around here, people know exactly what to do. but for the past few years, they haven't had to do a lot of shoveling, because there hasn't been a whole lot of snow. but they know the drill. in fact, just a couple of miles from here early this morning, we talked to some folks who are getting ready at a near buy a hardware store, and things were flying off the shelves. this -- so that the shovel, the brushes, the sand, the snow melt, all of those things. the good news as we were told it is fully stocked right now. and today really is a day to get ready. because as you look around, yasmin gray skies, it is pretty cold, no precipitation just yet. the storm moves in later on this evening. so officials are urging people to get ready now. and speaking of preparation, we had a chance to talk to some folks gearing up for the big storm of the year. take a listen. >> we'll get a foot, we won't get changeover and stuff. we will get a foot, that's what i'm counting on. we are used to it. you know if you are new englander your whole, if you should be used to it. >> we have the salt, we already had the, bread the milk. we have, i have chocolate in my