hearing, which will be about the constitutional grounds of impeachment, so more of an academic exercise in the first public hearing within the house judiciary committee. their thinking is that it's been a generation or two since we've had previous impeachment hearings and to give people more of a context for what constitutes impeachment and what is permissible under that. and so, by tomorrow, the president would have the student if he wants to send white house lawyers or personal lawyers to attend that. the more sweeping deadline is friday, which would involve the president's mounting any kind of defense in the house judiciary committee going forward throughout whatever the impeachment phase would look like under that committee. so, that is the much bigger deal and a much bigger deadline, and that would be on friday. and the real question for the white house is, on one hand, they have complained about not having due process, about not being included in the proceedings, not being able to call their own witnesses and