and when the south africans looked at it they said my goodness, this is a different virus. it is clearly giving the indication it has the capability of transmitting rapidly. that's the thing that's causing us now to be concerned. >> so in addition to those travel restrictions taking effect tomorrow, yasmin, there is a number of other things the white house is doing. they are staying in very close contact with public health authorities in south africa and these other countries. but they are also talking to the big pharmaceutical companies because they have been telling us that moderna and pfizer are already working to see if they can create boosters that would be more responsive specifically to the omicron variant. that's of course going to take several months at a minimum before it could be rolled out to the public. the white house also working with the medical and public health authorities to figure out what they can determine quickly about the new variants that are part of -- the new variations that are part of this variant to