to vote. >> across the country, republicans have led efforts to pass laws making it harder, not easier, for people to vote. the real voter fraud is people who try to deny our rights by making bogus arguments about voter fraud. america did not stand up and did not march and did not sacrifice to gain the right to vote for themselves and for others only to see it denied to their kids and their grandchildren. we've got to pay attention to this. this recent effort to restrict the vote has not been led by both parties. it's been led by the republican party. if your strategy depends on having fewer people show up to vote, that's not a sign of strength. that's a sign of weakness. >> a rare moment of partisan clarity from the president, one backed up squarely by the record. first, let's recall, five republican justices on the supreme court gutted a key part of the voting rights act. shortly thereafter, seven states that had been covered in whole or part by section five of the voting rights act, seven states we should add, who had republican governors or legislatures moved forward with restrictive voting measures. this is not some accident. if that map is the crime scene with the victim the american democracy, what is the motive? a fascinating new study moves us to the motive. two northwestern university psychologists asked people about the racial shift in california. if they had heard the state of california had become majority minority. in other words, that whites were becoming a minority in the state, and what they found was after learning of this fact, the respondents exhibited a significant shift toward republican identification. in the second experiment, they focused on the overall u.s. shift. again, they found that white americans became more conservative and more likely to indorse conservative policies when they were aware of demographic changes that will eventually displace thaem from the country's majority. in other words, when you tell white voters they're going to be the minority, they get more conservative. presumably, this is because they find themselves staring down the barrel into a future they fear. a future in which they could possibly end up on the wrong side of the social hierarchy. the study finds that this right word shift was true of respondents who were politically unaffiliated as well as those affiliates with either political party. crucial, independents, republicans, democratic, it didn't matter, they endorsed conservative policies more strongly. this isn't simply academic. you see it being actively discussed and promoted by those seeking to make white people fear their future. here's bill o'reilly on election night 2012 when it was becoming apparent that president obama was win a second term. >> the demographics are changing. it's not a traditional america anymore. and there are 50% of the voting public who want stuff. they want things. and whereby 20 years ago, president obama would have been roundly defeated by an establishment candidate like mitt romney. the white establishment is now the minority. >> whether conscious or not, whether intentional or not, if the stakes that people understand for their politics are some kind of future of permanent dispossession, well, then, it becomes a war of any means necessary to preserve the current order, to preserve one's edge, and one of the easiest ways to do that is to make sure that the other folks, the ones who aren't part of the, what's the words, white establishment, the ones who want things, that those folks can't vote. joining me now, reverend al sharpton, president and founder of the national action network. i was struck today by the difference of the president's tone yesterday, similar in some senses, thematic elements to the speeches. he's talking about the struggle for civil rights in both places and the difference between the president's tone yesterday and his tone today in front of your group, the national action network. he seemed much more pointed, less diplomatic, less solemn, more kind of specific about what calling out what the problem is. >> i think yesterday, they were commemorating the 50th anniversary of what lyndon johnson had done in the civil rights act. today was about action today. and that's what he referred to, national action network, the name of the organization and what we're trying to do. i think yesterday, he was talking about sivlg rights in the '60s and 50-year anniversary. today was talking about civil rights today and the outline that voting rights and votes suppression is a very serious civil rights issue of today. >> when someone -- when a white republican conservative clicks on the television today, and he sees barack obama speaking at the national action network, al sharpton's group, what do you want to say to that guy whose brain might be going through precisely the process that we're talking about this experiment, right, which is this idea, oh, this isn't going to be, quote, my country anymore? >> well, i think that what he has to say is why would you not think it's not going to be your country? when you have not been denied anything. people of that national action network has represented is people who have been denied use in this country. it seems kind of strange to me that people who were never denied equal rights, never denied public accommodations, would wonder if they're going to lose the country because people that were denied that now are just getting equal rights and fighting to maintain. >> but that, i completely agree. it's not rationally, but i think the fear exists. that fear, i think, is projected outwards. i think part of the backlash politics in the obama era, part of what you're seeing on the voting rights front, is to preserve this order. >> i think it's failing because they're using it in '12, and we all organized, mobilized, and people came out and voted and the president won the election. and i think that as we continue to go forward, and not playing the people's fears, but play into people's reality, and the common good of the country, that those that do have that apprehension are in the minority, and they will continue to dwindle in number. >> there's two elements to sort of electoral exercise of the franchise, and one of them is being able to vote, and then there's people coming out to vote. those two things have to go together. we have seen a real -- a real division between what that looks like in presidential years and in midterms so far, in 2010. what is your sense of where -- what kind of turnout we're going to see in 2014 and how you kind of re-create the sort of 2012 turnout in an off year? >> i think that one of the things that we're going to be challenged with, groups like national action network and naacp and others, is to get the real urgency out, like we did in 2012, that will bring the vote out. now, you had a lot of work that was underground that mobilized a lot of that vote because people felt their rights were violated. you have to do that again. now, what you don't have is president obama on the ballot. so that means we're going to have to dig in deeper, organize harder, which i think is why it was important that national action network convention this week, which doesn't end until tomorrow, heard from the attorney general, heard from the president, so they will understand how serious this is, and the president went all in to use your term, today, to explain how important it is by coming himself and really laying out this case. >> you said before that you think the effort is failing, and i would agree in terms of what we have seen electorally, but if you look at the supreme court's decision, at the states moving ahead with things that had been blocked by the voting rights act, if you look at how successful they have been in implementing these, they are moving forward aggressively with the efforts to make voting harder. >> i think they are, but i think that we've just got to fight harder. and i think that we showed in '12, and the president said today, if you one, have to fight the new impediments, the voter id, the ending early voting days or cutting back on them, ending sunday going to vote, at the same time, we have to have a mobilization to no matter what impediments they put there, we're going to vote anyhow, if we have to stand in lines. you have to have a two-prong strategy, and that's what we're mobilizing. >> i would add a third prong, making it easier to vote, having election days on sundays. it struck me when they had the ridiculous fake referendum in crimea to join russia. even there in a fake election, they had the election on a weekend. so people didn't have to take off work. >> and they didn't ask people for photo id. >> always a pleasure. >> good to see you. >> you can catch his show at 6:00 p.m. eastern weeknights here on msnbc. joining me judith brown deanna. codirector of inadvancement project. what does the landscape look like legally in terms of the fallout legally, not legislatively, legally, with the voting rights act, the core part of it, the preclearance part being gutted, the states moving ahead. what recourse is there now in the courts to fight back? >> right, well, thanks for having me, chris. so right now, with the gutting of the voting rights act by the supreme court, what we're finding is groups like advancement project and others having to go in and aggressively litigate. so, for example, we have a case in north carolina against what's called the monster voter suppression bill that has everything in there, it's the kitchen sink. but you also see in texas, very quickly, i mean, we must remember, after the shelby county case, texas tweeted out they were going to implement voter id right after that decision. north carolina waited until that decision to pass that monster bill. virginia never sent in their voter id bill to the department of justice because they, too, wanted to wait for the supreme court to gut it. so we see states continuing to move in this direction. and for us, you know, it just means more litigation, and thank goodness we have a great attorney general and an obama administration that is aggressively litigating alongside with us. >> is the supreme court's current holdings on voter id, are they wrong? even before -- if i'm not mistaken, was it in the roberts court that the crawford decision which upheld the indiana voter id, and even the great liberal hero john paul stevens on the wrong side of that issue, is the court's current jurisprudence on the constitutionality of some of these means, is it just flat out wrong? >> too bad i'm not on the supreme court, chris, because we might have had different decisions. yes, they're wrong, and in fact, you know, we have now seen judge prosner come back and say maybe i was wrong in that case, but the other pieces that when you look at the pennsylvania voter id case, which advancement project and aclu brought in state court, there's a really great language about how the constitution has a right to vote. and even though that was state law, it should apply in federal instances, too. that our right to vote should not be impeded by these barriers, and fake barriers, because in fact, in pennsylvania, and in other states, we have pointed out that in fact there is no voter fraud. and that instead, this really is about manipulation of the vote in order to control outcomes. >> the conservatives that i read when they're writing about this, there's some who i just can't take seriously as good faith because they're talking about voter fraud and all this nonsense, but if you put that aside, there's a certain line of conservatives who say, yeah, we shouldn't be pushing for the voter id stuff. it's probably alienating. it's not that important, but what the left is doing, is eke wsly ridiculous. you're talking about a few hundred,000 people at the margins and this is used to gin up the base. what do you say in. >> unfortunately, there are millions of people who don't have the strict voter id these states are requiring. when you think about the number of people who can't vote in early voting because they're cutting back early voting, in a place like manatee county, florida, after section 5 was gutted, they decided to get rid of a third of its voting sites, which were disproportionately in black community. we have to look not just what's happening at the state level, but it's at the very local level where election officials can engage in all kinds of shenanigans to actually change the outcomes of elections. >> people think washington is nasty or broken or dysfunctional. you should check out some local politics. >> that's right. >> things can get really gnarly down there. judith browne-dianis. >> thanks. >> the city of mena, arkansas, motto is where good things happen. and something good did happen there this week. because it appears of obamacare. it's the strongest anecdotal example i have heard yet that the law is doing precisely what it should be doing. i'm going to explain ahead. without standard leather. you are feeling exhilarated with front-wheel drive. you are feeling powerful with a 4-cylinder engine. [ male announcer ] open your eyes... to the 6-cylinder, 8-speed lexus gs. with more standard horsepower than any of its german competitors. this is a wake-up call. ♪ man:scott: aye, a mornin' of tiny voices crying out, "feed us"! man: i don't understand... scott: your grass, man! it's a living, breathing thing. it's hungry, and you've got to feed it with scotts turf builder. that a boy, mikey! two feedings now in the springtime strengthens and helps protect your lawn from future problems. get scotts turf builder lawn food. it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it! anncr: visit for the chance to win a $25,000 backyard makeover. coming up, diz any of this behavior look familiar? >> really? >> really? >> never done anything like that, ever, really. well, france may have a solution to that problem. it's only after 6:00 p.m., and it's just for work e-mail, but it is a start. more on that ahead. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. on the day the president nominated a new person to lead the department of health and human services, the latest polling shows the biggest shift in opinion on obamacare is not happening among democrats. it's happening among the people you might least expert. >> of course, what kathleen will go down in history for is serving at the secretary of health and human services when the united states of america finally declared the quality affordable health care is not a privilege but it is a right for every single citizen of these united states of america. >> today, health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius officially announced she's resigning. the news came less than 24 hours after sebelius told congress that at least 7.5 million americans have signed up for obamacare. but that didn't matter to conservatives. the news of the sebelius resignation gave them the perfect opportunity to ignore the new enrollment numbers, revisit the rollout of >> by the way, every time today you hear somebody describe the rollout for the affordable care act as troubled or rocky or problematic -- >> bumpy. >> bumpy, you're going to hear that a lot. it wasn't any of those. it was a disaster. >> but many on the right are missing an important point. with sebelius' exit, she's leaving after accomplishing her goal. the law she spent five years crafting and implementing is working. you can find one example in rural arkansas. a free clinic is closing its doors after 15 years of service, all because of obamacare. the clinic's director told the mena star, because people are qualifying for insurance coverage through the affordable care act, our free medical clinic will not be needed anymore. normally, the clinic sees around 300 people a month. in february, just 80 people came to the clinic. and last month, 30 people. across the country, the effects of the law are being felt by millions of people. at least 9.3 million more americans have health insurance than in september of 2013, according to the rand corporation. almost all of them because of the president's health care law. the uninsured rate is now at 15.6%. the lowest point since 2008. and people's attitudes towards the law are starting to change. in alaska, democrats are actually running ads embracing obamacare. today, the put alaska first super pac launched an ad backing mark begich. >> i was lucky. i beat cancer, but the insurance company still denied me health insurance, just because of a pre-existing condition. i now have health insurance again because of mark begich. because he fought the insurance companies so that we no longer have to. >> and even as the majority of americans continue to disapprove of the law, there's been a sea change in how republicans feel it will directly effect their families. the percentage of republicans who say obamacare will make their family's health care situation worse has dropped 21 points in the last month alone. and 43% of republicans don't think the law will make much of a difference to their family's health care. that's up 20 points over just the last month. as the law goes into effect, years and years of fear and misinformation about it is starting to melt away. >> critics and supporters alike are benefitting from this law. >> so kathleen sebelius' resignation is not another defeat for obamacare. it's just the latest and most definitive example that her mission has been accomplished. joining me now, dr. ezekiel emanuel, chair of medical ethics and health policy at the university of pennsylvania. worked in the white house on this issue. it is striking to me that so much of this law was actually crafted around disturbing as little of the system as possible for political expediency's sake and leaving as many people's current health plans alone as possible. that the polling number that seems most salient to me in the long run of this is the percentage of people who say it won't affect them, because there's been a mismatch between how much people thought the law was afecking them and how much it actually was. >> well, i do think the fact that we've had the exchange open and close 7.5 million people have signed up, and most people say, wow, i still have my insurance, my employer is still providing it, does -- it brings the reality to them that at least in the short term, everything is going to be the same, and if anything, friends or neighbors or children have a way of getting insurance, and they have a kind of peace of mind that if something, god forbid happened, they would have the exchange, they would have a safety net for them. i think you are right, chris, that that is one of the unheralded points of the end of the open enrollment period. no big thing went wrong at the end. and the health system is still functioning and i'm still getting care more or less how i did it before. >> kathleen sebelius has stepped down. you're a professor, you have occasion to do grading. if you had to give a grade to the first, you know, october -- no, i'm serious. october through march of obamacare implementation, what grade, professor emanuel, do you give them? >> i think it's between a b and a b plus. look, the opening two months were a disaster, and let's not sugar coat it. they were terrible. and it was -- then we had the tech surge under jeff zients, that brought back a pretty acceptably functioning website, but it certainly isn't -- hasn't gotten to an a level. there's more work to be done on that, and a whole series of ways. you need a better customer experience. you need shorter shopping times, below 30 minutes. i think the spanish language version needs to get up and running and better. but the fact is, 7.5 million people were able to use it, able to get through the process, get insurance. and that's, i think, the real triumph, and it does show you fundamentally how people back is the lack of affordable health care. it wasn't complications, it wasn't that they wanted to go without health insurance. it's just that they didn't have an option and now they have a mechanism by which to get coverage and they'll come out in droves. >> two critiques from conservatives. one points to this "new york times" article, study finds sickural enrollees in early stages of health care law, bases on prescription data on folks enrolled. shows higher porsage of people using prescription drugs for pain, hiv. what is your response to that data? >> that data is like the first six weeks or two months of data. it doesn't include the last surge, and we know that younger people tend to come in at the end. again, i said this early on. it's like trying to watch -- you know, watch the pot examine whether it's boiling every few seconds and think you have the definitive answer. we just won't know for a while what the mix is. we know we have about 27%, 28% young people. the proportion of people who are healthy, that is still unknown. and that's the key variable, and over time, we're going to have to look at their actual utilization. it's true drug utilization is an early marker, but it doesn't tell you enough about the entire population because the last six weeks of enrollment isn't included at all. >> dr. ezekiel emanuel, and i think a fair grader. >> i'm actually known as a tough grader. >> okay, that's good. secretary sebelius will be happy to know that. >> the right attacks jeb bush over a comment he made over immigration being an act of love. >> said it in an artful way. the key for him now is not to make this kerr fluffal into a bigger mistake because he's going to be hit about this. if he becomes a candidate, this will be tossed back at him. >> the political mistake of showing compassion, next. up. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. 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[ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. country because they couldn't come legally, they come to our country because their families, you know, a dad who loved their children was worried that their children didn't have food on the table, and they wanted to make sure they family was intact, and they crossed the border because they had no other means to work, to be able to provide for their family, yes, they broke the law. but it's not a felony. it's kind of -- it's an act of love. it's an act of commitment to your family. >> he's right. i mean, it's not a felony and this is how you know an area of american politics is completely off the rails. when something says something obviously sensible, obviously true and gets pummeled for it. that has long been the case about our discussion about immigration in the country. the latest example was the response to jeb bush's observation in texas on sunday that bringing your family to america in search of a better life is, quote, an act of love. for that little bit of compassion, he was rewarded with this. >> i understand what jeb was saying. but we're also a nation of laws. >> we're a nation of immigrants. we need to celebrate that. but at the same time, rule of law matters. >> comments like jeb bush's and other republicans, what they're doing is pandering to a certain group of people. when you trivialize the fact that these people have broken the law, i think your message is a little bit off. >> that blowback, jeb bush did back down from his comments last night. >> this last week, i made some statements about immigration reform, apparently generated a little more news than iimented. the simple fact is there is no conflict between enforcing our laws, believing in the rule of law, and having some sensitivity to the immigrant experience, come is a part of who we are as a country. >> there's a lot of talk about jeb bush as a potential presidential nominee in 2016. in fact, i will let you in on a little secret. in our all-in private office pool, i've got my money on him. the big question is how jeb bush is going to handle what is effectively his rick perry moment, named after the texas governor who faced huge blowback for saying this in the 2012 presidential campaign. >> if you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they have been brought there by no fault of their own, i don't think you have a heart. >> rick perry got annihilated for the comments and he soon walked them back in a few tile effort to placate his base. the fact that jeb bush decided not to run away from the compassion he showed for illegal immigrants and their families su suggests he realizes this fact. there's a core of the republican base that cannot be apieced on the issue, they can under be convinced, they could not be brought along. they need to be overcome, they must be defeated. that goes to a fundamental troogz. there's a portion of the base that is so opposed to anything that smacks at amnesty, so terrified of a thought of a country overrun by foreigns, there's nothing you can say, no policy you could propose that will make them agree to any kind of comprehensive immigration reform. the sooner the republican party leadership learns that and stops trying to find a way to win over those people, the better for the country. but, and this is crucial, they are not the only ones who have to learn that lesson. president obama has been trying to get a comprehensive immigration reform bill passed basically since he came into office. republican obstruction has stopped him over and over again. the president's political strategy from the beginning was to prove to those anti-immigration hard liners that this president was as serious as anyone about border security and dealing with the illegal immigrants already in the country. and so this is what happened to deportations over the past few years. they skyrocketed. under a democratic president. and i'm just not guessing at the president's political strategy. he explicitly articulated it at the state of the union two years ago. >> i believe as strongly as ever that we should take on illegal immigration. that's why my administration has put more boots on the border than effver before. that's why there are fewer illegal crossings than when i took office. the opponents of action are out of excuses. >> that wasn't necessarily a crazy strategy. but it just has not worked. in fact, conservatives have even taken the opportunity to use the president's efforts to plicate them against him. >> why didn't he keep his promise to push immigration reform? instead, obama has deported more people than any other president in this country's history. with friends like these, who needs enemies? >> this is about a lot more than politics. from the perspective of justice and human decency, policy on illegal immigration under this president, particularly on deportations, has been a disaster. tens of thousands of families torn apart, veterans facing deportation. horror stories left and right. there's a growing movement to finally end this ongoing tragedy. a string of protests across the country calling for a comprehensive immigration reform bill and an end to deportations. hunger strikes outside the white house, a show of support from progressives in congress, including house democratic leader nancy pelosi, and increasing pressure for the president to take action on deportations through executive order. while the president has said he cannot act unilaterally to reduce deportations, he said much the same thing when the young dream act eligible immigrants were calling for him to use the power of the executive to keep them in this country, and after enough pressure, 2012, his administration took action to allow them to escape deportation and continue their lives in america. last month, the president announced he has ordered a review of his administration's deportation policy. that's a start, but it's not nearly enough. as the president himself once said in another context, the opponents of action are out of excuses. nothing is being gained politically by this deportation weight. it's not serving our country. it is not making us safer. it's destroying people's lives. if jeb bush can recognize there's no persuading the dead enders, than certainly the president of the united states can as well. see, i figured low testosterone would decrease my sex drive... but when i started losing energy and became moody... that's when i had an honest conversation with my doctor. we discussed all the symptoms... then he gave me some blood tests. showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number -- not just me. 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(mom) i'm so excited. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i had to do something. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. we are much better at taking care of our smartphones than we are at taking care of ourselves. on your iphone, you get constant warnings like 20% battery remaining, 16% battery remaining and immediately, we get concerned. we look around at all our recharging shrines in our offices and our homes. we carry portable rechargers. when it comes to ourselves, we often aren't even aware that we no battery left until we have below zero. >> arianna huffington's new book, thrive, which has topped the "new york times" best seller list is about attaining the work life balance. among the suggestions for making sure we recharge our own batteries, do not recharge your phone near your bed. then you won't be tempted to check your e-mail in bed. which is great advice if you're arianna huffington. if you're not the boss, you might not feel that you have the loxly because when your boss e-mails you with a question, even in the middle of the night, you're expected to respond. bureau of labor statistics, average american parents spend more hours working than sleeping, but leave it to the french to come up with the perfect solution. they inked a deal last week that abloejed works to disconnect from work communication tools after working hours. if the deal is approved by the labor ministry, each country could choose it own disconnect hours. the agreement is designed to protect the 12 hours rest time to which french workers are already legally entitled. if we want to turn to what is family values, the amount of time we spent working and with our families is zero sum. an american policy seems to have zero interest in tilting that balance. joining me now, my colleague, melissa harris-perry, host of her own show here on msnbc, and msnbc contributor goldie taylor. melissa, congratulations on etta james' arrive in the world. >> she's two month old today. the way i first heard about the french's story is one of the producers sent me an e-mail with the subject line, i'm leaving nurland and moving to france. which helped me a little bit. i am an employee, but in certain ways also the boss. you're always -- >> of your staff. >> e-mailing the producers, and i realized that i do that. because i work so much, in the middle of the night, i will regularly e-mail them. >> i completely do that. can made me realize that. we were having this discussion in the editorial meeting. i said, well, my first response, there is part of me, a little archie bunker fox news host in me that was like, oh, these french. they're so lazy. they need to get off their duffs, and a bunch of segment producers said, there was no part of me that felt that way. the part that felt that way was like, yes, that is work. that is work. and it is true. like, even just identifying that, goldie, as work, is something that seems even beyond the boundaries of american pa politics. >> culturally, we're a bit different here than say in france, but a couple years ago, up in till last year, i had an advertising agency with 45 employees and they had family with children and significant others and such. one of the things we did as an agency, harkening back to when i was in the corporate world, is i closed the agency on friday. no one ever worked on friday. if you got an e-mail from me after 6:00, it was a client demabd that needed to be turned around. something you needed to do something about. there were things we actively did as an agency that made balance, you know, a way of life for us. >> and the key there is you have to do it either through labor agreement or policy in some way. otherwise, it's a collective action problem. you can't be the one employee who says i'm not answering e-mails after 6:00. you cannot unilaterally doing that. >> your point, particularly of a woman who understands, and i think it's not always women and certainly not all women understand, but because of the ways in which the labor we do around our children tends to fall heavily on women, more frequently, we'll see women who understand it. when i was an princeton, the president at the time was shirley tillman, who had come up through the ranks at a faculty member in the biological sciences and as a single parent. and she instituted a variety of policies that were these compulsory policies so you had to take the maternity leave, you had to take the parental leave so you didn't get docked for it later. >> what is so striking to me is family values becoming this cultural war politics, very polarizing thing because it resolves around what is traditional marriage or women's control of their own reproductive faculties, but i can't think of anything more like unanimously held to than people should spend time with their families. that should, it seems to me that that should be a rallying point. >> not if you're a poor single mother. >> and fought if you play baseball. >> well, yeah. right, so men should not necessarily because their value is in their income, but also, we know poor, single mothers, when they're stay-at-home moms we call them welfare queens sitting at home and not working. we value middle class women who are married to wealthy men being able to stay home, but if a poor woman stays home, she's a welfare queen. >> i was one of those moms who was on welfare, raised my kids with food stamps, medicaid, the whole lot. when i did go wack to work, i worked as a cullant and from home and we lived across the street from the elementary school, and i could walk across the street and read to my kids during the day. my family said i was a slacker, but what i was doing was investing that time in my children because it wasgist me, no dad at home, so they needed the extra face time with a parent every day. >> we have an amazic statistic about where america ranks in this basic think of paid maternity leave. i'm not getting fancy with you, with maternity leave, this is just basic, do moms get to take tom off and get paid paternity -- maternity leave. i want to show you what covert we're in internationally right when we come back. way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and a good source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips. ...we'll be here at lifelock doing our thing: you do your connect to public wi-fi thing protecting you in ways your credit card company alone can't. get lifelock protection and live life free. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. growth? growth. i just talked to ups. they've got a lot of great ideas. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a 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(all) awesome! i love logistics. you are about to become very popular because when you buy the new samsung galaxy s5 on verizon, you get a second samsung galaxy s5 for free. so, who ya gonna give it to? maybe your brother could use it to finally meet a girl. your mom, but isn't your love reward enough? it's not. maybe your roommate, i mean you pretty much share everything else. hey. your girlfriend. just don't tell her it was free. whoever you choose, you'll both get the best devices on the best network. for best results, use verizon [ female announcer ] one drop of ultra dawn has twice the everyday grease cleaning ingredients of one drop of the leading non-concentrated brand... to clean 2x more greasy dishes. dawn does more. so it's not a chore. is maternity leave according to you a racket? >> well, do men get maternity leave, meghan? i can't believe i'm asking you this? >> guess what, yes, they do. it's called family medical leave act. if men would like to take three months off to take care of they newborn baby, they can. >> that's fox's megyn kelly who along with myself and aaron burnett are the only people with primetime kids. taking a strong pro-maternity leave stance, although the law she was referencing is for unpaid time leave. when it comes to legally required paid maternity leave, the u.s. is with other countries. papua new guinea, swoezo, that's it. four countries in the world do not provide paid maternity leave by law. we're back. i'm here with melissa harris-perry and goldie taylor. it seems to me like, why? it does seem to me that there is some space, we have been talking about the pay gap, the war on women, reproductive choice. it seems to me that this is low hanging fruit. there should be political space in this country to run on paid maternity leave and run on that hard. >> and there are very real outcomes to this. this isn't just about the sort of cusha stuff of being home with your children and pinching cheeks. this is economic outcomes. if you look at where children are in any given community and take some measurements, you can then extrapolate the outcomes of economics, of their academic achievement. you can extrapolate health care outcomes, the quality of life for that community, for generations to come, based on how the children are faring today and the access or inaccess they have to leave. >> all the research is showing earlier and earlier back. >> here's why i think the political faith isn't as obvious as it would appear. because there's a narrative that exists so strongly on the right and has taken hold to much of the left, that patriarchy is the tha thing that will save you. the solution to paid maternity leave is to have a working man in your home who is your husband. never mind if you're a same-sex couple, never mind if you're in a community where men actually make pennies on the dollar racially, as compared to other men, but the idea is if you just have a husband and your husband supports you, you don't have to worry about these kinds of things. you can take the time. i think it is that kind of push back, and part of what we have to do as we have this conversation about family and family values is to have expansive definitions of family and very clear definitions of the value of domestic work and labor because the other piece of this here is because we value it so low, because we don't even pay people to stay home to do it with their own children, when we then have to pay child care providers, whether they're in home care, whether they're centers, they're making poverty wages. >> they're making poverty wages -- >> to watch your infant child. >> and making poverty wages or the other side it is, it becomes a luxury good. people are making median household income, are looking at a trade off in which they would be paying in child care what they're making in salary. so here's what that data, i think, looks like. here's how it cashes out, the pew data. highest percentage of women staying at home with their children since 1999. 23% in 19no99. 20% in 2012. part of that is this economy, a lot of women are having a hard time finding a job. but that tradeoff, that simple economic exchange, which is can i afford to work because of the cost of child care? >> transportation, all of that. >> i went shopping for child car, have a 1-year-old granddaughter, in atlanta, in the market, the average cost of a make-due child care center is over $300 a week. you push that out, you talk about $1200, $1600, $2,000 for day care for something who might be 22, 25, 30 years old who cannot afford to pay rent and health care costs and all of these other things because of the extraordinary cost of care and they turn around and pay the day care workers. in georgia, we have a tax program that is a day care subsidy. that day care subsidy capped out around $200. what do you do about the rest? >> or a child dependent care tax credit, which is ridiculously regressive because people who make more money get more valla out of it, which maybe i'll explain next week, but there is, again, no real systematic policy look at this as something, even that -- there's not even an expectation it's a problem politics should solve. >> and i also want to be careful, as someone, now that i'm back commuting to new york on the weekends, you know, my daughter is with her father, with my husband, three days out of the week, friday, saturday, and sunday. i don't want to fetishize staying at home with your children as the only valuable parenting choiceering but there are many ways in which people make family, but that as we look at sort of each one of these choices, whether it's about having paid maternity leave, what we pay for women's work when it becomes public work, under those in a system that devalues life in the zero to 5 years which we know from research are critical. >> that's it. there is no actual, for all the talk about leave no child behind, for all the talk about -- for even all the talk we get about with the inequality conversations where you have chris christie and people talking about inequality of opportunities and outcomes. if we took it as seriously as we say, the policy landscape would look revolutionarily different. forget inequality outcomes. it would look very different. melissa heaarris-perry, you can catch her show, you can see her weekends at 10:00 a.m. eastern here, and goldie taylor. thank you both for being here. that's "all in" for this evening. a special edition of the rachel maddow show starts right now. >> i'm rachel maddow. thanks for being with us wrrsh this is not a story about north korea and that's kind of the point. october 9th, 2006, around 10:30 a.m. local time, the ground started to shake beneath a small village in the northeast corner of north korea. halfway around the world back here in the u.s., seismologists recorded what looked to be a 4.3 magnitude earthquake. what happened in north korea that morning was not an earthquake. it was a nuclear explosion. >> kim jung-il defies the u.s. and world and claims to have set off an atomic weapon. >> that day in 2006, the secretive repressive north korean regime showed the world they had built and tested a nuclear bomb.

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