remarks. he had comments and everything from the civil war, abraham lincoln, a january 6th. even the possibility that some of his republican opponents could get into their own legal trouble. if elected. >> if you negotiate, then you probably wouldn't know who abraham lincoln was. lincoln was -- what happened with the j six hostages, it's a terrible thing. they'll be indicted, they'll say she was having an affair or something, you know? it doesn't mean it's line, but she'll be indicted for something. rhonda scent ammonia's will be indicted. he's not going to handle at the same way as i am. >> nbc news correspondents is on the -- i think a lot of folks were surprised by this tactic taken by the former president, and the way that he went after him? i'm not necessarily sure this is the strategy or what we're seeing here, ali. >> i was going to say, yasmin,