responsibility of keeping the vice president in the loop on europe when he is traveling, preparing him for those companies and accompanying him. and if i could also just say, i think we've really seen from jennifer and from the other state department officers in the last two weeks just how cool diplomats are. not only that they keep their cool under pressure, but they're really able to have this smart, searing intelligence and strength in the face of such extraordinary circumstances, and that's what they do every day around the world. >> look, it's my observation when people are telling the truth, it's a lot easier to speak freely and clearly. but what is her sense of the hearings? what's her takeaway? >> well, i think both for jennifer as well as for the other state department officers, they didn't ask to go up to capitol hill, and it's notable that none of them spoke out, despite their concerns throughout this process. instead, they went to their superiors, they went to the