become a common ally. for a fair trial is causing more if you see somebody painting a hateful symbol, stop them. democrats and republicans to whatever the root or the point fingers. >> i think that the positions of ideology from the left, the many are calcified. right or the middle or whatever the religion is against, hate is i can only speak for me. hate, and it has to be stopped i will keep an open mind and i by every single one of us. want to be fair to both sides. and i think that role that every when i thought that the house person needs to internalize. proceedings were unnecessarily it is fundamental. we all need to become allies in unfair and when the american the fight against hate. people walk away from the senate >> amen to that, alexander trial, if we ever have one, i don't want them saying, well, we rosemberg, as you get through were run over by the same truck this challenging time. twice. >> you don't go through the i hope that 2020 is better for first part of the house and tee it up for a senate process with you. so let's turn to 2020 as we a guy that is having the ability inch closer to the primary for to orchestrate the entire senate the democrats. and now the new target is the trial saying that the whole thing is bake and cooked and there is nothing that anybody millionaires. i sat down to talk to tom can do about it. >> all of this is happening steyer, one of the two while the members of congress billionaires and i asked him if have more than a week left in he has more license to be in the the winter break and return from race than some of the other the recess on january 7th. democratic counterparts who this as the president tries to dropped out because they lacked elicit a response from nancy funding. >> the question for every single