls, she dared the gop governors to do the opposite. And everyone she named, with the exception of jeb bush took the bait. Former Texas Governor rick perry, who officially announced his president ial candidacy yesterday, defended his states restrictive voter i. D. Law. I think it makes sense to have a photo i. D. To be able to vote. When i got on an airline to come up here yesterday, i had to show my photo i. D. Hillary clinton may not have had to show an i. D. She flies on a private jet. Scott walker said Hillary Clintons rejection of efforts to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat not only defies logic, but the will of majority americans. While new jersey governor Chris Christie visiting New Hampshire today accused the former secretary of state of trying to commit voter fraud. Secretary clinton doesnt know the first thing about Voting Rights in new jersey or any other states that she attacked. And my sense is that she just wants an opportunity to you know, commit greater acts of voter fraud around the country. So you know, im not worried about her. Thats a weird thing to say. Ohio Governor John Kasich another potential 2016 candidate, whose state is one of two being sued by a lawyer affiliated with the Clinton Campaign over their voting restrictions, he played Hillary Clinton of playing cynical politics. What is she talking about . I like hillary, but i got to tell you, the idea that were going to divide merps s americans and use demagoguery, i dont like it. I havent said a word about hillary. But to come into the state of ohio and say were repressing the vote when new york has only election day and we have 27 days, whats she come on thats just silliness, you know . Im disappointed in her, frankly. Joining me now, former michigan governor, Jennifer Granholm cochair of the democratic super pac priorities usa. I thought this was a fascinating bit of sort of political jujitsu. Because my sense is that republican governors want to pass these laws and not spend a ton of time talking about them. And this was a pretty bald faced attempt to draw them into actually talking about it. And it seems to have worked. Its awesome. She, you know a hit dog hollers, as they say. And these guys were hollering, because they know very well what they were up to. Every state that has adopted these laws since 2010 and theres been 21 of them its all been about picking your voters. So they want to pick the voters that are more likely to vote republican. Everybody knows whats going on. And i thought the west line in that whole speech. I love the fact that she called them out by name. I love the fact that she was strong. And i love the fact that she said, what part of democracy are you afraid of. If you really want to argue on the merits, if you really want to have a man know o y mano fight, lets do it in a fair way. Democrats will win on the ideas. One of the responses i saw yesterday from a bunch of conservative commentators and not just conservative commentators, but that this was essentially unnecessarily divisive or demagoguic. Fox news hillary goes ugly early with racism claims. Hillarys speech good doses of race baiting and federal overreach. What do you think about the idea that its either cynical or rankly selfinterested for her to push this when she knows shell benefit from it . When all shes saying is that every american should have the right to vote every american you know, the Voting Rights the voting suppression laws that have been adopted, the most serious ones are adopted, it suppresses votes between 8 to 12 . We know whose votes are suppressed. They are minority communities. They are africanamerican and latino they are women, they are students. Voters who are likely to vote democratic. This is not about saying republicans should not vote. This is about saying everyone should vote. It is our constitutional right. And by the way, you know i dont think shes saying nobody should show i. D. S. Its just that theyre picking the kind of narrow i. D. S that will benefit their side. So, in texas theyre saying that you can have the right to vote if you carry a concealed weapons permit but you can havent the right to vote if you are a student and have a student i. D. So you are picking and choosing. I mean, people have had i. D. S at voting places a long time. But when you pick and kooz narrow categories that means you are selecting who is voting and that is whats not american. That is what is really defying the intent of the constitution. I was struck by rick perrys comment, by needing a photo i. D. To fly. Obviously, flying is very different. Its not a right, its not a fundamental right, it doesnt appear in the constitution but the fact of the matter is you dont actually need an i. D. To fly. If you show up at an airport and you dont have photo i. D. They will put you through an alternate system in which you have additional scrutiny but you can get on a plane and fly. And thats a decent model, right . We can come up with a provisional ballot. Exactly thats exactly what it is. I mean kbroun the irony about all of this or the terrible piece about all of this is that what you are essentially doing is equating the kinds of i. D. S that people i mean if you have to go on a plane, you have some money, perhaps, you may have a passport there are only about a third of americans who even have a passport. There are certainly a lot of american who is do not have drivers licenses. So you are selecting i. D. S that are probably for people who have some means. Thats a generalization, obviously. But, you know, there are ways to be able to have access that does not require a full photo i. D. And there are ways to allow people who have forgotten their i. D. S to be able to have access to vote. I love the idea of universal registration. Go to other countries, people are born and they are voters period. Why do they have this extra layer of bureaucracy of registration anyway . Its a good question. But nonetheless, universal registration, at least, would fulfill the ultimate intent to have the constitution. If im not mistaken the 19th century urban reforms created Voter Registration specifically because they were scared about all the immigrants that were rushing to the polls and wanted to keep them away. Thats the Short Historical version about why we have Voter Registration. All i can say, bottom line keep on fighting thats what i say. A great issue. Thank you so much. You bet. Coming up, Edward Snowden is back in the pages of the New York Times. And Glen Greenwald joins us. Ahead, who are the people who still love entourage and will even they be disappointed of the brosentic hbo series. And an unabashed hawk in Congress Asks the definitive question when do i get my kids to come home safe again. 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And when i hear that term when i hear you speak, all i hear is somebody knocking on my door again. And i only have one question to ask. Can you tell me how long its been since the last u. S. Military combat zone death . Because thats really what its all about. Thats about keeping us safe. Can you tell me how long its been . Well weve had americans die in afghanistan this year. I cant tell you the exact time frame, though. I can tell you its 58 days. And before that 58 days it was the longest peter, and it was 116 days. And i always asked that question to adam kinzinger, another man who didnt know. Another man who called himself the hawk. All i ever ask is the second question, since thats not an important number to you. When do my kids get to come home safe to me . Thats the only thing that matters to me. Can you answer that question . Theres no definite answer because my enemies get a vote in this o process. Im deeply sorry for your loss and honor your service your children have rendered like all our veterans do but in the way, i think the best way to honor our veterans is to which the wars in which they fought. Mr. Bow nig noted that senator cotton a veteran himself, eventually answered his questions, even though mr. Bone ig did not like tb answers. He handled it the way i expected him to handle it. Hes a hawk. I was a conservative my whole life, but it all changed. It took Serena Williams years to master the two handed backhand. But only one shot to master the chase mobile app. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Bennys the oldest dog in the shelter. He needed help all day so i adopted him. When my back pain flared up, i thought id have to give him away. I tried tylenol but it was 6 pills a day. With aleve its just 2 pills, all day. Now im back aleve. All day strong. Call 1800royal caribbean or your travel agent today. 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The very first Edward Snowden leak published exactly two years ago today, exposed for the first time to the public that the u. S. Government is secretly collecting millions of americans phone records. A court order published by the guardian and subsequent reporting revealed that the nsa was collecting private phone records using a secret interpretation of part of the patriot act to justify it all. The entire operation seemed to be on very dubious legal grounds. It also directly contradicted statements made under oath by National Intelligence director james clapper, when he explicitly denied that the nsa collected data on millions of americans. Politicians and pundits for the most part rushed to condemn Edward Snowden, who had fled the country. The u. S. Government charged him with espionage. Since then a federal court has ruled that the nsas system of collection of american phone records is legal, but it violates the constitution. This week the president signed a law that put an end to the once secret bulk collection programs that it exposed. Snowden who remains a fugitive in russia to this day took a victory lap in the pages of the New York Times, declaring, quote, the world says no to surveillance. And joining us now, edward greenberg. I think its pretty remarkable trajectory from two years ago, on this specific issue. This is the section 215 of the patriot act. This is the bulk collection, the socalled met data where you have the government come to the phone companies and saying give us everything, which almost seems the definition of a violation of the fourth amendment, the history about specific as opposed to general warrants. How much progress has been made on that front . I think it depends on what your metric is. When we first started thinking about what the outcome might be of this debate i never looked to the congress of what might be this reform. I think we had a discussion about that a year ago or maybe a bit more when i talked about other players who are going to expose serious limits. Other countries were defending against it. Tech companies that were embedding encryption in their products. Individuals who were changing how they use the internet to protect their privacy. And those things have been really serious limits on the nsa. But its also really good to see the congress ending this program, at least as it existed, not so much because thats a really serious limit on what the nsa can do but because i think its the First Time Since 9 11 that weve actually reversed course. And where the rhetorical tropes about fearing terrorism and all those things that worked so well actually failed for the first time and thats whats the great significance. What do you think snowdens future is . Its been such a bizarre trajectory. In many ways, he was not trying to go to russia. He was trying to find safe heart bar somewhere else. There were discussions of iceland or ecuador. He essentially got trapped in russia. Hes now stayed there for two years. Russia has been in the kind of crosshairs geopolitically for a whole bunch of reasons, having to do with the way putin has acted on the International Stage and in ukraine and et cetera. And a lot of people wonder what this persons fate is whatever side of the stone debate is. Can he just stay in russia indefinitely . You know the problem here is that, and i think that people on pretty much across the ideological spectrum certainly all journalists, have recognized and said this over and over is that the climate for people who leak information that the government where the government dislikes the if you leak information and the government likes your leak youll be okay but if you leak information and the government dislikes your leak theyll come after you really really hard. Hes facing serious felony charges after 1970 especially namg statute that would put him in prison for many decades if he were convicted. And theres clearly a sea change in how people think about him. The New York Times editorial page, more than a year ago, said he should be given clemency and since then lots of people for the reasons you talked about in your intro have changed their mind. Now they think he should be allowed to come home. But i think the Justice Department and the government itself feel like they have a really strong interest not in punishing snowden, because he can never leak again but in sending a message to future Edward Snowdens and future whistleblowers, that we will destroy you. If you were running the nsa, you would have the same interest wouldnt you . Right im just saying we can talk all we want about what justice requires but the governments interest is to create a climate of fear to prevent future whistleblowers from coming forward. And thats why they could never have Edward Snowden land at jfk to a parade and a heros welcome. When you were talking about the modification weve seen here with the signing of the usa freedom act, you know theres a sense in which it does feel like the way the surveillance tape has grown and metastasized particularly after 9 11 that reform does feel a little like squeezing the balloon. And particularly given what we know about how many different avenues, largely from the stone documents, how many different avenues the nsa has to get what they think they need you wonder what actually marginal reforms could actually prevent some kind of real change in the posture of the government towards collection. You know, thats why i say, i mean, its not just that they have so many different ways of getting it so even if you legislated against a couple then thered be a lot more that they could turn to. That is true. And its also the case of the Intelligence Community is really adept at capturing and coopting whatever oversight or reform institutions they create. They did that perfectly after the nixon and Jay Edgar Hoover eavesdropping of the 70s, where the fisa committees were created, and they really easily capture those. And thats why i say, and i think its really critical the more important thing about the snowden revelations is that it gives companies, individuals, and other countries the opportunity to develop technological tools to protect privacy and to subvert mass surveillance. And to me, thats so much more important than any laws that the u. S. Congress should pass. I misspoke earlier when i said a federal court had found the bulk collection unconstitutional they found it illegal. They did not reach the constitutional issue. There was a previous federal judge that actually did say it was unconstitutional. The one recently said it was illegal and not authorized by the patriot act. On the statutory reading of the patriot act. And presumably whats fascinating about this right, it was kept out of courts for so long. One of the things that the snowden leak allowed to happen was for it to actually be litigated in the courts, because a party could now come forward and say, i am an injured party, because here we have a document showing that my phone records are being collected. Yeah thats exactly the point. People look at well how much change has there been in this really narrow way . Like, what law did Congress Pass . But that thing you just mentioned was critical. In 2010 and 2011 the aclu sued the Obama Administration and said, what youre doing under the guise of the nsa is unconstitutional and illegal. And the Obama Administration said, you dont know what were doing because its all secret and the Supreme Court, the five rightwing justices of the Supreme Court said we agree with the obama Justice Department, aclu you cannot sue. We cant even give you a ruling on whether or not its legal, because you dont know what theyre doing. But now we know what theyre doing and we can get courts to rule on it. Glen greenwald, thank you very much. Next Melissa Mccarthy may be hitting a high point in a perfectly timed career or at the very least, kicking some butt, while a once popular hbo series seems to be resurfacing into a culture that has moved on. All in the movies, next. Due to a lastminute cancellation nba superstar lebron james will not be part of our allstar film critic roundtable for this weeks edition of all in the movies, but king james will recommend a great movie if youre trying to decide what toe so this weekend. I went to the movies last week, at a regular movie theater. I went to go see, um i forgot the name of the movie, but i went to go see whats the movie with the girls, and they be singing . Pitch perfect ii, which is unbelievable. Fat amy is awesome. I love her. Wherever you are, youre awesome. I love that clip. Our movie greek roundtable is assembling now to talk about what else is happening in hollywood. Thats next. Audible safety beeping audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. The only thing left to fear is you imagination. Nissan. Innovation that excites. You know the importance of heart health. You watch your diet, excercise. And may take an omega3 supplement, such as fish oil. But when it comes to omega3s, its the epa and dha that really matter for heart health. Not all omega3 supplements are the same. Introducing bayer pro ultra omega3 from the Heart Health Experts at bayer. With two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega3 supplement. Plus, its the only brand with progel Technology Proven to reduce fish burps. New bayer pro ultra omega3. Its time for our weekly feature, all in the movies. This week entourage is on the big screen. Whatd you spend the money on, anyway . I know it wasnt on turtle and craft services. You look like karen carpenter. What did i tell you when i gave you 100 million. What did we tell you . You agreed not to go over. We told you it wasnt enough. But you agreed to not go over. You said i couldnt direct if i didnt agree. Its like when a girl asks do you want to bang her hot sister, of course you say no but neither of you believe you really marine it. Whats he even doing here . And you should be asking yourself, what am i doing here if you turn up in a theater this weekend having paid to see this movie. Also coming up Melissa Mccarthyses espionage parody spy. I was given specific instructions to give you these. These are not yours. This antifungal spray can disable any. It also looks like pepper spray. Why not make it look lie pepper spray. I can wait if you want to print up a new label. No id have to turn the printer on again and i dont really want to. Well talk about both of these movies next. 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Well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicines alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. [ speaking Foreign Language ] these look delicious. I dont want to be critical but this is very chewy. Youre eating a hand towel. Just cleansing my palette. Joining me now, Erin Gloria Ryan Christopher John farley Senior Editor director of the wall street journal, and our buddy, jason. I am very happy that melissa mcdarthy is having the cultural moment that she appears to be having. I feel like shes one of these people that is just sort of crushing it right now and doing really well and making really smart decisions for her career and all of this basically just makes me really happy. I think Melissa Mccarthy is kind of like lebron james, she can be on a bad team and make it better for everyone around her. Its a quality film its funny, critics are liking it. But Melissa Mccarthy makes everything better. And i feel like theres also this thing about her, right, which she was obviously, she was in this tv sitcom it was about two people who are overweight. Theres always this thing about shes big and shes bigger, and i feel like somehow, she has taken that and somehow transcended it in a way. Like its not like shes that well i think that shes had a really integral role in like the systematic dismantling of these like dude engine ras of movies. So she started out with the bachelor comedy movie and in bridesmaids and the raunchy one, and then she was in the heat. And now shes like being the dude in a spy movie. Shes like cutting a scythe through the dude movie roles. And whats interesting about this movie, this is a movie that is berift there are no weight jokes in the movie. The joke in the movie is not Melissa Mccarthys size its that the way that her physical appearance and her lack of confidence thats a result of that physical appearance causes everyone around her to underestimate her. Right. And the movie, in an interesting way is about her Journey Towards confidence and selfactualization, through this bond spoof framework. Thats this really important point that ends up getting sometimes it gets lost when we have these sort of culture conversations about jokes and whether a jokes offensive, which is this question of who is is the joke on. Even when he we talk about jokes like heavy topics like rape jokes, its always like whos on the wrong side of this that joke, the person with power or without power . Because you can joke about a lot of different things. You can joke about weight or whatever in a way that isnt at the expense of the person that doesnt have power. Right. In the end, the joke will be on hollywood when we see the Box Office Results from spy. She is a bonbona fide, like money making machine movie star right now. I think shes our generations john candy. And i mean it in the best possible way. Somebody thats willing to be physically funny and lovable and vulnerable, but still kind of like put herself out there in this really genuine way. She had this very intense moment she was on ellen and talk about this bizarre sort of conversation confrontation with a journalist who was saying that she shouldnt let her husband direct her. Take a look. He came up to me and i was surprised that he talked to me and we were there for a different movie. And i said you know, would you do that to a man . And he goes well but you really looked bad. And i said do you have children . He said, i do. I said, i hope you dont have a daughter. And if she came home and someone said, you can havent a job because youre unattractive, are you going to say thats right. And he took that in his heart and he was like i would never want that to happen. And i said just know every time you write stuff, every young girl in this country reads that and they get a little bit chipped away. I like that line a lot. And whats interesting about the movie, it sort of weirdly mirrors her own career and what she goes through, being an actor. Because initially, when she sent out you know, shes an analyst, a desk jockey shes sent out into the field, but the disguises that shes given are like cat ladies and frumpy ladies and stuff like that. But its and thats sort of how shes initially seen. But once she sort of has to think on her feet and take on a different persona and sort of be a badass she becomes one. And that is in an interesting way sort of how her career has gone as well. Speaking of badass im basically using this as a segue to play my favorite clip of the week, which is amy schumer, whos another amazing female comedian wlosthos killing it. Check this out. Im probably like 160 pounds right now and i can catch a [ bleep ] whenever i want. Thats the truth. Its not a problem. Its not a problem. I have nothing to say about that nothing constructive to ad, except its a hilarious, amazing line. Just wait counting the days until a train wreck comes out. Because she has when a train wreck comes out. And im hoping its going to be a huge massive success. A movie im not necessarily hoping will be a huge massive success, entourage, which i dont understand why they made. Heres a great its not getting particularly nice reviews. Heres scott saying, watching the movie is like finding an ancient issue of a second tier mens mag in a friends guest bathroom. You wonder how it got there, you wonder how you got there. And this, it would be nice to say that entourage hates women and leave it there, but it just hates people. Hate requires passion. This movie celebrates the degradation of humanity it is a movie with no moral center. Erin . Well i have a lot of thoughts about entourage. Back when it was on tv, i felt so negatively about it. I would time trips to the bar when it was on because i knew the terrible people would be watching entourage. Reliably. This is before like like 2011 a lot of people had dvr, but you knew they would be home. I was like i know the really awful people. It also feels very dated right now. It feels out of the cultural moment were in right now. And weve seen weve had enough conversation about the way hollywood treats women that a movie that celebrates the way white guys treat women is not exactly on time. Whats going to be interesting about this weekend is watching the way its going to be positioned as spy is the womens film and entourage is the mens film. And what that narrative is in terms of who wins. Its not men versus womens films, its about good versus evil. Thank you for joining us. That is it for this evening. The Rachel Maddow show starts now with Steve Kornacki at the desk. Thanks for that and thanks to you for joining us this hour at home. Rachel has the night off. Since the year 1835 there have been more than a dozen assassination attempts on prths lives. And four of those assassination attempts actually resulted in the death of an american president. The first one killed was abraham lincoln. Who was shot by John Wilkes Booth on april 14th 1865. That was good friday in 1865 when that happened. The second president to be assassinated was president james garfield, in 1881. Hed only been in office for

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